Backyard grill station ideas
11 Inspiring Ideas & Designs
Looking to jazz up your backyard?
You may be considering a variety of outdoor living projects.
Perhaps a pool, hot tub, fire pit, or…
An outdoor grill station.
We have to say, it’s a great option!
Who doesn’t love a relaxed, summer barbecue with loved ones?
If you have an outdoor grill station… That can be you every weekend!
Now, you may not be clear on exactly what the term means.
Before we show you some ideas… Let’s get clear on what one is.
Quick Links:
- What Is An Outdoor Grill Station?
- Why Consider An Outdoor Grill Station?
- Types of Grill Stations
- Outdoor Grill Station Ideas
- DIY Outdoor Grill Station Options
What is an Outdoor Grill Station?
Also referred to as an outdoor kitchen, grill island, or BBQ island… An outdoor grill station is actually a bit of a regional term.
The Eastern half of the United States is most likely to use the term “outdoor grill station”. A couple outliers are Texas and California.
That was a fun bit of trivia… But what does it actually mean?
Well, it’s a literal term. Just like how an outdoor kitchen is describing a kitchen built for outdoor use… An outdoor grill station is a grill station, outdoors!
Let’s think a bit deeper about the term “station”. Miriam-Webster puts it simply, as “a stopping place”.
Although we primarily think of this in terms of a gas station or a radio station… That’s exactly what an outdoor grill station is! It’s the stopping place for all of your guests.
Or as we would put it… The backyard hangout.
Sound pretty good so far?
Let’s dive into some reasons why outdoor grill stations are a worthy project for your backyard.
Why Consider an Outdoor Grill Station?
If you’ve had a cart model grill in the past…
You’ll know how inconvenient it is!
Of course, better to have a grill than nothing at all… But that doesn’t erase how frustrating the experience can be!
First of all, there’s little to no workspace available. Nowhere to put your utensils, trays, plates, the list goes on.
You can’t do any prep work or wash your hands either. So it’s back to running in and out of the house for every little thing. (And letting all kinds of bugs into the house!)
An outdoor grill station eliminates all of these problems. It is a complete station for all of your grilling and hosting needs.
At minimum… You have the BBQ island countertop for prep and serving space.
You can also incorporate storage for utensils, a sink for hand washing, refrigerator for cool beverages… The list goes on.
You can even include a bar island for seating!
And as far as cooking goes… You don’t have to limit yourself to just a grill. There’s an array of flat top grills, pizza ovens, power burners, smokers, and more to boost your grilling potential.
If you want to take your backyard to the next level… An outdoor grill station is where it’s at!
Let’s look at a few types of outdoor grill stations you may encounter.
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Types of Grill Stations
If you’re sold on a built in grill station… You have quite a few options to consider.
Some can be considered DIY projects… Others require skilled labor to complete.
We’ll begin with modular.
Modular grill stations are often found at local retail stores and online.
These islands are made from modular cabinets. Essentially… You pick the cabinets you want, and arrange them to form your layout.
This allows you decent flexibility in design! You can mix and match to your tastes.
Modular outdoor grill stations are also easy to put together. Sometimes, they will arrive completely assembled for you.
They also tend to be inexpensive… So it’s easy on the budget!
The downside?
These solutions generally aren’t built to last. With the lower barrier to entry… Material quality isn’t always up to par.
You can expect a modular outdoor kitchen to last only a few years.
Considering most homeowners want a grill station to be a lifetime investment… This simply won’t do!
Ready to Finish/Prefab
Another option would be ready to finish (RTF) or prefab islands.
These are both constructed using outdoor kitchen frames… But require different levels of effort on your part.
These islands generally start with metal frames. This forms the structure of your layout.
From there, the frames are wrapped with cement board.
The final step is to apply a finish. This could be stucco, tile, brick, or stone veneer.
In the case of a prefab BBQ island… All of this work is done for you.
You order a completely finished island that is brought into your backyard.
RTF requires more in the way of installation.
Some RTF kits will have the frames, cement board, and appliance cutouts done for you. You’re just responsible for applying the finish.
It might seem simple… But you actually need quite a bit of skill to do this yourself!
The primary downside on these options?
If you live in a dry, arid area like the Southwest US… You can probably get away with this type of island.
Not so much for the rest of the country. These systems are highly susceptible to humidity and freeze/thaw cycles.
As soon as moisture is allowed into your island… Say hello to rust, corrosion, and structural damage.
Is scratch-built any better?
Scratch Built
Many homeowners are interested in a completely custom outdoor kitchen.
Most of the time, this means you’ll be wanting to hire a contractor for the job!
If your contractor is truly an outdoor kitchen specialist… This can be a great choice.
However, they are the exception and not the rule!
Many contractors tend to be on the unreliable and inexperienced side… A combo you really don’t want for your project.
In short…
Scratch-built can be a great option, if you find a top-notch contractor. However, you have to be extremely careful in the vetting process.
Hiring a contractor for a custom build also tends to be quite expensive.
