Hearty flowering bushes
25 Beautiful Flowering Shrubs - Best Flowering Bushes for Gardens
Flowering shrubs add an extra element of beauty to your garden. They not only boost curb appeal but also add reliable color, attract pollinators, and provide structure and privacy to your garden. Whether you have a large lot or a small patio, you can plant shrubs that bloom from spring to fall so you'll have color all season long. Many flowering shrubs also do well in containers to add color to a front porch, patio, or deck. Flowering bushes also are ideal for foundation plantings, along walkways, around pool areas, and as accents in a mixed border with evergreens.
What's the easiest flowering shrub to grow?
Shrubs are typically some of the easiest plants to grow. Most flowering shrubs will thrive if you follow some basics: For starters, read the plant tag or description so you'll know what it needs in terms of light. Most (but not all) flowering shrubs need full sun, or at least six hours of direct sunlight to bloom. Otherwise, they get leggy and offer few flowers. Also, don't forget to check if it can survive winters in your USDA hardiness zone (find yours here).
You should also pay attention to details such as the plant's mature height and width. It may look tiny now in its quart-sized pot, but when it reaches its full size in a few years, you don't want to have to hack it down because it's covering a window or crowding out other plantings. Finally, keep it watered the first season or two, especially during dry spells, so that it establishes a healthy root system.
What is the longest flowering shrub?
Every plant has a cycle of growth, blooming and dormancy, so there's not one type of shrub that flowers all year long. However, there are quite a few with extremely long bloom times or three-season interest, meaning they offer something to see in spring, summer and fall. A few that work in many different regions of the country include hydrangeas and butterfly bushes, along with new reblooming varieties of lilacs, azalea, spirea, and shrub roses.
Read on to learn about the 25 most beautiful flowering shrubs, along with a guide to when they bloom and landscaping ideas for how and where to plant them.
Best Flowering Shrub for Fragrance: Daphne
Rosemary CalvertGetty Images
Daphne are pretty, appealing shrubs that aren't that well known, though they've become more popular in recent years. Plant near walkways where you can enjoy their ethereal scent.
USDA Zone: 6 to 10
Exposure: Full sun with afternoon shade in hot climates
Their fruity-scented blossoms of pink, white, or lavender bloom in late winter and early spring long before many other shrubs, and they maintain a nice compact shape without pruning.
Best Flowering Shrub for Shade: Lily of the Valley Bush
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This gorgeous early spring bloomer, also called pieris, has cascading blooms that resemble the perennial flower lily of the valley.
USDA Hardiness Zones: 5 to 8
Exposure: Part shade
Its glossy evergreen leaves offer year-round structure and interest to the garden. Plus, it's one of the few flowering shrubs that prefers part shade.
Best Flowering Shrub for Fragrance: Korean Spice Viburnum
Jennifer McClureGetty Images
Korean spice viburnum produces pale pink buds in early spring that bloom into white or pink clusters. Plant it where you can enjoy its heady scent.
USDA Hardiness Zones: 4 to 8
Exposure: Part to full sun
It has a delicious spice cake fragrance that tells you spring has arrived. It's also deer resistant!
Best Flowering Shrub for Long-Lasting Blooms: Ninebark
Elizabeth GaubekaGetty Images
Ninebark is a native shrub that's got it all: colorful foliage that's dark burgundy, chartreuse, or bronze all season long; fragrant white flowers that bloom in mid- to late spring; and a natural arching shape that doesn't need pruning. Look for new dwarf varieties for smaller gardens.
USDA Hardiness Zones: 3 to 7
Exposure: Full sun
This shrub looks great most of the season and works equally well in mixed borders or beds or as an accent plant. It's also a pollinator magnet!
Best Flowering Shrub for Adding Interest: Sweetshrub
DEA / R. SACCOGetty Images
With unusual, large red or white flowers that can carry a spicy scent, this easy-to-grow flowering shrub also is known as Carolina allspice, spicebush, or strawberry bush. It's a very large shrub, maxing out at 10 feet tall, so plant it where it has plenty of space to spread.
USDA Hardiness Zones: 5 to 9
Exposure: Part to full sun
The interesting flowers last for weeks in early summer, blooming most of the season in moderate climates. It's also deer resistant.
