What can i use to keep bugs off my plants
How To Stop Bugs From Eating Your Plants
Springtime is here in Scottsdale, and we’re all itching to get outside and get busy bringing our gardens back to life for the year. We’re excited to see our favorite perennials pop back up, and maybe we’ve got some new plants that we want to introduce as well. Even our indoor plants are perking back up again, bolstered by the lengthened hours of sunshine.
Of course, as delightful as this season is for experiencing the full beauty of your garden, it isn’t without its challenges. Weather and temperatures can be unpredictable. Diseases can creep into your garden. And of course, what would springtime be without the sudden appearance of tiny little holes in your plant leaves?
But what causes these holes? How can you prevent them, and how can you stop them from worsening? Today, we’re going to talk all about this, including the most likely culprits and how Scottsdale pest control can benefit your plants and garden.
Why Do Your Plants Have Holes In Their Leaves?
While the occasional hole in a leaf might be because the leaf was malformed or perhaps your kids thought it would be fun to poke holes in it, it’s easy to tell when there’s something much more serious going on. If every leaf on your plant is covered in regular holes, there’s clearly a systematic problem. In most cases, that problem is bugs.
Whether you’re working with indoor plants or an outdoor garden, you’ll find that both are susceptible to developing bug problems. These bugs are capable of burrowing through the soil to eat at roots, climbing the leaves to chew away flowers and buds, and, of course, biting holes right through the center of new green leaves.
There isn’t just one type of bug that’s solely responsible for eating away at your plants, either. Instead, many different insect species are attracted to your plants and eager to begin eating them. For the most effective anti-pest measures, you’ll need to learn about each type of bug in Scottsdale that may be responsible and how to guard against them.
Why Do Bugs Keep Eating Your Plants?
Bugs eat your plants because they’re hungry and your plants are likely the best option around at the moment. While it’s unfortunate for you as the gardener, it’s also easy enough to understand why it happens. Bugs are like any other living creature, and they’re usually just looking for their next meal.
Another related question you might be wondering is why the bugs are only going for specific plants in your garden while avoiding the others. It’s because, like most of us, bugs have preferences for what they eat. If you have an infestation of aphids, for example, they’re likely to head for one type of plant. An infestation of Japanese beetles will go for something different.
Why do you suddenly have bugs this year when you’ve never had a problem in years past? Think back to what’s different about your garden this year. Did you make any new additions? Add any unusual plants? The odds are good that these new plants are responsible for attracting your new visitors.
Wondering how to stop insects from eating plant leaves? It’s possible, but it takes planning and dedication. The reward will be worth it, however, when you see your plants begin to thrive once you’ve successfully removed all the bugs. Today, we want to walk you through the process of naturally getting rid of bugs that are eating your plants without hurting the plants in the process.
What Are The Most Common Plant-Eating Bugs In Scottsdale?
Curious which bugs are likely responsible for the holes in your leaves and the droopy-looking plants in your garden? Take a look at our list of likely candidates:
Indoor Pests
Some of the bugs that might be causing your indoor plants to droop include:
These bugs are easy to pick out for their unique pale-green color. Unless you’re looking closely, aphids are almost easy to mistake for very tiny leaves. Closer inspection will reveal them to be very small, pear-shaped bugs with long antennae and two tubes pointing backward from their abdomen. These pests are frustratingly common and enjoy eating everything from fruits and vegetables to flowers and outdoor trees. Rather than chewing holes in leaves, however, they prefer to suck the sap out of plants, causing the leaves to droop and spreading disease in their wake.
These little white bugs are especially attracted to houseplants, and you’re most likely to find them at the small joint where the leaf meets the stem in your plants, as well as on the stems and leaves themselves. Like aphids, they feed on the plant’s sap instead of chewing on the leaves directly, causing the plant to wilt and eventually die if left unchecked.
Spider Mites
While these pests are technically arachnids instead of insects, there’s effectively no difference when it comes to how destructive they can be. These mites look like tiny red dots that collect on the underside of leaves, where they eat plant fluids and leave tiny dots at any location where they’ve been munching. While they can infest any household plant, they’re especially common in ivy and can cause a plant to yellow, wither and die.
Outdoor Pests
While some of the indoor bugs, like aphids, can occur outdoors as well, you’ll likely have a new set of insects to worry about in your outside garden. A few of the important ones to keep an eye out for include:
Japanese Beetles
Japanese beetles are pests that you can find in almost every state east of the Mississippi, where they feed on many different flowers, fruits, and vegetables. You can easily tell where they’ve been by the way they turn leaves into patchy skeletons, eat away at flowers and, in some cases, strip a plant entirely bare of any foliage. Adults are a metallic bluish-green with metallic red wing covers, while the larvae are white grubs.
