How to water a christmas cactus

Christmas Cactus Versus Thanksgiving Cactus: Differences Between Holiday Cactuses

Did you know that there are Easter, Thanksgiving, AND Christmas cacti? How can you tell the difference between these holiday cactuses? Look at when the flowers bloom, the way the flower blooms, and the shape of the stems and leaves. See photos and learn more.

Holiday cacti such as the Christmas cactus, Thanksgiving cactus, and Easter cactus are hybrids of Brazilian forest cacti. The holiday designations reflect when the different cacti bloom in North America!

Thanksgiving and Christmas cacti are members of the genus Schlumbergera, while the Easter cactus is in the genus Rhipsalidopsis, which grows in drier forests. 

Christmas Cactus

Christmas cactus (Schlumbergera bridgesii) is the long-lived plant our grandmothers grew. I have a plant that came from one my mother-in-law grew from a cutting she received over 70 years ago! They are the ultimate pass-along plant since they are so easy to root. Just pinch off a “Y” shaped piece from one of the branches and stick it in a pot of sterile soil or vermiculite. It will root in no time.

Photo: The Christmas Cactus. Notice how the flowers hang down. Credit: