Small garden trees evergreen

Evergreen trees for gardens: 10 of the best choices

(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)

Finding out about the best evergreen trees for gardens and adding a few to your plot will totally transform your outdoor space year-round, and especially during the desolate winter months. 

As the red and orange leaves fall off deciduous trees, leaving bare, skeletal bones, it is in winter that we come to truly appreciate the beauty of evergreen trees. Bringing life and color to the now sleeping garden, they are a stalwart that see us through winter and provide the backbone of our backyard ideas.

Evergreen trees for gardens

With their thick green leaves that last all year-round, evergreen trees are some of the best trees for privacy in a backyard. Not only do they hide unsightly views and offer a feeling of seclusion in your garden, but they can also reduce sound pollution, helping to create a sanctuary where you can immerse yourself in nature.  

What to consider when choosing evergreen trees for gardens

When selecting the right evergreen tree for your plot, it is vital that you consider the climate in which you live – some trees are evergreen in one climate but deciduous in another.  

You also need to think about the tree's size and the amount of shade it will cast. In the winter, light is limited, so you need to be careful not to cast large shadows over your house, as this will make it colder and can even increase your heating bill – in which case, you might want to research the best trees for a small garden – or the best trees for front yards, which will be naturally more compact.

Before you start searching, select the spot for your new tree as this will inform the size and growth rate that you require. Think about where it will cast its shadows and how it will look when fully grown. 

It is also key to consider your soil type and the light levels of your spot – picking a tree that is well-suited to both of these conditions will help it to thrive. You might also want to learn how to plant a tree so that you can give your evergreen tree the best start.

Having worked out these parameters, you are then ready to find the best evergreen tree for your garden.  

1. Magnolia grandiflora

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Magnolias are one of the prettiest evergreen plants for gardens. With verdant green leaves and their fragrant citrusy flowers blooming in the spring, magnolia trees make a statement in every season. 

However, many magnolia trees are deciduous, so if you're looking for evergreen trees for gardens, be sure to select the Magnolia grandiflora variety. Native to the South Atlantic states, they are a highly adaptable tree and grow in a wide variety of soils, though they thrive best in moist but well-drained, mildly acidic soils. 

'Magnolia grandiflora is a large plant with an average height and width of 30-45 feet. The broad leaves are glossy green and held at a 45 degree angle from the stems. In spring, it bears white to pink blooms that add to the appeal of its landscape value,' explains Lindsey Hyland, founder of Urban Organic Yield . 

2. Fraser’s Photinia (Photinia x fraseri)

(Image credit: Getty Images)

A fast growing tree, Fraser’s Photinia can grow up to 3ft per year making them one of the best trees for privacy and screening in a backyard. Thriving best in full sun and hardy in zones 7 to 9, they offer a profusion of color all year round. Their new foliage emerges bright red, adding a firey hue to the rich green of the older leaves, and then explodes in white blooms come the spring. 

Taking around 12 years to grow to full size, they are an extremely versatile addition to the garden, and can be grown as a shrub, hedge or standard tree. They can even be espaliered against a wall for added architectural interest. If you do clip them into a standard shape, as above, it makes them a great choice if you are planning on landscaping around trees in your backyard.

3. Holly trees 

(Image credit: Getty Images)

There are two main types of evergreen holly that are popular throughout the US. The first are the English hollies, which are the typical festive holly tree, recognizable by its slightly curled spiky leaves. Variegated English holly trees have dark leaves with white edges creating an interesting and unusual addition to the garden. Their thick canopy but smaller size, usually around 25ft, makes them ideal evergreen trees for gardens.

American holly trees are very similar though there are some key differences. These trees are larger, growing to around 60ft, and have a lighter leaf color and subtly different berries. 

With both of these holly trees, if you want to produce berries – which are great for feeding birds in winter – then be sure you have 'one male for every one to five females for fruit to form,' advises garden expert and arborist Melinda Myers .

For best results, Melinda advises that you plant in moist acidic soil and select a variety that is suited to your growing conditions, 'for easy care and best results, shelter from drying winter winds.'

4. Juniper 

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Best known as the key ingredient in gin, juniper trees are actually a worthwhile addition to the garden in their own right. A type of conifer, they are praised for their versatility and hardy in zones 3 through to 9.  

'Junipers come in various colors and can grow in soils that are difficult to grow other plants. With all of the different varieties available, you’ll easily be able to find one that fits in with your garden. Most junipers do best in full sun, though a few like the shade in the late afternoon,' recommends Emilly Barbosa Fernandes, small space gardener at House Grail .

Junipers also suit a variety of different styles, the tree can be pruned into a neat triangular shape, or can be left to grow more naturally for a more rustic appearance. 

5. Hemlock (Tsuga)

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Hemlock is a type of evergreen fir tree praised for its versatility. There is a variety to suit almost all conditions throughout the US, from the Canadian Hemlock which thrives from zones 3 to 8; to the Western Hemlock which grows in zones 6 to 8 and will even grow in the densest shade. Plus, there are the Eastern and Caroline hemlocks which are also great evergreen trees for gardens.

Loved for their pyramidal shape, dark, evergreen needles and decorative cones, they are a popular evergreen tree for backyards. 

'More shade tolerant than most evergreens, they need protection from drying winter winds and sun. Therefore it is important to plant in an appropriate location with adequate moisture, good drainage and cool acidic soil,' advises gardening expert and arborist Melinda Myers.

6. Scarlet Firethorn (Pyracantha coccinea)

(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)

Characterized by deep red berries, thorny stems and dense foliage, Pyracantha coccineas offer a host of benefits to the garden. Their berries are loved by birds, and the vivid red of them makes them one of the best trees for autumn color. The thorny foliage offers a safe space for our feathered friends to nest during the spring and summer, too. 

Growing up to 10 feet tall and offering a host of sharp stems and thick foliage, Pyracantha coccineas can be grown to increase the security and privacy of your home and garden. What's more, Pyracantha coccinea is one of the most durable evergreen trees for gardens making it perfect for those who are less confident in gardening. They grow well in both full and partial sun and can thrive in almost all soil types including chalk, clay, loam and sand.

7.  Shore Pine (Pinus contorta 'Chief Joseph')

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Pines are one of the most popular evergreen trees for gardens, however, Shore Pines offer something a little different. Unlike their larger relatives, Shore Pines are fairly petite with a slow growth rate. This makes them great evergreen trees for gardens that are on the smaller side – they can even be grown in a pot. 

However, what makes these evergreen trees really special is their color. Throughout summer and fall, the leaves are not particularly noteworthy, though they do offer a rich green backdrop for other plantings, but come the winter and spring, they are transformed into a captivating golden hue that brightens even the darkest plot. Consider pairing with hellebores for a beautiful winter border.

8. Strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo)

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A rather understated choice, strawberry trees are amongst the best evergreen trees for gardens due to their unusual character. With peeling bark, evergreen foliage, and small white flowers blooming from October to December, they brighten up the darkest fall and winter days. The strawberry tree's slow growth rate also makes it one of the best trees to grow in small gardens.