Best Flowering Shrub for Early Blooms: Mahonia
Photos from Japan, Asia and othe of the worldGetty Images
Not particularly well known, this evergreen shrub blooms in late winter or early spring with bright yellow blooms that become handsome blue berries in fall. Place it along borders or as a backdrop to a mixed planting bed.
USDA Hardiness Zones: 5 to 9
Exposure: Part to full sun
Mahonia is an early bloomer and a great screening plant.
Flowering Shrub with Most Unique Blooms: Witch Hazel
Jacky Parker Photography
The fun flowers on this shrub make it worth planting. This is a great plant to place along woodland borders.
USDA Hardiness Zones: 3 to 8
Exposure: Part to full sun
The crazy, curly flowers appear in late fall and linger long after the colorful leaves have dropped. Some types also bloom in late winter.
Best Classic Flowering Shrub: Azalea
Pierre-Yves BabelonGetty Images
Known for their beautiful show at the Masters each April, these evergreen shrubs come in every color from peach to hot pink to pure white. They're lovely planted in masses or as foundation plantings.
USDA Hardiness Zones: 6 to 9
Exposure: Part sun to sun
Why we love it: Classic Flowering Shrub
New varieties are more cold hardy and rebloom, offering a spring show and secondary blooms throughout the season.
Best Low-Growing Flowering Shrub: Deutzia
Jacky Parker PhotographyGetty Images
This lovely deciduous shrub has a natural arching shape and produces abundant clusters of small white or pink flowers in spring. Plant as a low hedge, in mixed borders along walkways, or on slopes for erosion control.
USDA Hardiness Zones: 5 to 8
Exposure: Part sun to sun
The pretty blooms last for weeks, and it's deer resistant. It's also a low-maintenance shrub that rarely needs attention.
Best Fast-Growing Flowering Shrub: Forsythia
ullstein bildGetty Images
When forsythia blooms, it's a sure sign spring is starting. Look for newer varieties that are more compact and better behaved than old standards, which can become tall and unwieldy in small gardens. Plant as accents or in a mixed border.
USDA Hardiness Zones: 5 to 8
Exposure: Full sun
The canary yellow blooms appear in early spring before the shrub even has leaves. The rest of the year, it's a handsome deciduous shrub. And it's a fast grower!
Best Flowering Shrub for Old-Fashioned Scent: Lilac
Kevin KobsGetty Images
Plant this late spring flowering shrub where you can enjoy its old-fashioned fragrance and heart-shaped leaves. Many new varieties are more compact or rebloom in midsummer.
USDA Hardiness Zones: 3 to 8
Exposure: Full sun
The sweet scent signals summer is around the corner, while the heart-shaped leaves offer charm the rest of the season.
Best Low-Maintenance Flowering Shrub: Flowering Quince
NatthawatGetty Images
This deciduous shrub features beautiful vibrant flowers in shades of peach, scarlet, orange, or red in late winter or early spring.
USDA Hardiness Zones: 5 to 9
Exposure: Full sun
Flowering quince is a decidedly low-maintenance shrub that makes for an ideal hedge, screen, or barrier in front yards and backyards. New varieties are thornless.
Best Evergreen Flowering Shrub: Rhododendron
Heritage ImagesGetty Images
This flowering shrub with glossy green leaves boasts blooms in white, peach, pink, or shades of purple in late spring. It's an old favorite with many new varieties available.
USDA Hardiness Zones: 4 to 8
Exposure: Part to full sun
Rhododendron makes for beautiful hedges and thrives under a canopy of trees. New varieties are more cold hardy.
Best Flowering Shrub for Hummingbirds: Weigela
non exclusif mes photosGetty Images
This deciduous shrub comes in a wide range of foliage and flower colors. Plant weigela as a showy hedge, or use as an accent or in mixed borders. New types rebloom throughout the growing season.
USDA Hardiness Zones: 4 to 8
Exposure: Full sun
The beautiful tubular blooms attract hummingbirds and butterflies from late spring to summer.
Best Flowering Shrub with Berries: Beautyberry
Moelyn PhotosGetty Images
Although this deciduous shrub produces pretty flowers from late spring into summer, it's better known for its stunning clusters of purple berries that persist into winter. Group several plants for a colorful border, or plant as a focal point.
USDA Hardiness Zones: 5 to 8
Exposure: Full sun
It's simply striking! It's also deer resistant and attractive to pollinators.