Tarnished Plant Bugs
These bugs move extremely quickly, and you’ll recognize them by their green-and-brown coloring, as well as the yellow triangles with black tips located on their forewings. They’re not extremely picky about their food and will eat plenty of different fruits, vegetables, and flowers. Rather than chewing on the leaves, they suck out the plant juices, leaving the plant wilted, drooping, and often stunted.
Flea Beetles
Flea beetles are another pest that you’ll find on vegetable plants throughout North America. The adults will chew round holes right into the center of leaves, which can be particularly damaging to young plants. Larvae are more likely to chew at roots. You can identify this bug by its dark coloring and its unique ability to hop like a flea when startled.
There are many different types of caterpillars, and none of them spell good news for your garden. These insects are larvae that will one day hatch into moths, flies, butterflies, and other insects, but until then, their sole purpose in life is mostly to eat. Unfortunately for gardeners, their preferred food is usually garden leaves.
Caterpillars aren’t picky about their food, which means they’ll eat away at fruits, vegetables, and trees, often chewing along the edges of leaves. The good news is that these pests are usually easy to spot and recognize, making it simple to diagnose the problem.
How To Keep Bugs From Eating Your Plants
Once you’ve noticed that your plants are suffering from an invasion of insects, and once you’ve identified or at least suspect which bugs are to blame, your next step is to figure out how to keep bugs from indoor and outdoor plants alike. And while there are plenty of synthetic pest-killers out there that you can purchase for yourself by heading to the local plant nursery or home improvement store, many of us prefer a more natural alternative.
That said, let’s look at some homemade bug sprays for indoor and outdoor plants.
How To Get Rid Of Bugs On Indoor Plants
Are bugs getting into your houseplants? Try a few of these homemade solutions:
Aphid Prevention
The first step to getting rid of aphids is to avoid attracting them in the first place. They’re attracted to moist soil, so if you have a tendency to overwater your plants, it could explain your aphid problem. Avoid this practice, and you may have better luck staying clear of aphids in the future. If you’ve already attracted them, however, try wiping down the leaves of the infested plant with a solution of a few drops of dish soap and water. It’s also a good idea to pinch the aphids off the plant directly, especially in cases of extreme infestation.
Mealybug Prevention
One of the best homemade bug killers for the house, particularly where mealybugs are concerned, is a Q-tip dipped in rubbing alcohol. Simply dab it on every bug you see for a quick and efficient removal system. You may need to complete several sessions of this procedure before the infestation is under control, but it should eventually prove effective. Once the bugs are gone, prevent them from returning by not over-watering or over-fertilizing your houseplants.
Spider Mite Prevention
Spider mites do their best work in dry conditions, meaning they love it when you let your plant go for a while without watering it. One of the best ways you can fight this pest off is by regularly misting the leaves to keep them moist. You should also dust and clean the leaves often to prevent these mites from laying eggs on them. For extreme cases, try a homemade bug spray made of water and neem oil for indoor plants.
How To Get Rid Of Bugs On Outdoor Plants
Are your concerns centered more on your outdoor garden? If so, try a few of these home fixes.
Japanese Beetle Prevention
Start by shaking the bugs off the plants in the early morning, before they’re at their most active. Once they’re gone for the moment, spray down the plants with a homemade insecticidal soap. A great recipe for a homemade bug spray for vegetable plants is to use one tablespoon of dish soap, one cup of vegetable oil, one quart of water, and one cup of rubbing alcohol. For best results, apply this spray in the morning and be prepared to spray the plants again with water if they seem to start drooping after the treatment.
Tarnished Plant Bug Prevention
Avoid attracting these bugs in the first place by keeping your garden free of weeds all spring, at least as much as possible. Doing so means giving the bugs fewer places to hide and making your garden a less attractive spot for them. If you find yourself with a tarnished plant bug problem, however, control it by locating the nymphs and spraying them with neem oil. Finally, one of your best bets is to encourage natural predators of these bugs, as they’ll do a big part of your job for you.