On the flip side… Some homeowners want to take this on as a full DIY project.
Generally speaking, we don’t recommend building your DIY grill station from scratch.
While you might save some money on materials and labor… Unless you have years of experience, you’re likely to be left frustrated and disappointed.
An outdoor kitchen is a huge investment. Make sure it’s done right the first time!
Ready to Assemble
Finally, there’s ready to assemble (RTA).
These grill stations are made using specialized concrete panels.
If you’re familiar with SIP construction… You’ll know exactly what we mean!
SIP construction involves panels that slide into place. This creates the structure of your home.
Same concept with RTA.
Our concrete grill island panels are both structural… And have the finish incorporated into them.
Compared to RTF, this saves you a ton of time! (No technical skill required, either!)
You just bolt the panels together, insert the appliances, and slide on the countertop.
In as little as two hours… You can have a fully functional BBQ island at the ready.
Pretty great, right?
There’s a lot to love about the RTA system. (We’ll circle back to this later.)
For now, let’s look at some outdoor grill station ideas.
Outdoor Grill Station Ideas
Before you get your own outdoor grill station… You need to know what it’s going to look like!
Let’s review some examples to get the creative juices flowing.
Outdoor Stone Grill Station
Let’s kick off the list with this beauty.
Believe it or not… This natural stone look is made from concrete!
This kitchen is made from high performance concrete panels… With the finish fully integrated into the panel. (All the examples you’ve seen have this too!)
Point is… You don’t have to use natural stone to get a stone outdoor grill station.
It looks just as gorgeous as the real thing!
Outdoor Grill Station Plans
Looking for double the cooking power?
Not only do we have a beautiful gas grill… There’s a Coyote power burner to the left.
For those unfamiliar… A power burner adds a ton of cooking potential to your kitchen!
The power burner is most commonly used for large crab or lobster boils.
However, there are multiple attachments that bring this humble appliance to another level.
Consider a wok accessory to add some Asian flair to your barbecue… Or a teppanyaki attachment for a makeshift outdoor flat top grill.
The possibilities are endless!
And with the storage space in this grill station… You don’t need to wander far for the necessities.
Outdoor Covered Grill Station
Want a summer kitchen… Under cover?
Look no further than this gorgeous example!
This covered outdoor grill station is wonderful showcase on how to efficiently utilize your space.
The slight L-shape design provides extra counter space for food prep.
The rest of the island features a pull out trash, power burner sleeve, gas grill, double access doors, and an outdoor refrigerator.
It’s the perfect setup for hosting gatherings of any size!
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Outdoor Grill Station with Sink
When it comes to functionality outdoors… This outdoor grill station is the perfect trifecta!
You have the sink for hand washing and easy cleanup… The fridge for refreshing beverages on hand… And of course, we can’t forget the grill!
There’s even counter space leftover for food prep and serving!
Who’s ready for a barbecue?
Grill Station Outdoor with Pellet Grill
Looking for a different approach with your built in grill station?
You might be interested in a pellet grill.
By using wood pellets as a fuel source… You’ll get far more functionality out of your grill! You can grill, sear, smoke, and even bake!
This grill station also features a side burner, storage space, and an outdoor refrigerator.
You’ll even peek a portable electric grill on the countertop! While most often used for camping or tailgating… This grill is a great way to boost capacity for large gatherings.
Outdoor Patio Grill Station Ideas
Want your BBQ island on a patio?
Easily done! This homeowner’s patio is the perfect match for this outdoor kitchen finish.
Taking a closer look at the design… This grilling station has combo storage, a pull out trash, access doors, and an outdoor refrigerator.
And we can’t forget… The built in gas grill!
Plus, the bar island provides seating for family and friends. (Or use it as a serving station!)
Small Outdoor Grill Station
Do you want a grill station… But have a small space?
There’s plenty of opportunity with this small outdoor kitchen layout!
You’ve got the essentials and more.
You have the built in grill, an access door, pull out trash… And plenty of counter space for food prep!
It’s a beautiful sight.
Outdoor Grill Station with Pizza Oven
This BBQ island is excellent for those who want a little extra.
The L shape layout adds a plethora of functionality to your outdoor space.
Of course… You have the grill! It’s essential for a grill station, after all.
You’ll also find an outdoor fridge, pull out trash, access doors, power burner, and even a pizza oven!
Having the outdoor pizza oven on a separate stand frees up valuable real estate on the bar island.
Burgers and pizza, anyone?
Outdoor Grill and Smoker Station
If you’re an outdoor grilling aficionado… One grill might not be enough!
Of course, having a gas grill is mighty convenient. But you might be missing the authentic, smoky flavor from a charcoal grill.
Why not both?
With this layout, you get the rapid fire convenience of gas… And that irresistible slow flavor from the Coyote Asado smoker.
There are a ton of other features to enjoy here as well! There’s the power burner sleeve, combo storage, refrigerator, outdoor sink, and a full bar island!
Sounds like a party to us!
Electric Outdoor Grill Cooking Station
Do you live in an area with fire restrictions?
