Sun hanging baskets
Best Hanging Baskets for Full Sun
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5 min read | Apr 4, 2017 | Plants
Looking to add a colorful touch to your sunny porch or garden this spring or summer? A perfectly placed hanging basket filled with bountiful blooms could do the trick!
Full Sun Hanging Plants for Your Home
Not all hanging plants will be suitable for your porch. The right plant depends, in part, on the amount and intensity of sunlight received each day. (So if you’re in a shady spot, check out our blog on the best hanging baskets for shade!)
By selecting the right hanging plant and the right location, you can be sure of lasting color that spills out all season long. In this blog, we’re reviewing a few of our favorite full sun hanging plants that we recommend adding to your porch or yard! These hanging plants love full sun conditions and require at least 5 or more hours of direct sunlight each day.
1. Petunias
Petunias are a timeless garden favorite because they offer so many color choices and varieties. The Trailing and Grandiflora petunias are great options for hanging baskets, but you can also find varieties that work well in containers or as ground cover.
Petunias make this list because while they will grow in part sun they tend to bloom most prolifically in full sun. In full sun, it is important not to let the soil dry out when caring for these hanging plants outdoors. These plants like to be watered every day and sometimes twice a day in hotter months. Add fertilizer every two to three weeks for the best results.
Fairview Garden Center is regularly adding new varieties, so visit us this spring to find your perfect petunia!

Million Bells are a gorgeous mounding and trailing summer annual. This popular plant blooms mini-petunia shaped flowers that come in a wide spectrum of colors. These bright flowers will attract hummingbirds and butterflies to your front porch or garden.
Like the petunia, million bells enjoy full sun to part sun; however, they tend to bloom more prolifically in full sun, making them one of the best plants for hanging baskets in full sun. The soil should be kept moist, especially in the hot summer months. Simply allow the surface soil to dry between waterings to avoid over-watering.
We’re happy to help you find the right million bells for your porch during your visit to our garden center.
3. Bougainvillea
The bougainvillea is a popular evergreen, shrubby vine that blossoms into colorful flower bracts. This sub-tropical vine is a riot of purple and red color when in bloom. New cultivars are beginning to bloom in apricot, orange, white, and yellow.
This full sun hanging plant can be trained to stand alone as a shrub or cover walls and spill out of beautiful hanging baskets. It can grow from 10 to 20 feet in a single growing season, but here in the Triangle, it won’t reach quite these lengths.
Bougainvillea requires full sun. As a drought-tolerant plant, it actually performs best when its soil is left a little dry. Come browse this hardy plant and other plants at our garden center today!
4. Portulaca
Portulaca comes in many vibrant colors like reds and pinks for full sun areas. As you shop for portulaca, you may find that it is also called yubi, purslane, or moss rose.
This plant is ideal for those who may not have as much time this spring and summer to water and fertilize on a regular basis. Portulaca is the perfect full sun hanging plant because it is extremely heat and drought tolerant. You won’t have to worry about this one!
To see our wide selection of portulaca, visit our Raleigh garden center. And if you’re looking for more inspiration and gardening tips, check out our blog.
5. Dragon Wing Begonia
The begonia is known for being a true workhorse. At Fairview Garden Center we carry many types of begonias, but one of our favorite full sun varieties is the dragon wing begonia.
This highly popular plant is incredibly easy to grow. As a heat-tolerant plant, the dragon wing begonia is one of the best hanging baskets for full sun. The dragon wing begonia’s dark-colored flowers flower profusely all season long, blooming very quickly and growing from spring through frost.
6. Sunpatiens
Impatiens are no longer just for your grandma’s shady garden! There is a wide variety of gorgeous hybrid impatiens that are perfect for the sun, shade, and everywhere in between.
Sunpatiens are a new type of impatiens that is unlike other traditional varieties, as it thrives in hot and sunny conditions. Although sunpatiens do not have a trailing habit, they provide high impact blooms from spring through frost and are great paired with other trailing plants in mixed baskets. Consider sunpatiens when looking for full sun hanging plants that will add color and variety to your garden!
Visit Us At Fairview Garden Center
These are just a few of our Fairview favorite full sun hanging plants for spring and summer. Contact us today or stop by in-person to browse our greenhouses filled with beautiful blooms and pick your favorites from our many varieties. Our knowledgeable and friendly staff is here to help you pick the perfect full-sun basket for your space and lifestyle!