Flea Beetle Prevention
A great natural bug repellent for flea beetles is garlic-based. For this remedy, you’ll need a head of garlic, one tablespoon of a dish soap that doesn’t contain bleach, two tablespoons of vegetable oil, and two cups of water. Make the spray by peeling the garlic and pureeing the cloves along with the oil and water. Let this mixture sit overnight before straining it. Add the soap and mix it together thoroughly. Then, just pour it into a spray bottle and use it to cover the infected plants.
Caterpillar Prevention
To deter caterpillars, you can try several different methods. The first is to encourage natural predators that will eat the caterpillars and thus clear them out for you. Another method is to spray the plants with a solution of neem oil and water.
Finally, you might try mixing together a homemade chili spray. To make this spray, grind three and a half ounces of dried chilies in a blender. Throw this powder into a half-gallon of boiling water and let it boil for five minutes before adding half a gallon of cold water and a few drops of dish soap. Spray this mixture on the caterpillars every morning until you no longer see them.
Call In The Scottsdale Pest Control Professionals
When it comes to bug infestations either in your garden or among your houseplants, home remedies are a great first course of action. Oftentimes, they’ll be just the trick you need to banish the bugs and get your plants looking great again. In other situations, the bugs may persist despite your best efforts. In cases like these, it might be time to set the home remedies aside and call in professionals.
Contact Us Today!
If you’re based in or around the Phoenix area, we want to invite you to reach out to us here at Green Home Termite & Pest Control. We’re a locally owned and operated pest control company, serving the area surrounding Phoenix. Since we’re a local business, we have the freedom to treat you like family, providing you with the very best in personalized services as well as the highest quality and safest products in the business. Together, our technicians have more than 30 years of combined experience, giving us the background necessary to make your pest problem a thing of the past.
Are you ready to get started finding a solution to your bug problem? Contact us today to tell us a little bit about your situation, and in return, you’ll receive a free quote. To learn more about the pest control plans we offer in Scottsdale including our home pest control services and commercial pest management plans, browse our website or give us a call!
7 Natural Ways to Keep Bugs off Plants
If your house is anything like mine, a new shelf, bookcase, or end table means a new potted plant will spontaneously appear on top of it in the very near future.
House plants are a timeless and cost-effective way to liven up any room’s decor. They are excellent at bringing a little bit of nature inside, but sometimes a little bit too much nature ends up coming indoors.
Bugs seem to love your plants almost as much as you do, and they can be difficult to deal with. There are plenty of chemical bug repellents that are very effective, but these can be toxic to pets and curious children.
So how can we prevent unwanted creepy-crawlies from making a home or meal out of our favorite houseplants without resorting to potentially dangerous chemicals?
We delved into plant enthusiast social media groups, read dozens of articles, scoured scholarly archives, and sought out advice from our grandmas to bring you several natural alternatives to chemical pesticides.
Before we get into the weeds, let’s start with some precautionary words: Not all plants are created equal. Some may be more sensitive to these techniques than others, and you should test any of these solutions that you choose to adopt on a small section of the plant just in case they don’t react well to the treatment.
Physical Bug Prevention
The best way to keep bugs from eating your plants is to prevent them from accessing them. Here are a couple ways you can block insects from moving in:
Sticky Traps
Sticky traps, the personal choice of spiders everywhere, are an inexpensive and non-toxic way to mitigate the risk of infestation.
These simple traps come in various designs that can either be hung or placed strategically in the vicinity of your plants to form a protective barrier. If you’re concerned about flying bugs like fungus gnats, white-flies, or aphids, give these a try.
Soil Toppers
Many varieties of bugs don’t actually take up residence in the foliage of your plant and would rather build their nest in the rich soil of your planter. Placing a barrier over the soil can be a very effective preventative measure.
Things like sand soil or mixing cinnamon into the top layer are good options, but the most time-tested soil mix-in uses microscopic fossilized sea critters.
While that might sound exotic and expensive, diatomaceous earth is a relatively inexpensive powder that is used in grain silos all over the world to accomplish exactly the task we’ve set out to do. The tiny food-grade particles shred the protective coatings of many insects leaving them unable to stay hydrated.
It won’t harm you, your children, or your pets so don’t hesitate to lightly dust your plants and soil with it to keep insects out. Just remember that you’ll need to reapply it to the soil after watering.
Physical Barriers
While not a permanent solution, sometimes simply moving the plant can buy you some extra time to prepare your next line of attack. Moving the plant further indoors or placing it on an elevated plant stand immediately upon detecting ants can confuse their navigation when they go to get their friends.
