What is considered high ceilings

How To Take Advantage of High Ceilings in Renovations

How To Take Advantage of High Ceilings in Renovations

Reforma de una vivienda en La Gran Vía / Anna & Eugeni Bach. Image © Eugeni Bach

The height of the ceiling of a space heavily influences our perception of it. Generally, local building codes regulate the minimum dimensions for ceiling height, which are calculated to ensure adequate quality of life in the environment. But the exact height of the ceilings is often defined by the dimensions of other materials that make up the building, the height of the constitutive slabs, or even by rounding the dimensions of the stair steps. It is common, with the densification of cities aimed at increasing profitability, for entrepreneurs to design with minimum ceiling heights in houses and offices, reducing construction costs. On the other hand, in older structures, more generous ceilings can be observed, which generally enable a greater degree of design freedom. But how can architects make the most of these spaces?

When addressing ceiling height, defining an exact and universal minimum value is difficult. A minimum of 2.40 m (or 8 feet) is generally common, and most doors have a height of 2.10 m (or 7 feet). If ceilings are 2.70 meters or higher, we can consider them tall. When they exceed 4.50 meters, the ceiling height is double. In older architectural structures, it is much more common to find high ceilings. The reason for this shift is not quite clear; some point to the gradual elimination of smoke and gases emitted from rudimentary lamps, others to the improvement of ventilation, while others still suggest that historically taller ceilings represented the prosperity of the owners.

In modern architecture, these dimensions were revisited. Le Corbusier, in the United 'Habitation projects, used the proportions of the Modulor to determine a ceiling height of 2. 26 m for the apartments. This dimension would likely be vetoed today in the vast majority of places. When Le Corbusier was invited to develop the same project in Germany in the late 1950s, the dimension was not accepted and changed to 2.50 m.

The Factory / Ricardo Bofill. Image Cortesia de Ricardo Bofill

High ceilings create the perception of spaciousness in ordinary rooms. They also provide more space for decorations and, generally, more natural light and ventilation. However, the extra volume of air in the space can make it more difficult to heat or cool. That is, at the same time that they facilitate important benefits, spaces with very high ceilings that are designed poorly can appear cold and empty. A project that comes to mind, when addressing high ceilings, is the residence and office of Spanish architect Ricardo Bofill. Occupying an old cement factory on the outskirts of Barcelona, Bofill masterfully exemplifies how to transform a vast and rough space into an apparently cozy residence. In general, there are some common design devices that can help architects make the most of high ceilings.

Creating a new space level

Daria Restaurant / Zooco Estudio. Image © Imagen Subliminal (Miguel de Guzmán + Rocío Romero)Cortesia de Zooco Estudio

Perhaps the most common solution is, when possible, to create a new floor for use in the space. Parisian lofts commonly use this device, compensating for the lack of floor area with extra space for beds or other uses. Light wooden and steel structures are generally used for this purpose, which may or may not be connected to the original structure of the building. At the Daria Restaurant by Zooco Estudio, for example, the food preparation space is located below a mezzanine, which holds several tables.

AL BORDE's project explores vertical space in an even more radical way, creating a mezzanine that supports a level of living and a lower level of circulation.

Cortesia de AL BORDEHouse of the Flying Beds / AL BORDE. Image © JAG Studio

New storage spaces

More vertical space also equates to more storage space. In this project in an old mansion in São Paulo, the architect took advantage of the large space between floor and ceiling to design large closed cabinets for storage.

Renovation of a House in Bixiga Neighbourhood / Marcus Lima Arquitetura e Urbanismo. Image © Pedro VannucchiGran Fierro Argentinian Restaurant / Formafatal. Image © BoysPlayNice

Horizontal shelves can also fulfill the function of "balancing" the space, bringing horizontality to spaces with ceilings that are almost too high. This function is used in the Formafatal project for the Gran Fierro Argentinian Restaurant, where the beverage shelf at the back of the bar plays this role.

