Natural remedy to get rid of roaches
How to Get Rid of Roaches
Few things are more frustrating than a roach infestation. These persistent pests will make themselves at home in your kitchen, bathroom, and other living spaces as they search for food. Unfortunately, they multiply fast and can spread diseases. If you’re tired of living with a cockroach infestation, then let's figure out how to get rid of roaches for you!!
Most Common Cockroaches in the US
When dealing with a roach infestation, it is important to know what type of roach you are dealing with. There are a few different species of roaches that are present here in Florida, but the most common are the German cockroach and the American cockroach. These two are what you'll most likely deal with the most.
German Cockroach
The German cockroach is light brown and usually 1/2” – 5/8” in size. This is the most common type species of cockroach worldwide, and Florida is no exception. They're easily identified by the two dark, parallel stripes on their backs. They typically live in warm, humid places where food is easily found and readily available, so infestations are likely found in both residential and commercial kitchens. Like most cockroaches, they're difficult to kill, so having an exterminator on your side is helpful when getting rid of them.
American Cockroach
American cockroaches are darker and bigger at 1-1/2” to 2” and are the most common among the residential infesting roaches. These roaches are typically reddish-brown and have a figure 8 pattern on the back of the head. This species does have wings and can fly short distances. They can also bite, but their bites are harmless unless they become infected. You may first notice an infection of American cockroaches by seeing their droppings around your house. These droppings are small and have characteristic ridges on the sides.
What Attracts Cockroaches to Your Home
No matter the type of pest - whether it’s roaches, ants, termites, or rodents - they’re all most likely searching for food and water sources which they can easily find in your home. Roaches, in particular, are drawn to warm, humid climates like Florida.
Roaches are attracted to:
- Dirty dishes in the sink
- Crumbs in the floors or counters
- Garbage
- Pet food on the floor
- Excess moisture
1. Dirty dishes in the sink
Dirty dishes in the sink often have leftover food on them, which is exactly what cockroaches are looking for. Roaches are either in your home for one of two reasons: they're seeking shelter or they want food. Letting dirty dishes sit in your sink gives these pests food to go after.
2. Crumbs on the floors or counters
Leaving crumbs on your floor or counters is another source of food that cockroaches will be attracted to. The goal is to cut out any opportunity for these pests to find food in your home. This means wiping down your counters and sweeping the floor when you notice crumbs.
3. Garbage
Garbage is yet another source of food, so be sure to take your garbage out consistently and keep your garbage can sealed so there are no access points. Some garbage bags even claim to give off a smell that wards off pests.
4. Pet food on the floor
Pet food on the floor is a big cockroach attraction that is often overlooked. If you have a pet that often doesn't eat all of its food and leaves it lying around for later, you may want to invest in a sealable bowl or simply put the bowl up high where it's not easily accessible.
5. Excess moisture
Cockroaches need moisture to survive. Dripping faucets or cracked shower doors are some of the most common things attracting cockroaches in residential homes. If you have a source of excess moisture in your home, make sure it's taken care of!
Get a Free Roach Control Quote!
How Roaches Enter Your Home
Roaches are attracted to your home for a variety of reasons (listed above), but attraction is only the first part. They have to actually be able to get INTO your home to wreak havoc. The most common way these sly pests enter your home is through cracks and crevices in doors, windows, and other areas of your house.
Here's how roaches enter your home:
- Cracks and crevices
- Holes in vents and pipes
- Hitching a ride onto items
1. Cracks and crevices
Cracks and crevices in your windows and doors are some of the most common ways cockroaches will find their way into your home. The biggest problems we see with homeowners are doors that haven't been sealed properly or windows that don't close all the way.
2. Holes in vents and pipes
Another common way these pests will make an appearance is by coming through your vents and pipes. This is especially common with older vents that may have holes or that don't properly seal. Make sure you check your vents when you switch them out and keep an eye on leaky pipes under your sink for any potential entryways.
3. Hitching a ride onto items
While not as common, cockroaches have been known to hitch a ride onto things like old furniture if you're moving it into your home. Make sure you check that old table for pests next time you move it from your garage to your dining room.
How to Get Rid of Roaches
If you want to get rid of cockroaches in your home, there are a few different effective methods.
