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von 4615 Best Green Kitchen Cabinet Ideas
Country Living editors select each product featured. If you buy from a link, we may earn a commission. More about us.
From sage green to bright mint, we've got you covered.
By Erin Cavoto
Haris Kenjar
The kitchen tends to be the space that's most in need of a makeover, because renovating it takes the biggest toll on your day-to-day life. However, a simple update is possible with a fresh coat of paint, as this roundup of gorgeous green kitchen cabinets shows. Why green? While it falls perfectly in line with the kitchen trends for 2020, it also lends itself to a wide array of different shades that will fit any type of aesthetic you're hoping to achieve. From a bright mint to a soft sage green, there's no shortage of opportunities.
If you're looking to add some clever galley kitchen ideas to make your space seem larger, look to the airiness of the river mist color to open it up. Or, if you'd rather make a bold statement without changing your entire kitchen, use an accent color like the rich hunter green for a creative kitchen island idea. Regardless of what color or style you decide on, we can guarantee that you'll be obsessed with your new space and excited to get to cooking. And before you go creating your own green kitchen cabinets, you should check out our guide on how to paint kitchen cabinets first.
1 of 30
Retro Kitchen
Create a retro aesthetic with this vibrant shade of mint green, accentuated by black-and-white tiles.
Benjamin Moore
2 of 30
Southfield Green
There's beautiful complexity to this hue, which transforms in the sun and the dark.
3 of 30
Terra-Cotta Tiles
Mix neutrals in this cozy kitchen with black marble countertops, gold hardware, and terra-cotta tiles against the warm green cabinets.
Benjamin Moore
4 of 30
Oil Cloth
A subtle shade, perfect for splashing over your kitchen cabinetry.
Sarah Elliott
5 of 30
Accent Island
Instead of decking your whole kitchen out in emerald hues, opt for an accent island in a bold shade for a memorable effect.
Benjamin Moore
6 of 30
Hunter Green
This color makes for an ideal accent pop since it'll make a statement but won't be distracting.
7 of 30
Neon Green
It'll be nearly impossible to feel gloomy in this cheery room, with open shelving that matches the cabinets for perfect cohesion.
Benjamin Moore
8 of 30
Granny Smith
A yellowish-green, this color is bound to put a smile on anyone's face.
9 of 30
Butcher Block Countertops
The butcher block countertops pair beautifully with these soft green cabinets, contrasted by the striped red dishes displayed.
Benjamin Moore
10 of 30
Sherwood Green
You'll want to adorn other areas of your house with this subtle green that will transform any kitchen.
Emily Gilbert
11 of 30
Light Green Space
This light green color works well in any kitchen, but looks particularly great when paired with a light brick wall and black stove.
12 of 30
River Mist
This paint color reads as a neutral tone, since it's a pale green with a slight addition of gray. In the kitchen, the shade can add a touch of color amongst true neutrals.
Zach Desart
13 of 30
Country Style
This Virginia kitchen showcases vintage design elements paired with rustic textures and a retro palette. The green pastel paint gives the entire room an updated farmhouse feel.
14 of 30
Sparkling Brook
Select a lighter shade mixed with a subtle white and green for your kitchen remodel.
Max Kim-Bee
15 of 30
Colorful Accents
Bright pops of color can easily transform your kitchen. For instance, this New Hampshire farm home's vibrant green cabinets work well beside the brick-red trim and island.
16 of 30
Cricket Field
Adding lively colors to your kitchen color scheme allows other shades, like this earthy green, to shine.
Keith Scott Morton
17 of 30
Natural Light
The light-green walls enhance the natural light in this classic kitchen. Plus, the classic pastel shade contrasts nicely against the white kitchen cabinets.
18 of 30
Jade Mist
Scared of going full-on green? This shade is pale enough to not overpower your senses.
Gridley + Graves
19 of 30
Cozy Corner
The paneled walls, cabinets and range hood in this Nantucket cottage wear a subdued green to match the quirky tiled floor.