If you need somewhere new to put your plant, take a look at our selection of Sunnydaze Planters and Stands
DIY Bug Sprays
Synthetic pesticides are super effective at killing bugs and preventing further infestation, but the chemical compounds that make them tick might not be something you want to have prolonged exposure to, especially inside your home.
This isn’t a new problem and people have been searching for a natural solution to prevent bugs from ruining their plants for generations.
You can find dozens of results for these recipes with a quick search, but which one should you try? Let’s take a look at a few of the most popular options from around the web and compare them to what researchers at the University of Abu Dhabi discovered while testing them.
Soap and Water
Diluting a liquid soap into a simple spray is probably the simplest solution in this list.
A tablespoon or two in a big spray bottle will give you a good shot at taking care of bugs. As a bonus, your spray bottle can still be used for general household cleaning.
Essential Oils
Orange, mint, clove, and lavender oils smell nice and can be a decent repellent, but they probably won’t eliminate an existing infestation. Of these, lavender oil was marginally more effective when dealing with ants.
If you’re looking for a convenient and pleasant-smelling preventative measure, it won’t hurt to give these a try.
Non-Essential Oils
Garlic, onion, and cottonseed oils might not be olfactory rock stars, but they have shown to be fairly effective at keeping insects and spiders at bay. They do degrade on the plant fairly quickly so unless you’re also looking to keep vampires out it may be best to skip these ones.
Neem Oil
This smelly substance taken from the seeds of neem trees is far more efficient than the other treatments in this list in terms of killing and repelling certain insects. It’s not a one-size-fits all solution, but spiders, ants, and certain varieties of flying bug will avoid this substance like their lives depend on it.
The Mad Scientist Solution
If you still can’t decide which spray to go with, maybe just use them all. UAE researchers used the following ingredients to create what they thought might be the best natural pesticide which combines the useful properties of each of its material components.
To concoct this brew of bug doom, stir the following together until completely mixed:
- 5 parts vinegar
- 1 part neem oil
- 1 part cottonseed oil
- 1 part lavender oil
- 1 part mint oil
- 1 part garlic oil
Put the resulting mixture in a spray bottle and apply to your plants.
So there you have it, the best solutions to your bug problem that don’t involve harsh chemical pesticides. You can always go after the critters with tweezers, a soapy cloth, or cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol, but we hope one of these natural remedies solves your problem the easy way.
If you have a bug removal technique you'd like to share, we'd love to hear it. Connect with us on our social media platforms, comment below, or discuss the topic on our YouTube channel. Make sure you stay tuned for more Bright Ideas.
Thanks for reading!
Kyleah Rusch
Kyleah Rusch is a product photographer and plant mom who enjoys doing a variety of outdoor activities. She enjoys doing these activities with friends and is always making sure her friends get that perfect Instagram shot.
How to protect flowers from diseases and pests
Gardeners with great love grow a variety of flower crops. But even in the most experienced of them, plants sometimes get sick, they are inhabited by numerous pests that worsen the appearance of flowers. They damage leaves, buds, stems and roots. If no action is taken, the affected flower may die. But timely and competent actions taken to combat ailments and harmful insects will help plants recover and maintain their decorative properties. An important task of gardeners is preventive measures, which consist in strictly following the agricultural technology developed for each crop. Strong and powerful plants are much less affected by diseases. nine0003
Preventive measures include:
- Deep soil digging - flower beds with annual plants should be dug up annually after the end of the season. Autumn digging of the soil of flower beds contributes to the destruction of various caterpillars, as well as gnawing scoops, wireworm larvae and moths.
- Autumn destruction of plant residues - this should be done before digging. It is necessary to collect after the end of the gardening season all plant residues, decontaminate them and place them in a compost heap. Such work leaves no room for the survival of pests, almost 75% of which overwinter on the soil surface, hiding under dead plant parts.
- Selection for planting disease-resistant varieties - healthy seeds are selected, dressed with effective protective drugs, as well as growth stimulants.
- Soil liming - this procedure disinfects the soil, namely, it worsens the conditions for the development of pest larvae, such as wireworm. Liming also gives good results in the fight against Fusarium dahlias and nematodes on phlox.
In addition, timely disposal of weeds helps to maintain the ideal condition of the flower garden. nine0003
The most common flower diseases
There are many diseases that affect flowers. Some of them are rare, others can be found in almost every garden. The most common "ailments" of flowers include:
- powdery mildew;
- rust;
- gray mold;
- spotting.