Best Flowering Shrub for Butterflies: Butterfly Bush
TracieMichelleGetty Images
This deciduous shrub features masses of blossoms from summer to fall. It comes in an array of colors including pink, purple, red, and white. Use it to add color, texture, fragrance, and height at the back of beds or near patios and other outdoor living areas. New varieties are more compact, reaching just 2–3 feet tall and wide.
USDA Hardiness Zones: 5 to 9
Exposure: Full sun
This fast grower is in bloom from summer to first frost. As the name indicates, butterflies love it!
Toughest Flowering Shrub: Potentilla
BaizGetty Images
Also known as cinquefoil, this hardy pink, white, or yellow flowering shrub features a long bloom time with some varieties flowering in late spring through early fall. It makes a beautiful addition to everything from small container gardens to mixed borders.
USDA Hardiness Zones: 2 to 7
Exposure: Full sun
Potentilla is a super-tough plant, standing up to both urban and coastal environments. It's also deer and rabbit resistant.
Longest-Blooming Flowering Shrub: Hydrangea
dreaming2004Getty Images
Hydrangeas works as a hedge, as an accent, or even in containers. They boasts three-season interest because the flowers, which emerge in early to midsummer, stay intact through fall and winter. Many new varieties have been introduced in the last decade, so shop for one sized to your garden (some max out at just 2–3 feet tall and wide).
USDA Hardiness Zones: 3 to 9
Exposure: Part to full sun, depending on the variety
No matter where you live, there's a hydrangea that will thrive in your environment. The papery blooms persist throughout the season and make excellent dried flowers.
Best Late-Blooming Flowering Shrub: Rose of Sharon
Iva VagnerovaGetty Images
Rose of Sharon boasts large, lush flowers in every color from white to pale pink to deep chiffon blue in late summer. Plant as a hedge, either on its own or as a backdrop for lower shrubs or flowers.
USDA Hardiness Zones: 5 to 9
Exposure: Full sun
Just when the rest of your garden is fading in late summer, rose of Sharon begins to bloom.
Easiest Flowering Shrub: Shrub Rose
ShintartanyaGetty Images
Shrub roses are hardy, disease resistant, and bloom from late spring to a hard freeze for long season color. Some also are fragrant. Plant shrub roses as screens, as hedges, or en masse on a hillside.
USDA Hardiness Zones: 4 to 9
Exposure: Full sun
Why we love it: Easy-to-grow Flowering Shrub
Every garden needs at least one rose bush, and shrub roses are the least fussy type of rose to plant.
Lowest-Maintenance Flowering Shrub: Spirea
Photos by R A KeartonGetty Images
Thanks to its long-lasting blooms throughout the summer, along with its versatility in beds or borders, spirea has become one of the most popular flowering shrubs. Many new varieties have been introduced with flower colors ranging from white to pink with deep green, gold, or chartreuse foliage.
USDA Hardiness Zones: 3 to 8
Exposure: Full sun
This super-tough shrub attracts bees and butterflies but is resistant to deer.
Best Native Flowering Shrub: Summersweet
Douglas SparkesGetty Images
Summersweet has dense, upright branches with fragrant white flowers in mid- to late summer with dark green foliage that turns golden yellow in the fall. Plant en masse, in mixed borders, and along property lines.
USDA Hardiness Zones: 4 to 9
Exposure: Part to full sun
This native shrub attracts both butterflies and hummingbirds, and deer tend to leave it alone.
Best Flowering Shrub for Scent: Abelia
Michel VIARDGetty Images
This pretty shrub has lovely white or pink fragrant spring flowers. Plant as a hedge or screen, or mass along a slope or hillside for erosion control.
USDA Hardiness Zones: 4 to 8
Exposure: Part to full sun
The jasmine-scented blooms attract pollinators, but it's deer and rabbit resistant.
Best Blue Flowering Shrub: Caryopteris
Robert KirkGetty Images
This woody flowering shrub features aromatic foliage and small blue flowers that bloom from late summer into autumn for late-season color. Try this small shrub in borders, repeated for full effect, or potted in containers.
USDA Hardiness Zones: 5 to 9
Exposure: Full sun
The deep blue flowers, which are not that common in the garden, are a pollinator favorite!