Following flowering, they produce bright red fruit – the same color as strawberries – though different in shape and flavor. 

'The scarlet red fruits only fully ripen in the following year, as a new set of flowers emerge,' explains Sue Sanderson, horticultural executive at Thompson & Morgan . While the berries can be eaten off the tree, they are best preserved in jams, liqueurs and syrups. 

(Image credit: Getty Images)

9. Giant arborvitae (Thuja plicata)

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Giant arborvitae also known as Thuja plicata is one of the easiest evergreen trees to introduce to your backyard. Native to western North America, the giant arborvitae is relatively hardy, 'it grows well in zones 5-9 and does exceptionally in zones 6 to 8,' says Tammy Sons garden expert and CEO at Online Plant Nursery .

When it comes to finding a spot for your Giant arborvitae, it is vital to consider the plants needs. 'It prefers full sun though will tolerate light shade and fertile, moist well-drained soil. However, it is somewhat tolerant of heat of dry conditions once established,' advises Melinda Myers.

As a quick growing tree you will either need to factor in a large amount of growing space or you can use it for topiary. Giant arborvitae are one of the best evergreen trees for topiary and will create a beautiful focal point in your garden. Simply prune to shape in the spring, and then prune to maintain come the fall.

10. Olive tree

(Image credit: Christopher Lee)

With their Mediterranean heritage, you would assume that humble olive trees are deciduous. However, they are one of the best evergreen trees for gardens for zones 8 to 10.   Though they are hardy down to around 10°F, though anything below 45°F  will inhibit their fruit production. As a result, they are one of the best trees to grow in pots, as you can move them into a greenhouse for the coldest winter spells. 

When purchasing an olive tree, Guy Barter, chief horticulturist at the RHS, stresses the importance of buying from a reputable supplier that gets stock from areas free of the notifiable disease, Xylella; 'so long as you purchase from a reputable supplier, olives are generally free of pests and diseases'.

Despite being evergreen trees, Guy explains that you shouldn't be surprised if many leaves fall in April, 'this is natural turnover of older leaves to make way for new ones'.

What is the most beautiful evergreen tree?

Magnolia grandiflora is the most beautiful evergreen tree. Erupting in a profusion of blooms in the spring adding beauty and scent, these trees are at their best at the start of spring, heralding the warmer days ahead. However, for the rest of the year, they are elegant additions to  gardens as their broad, glossy leaves offer year-round interest and brings continual life, even in the dead of winter. 

What is the best evergreen tree for a small garden?

Holly is the best evergreen tree for a small garden as it offers vibrant leaf color, visual interest and a great source of food for visiting wildlife, all the while maintaining a small stature. 

While there are some larger varieties, there are also plenty of smaller options, like the Chinese dwarf holly, that are slow-growing. If your garden is particularly small, consider growing evergreen trees in pots as this will help you to keep control of their size. 

Having graduated with a first class degree in English Literature four years ago, Holly started her career as a features writer and sub-editor at Period Living magazine, Homes & Gardens' sister title. Working on Period Living brought with it insight into the complexities of owning and caring for period homes, from interior decorating through to choosing the right windows and the challenges of extending. This has led to a passion for traditional interiors, particularly the country-look. Writing for the Homes & Gardens website as a content editor, alongside regular features for Period Living and Country Homes & Interiors magazines, has enabled her to broaden her writing to incorporate her interests in gardening, wildlife and nature. 

15 Exceptional Choices for the Yard and Garden

If you’re looking for evergreen trees that stay naturally short-statured, have no maintenance requirements beyond watering, and stay green all winter long, you’ve come to the right place! While finding all of these traits in a single tree might seem too good to be true, it isn’t. In fact, there are lots of dwarf evergreen trees that offer all of these benefits and more to small-space gardeners. They’re also great choices for anyone who doesn’t want to spend their weekends pruning overgrown plants. Before I introduce you to 15 of my favorite small evergreen trees, let’s take a look at some of the perks these plants provide.

Why plant small evergreen trees?

There are many benefits of planting small evergreen trees in your yard and garden.

Dwarf evergreen trees, like this compact blue spruce, offer so much to the landscape.

Top 15 dwarf evergreen trees for small gardens

While there are hundreds of compact evergreens for small gardens, these 15 are exceptional varieties I’ve personally worked with. As a horticulturist, I see lots of evergreen trees and shrubs worth growing. But, those on this list are among the finest small-statured varieties available to home gardeners.

1. The Blues Weeping Colorado Spruce (Picea pungens ‘The Blues’): This amazing and extremely hardy variety of weeping blue spruce is a total show-stopper. Though it’s fast growing, it tops out at just 10 feet in height with a width between 5 and 10 feet. The blue-green needles are thickly packed on downward hanging branches. Hardy down to -50 degrees F, ‘The Blues’ is among the most deer resistant of the dwarf evergreen trees. It thrives in full sun conditions but will also tolerate some shade.

The weeping habit of ‘The Blues’ adds an extra layer of interest to the garden.

2. Hinoki Cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa):  A compact, extremely slow-growing, soft-needled evergreen with a somewhat pyramidal form, Hinoki cypress have fan-shaped foliage that’s lush and dark green. It gives the plant an almost feathery texture. Winter hardy down to -30 degrees F, Hinoki cypress are 10 to 12  feet tall and 3 to 4 feet wide when twenty years old. This evergreen requires full to partial sun and well-drained soils. If you’d like an even smaller version of this plant that tops out at just 5 feet tall, look for the cultivar ‘Nana Gracilis’

This Hinoki cypress has been pruned into a three-balled topiary, but its natural form is gorgeous, too.

3. Blue Wonder Blue Spruce (Picea glauca ‘Blue Wonder’):  This sweet little spruce is winter hardy down to -40 degrees F. It has beautiful blue-gray foliage and a lovely compact form. This dwarf evergreen is an excellent alternative to dwarf Alberta spruce and it looks great in winter container plantings, too. Slowly reaching 6 feet in height, ‘Blue Wonder’ is only 3 feet wide at maturity and has a naturally dense conical form.

4. Dwarf Balsam Fir (Abies balsamea ‘Nana’):  A squat, rounded fir with lush needles, this compact plant deserves a place on every list of dwarf evergreen trees. Hardy to -40 degrees F, the slow growth rate of this variety makes it great for folks who don’t have the time or inclination to regularly prune their shrubs. Like other balsam firs, this compact selection has dark green needles and densely packed branches. It reaches 5 to 6 feet wide after many years of growth.

5. Chalet Swiss Stone Pine (Pinus cembra ‘Chalet’):  Swiss Stone pines have long been a favorite of mine, and this dwarf variety is no different. When it comes to dwarf evergreen trees, ‘Chalet’ has so much to offer! Slow growing with a beautiful form, this small evergreen tree is columnar in shape and densely branched. The needles are long and blue-green, lending a soft look to this compact evergreen. With a hardiness down to -40 degrees F, ‘Chalet’ is an exceptional choice that reaches just 8 feet in height with a width of 4 feet.

