How to kill magnets
How to Get Rid of Maggots, Step by Step
What do maggots look like?
Maggots are baby flies or the larval stage of a fly. They are conically shaped and often a grey or creamy white color. It is hard to differentiate the species of flies from their maggots, but if this is your goal, the University of Kentucky has put together a guide to recognizing larval types. Most maggots found in or around the home are from the common housefly or bluebottle fly.
Holger Kirk /ShutterstockMaggots are burrowers with their head-end being the more pointed end for digging in. Depending on the kind of fly, maggots feed on either live or rotting materials. They burrow in as they eat through the material, leaving circular, chewed holes scattered throughout.
If you’ve spotted these pests in your home, you’re probably wondering how to kill maggots, where they come from, and how to get rid of them for good. Here’s everything you need to know.
How do you get maggots?
The top causes of maggots in or around your home include improperly stored trash, excess dog feces, or the presence of an animal carcass. The female flies are attracted to such materials and lay their eggs on them. When the eggs hatch, the maggots burrow into the material and begin to eat until their next metamorphic stage.
Although they are quiet invaders, maggots should be dealt with quickly. Some of the dangers of maggots include fly infestations and animal sickness if you have pets. If they get into any food meant for human consumption, they can cause bacterial poisoning.
How to check for maggots
In the home, maggots are generally easy to spot, with most of them being at least as big as a thumbnail. They will be crawling both in and out of any infested food substances. To check if they are inside of your garbage, take a stick or put on gloves to move the trash around and break food open to check inside.
To check if your pet has maggots, they will often be in a wound or under the skin. You can also check by feeling the area to see if there is a hard bump under the flesh of the wound.
Some maggots eat plant material. You may notice plants that were once healthy are dying without anything else changing in their environment. To check for maggots, you may need to pull up one of these plants and check for maggots in the root mass and in the plant’s hole.
Maggots will only feed for three to five days. The process from egg to fly takes anywhere from 14 to 36 days and, if the material is still in an edible state, the process may start all over again. If the material isn’t properly disposed of, then an infestation will only continue to get worse.
How to get rid of maggots, step by step
Maggots can appear in many different areas throughout the home, yard, and — at worst — your pets. Each scenario will require a different treatment to rid you of the pesky invaders for good. Follow the guides below to learn how to kill maggots.
In the home
Step 1: Find all infested areas
As advised by Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council, locate all areas where maggots are feeding or living. Search through food products that are in especially dirty areas of the home. If the foundation of your home is rotting in any area, you could find maggots in different rooms of the house.
Step 2: Kill maggots and eggs
If you find maggots in food or the trash, you can boil them and the eggs together to kill them. Another option is to thoroughly sprinkle them with salt or spray them with an insecticide. If you find them in carpeting or baseboards in your home, you will generally need to spray. You can use a spot spray treatment if the infestation is small, or you might have to use a broader spray to take care of a larger infestation.
Step 3: Clean thoroughly
Rinse or wash the area or garbage can out that contained the maggots. You can use a fly repellent to discourage future infestations.
In pets
Step 1: Check for the presence of maggots
As described above, before taking any treatment, you want to verify that your pets do have maggots. Look in recent wounds and between toe joints for anything moving or hard lumps under the skin.
Step 2: Take them to the vet
The best thing that you can do to ensure the safety of your pet is to take them to the vet. Veterinarians will be able to kill maggots and rid your pet of the infestation without doing any harm to the animal.
Step 3: Keep them clean
Keep your pets clean and repel further infestations by washing them with pet shampoo during high season for egg-laying flies.
In the yard
Step 1: Locate the region of the infestation
Even if you know that you have a maggot infestation, you need to determine the scope of it in your yard. Dig up the ground around plants that are suffering to check for any large holes dug into the root mass of the plants.
Step 2: Spray or dust to clear the region
To clear out the infected area, use a vegetable and fruit spray all over the soil of the area. You can also dust the area with a similar treatment if there is a concern the spray could drift.
- Fly Beater Fly and Odor Reducer: Use this product to repel flies (and other flying insects) as well as reduce odors.
- Harris Home Insect Killer: An insecticidal spray used to eliminate infestations.
- Medicated Shampoo for Dogs: Shampoo formulated by veterinarians to treat insect infestations in the coat and skin of dogs.
- Bonide Insect Control for Plants: Pest control to spray on vegetables and fruits as well as into yard and soil to kill harmful insects.
- Ortho Insect Kill: Kills insects on contact while staying active for up to eight months after soil application.
Don’t want to use chemical cleaners? Here’s how to kill maggots naturally
Maggots do not have a hard outer shell to protect them as other harmful insects do. This makes killing them by natural or organic means easier. Several home remedies are effective at ending a maggot infestation and cleaning out the infected areas.
If the maggots are in a trash bin, empty the trash bin and dispose of the materials that were inside. Then, fill the trash bin with boiling water. Another option is to set up a feast for the birds, putting out the trash can in an area where birds are common and can quickly pick through.
