Remove stains hardwood floors

The Best Way to Remove Stains from Wood Floors • Maria Louise Design

If you’re a pet owner, you understand that accidents happen. When we bought the farmhouse, we noticed some dark discoloration on some of the hardwood floors. I decided to put some of the most commonly recommended methods to remove stains from wood floors to the test. 

Follow along with my little experiment to and learn which methods worked the best – or if any of them did!

Vinegar & Warm Water

Vinegar is an acidic that is used as a reliable deodorizer and disinfectant. 

Mix 50% water with 50% white distilled vinegar. It’s as simple as it sounds. 

Gently wipe this solution over the dark stain. You might want to take a few passes with this mild solution to get your stain to lighten. Well, after wiping, then letting it sit for a few minutes…. nothing.

Naturally, I did the next best thing, I left mine on the wood for 5 hours. Yes folks, you heard me right. 

Other than removing some surface grime, this method did very little to remove stains from wood floors. It’s still there.

Vinegar & Baking Soda

Leveling up a little, the next method I decided to try was vinegar and baking soda. Baking soda is an abrasive stain remover, especially when paired with vinegar. Why not give it a try. 

(p.s. – I’ve used this method to get a purple stain out of my marble bathroom vanity top!)

For this application, you will need to make a paste, about the consistency of  toothpaste. 

Next, I gentle applied the paste over the dark stain on the wood floor. Gave it a little scrubbing and waited.

I let it sit for a few hours and then wiped it up with some warm water and a rag. 

I thought I noticed some improvement. I reapplied the paste a few times, letting it sit for a few hours each application. Nope. this did nothing to remove stains from the wood floor.

Hydrogen Peroxide

First off, all Hydrogen Peroxide is not the same. Make sure you grab 3% Hydrogen Peroxide solution for this stain removal.  Hydrogen Peroxide is a often used as a bleaching agent so keep in mind it might cause some discoloring. Thinner than water, hydrogen peroxide will penetrate the wood fibers helping clean deep stains and dry them as the solution evaporates. 

When I tested hydrogen peroxide as a stain remover, I decided to use cotton balls to apply it to the surface. I dabbed a soaked cotton ball over the stain on the hardwood floor. I left this mixture for an hour at a time, reapplying 3-4 times to see a change.

This method did lighten the stan a little after multiple applications. It also started to affect the polyurethane top coat. 

This method may help, but be prepared to resurface your floors after attempting to lighten using hydrogen peroxide.

Bar Keeper's Friend

This stuff is amazing. If you’ve never heard about it, you’re welcome. It’s been my new go-to for hard to clean messes and stains around this lovely 1980’s farmhouse. Bar Keeper’s Friend (BKF) can be purchased at most retail stores that provide cleaning products: Walmart, Target, Home Depot, and of course Amazon.

I read an article on how BKF removed water stains on furniture and decided to give it a shot to remove black stains on my hardwood floor. You can use the soft paste or the powder version of this product, either will work. I purchased the soft paste for ease of use.

Using a soft rag, gentle rub the paste over the black stain. I let it sit for 5 minutes and then wiped it off. 

BKF is an oxalic acid and will continue to bleach the wood if residue is left behind. To neutralize the oxalic acid, using a 1:3 solution of vinegar and water. I wiped the surface of the hardwood using the solution and then wiped it dry.

After applying BKF, I did see similar results as using hydrogen peroxide. The polyurethane top coat was being affected. Knowing this can be an abrasive solution, this wasn’t surprising. 

However, I had really high hopes for it, and it seems again, to not hold up to my expectations.

Nature's Miracle

Nature’s Miracle a bio-enzymatic cleaner that is supposed to clean while deodorizing – pet stains specifically. Bio-enzymatic cleaners use “good” bacteria to help digest waste and soil that cause dark stain in wood floors.

Nature’s Miracle was the most recommended bio-enzymatic wood cleaner on the market, so I went for it! 

I applied per the instructions – spray on, wait 5 minutes, and blot up. 

Nothing. So I reapplied, and let it sit for a few hours. Yup, here we go again with the hour long application.

The results were abysmal. I wouldn’t spend the money on this bio-snzymatic cleaner to lighten dark stain on wood floors.

The Results are in...

After completing each trial, the results were pretty clear. 