Powdery mildew
It is manifested by the appearance on the leaves of a white, ashy or grayish coating, which can subsequently turn into a brown color. First, mild whitish spots appear, then the affected area increases and gradually covers the entire diseased plant. In leaves, the upper side is more affected. It causes a similar disease a number of varieties of the fungus. It develops more actively during periods of inclement wet weather, but can appear on flowers and at air humidity of 70% or less. From flower crops, phloxes and chrysanthemums, lupins and levkoy, as well as geraniums, delphinium, calendula and many other species often suffer from powdery mildew. nine0003
Ways to deal with powdery mildew of flowers:
- We mentioned prevention above - it is necessary to cut off plants that have faded in a timely manner, as well as cut off and destroy stained leaves or stems.
- In autumn or at the very beginning of spring, after removing diseased stems and harvesting dead leaves, perennials should be sprayed until leaves appear with a 1-2% solution of iron or copper sulphate. For those perennials that overwinter with leaves, treatment with 1% Bordeaux liquid is suggested.
- During the growing season, except for the period when flowers bloom, if characteristic signs of powdery mildew are found, the plant is sprayed with Topaz or Skor. Effective treatment is also provided by the use of fungicides such as Fundazol and Raek. They are recommended to be used alternately, mixing water-soluble fertilizers into the solutions of the products in order to immediately perform foliar top dressing.
This disease can spread in some types of flowers exclusively on leaves, while in others it affects both shoots and buds. Small pads are formed on them, the color of which varies. This is what pustules look like containing spores of the fungus, provoking the appearance of rust on plants. If no action is taken, the pustules will spread over most of the leaves and stems of the plant, the color around the pustules will turn pale green, yellow or brown. The leaves will eventually fall off, the stems are deformed, the plant will die. Mallow and carnation are most susceptible to rust, white phloxes are resistant flower varieties. nine0003
You need to fight this disease in the following way:
- Choose planting varieties that are resistant to this scourge.
- Remove diseased leaves and shoots, remove leafless ones, destroy parts of diseased plants by burning.
- For the purpose of prevention, spray plantings with Abiga-Peak or other copper-containing preparation - for example, 1% Bordeaux mixture, Ordan or Hom, copper oxychloride, etc. - during the beginning of growth of two-year or perennial flowers that were rusty last season. Such treatment should be periodically repeated throughout the growing season when rust foci are detected, changing preparations. nine0008
- Flowers are recommended to be fed with fertilizers with a high content of potassium, this increases the immunity of plants.
Gray mold
The disease is caused by fungi that colonize all parts of many flower crops, including their roots, and begin to parasitize them, causing a change in color to brown, softening and decay. Plants are covered with a characteristic thick coating of gray color, consisting of colonies of the fungus. Because of this plaque, the disease got its name. It occurs at different stages of the growing season, but in the second half of summer it is found more often. nine0003
First of all, gray rot appears on weak shoots, but if you do not fight it, it quickly covers the entire area.
Almost all types of flower crops are susceptible to this disease. The pathogen successfully overwinters on the remains of affected flowers. It develops at almost any positive temperature. Dry weather slows its spread. Increased air humidity, excessive density of flower beds contribute to the intensification of the spread of the disease. nine0003
Flower crops such as tulips and lilies, dahlias and gladioli, lupins, peonies, geraniums, roses, chrysanthemums, etc. are especially susceptible to the causative agent of gray rot. These types of flowers do not have varieties with increased resistance to gray rot.
In the fight against this disease, the emphasis is on creating unfavorable conditions for the life of the pathogen fungus. Measures taken include:
- Thinning dense plantings to ensure good ventilation. nine0008
- Careful care of flowers, preventing accidental mechanical damage to all parts of plants.
- Carefully dosed watering without waterlogging the soil.
- Top dressing with fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium. These elements increase the resistance of flowers to disease.
- Periodic loosening of the soil.
- Timely removal and destruction of diseased leaves and stems. When pruning from the last border of the lesion, it is necessary to recede 5-10 cm lower; with extensive distribution, the plant is completely removed. nine0008
- Preventive spraying of flowers with a frequency of 10-12 days with any preparations containing copper - for example, "Abiga-Peak", "Oxyhom" or "Ordan". During flowering, preventive spraying is not carried out.
If during this period foci of the disease were found, the flowers can be watered with Profit Gold, diluted to a concentration of 5 g per bucket of water. For each affected bush, 0.2 liters of working solution are consumed.