Volumes detached from the ceiling

Reforma interior de un piso en Les Corts / Sergi Pons. Image © Adrià Goula

It is not always necessary to use the space at the top of a room with high ceilings. Constructing loose volumes that are grounded rather than connected to the ceiling can be an elegant solution when space allows, allowing architects to highlight both the volume and the surrounding space in their different materialities. In this project in Barcelona, according to the architects, they had decided to keep the entire space open, leaving exposed the wooden beams and original stone wall. A pure white geometric cube in the central part of the space contains the kitchen and the bathroom, which does not reach the vaulted ceiling.

Suspend elements to shape the space

Office Renovation in Old Factory / Qing Studio. Image © Xing Luo

In this project to convert an old factory in China into an office space, the 6-meter high ceiling needed to house an extensive needs program. To make the work spaces more comfortable, a huge hanging canvas follows the cut of the ceiling, demarcating the space of the meeting room and acting as a screen for projections when bending along the stairs.

Cortesia de Qing Studio

In a project for a restaurant in São Paulo by Felipe Hess Arquitetos, the high ceilings of the shed were balanced through suspended lighting, creating a welcoming atmosphere at the tables and providing a better quality work environment for cooks at the central island.

Futuro Refeitório Restaurant / Felipe Hess Arquitetos. Image © Fran ParenteArt Club Born PhFormula / Balet Roselló Arquitectos. Image © Davide Camesasca

In general, we observed that the solution most commonly used by architects working in spaces with high ceilings is to try to balance them through built elements or complementary colors and textures. Painting or leaving the ceiling in its natural form generally works well to give the impression that the ceiling is not as high, as is the case with this project by Balet Roselló Arquitectos. With these design solutions in mind, higher ceilings can provide more “areas of maneuver” and possibilities for striking designs on the part of the architects. Understanding proportions while playing with surfaces, materials, and lighting may be a challenge for architects, but it is also a great responsibility to develop suitable and pleasant spaces for the occupants. See more examples in this My ArchDaily folder.

Cite: Eduardo Souza. "How To Take Advantage of High Ceilings in Renovations" [Como tirar proveito de tetos altos em renovações] 11 Mar 2021. ArchDaily. Accessed . <https://www.archdaily.com/957959/how-to-take-advantage-of-high-ceilings-in-renovations&gt ISSN 0719-8884

High Ceilings and How to Live with Them

Photo: istockphoto.com

Though nine-foot ceilings are the industry standard for new construction, ceilings that soar to 10 or 12 feet and even higher certainly have their appeal, adding to the spaciousness and elegance of an abode. And while high ceilings were a fixture of homes built between 1890 and 1940, they have made the leap to modernity—bringing their share of pros and cons. If you’ve got your sights on such glorious heights, whether hunting for a new house or remodeling your existing one, it’s crucial to assess construction limitations, costs, and your comfort level, so read on for the lowdown on high ceilings.

1. They aren’t suitable for all roof structures.

In new construction, builders can readily put in place the roof structure needed to support higher ceilings. Raising ceilings in an existing home involves the help of a structural engineer to alter the roof framing for structural stability. This is feasible if you have a standard stick-built roof framed with joists and rafters, because the open space between the rafters of these roofs provides an access point through which builders can adjust the joists and rafters to support the high ceiling.

If you have a truss-framed roof with a crisscross arrangement of prefabricated triangular units called trusses, raising an existing ceiling isn’t recommended. Altering the roof structure would be much more difficult because there’s little space between trusses to access and adjust them. Moreover, altering trusses can compromise the structural integrity of the roof because trusses simply aren’t designed to be modified after installation.


Photo: istockphoto.com

2. Higher ceilings mean higher construction costs.

From a construction perspective, achieving high ceilings involves putting in place or adjusting the roof framing, installing additional drywall and insulation, and potentially modifying electrical wiring, plumbing, and HVAC systems. It also requires more materials than a standard nine-foot ceiling, including drywall, primer, and paint, which translates to more costs. Raising a standard-height ceiling in a 20-by-20-foot room to a height of 11 to 12 feet can cost anywhere from $18,000 to $25,000.