If you can’t have an open flame where you live… You don’t have to abandon your dreams of a grill island!
Take a look at this example.
In the center, there are two electric Coyote grills.
With no open flame to be found… It’s the perfect loophole!
Outdoor Grill Station with Bar
When you’re building an outdoor grill station… Also consider bar seating!
It’s true, the grill is the star of the show.
But when you’re hosting a large gathering… Having bar seating is supremely convenient!
With this galley layout, you could turn your grilling into a hibachi-like experience.
The other outdoor appliances are a pizza oven, drawer storage, a grill, and access doors.
There’s also a fridge in the bar island. (It’s just not visible from this angle!)
Now that you’ve seen some great examples…
You may be wondering how to build an outdoor grill station yourself!
DIY Outdoor Grill Station
All of the examples you’ve seen today were DIY projects!
Starting to get curious about your own DIY grill station?
We are too!
As you’ve seen… RTA offers a quick, easy to assemble solution for your project.
In just a few hours, your complete outdoor kitchen will be ready to use!
The benefits don’t end there, either.
The heart of the RTA system is in our monolithic, structural concrete panels.
This means that the panels provide the structure… But also have the finish incorporated into them.
The benefit of this goes beyond less effort. Most outdoor kitchens involve many layers. The more layers… The more of a chance that something goes wrong.
By eliminating the layers… RTA also eliminates issues like delamination, rot, rust, and corrosion.
Even better, this ever-durable concrete is rated for 100 years. That’s a lot of time to enjoy your grill station!
Now that you’re excited… Let’s get you started with your DIY grill station.
The best place to begin is with our free online design tool. You’ll have a complete 3D render of your dream outdoor kitchen in minutes!
Trust us, it’s well worth your time.
Speaking of… We won’t keep you any longer.
Get started on your design, and we’ll catch up later!
Have Any Questions? Were here to help.
Book a call with one of our outdoor kitchen design experts and get started today!
How do You Build an Outdoor Grilling Station?
There are quite a few ways you could tackle this project. Most homeowners will opt for a wood frame outdoor grilling station… Although, this is not recommended. (Rot, warping, termites, fire hazards are all concerns.)
Your best bet for a DIY solution would be to explore a ready to assemble grill station. This will allow you to have all the satisfaction of a DIY project… Without the hassle and technical knowledge.
Can Grills be Kept Outside?
Yes! However, material quality is important.
Grills manufactured with 304 stainless steel are better suited to withstand the elements. They are far less likely to rust or corrode.
No matter what your grill is made from… It’s a good idea to purchase a grill cover. This will provide a little extra protection from the elements.
Where Should I Put my Grill Outside?
Where it makes the most sense! In all honesty… It doesn’t matter too much where you place your grill.
The primary thing to keep in mind is safety. You don’t want to place your grill where there may be a fire hazard.
If you have your grill touching the back wall of your house… Consider installing a ventilation hood and non-combustible backsplash.
Can You Make a Grill Station Out of Wood?
While you technically can… It’s not recommended. Wood is a problematic grill station material for many reasons.
For one… Wood is susceptible to rotting, warping, splitting, and termite damage. All of these things will compromise the integrity of your island.
Even worse, wood is a combustible material. Unless you take painstaking precautions like insulated jackets and proper ventilation… Your grill station is a serious safety risk.
Even with these precautions, we believe it’s not worth the risk.
Outdoor grill station ideas: 11 set-ups for alfresco cooking
(Image credit: Garden House Design)
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By submitting your information you agree to the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy and are aged 16 or over.Adding some outdoor grill station ideas to your plot is a fantastic move if you love cooking alfresco. An instant way to elevate a simple BBQ, a proper prep area means you have space to chop, marinade, and keep your seasonings and sauces to hand. It's a must-have for serious chefs.
Whether you're going for a gas or wood-fired grill, there are all kinds of outdoor kitchen ideas that it can be incorporated into. From statement tiles to color-coordinated cabinetry, a dedicated station will define a more permanent cooking area of your plot. And, it can be a style feature all in itself. It can open opportunities for more storage space, too, to keep all clutter neatly tucked away.
We've brought together some of our favorite outdoor grill ideas to help you choose the best style for your backyard. Whatever the size of your plot, you'll find something to inspire from these looks.
From sleek and luxurious styles to modular schemes, these outdoor grill station ideas will get you wanting one of your own in no time.
1. Add striking shelving overhead
An outdoor kitchen featuring Dekton® Trilium by Cosentino , designed by Gaze Burvill
(Image credit: Gaze Burvill/Clive Nichols)
Installing slimline shelving above your outdoor grill will help you make the most of the space and keep everything you need within arm's reach while you're cooking.
Lining up a row of potted herbs is a great way to utilize shelves. After all, almost every meal tastes better with a scattering of fresh basil, oregano, or chives – and the cheery green foliage will elevate the look of the zone, too.
Think about installing a cabinet or two, or even a mini-fridge for keeping drinks cool. A sleek metal bar – just like this smart copper one – is also a good addition as can be used to hang your best BBQ tools.