No matter what their variety, Swiss Stone pines are among the finest dwarf evergreen trees on the market.

6. Tip Top Dwarf Swiss Stone Pine (Pinus cembra ‘Tip Top’):  So, just to prove I wasn’t kidding about loving Swiss Stone pines, here’s another variety of these dwarf evergreen trees worth planting in small gardens. ‘Tip Top’ is extremely hardy (-40 degrees F) and downright adorable. In 10 years it reaches just 6 feet tall and 3 feet wide. The white undersides of the needles, combined with their long form and soft feel, make this evergreen look like a shaggy green Muppet. Its growth habit is narrow and conical, and like all of the other dwarf evergreen trees on this list, ‘Tip Top’ requires zero pruning to maintain its small stature.

7. Dwarf Serbian Spruce (Picea omorika ‘Nana’):  The dense growth of this compact evergreen tree makes it a super choice for small garden beds and foundation plantings. Like other Serbian spruces, this dwarf form has green needles with white striping on the undersides, giving the tree a soft appearance. Slow-growing and reaching a maximum height of just 3 to 5 feet with an equal width, dwarf Serbian spruce thrives in garden zones with winter temperatures down to -30 degrees F. Loosely pyramidal in form with no pruning required.

Dwarf Serbian spruce does not grow large, and it’s a great small evergreen for a small yard.

8. Green Spire Euonymus (Euonymus japonicus ‘Green Spire’):  Winter hardy down to -10 degrees, ‘Green Spire’ euonymus is well behaved, giving it a more formal appearance than some other options. The glossy, green foliage is perfect for creating a narrow hedge or screen. Maxing out at 6 to 8 feet in height with a spread of just 1 to 2 feet, this naturally narrow shrub is a fast grower, too.

9. Green Arrow Weeping Alaska Cedar (Chamaecyparis nootakatensis ‘Green Arrow’):  Tall and narrow, ‘Green Arrow’ is one of the finest narrow evergreen trees for small yards and gardens. Of all the weeping Alaska cedars, ‘Green Arrow’ offers the most slender girth. Topping out at 20 feet in height and 1 foot wide, you might not consider it dwarf, but it’s super small footprint makes it great for even the tiniest of backyards. The weeping branches have soft foliage with a fan-like appearance. Winter hardy down to -20 degrees F, ‘Green Arrow’ makes a phenomenal addition to the garden.

The tall but narrow appearance of ‘Green Arrow’ weeping Alaska cedar is a show stopper, and it’s suited to even the smallest garden.

10. Green Penguin Dwarf Scotch Pine (Pinus sylvestris ‘Green Penguin):  A chunky, yet tidy dwarf evergreen, once you see ‘Green Penguin’ you’ll realize how it got its name. With new growth that’s feathery and older growth that’s long-needled, this dwarf scotch pine is very unique. It has a thick, pyramidal form that never has you reaching for your pruning shears, and ‘Green Penguin’ is hardy to -40 degrees F. Maximum height is 6 feet with a width equal to half its height.

11. Dwarf Japanese Black Pine (Pinus thunbergii ‘Kotobuki’):  Fully winter hardy to -20 degrees F, this needled evergreen reaches just 4 feet tall and 2 feet wide. The upright candles of new growth in the spring, coupled with its narrow growth habit, make ‘Kotobuki’ an excellent choice for containers and small gardens. Slow growing, with a dense structure, this deer-resistant evergreen has needles that are about half the length of regular Japanese black pines.

Japanese black pines are lovely trees, and the compact variety ‘Kotobuki’ is a prime choice for smaller landscapes.

12. Dwarf Pencil Point Juniper (Juniperus communis ‘Compressa’):  Evergreen and columnar in form, dwarf pencil point juniper is both unique and slow growing. With an average height of 5 feet and a width of just 1 foot, this sun-loving evergreen has blue-green needles. Female plants may produce blue “berries” in the fall as well. Its tapered form means it’s a great “exclamation point” accent plant for smaller landscapes. Winter hardy to -40 degrees F.

13. North Star Dwarf White Spruce (Picea glauca ‘North Star’):  Extremely hardy, this compact evergreen tree is pyramidal in shape and covered with green needles. Deer-resistant and hardy to -50 degrees F, ‘North Star’ tops out at 5 to 10 feet tall and 4 feet wide. It prefers full to partial sun and requires little to no pruning to maintain a neat-and-tidy shape. Easy to grow and tolerant of all but the wettest soils, ‘North Star’ is among the finest dwarf evergreen trees available.

‘North Star’ white spruce is a densely branched, beautiful compact evergreen.

14. Upright Japanese Plum Yew (Cephaloxatus harringtoniia ‘Fastigiata’):  This broad-needled evergreen is hardy to -10 degrees F. Its upright, slender growth habit maxes out at 8 feet tall and 3 feet wide. Though it’s non-flowering, Japanese plum yews have dark green needles that are densely spaced on bottlebrush-like, upright branches. Each needle is about 2 inches long. It thrives in full to partial sun, but prefers afternoon shade in hot southern regions during the summer months.

The upright branches of the Japanese plum yew mean it doesn’t take up much room in the garden.

15. Little Gem Dwarf Southern Magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora ‘Little Gem’):  Like its full-sized kin, this compact southern magnolia is lush and attractive. The leaves are just as dark green and glossy as traditional southern magnolias, but they’re smaller in size. Large, white, perfumed flowers cover this columnar dwarf evergreen tree in late spring through summer. A second bloom may occur again in the fall in cooler climates. While at a mature height of 20 feet tall, ‘Little Gem’ certainly isn’t as petite as some of the other trees featured here. But, it is significantly smaller than a standard southern magnolia and is one of the finest dwarf evergreen trees available. Winter hardy down to 0 degrees F.

The ease of maintenance, beauty, and diversity of these dwarf evergreen trees is hard to deny. There’s no doubt making a home for one or more of them in your garden pays big dividends all year long.

For more on using compact plant varieties in your garden, check out the following articles:

What are your favorite compact evergreen trees? We’d love to hear about them in the comment section below.

title and description. Use in landscape design

where evergreen plants are growing

  • 4 Care
  • Needle evergreen forests grow on our beautiful planet, predominantly forests of the Northern Hemisphere. Evergreen trees such as spruce, pine, fir, podocarp and others are widespread here. In addition to needle evergreens, there are also deciduous evergreen trees, creepers and shrubs that inhabit the temperate rainforests of the Southern Hemisphere. The xerophilic (with thickened, hardened foliage that resists water loss) coastal forests of the Northern Hemisphere are home to evergreen rhododendrons (Pontus, dense rhododendron), laurel cherry, and holly.

    Most tropical rainforests contain broad-leaved evergreens. Their foliage is usually thicker and more leathery than that of the deciduous trees we are accustomed to. In addition, each leaf can remain on an evergreen tree for two or more years. An example is the evergreen cocoa tree. In cold-temperate and arctic regions, cone-shaped shrubs or coniferous trees, such as pines and firs, usually grow.