None of this easy and simple home remedies to remove dark stains on wood floors. Maybe my expectations were to high, or the stain was just too far gone – too set in. 

However, you be the judge! You can see for yourself.



Now, I had anticipated some damage to the stain and polyurethane surface while trying to lift this awful stain. Since none of the methods I used really worked, I’ll work on removing the stain via standing and bleaching. Eventually I’ll have to refinish it too.

No – my plan isn’t to just throw an area rug over it. Although I contemplated it! 

I hope this little test helped you see what is internet folklore and what is actual helpful nuggets of useful information. Remember what momma said, not everything you read on the internet is true.

Happy cleaning!



July 6, 2022

March 23, 2022

March 3, 2022


Thanks for visiting my little piece of the internet! 

I’m Maria, a lover of furry things, coffee and anything creative. This blog is where I love to share affordable home decor ideas, great DIYs, yummy recipes, unique crafts and so much more.




Just over here waiting on my senior citizen to fin If you only knew how it would end, would yo do thi Lionel, where are you going? He usually goes righ No really, I’m #addicted to these little sh*ts! When I heard this audio, I knew it belonged to Bra PSA: for homesteaders it’s important to decide w Follow Me

How To Remove Stain From Wood Floor

Don’t beat yourself up if you stain your hardwood flooring. It happens to the best of us. Thankfully, there are several ways to remove stains from hardwood flooring? Good news right? There’s more – these methods are simple and effective.

There’s no doubt that hardwood flooring can make your home come alive. However, accidents are unavoidable and sometimes, they may involve your hardwood floor. Therefore, when you buy hardwood floorings, it’s always better to prepare for future stains. From oil spills to juice or ink spills, whatever the case is, you can salvage your hardwood floors.

Before running to grab that cleaning agent, hold on a bit. Ask yourself if it’s suitable for your type of hardwood flooring. You can make things go from bad to worse without the proper information. Thankfully, this article discusses how to get rid of stains in hardwood flooring.

If the stain is very bad, you may need to sand and refinish your hardwood flooring. Also, by using hydrogen peroxide, you can restore your hardwood flooring. Here, we discuss effective ways to remove stains from hardwood flooring.

Factors to Consider Before Choosing a Cleaning Method For Your Hardwood Flooring

We can relate to how badly you want to get rid of that stain on your hardwood flooring. However, there are factors you need to consider before going ahead with a cleaning method. Below are two important factors you should consider before choosing a stain removal method.

Your type of hardwood flooring finishing

Using just any type of cleaning agent for your hardwood flooring is a big no-no. By doing this, you may just make matters worse. The ways to remove stains from your hardwood flooring depends on the kind of finishing. Some finishes don’t continue well with some cleaning agents.

For instance, you shouldn’t use a cleaning agent that works for oiled hardwood floors in lacquered floors. Doing this may completely ruin your floor. Also, to avoid situations such as this, refer to the manufacturer guidelines. Use only cleaning agents that are specifically for your type of hardwood flooring finishing.

Furthermore, if you’re using a lacquered hardwood flooring finishing, scrubbing too hard isn’t advisable.  A soft rag should do. This way, you’re not ruining your hardwood flooring finish in the process of removing stains.

The type of stain

The mantra is different methods of cleaning for different kinds of stains. Before choosing ways to remove stains from hardwood flooring, first determine the kind of stain. If it’s an oil spill, you may want to substitute warm water for cold water. But if you have ink spills, hydrogen peroxide is the best to use.

Knowing the kind of stain helps to make the removal method easier. Bear in mind that some stains may require a more tedious process like resanding your hardwood floor. 

These factors help you decide which cleaning method is best for your hardwood flooring. Should you encounter any difficulty, seek professional help or refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines. Therefore, it becomes important to buy hardwood floors from a reliable source. This way, you can always go there to seek further directions or advice.

Ways to Remove Stains From Hardwood Flooring

There is no plus side to stains on your hardwood flooring. First off, dark patches on hardwood flooring reduce the shine the flooring brings to your home. Also, they make your cleaning and sweeping seem like a waste of time. Finally, with stains on your hardwood floorings, it will look old and tired.

Don’t decide on completely changing your hardwood floorings just yet. There are ways to remove stains from hardwood floorings. Also, these stain removal methods save costs, are effective and are easier than you think. Following the practical ways, we discuss in this article will restore your hardwood flooring.