This grill station may be petite but its perfect for a small urban plot
(Image credit: David Giles/Future)
On the lookout for small garden ideas but fancy your own outdoor grill? It can be done – just take a cue from this set-up.
The polished chrome grill sits neatly atop a sleek white worktop, which offers just enough room for a chopping board and a potted herb or two. If you're only cooking for a smaller gathering, it's all you really need.
All the luscious greenery and bright white surroundings add an extra element of elegance to the zone. You could weave some twinkling fairy lights along the fence too for upping the ambiance when night falls.
Ca' Pietra Parisian Café tiles and a bespoke Carrara marble worktop from Artisans of Devizes look chic in this space
(Image credit: Grazzie Wilson/Tranquilo Landscapes)
Treat your best BBQ to a fun and fresh grill station just like this one – we think it makes an ideal backdrop for summer outdoor entertaining. With show-stopping monochrome tiles in a chevron pattern, the counter is turned into a real design feature of the plot and complements the smart slatted fence and large-format pavers beautifully.
'When it came to designing my garden, I knew that I wanted to create an eye-catching outdoor cooking area – as big foodies it was a priority – and I wanted it to stand out,' says Grazzie Wilson, Ca' Pietra 's Creative Lead. 'We clad the front with Ca' Pietra Parisian Café tiles and a bespoke Carrara marble worktop from our sister company Artisans of Devizes.'
Not only is there space for food prep but there's enough room for hosting a mini pizza oven, too. And, as Grazzie says, there's also space to socialize.
4. Pair with a cozy fireplace for ultimate outdoor living
This outdoor cooking zone from Grillo is both smart and welcoming throughout the seasons
(Image credit: Grillo)
Want to use your grill station all year round? Consider adding an outdoor fireplace nearby. This rustic brick version will keep everyone feeling toasty and looks super impressive too.
A structure overhead adds to the outdoor-living-room vibe – just ensure it's safe for your specified grill model and if so, that there's enough clearance.
We're fans of the chic black counters in this zone too. They contrast well with the chrome grill and are practical with their integrated storage space.
5. Add decorative cabinetry
We love this kitchen set-up by Garden House Design
(Image credit: Garden House Design)
Adding decorative panels to cabinetry adds tons of character and visual appeal. And here, the charcoal hue oozes with a sense of industrial cool. There is lots of room for storage and prep too, so you can really get creative with your cooking.
If you're looking for new modern garden ideas for your backyard makeover, we'd say this is a brilliant approach.
The Morso Forno outdoor oven will help you cook up a storm
(Image credit: Morso)
Perhaps you'd prefer a wood-fired grill over a gas version – like this sleek design, for instance.
These types of models obviously need fuel, and to keep your space looking tidy, you'll need somewhere nearby to store it. Well, you can't get much nearer than beneath the grill itself, and this smart station does exactly that. A rail on the side is ideal for hanging your BBQ tools, while the wheels underneath mean it's easy to move around your plot to suit your needs.
Need more log store ideas? You can find lots of alternative looks in our guide.
7. Get creative with paint
Personalize your outdoor grill station to suit your individual sense of style – this one has been given a makeover with paints from Sadolin and Sandtex
(Image credit: Sadolin and Sandtex)
Even the simplest of grill station ideas can be given a show-stopping spruce with a bit of creativity. All it takes is a lick of the best exterior wood paint to channel tons of personality into blank cabinets.
Take this stunning scheme, for example, which mixes cool gray tones for an understated and sophisticated result. We like how the fence has been painted in a complementary shade, too, while wooden chopping boards and exposed brick add a touch of rustic warmth.
Oxenwood outdoor kitchens are built bespoke to your needs
(Image credit: Oxenwood)
Opting for a modular design when planning your grill station ideas means you can get something perfectly suited to the size of your plot and your individual needs.
With this range demonstrated above, you can pick from different sized grills, hob burners, warming drawers, fridges, and even sinks, for a set-up that matches everything you could want for your outdoor cooking space. Look for designs that are made to last and withstand the elements – these ones are crafted from solid, quarter-sawn FSC- and PEFC-certified oak with Belgian bluestone tops.
Whether you need a grill station for a large plot or to add to your small patio ideas, something customizable like this is a great option if you have the budget. Alternatively, you can find some brilliant off-the-shelf modular kitchen sets – try the GRILLSKÄR range from Ikea .
9. Go all out with a sleek outdoor kitchen
Incorporate your grill station into a beautiful outdoor kitchen, as seen in this design from Caesarstone
(Image credit: Caesarstone)
Turn your outdoor grill station into a full alfresco kitchen, complete with a built-in pizza oven, sleek worktops, cabinets, and hanging shelves. You could even add some outdoor bar ideas into the mix and create a stylish hub for outdoor entertaining.
We love the neutral tones in this space for understated yet timelessly chic appeal. And that paving underfoot is the perfect finishing touch.