    Species of evergreens

    The range of evergreens is very diverse. There are not only well-known conifers, but also deciduous shrubs with powerful and beautiful flowering. Diverse in height, size, growth rate, evergreens are suitable not only for large areas. Low-growing and miniature varieties do not take up much space and are very popular with owners of small plots.


    Conifers were once used exclusively for planting on city streets, but now they are often found in home gardens. Many gardeners have become true fans of these plants. The most common varieties of evergreen conifers:

    1. Spruce. An evergreen tree with hard needles, resistant to severe frosts, tolerates shading. Can grow on any soil, easily tolerates waterlogging. In garden design, medium-sized varieties are most often used, which are planted in mixborders, hedges. Dwarf spruces are located in alpine hills, used in indoor floriculture.
    2. Cypress. Spectacular tree with original needles, giving the yew a special decorative effect. There are species with a pyramidal and curved crown. The monumental form of cypress has found application in the design of alleys on the territory of sanatoriums and recreation centers. Dwarf varieties of cypress are common in indoor floriculture.
    3. Fir. The tree has a dense, cone-shaped crown, long, curved, bright green needles and beautiful purple buds. The tree is moisture-loving and in the dry period it needs abundant watering. In addition to the usual varieties, fir has miniature forms that take root perfectly in a small area and can withstand shading. Fir is planted in hedges, group compositions, paths, alleys are decorated.
    4. Boxwood. A small tree (10−12 m) with small dense leaves. In the axils of the leaves are small white flowers, collected in the form of a spikelet. The shiny foliage of boxwood is very decorative. The tree is planted in parks to frame roads, and various bizarre shapes are given to boxwood by shearing. The tree grows slowly, retains its shape for a long time.
    5. Tis. An unpretentious tree with dark green needles and bright red berries. The most shade-tolerant tree among conifers. Yew does not have a specific smell of needles. Planted as a background in rock gardens, used in topiary compositions. The poisonous plant is used in classical homeopathy.
    6. Thuya. A plant with a rich color palette of needles (blue, yellow, green). This allows you to pick it up for any landscape composition. Thuja is photophilous, not all species are resistant to frost. It tolerates a haircut well, it is often planted along alleys and in hedges.

    In group plantings with the participation of conifers, it must be taken into account that their roots grow strongly and in the future these trees may occupy a rather large area.


    The most "neat" tree - its crown is dense, symmetrical. Even fully ripened fruit cones do not shaggy, decorate the branches with medium-sized balls of light brown color. Cypress usually emphasizes the high status of the dacha owner.

    Capricious southerner, evergreen, pyramidal or Arizona species, winters well in the conditions of the Middle Zone, if the temperature drops do not exceed -20 °C. Undersized and dwarf varieties are considered the most suitable - they are easier to cover for the winter.

    The best place for planting is semi-shady, with fertile, loose soil that does not retain moisture. All cypresses are demanding on watering, air humidity and the introduction of nutrients into the soil.


    A coniferous evergreen plant belonging to the Cypress family. It can be both a tree and a shrub. Common juniper (Juniperus communis) grows mainly in the Northern Hemisphere of our planet. However, in Africa you can also find your own juniper - East African. In the Mediterranean and Central Asia, this plant forms juniper forests. Quite common are undersized species that creep along the ground and rocky slopes.

    Today, more than fifty species of juniper are known.

    As a rule, it is a photophilous and drought-resistant crop. Absolutely undemanding to soils and temperatures. However, like any plant, it has its own preferences - for example, it develops better in light and nutritious soil.

    Juniper , like all conifers, is a long-lived plant. Its average life expectancy is about 500 years.

    The needles of the juniper are bluish-green in color, triangular, pointed at the ends. The cones are spherical, gray or blue in color. Rod root.

    Magic properties were attributed to this coniferous plant. For example, it was believed that a juniper wreath scares away evil spirits and brings good luck. Perhaps that is why in Europe there was a fashion to hang wreaths on the eve of the new year.

    Juniper trees and shrubs are widely used in landscape design. Group plantings are good for creating hedges. Single plants also do an excellent job with the main role in the composition. Low-growing creeping varieties are often used as ground cover plants. They strengthen slopes well and prevent soil erosion. In addition, juniper lends itself well to a haircut.

    Scaly juniper (Juniperus squamata) is a creeping shrub. Thick branches with the same dense needles look very decorative.

    Glauka Globoza

    The famous spruce stands out with blue needles. Grows in height up to 2 meters. It is used in many countries to decorate urban and suburban landscapes. Due to the fact that the tree lends itself to shearing, original blue balls are made from it, which delight their fans all year round.


    This type of spruce is characterized by a wide conical crown with hanging branches. Considered slow growing. For 30 years it grows to a height of up to 4 meters. Plant diameter is about 3 m. Prefers shady places. Spruce tolerates cold temperatures very well. In the summer heat, it needs watering.


    Despite the dense crown, pines begin to thin out over time. The trunk of the tree is quite long, and the bark has a dark brown tint. As a rule, there are no problems with pruning, only the crown is given the desired shape in the summer, until the movement of the juice has stopped. To obtain side shoots, pinching is carried out in the spring. It is not recommended to choose pine trees for making a hedge, as they thin out, which can ruin the entire composition as a whole.

    Pine trees are drought-resistant and thrive on poor sandy soils

    Mountain pine with a squat crown is often planted on alpine hills. High decorativeness, easily formed crown, healthy air in the country, the possibility of propagation by cuttings are the main advantages of the tree. Most thujas tolerate frost well, needing only light cover or regular brushing of snow from the branches.

    For decoration, a variety of types are used - with a columnar or spherical crown, similar to spruce and creeping along the ground.

    Also read the article about planting thuja and growing this plant at home.

    All types and varieties tolerate shade, drought, heavy rains, provided there is good drainage.


    The tree has a straight trunk and a narrow crown resembling a column. Grows up to 10 meters. The dense branches are directed upwards, which gives the tree a majestic character.


    Cedar, or Siberian cedar pine, rarely occurs in summer cottages: the tree requires special care at a young age, although it grows without problems in its natural environment, in the taiga. The main feature of the species is a very short growing season, only 45 days. Although it is often called a giant tree, its slow growth, as well as a variety of new varieties, make it possible to use it in the design of a summer residence.

    The place for planting a seedling is chosen so that an adult plant is provided with free space with a diameter of about 10 m. The site should be open, but young plants need shading up to 10 years of age, especially during periods of abnormal heat.

    The soil needs a neutral pH, loose, well-drained. The plant loves regular moistening, fertilizing.

    Lebanese, Himalayan, Atlas are considered real cedars. Unlike the Siberian relative, their seeds are not suitable for food. The famous pine nuts - the pride of Siberia - are completely identical in taste to the seeds of any pine tree, differing only in size.

    With patience, garden varieties of Siberian cedar, which are compact in size, can be grown in summer cottages in various regions. But only some varieties give fruits of the desired quality, the rest are used only for decorative purposes, including for creating bonsai-style compositions.