Flowering Shrub with Most Beautiful Blooms: Camellia
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This evergreen flowering shrub blooms in winter through early spring and summer, depending on the variety. Plant in groups of three to five for a magnificent screen or hedge.
USDA Hardiness Zone: 7 to 10
Exposure: Part to full sun, depending on the variety
Its lovely rose-like blooms have rich color and beautiful form.
Arricca Elin Sansone Arricca SanSone has written about health and lifestyle topics for Prevention, Country Living, Woman's Day, and more.
16 Best Flowering Shrubs - Beautiful Bushes with Flowers
A seasonal guide to the best flowering bushes By Anne Balogh
Flowering shrubs provide color and structure and can be used as groundcovers, hedge plants or eye-catching focal points. You can fill your garden with ornamental shrubs that bloom from early spring through late fall and even into winter. Many flowering shrubs also perfume the air with their own signature fragrance.
On this page: Spring Flowering Shrubs | Summer Flowering Shrubs | Fall & Winter Flowering Shrubs
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Bloomerang® Dark Purple reblooming lilac. Photo: Proven Winners.
Syringa spp. and hybrids)Zones: 3-8 for most, a few hardy to Zone 2
Exposure: Full sun; will tolerate some light shade
Mature size: 5 to 15 feet tall and wide, depending on variety
Bloom time: Late April to May; again in summer for rebloomers.
Flower colors: Purple, pink, white
Throw open your windows on a warm day in May, and you’re apt to be greeted by the intoxicating, unmistakable fragrance of spring-blooming lilacs. Early-, mid- and late-season cultivars extend the bloom time for at least 6 weeks. Reblooming varieties bloom once in spring and again in summer through fall.
Learn more about growing lilacs.
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Dandy Man® Pink rhododendron. Photo: Proven Winners.
Rhododendron spp. )Zones: 5-9
Exposure: Partial to dappled shade
Mature size: 18 inches to 20 feet tall, depending on variety
Bloom time: Peak bloom usually occurs mid-spring; however, some bloom as early as March, others as late as July.
Flower colors: Shades of pink, white, purple, crimson, and yellow
Prized for its spectacular spring flowers, many varieties are evergreen and can be enjoyed year-round. Their size and shape vary, from low-growing groundcovers to tall shrubs.
Learn more about growing rhododendrons and azaleas.
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Show Off® forsythia. Photo: Proven Winners.
Forsythia spp.)Zones: 3-9
Exposure: Full sun to partial shade; flowers best in full sun
Mature size: 1 to 20 feet tall, 3 to 10 feet wide, depending on variety
Bloom time: Early to mid-spring
Flower colors: Bright yellow
The vibrant canary-yellow flowers of forsythia are like the first ray of sunshine after the dark days of winter, covering each arching branch with a profusion of blooms lasting one to two weeks. The welcome explosion of yellow flowers makes this shrub well worth planting, despite the short bloom time.
Learn more about growing forsythia shrubs.
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Spice Girl® Korean spice viburnum. Photo: Proven Winners.
Viburnum carlesii)Zones: 4-8
Exposure: Partial to full sun
Mature size: 6 to 8 feet tall and wide
Bloom time: April
Flower colors: White, pink
This showy shrub produces clusters of pastel-pink buds in late March that open to domed clusters of white or pink-flushed flowers. However, it’s the heady fragrance, similar to spice cake, that makes this exceptional species a delightful addition to the garden.
Learn more about growing viburnum shrubs.
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Sonic Bloom® Pink weigela. Photo: Proven Winners.
Weigela florida)Zones: 4-8
Exposure: Full sun; will tolerate partial shade
Mature size: Varies; from 12 inches tall and 18 inches wide to 10 feet tall and 12 feet wide
Bloom time: Mid to late spring, with sparser rebloom in summer and fall
Flower colors: Shades of red, pink, white, and yellow
Gardeners love this popular shrub not only for its abundance of white or pink flowers on arching branches, but also for its unflappable nature and reliable performance. The trumpet-shaped flowers are a favorite of bees and hummingbirds, and often continue to bloom in scattered fashion from mid to late summer.
Learn more about growing weigela shrubs.