20 of 30
Chime Gray
Not completely white or green, this shade brings the colors together for a simple look.
21 of 30
Colorful Cabinets
The kitchen in this beach house feature cabinets painted in a light green shade to complement the warm wooden floors.
22 of 30
This light shade of green is a great way to visually expand a small cooking area.
Bjorn Wallander
23 of 30
Bold Palette
Instead of opting for white, be brave by choosing a moodier hue like sage green to saturate your kitchen with.
24 of 30
Sage Stem
This mid-tone sage green feels earthy and exciting.
Laura Moss
25 of 30
Budget Friendly
Just a small dose of green in this kitchen does wonders to bring some color to the space.
26 of 30
Sap Green
Pair this color with any pure white shade and you're guaranteed to create a welcoming atmosphere for your cooking area.
Lucas Allen
27 of 30
Pop of Color
The bright green wall paired with Italian marble tops and black custom cabinetry makes this kitchen feel cozy.
28 of 30
Sour Apple
This light wasabi green adds the right amount of color, while still keeping things safe.
29 of 30
A Pinch of Turquoise
These homeowners channeled their love for the '50s with Pyrex bowls, printed tablecloths, and a vibrant color scheme.
30 of 30
A turquoise-y, green shade pays tribute to vintage kitchens.
How Gorgeous Are These White Living Room Ideas?
Erin Cavoto Erin Cavoto is the Editorial Assistant at, covering food, holidays, home decor, and more.
Green colors and tones in the kitchen: 73 interior design ideas from IVD.

Green is one of the most pleasing colors to the eye, with which you can create both rich and bright interiors, such as a dark green kitchen, and discreet. You can experiment with this color in surface finishes and in choosing a headset, in modern or classic styles.
Everything about the design of the green kitchen
Green set
Accent wall
Kitchen backsplash
Acid Green Rules
Contemporary Style
For a calm and neutral room, choose kitchen furniture in light colors. It can be cold or warm shades - it depends on the surrounding space and your style preferences. Cool colors with an admixture of white and blue are suitable if you want to open up the space a little visually, to emphasize its minimalism and airiness. Warm colors with a touch of yellow tones make the room cozier and contrast well with a neutral color base.
Cool light colors will be a good addition to a textured brick wall, as in the first photo, or an interesting and very noticeable marble countertop, turning into an apron, as in the second. You can complement such kitchen cabinets with matching furniture and accessories, and then the room will turn out to be very thoughtful and complete. Also, these colors work well with a white background and allow you to diversify a minimalist space with color without creating too much noise.
Warm light green and pistachio motifs are needed if, on the contrary, you want to add more life and brightness to the interior. Combine them with a floral pattern on the backsplash, add live plants to the space so that different tones of the same color overlap with each other. At the same time, keep in mind that the warmer the tone of furniture, tiles or walls, the more demanding it is for lighting, especially artificial. Remember to choose light bulbs with a light temperature close to sunlight.
elevena photo
Instagram: @kyxni_ot_europa
Instagram: @magia_kuhni
Instagram: @marinademar
Instagram: @giulianovars_tmn
Instagram: @kuhni. katrin
Instagram: @corner_kuhni
Instagram: @diz.katy
Instagram: @ dara.mebel
Instagram: @allas_stories
Instagram: @bolshekuhon
Instagram: @kyxni_ot_europa
A richer emerald looks great in modern rooms where they decided to focus on color. It goes well with white walls and wooden floors in a Scandinavian interior, stylishly resonates with wood in modern classics, and complements the golden elements of Art Deco.