Act fast

Firstly, when there is a spill, you have to take action immediately. Start by wiping off the stain as quickly as you can. If you leave the stain there for a long time, you are only making the removal process harder. Most stains sink deep into the hardwood floorings if you leave them for a long time.

However, even after acting fast, you may still notice discolouration on your hardwood floorings. This largely depends on the kind of stain. Ink stains are usually difficult to get rid of. They require more than casual wiping off with just napkins or tissues.

Using detergents

Regular detergents and cold water come in handy when cleaning just about anything around the house. This formula is best for urine or ink spills. Also, the combination is more effective when the stain is still on the surface. It is one of the fastest ways to remove stains from hardwood floorings.

When using this method, follow these steps,

This process is very effective for paint stains and is very safe. Also, it doesn’t peel off your finishing. It is suitable for any type of hardwood flooring finishing.

Related article: Hardwood Flooring: What Types Are Easy to Maintain

Hydrogen peroxide

One of the ways to remove stain from hardwood flooring is by using hydrogen peroxide. You can use this method to tackle very stubborn stains such as wine stains. Also, hydrogen peroxide works by pulling the stain out of your wood grain. You can always get hydrogen peroxide from your local stores.

Additionally, hydrogen peroxide contains bleaching and acidic properties which make it very effective. You don’t need to worry about hydrogen peroxide ruining your hardwood flooring. It is a safe way of removing stains from hardwood flooring.

For this process, you’ll be needing a bottle of hydrogen peroxide and a soft rag.

Follow these steps.

If the stain remains afterwards, you can repeat the process after 12 hours.  

White vinegar

White vinegar can tackle the most stubborn stains. Its acid content helps to remove tough stains. Also, it doesn’t damage your hardwood flooring in the process. It is suitable for removing dark marks or stains from your hardwood flooring.

For this process, you’ll be needing white vinegar, two soft rags and a bowl of cold water. 

To use this method, follow these steps,

This process can get your hardwood flooring looking neat again. You can repeat the process if you need to.

Sanding and refinishing

Sanding is the last option when other ways to remove stains from hardwood flooring fails. There are 2 options to pick from if you decide to resand your hardwood flooring. You can either resand the area with stains or the entire floor. You should know that sanding just the area where you have stains may ruin the finish.

Also, it makes it look different from other parts of hardwood flooring. On the other hand, resanding your entire hardwood flooring is more preferable. It makes the hardwood flooring look brand new. It is a substitute for changing the hardwood flooring completely.

To use this method, we advise that you call a professional. If you do it yourself, you risk ruining your hardwood flooring. If after resanding the stain is still obvious, repeat the hydrogen peroxide cleaning process. 

To Sum It Up

Don’t give up on your hardwood floors just yet. You can still have your hardwood flooring looking new and neat again. All you need to know are the right ways to clean hardwood flooring.  

You can put to proper use the white vinegar you have lying around in your house. It’s an effective way to remove stains from hardwood flooring. If everything else fails, sanding the entire floor is your best bet. Although expensive, sanding hardwood floorings brings out a newer surface.

Are you in Canada and you need top quality hardwood floorings? LV Flooring has the best hardwood floorings in Canada.  Check out our online store for durable, long-lasting hardwood floorings. 

Related article: How to Maintain Hardwood Flooring


How to remove stains from parquet, removing greasy stains on parquet

Parquet is a beautiful, environmentally friendly flooring that has a presentable appearance. This material has a natural, natural beauty. It looks very stylish and emphasizes the prestige of the surrounding interior. New parquet always looks good, but over time this material can lose its appearance. It may show dirt and stains. They arise due to the fact that the protective coatings applied to wooden materials are quickly erased and cease to fulfill their function.

Removing stains from parquet floors

Removing stains from parquet is sometimes quite difficult, since many substances have the ability to penetrate into the wood structure. In order to quickly and effectively remove stains from the floor, it is important to correctly determine the substance of which it consists, and correctly select the best suitable cleaning agent. Also, when choosing a method for eliminating pollution, it is important to take into account the degree of their intensity. If the mark on the coating is small and appeared recently, you can remove it with the help of improvised means. An old wooden floor with multiple stains needs a thorough cleaning. He needs scraping and subsequent varnishing. After such procedures, the coating again acquires a noble appearance.