Planting material must be treated with a growth stimulator, this will increase resistance to diseases. nine0003
It begins with the appearance of mild spots on the leaves, gradually they increase, the disease covers all parts of the plants. The form of the formed spots can be any, the color is predominantly brown or brown, often with a bright border. Often the leaves look perforated. With the further development of the disease, the flowers dry and fall off. Individual fungi and a number of bacteria cause spotting. Unfavorable conditions in which flowers are grown contribute to its development. The disease spreads with water, air currents moved by the wind, and is carried by insects. Most often, spots of fungal and bacterial origin affect irises and chrysanthemums, peonies and lupins, delphiniums and primroses. nine0003
How to deal with flower spotting:
- take preventive measures - alternation of flower species in the garden, competent destruction of diseased plants and weeds, elimination of insects that carry pathogens;
- to carry out active treatment - spraying flowers with such means as "Skor", Hom, oxychloride and copper oxychloride, "Ordan" or "Fundazol".
Garden pest control
In addition to diseases, flowers in our garden are threatened by various insect pests. The most frequent uninvited guests are: nine0003
- aphids;
- spider mite;
- wireworm;
- thrips.
Aphids and how to deal with them
This small insect pest infects almost all flower plants, settling in colonies on young tender leaves and shoots, and sucks the juice. As a result, the leaves curl, and pathological growth of shoots and flowers is observed. There is no longer any talk of decorativeness, you need to save the plant.
How to destroy these small oval insects 0.1-0.7 in size, which secrete honeydew, attracting ants to flowers, which carry viral plant diseases? When the first signs of aphids appear, you need to spray the flowers with such effective insecticides as Zubr and Tanrek, Alatpar and Biotplin, Fufanon and Aktpellik, as well as Inta-Vir and various types of Iskra acting in accordance with the instructions. If all insects cannot be destroyed, a second spraying should be carried out after two weeks, using a different preparation. nine0003
Insecticide against aphids and whiteflies Tanrek 12ml
Spider mite
Small, almost invisible to the naked eye, the tick especially loves the combination of heat and low humidity. It settles on the underside of the leaves, damaging them, entangling them with cobwebs, changing color to marble, then yellow. Then the leaves dry up and fall off prematurely. The tick - its adult females - winters well in the bark, in fallen leaves. In the spring, it begins to multiply first on weeds, then goes on to flowers. nine0003
It is possible to protect flower beds from spider mites only with an integrated approach. It is necessary to constantly remove weeds from flower plantings, destroy the remains of plants from the diseased area. Spraying flowers from a tick can be especially effective for combating these pests with Fufanon and Iskra-M. In extreme heat, use "Thiovit Jet" or colloidal sulfur, diluting the working solution at the rate of 40 g per half a bucket of water. Processing is carried out every ten days.
Broad-spectrum insecticide Fufanon-Nova 2ml
Wire rope
This is the name of the larvae of the click beetle, which develop in the ground and damage the roots, flower bulbs, and gnaw through the stems. Distributed in all regions. The larvae look like long and hard to the touch yellow worms. The wireworm lives in the ground, some even hibernate in the larval phase. Flowers affected by it either die or lag far behind in development from healthy plants. If 10-12 individuals live on each square meter, this poses a real threat to the flower garden. nine0003
It is necessary to fight the wireworm by destroying weeds, especially the wheatgrass he loves, and treating the flower garden with effective preparations - Provotox, Bazudin, Initiation or Zemlin (consumption of only 10 g per 30 m2). If a perennial flower garden is being laid, one of these preparations is mixed with sand and added to the grooves or pits for planting.
Insecticide against wireworm, cabbage fly, soil pests Zemlin 100g nine0003
Another species of insect pests, numerous, very small (from 0.5 to 3.0 mm), with an elongated body, most often choosing flowers for life. They suck the juices from plants, damage the stamens and pistils, preventing the pollination process. Flowers lose their decorative qualities and do not produce viable seeds, their leaves become ugly and colorless. Adult thrips are able to fly to neighboring plants. They lay their eggs here, the generation of insects develops in two weeks, they overwinter in plant debris or in the upper soil layer. Some of these insect species carry viral and bacterial diseases of cultivated plants grown in our gardens. nine0003
How to deal with thrips, protecting your flower beds from them? First of all, be careful and start taking action when you find the first foci where pests have appeared. You can destroy insects by spraying the affected plants with effective insecticides, the list of which is similar to those used in the fight against aphids. Processing of the flower garden is carried out every 8-10 days, it is recommended to alternate the preparations.