    The variety is characterized by original silvery needles, the tips of which are painted whitish. Every spring, luminescent yellow shoots come out of her buds. This unusual combination creates a stunning view on the site of a country house. And it lasts almost a whole month.

    European Maxwelli

    Dwarf shrub in the form of a wide cone. It tolerates winter frosts and shady places without problems. Grows up to a meter high. The diameter of an adult shrub is 2 m.


    A dwarf tree that grows up to only 50 cm. The diameter of an adult plant is 1 m. The crown is rounded, slightly flattened. Works great in small areas.


    The tallest and oldest tree on the planet - the sequoia grows wild only in California (USA). The branches of the conical crown are strictly horizontal, only occasionally slightly sloping down, the average life expectancy is about one and a half thousand years.

    Trees are not grown outdoors in our latitudes, they need a lot of moisture in the ground and air. Bonsai indoor options are more popular. They require a lot of patience and care, but the exquisite beauty of the composition compensates for all difficulties.


    The tree has a columnar crown and falling weeping branches that, like a train, touch the ground. It grows up to a maximum of 8 meters. Mature plant diameter approx. 2.5 m.

    Deciduous trees and shrubs

    These plants come from tropical and subtropical countries, many of them are very thermophilic. Popular evergreen hardwoods:

    1. Heather. Low shrub (up to 70 cm) with a dark brown crown. The fruit is a capsule 2.5 cm long. Through the efforts of breeders, varieties with silvery, golden foliage and double white flowers were bred. Honey plant. Heather is widely used to create landscape compositions with ferns and low-growing deciduous trees. Looks beautiful in decorative boxes or flowerpots.
    2. Evergreen honeysuckle. Climbing plant with elliptical or oval dark green leaves. The flowers are large, red or orange, growing in groups. Does not like heavy, damp soil; in winter it can freeze. Like all climbing plants, honeysuckle is used for vertical gardening of walls, balconies, arbors.
    3. Callistemon. A low shrub with remarkable "brush" flowers, which are collected in cylindrical inflorescences up to 12 cm long. A light-loving plant, the buds may not open and die from a lack of sunlight. The bush blooms for 3-4 years, but its beauty justifies such long expectations.

    4. Camellia. An evergreen shrub, striking in its beauty, can become an ornament to any site. Dark green foliage is decorative at any time of the year. Luxurious camellia flowers resemble roses. There are 8 varieties of camellia. Flowers are white, pink, red, single or double. The shrub grows quickly, is able to turn the garden into an attractive flowering area in a short time.
    5. Evergreen laurel. A low tree with beautiful fragrant leaves covered with a dense, shiny skin. All parts of the plant contain essential oils, have a pleasant spicy smell. Laurel flowers are small and inconspicuous. The fruits are like berries, with a stone inside. Since ancient times, laurel leaves have been added to dishes as a fragrant seasoning.
    6. Holly mahonia. The diverse color palette of mahonia leaves was the reason for the popularity of the plant among gardeners. In spring, the leaves have a reddish tint, then it changes to dark green. By autumn, mahonia becomes golden-bronze. A low-growing shrub is planted in rock gardens, hedges, lawn and group compositions. A lot of outgrowths during the season can form small thickets, so mahonia is successfully used to decorate the "bald" areas of the garden.
    Laurel cherry

    In all its appearance laurel cherry is similar to laurel , only laurel does not winter in the open ground in our region, and laurel cherry perfectly tolerates frosts down to -25. We are talking about laurel cherry officinalis, the most frost-resistant variety of all laurel cherries. All winter it is cheerful and cheerful , it grows very actively throughout the warm season. Responsive to clipping and pinching . It can be grown to form a bush-ball, it is possible on a trunk. Amazing plant!

    From the second year after planting it flowers and bears fruit .

    Holly - an evergreen shrub

    A symbol of Christmas, it is traditionally used to decorate houses during the winter holidays.
    Holly evergreen shrub blooms from October to December, easily tolerates shading, but it is not a shade-loving plant.
    The greatest contrast of colors in this plant appears in the sun.

    Holly is especially beautiful in winter, when bushes with bright green leaves and
    beads of red, white, yellow, black and orange berries that stay on the bushes all winter.


    Lavender has been at the height of fashion in Russian gardens for several years now. In our region, this is one of the most unpretentious garden plants , which is important to give a lot of sun and lighter soil, and ensure timely pruning of . All!

    My lavender reproduces by self-sowing so actively that in autumn I sell or give away 20 to 30 bushes from one mother plant.

    Mother bush near the boulder, already pruned after flowering. To the right and left of it, as well as between the plates and in the foreground, the bushes of this year. Soon I will dig them up and plant them in pots. I gave part of the self-sowing in the spring. Over the summer, the bushes become ready for planting in a permanent place by plants. Some even faded this summer Lavender twig peeking out of a snowdrift last winter0224 ready to grow in almost any climate . In spring it is covered with blue flowers. In winter, it pleases with green shoots. In summer, the curtain becomes lush and actively grows. This beauty needs to be restrained.

    I have it growing in a "brazen" flower bed - all the active garden "invaders" got there: periwinkle, groundcover sedum, oxalis, psyllium hosta and mint.

    Hedera-Helix ivy

    The main "antidepressant" in our garden: in a dull southern winter this green juicy wall will definitely cheer you up . Reviews about his life in other climatic zones are very contradictory. I know exactly the garden in Voronezh, where he lives without problems without much care.


    Small shrub, 3 to 5 m high, fast growing, full bloom. The leaves are dark green in color. Inflorescences in diameter no more than 6 cm. This is a heat-loving plant, all year round in open areas can only be located in the south, where the air temperature does not fall below + 8 degrees.

    Oleander is used as a solitaire, in group plantings, when decorating alleys, stairs and terraces


    Extremely unpretentious plant : sun, light soil and nothing more. For more rapid than usual flowering, you can apply simple agricultural techniques. I made a material about how I achieve large flower stalks in yucca for the second year in a row. I'll give you a link at the end of the article.


    A low tree with dense glossy leaves that have a pleasant aroma. All parts of the laurel contain essential oils. The flowers are small, the fruits are similar to berries.

    Laurels ideally tolerate shearing, suitable for creating hedges and garden compositions of the most diverse forms


    Choisia is a rounded evergreen shrub with a densely leafy crown all year round.
    Flat inflorescences of wax flowers appear in spring - both leaves and flowers are fragrant.

    Photo of Choisia

    Trifoliate Choisia - 2 m high. Flowering time: April - May.
    Location: sunny or slightly shady.
    Reproduction: cuttings under glass in summer.


    This is a short plant (6-10 m) with a diameter of 0. 7 m. The tree has many curved branches that form a dome shape. The leaves are a rich green hue, leathery dense. Guayacum is unpretentious, tolerates drought well, and can be planted on any soil.

    Guaiac tree is grown for ornamental and medicinal purposes

    Olive tree

    A deciduous shrub resembling a small tree. It reaches a height of 2-4 m, the branches are grayish-brown in color, on the shoots there are spines 5 cm long. The foliage is silvery in color and has an ovoid shape.

    European olive can grow in one place for hundreds of years

    This is a rather spectacular plant, so it can often be seen on the site. It is used both for single plantings and in a group with other crops. Thanks to the unusual color of the leaves, the plant can act as a background, making other plants look advantageous.

    When planting evergreen trees and shrubs on the site, they should be properly cared for. Only in this way will plants decorate the site all year round.

    Star anise

    An evergreen shrub that can grow up to 15 m in height. The leaves are dense, their length reaches 15 cm. The flowers come in different shades: burgundy, red, yellow. Star-shaped fruits. The plant is unpretentious, but prefers partial shade. To form a beautiful bush, it is regularly pruned.

    Star anise prefers partial shade, blooms from March to May

    Japanese Akuba

    Japanese Akuba (Aucuba japonica) is a simple ornamental plant with high ornamental value,
    which can be enjoyed throughout the year.
    Likes shade or partial shade. Blooms in March-April.

    Juliana barberry

    Juliana barberry is a cold and unassuming plant.
    Tolerates both sun and drought.

    Barberry photo

    It develops well in any soil.
    Very suitable for hedges.


    I don't have a photo of wintering badan, but, unlike pyracantha, it can endure not only the southern winter without any trouble. Species badan comes from Altai, so he is very hardy . The plant also has healing properties, but I love it very much for these spreading leaves . However, in two years it has not bloomed even once. I read that when an adult plant is divided, it can behave like this, so I expect it to bloom in 2022)


    It is an evergreen shrub and has dense glossy dark green foliage.
    Blossoms unusually beautiful, forming inflorescences similar to roses.

    Photo Camellia

    But the value of this evergreen shrub is that its flowering begins ... in autumn and lasts up to three months.

    In garden design

    The choice of evergreens is great, which makes it possible to use them to decorate any garden landscape. Hedges and group compositions are formed with the participation of the following plants:

    Evergreen shrubs are an excellent backdrop for many flowering plants. The following evergreen crops look good in solitary plantings:

    Evergreens improve the microclimate, save from monotony. They can become the main focus of the site or combined with other garden crops.

    The role of ornamental trees in a modern garden

    In addition to their natural aesthetic function - to give a person enjoyment of the beauty of nature, ornamental trees and shrubs are used by gardeners and designers to solve purely practical problems.

    How to calculate the number of seedlings?

    There are certain rules for planting trees on a personal plot. So, for example, trees should not be located too close to neighboring fences and power lines. Usually seedlings are located at a distance of 5-6 meters. Between plantings, certain intervals must also be observed so that the growing trees do not shade each other.

    When buying a seedling from a nursery, it is advisable to clarify how much space this crop requires, especially if it is exotic.

    On average, the distance between trees and shrubs in a fruit orchard should be approximately the following: large fruit trees for the garden (apple, pear, apricot, sweet cherry) are planted every 5-6 meters, the distance between rows should be a little more - about 8 meters for the unimpeded transport of carts and other garden work.

    Plum, cherry, peach and quince are planted according to the scheme of 3x4 meters, grapes - 2.5x1.5 meters, raspberries - 0.75x1, gooseberries and currants - 1.25x1.5 meters.

    As long as the trees are small, separate beds with vegetables or berries can be planted between them. As the beds grow, they will have to be moved to another place.

    Based on these restrictions, you can estimate how many seedlings you need to purchase for a given site.

    Arrangement of trees in the garden

    For a garden to look truly decorative, each tree must be in its proper place.

    When planning a plot and planting seedlings, one should be guided by the basic principles of landscape style:

    Combining various ornamental and fruit plants, taking into account the general concept of the site and existing buildings, you can eventually create a real dream garden.

    How to plan a garden?

    When buying seedlings and planting them, the gardener must have a good idea of ​​how they will look when they grow up, that is, in a few years or decades. When choosing trees, the following should be taken into account:

    If the garden is landscaped, trees should not be planted in rows. Mixed groups look picturesque, in which one tree is large, next to it two or three are lower and several shrubs of different species frame the whole group.

    When selecting seedlings for each such group, in addition to height, it is desirable to take into account the timing of flowering.

    A group in which flowering continues for a long period will always look impressive. You also need to mix deciduous and evergreen plants.

    The following species can be planted in the garden:

    When choosing seedlings, it is necessary first of all to focus on the climate.

    You also need to know the height of the groundwater in the area. The high level of groundwater suggests that the site is swampy and acidic soils that need to be limed regularly. Not every tree will grow in such conditions. Plum fruit trees are the most resistant to such conditions, and weeping willow and willow are the most resistant to such conditions.

    Any shrubs except lilac grow on moist soils. Mock orange, cinquefoil, black elderberry, rhododendrons, blueberries are popular.

    Garden style

    You also need to decide on the style of the future garden. It can be:

    In order to get the effect of naturalness, you need to work hard, carefully considering how to place the trees in the garden.


    We water the trees as needed, top dressing in April. Pruning is a very important tree care operation. Spend it in winter or early spring. The formation of the crown begins in the nursery, continues after landing in a permanent place.

    The process is completed by bringing the trunk to the required height and giving the crown shape characteristic of this variety.

    The height of standard and grafted varieties depends on the rootstock and grafting height. Sanitary pruning is carried out annually, removing dry, broken or unwanted shoots.

    With the help of pruning, artificial crowns, oval, umbrella, etc. can be formed. The most suitable species for crown formation in the initial stage of growth: linden, sycamore, beech, field maple.

    Sheared, artificially shaped crowns require great skill and constant care, some of them require special metal or bamboo trellises in the initial stage, but in conspicuous places, in squares, at shopping centers or in small gardens and recreational areas, this gives them amazing effect.

    Every year we carry out sanitary pruning, which consists in removing dry, diseased and broken branches.


    Garden evergreens, 10 popular crops

    Evergreens are a large group of plants that maintain the same species throughout the year. Among them are not only conifers familiar to the inhabitants of the middle lane, but also creeping plants, and shrubs, and herbs. Many of them are frost-resistant, most are shade-loving. They are perfect for a garden in a country house or a country house due to a number of advantages:

    With the help of imagination and funding, with the help of evergreen ornamental plants, you can make the site look festive and beautiful in winter.

    Evergreens in an English garden

    Flower garden with evergreens

    Variations of use

    Evergreens for gardens can be used in many different ways in the design of the garden.


    The simplest of the possibilities is to plant plants in such a way that they set off different corners of the garden. If you combine different heights and different shades of foliage, even in winter some diversity will remain on the site.


    If you make it from deciduous plants shedding their leaves, in winter it will lose all meaning, turn into an interweaving of dull black branches, through which you can clearly see what is happening on the site. If you use evergreens for hedges, even in winter it will retain impenetrability and a chic look.

    Garden decor with evergreens

    Living sculptures

    Sculptures made from shedding plants become quite unattractive in winter. Made from evergreens, they will retain their shape and chic even under snow.