For the feel of greater height at a much lower price, consider exposing the ceiling, i.e., removing it to reveal the beams above. This is a doable option if your home’s roof is already framed with large beams and rafters (more common in pre-1920s homes) as opposed to the narrower ceiling joists and rafters in modern homes. Exposing a ceiling in a 20-by-20-foot room can cost anywhere from $2,000 to $3,200.


Photo: istockphoto.com

3. They make climate control a challenge.

Rooms with taller ceilings consume more energy than standard ceilings because your HVAC system has to work harder to heat or cool the larger space. This not only contributes to higher heating and cooling costs but can also make it a challenge to maintain uniform temperature and comfort levels. Hot air rises, accumulating near the ceiling and leaving the ground level chilly, and cold air sinks, potentially leaving floors too warm. To combat this problem:



Photo: istockphoto.com

4. They make a room look larger and brighter.

Rooms with high ceilings have more unused space overhead, making high-traffic entertaining spaces like dining rooms and living rooms look taller and grander. They also make traditionally smaller spaces, such as a study or reading room, feel less cramped. This may have to do with the fact that high ceilings help boost our sense of exploration and contribute to a feeling of freedom, researchers concluded in a past issue of the Journal of Consumer Research. What’s more, high ceilings allow more sunlight to flood in, making the environment brighter and airier.

5. Their height can enhance your décor decisions.

High ceilings can be styled in a number of ways to boost the beauty of the space.

RELATED: 9 Clever Ways to Counteract Low Ceilings

6. They can boost home values.

You can partially recoup the higher construction costs of high ceilings when selling the house. High ceilings can increase a home’s value by five to 25 percent. In fact, raising the height of a ceiling added an average of $4,000 to home values, according to a survey by the National Association of Home Builders. That said, high ceilings remain more common in high-end homes than in low- to mid-range homes. In the latter, it may be harder to sell a buyer a high ceiling. So the suitability of high ceilings for the type of home and its neighborhood are more important in predicting whether high ceilings will boost your home’s value.


Optimal ceiling height in an apartment or house

The topic of this article arose not by chance. We have been repeatedly told that StoneFloor products are too thin: only 4.5 mm. In fact, for the vast majority of the inhabitants of Russia, this is rather a significant plus than a minus.

And the reason for this is low, often even low ceilings, which are usually laid by builders when erecting residential multi-storey buildings.

How does ceiling height affect quality of life? nine0003

Low ceiling in the apartment

High ceiling in the apartment

Many factors influence the quality of our daily life. Interior comfort in a living space is one of them. Sometimes an insignificant fad becomes a problem for a certain circle of people.

1. Fear of closed spaces

For example, fear of close spaces or enclosed spaces. This pathological fear is called claustrophobia. It is manifested, as a rule, by an increased sense of anxiety in a small room (elevator, storage room, etc.). For such people, the height of the room is of great importance. Low ceilings can make you feel overwhelmed and even insecure. nine0003

2. Ergonomics of the room

For a normal existence, certain ergonomic conditions must also be observed. This includes the presence of natural light, fresh air and a comfortable humidity regime. All these factors directly depend on the size of the room in which a person lives, works and spends most of his time. As a rule, the more free space, the more comfortable the sphere of human habitation, since the air circulation and air exchange processes are significantly improved. nine0003

3. The ideal ceiling height and the golden ratio of Leonardo da Vinci

In a residential area, the very first optimal value for the ceiling height was calculated in the 15th century by Albrecht Dürer (German graphic artist and painter). Dürer calculated it according to Leonardo da Vinci's golden section rule with ideal proportions and according to the principle of "proportionality of buildings to a person." According to this rule, the ideal ceiling in a 20 meter room should be at least 3 meters 20 cm.