If you find areas infected with maggots outside of the bin, pouring lime or lemon juice over them should be enough to kill them. Make sure to spray it over the entirety of the area to kill any eggs that have not yet hatched. Another home remedy is to use diatomaceous earth, spreading it over the soil or infested area.
When to call a professional exterminator to treat maggots
The time might come when the maggot infestation is out of your control (or you just can’t stand to deal with it). This might be when the infestation has taken over several rooms in the house or if you have tried to clean an area out multiple times and the infestation has returned.
Another time that you may need to call a professional is if you are unable to identify the pest which will make it difficult to properly treat the problem.
How to keep maggots out of your home
To prevent a maggot infestation, it is important to prevent flies from being attracted to your home or yard. Be sure to clean up any food promptly and store it in sealed containers will keep odors from attracting flies into your home. If you have pet food out, you may want to keep the dish covered to keep flies out of it and remove old food quickly.
If you keep compost in your yard, be sure to keep it covered or sealed to keep the flies out. Finally, make sure to keep the yard clean of any animal feces.
Starting with prevention will be an effective way to keep maggots out of the home. If you do suffer from an infestation, treating it with a chemical spray may be the quickest way to get rid of the problem. If you would prefer to use a home remedy, lime or lemon juice, salt, and boiling water are all useful methods to exterminate the problem.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do you get maggots in a home?
Flies come in through open windows or doors if they sense any food or waste odors. They will lay eggs on the food and the eggs hatch into maggots.
Are there natural remedies to get rid of maggots?
Using lime or lemon juice will kill maggots. Sprinkling a large amount of salt over them also does the trick. Strong vinegar or boiling water will kill them as well.
What are maggots a sign of?
Maggots may be a sign that food sat out for too long or was not disposed of properly, or perhaps you left windows or doors open for too long. Keep an eye on any pet wounds to prevent infestation there, too.
How do I get rid of maggots in my pets?
You may need to shave the hair around their wound to effectively see and remove the maggots. Washing them with treated shampoo or applying a topical salve to the wound or infected area may also help, though the safest route is just to take them to the vet immediately.
Natural Treatment for Maggots that Works
Are they baby flies? Are they the harbingers of death and destruction? Yes, to both.
Maggots, also called larvae, are flies in their larval stage, and they absolutely love to feast on rotting materials.
Maggots look like fat grains of rice and come in creamy whites or subtle light grays. And that dark spot on their butts? That’s their breathing hole.
They don’t have teeth—small miracles, right? Instead, they’ve got little toothless jaws to help them eat food that’s broken down by ridges on the outside of their bodies. Cute.
And if you think that there’s no way these creatures could be any more horrifying, just wait. Maggots have cannibalistic tendencies and will eat other maggots if one of them gets injured.
Want a better visual. Click the video below if you dare.
Are maggots dangerous?
While flies are better known for spreading disease and being generally annoying, maggots themselves aren’t dangerous and can actually help save lives.
Maggot therapy is a common medical practice where certain species of maggots are farmed for use in hospitals. They feast on dead tissue and rotting flesh to remove bacteria in infected wounds.
Maggots are also eaten as a delicacy in some parts of the world. But that doesn’t mean it’s dinner time when you see maggots lurking in your trash bin or on a piece of rotten food.
However, your run-of-the-mill trash maggots are most likely contaminated with bacteria and could cause bacterial poisoning if you were to ingest them. So skip the maggot appetizer and move on to the main dish.
Grove Tip
Pass the cheese, please
Speaking of appetizers, Cazu marzu, literally “rotting cheese,” is an Italian Pecorino cheese that’s made by introducing maggots to the cheese in order to speed up fermentation.
As the maggots eat their way through the Pecorino, their excretions help soften it up to create a creamy texture. Yum!
But don’t worry — your neighbors will most likely not be bringing Cazu marzu to the block party. This cheese is highly regulated and extremely expensive.
Why do I have maggots in my trash can?
Because flies are all about survival, they lay their eggs on any hardy food source—your trash, your dog’s poop, that open can of Fancy Feast you forgot about. Twenty-four hours later, when the eggs hatch, the lil’ babies begin to glutton themselves on that rotten food in preparation to pupate.
Maggot pupation is the nightmare version of the caterpillar turning into the butterfly, except the maggot forms a hard shell and turns into a dirty housefly. Flies lay hundreds of eggs at a time, which is why you see clusters of maggots squirming about together.
Grove Tip
How long can maggot infestations last?
So—do maggots eventually go away, or should you start charging them rent?
Maggots only feed for about five days before they turn into flies, start breeding, and the cycle repeats itself. The trick is to get rid of the maggots before they have a chance to pupate.
5 ways to get rid of maggots naturally
The majority of maggot-killing methods use harsh insecticides or bleach. Nix those potentially harmful chemicals and banish maggots with the power of nature instead!
Read on for the 5 best ways to get rid of maggots in your house naturally.
1. Try a salt kill
Maggots need water to thrive and survive, and salt is a natural dehydrator.
Dowse the creepy crawlies with a large amount of table salt to dry them out. Once they are dead, sweep the maggots into a plastic bag and dispose of them.