    Zoning is one of the best features of undersized shrubs. They can separate the plantings from the paths, the paths from the lawns and the lawn from the house. In addition to the aesthetic function, they can also perform a protective one: do not let the wind through, do not allow weeds or grass to grow from the lawn.

    Decoration of fences, arbors and any kind of lattices

    Evergreen vines are best for this, which will make the house or arbor look like ivy-covered castles even in winter.

    Spruce in the garden

    Depending on the purpose, you need to choose suitable plants - each of them is good for achieving certain goals.


    Strongly branching evergreen shrub reaching a height of 70 cm. It usually blooms from mid-summer, but becomes especially beautiful only in late autumn, as its leaves change color to yellow and burgundy.

    It should be watered frequently with acidified water. And on hot days, the leaves need to be sprayed. The plant equally loves the sun and shade, so choosing a place for it in the garden is easy.

    If the winters in your zone are too severe and have little snow, cover Heather with a layer of peat in late autumn. Then remove the shelter in the spring.

    This plant is very beautiful, but it will grow in the garden with incredible speed.

    Species of evergreens

    Evergreens are numerous and varied. Their household classification is quite simple. According to the type of foliage, evergreens are:

    Moss lawn in the garden
    Evergreens are classified differently in shape. Among them are:

    In each sub-clause there are plants that can be used in the garden. The main thing is to figure out which one is suitable for what.

    Evergreen hedge

    Monetary loosestrife

    Evergreen with creeping shoots. Its stems reach 40 cm. Loosestrife leaves are like coins: light green, round and small, they grow only in pairs.

    Its flowers are always yellow, solitary and with 5 petals. Flowering usually occurs between June and August, but only about a month.

    This plant likes shade and soil moisture. At one place Verbeinik is able to live for about 10 years. It is better to plant it in spring or autumn.

    It is used instead of lawn grass, and also for decorating pillars, arches, arbors in the garden or walls of the house, because it can grow vertically.


    The most popular and familiar tree is found in three varieties.


    Giant spruce that can grow up to 30 meters in height and spread branches no less than 5 m. The first decade after planting grows slowly, then it can add more than half a meter in height in a year. In gardens, its decorative varieties are more often used:

    Stone rose in the garden

    Porch decor with evergreens


    Can grow up to 25 meters. The crown is low down with a bluish tint. The spines are long and sharp. It also has decorative subspecies:

    Evergreen bushes

    Art Nouveau garden with evergreens


    The most frost-resistant spruce that can easily tolerate frosts down to 30 degrees. Easy to care for, tolerates wind well. Has decorative varieties:

    Spruce does not tolerate close proximity to other trees - its roots grow over a large area close to the surface and it makes no sense to plant any other plant closer than at a distance of 3 meters. Also does not like abundant watering, like many other coniferous woody plants. The ideal watering scheme is once every 10 days, little by little.

    Likes light and grows well in full sun. Seedlings are best planted in summer, in dry, loosened soil.

    Moss in the garden

    Juniper in the garden


    This is a short plant whose name speaks for itself. The saxifrage usually grows in the mountains, on rocks or stones, making its way to the sun and decorating the rocks with its brightness.

    In the process of flowering, pink, purple, white or even yellow bright flowers appear from green nondescript shoots. In length, it can grow up to 70 cm.

    The plant exudes a gray calcareous coating. Likes a sunny place, unpretentious in watering. Flowers are often collected in inflorescences, have 5 petals. Flowering lasts about 3 weeks, begins at the end of July.


    Fir is a coniferous evergreen plant with a grayish, pleasant shade of bark and soft needles. Its roots go deep into the ground, the cones do not fall off, but open right on the tree. Among the decorative and popular varieties:

    Fir loves light places and moist, loose soil, therefore, in dry times, it requires watering. It does not tolerate severe frosts; in the first year, the roots need a warm layer of spruce branches that will cover them.

    Pieris in the garden

    Fir in the garden


    This is a perennial herb that can cheer up everyone. The effect is achieved thanks to the beautiful colors of pink, purple and other shades. Semi-shrub grows up to 70 cm in height. Its leaves are dense, shiny and pleasant to look at.

    Lesser Periwinkle is also easy to care for. But he likes more places with shading. The plant remains green at any time of the year, even with a highly unstable climate, it will delight others with its beauty.


    Boxwood is a low growing ornamental plant that is excellent for landscaping. With it, you can form a hedge or border, use it for garden zoning. Likes sunny or slightly shaded areas, well-loosened soil, frequent timely watering. It does not tolerate too shaded places, cold - in the fall, its roots should be covered with dry needles or sawdust.

    Boxwood is a perennial plant that grows rapidly and chaotically in height and requires periodic pruning. Can be very effective with proper care.

    At the same time, although boxwood is beautiful, it is poisonous. It is best to take care of him with gloves.

    Garden ivy

    Watering evergreens

    Holly mahonia

    This ornamental evergreen shrub is not only attractive, but also useful. Its dark blue berries can hang on a bush and please the eye for about 5 months, while their taste properties will remain the same. The berries of this plant are considered dessert, they are quite pleasant to the taste.

    Magonia leaves are also as beautiful as berries. Green leaves carved along the edges turn purple in winter, but this only increases their attractiveness.

    Holly mahonia loves both shadow and light. Does not tolerate stagnant water, so water only in dry weather.

    In winter, young Magonia will not always be able to survive, therefore, to help her, cover the bush in the first years of life before frost with spruce branches. Then this plant will serve your garden as a decoration for many years.


    Juniper is one of the most popular evergreens. It can reach up to 12 meters in height, it has a pleasant smell and beautiful cones, which eventually turn from green to gray and begin to resemble berries. It has several decorative varieties:

    Juniper grows for a long time and practically does not need care - it needs to be watered only during a drought and occasionally loosen the soil. Sometimes you can apply fertilizer.

    One of the exotic advantages of juniper, which herbaceous evergreens cannot boast of, is cones. They can be used as a seasoning for meat or fish. They give the finished dish a pleasant fresh aroma.

    Rhododendrons in the garden

    Garden of evergreens

    Azalea japonica

    When it comes to Azalea, most people remember only small houseplants in pots on the windowsill. But nature has created many types of this shrub. We are also interested in Japanese Azalea, which is sometimes called evergreen.
    In landscape design. During flowering (April - May), the Azalea is covered with so many flowers that sometimes it is even impossible to see the bush itself. Due to its natural brightness, Azalea is often used in the center of compositions, for example, large flower beds. In addition, there are a huge number of varieties of almost any color on the market.

    Care. Japanese azalea is one of the few evergreens that is extremely demanding on care. In order for this shrub not to die, it needs to provide a suitable place (partial shade is usually best), sufficient humidity, and shelter in winter.

    Creepers and mosses

    May be grouped together as they are less popular than trees and shrubs. However, when used correctly, they can look no less impressive and at the same time much more original.