If the room is spacious enough and you are ready for experiments and bold decisions, you can use one bright dark color for the entire space: cabinets, walls, hoods. As a contrast, the chrome-plated surface of kitchen appliances will look good. If it seems that an all-color set will visually overload the space, dilute it with facades from the same collection, but in white. In this case, it is better to make the walls, ceiling and floor white as well. It is important to remember that rich deep emerald color is combined with cold boiled white, but not with warm beige. In addition to white accents, you can also use golden tones, for example, in a chandelier or light pink in furniture.
a photo
Instagram: @zhenya_interior
Instagram: @kyxni_ot_europa
Instagram: @zarubina_project
Instagram: @zarubina_project
Instagram: @twenty_studio_ru
Instagram: @nncubestudio
Instagram: @twenty_studio_ru
Instagram: @kyxni_ekaterina
Instagram : @dom_kuhni_54 9Interior90
Instagram: @berg.interior
Instagram: @kuhni.katrin
Instagram: @dara.mebel
In classic aesthetics
A green kitchen can also be decorated in a classic style. To do this, you need to choose the right headset. Choose options with a matte wooden surface, carved decorated doors, perhaps with complex golden handles. You can complement dark facades with a bright wall of a slightly different palette, as in the first photo. As a contrast, hang compositions from bright posters on it. Headset tint also affects the perception of a room. Dark muted palettes with a touch of brown and yellow look more elegant and solid. The brighter and lighter the headset, the more daring and modern it seems. Complement dark classic furniture with other elements in the same style and color: chairs, vases, dishes or a pattern on the carpet.
a photo
Instagram: @dara.mebel
Instagram: @ideaformyhome
Instagram: @dom_kuhni
Instagram: @kuhni.katrin
Instagram: @luxfasad54
Instagram: @mebeltambov
Instagram : @morgunyan
Instagram: @whisper_c
Instagram: @whisper_c
Instagram: @whisper_c
Instagram: @whisper_c
Instagram: in light colors it can turn out to be very airy, especially if you choose a delicate shade with an admixture of blue and white. In order to get a classic interior, do not forget to choose a set with typical elements for this direction: glass inserts in the doors, decorated cabinet tops, beautiful handles, vintage-shaped faucets and valves.
With such furniture, a set of copper dishes hung on the wall, unusual wall lamps will look good. If you have a kitchen island, with a rich color it can become a color accent and the centerpiece of a kitchen composition.
13a photo
Instagram: @viki.la_pooh
Instagram: @lehovadesign
Instagram: @lehovadesign
Instagram: @lehovadesign
Instagram: @kyxni_ekaterina
Instagram: @kuhni_rimi_krasnodar
Instagram: @kyxni_ekaterina
Instagram: @idea_kuhnya
Instagram: @ekaterina_home_design
Instagram: @fabrikakuhnibel
Instagram: @dedalservice
Instagram: @dedalservice
Instagram: @dedalservice
If you don't want to change the furniture, you can make the kitchen green in another way, for example, by painting the walls. So that such a solution does not seem divorced from the design of the rest of the space, try to beat it.
How to beat
- Upholster your upholstered furniture in a similar shade of fabric.
- Add large-leaved live or fake plants to your room. But don't force them on the window sill, it looks hackneyed. Better hang a couple of new shelves for pots or make room for them on the dining table.
- Match curtains and kitchen towels with a pattern in the same shade.
You can also add spring shades to the interior with the help of an apron. This method is less radical than a set or walls, and it is easier to implement if you are not ready for a big repair yet. Use tiles of an unusual shape, combine different shades, glossy and matte surfaces, plain and patterned options.
7a photo
Instagram: @format_design
Instagram: @archiwave. design
Instagram: @stylish.ceramic
Instagram: @stylish.ceramic
Instagram: @giulianovars03mn that the countertop can also be decorated in this color and it will suit both classic and modern interior styles. You can find a very interesting option from natural or artificial marble to set off a bright space. Or stop at a neon matte countertop for a high-tech interior.
Instagram: @jetstone_moscow
Instagram: @kyxni_ot_europa
Neon green kitchens, as in the photo, are not often found in the interior. Such a headset must be minimalist and fit into a modern design. To make the kitchen in neon green look harmonious and not hurt your eyes, choose a light color base and discreet furniture for it. It is also better if the cabinets are under the ceiling, so they will become a kind of contrasting wall.