4. What is the situation in Russia? nine0003

Today, the minimum ceiling height in Russia is 2.4 meters. In new buildings, this value is usually in the range of 2.5-2.7 meters. For luxury housing, the figure can exceed 3 meters. In addition to the housing stock, ceilings above three meters can be found in public buildings - schools, hospitals, kindergartens, as well as in apartments that belong to the Stalinist Empire style.

An interesting fact is that foreign studies have shown that, among numerous indicators, the height of the ceiling also affects the performance of children. The higher it is, the better, respectively, the performance of schoolchildren. nine0003

An informative study was conducted by representatives of the construction company Urban Group. According to them, the most comfortable ceiling height in a residential area should be three meters or more. According to Yana Maksimova (PR - director of the company), in the loft, where the ceiling is 3.6 meters, the air volume exceeds the figure in a standard apartment by 45%.

5. Ceiling heights and oxygen

Plenty of air

Psychological comfort

High ceilings also improve air quality by increasing the supply of oxygen per person. When there is no way to ventilate the room, a favorable climate is still maintained - the concentration of carbon dioxide, impurities and dust is significantly reduced. Thus, it is easy for people to breathe in such a room, and by the end of the day there are no headache problems that often accompany those who are in a stuffy space. nine0003

6. Naturalness of sight and vision

Hygiene of vision is directly related to the height of the ceiling. Lighting devices in rooms with higher ceilings are located at a comfortable level. Thus, the light is more reflected and diffused. This factor leads to the preservation of working capacity and a decrease in the tension of the entire nervous system. More sunlight enters the room, and ultraviolet rays have a positive effect on the development and growth of the child's body, and the risk of infectious diseases is reduced. nine0003

7. Psychological comfort

In spacious housing, as a rule, a person is much more comfortable from a psychological point of view. Historically, a large area was the privilege of royals and nobility. The high ceiling was an open message and a hint of the high status of the masters, demonstrating unlimited freedom. Often in the royal chambers, the height of the ceiling could even exceed 5 meters. At least 3 meters in Soviet times, the ceiling height was considered the norm in elite houses.

Interesting facts

But there have been exceptions in history. For example, Peter I preferred small rooms and even slept in a closet during a trip to Holland. This is explained by the fact that there is a category of people who like to hide from the outside world in a small enclosed space, a kind of cocoon. On a subconscious level, it evokes a feeling of security.

Analytical psychologist Maria Fedyunina argues that people who prefer a space with a visually low ceiling have a strong need for security. But the person who preferred a high ceiling is more open to everything non-standard and new. nine0054

Carl Gustav Jung (Swiss psychiatrist) once introduced such a concept as the archetype of the house. The concept says that the house is not only the creation of human hands, but also a direct reflection of the microcosm and the inner world of the individual. Directly by the appearance, design and decoration of housing, you can judge its owner. For example, the color scheme reflects the mood. The amount of furniture and various household items will tell about the main character traits. The dimensions of the rooms, the lighting and the height of the ceilings will tell about personal qualities and the width of the soul. nine0054

How to increase the ceiling height in your apartment?

There are several ways to increase the ceiling height. Some of them are purely visual.

For example, wallpaper with vertical stripes can give the impression of a high room. A glass or glossy ceiling finish will do. The resulting effect will also add the desired centimeters. Another way is to change the environment itself. It is necessary to choose light colors, low furniture, abundant lighting, long curtains and other visual elements. nine0003

But it's much better when you make a renovation and choose materials that will NOT reduce the height of the ceiling. It is important to minimize decorative elements on the ceiling, remove unnecessary structures, and do not use bulky drywall levels.

Use a floor finish that is as thin as possible without sacrificing quality or performance. For example, using a conventional laminate or parquet board, the consumer loses 8-12 mm of height (plus 2 mm of the substrate) in the first case and 14 mm (also plus 2 mm per substrate) in the second. The best alternative is SPC Stone Floor, which together with the underlay will reduce the space by only 6.5mm. nine0003

In this simple and convenient way, you can win back the desired centimeters for the height of the room.