Why bugs dream: interpretation of dreams about bugs
In real life, a big bug that gets in your way can seriously spoil your mood and cause the most negative emotions. What can we hide: most people dislike these insects and are disgusted with them. Perhaps only enthusiastic entomologists are able to admire the brilliant chitinous coating, and the average person will experience stress, even if he meets a large and rather cute May beetle in his house. Word formation also speaks about the attitude towards them: “bugs” are called eavesdropping and spy devices, and “bug” - a bug in English - is a mistake in work. Therefore, it is quite logical that when thinking about what the beetle is dreaming of, a person immediately begins to look for rather negative explanations. In general, interpreters really consider such a dream a warning and a herald of not the best changes. However, some details can radically change the explanation of the dream. And to understand this, you need to remember the plot to the smallest detail. nine0003
In the most general sense, a beetle in a dream indicates that a person is now in a difficult situation. He rushes through the maze of life, unable to find a way out, but the problem has a solution, it just does not need to be sought alone. A close person, a relative, can help in a difficult matter, so it’s worth recognizing that you need support and looking for it from those who are able to lend a hand and pull it out of the hole. The interpreters also believe that it is important to evaluate such details of the dream as the place where you saw the beetle, what they did with it and how it behaved. nine0003
Beetles in Miller's dream book
According to the interpreter, this dream is unfavorable. He portends that a period will soon come when there will be many difficulties in your life, financial problems, betrayal by colleagues. Close people will be far away, constant quarrels will begin. But if you killed a beetle in a dream, then this is precisely what gives hope for a successful outcome: the money will be returned, you will make peace with everyone with whom you quarreled.
Good news and good events are predicted by a dream in which you were bitten by a bug. Does he crawl on you? There are financial difficulties ahead. And again: if you managed to get rid of the insect, you can get out of this situation without serious losses. nine0003
Beetles in the dream book of Nostradamus
The interpreter says that a woman sees a dream about bugs if she has to get involved in a conflict with loved ones or friends. For men, a dream portends troubles that will not be so easy to get rid of. Also, for a strong half of humanity, a ladybug seen in a dream speaks of the imminent arrival of relatives. But for the ladies, the beetles that have to be taken out from under the skin symbolize a quarrel with her best friend because of her betrayal. nine0003
Beetles in Freud's dream book
The psychologist believes that a dream about bugs indicates how you feel about children. If in your vision you are actively fighting insects, destroying them, then in reality you do not love children and do not strive to become a father or mother. The moment is especially significant if you crush crawling insects with your foot: your significant other wants children, but you carefully suppress all attempts to talk about it.
Do bugs bite? You are disappointed in your offspring and suffer about it. Perhaps the extent of the problem is overestimated: if the children do not meet your expectations, this does not mean at all that they have not grown up to be good people. nine0003
If in a dream you look closely at insects, it means that in general you are not against having children, but so far your financial situation does not allow it.
Beetles in Vanga's dream book
Deception promises a dream in which you see a flying beetle. Most likely, there are many people around you who are trying to benefit from communication, but they themselves do not have good feelings for you. We need to get rid of this company.
A dream in which you are surrounded by a lot of bugs warns that you will soon find yourself in a situation where you will be surrounded by solid ill-wishers and spiteful critics. They are jealous of everything good that you get, so be careful and do not share your dreams and plans with anyone so that they do not have a desire to set up. You also need to remember if you tried in this dream to somehow resist the surrounding insects. If you tried to kill the beetle and were able to do it - you will prevail over the enemies, if not - attempts to punish the enemies will be in vain. nine0003
Another important dream plot for real life is if you are bitten by bugs. This suggests that there are problems with the nervous system and it makes sense to immediately consult a doctor in order to prevent the condition from worsening.
Beetles in Yuri Longo's dream book
The predictor draws attention to where you saw the beetle: if a lot of insects crawl around the apartment, this indicates that you will soon have to go on a long business trip. Bugs in your pocket? A bad sign that warns of impending money problems and poverty. The appearance of an extreme hobby portends a dream in which you encountered bugs in an abandoned house. nine0003
Beetles in Azar's dream book
This author calls to pay attention to the color of the beetle. So, in his opinion, the blue beetle portends troubles in the intimate sphere, the red one prophesies a serious illness to your relative, the multi-colored one says that you will be able to have a pleasant rest with friends, and the green one promises the appearance of an influential patron in your life.