Here's how to get rid of cockroaches in your home:
- Clean your home
- Use traps
- Use roach baits
- Spray Liquid Concentrates
1. Thoroughly Clean Your Home
This may seem like a given, but roaches are attracted to dirt and filth because they’re always on the lookout for new sources of food. The easiest way to get rid of roaches is by making sure your home is clean. Make sure to do the following:
Wash dishes and put them away after meals
Clean crumbs and spills immediately
Take out the garbage before going to bed
Remove grease from the stovetop
Seal food in containers
Mop on a regular basis

One effective method of eliminating roaches is the type of trap found in supermarkets or home improvement stores. The device uses a scent or other bait to attract roaches. When they investigate the bait, roaches become caught in a sticky substance, effectively trapped inside. One option is a glue trap to get rid of cockroaches. These roach traps are effective because the roaches get stuck in them so you can get rid of them. While effective, this isn't the best way to kill an entire cockroach infestation or nest, just if you have a few in your home. It can take up to two weeks to see results, so traps should be checked for dead roaches periodically.
3. Use Store-Bought Baits
Another common way to get rid of roaches includes utilizing store-bought baits. Chemical baits disguise insecticide as a food source. Roaches ingest the insecticide and return to their nests, where they die. Other roaches eat them, spreading the poison to the rest of the nest. Place chemical baits near garbage cans and underneath sinks and cabinets in kitchens and bathrooms.
4. Spray Liquid Concentrates
Another product available in stores is a liquid concentrate designed to deter roaches. Once diluted, the liquid can be sprayed into cracks and crevices and other areas where roaches like to hide. You can also mop the floor and wipe counters with the solution! If you're wondering how to get rid of roaches overnight, this will be one of your best bets!
How to Get Rid of Roaches Naturally
If you want to get rid of roaches naturally, there are a handful of methods we recommend.
Here's how to get rid of roaches naturally:
- Boric acid
- Baking soda
- Citrus
1. Boric Acid
Boric acid is one of the best home remedies to get rid of roaches naturally. Mix equal amounts of boric acid, flour, and sugar to make a dough. Set balls of dough around the home where cockroaches can feed on it. The flour and sugar will attract the roaches while the boric acid will kill them. Simply place the dough where you know roaches are normally present, or under your refrigerator, stove, and the backs of cabinets and drawers. The boric acid will kill the roaches that will then become food for other roaches. While this is extremely effective at killing roaches, boric acid can be extremely dangerous for pets. If you have a furry friend around your house, do not try this at home.
Benefits of using boric acid:
- Extremely effective
- You only need to apply it once
2. Baking Soda
Baking soda, similar to Boric acid, is deadly to cockroaches. If you want to use this method to get rid of roaches, combine baking soda with something they would be attracted to, like sugar or onions. Place this mixture in high traffic areas and wait. You'll start to see dead roaches once they start eating the mixture.
Benefits of using baking soda:
- It's a common baking ingredient.
You probably already have it!
- One of the fastest ways to kill cockroaches
3. Citrus
While citrus doesn't kill cockroaches, it does deter them. If you want to take preventative measures before the cockroaches appear, mix citrus acid with some water and add it to high-traffic areas. Cockroaches will steer clear of this area as they don't like the smell. You can even leave a few citrus peels around your kitchen so the smell lingers.
Benefits of using citrus:
- Preventative method
- Deters cockroaches before they become a problem
Pro Tip: Call a Licensed Exterminator
The truth of the matter is roaches are persistent creatures – even following all of these DIY tips, you may still have an infestation. If you have given these tried-and-tested tricks a try and it hasn’t helped, you probably need a professional exterminator to treat your home. Contact Anti-Pesto today for a free quote.
An Important Note: DIY solutions are not guaranteed to work, especially against pests like cockroaches that can breed and multiply quickly. If you're serious about getting rid of a roach infestation fast, it is always best to work with a trained and licensed exterminator.
How to Prevent Cockroaches
There are lots of methods used to ward off roaches, and we will discuss a few of the most successful strategies many people use to make their houses less hospitable for these cringe-worthy bugs.