It is noteworthy: using a thin SPC StoneFloor laminate over the entire area of ​​​​the apartment, you will improve air exchange processes by 10-15%.

High ceilings: pros and cons

There is no standard ceiling height: someone lives normally with 2.65 m, and for someone even 3.5 m is not enough. But the minimum values ​​​​are still spelled out in SP 54.13330.2016 "SNiP 31-01-2003 Residential multi-apartment buildings." The set of rules establishes that in apartment buildings in the central part of Russia the ceiling should not be lower than 2. 5 m, and in Siberia, the Far East and the north of Central Russia - not lower than 2.7 m.

They don't like low ceilings because they seem to press from above, and the room seems smaller, it is uncomfortable to be in such a room. But the minimum restriction was also legally fixed in order for standard furniture to fit in the apartment - for example, cabinets.

How to choose the golden mean - the optimal height? Everyone answers this question for himself, weighing all the pros and cons. Have you ever wondered what ceiling height you prefer?

Arguments for

  • More space and volume

The main advantage of an apartment with a high ceiling is more volume and air. A small apartment with a high ceiling seems to the buyer more than a spacious one, but with a low ceiling - it even seems to breathe easier in it.

“Apartments with high ceilings usually have large windows that provide optimal levels of natural light. There is enough air in them, a feeling of lightness and spaciousness is created. In addition, high ceilings open up space for the owner of the apartment for space zoning and interior design. For example, it will be possible to organize designer lighting due to a multi-level ceiling, install a chandelier on a long suspension, which will become the visual dominant of the room, place massive furniture, etc.” nine0003

Nadezhda Korkka, Managing Director of Metrium, a member of the CBRE partner network

  • Mezzanine floor

With a ceiling height of 3 m and above, it will be possible to equip the mezzanine floor. Designers often offer this option to apartment owners in order to increase the usable area of ​​​​housing. A bedroom is usually located on the mezzanine, and under it there is a dressing room, an office, a kitchen, a lounge area with a sofa, armchairs and a TV, or any room in which residents do not have to spend a long time standing. nine0003

The height of the mezzanine is sometimes calculated by the height of the tallest tenant plus 10-15 cm. But if a full-fledged second level is planned, then the requirements of the law must be taken into account.

“The number of mezzanine floors in an apartment is not limited. The main thing is that in total their area does not exceed 40% of the area of ​​​​the room in which they were erected (Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 508, paragraph 2.2.12 of Appendix 1). With a well-designed project, it is realistic to agree on such a redevelopment in a couple of months. The cost of new square meters obtained during the installation of the mezzanine floor is significantly lower than the cost of meters from the developer. But the demand for such properties is much higher.” nine0003

Aleksey Parshin, head of the Gorod real estate and redevelopment approval agency

  • Additional storage space

Instead of a second tier under the ceiling, you can make a roomy mezzanine for large items and seasonal clothing.

“Even in the Soviet years, residents of standard houses with ceilings 2.5–2.7 m high equipped such mezzanines,” comments Nadezhda Korkka, Managing Director of Metrium, a member of the CBRE partner network. - In modern new buildings, it is much more convenient to do this: a mezzanine about 50 cm in size will not make the room much heavier. Another alternative is floor-to-ceiling cabinets, where the bottom is for everyday items and the top is for long-term storage.” nine0003

Arguments against

  • Uncomfortable room

Like any large room, a room with high ceilings requires the professionalism of a designer. In a small room, furniture stands almost close to each other, and in a large room it is necessary to evenly fill the space, zone it. With ceilings - the same story. If you do not take into account the height of the room, then it runs the risk of seeming empty and uncomfortable.

“Sometimes people feel uncomfortable and confused in rooms with high ceilings. Psychologically, they need a sense of security more than others. Everyone is individual, but usually the problem is easily solved with the help of a false ceiling or a bed with a canopy.