Page updated on July 19, 2022
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Hanging Baskets In Full Sun
Planting up your hanging basket in full sun requires a bit of thought regarding your plant choices.
Seek out plants that enjoy the heat and are also drought-tolerant, especially for those that will be in the sun from dawn to dusk.
When choosing your plants, think local. Your local garden center will usually keep those plants that do well in your area. Your County Extension Educator will also be able to advise on plants growing in local conditions.
How To Keep Hanging Baskets From Drying Out
The biggest problem with hanging baskets in full sun is the soil drying out, especially on sweltering hot days.
Always mulch as well as adding water retaining products such as crystals or granules, to your potting mix. They swell up and hold water and release the water into the soil over time. Adding these can reduce your watering times by half.
It is essential to feed these plants every week with a liquid organic fertilizer to produce blooms. Hanging baskets only have a limited amount of nutrient value in the potting mix, and the plant usually uses this during the first few weeks, especially with frequent watering.
Water before feeding the plant, so the basket stays hydrated before the feeding.
Water deeply making sure all the soil is hydrated.
How Often To Water Hanging Baskets In Full Sun
It is not likely that you will overwater a hanging basket in full sun as the surplus water runs out of the bottom. Feel the soil surface, and if it is dry, this usually indicates that the plants will need water.
On scorching days, you may need to water twice a day.
Make sure to water until the water flows out of the basket, making sure all the soil has been moistened.
If watering is inadequate, the soil will pull away from the edge of the basket, shrinking the soil ball slightly. The next watering will not saturate the soil but will go through the gap between dry soil and the side of the basket.
If the soil is excessively dry, place the basket into a bucket of water for about an hour. It will allow the water to be absorbed slowly through the bottom of the basket.
Hanging Baskets For Full Sun And Heat
Plants will try to cool themselves by transferring water to their leaves. Even drought-tolerant plants can become stressed in extreme heat.
Sometimes the leaves will wilt during excessive heat as a defense mechanism and should recover once watered, or temperatures drop.
Protect the plants from extreme heat by moving them temporarily during the heatwave. Or provide some shade for them, such as an umbrella.
Always make sure the plant has adequate moisture and water frequently during excessive heat.
Best Hanging Baskets For Full Sun
Choose the biggest basket for full sun as the larger baskets have more soil and will dry out slower.
Pelargonium / Geraniums
Geraniums are the most unappreciated flower. It gives so much color for so little care. Excellent in hanging baskets, especially the ivy variety.
Deadhead regularly and you will be rewarded with many new flowers.
Million Bells (Calibrachoa)
Easy to grow and easy to maintain - Million Bells are well known for their millions of flowers. They come in a variety of colors.
In the right conditions, Million Bells will look beautiful in about one month.
Million Bells is self-cleaning, meaning you never have to deadhead.
Petunias look lovely but sometimes become a little "leggy." Give them a trim, cutting back by about 6 inches (15cm). This forces new flowers in about two weeks.
Even though Petunias love dry summers, never forget to water the hanging baskets regularly.
Portulaca (Moss Rose or Sun Rose)
Trimming Portulaca periodically helps with flowering. They love hot, dry weather and will die off when the temperature gets below 45 F (7 C).
Portulaca is easy to grow in containers. Water only when the top of the soil is dry.
Diamond Frost Euphorbia
A profusion of tiny white flowers makes this plant an ideal filler for the mixed plantings with broader leafed plants. Similar in looks to the baby's breath.
Lobelia will flower throughout the entire season. Lobelia is one of those plants that can be planted on the outside of the hanging basket flower ball as they give a cascading effect.
Flowers range from purple to violet, with added yellow or white on some varieties. It is an excellent hanging basket species.
Licorice Plant (Helichrysum Petiolare)
Licorice plants love hot sunny environments and have a slight licorice fragrance. Grown for their beautiful soft foliage, these delightful plants are drought tolerant and have low water needs.
There are a series of verbena, which are long-blooming and are heat tolerant and do well in full sun. Give it a trim when it gets leggy.
Vinca (Annual Vinca)
Plant the trailing variety in hanging baskets and pinch Vinca blooms for a fuller plant. Water twice a day.
Very easy to grow and love the summer heat. Colors vary from white, pale pink to deep purple.
Black-Eyed Susan Vine (Thunbergia alata)
With their bright yellow and white flowers, Black Eyed Susan is easy to grow and needs little maintenance.