Here's how to prevent cockroaches:
- Nix newspapers & cardboard boxes
- Clear out clutter
- Seal cracks
- Fix plumbing issues
- Don't feed them
1. Nix Newspapers & Cardboard Boxes
Roaches adore cardboard boxes and newspapers. If these items are lying around your home, you’re inviting roaches in the vicinity into your home. Roaches love to breed in these items, so it is best to clear all newspapers and cardboard boxes out of your home.
2. Clear Out the Clutter
One of the best strategies for roach control is to make sure your home is kept in tip-top shape, especially when it comes to items that are just lying around. Keeping your house free of clutter means there are less places for roaches to hide out during the day. With no cover for their midday scurrying, these bugs will have to work harder to hide their presence.
3. Seal Cracks & Install Door Sweeps
Roaches gain entry to homes by crawling in under doors and cracks in your home’s foundation. You may not even notice the easy access areas as they can be hard to see, but a professional should be able to identify entry points for you. Problem areas include:
- Around windows and doors
- Along the foundation or roof
- Attic and crawl space vents
- Around holes used for electric, gas, and plumbing lines
We recommend you inspect these problem areas at least once a year and if you do notice cracks and holes, make sure to seal them. You can use caulk to seal small ones, while steel wool and foam are best to fill larger gaps, especially around pipes. For bigger openings around chimneys or attic vents, you can use a fine wire mesh to create a barrier.
learn more about how pests enter your home
4. Regularly Inspect and Fix any Plumbing Issues or Leaks
Moisture is a huge attractant for bugs – just like humans, they need water in order to survive. Oftentimes homeowners have leaks or water problems that attract bugs and they don’t even know. If you do notice leaks or plumbing issues, get them fixed as soon as possible. It's not a bad idea to regularly inspect the faucets, sinks, refrigerators, and appliances in your home to make sure they aren't leaking or producing excess moisture.
5. Don't Feed the Roaches
If you leave treats like an uneaten dog or cat food lying around, you are bound to attract a bug or two. We recommend using a dog food dispenser and/or removing any food your pet doesn’t eat right away from the floor so that roaches don't have easy access to food sources.
Pro Tip: Get Professional Help
Because roaches are such a problem pest here in Florida, prevention can only get you so far. The truth of the matter is, most homeowners are going to deal with a roach infestation in their home at some point. While there are many things you can do to make your home an inhospitable environment for bugs, nothing prevents a pest infestation like employing professional exterminators from Anti-Pesto.
Pest Control as Low as $31/Month
Here at Anti-Pesto Bug Killers, we offer the highest-rated pest control in Tampa, Lakeland, Largo, St. Petersburg, and the surrounding areas. Our pest control programs start as low as $31/month and can protect your home from a variety of pests all year long - including roaches! If you are tired of sharing your home with roaches, our experts can help you.
This blog was written by Howard Bright, Owner of Anti-Pesto Bug Killers.
16 Awesome At-Home Remedies for Roaches
There are countless home remedies for roaches out there, but which are recipes for success and which are a waste of time?
We’ve collected some of the best home remedies for cockroaches and given them each a grade! From easy-to-make traps and natural repellents to powerful roach-killing formulas, you’ll find simple solutions to send roaches packing fast.
Ready to get cooking? Let’s go!
Raw-Knuckled Roach-Killing Recipes
We don’t blame you if you’re not too concerned at the moment about playing nice and just want to kill as many roaches as possible, as fast as possible.
These are the home remedies to start with:
- Baking soda and onions
- Duct tape
- Boric acid and peanut butter
- Cockroach cookies
- Diatomaceous earth
- Borax
- Cornstarch and Plaster of Paris
- Petroleum jelly
- Ammonia or Bleach (in drains)
★ Find even more home remedies to get rid of roaches in our detailed guide to killing cockroaches.
1. Kill Roaches With Baking Soda and Onions
Grade: B+
Let’s begin with one of the quickest, easiest, and most “make it right now!” home remedies for roaches – baking soda and onions, both of which you may already have in the fridge.
Dice a handful of onion, sprinkle it with deadly baking soda, and voila! A great, natural roach-killing hors d’oeuvre to serve anywhere roaches like to dine.