Most often, the following types of dirt appear on parquet floors:

Oil and grease removal

Grease is the hardest to get rid of. They appear on wooden surfaces quite often. While eating, fatty foods can fall on the floor, accidentally slipping out of your hands. Try to remove the grease stain as quickly as possible. If fat gets on a wooden floor, you should immediately dilute a couple of tablespoons of washing powder with water and rub the resulting slurry into the right place. After that, you must wait a few hours, and then wash off the soapy solution with warm water.

Sometimes it is possible to remove grease with a stain remover. If this does not help, you can try to get rid of the greasy trace with turpentine or sandpaper. In the latter case, you must proceed very carefully. You can also use wood stain removers to combat traces of lipstick, ink, paint, felt-tip pens.

Wax and chewing gum removal

Effective elimination of these substances is possible after they are cooled or frozen. If you notice a wax stain on the parquet floor or sticky chewing gum, place a bowl directly on the contamination, which you fill with ice. After a while, the stuck substance will freeze, and you can gently scrape it off.

Regular maintenance of the parquet and timely coating of it with a high-quality protective varnish will protect the coating from the appearance of dirt on it. Lacquered floors are much easier and faster to clean. High-quality paints and varnishes form a durable protective layer on the surface of the wood, which does not absorb dirt, so it can be easily cleaned of them.


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How to remove stains from parquet

Parquet is a very beautiful and environmentally friendly flooring that fully justifies its price. The main advantages of parquet include, first of all, its natural warmth and attractiveness, the fact that it can fit into almost any interior design. At the same time, on parquet, as well as on any other floor covering, pollution inevitably appears over time, which is quite difficult to remove. And if you haven’t cleaned the parquet floor for a long time, then it’s time to devote some time to this. How to remove stains from parquet, what products are the most effective and what you should know before proceeding with the procedure?

How to remove stains from the parquet

Gray stain on the floor

Content of Article

Some useful tips

Before you start removing stains from your parquet, read the tips below to help prolong the life of your flooring and make cleaning more efficient.

  1. Only use a soft cloth (ideally made of microfiber) to clean the parquet. With such a rag, you certainly will not leave scratches on the coating that can ruin its appearance.

    Microfibre floor cloth

  2. Put on the legs of furniture that you plan to move in the process, special soft caps to avoid scratching the floor surface.

    Caps for furniture legs

  3. It is better to give preference to special cleaners for parquet (these are detergents with a gentle effect).

    Cleaner for parquet Koti Granta

  4. Do not use gasoline or other aggressive solvents.

Please note! In addition, if you want to effectively remove the stain, it is better not to add soap to the water - the fact is that it will leave white stains behind, and they, in turn, will also have to be removed.

Prices for Tarkett parquet range

Tarkett parquet

Removing various stains from parquet

First, find out what is the origin of the stains that you have to remove. After all, the method used will depend on this - each stain is removed by different methods / means, including folk ones. Let's get acquainted with this dependence in more detail.

Parquet care

Gum or wax

To remove such a stain, it must be cooled in advance (or even better - frozen). Lay some newspaper on the spot and place a large bowl of ice on top. Once the stain has frozen, carefully scrape it off using a suitable plastic or metal object. Try not to scratch the floor while doing this.

Chewing gum can be a serious problem


A fresh stain can be wiped off with a sponge soaked in detergent. If the stain is ingrained, you will have to use a solvent (only without gasoline) or an aggressive agent for treatment. It is possible that the stain will need to be processed several times to obtain the desired result.

Washing parquet with a sponge


Ink stains on parquet are not a problem, because they can be washed off with any good quality detergent. In the absence of the latter, you can use ordinary vinegar to remove the stain - rub it on the desired area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe floor, and then remove the remaining ink.

Ink stain removal


Urine stains left by children or pets on the floor can also be removed with any available detergent. Those stains that have already managed to be well absorbed into the wood, you can try to remove with the same tool, additionally adding a 10% bleach solution to it.

Dog urine stain


After cosmetic repairs, the apartment often leaves original reminders - paint stains on the floor. To remove them, you can use a rag that is soaked in a 30% alcohol solution.

Paint on parquet


Just like chewing gum, first freeze it and then carefully scrape it off. Use a resin solvent such as 3-R Pufas Glutoclean to remove stain residue.