10. Pick a grill with built-in shelves
Pick a compact grill with side shelves included, like this design from VonHaus
(Image credit: VonHaus)
Not got much space for your grill station ideas? No problem – opt for a compact, portable design like this one – they make some of the very best BBQs.
Handy integrated side tables can hold plates, spices, and your tools, while wheels mean it can be moved around to wherever is convenient. It's a stylish and practical addition to any deck or patio, without having to commit to a fully-fledged, built-in design.
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11. Draw the eye upwards
A show-stopper of a scene from CENA Outdoor
(Image credit: CENA Outdoor)
Now here's a grill station that really makes a statement!
Vertical gardening is perfect for smaller plots such as urban courtyards. Whether you use trellises or planters sturdily attached to garden fences or walls, it's a great way to fit more flowers and foliage into your backyard without taking up extra floor space. Just remember you'll need to factor in a way to safely water them if you're positioning them up high.
'Having a worktop around your outdoor grill station is one of the things which sets it apart from a classic BBQ grill,' says Jacques Shelton, Director at CENA Outdoor . 'It enables you to prepare food outside while enjoying your guest's company.'
Of course, it's important to choose worktop materials that can withstand variabilities of weather – frost, rain, sunshine, and snow, continues Jacques. 'There are lots of options including Neolith (a sintered stone) and granite or composites such as Dekton and Hi-Macs.'
Jonathan Stanley of Caesarstone says, 'The worktop is a crucial element to get right in an outdoor kitchen; it's on show the whole time and has to withstand everything that the elements can throw at it, as well as the usual bumps and spills that you get with a kitchen surface. '
Look for a product that has been specifically designed for outdoor environments. You'll want it to be non-porous; durable; resistant to mold, mildew, and scratches; and, to keep it looking tip-top, easy-to-clean. Bear in mind that some materials will fade over time due to sun exposure too.
Choose your worktop for your grill station carefully – this Caesarstone choice complements the surroundings beautifully
(Image credit: Caesarstone)
'When you're planning your space, make sure you have sufficient surface area to plate up food and mix drinks,' suggests Jonathan Stanley of Caesarstone. 'You'll also want plenty of space for guests to sit at – balancing a plate on your lap is so last year.
'Design in a high cocktail table in matching stone for guests to sit and enjoy their food and drink. Low stone tables set around a fire pit will keep things cozy as the temperature drops.'
Laura Davie of Cosentino UK shares some of her tips for planning your outdoor grill station ideas: 'The key to designing an outdoor kitchen is to source beautiful, varied materials that are durable and appropriate for use outdoors.
'Whether you're designing a full outdoor kitchen or simply hoping to create a BBQ area with the wow-factor, combining different materials and finishes will add interest and soften the overall look,' Laura continues. 'Look for surfaces that are low maintenance and hardwearing, such as correctly seasoned oak, stainless steel, or composite surfaces.
'For cabinetry, oak is naturally weatherproof and durable and will silver over time to become more striking still. For the flooring and work surface, consider materials such as Dekton that are available in a range of different designs that replicate natural materials, such as marble or on-trend concrete looks.'
You can find more tips on how to design an outdoor kitchen in our guide.
This Vita pizza oven from ACR Stoves includes log storage and useful side tables
(Image credit: ACR Stoves)
When it comes to choosing the grill itself, Jacques Shelton, Director at CENA Outdoor, shares his tips.
'There are myriad grill options to choose from, so here are a few ways to narrow it down,' he says. Of course, the first choice is whether to go for one of the best gas BBQs or a traditional charcoal model. 'Although a BBQing purist might fight for charcoal, I prefer to go for gas. It's quick to get up to a good cooking heat and you can easily maintain a consistent temperature.
'The cost of a gas grill can vary dramatically with some all-singing, all-dancing grills at the expensive end of the scale boasting infrared burners, rotisserie functions, and sear plates. There are also the kamado-style grills from brands such as Big Green Egg or Kamado Joe. These are fabulous, versatile grills which have gained legions of fans. We include them in outdoor kitchens by building a bespoke stand for them.
'Just remember to match the grill to your cooking preference. If you also have a pizza oven and realistically, you'll cook pizza more often than steaks, go for a simpler grill.
'The space you have available will also impact the grill you go for. A big multi-burner grill might end up being frustrating to use if you’re left with zero space around it to work with. You could choose a mini Big Green Egg if you have limited space but really want a pizza oven, fridge, and grill in your set-up,' he adds.
A covered cooking space from CENA Outdoor
(Image credit: CENA Outdoor)
Whether you're opting for a classic BBQ, something a little fancier, or one of the best pizza ovens, location is a key factor to consider.
'While the location of an outdoor grill or pizza oven is a homeowner's personal choice, it is important to ensure that your outdoor oven is no closer than 10 feet from the entrance to your home, and that there is ample ventilation for your oven to prevent smoke inhalation for anyone nearby,' says the team at ACR Stoves . 'It is also vital that you choose a location that is away from flammable materials or structures such as a fence or shed. '
Be very careful if wishing to locate your outdoor oven or grill under structures such as a gazebo to ensure the smoke can easily disperse. It's always best to seek a professional's advice if in any doubt, to reduce safety risks.
The garden was always a big part of Holly's life growing up, as was the surrounding New Forest where she lived. Her appreciation for the great outdoors has only grown since then. She's been an allotment keeper, a professional gardener, and a botanical illustrator – plants are her passion.
American Barbecue. How to choose the perfect grill
Summer is just around the corner. This means that the season of nature walks, outdoor activities and, of course, barbecue will begin. Juicy meat with natural smoke, roasted on coals, turns out to be completely different in taste from that which can be cooked at home in a frying pan. If you do not want to say goodbye to meat pleasure and like to treat loved ones with juicy dishes, then you should think about buying a grill with a lid. Together with company Weber how to choose the right model
The secret of grilling
The secret of the taste of grilled food lies in the lid. When roasting meat on the grill, it is imperative to monitor the coal and fire so that there is enough heat, but the flame does not rise. In addition, the open space is not protected from wind or rain, so grilling on the grill in bad weather is sometimes simply impossible. The grill solves all these problems: the lid protects the meat, and thanks to the ventilation flaps, you can regulate the air flow and, accordingly, the degree of heat. The lid retains and evenly distributes heat, so the meat, regardless of its location on the grill, will be fried with the same degree. Now it's up to the small: ignite the coal, put the meat, cover with a lid and slightly open the damper. Just don't forget to flip!
The grill is not only suitable for roasting meat. There are many ways to cook a wide variety of dishes: one device allows you to smoke fish, bake roast beef or grilled whole chicken, as well as cook soups, barbecue ribs, desserts and so on. And with the use of accessories on the grill, you can cook even such unexpected dishes as, for example, a real Italian pizza on a stone. A high-quality grill may well replace a fully equipped kitchen in a country house. It can be used instead of a stove, oven, microwave, toaster and other household appliances. From a space-saving point of view, multi-functional items are increasingly valued - and the grill is one of them. In addition, after a delicious dinner, you do not have to clean the kitchen from drops of fat and wash mountains of dishes. All cooking takes place under the lid, so it is enough to ignite the grill after use and clean off the remaining ash with a brush.
The grill is not only suitable for roasting meat. There are many ways to cook a wide variety of dishes: one device allows you to smoke fish, bake roast beef or grilled whole chicken, as well as cook soups, barbecue ribs, desserts and so on. And with the use of accessories on the grill, you can cook even such unexpected dishes as, for example, a real Italian pizza on a stone. A high-quality grill may well replace a fully equipped kitchen in a country house. It can be used instead of a stove, oven, microwave, toaster and other household appliances. From a space-saving point of view, multi-functional items are increasingly valued - and the grill is one of them. In addition, after a delicious dinner, you do not have to clean the kitchen from drops of fat and wash mountains of dishes. All cooking takes place under the lid, so it is enough to ignite the grill after use and clean off the remaining ash with a brush.
The grill is still new to our gastronomic culture. A real barbecue is a great occasion to get together and spend an evening with friends. The owner of the house invites guests to surprise them with something unusual and tasty, cooked on the grill. Everyone is seated around the table, enjoying the meeting with loved ones, joint rest and holiday atmosphere. The host exchanges jokes with the guests, takes an active part in the conversation. He does not need to follow the cooking, he is in full confidence that the food will be delicious. It was this idea that inspired the creator of the world's first grill with a lid - George Stephen, founder of Weber-Stephen Products Co.
Modern technology
George Stephen revolutionized American culture. Barbecue parties in the backyard of the house, fried sausages and burgers, pulled pork - the way we see American leisure today would be impossible to imagine without the invention of the grill in 1952.
In nearly 70 years of existence, the company has perfected its first grill to be as user friendly as possible. In the assortment of the brand, you can see different models of devices: a charcoal or pellet grill, a compact option for transportation in a car or a large one for a country house, a basic economy class model or a full-fledged grill station.
It is generally accepted that only meat can be grilled. In fact, this is not the case, and one device allows you to cook with three different methods: frying, smoking and baking. So, the classic barbecue - brisket, fragrant ribs and pulled pork - are slow-smoked dishes at low temperatures (in the USA this is called low-and-slow). And on the spacious grill grate you can roast a whole turkey or leg of lamb.
Weber has developed technologies not used by other manufacturers. Firstly, these are special Flavorizer metal plates for gas grills, located between the heat source and the grate. Many believe that coals give the dishes cooked on fire a unique aroma of smoke. In fact, this is a big misconception: the smell appears when the fats and juices flowing from the meat burn on contact with a hot surface and, turning into steam, saturate the dish with the classic barbecue flavor. In electric grills, the Flavorizer functions are performed by heating elements (tubular electric heaters). And what about the smell of smoking? It appears due to the addition of "raw" wood: sawdust, wood chips and firewood. They can be put in a metal box and put on the burner, and then the grill chamber will be shrouded in smoke from a smoldering apple tree, alder tree or even a whiskey barrel.
The second benefit is the One-touch cleaning system. So that the cleaning of ash from burnt coals does not bring problems to the owner, Weber spherical grills are equipped with lower flaps in the form of petals. It is worth turning the handle - and in a circle they sweep the ash remaining at the bottom into the ash collector through the air intake holes.
The third technology concerns grates: they are created according to a special two-component system Gourmet BBQ System (GBS) . The central part of the grate is a removable module, which is replaced by additional accessories: a cast-iron skillet or a Dutch oven, a pizza stone or a chicken roaster. This innovation allows you to cook almost everything on the grill: bake a cake, fry wok noodles or scrambled eggs.
For maximum durability, the bowl, cauldron and lid of all Weber charcoal grills are coated with porcelain enamel, which increases the heat resistance of the device and protects the metal structure from possible corrosion (unlike simple paint). Reliability is backed up by a 10-year warranty on select grills, and on the Spirit II, Genesis II and Summit, it even covers plastic parts. But, most likely, you will not have to use it, because all parts of the grill are particularly durable: the cast bowl is made of high-quality steel, and the grate is made of enameled cast iron or stainless steel.
Coal, gas, electric: which grill to choose?
The first criterion for choosing a grill would be the quality and taste of the dishes cooked on it. But in fact, meat fried on different Weber models will have exactly the same taste and smell. It was fried on coal briquettes or on electric heating elements (tubular electric heaters) - it is impossible to distinguish. Therefore, in fact, the only thing to consider when buying is the practical place to use the grill and the person’s personal habits.
Charcoal grill
Charcoal grill is suitable for those who like to roast meat the old fashioned way: stir the coals, feel their heat, stand near the hearth and have heartfelt conversations with friends. The Kettle and Master-Touch models are the same legendary grills that started the history of barbecue. Their form has not changed much since 1952. Today, these models are supplemented with the One-Touch cleaning system, which makes them
. In addition, the GBS system is used instead of the standard grid in Master-Touch grills - with it, using additional accessories, you can not only cook classic dishes, but also bake bread, as well as make pizza or cook pilaf.
BBQ gurus should consider the Summit Kamado S6 or Performer Deluxe, complete grill stations with added convenience and accessories. For example, they have the function of instantaneous gas ignition of coals Snap-Jet. These models come with a worktop, several tool hooks and additional charcoal trays. The Kamado grill differs from the rest with a double-walled lid that allows you to keep warm for a long time. The things necessary for cooking will always be at hand, and the owner of the device will only have to choose: fry, bake or smoke.
gas grills
Although Weber's charcoal grills are considered traditional, for everyday use
gas grillsfrom the Spirit, Genesis and Summit ranges are more suitable. Thanks to the Infinity system, they are ignited with one turn of the knob - no need to wait for the heat to appear. In addition, gas is a cheaper fuel: a large reusable cylinder is enough for a month of continuous cooking.
These models are easy to use . The gas flow is regulated by a knob, so you can set the desired temperature even without a thermometer. Contrary to popular belief, the meat will by no means smell of gas and, of course, will have the aroma of a dish fried over a fire. The fact is that the fire first heats the metal plates of the Flavorizer, and they already heat the meat grate (just like coal, only faster and easier).
Regardless of the model, any Weber gas grill is equipped with an effective cleaning system: meat fat that has not evaporated on the Flavorizer plates flows down them into a disposable drip pan, bypassing the gas burners. After cooking, all care comes down to completely igniting the grate and cleaning off the burnt food residues with a metal brush. All gas models are also compatible with the Connect Grilling Hub or the iGrill smart thermometer, which allows you to monitor the internal temperature of the dish from the screen of your smartphone.
The fundamental difference between gas grill models is the number of burners. For example, the original Spirit has two or three burners, while the most technologically advanced Summit has 4 + 3 or 6 + 3, given the additional Sear Zone. This is a system that some Genesis models and all subsequent new generation models are equipped with. In such a grill, two main and one additional burners are located especially close to each other, which creates an area on the grate that can quickly heat up to maximum temperatures.
Electric models
Electric grills are quite small in size, so they can be stored even in a closet and used not only in the countryside, but also on a balcony or loggia. This option is great for those who don't trust gas or don't want to mess around with gas bottles, but want to grill quickly and tasty. Unlike a charcoal grill, electric models are ready to use in 10-15 minutes. The absence of an open fire allows you to have a barbecue right on the balcony: just plug the grill into an outlet, like a regular kitchen appliance, and you can fry your favorite steaks. The main feature of Weber electric grills is that the heating element is not the grill itself, but the heating elements under it. For those who do not like to follow the cooking process, the Pulse model is suitable. It is equipped with the iGrill system, a built-in thermometer that connects via Bluetooth to smartphones running iOS and Android operating systems. The smart assistant will send a signal to the phone when the dish needs to be turned over or already removed from the grill.
Grills are an integral part of everyday life in American culture. Almost every family living in a private house has a barbecue area in its yard. This is not just a way to surprise everyone at the holiday, but also a daily ritual to cook delicious food for the whole family. Today, people unite in entire communities of grill lovers.