Try not to use these shades in a small or poorly lit room during the day - they will very quickly begin to overload visual perception. And you should not complement the palette with other accents in the form of photo wallpapers on the wall or a catchy kitchen apron with a pattern. Any other accent in such a room will clash with neon tones and create visual noise.
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Prepared by
Maria Revina
Green colorGreen kitchens - photos in the interior and rules for combining colors and design
- Advantages and disadvantages of green kitchen design
- Various styles to match the kitchen in green
- Various color combinations with green
- Ideal lighting for a green kitchen
- The main difficulties in decorating the kitchen in green
Decorating a kitchen is a very important task during a renovation. After all, it is in this place that the whole family can gather at one table, so the atmosphere should be fully conducive.
Before starting repairs in the kitchen, a rather urgent question usually arises: in what color should the room be decorated? You can not experiment and choose soft and pastel colors. However, many people prefer to fantasize about their kitchen space.
One of the rather bright and memorable colors is green. Kitchens in green can be very colorful. But still, this color in the kitchen area has its advantages and disadvantages. Also, the design of a green kitchen can be made in various variations.
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Advantages and disadvantages of designing a kitchen in green
One of the obvious advantages is that the green color is universal and can fit into any given interior. It has also been proven that the green color has a special calming effect on a person and has a beneficial effect on his psyche due to associations with nature. For modern residents of large cities, this color in the main room in the apartment is very relevant. Green color can help strengthen immunity and general health, as well as relieve excessive fatigue.
Moreover, thanks to this color, you can visually expand the space and remove some imperfections. In the kitchen, it is very important to decorate this particular color, as it significantly increases appetite. There were far fewer cons than all the existing advantages. Green color can get bored after some time and look inharmonious if it is poorly combined with other shades.
In 2022, the calm design of kitchens is especially popular. Mostly during the design and preparation of the floor plan, moderate shades are chosen. Green is a great color for this trend, as it can be made in various tones and shades. Green color will look very attractive and create a special atmosphere.
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Variety of styles to match your kitchen in green
Green's versatility allows it to be paired with almost any color scheme. Plants in a green interior help to make the space more peaceful. Resting in such a room is a pleasure. As for the decor, you should carefully select colors and tones so that they blend perfectly with green.
Green kitchen can be presented in different styles. However, there are still certain options that make the interior look especially charming:
Provence style
This style is a very popular option when designing a kitchen. The kitchen, made advantageously in soft green shades, mentally sends you somewhere to a French town. In this style, the kitchen set is most often made in an aged type. Also, such an interior is distinguished by such attributes as antique-style dishes, necessary decor, and plants. Provence style is reflected in the Beatrice kitchen from the Lube factory.
In this version, cool green shades are quite actively used and additional decor is applied. Basically, the green color in the oriental style is present in shades such as olive, emerald and malachite.
This style implies the presence of neutral shades in the interior. In turn, wallpaper and other main accented things in the room can be decorated in calmer colors, and green can be made the main accent reflected in furniture, curtains, and pillows.
Art Deco style
Luxurious interiors in this style usually have different variations of cool shades of green. Such bright and saturated tones include emerald, malachite and others. As accents, furniture made of glass, metal and wood is usually placed.
Contemporary styles.
In modern variations, green is used in styles such as minimalism and high-tech. In a minimalist style, you can decorate the kitchen in light green and pale green without using any additional elements. High-tech, in turn, will combine the glossy surface of the kitchen set and bright green shades. Each option looks very attractive. In a modern style, a green kitchen is perfectly represented in the photo of Essence Rovere Colore Ardesia Lacacato from the Aurora cucine factory.