2. Duct Tape: The Simplest Sticky Trap
Grade: A
The duct tape trap is truly the Old Fashioned of cockroach traps, pest control reduced to its simplest ingredients: a sticky surface and something to bait the bugs onto that sticky surface.
For the trap: one upside-down strip of duct tape.
For the bait: one piece of food
Spread these strips all over the house for one of the most ruthless cockroach killer home remedies. It will kill cockroaches overnight, and show you the most infested areas to hit again.
Read on: 15 Great Roach Traps for Beating Cockroaches Every Time
3. Boric Acid and Peanut Butter
Grade: A
Boric acid tops even baking soda when it comes to killing cockroaches. With little more than a sprinkle on the floor, boric acid acts as an all-natural poison to take down dirty roaches in just days. Or, spread a dusting on a paper plate and bait it right in the middle with a piece of orange peel.
We’ve also put together a handy Roach-Free Recipe for killing cockroaches with just 2 ingredients: boric acid and a dollop of peanut butter.
4. Irresistible Roach Cookies
Grade: A
Speaking of sweets, we’ve cooked up one of the deadliest home remedies to kill roaches ever, and it’s packed in a delicious (to roaches) dessert. Our simple no-bake roach cookies recipe combines the irresistible draw of raw cookie dough with the roach-killing power of boric acid.
5. DE to Be Cockroach-Free
Grade: B
It’s a little less common than baking soda but, if you have a pool at home, you probably have a tub or two of diatomaceous earth (DE) sitting next to its filter. Great start! But EPA-registered, food-grade DE is the one you want to buy. DE is an amazing cockroach killer. All it takes is a light dusting to damage a roach’s exoskeleton and dehydrate it to death.
Mix equal parts DE and powdered sugar and spread a very light coating on all at-risk surfaces to kill any cockroaches craving sweets!
Safety tip: DE may be natural, but even the food-grade variety can hurt your lungs if you breathe it in. Wearing a protective mask when using DE is recommended.
6. Kill Roaches with Borax
Grade: B+
There’s one more super-powered powder that’s easy to find, easy to use and effective as heck: borax. Use this laundry product as one ingredient in a variety of roach-killing recipes, from sugar and borax to cocoa dusts and borax balls. Check ’em all out here!
7. Cornstarch Plus Plaster of Paris
Grade: B
Take two common household products, mix them together and create a great roach killer in no time at all. Equal parts will do for this recipe, which attracts roaches with the promise of a starchy snack and kills them quickly. Apply it in cracks, crevices and places you think roaches are hiding.
8. Petroleum Jelly to Trap Roaches
Grade: C
Have some petroleum jelly in the closet? While it’s not a repellent or toxic to roaches, it’s an essential part of an awesome roach trap.
Choose an empty glass jar, beer bottle or wine bottle. Place a little bait at the bottom. Then, rub petroleum jelly all around the upper half of the inside of the jar or bottle. Tape a bookmark or straw to the outside as a ramp. This way, roaches can easily climb in for the food but can’t climb back out!
9. Down the Drain: Bleach or Ammonia to Kill and Keep Out
Grade: C-
Sometimes, roaches like to hide in drains but you don’t have to trap them at their convenience. For a quick-and-dirty way to kill roaches right where they’re hiding, pour 1/4 cup of bleach into the drain and don’t forget to plug it! In 30 minutes, thoroughly flush it with plenty of water. Always be careful when handling bleach!
A mixture of water and ammonia dumped down the drain also warns roaches to stay away with its powerful smell. And, of course, a thorough cleaning with ammonia signals to roaches that there’s no food to be found.
Home Remedies to Prevent and Repel Roaches
Repellents are like power-ups in a cockroach control system: they won’t get rid of roaches on their own but they can help by making your home less attractive to the bugs.
Great roach repellents include:
- Essential oils
- Bay leaves
- Vinegar
- Cleaning and exclusion
★ Find even more home remedies for repelling roaches in our detailed guide.[2]
10. Repel Roaches with Essential Oils
Grade: A
One of the best natural remedies for roaches, essential oils are effective and smell great, too. That is, unless you’re a cockroach.