In Russia, such a community can be called Weber Grill Academy , where professional chefs teach. Here you can get acquainted with the history of the company and the culture of barbecue, learn how to grill not only delicious steaks, but pizza, soups and even sangria, as well as test all Weber models and accessories for them yourself.
Text: Alina Starkova
Managing editor: Yulia Lyubimova, Tatyana Pochueva
Proofreader: Natalya Safonova
Photos: Weber
Creative producer: Yulia Zavarzina
Designer: Snezhanna Sukhotskaya
© All Right Reserved.
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Best Infrared Backyard BBQ Grills
- Our Top Picks
Infrared grills open up new possibilities for outdoor cooking. Traditional grills achieve their delicious results through convection, which works by raising the temperature in the cooking chamber and transferring heat to the food through the air. Infrared grills use radiation rather than convection. This radiation heats food safely and directly.
Infrared grills heat up faster than conventional grills and provide ultra-high temperatures up to 1000 degrees Fahrenheit. They provide even heat, faster cooking, excellent browning capabilities, use less fuel and are easy to clean. Infrared grills are relatively easy to use, but it does require some training. The first few attempts are easy to overcook or burn because the speed and high temperatures give a very different experience than conventional grills.
Finding the best infrared backyard BBQ grill can be fun and exciting. Check out our list to see some of the best infrared backyard BBQ grills on the market.
Finding the best infrared grill should not be a problem. Read on to learn about some of the best options on the market based on grilling area, building material, portability and additional features.
Char-Broil Performance TRU-3 Burner Infrared Grill
This Char-Broil three-burner gas grill looks like a regular grill, but uses Char-Broil's patented TRU-Infrared technology. Although this infrared grill runs on gas, it is exceptionally efficient in providing even heat.
With 450 square inches of cooking space, this grill is suitable for most family or casual outdoor gatherings. The stainless steel construction provides strength and durability, while the porcelain coated grates are easy to clean and resist corrosion. This grill is easy to start with a push button ignition.
Char-Broil offers solid construction, spacious cooking space and attractive design.
Char-Broil Signature TRU-2 Burner Infrared Gas Grill
This two burner infrared grill measures 22.5" by 46.8" by 47.2", making it the perfect size for a deck or patio. Powered by propane, no external power source is required for operation, and stainless steel construction ensures durability.
Shelves offer additional workspace for preparation and fold for storage. The rack is easy to move as it is equipped with sturdy wheels. Modern stylish design with LED lighting.
Porcelain coated cast iron grates provide ample cooking space of 325 square inches, enough for most family meals or small gatherings. The combination of durability, aesthetics and functionality brought this grill to second place.
Char-Broil Patio Bistro TRU-Infrared Electric Grill
This grill will have backyard cooks delivering infrared heat to their favorite food in no time. While this grill isn't as big as some of the other offerings, this grill offers infrared technology, an attractive design, a smaller footprint, and wheels for easy transport.
This electric grill is not only economical, but also an excellent choice for places where gas or charcoal grills are prohibited. With a smaller footprint of only about 2 square feet, it doesn't take up much space on patios and patios.
Char-Broil Signature TRU-Infrared 525 4 Burner Grill
This infrared grill offers a whopping 525 square inches of grilling area along with an additional 200 square inch porcelain-covered heating grate. The infrared grill, powered by liquid propane, is illuminated by the ignition system. If liquid propane is not preferred, a separately purchased natural gas conversion kit is available.
13,000 BTU side burner complements four 443 stainless steel tubular burners for superior temperature control and durability. This grill weighs 163 pounds and measures 23.5 inches by 57.2 inches by 47.2 inches. Its mounted wheels compensate for its weight and size, making it easy to move around.
Char-Broil Grill2Go X200 Portable Infrared Grill TRU
This portable infrared grill from Char-Broil is an excellent choice for those traveling with infrared technology. At about 20 pounds, it's 23.87 inches by 15 inches by 13.6 inches. This liquid propane infrared grill is perfect for those who want to grill without plugging into an outlet or lugging around bags of charcoal. Sturdy carrying handles make it even more portable.
Cast aluminum firebox secured with stainless steel latches. An external temperature sensor on the top allows you to control food without opening the lid. While the Grill2Go is far from the largest grill on the market, it packs 200 square inches of cooking area into a neat and respectable portable grill package.
Char-Broil The Big Easy Smoker Roaster & Grill
Go beyond the grill with this all-in-one infrared appliance from Char-Broil. Thanks to infrared heating, the Big Easy is perfect for smoking, frying and grilling. The included 1,200-square-inch roast basket holds turkey, ribs, roasts, or other large cuts up to 25 pounds. With 180 square inches of grill space, this isn't the biggest grill on this list, but it makes up for it with a host of features.
The propane smoker weighs less than 25 pounds and measures 23 by 24 by 36 inches. Despite being black on the outside, the Big Easy boasts a stainless steel construction for increased durability.