Asya Levneva, Director of Marketing and Sales Department "Baltic Pearl"

  • Well rooms

High ceilings are found in quite spacious rooms - palaces, mansions and elite Stalinist houses for their time. But many "stalinkas" eventually turned into communal apartments, where the rooms were divided into parts, not really considering the architects' plans. Because of this, rooms-wells were often obtained, in which the area was critically small, but the ceilings were high. nine0003

According to the designers, this effect is obtained if one of the sides of the room is half the height of the ceiling. Although in practice, even if these two values ​​\u200b\u200bare equal, discomfort already arises. That is, a bedroom with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bapproximately 10 square meters. m with a three-meter ceiling is already threatened by the "well effect". Vertical zoning will help to cope with this - for example, the upper part of the walls is painted in the same shade as the ceiling.

  • The price of the apartment is higher than
  • nine0095

    On the real estate market, you can only find new buildings with high ceilings in the business class. Imagine two buildings with a height of 280 m. But one of them has 10 floors, because the height of the ceilings in the apartments is 2.5 m in the final version. And in the second building there are 8 floors, but the height of the ceilings in the apartments is a little more than 3 m. And if the costs of erecting the boxes of the two buildings are the same, then there will definitely be fewer apartments in the second one. Therefore, the price of an apartment with high ceilings will increase.

    “Ceiling height is one of the key criteria for classifying new buildings. In the capital market in the mass segment, the average height of a dwelling is 2.8 m, in a business class - 3 m. If, in a new business class building, the height of a dwelling is less than 3 m, some experts will even question whether the project belongs to this segment ". nine0003

    Nadezhda Korkka, Managing Director of Metrium, a member of the CBRE partner network

    , — specifies Pavel Sapozhnikov, General Director of the ExpertProjectStroy group of companies. - Nikita Khrushchev said: “If you put the question before some hostess, which is better: height or a large area, then many will speak out for the latter, because it will be more convenient to place furniture and arrange a family.” So lowering the height of the ceilings was also a consequence of the struggle against architectural excesses.” nine0003

    According to the expert, one of the tasks of standard construction is to save public funds, and high ceilings did not contribute to this in any way. Not much time has passed since then, many apartment buyers still look not at the height of the ceilings, but only at the square.

    “Let's ask ourselves, are we willing to pay extra for a ceiling height of 3.3 m, architectural delights, balustrades and other expressive elements? Few are ready. And this is a normal evolutionary process,” Pavel Sapozhnikov is sure. nine0003

    • Repair and maintenance is more expensive

    It is not cheap to renovate an apartment with high ceilings. The surface area is larger, which means that more finishing materials will be required. And if they are expensive, then the cost of repairs increases significantly. But Asya Levneva, Director of the Marketing and Sales Department of the Baltic Pearl, notes that design solutions allow the use of expensive decoration for only part of the room, effectively dividing the space into zones. In addition, apartments with high ceilings are usually purchased by clients who do not limit themselves in the budget for home improvement. nine0003

    Maintenance of an apartment with high ceilings will also be more expensive.

    “More money will be spent on heating, because heating and maintaining the temperature in a larger room is more difficult and expensive, especially considering that warm air tends to rise. You will also have to spend money on window cleaning. In new houses, management companies do this, but in old houses you have to be puzzled on your own. ”

    Svetlana Pankova, lawyer, realtor, director of the Novy Mir real estate agency

    But all the disadvantages, as well as all the advantages of a high ceiling, may seem unimportant to a particular buyer. However, designer Galina Esakova expresses the majority's point of view: “Yes, sometimes you have to rack your brains on how best to beat the space. Yes, it costs a little more. But all this is more than paid off by the feeling of spaciousness that will be in an apartment with a high ceiling.

    Images: Ábaton, 10surdix, Svoya studio, Violet & George, We Create Studio, Chado architectural studio, Diana Maltseva, Mikhail Loskutov, Natalia Naumova.

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