For example, they simply can’t handle the potent, refreshing scent of peppermint essential oil. Roaches avoid its aroma like it’ll kill them (which—fun fact—it can!). Cypress oil is another strong repellent; dilute it with water and spray it anywhere you’ve seen roaches to send them away.
Lemongrass oil is one of the strongest natural roach repellents available. Catnip oil works, too—just don’t let your cat near the areas you’ve treated!
Read on: Essential Oils for Roaches: Pest-Free With Just a Spray Bottle?
11. Deter Cockroaches with Bay Leaves
Grade: C
Need more natural remedies for cockroaches? Raid the spice rack!
That’s because bay leaves make another surprising home remedy for roaches.
Bay leaves’ fragrance (specifically the compound eucalyptol) has been shown to repel some roaches and keep them out of cabinets, closets and kitchen areas. Just make sure you’re pairing bay leaves with a thorough cleaning for maximum effectiveness.
Read on: Natural Cockroach Repellent: What Works and What Doesn’t
12. Using Vinegar to Prevent Cockroaches
Grade: C
Vinegar doesn’t kill cockroaches but you can create a few effective home remedies for cockroaches with vinegar in a starring role.
Mix vinegar with tea tree essential oil or cedar oil for a powerful cleaning and roach-repellent solution.
There’s one more way to use vinegar to prevent roaches and it’s more effective over time than any other repellent: cleaning.
13. Cleaning: The
Best Way to Keep Roaches Out for GoodGrade: A
Nothing beats good ol’ fashioned cleaning for permanent pest control! Roaches look for easily accessed food and water sources, and when they can’t find them, they either die or leave. That makes basic, thorough cleaning an awesome cockroach remedy that can make a bigger difference than you think!
The key is thinking like a roach: where can I find a few crumbs and a sip of water each day?
These bugs can get by on water from a leaky faucet, crumbs under furniture or appliances, grease splatter on the stove, old papers boxed up in the basement, and even—disgustingly—the bodies of dead roaches.
While you’re in the six-legged mindset, think about where you’d most want to hide away during the daylight hours: dark, cluttered storage areas full of cardboard boxes and old papers for a snack. Swap the boxes for bins with lids and do some organizing to take away a cockroach’s favorite hideouts.
Find even more tips for preventing roaches with sanitation.
Home Remedies for Specific Species Control
Get Rid of German Cockroaches
A notorious house pest around the world, the German cockroach has a reputation for spreading ruthlessly and causing major problems for homeowners.
In addition to reproducing rapidly, German roaches are stubborn. They tend to display bait aversion more often than other species, making it tricky to eliminate them with steady applications of one type of bait.
14. Rotate the Bait
Grade: A
Plan to rotate the baits you use in traps to prevent resistance; German roaches are particularly good at adapting to and avoiding traps if they get used to smelling one flavor or ingredient.
Stop Wood Roaches from Flying Indoors
Indoor run-ins with wood roaches are likely the result of a few wanderers that got stuck on the wrong side of an open window.
The best way to prevent wood roaches is through exclusion:
15. Screening All Visitors
Grade: A
What about home remedies to get rid of cockroaches when the little buggers fly inside?
Try any of the above! But nothing is more effective at keeping bugs outside than window screens and screen doors. If your screens are a few-too-many-seasons old and featuring a few holes, attach some coarse steel wool or, in a pinch, a piece of duct tape. You can buy a magnetic screen “door” for under $10, too.
16. Draw the Blinds on Bugs Attracted to Light
Grade: B
Wood roaches attracted to light have it too easy on spring and summer evenings; the windows are open, the patio lights are on and people are in and out of the house. These bugs can fly straight inside, guided by the light.
The solution is simple: keep the shades and blinds drawn. Hiding the lights lets the bugs stay outside where they belong.
Remedies for Roaches in the Apartment and the Car
In Your Apartment
Keeping a cockroach infestation out of your rental starts with eliminating the most common things that attract cockroaches to apartments: food, water and hiding places.
When using home remedies for roaches in an apartment, pay special attention to the bathrooms and their drains and piping: both popular entry points for bugs. (They’re also easy sources of water.) Roaches take advantage of A/C vents to spread from unit to unit, too.