Beetles in the Islamic dream book
Interpreters consider beetles in a dream to be harbingers of troubles and disappointments. They may say that a financial abyss, a quarrel with loved ones and loneliness await you. For example, if you hold a beetle in your hands, then soon there will be great danger. Remember what kind of insect it was. Poisonous portends a serious illness, dung - gossip that spread about you, and a beetle with horns - treason. nine0003
Beetles in Tsvetkov's dream book
The author believes that such a dream speaks of family life. If you caught a big beetle, then peace and harmony will be established in the house, relationships will become better, and even at work you will be appreciated. But killing a bug predicts that you yourself will interfere with your path to success.
If the beetle sits on your body or on your head, this portends trouble with relatives or close friends. And a dream in which insects are crawling everywhere indicates that a discord is coming in business and you will constantly miss valuable opportunities. But to crush the beetle is a sign that you will get some profit, but for this you will go for deceit and fraud. nine0003
Beetles in Loff's dream book
But this interpreter believes that such a dream can be dreamed of by someone who pays little attention to family and relatives. Strong sex beetles warn of betrayal or deterioration of the financial situation, but for women, insects that actively crawl on the ground portend an acquaintance with a good man.
Beetles in Hasse's dream book
The fortuneteller draws attention to several details: for example, a beetle stuck in a web, in her opinion, becomes a harbinger of financial problems. Maisky says that they gossip about you at work, and fireflies warn about the betrayal of a loved one. nine0003
What beetle did you dream about?
Seeing in a dream a large beetle is a sign that you need to carefully consider a plan of action in reality, and not engage in amateur activities. In this case, you can quickly achieve the intended goal. Small ones, on the contrary, portend unfortunate damage and gossip that will have a bad effect on your image.
Black beetle - ill-wishers are intriguing around you, white predicts good news, green says that in reality the person on whom decision-making depends will evaluate your performance and help you achieve success. red beetle warns about the danger of rash acts in a dream, having seen such a plot, it is worth thinking about your behavior and in the coming days be suspicious of promises and promises. But multi-colored beetles are designed to remind you that it is far from always necessary to judge people by their appearance.
If in a dream you saw dead beetles , then the subconscious mind calls to keep your mouth shut and not talk about things that concern you. Frankness can do a disservice.
Dead bugs in a dream are a warning: keep your mouth shut! Being honest now will only hurt. Photo: pixabay.comMaybug warns the dreamer about changes in fate, Colorado dreams of loss or betrayal, rhinoceros beetle is a predictor of conflicts in which it would be better not to get involved. Material problems portend stag beetle , but scarab , on the contrary, indicates that favorable times are coming in life.
A lot of bugs in a dream is a sure sign that in reality you are faced with a lot of problems and even a little confused about them. If all these insects are approaching you, there are difficulties ahead that are best met stoically and judiciously. But if they, on the contrary, run away, then you have an assistant. Stay as close to him as possible and be able to express your gratitude so as not to lose a comrade-in-arms. nine0003
What did you do in your dream with the bugs?
If in a dream you have to catch bugs , such a dream gives hope that in reality, thanks to ingenuity, it will be possible to avoid intrigues set up by enemies. A dream has a similar meaning when you collect beetles in a jar.
- Killing a bug? In reality, you can successfully get rid of the problems that have fallen. If the beetle was crushed with a foot, then all difficulties can be overcome as easily as possible.
- Beetles crawled over you - this indicates that various troubles will soon begin to happen in life, loved ones will turn away, dear people will grieve, troubles await you at work and with health. If a large black beetle is trampling on you, you will come face to face with a huge problem. Feel free to ask for help from people who have supported you before.
- If catch small bugs , then the inner "I" signals that you are doing too much stupid things in reality and are looking for problems for yourself, getting involved in adventures and scams. nine0008
Of course, the dream, the main characters of which are small and not always pleasant guests - beetles, does not seem so pleasant. But at the same time, it can carry an important sign or warning from the subconscious. And it's up to you to use it correctly.
Astrologer's comment
Elena Kuznetsova, Vedic astrologer, female psychologist:
Seeing bugs in a dream is not the most favorable sign. Such a vision portends illness and this is a real reason to actually consult a doctor, undergo a preventive examination, and take care of your health. Small bugs are clots of dark energy throughout your body, in a dream the subconscious mind sees them that way. But most likely, this is an early stage in the onset of health problems, and such a dream says that your body is strong if it has found the opportunity to let you know about impending troubles.