Cleaner and care for parquet


If you have small children, then you know very well how they love to decorate walls and floors with their "arts". The procedure for removing such drawings is nothing complicated - just erase them with white spirit. In the absence of the latter, you can use a toothpaste containing fluoride.

White spirit

Rubber soles

Shoes with such soles often leave dark marks on the floor. To remove them (traces), you can use a simple clerical eraser.


Lipstick stain can be removed with the same sponge and detergent. If the stain is old enough, it is recommended to first warm it up with warm water.

Parquet cleaning

Nail polish stains

It contains substances that form a close bond with the base, and therefore the removal of such a stain is a rather difficult undertaking. First, wet the stain with acetone or nail polish remover, then gently rub it with a hard sponge.


What to do with dark spots?

If you find dark areas on the parquet, it means that the wood of the planks in these places has simply lost its appearance. If so, then dark spots can be removed only with the help of local cycling.

The main stages of parquet floor scraping

Video - How to properly clean parquet

Removing a stain from a felt-tip pen, permanent marker

These stains can also be removed using one of the methods described below.

Method No1. Isopropyl alcohol

Step one . Pour a small amount on a paper towel, then begin to rub the stain. As a rule, it takes only a couple of minutes to completely remove the latter.

The stain is wiped with alcohol

Second step . Use light pressure to remove the stain. It usually disappears after intense friction.

Use a little effort to remove the stain

Method no2. Nail polish remover

Step one . Apply a thin layer of this liquid to the desired area of ​​the parquet floor.

Liquid is applied to the stain

Second step . After that, using a paper towel, intensively wipe the stain.

Wipe the stain with a paper towel

Method No3.

Expo marker

Step one . To get started, take this marker and draw lines with it along the spot you want to remove.

Lines are drawn with the Expo marker

Second step . Then wipe the stain, again, with a paper towel. Such a procedure should help with stain removal even from a permanent marker.

Wipe stain with paper towel

Method No4. Toothpaste

Step One . Take your toothpaste and apply it to the desired area of ​​the hardwood floor. It will work as an abrasive, so you can easily wipe off the stain using a brush.

Toothpaste is applied to the stain

Second Step . Next, take a brush (not too hard) and start cleaning the stain.

Brush stain removal

Step three . Then wipe the desired area of ​​the floor with a damp cloth or rag. If you do everything right, the parquet will look like before

Wet cloth used

Table. Replacing the parquet board is an extreme measure.

Steps, photo Description of steps

Step one

If none of the described methods has worked, all that remains is to replace the fragment (if the stain really affects the attractiveness of the parquet).

Step two

To do this, remove the soiled board to install a new one instead (the same or, as an option, as similar as possible).

Step three

Sand the new board well. Apply a layer of stain or varnish on it in the same color as the rest of the floor. So the board will not stand out much.

Removing grease stains

They often appear on parquet. For example, greasy food can slip out of your hands and fall right on the floor. To remove such pollution, use our tips.

  1. First, take a small amount of washing powder and dilute it in warm water. Rub the resulting product in the right place and wait three to four hours, then wash the floor with clean warm water.
  2. You can use sandpaper to clean up this stain, but you need to be very careful when doing this.
  3. Take magnesia powder, sprinkle it on the stain and wait a few hours for it to soak in. Next, gently sweep the powder off the floor and wash it.

Magnesium sulphate

If all else fails to remove the greasy stain, you can rub it with turpentine, wait two to three hours and wash the floor thoroughly. Of course, there are other methods for removing greasy stains from parquet, but those described above are the most effective, and therefore the most popular.

Removing blood stains from parquet

Such stains are easier to remove if they are fresh; if the blood is deeply absorbed into the tree, you will have to work hard. In any case, first you need to determine the type of parquet.

Method No1. Uncoated parquet floor

This type of floor easily absorbs moisture if not cleaned regularly. Removing blood from such parquet can be quite a challenge.

Step one . First, blot the stain with a paper towel or clean cloth. It is not necessary to rub, otherwise the stain will expand and penetrate deep into the wood.

Blot the stain with paper towel

Step Two . Take baking soda and sprinkle it on top of the stain.

Sprinkle baking soda on the stain

Third step . Next, take a brush, soak it in table vinegar and try to lightly scrub the stain.