In Your Car
Believe it or not, there’s plenty of space inside a car for cockroaches to thrive and multiply. To deal with a roach infestation on wheels, start by vacuuming everywhere. We’ve already covered roach motels and roach-killing dusts. Now, use these great home remedies to get rid of roaches in your car, too!
Check out our Roach-Free Recipe: Getting Rid of Roaches in Your Car.
Finding cockroaches crawling around your home is gross.
Luckily, with a few minutes and some common household ingredients, you can whip up any of these awesome home remedies for roaches and start killing the bugs today!
You’ve got this!
- Nagro, Anne (2019) Rethinking German Cockroach Control. Pest Control Technology. Retrieved from
- 2017 Cockroach Management Supplement. Pest Management Professional.
- Myth Busting: DIY Cockroach Control (2016) Rentokil Pest Control. Retrieved from
How to get rid of cockroaches quickly at home
Cockroaches are creatures that not only cause disgust, but also spoil food, pose a threat to human health. Looking for ways to get rid of cockroaches? Effective ways to kill insects, as well as measures to prevent their reappearance in the house, are suggested by authoritative publications.
Effective ways to deal with cockroaches
Cockroaches are small insects that prefer to live next to humans. In total, there are more than 7,500 species of cockroaches. The red cockroach, or Prussian, causes the greatest trouble to a person.
Insects living next to humans, according to the authors of the book "Cockroaches near us" D. Zhuzhikov and N. Alyosho, are dangerous as mechanical carriers of a number of pathogens of infectious diseases in humans and domestic animals, as sources of allergens.
The feeling of disgust and the threat to health prompts to get rid of vile pests in accessible ways. There are many methods for destroying the Prussians.
How to get rid of cockroaches: NUR.KZFreezing
Cockroaches are hardy: they can live without food and water for several weeks. But there is something that the Prussians are afraid of. This is cold, and more specifically, the sub-zero temperature in the room. At temperatures below +7 °C, they cease to multiply, and at -10 °C they die.
This knowledge can be used to destroy the pest population. What should be done to get rid of cockroaches? The instructions are as follows:
- In winter, when the outside temperature reaches –10–15 °C, open all windows and doors in the house.
- Move items of furniture and appliances that have been found to contain cockroaches to the balcony or outside.
- Wash home textiles (spreads, bed linen, clothes) in a washing machine and hang out in the cold.
- Keep your windows open and your belongings outside for 24, preferably 48 hours.
After 1-2 days, do a general cleaning and bring things into the house.
Boric acid
An effective way to eliminate insects is to use insecticides. The market is rich in various specialized products: sprays, gels, crayons and poison traps. These products contain aggressive chemical components that can harm not only insects, but also people.
A safer option is boric acid bait. This substance is the strongest poison for cockroaches. Getting into the digestive tract of an insect, it affects its nervous system. How to poison cockroaches? Follow the step by step guide:
- Make poison bait. Crack the egg and remove the protein. Add 1 pack (10 g) of powdered boric acid to the raw yolk. To enhance the smell, add a pinch of vanilla sugar.
- Stir the bait thoroughly and roll into small balls. Wear gloves to protect your hands.
- Place baits in places where pests tend to accumulate - against walls, in the corner of the floor, on shelves, in food pantries, under equipment and household appliances.
Remove other food so that the cockroaches feed on the extremely poisonous mixture. Make sure that poisoned balls are not tasted by children and pets.
Destruction of cockroaches: PixabayFolk remedies and traps
How to get rid of cockroaches with folk remedies? If cockroaches bother, turn to folk remedies. A homemade trap will help. It is done like this:
- Take a large jar or plastic bottle. With the latter, you need to cut off the neck.
- Lubricate the inside of the container with petroleum jelly or vegetable oil (this will prevent cockroaches from getting inside).
- Sprinkle bait on the bottom: honey, sugar, biscuits, breadcrumbs. You need to change the bait every 3-4 days.
- Place a trap near the place where cockroaches crawl out.
This is a great way to kill Prussians if the pest colony has not yet grown. If there are a lot of cockroaches, the author of the book "The Complete Encyclopedia of Household" Elena Vasnetsova recommends using pyrethrum - powdered dry flowers of Caucasian or Dalmatian chamomile. Pour the mixture into places where pests accumulate and treat the likely areas of penetration of cockroaches.