An apron plays an important part in the design of a green kitchen. There should not be any particular difficulties in its design, but it is still necessary to choose it in the right way. If you want to make your kitchen space almost completely in shades of green, you can arrange an apron in a more delicate color. Also, an apron can serve as an excellent accent and therefore it can be made bright and stand out against the general background. In this case, it is important to choose a certain saturation in order to correctly mark this thing against the general background.
Various color combinations with green
Green can be combined with almost any color. However, it is necessary to approach the choice of design consciously in order to get the desired style of the interior.
White and beige are the best and classic combinations for a green style kitchen. The design will be very gentle due to the dilution of the interior style with white. Usually, this option is able to visually enlarge the space. Beige-green combination helps to relax in the best way. In a similar style, you can make beige the main color, and green to focus on furniture.
For an Art Deco or Modern style, green and gray are the perfect combination. It is the walls and some furniture that can be decorated in gray, and tables, cabinets, sofas and green curtains can make the necessary accent.
The combination of green and brown will look especially luxurious. This option can literally turn the apartment into a place of rest and relaxation. Brown furniture will go well with soft green walls, curtains and other things. This style can be seen in the decorated Gran Duca kitchen from the Prestige factory.
The black and green combination is also a classic option. This style will look very fashionable and modern. The main color of the walls can be made black, and the bright green color will serve as an accent that appears in cabinets, tables and sofas.
A rather unusual combination of colors will be green and pink. At first glance, these two colors should in no way be in the same space, but still, they are able to create the desired comfort. These two colors are reminiscent of spring time, which means they give a charge of positive emotions. You need to be very careful when representing these two colors together. Usually green can serve as the main color, and pink can be an unusual and bright accent. Chairs, decor items, separate inserts in the kitchen set can serve as pink items in the interior.
For the more daring, you can decorate the interior using green with orange or red hues. The combination of green and red will make the room very expressive and luxurious. For example, green in a similar style can be the main one, and red can focus on furniture. The combination of red and green can be seen in the design of the Gran Duca 01 kitchen from the Prestige factory. Orange will become less bright and annoying, and will perform a calming function.
Ideal lighting for a green kitchen
Green kitchen interiors seem to be a very versatile and calm option. A lot of accents should be made in the interior to make it more attractive. Lighting and lamps can serve as one of such accents.
- Small lamps in a golden style dining area will make quite an interesting accent and light up the entire space.
- For a country style kitchen, use a few small lights in the kitchen to illuminate the main areas. The lamps themselves can be selected with fittings made in bronze or gold style.
Country style is shown in the design of the Granduca kitchen from the Marchi Cucine factory.
- Full kitchen lighting is suitable for Art Nouveau style. As the lamps themselves, transparent glass lamps fit perfectly. They will attract attention and create the necessary light accent.
Any lighting should be expressive and attractive. Light accents should be placed in all important kitchen areas. It is worth noting that certain lamps in each style will attract attention even more.
The main difficulties in designing a kitchen in green
Green has become quite often used as the main color in the interior style. That is why, while thinking through the design details, you should select more unusual and original shades. If you want to make a kitchen in a certain style, green may not always be suitable. For example, with styles such as contemporary or wabi-sabi, this color may not fit at all.
Already in the case of an accurate and final decision to decorate the kitchen in green, another difficulty may arise. Due to the huge number of different shades, it can be difficult to decide on a particular one. Each color should be combined with the necessary decor and the declared style itself. You can prepare in advance for the fact that the choice of shade will take quite a long time.
Further, furnishing a kitchen can also be a challenge. Picking up green curtains, wallpaper and tiles is not a problem at all. However, things like parquet, household appliances and other necessary kitchen items will not be easy to find in the right shade.
Despite all the possible disadvantages of using green in the interior, it can be said with certainty that this is a very original and luxurious design of the room. Various shades of green can be perfectly combined with other colors and create a single excellent style. You can buy a green kitchen, if you wish, to make your main space peaceful and atmospheric. Making bright green accents in the interior is very fashionable and stylish. It is also important that a kitchen in green will have a calming effect on all people.