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Chaenomeles speciosa)Zones: 5-9
Exposure: Full sun
Mature size: 6 to 10 feet tall and wide; some compact cultivars to only 3 or 4 feet
Bloom time: Early to mid-spring
Flower colors: Shades of red, orange, coral, pink, and white
Flowering quince blooms earlier than other spring-flowering shrubs, appearing as early as late January in the South, and March in northern areas. Adaptable and easy to grow, quince is also tolerant of heat, dry conditions, and a wide range of soil types.
Learn more about growing flowering quince.
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Oso Easy Double Red® rose. Photo: Proven Winners.
Rosa spp.)Zones: 5-9
Exposure: Full sun
Mature size: 1 to 4 feet tall and wide
Bloom time: Early summer through fall
Flower colors: Shades of red, pink, white, yellow, and peach
Shrub roses are quickly becoming the go-to darlings of the rose world, taking the best traits of the hardiest rose species and combining them with attributes of repeat blooming and minimal maintenance.
Learn more about how to grow shrub roses.
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'Limelight' panicle hydrangea. Photo: Proven Winners.
Hydrangea paniculata)Zones: 3-9
Exposure: Partial to full sun
Mature size: 6 to 8 feet tall and wide
Bloom time: Late summer through fall
Flower colors: Blooms green, then fades to white, then pink
Hydrangeas are one of the few flowering shrubs that produce spectacular blooms even in partial shade. One hydrangea that has become the superstar of the late-summer garden is 'Limelight'. This fast-growing, upright shrub produces large cone-shaped panicles in late July that change color as they mature, from lime-green to white and finally to a rosy pink.
Learn more about how to grow hydrangeas.
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Happy Face® Yellow cinquefoil. Photo: Proven Winners.
Potentilla fruticosa)Zones: 2-7
Exposure: Partial to full sun
Mature size: 2 to 3 feet tall and wide
Bloom time: June through September
Flower colors: Yellow, pink, orange, or white
Cinquefoil is also one of the easiest shrubs to grow, featuring good drought tolerance, excellent winter hardiness, and little need for aggressive pruning. Besides yellow, dozens of cultivars of cinquefoil are available in other hues, including white, pink, and tangerine.
Learn more about how to grow cinquefoil shrubs.
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Double Play® Candy Corn® spirea. Photo: Proven Winners.
Spirea japonica)Zones: 4-8
Exposure: Full sun
Mature size: 2 to 3 feet tall and wide
Bloom time: June to August
Flower colors: Pink or purple
Summer-blooming Japanese spirea are a favorite of many gardeners because of their clusters of long-lasting summer flowers and good fall leaf color. Double Play® Candy Corn® is a popular, easy-care cultivar that produces showy dark purple bloom clusters surrounded by yellow and orange foliage.
Learn more about how to grow spirea bushes.
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'Miss Molly' butterfly bush. Photo: Proven Winners.
SUMMER LILAC (Butterfly Bush) (
Buddleia hybrids)Zones: 5-9
Exposure: Full sun
Mature size: 2 to 10 feet tall and wide, depnding on variety
Bloom time: July to October
Flower colors: Shades of pink, purple, or white
Butterfly bushes have honey-scented blooms that are irresistible to butterflies and bees, and many gardeners as well. The lilac-like blossoms come in an array of pretty pastel colors, ranging from pink to deep purple, and continue from mid-summer into autumn.
Learn more about how to grow non-invasive butterfly bushes.
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Sugar Shack® buttonbush. Photo: Proven Winners.
Cephalanthus occidentalis)Zones: 4-9
Exposure: Full sun to partial shade
Mature size: 6 to 12 feet tall and wide
Bloom time: June to September
Flower colors: White
Showy pincushion-like flowers attract butterflies, moths, and other beneficial insects. Native to much of the U.S., this sturdy carefree shrub makes a good substitute in areas where butterfly bush is invasive.
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Blue Chiffon® rose of Sharon. Photo: Proven Winners.
Hibiscus syriacus)Zones: 5-9
Exposure: Full sun to partial shade
Mature size: 8 to 12 feet tall, 6 to 10 feet wide, depnding on variety
Bloom time: Mid-summer through October
Flower colors: Shades of white, pink, red, blue, or apricot
Despite its name, this old-fashioned shrub is not a rose at all but a member of the hibiscus family, producing luscious flowers from late summer through mid-autumn when few other shrubs are in bloom.
Learn more about how to grow rose of Sharon.