    Ivy is a climbing evergreen deciduous plant. He loves warmth, loose acidic soil, an abundance of garters that can be braided. Its leaves reach a quarter of a meter in length, their color is greenish, yellowish or grayish. In autumn, flowers appear on the branches - small, green and similar to umbrellas - which by spring become large black berries with a pleasant nutmeg smell. They can be used as a spice.

    Boxwood in the garden

    Bindweed - evergreens that do not lose their attractiveness in winter. Leaves are silvery gray and bloom all summer, producing pink buds that open into white flowers. It needs supports, it can easily braid a fence, a hedge, a lattice, arbor pillars. During severe frosts, it is better to cover it from the cold.


    Moss - garden varieties of moss look very impressive and can replace the lawn, as they easily overwinter under a layer of snow. They grow well in the shade, where the soil is acidic and humid. They do not require any special care, they can actually grow on their own.

    Japanese Evergreen Garden

    Evergreens are easier to care for than most. Periodic watering, a little care before the winter period, an interested observation of how things grow and spread - and even in winter the garden will look completely magical in summer.


    Aucuba is another shrub that can become a green decoration for an evergreen garden. The most commonly used for this is Japanese Aukuba.

    In landscape design. Unlike Boxwood, it has less dense foliage and larger leaves, so it is not suitable for topiary art and is most often used for green hedges along the borders and walls of the house.

    Care. This shrub grows almost anywhere and is able to survive in the middle lane. However, prolonged icy winds can damage new growth. To avoid this, Aukuba should be sheltered from the wind in winter.

    Common juniper

    This plant with bluish-gray or bluish-green needles fits perfectly in natural gardens, for example together with heather. It grows very slowly and may look like a narrow column, spherical or flattened bush.


    Male catkins yellow, female cones light green; in autumn, fleshy, blue-black cones appear. They ripen 2-3 years and look like berries (cone-berries).

    This beautiful evergreen is practically no trouble - no pruning is needed, sometimes it just needs support.


    Particularly decorative varieties with a columnar crown, in no way inferior to decorative trees after curly haircut.

    Mountain Pine

    Mountain Pine goes well with heather, but also works well in rocky gardens. It is also suitable for growing in containers.


    Male cones greenish, female reddish; cones ovoid, young black-brown, mature yellowish-brown.

    Pruning is not necessary, but growth can be controlled by breaking off the tops of the shoots once a year.


    Varieties vary greatly in height. Pay attention to this when buying.


    Iberis (sometimes called Iberian) is a herbaceous plant of the cruciferous family. Against the background of uncomplicated leaves, as a rule, of a dark green color, delicate inflorescences look quite picturesque. During the period of lush flowering, Iberis resembles light lace, painted in pink, purple, white, lilac or red tones.

    Even a beginner can handle growing this plant. Iberis should be watered only during dry periods, and in order for it to grow and develop well, fading flowers must be regularly removed.

    Where is the zone of hardwood forests

    Evergreen forests are located along the coasts of Africa, Australia, western North America and the Mediterranean Sea. This arrangement is not without reason. The lack of moisture in the summer period in the depths of the continents is the main reason for this.

    All forests, although they have the same name, are different in their vegetation. For example, bushes are common in Australia, and the forest itself is light and fairly rarefied. The Mediterranean, Africa, Chile, California, on the contrary, are enriched with dense arrays with hard-leaved trees and a deep root system. From the northern part, neighbors are forests of temperate latitudes, and from the south, tropics, deserts and savannas. Such a neighborhood determines the animals of evergreen forests. Here, as if a symbiosis of all adjacent territories.

    But monsoon rainforests (yes, there is such a thing) are typical for the eastern districts. For example, Eastern China, Southeastern United States and Southern Brazil. The abundance of precipitation affects the vegetation. The main mass of mixed evergreen forests is concentrated here. A feature of these areas is the presence of tall trees.

    Subtropical hardwood forests

    The location of subtropical forests in southern and northern Africa determines the flora. The Mediterranean climate with cyclones dictates its own laws of living in this territory.

    The subtropics are characterized by sparse forests, into which a sufficient amount of sunlight penetrates. The trees of this region are from 15 to 20 meters high, only eucalyptus forests differ (their height reaches 50 meters).

    The layering here is represented by one or two layers. Shrubs and thorny trees make up a significant part of the plant community. The lower tier is represented by a variety of odorous herbs and bulbous plants. Most trees are characterized by a high content of essential oils.

    Almost all plants bloom all year round, the rest only in seasons. The special structure of the leaves does not allow moisture to evaporate from their surface.

    Laurel forests make up a special part. They grow in mountainous regions with a foggy and important climate. Laurel forests are low, usually represented by two tiers with predominant plant species.

    Spotted Lami

    Spotted Lami has a rather unusual flowering. Among other species, it stands out with light strokes on the leaves and flowers. Small flowers resemble bells and are usually painted in pink tones.

    Spotted lamb prefers moderate watering and endures drought periods. However, without the proper amount of moisture, it becomes lethargic and nondescript. The lamb is very capricious and will not tolerate weeds next to it. Try to loosen the soil under the plants so that the roots can breathe and function normally.

    Hardwood forest animals

    Due to the climatic conditions, hardwood forest animals are active in autumn and spring. These periods are the most favorable. The inhabitants of these latitudes seem to have mixed up; here you can meet both representatives of the temperate zone and tropical inhabitants.

    Mammals, birds, reptiles, carnivores, rodents, insects – but there are just so many of them! Let's look at the brightest representatives of this natural area.

    European mouflon is a representative of mammals. Outwardly, this animal looks like a ram. The large, swirling horns definitely set the mouflon apart from the rest. They live on mountain slopes.

    The Mediterranean tortoise is endowed with a powerful shell, convex shape. The turtle hides its head in its shell in case of danger. The animal is very slow.

    The blue magpie is the most beautiful bird in Europe. The color of the bird is varied and interesting. By itself, it is small in size, about 35 cm. For food, it uses berries, seeds and small insects.

    Skinny gecko is a beautiful lizard with a bright color and a body covered with scales. This animal is nocturnal. Hunts for insects. The peculiarity of these lizards is that each has its own territory for hunting and does not enter someone else's. In danger, she drops her tail, soon a new one grows in her.

    Marsupial bear and koala. They are found in the forests of Australia, where eucalyptus trees grow. Animals are small in size, lead a dimensional lifestyle.

    Leopard is a member of the cat family. This predator is very beautiful. The leopard lives in Africa and Asia. They prefer to live in thickets.

    The European genet is a small animal that looks like a cat. Feeds on small rodents and birds. The main feature of the genet is its thick coat, which helps to survive severe frosts.

    As you have noticed, the animal world of the evergreen kingdom is replete with a variety of species that form a full-fledged ecosystem.


    Perhaps one of the brightest and most picturesque plants in the garden is Aubrietta. Often it is used to create vertical gardening or flower beds. Representing an evergreen carpet, Aubrieta will paint your site in lilac and purple tones. Spectacular velvet flowers will decorate the slope, go down the wall, cover the rocky hill.

    Learn more