Unpleasant neighbors can be banished with scent weapons. What smells don't like cockroaches? Most pests are repelled by such substances and plants:
- Ammonia, vinegar, gasoline or kerosene.
Add one of the listed substances to water (ammonia and vinegar in a ratio of 1:2, gasoline - 1:5) and treat all surfaces, ceilings, pantries and floors in the house with a solution. Repeat the procedure daily for 3-4 weeks.
- Bay leaf, wormwood. You can use them:
- dry. Pound to powder and fill cracks in the floor and walls;
- as a decoction or infusion. Place 100 g of dry herb in a metal container, fill with hot water and simmer for 30 minutes or let it brew for 12 hours. With the resulting liquid, treat all surfaces and hard-to-reach places in the house.
Despite the fact that some biologists have noted a decrease in the number of Prussians, they still appear in apartments and houses. To get rid of insects, you have to make an effort.
Bay leaf repels cockroaches: PixabayCauses of cockroaches and preventive measures
Insect pests are predominantly nocturnal. During the day, cockroaches hide from people in hard-to-reach dark places - in cracks and holes in the floor, under baseboards, behind a refrigerator or in household appliances.
Why do cockroaches appear in the apartment? The main reasons that contribute to the appearance of the Prussians:
- Access to food. Cockroaches feed on human food, its remains and waste. They are attracted to open trash cans, unwashed dishes, bread crumbs, or traces of grease. Prussians are interested not only in human food, but also in pet food.
- High humidity. Insects need a source of water to live. Leaking pipes and faulty plumbing are a haven for cockroaches.
- The ideal conditions for their life are warmth, darkness, the presence of rubbish where they can hide.
How do cockroaches get into an apartment? The most likely ways for pests to enter the house:
- From neighbors. The Prussians move from apartment to apartment through ventilation shafts, pipes, garbage chutes, penetrate through cracks in windows or doors, crawl along the facades of buildings.
- Transfer. They can be accidentally brought into the house on clothes, along with old things during a move, in a suitcase, with a postal package or delivery from a furniture store.
If you have ever had to remove cockroaches, you know what a hard job it is. The more relevant are the actions that prevent the appearance of these insects.
What are the measures to prevent the appearance of cockroaches in the house? According to Steve Jacobs of the University of Pennsylvania, hygiene is the key to prevention.
Cleaning the kitchen: PixabayTo prevent the reappearance of the cockroaches:
- Seal all cracks and holes in the apartment so that cockroaches cannot get into the house from neighbors. To do this, cover the holes in the walls, on the floor and ceiling with putty, eliminate the gaps near the pipes, attach to the ventilation grill or mesh.
- Keep plumbing and pipes in good condition to prevent leaks and high humidity.
- Clean up any spilled or spilled food, including crumbs on the floor.
- Do not leave dirty dishes overnight.
- Store food in sealed containers.
- Take out the trash every evening.
Place a container with an airtight lid in your kitchen.
- General cleaning 1-2 times a month.
- Dispose of trash periodically.
The appearance of cockroaches in the house is a real disaster. Insects are a potential threat to human health. Getting rid of pests is not easy, but it is possible. The main thing is patience and knowledge of effective methods. To prevent the return of cockroaches, keep the house clean.
Original article:
How to permanently get rid of cockroaches in the apartment: the most effective means
Despite the fact that it is now easy to get any modern remedy for domestic parasites, in the fight against them, you must first of all adhere to an integrated approach. You need to start by eliminating the causes of their appearance, and then choose the appropriate remedy, and folk methods against uninvited guests can also be quite effective.
Causes of cockroaches
Even the best pesticides will not get rid of cockroaches permanently if the causes of their appearance are not eliminated. People do not think that they themselves create favorable conditions for their living at home when:
- they rarely clean the kitchen;
- leaving unwashed dishes in the sink;
- dilute dampness in a bath;
- leaving crumbs on the dinner table;
- leave bags of bread and cereals open;
- store and accumulate garbage for a long time in an open bag.
Most often, cockroaches start in apartment buildings where the garbage chute is clogged, or one of the neighbors does not particularly burden himself with cleaning. Therefore, the problem may be larger and beyond the scope of one apartment, and even perfect cleanliness will not help solve the problem.