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Sugartina® 'Crystalina' summersweet. Photo: Proven Winners.
Clethra alnifolia)Zones: 3-9
Exposure: Partial shade
Mature size: 3 to 8 feet tall, 3 to 6 feet wide, depnding on variety
Bloom time: Late July through August
Flower colors: White or pink
Summersweet is one of the rare flowering shrubs that will bloom in shady places, perfuming the air with a sweet-spicy fragrance attractive to butterflies and bees. The showy white flower spikes come in abundance for 4 to 6 weeks, set off by dark, glossy green leaves that turn attractive shades of yellow to golden brown in fall.
Learn more about how to grow summersweet.
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Funshine® abelia. Photo: Proven Winners.
Abelia grandiflora)Zones: 5-9
Exposure: Full sun to partial shade
Mature size: 3 to 6 feet tall and wide
Bloom time: Late summer through fall
Flower colors: White, pink
Abelia is the perfect choice for gardeners who want an easy-care, somewhat shade-tolerant plant that provides late-season fragrance. From summer through fall, it produces a profusion of rose-tinged white flowers on graceful, arching branches. The trumpet-shaped blooms have a jasmine-like scent that are a magnet for butterflies and hummingbirds.
Learn more about how to grow abelia.
Camellia )Zones: 5-9
Exposure: Partial to full shade
Mature size: 6 to 12 feel tall and wide
Bloom time: Depending on variety, from late fall through spring
Flower colors: Red, pink, white
Camellia is the standout of the winter garden, bearing showy rose-like blooms in shades of white, pink, or red when other shrubs are dormant. The glossy, green foliage of this broadleafed evergreen is also attractive year-round. The bloom season is long and by staggering plantings of early-, mid- and late-season varieties, you can have flowers from November through April or May.
Learn more about growing camellias.
The most popular flowering shrubs are:
- Rose
- Hydrangea
- Rhododendron
- Rose of Sharon
- Butterfly bush
- Camellia
- Forsythia
- Viburnum
- Lilac
- Weigela
- Spirea
- Abelia
- Cinquefoil
- Summersweet
Last updated: May 12, 2021
22 Small Flowering Shrubs
Summer Flowering Perennials
20 Fragrant Flowering Plants
Evergreen Shrubs
15 Small Evergreen Shrubs
Flowering Trees
Beautiful flowering ornamental shrubs for the garden. Description with names and photos.
Ornamental shrubs in the garden have several functions. They make any composition more voluminous and interesting for perception. During the flowering period, they create a large color spot that can be seen from afar, the rest of the time they are the background for other flowering plants. Shrubs wake up much faster than perennial flowers, thanks to them the flower garden does not look “naked” in spring. In autumn, their leaves fill the garden with bright colors, when all the flowers have already wilted. nine0003
Growing perennial ornamental shrubs is not difficult. The best time for planting seedlings is spring: April - early May, when the plants have not yet come out of dormancy. Seedlings with a closed root system can be planted throughout the season.
Minimal care for ornamental shrubs: several top dressings per season with complex mineral fertilizer "Healthy Turbo for flower beds and flower beds" , rare watering in especially hot summers. Many crops do not give the gardener any trouble, but it is better to have some kind of systemic fungicide on hand, like "Skor" or "Diskor" , to treat plants at the first sign of powdery mildew or any leaf spot.
There are many types of perennial ornamental shrubs for the garden. It is impossible to cover all the diversity in one article, so we will focus on flowering shrubs. We will focus on frost-resistant plants that winter in the middle lane without shelter or are content with mulching the root zone. nine0005
In almost every dacha you can see such frost-resistant ornamental shrubs as lilac and mock orange, or garden jasmine. Despite the fact that these tall shrubs have been grown for centuries, they have not lost their relevance. They are unpretentious, grow both in the sun and in partial shade (the mock orange feels even better in diffused light).
Mock orange (garden jasmine)
Many magnificent varieties of lilacs have been bred with inflorescences of all shades of lilac, which differ in flowering time. A bouquet of lilacs on the table is a real country classic, which is impossible to refuse. During the flowering period of the mock orange, the garden is filled with a breathtaking aroma. Varieties of mock orange always bloom with snow-white flowers, varieties with double flowers are interesting. nine0003
There is no need to talk about the beauty of roses and hydrangeas. These are the two queens of the garden, who divided the zones of influence: the rose reigns in the sun, the hydrangea in the shade. Despite their nobility, these crops can be classified as frost-resistant ornamental shrubs for the garden. Species roses, such as rugosa rose, or wrinkled rose, as well as park roses derived from them, are unpretentious, bloom all summer, hibernate without shelter.