Pansies and Violas
Fill up the basket with Pansies and Violas. Yellow and purple look lovely together. Very popular as a cool-season annual in warmer climates.
Nasturtiums require little maintenance and bloom well in full sun. Trailing varieties work best in hanging baskets.
There are both single and double varieties, and the flowers are edible with a peppery flavor.
They do not require fertilizing, which will reduce their blooms.
Asparagus Fern
Flowers are rather insignificant, but the spiky foliage is striking. Keep it trimmed to the required length as the needle-like foliage can grow very long. Compact growing varieties are available.
Butterflies and hummingbirds love Lantana flowers.
Lantana is a hardy plant that is perfect for hot sunny patios.
Maui Wormwood
They are grown for their soft bright silver foliage and look stunning as a single specimen in a hanging container.
Ornamental Sweet Potato Vines
The ornamental sweet potato vine has colorful foliage from light green to dark purple.
Use a variety of sun-loving herbs in the same basket, such as Thyme, Prostrate or Creeping Rosemary, Oregano, and Prostrate Sage.
Growing herbs in a hanging container is easy, and the more you pick, the more it produces.
Many herbs, such as lavender, have beautiful flowers which are also edible.
Sedum (Donkey's Tail)
Long trailing succulent with pink/red flowers in summer. Let it dry out before watering.
Ornamental grass
Look for a variety that does well in full sun, such as Leatherleaf Sedge, Orange New Zealand Sedge.
- Add water-retaining granules
- Water regularly and deeply
- Fertilize regularly with an organic water-soluble fertilizer
- Rotate the basket for even growth
How a solar lamp works
The existence of modern civilization cannot be imagined without electricity. It is used in all spheres of human activity. Of course, there were times when electricity had not yet been invented, but how limited were the possibilities of a person of that era. Today, the cessation of energy supply, even for a minimal time, leads to a complete paralysis of human life. And what about remote regions where power lines have not yet reached? This justifies the many and long-standing attempts by scientists to use the free energy of the sun to generate electricity. From an accidental discovery by the French physicist A. Becquerel in 1839In the year of the photovoltaic effect and the invention in 1873 of the first photovoltaic cell, there were dozens of discoveries in the second half of the twentieth century before the commercial production of solar cells. But today, devices that convert sunlight into electricity are increasingly entering our everyday life and serve as an excellent alternative to centralized energy supply.
There are entire cities that fully meet their electricity needs by converting solar energy. In Russia, solar-powered lighting devices are often used in suburban and private homes. This type of fixture is also used on highways, city streets and other places that are difficult to access for supplying electricity. nine0003
How a solar-powered luminaire works
The basis of the luminaire, which ensures its functionality, is a solar battery. To date, this is its most expensive component. A solar panel is a set of photovoltaic cells that, when exposed to sunlight, generate electricity using the photovoltaic effect.
The structure is made of two layers of silicon semiconductors with different conductivity. When the upper “solar” layer, which acts as a cathode, is heated by sunlight, electrons from silicon atoms are “knocked out” by photons of light. After that, they flow to the atoms of the lower plate, which serves as the anode. From the bottom plate, the electrons move along the connecting conductors through the battery, charging it, and return to the top plate. nine0003
Depending on the structure of silicon crystals, there are three types of photocells for solar panels:
- polycrystalline;
- monocrystalline;
- amorphous.
The production of polycrystalline panels is the least expensive, but such photovoltaic cells have a low efficiency in converting light energy into electricity. Monocrystalline solar cells are characterized by a maximum efficiency of 25%. In this case, the silicon crystals have fewer facets, which allows the electrons to move at a faster rate. The cost of such batteries is correspondingly higher, but on the other hand, to generate the same amount of electricity, a smaller area of \u200b\u200bphotocells is used than in the case of polycrystalline models. The production of amorphous panels requires several times less silicon than the production of crystalline counterparts. At the same time, they are able to generate electricity in low light conditions, therefore they are considered more efficient in regions with a small number of sunny days. nine0003
The next important element in the composition of the solar battery is the battery. It is designed to store the energy that the panel produces. Nickel-metal hydride or nickel-cadmium models are usually used, which withstand a large number of charge-discharge cycles.
To avoid overcharging the battery, the luminaire includes a charge controller. Depending on the level of charge, it connects or disconnects the solar panel. The controller can perform the function of automatically turning on the light at dusk. On some models, this option is duplicated by a mechanical switch. More sophisticated device types are able to control the maximum power level. nine0003
The list of solar panel elements may include an inverter - a DC-to-AC converter. A stabilizer is designed to protect the system from possible power surges.