It would be good if all the neighbors agree to carry out disinfection in their apartments and basements, and continue to keep them clean. However, such cohesion is rare, so in most cases you will have to defend your home alone from vile little migrants. It is necessary to carefully inspect the apartment for cracks and cracks, eliminate them, put grids on the ventilation pipes.
Ideally, it is better to carry out a general cleaning of the apartment, and then follow simple preventive measures:
- maintain cleanliness, immediately clean up after meals, wash dishes, wipe off excess water;
- use devices for hermetic storage of food;
- Insert a waste bin with a lid.
Cleanliness against cockroaches will certainly help, but not immediately. Fortunately, there are other effective and quick ways to fight that do not leave insects a second chance.
All kinds of ways to get rid of cockroaches in the apartment
People can notice the cockroach invasion even to the personal: small black dots on the floor and wallpaper cannot be confused with anything. The fastest effect in the fight against them is achieved after the visit of professionals from the pest control service. Cockroaches will disappear immediately and without a trace. However, there are also less expensive ways that give good results. They can be divided into several types:
- Use of folk remedies.
- Application of various types of chemical insecticides approved for domestic use.
- Destruction of insect residues using traps (homemade or ready-made).
- Freezing.
The most effective way to physically eliminate cockroaches is to freeze them. The method is interesting in that it does not require financial costs and special devices, it is harmless to people and pets. The point is to create a temperature in the room below -5 degrees, and hold it all day. After 8-10 hours of such cooling, all cockroaches will die, as they cannot withstand frost. There will be no trace even of their eggs.
The freezing method is good but has limitations. It is applicable only in winter during a hard frost, when the temperature outside the window does not rise above -10 degrees all day. Before freezing, be sure to take care of the radiators, either turn them off completely, or wrap them in several blankets. If the water in the battery freezes, it may burst.
Modern chemicals against cockroaches
If cockroaches have occupied your home in huge numbers, chemical insecticides are indispensable. Fortunately, there is such a wide selection on the market that everyone will find a remedy to their liking and for the money. The main thing is to observe safety measures when using them, strictly follow the instructions, use protective equipment (mask and gloves), protect children and animals from their effects.
- Aerosol insecticides and smoke bombs. The most famous brands: Raptor, Reid, Dichlorvos, Kombat, Get. They act quickly, are easy to apply, the product is sprayed into the air, especially near cockroach habitats, the room is closed and aged for a couple of hours.
After that, the room can be ventilated and wet cleaned. It is better to start from the kitchen, as there is always the largest concentration of mustachioed cohabitants.
- Gels, suspensions, toxic pastes. Brands: Global, Kombat, Delta-zone, Brownie, Fas, Sturm. This class of insecticides is cheaper than aerosols, but the effect can be expected only after a couple of days. At the same time, the risk of poisoning one of the household members is less, the drops are applied pointwise, to secluded places where cockroaches like to appear.
- Chalk Masha, powders, dusts A clean house. The most available insecticides are good for prevention, or as a supplement after extensive aerosol baiting. Traces of substances near large cracks, along the baseboards, in the kitchen near the garbage will help to finish off single individuals of cockroaches.
Home pest control
It is not always possible to use toxic chemicals against cockroaches, especially if there are small children or pets in the house. Even crayon lines can be potentially dangerous, but don't hide them, because the poison can get into the mouth of a curious child. Therefore, many prefer safe, in their opinion, and time-tested folk methods.
It has been observed that some substances with a pungent odor can repel unwanted guests. Cockroaches will not run around the kitchen at night in search of food if:
- when washing the floor, add ammonia to the water;
- Spread citrus peels near favorite habitats (garbage bin, table, sink).
Homemade baits can be used along with scented substances. The stores offer a wide selection of ready-made devices, adhesive tapes, but a simple trap for parasites can be made at home. An ordinary jar or bottle with a cut neck is suitable, in which a piece of stale meat with a smell can be put as a bait. The walls of the jar are lubricated with oil, grease or petroleum jelly, so insects that come to the smell will no longer be able to get out.
Boric acid powder, available from pharmacies, is the best known folk remedy for cockroaches.