Hydrangea tree and paniculate hydrangea winter well in the middle lane and decorate the garden with lush inflorescences from mid-summer to autumn. nine0003
Let's take a closer look at lesser-known cultures. We present you the 10 best ornamental shrubs for the garden with photos and names of popular varieties.
1. Forsythia
Forsythia opens the flowering season in April. While other plants are still dormant, the forsythia turns into a golden ball. Bright yellow flowers open before the leaves appear. Small "bells" completely cover thin flexible shoots. The contrast of sunny yellow colors against the blue spring sky looks just amazing. nine0003
Flowering of forsythia is short, within 2-3 weeks, but its early period is especially valuable. The rest of the year, forsythia looks neutral. The shrub grows up to 2-3 m in height and up to 1.5-2 m in diameter. Forsythia grows rapidly, annually adds 30 cm.
The shape of the crown is spreading, thin shoots grow vertically. The leaves are small, oval in shape. With the advent of cold weather, the leaves of forsythia drooping and forsythia ovate turn purple, the leaves of forsythia intermediate remain green until frost. nine0003
Forsythia is planted in a sunny place, the culture is undemanding to soil fertility and watering. Forsythia blooms on last year's shoots, so you need to choose species that winter well in the middle lane.
The most frost-resistant types of forsythia: F. drooping (hanging), F. intermediate (middle), F. ovoid (oval). Popular varieties of frost-resistant forsythia: tall "Beatrix Farrand", "Golden Time", "Spring Glory", "Goldsauber", "Lindwood Gold" , undersized "Mini Gold", "Spectabilis", "Tetra Gold" .
2. Holly mahonia
In the middle - the end of May the holly mahonia blossoms. This is an evergreen shrub that winters well in the middle lane without shelter, of course, subject to high snow cover.
Mahonia holly
Magonia holly is sometimes called the "lily of the valley shrub" because of the similarity in the shape of the inflorescences. Lemon-yellow mahonia flowers are collected in large brushes, they exude a pleasant delicate aroma. After the end of flowering, berries are tied, which ripen by the end of summer. They are quite large, up to 1 cm in diameter, dark blue with a bluish bloom, sweet and sour. Berries are eaten fresh, they are used to make jams and jams. nine0003
Magonia holly rarely grows above 1-1.2 m. The plant has a slow growth rate, the annual growth is not more than 10 cm. The bush has a compact crown. Beautiful leathery leaves are shaped like a holly leaf, or holly, they also have pointed teeth.
During the summer, the leaves of mahonia are a rich dark green color, in autumn they change color to red-bronze, in winter they turn purple-violet. Variety « Atropurpurea » purple-purple leaves throughout the season.
Magonia holly grows well both in the sun and in the shade. Plants are often used to form a low hedge, which can be used to delimit zones in a garden plot.
Popular varieties of holly mahonia: undersized "Apollo" and "Compact", "Atropurpurea" with purple leaves and "Orange Flame" with pink-orange leaves. There are tall fruit varieties that produce up to 1.5 kg of berries: "Natakha", "Timoshka", "Mermaid", "Sweetie" .

Rhododendrons are not so common in the gardens of the middle lane, and all because they are considered capricious heat-loving crops. Meanwhile, among the huge variety of rhododendrons, there are very unpretentious and frost-resistant species, both evergreen and deciduous.
For example, hybrids of the evergreen Katevbinsky rhododendron winter well in the middle lane, shelter is needed sooner in order to protect their leaves from burns. But if there is no desire to bother with shelter, you can plant deciduous species - Japanese azalea, it tolerates frosts down to -32-34 ° C. nine0003
Rhododendron is incredibly beautiful. It is a tall shrub with a spreading crown. Rhododendrons reach a height of 1.5-1.8 m, although dwarf varieties of Japanese azalea can also be found, such as variety "Grandmother" up to 50 cm high.
Rhododendrons grow quite quickly, adding 12-20 cm annually.