Brush soaked in table vinegar

Fourth step . Now wipe the floor with a dry, clean cloth. If the stain is not completely removed, you can use hydrogen peroxide. At the same time, be careful, because peroxide can bleach wood (especially if the parquet floor is dark).

Wipe the surface with a dry clean cloth

Step five . Apply a small amount of hydrogen peroxide to a white cloth.

Hydrogen peroxide

Step six . Rub the stain gently.

The stain is gently rubbed

Step seven . After that, wipe the desired area of ​​the floor with a damp cloth. Rinse the coating well to remove all stain residue.

Next use a damp cloth

Step eight . In the end, it remains only to dry the parquet, which will require a dry and clean rag / towel.

The parquet is wiped dry

Method No2. Waxed parquet

Some types of parquet are covered with wax, which, being absorbed into the wood, protects it from damage/moisture.

Step one . Take a paper towel or a clean rag and wipe the stain.

Wipe the blood stain with a clean cloth

Step two . Mix in a bowl 1 cup cold water and 0.5 tbsp. spoons of dishwashing detergent. Make a sort of soap solution.

Water and dishwashing liquid

Step Three . Take a rag, soak it in the resulting solution.

Wet cloth with solution

Fourth step . Wipe what is left of the stain with a damp cloth.

Wiping off the remaining stain

Step Five . Moisten a clean cloth with water and wash away any remaining stain.

Wipe off residue with a damp cloth

Step six . It remains only to dry the desired area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe floor using a dry cloth or towel. See if the stain is completely removed.

The parquet is wiped with a dry towel

Step seven . If not, take a metal washcloth (prefer the most gentle one, number 0000) and dip it into liquid wax.

Liquid wax and steel wool

Step eight . Lightly wipe the parquet with a washcloth. Tellingly, the wax layer should be removed. Because of this, the parquet may fade, but then everything can be fixed with liquid wax.

The stain is wiped with a washcloth

Step nine . Take a soft cloth and wipe the surface with it.

The parquet is wiped dry

Tenth step . Apply wax at the end. If necessary, you can polish the parquet.

Wax or polish the parquet if necessary

Method No3. Parquet with urethane/polyurethane coating

These substances are used to protect the parquet floor from negative external influences and are distinguished by the fact that they remain in the wood for quite a long time.

Step one . Moisten the sponge and wipe off the stain with it.

Wet sponge

Second step . Periodically rinse the sponge, wipe the area for as long as it takes for the stain to disappear.

Wipe the stain with a damp sponge

Step Three . Take a damp cloth and wipe the parquet with it. Be very careful to get rid of any leftover stains.

Remove blood residue with a damp cloth

Fourth step . Then wipe the floor with a dry cloth/towel. If there is still blood left, proceed to the next steps.

Wipe the parquet with a dry towel

Step five . Moisten a rag with white spirit, wipe the stain with it. This should be done very carefully!

White spirit and a piece of cloth

Step six . Wipe the parquet again with a dry, clean cloth. If traces still remain, you can repeat the step, but now use the same steel wool.

Wipe the surface with a clean cloth

Step Seven . Soak a washcloth in white spirit, gently wipe the stain. It is important that your movements are parallel to the direction of the fibers. Remove as much coating as needed to completely eliminate the stain.

White spirit and steel wool

Step eight . Wipe the area clean with a soft cloth.

Wipe the parquet surface clean with a soft cloth

Step nine . After a day, apply a new coating to the treated area, if necessary.

After 24 hours, recoat the surface to be treated if required

Please note! Never apply ammonia to parquet floors. The fact is that the color of the coating may be lost after the use of ammonia!

What about parquet floor care products?

Of course, in addition to those described above, if professional parquet floor care products (these are the previously mentioned parquet cleaners). Let's get acquainted with some of them in more detail.

Berger Bio Soap - cleaner for parquet and parquet boards

Table. Overview of popular parquet cleaners.

Name, photo Short description

Aqua Sport Wood Flor Cleaner

Fast drying, does not require rinsing, can be used for both regular cleaning and to remove grease stains from the floor.

Loba ParkkettCare

Inexpensive enough to remove dirt and greasy stains. At the same time, it is important that a polish is applied after using the product.


Neutral, daily use, made in Spain, citrus fragrance.

Learn more