Make sure to wash the area they infested thoroughly!
2. Pour boiling water on them
Bring a pot of water to a boil, then, to get rid of maggots from your trash can, pour it into your can (or down your garbage disposal if that’s where they are).
You might have to repeat this method a few times to kill all the maggots completely.
3. Sprinkle ‘em with diatomaceous earth
Diatomaceous earth is a natural powder that has a variety of uses in the home. This is a great method to get rid of maggots from carpet or other fibrous places.
Sprinkle enough of it over the maggots so that they’re fully covered. The powder sticks to their bodies and dehydrates their exoskeleton, killing them dead.
Dispose of the maggot corpses in a plastic bag, then give the area a good deep cleaning.
4. White vinegar to the rescue
Maggots can’t live in the acidity of vinegar.
Mix 3 parts water to 1 part vinegar and pour the solution directly over the maggots.
Let the mixture sit for about an hour before you discard the maggots and clean the area.
5. Natural pest remover: Bad for maggots, nontoxic for humans & pets
Do conventional bug sprays work on maggots? Probably, but they can also do a number on your health.
A natural pest remover is the easiest method to kill maggots. Natural pest removers banish nasty critters like maggots without toxic ingredients like sulfates, parabens, or insecticides—and that’s what we call a win-win situation.
Got more pests than you can handle? Check out our guides to banish icky insects from your home. We’ve got in-depth how-to’s for moth removal, getting rid of flour bugs, and killing off drain gnats without using harsh chemicals.
How to prevent future maggot infestations
Once you know how to get rid of maggots and find your preferred method for doing so, use these tips for preventing maggots from coming back.
- Don’t leave food sitting out — store it in sealed containers.
- Tie garbage bags tightly, and take the garbage out frequently.
- Keep your garbage can clean.
- Keep your yard and house free from dog poop.
- Seal any holes in your window screens or cracks in the frame to prevent flies from getting in.
- Clean out your garbage disposal regularly.
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Magnetic constructor almost killed a one-year-old girl in the Krasnoyarsk Territory | NGS24
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All news . A terrible story was told in the Ministry of Health of the region.
None of the adults noticed how the one-year-old daughter swallowed tiny magnets from the construction set. At some point, her health began to deteriorate. The symptoms were similar to poisoning.
An ambulance took the baby to the hospital, where at first they suspected poisoning, then rotavirus. The treatment didn't help. Then she was examined by a surgeon and sent for an x-ray. In the picture, doctors saw a foreign object in the form of a stick in the intestines. On the same day, January 6, a one-year-old girl in a serious condition was urgently sent to Krasnoyarsk, to the regional center for pediatric surgery at hospital No. 20.
According to doctors, it was painful to look at a weakened child with pale gray skin and sunken eyes. Vika clung to her mother and reacted painfully to the examination.
After the necessary preparation, the child was operated on. Doctors removed 20 tiny magnets from different parts of the intestine. The parts pinched the walls of the intestine, made holes in them in some places and led to tissue necrosis.
The operation lasted almost 2 hours. A team of 6 people fought for the girl's life. The unfortunate magnets were removed and multiple perforations were sutured. Three days after the operation, the baby spent in the intensive care unit.
— Despite their tiny size, the attraction of these magnets was very strong, says Dr. Leonid Tolstonogov. “We're guessing the girl swallowed the chain of magnets in two bites. Judging by the development of the clinical picture and the increase in symptoms, at least 4 days have passed since the foreign body entered the stomach.
Now little Vika, together with her mother, continues her treatment in the pediatric surgical department. She was already allowed to eat soup and porridge.
— We met with this form of magnets for the first time, — adds Leonid Vladislavovich. - In general, I already had to deal with magnets. Just last year, we operated on two children who swallowed ball-shaped magnets. Over the years of work, I have accumulated a handful of such “finds”. I think that magnetic construction sets have no place in a house with small children.
In the past, we wrote how doctors removed a battery from a child's stomach.
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Construction set magnets nearly killed a girl from Kansk | INCIDENTS
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The baby was rescued at the last moment. Ministry of Health of the Krasnoyarsk Territory
Krasnoyarsk, January 20 - AIF-Krasnoyarsk.
In the 20th hospital in Krasnoyarsk, doctors saved the life of a girl from Kansk, who had previously swallowed magnets from the constructor.
According to the regional Ministry of Health, one-year-old Vika became ill in the first days of the new year. The girl cried, could not eat, she vomited, and she lost several kilograms in a matter of days.
Kansk doctors first decided that the child had poisoning, then rotavirus infection. But the treatment didn't help. A consultation with a surgeon and an x-ray made it clear that there was a foreign body in the girl's intestines.
Photo: Ministry of Health of the Krasnoyarsk Territory
On January 6, the baby was taken to the regional center for pediatric surgery at the 20th hospital. During the operation, doctors removed 20 small magnets from the girl's body, which were located in different parts of the intestine and pinched its walls. In some places, they led to necrosis and tissue perforation. Three days after the operation, Vika spent in intensive care.