Light sources in solar lamps are most often made using LEDs. They consume a small amount of energy, do not heat up and have a long warranty period.
All components listed are housed in a housing that is resistant to direct sunlight, weather and dust. Sometimes, constructively, the solar battery is placed separately from the lamp itself. nine0003
Advantages and disadvantages of solar-powered lamps
In order to know how to choose the right solar-powered lamp, you need to correctly evaluate their advantages and disadvantages.
This equipment has the following advantages over conventional luminaires.
- Autonomy. There is no need to lay wires from the central electrical network to the lamp. Solar-powered lamps do not require regular battery replacement. nine0015 Compact. Household models of such lighting fixtures are lightweight, small in size and have a universal mount, which allows them to be moved without special equipment.
- Economy. No need to pay for electricity. LED lamps used in modern lamps have a very long service life.
- Simplicity and ease of installation.
Installation of fixtures does not require special professional skills and special tools. nine0016
- Electrical and fire safety. The equipment is not connected to the mains. During operation, the possibility of contact with the electrical filling of the device is excluded, and the lamps do not heat up.
It is important to consider not only the pros, but also the cons of this type of lighting element.
- Dependence of functioning on climatic factors. The greater the latitude, the shorter the daylight hours. The number of sunny days in most regions of our country is also small. Solar panels may not get enough energy to fully charge the battery and effectively operate the lights at night. It is advisable to use such lamps in central Russia only in the summer. nine0016
- Unstable light level. During operation, the brightness of the lamps gradually decreases as the battery discharges. This is especially noticeable during long nights.
- Probability of failure of the luminaire in extreme weather conditions.
During extreme frosts, problems with the functioning of batteries can occur, and in extreme heat, overheating and failure of semiconductors cannot be ruled out.
- Increased maintenance requirements. Solar panels can become clogged during operation, which will lead to a decrease in the performance of luminaires. In case of failure of the battery or LED lamp, repair is not advisable. The product must be disposed of and replaced. nine0016
How to choose the right solar lamp
When installing lighting, first of all, you need to analyze the technical characteristics of the model you like in order to understand what area and how brightly the device can illuminate. This directly affects the required number of fixtures and the distance between them. Not everyone can immediately figure out the rated power of LED lamps, which is why the corresponding number for a similar incandescent lamp is usually indicated in the lamp passport. nine0003
Buyers who studied physics well at school can try to convert watts of power into lux, lumens per meter or ft from reference books. Small power devices are used for marking paths or garden objects, as well as for decoration, providing illumination up to 100 lm. For full-fledged illumination of a site, lamps with more powerful lamps are selected, guaranteeing a value of 700 lm and above.
For long-term and reliable operation, solar-powered luminaires must have a body and shade protected from dust and moisture. The degree of protection against the influence of external factors is indicated by the IP index indicated in the device passport. For street lamps, the index value must be at least IP44. nine0003
Also pay attention to the material from which the device is made. Most often it is impact-resistant plastic, aluminum, bronze or stainless steel. Such lamps are not covered with rust and retain their appearance for a long time. When choosing a device according to the material of the case, it is customary to focus on the concept of landscape design and the operating conditions of the lamp. The lamp may also have a wooden case, but then it will have to be periodically treated with protective equipment.
When buying a solar-powered lamp, you need to pay attention to the parameters of the battery that the device is equipped with. The larger the capacity, the longer the lamp will work at night and the longer it will be charged during daylight hours.
As additional options, the luminaires can be equipped with sensors that monitor the level of illumination and volume sensors that respond to movement. These elements provide rational battery consumption by automatically turning on the lighting when it gets dark and turning it off in the morning. Also, the device will turn on, reacting to the approach of a moving object and turn off after a while. nine0003
Based on different installation principles, luminaires can be classified into the following groups.
- Ground. Such lamps have a small height and are mounted on a stand with a pointed end, which is simply stuck into the ground. They are ideal for marking paths or illuminating flower beds and can be moved to another location with little effort.
- Pole lamps. Models with a stand height above 1.5 meters. Due to their massiveness, they require some excavation during installation. There are fixtures for installation on road tiles, asphalt or other hard surface. The rack in this case has a flange at the lower end. nine0016
- Fixtures for vertical surfaces. Mounted on a wall or fence. The range of models impresses with a variety of styles - from the classic gas city lamp to high-tech models.
- Pendant lamps. This includes models with ceiling mounts, outriggers, and even tree mounts. They are used as decorative lighting for recreation areas and gazebos.
- Recessed luminaires. Mounted inside vertical or horizontal surfaces. Ideal for illuminating stairs at step level. nine0016
- Decorative lamps. They look like fabulous figurines for landscape decor.
Installation Rules
Proper choice of installation location for a solar-powered luminaire is a guarantee of its long-term operation with the parameters declared by the manufacturer.
The main task is to provide maximum illumination during daylight hours. Even a slight shadow cast on the surface of the semiconductor panel prevents the battery from being fully charged and ultimately affects the performance of the battery. Choose the most open place without tall trees, shrubs and buildings that cast a shadow. In this case, you will be able to fully appreciate the beauty of the lamp. nine0003
How to turn on the solar light
Retail outlets must sell lights with a fully charged battery. If stored for a long time, even if the instrument has not been switched on for a short time and has not been placed on the display shelf, the battery will still lose some of its charge. In order to extend its service life and maintain the passport capacity parameters, it is advisable to first perform a discharge cycle, and then charge it to the maximum value.
Solar energy is the energy of the future. Choosing lighting with photo panels, you choose independence and environmental friendliness. Equip the light in the country house or in the courtyard of the cottage and evaluate the possibilities of such lamps.
Solar garden lights
The ever-increasing cost of energy has made consumers turn to renewable sources of energy, of which sunlight is currently the most affordable. Lighting devices that use the principle of converting light energy into electrical energy in their work can now be found almost everywhere, from industrial enterprises to residential areas. nine0003
Despite the huge range of luminaires presented in the distribution network, the choice of a specific model depends on a number of reasons that are determined by the operating conditions.
How to choose a solar-powered luminaire
When choosing a lighting source for landscape gardening, you must remember that you can effectively use a solar-powered luminaire only if there is a sufficient number of daylight hours per year. Not the last role in this matter is played by the duration of daylight hours. nine0003
The next thing to consider when choosing a garden light is its operating mode. If the consumer intends to use a solar-powered lamp all year round, it is necessary to pay attention to models with a reinforced structure and the possibility of stationary placement.
For temporary lighting of the garden area in the summer, small compact versions of the suspended structure are suitable. Undoubtedly, it is worth paying attention to common models equipped with a special leg that is inserted into the ground. In both cases, the use of portable solar-powered lamps saves on the installation of capital structures. nine0003
Next, consider an issue that directly affects the cost of a garden lighting device. It depends on the purpose for which the owner intends to use a solar-powered lamp.
Permanent or emergency lighting
Permanent lighting of the local area is used quite rarely, with the exception of the need to illuminate the perimeter of the site, driveways or entrance groups of buildings. Here you can opt for models that provide for manual activation or options that provide for start-up when the overall illumination drops below a certain level. nine0003
Temporary area lighting
In a situation where you need to use a solar-powered lamp for a short time, for example, to pass a certain area, it is best to stop at models with a built-in motion sensor. Note that in some versions, you can set the overall parameters at which the lamp will work, which is very important if there are pets on the site.
Another point that undoubtedly affects the cost, but will allow you to effectively use a solar-powered garden lamp is the quality and performance of components. So devices with the presence of highly sensitive photocells allow them to be charged in cloudy weather or from other light sources. For example, from an ordinary incandescent lamp. Battery capacity is directly related to the duration of the lamp. nine0003
Solar luminaire maintenance
Solar garden luminaires are perhaps the easiest to maintain compared to traditional outdoor lighting fixtures. However, certain rules must be followed.
Before charging the solar garden light, the protective film must be removed from the surface of the photocell. The installation location must be chosen with the condition that the photosensitive element be under the rays of sunlight for as long as possible. But at the same time ensure the impossibility of accidental damage to the lamp. With a ground location, it is desirable to protect the installation site, and for a suspended version, place it above human height or away from the routes of movement around the site. nine0003
Maintenance of solar-powered lamps is reduced to regular cleaning of the surface of the photocell from contamination. To remove dust, it is desirable to use cleaning fluids that are non-abrasive and have antistatic properties.
In the event of a failure of the lighting device, it must be remembered that it is possible to repair a solar-powered garden lamp at home only if the contact groups are damaged.