Evergreen rhododendrons bloom in late spring, deciduous species - in early summer. Flowering is lush, bell-shaped-funnel-shaped flowers are collected in large inflorescences that densely cover shrubs. Most rhododendrons emit a delicious fragrance. Flowering continues for 3 weeks. nine0005
Rhododendron Nova Zembla
Varieties of rhododendrons are distinguished by an incredible variety of colors. Deciduous: 'Golden Lights' blooms golden yellow, 'Rosie Lights' pink, 'White Lights' white. Evergreens: "English Roseum" blooms pale pink, "Nova Zembla" - hot pink, "Karens " - purple flowers.
Rhododendrons do not tolerate bright sunlight, they are partial shade plants. They are well planted in the shade of buildings, ideally under the protection of tall conifers. Rhododendrons prefer acidic soil, falling needles will further acidify it. nine0003
4. Henomeles
Chaenomeles, or Japanese quince, blooms in the second half of May, flowering lasts for 20-25 days. The bright coral-red flowers of chaenomeles are similar to apple flowers, but they are much larger, up to 4 cm in diameter. They densely cover bare branches, flowers bloom before the leaves appear. During the flowering period, chaenomeles looks amazing.
The shrub has a beautiful branched crown, in the middle lane by the age of 10 it grows up to 1.5 m, in the southern regions the plants reach 3-4 m in height. The branches of chaenomeles are covered with small thorns, the leaves are small, dense, saturated green. nine0003
In September, small fruits ripen, they resemble apples and quince in shape, have a very dense structure, and a sour astringent taste. They are not eaten fresh, they are used for making jam, jelly, and fruit tea.
Chaenomeles has high frost resistance, plants hibernate without shelter. Chaenomeles are planted in open, sunny places, protected from drafts and the north wind.
Varieties of decorative chaenomeles differ in the color of flowers. nine0010 Fire Dance, Ellie Mossel, Crimson & Gold bloom bright red, Lady Pink pink, Apple Blossom and Nivalis white.
5. Spirea
Among unpretentious ornamental shrubs, spireas occupy a special place. They are often used in urban landscaping, as endure gas pollution and other adverse conditions. In city parks, gray spirea is most often found, it is also called ashen spirea, or silver. This is a fast growing shrub, when planted in the sun, the annual growth is 30 cm, in the shade the shrub grows more slowly and blooms worse. nine0003
In ornamental gardening, two types of spirea are popular: gray spirea and Japanese spirea. They differ in appearance, and in the timing of flowering, as well as in the color of the flowers.
Spirea gray blooms in April and blooms until the end of May. At this time, it is impossible to take your eyes off the spirea. Fountain-shaped bushes with long shoots that lean to the ground, completely covered with small white flowers. Small leaves are almost invisible from under the flowers. The people call spirea "bride" or "May foam". Flowers exude an unobtrusive pleasant aroma. nine0005
Spiraea Van Gutta Gold Fontaine
After the end of flowering, spirea remains attractive due to the gray-green color of small leaves and the beautiful shape of the bush. Spirea leaves turn golden yellow in autumn. The most popular varieties of gray spirea: Grefsheim, Graciosa, Arguta . Plants require a lot of space, the height and diameter of the bush is up to 1.5 m.
Japanese spirea is much more modest in size, these are small spherical bushes 30-50 cm high, it is planted in the foreground in mixborders. Japanese spirea blooms in June, flowering continues until September. Small corymbose inflorescences open at the ends of young shoots, spring pruning can set the spherical shape of the bush, then it will be covered with pink flower caps. nine0003
In the spring, long before flowering, the Japanese spirea looks decorative due to the unusual golden color of the leaves, the young shoots are orange-red. In the summer, during the flowering period, the leaves of the spirea turn green, in order to change color to yellow again by autumn.
Popular varieties of Japanese spirea: "Little Princesses", "Golden Princesses", "Shirobana" , etc.
6. Weigela
Weigela is more likely to be found in southern cities than in the middle lane, however, this beautifully flowering shrub has already won the hearts of many gardeners. There are varieties of weigela that tolerate frosts down to -26-28 ° C. The main thing is to plant the weigela in the sun, in a place protected from the wind. nine0003
Weigela hybrid Bristol Ruby
Weigela blooms twice a year. The first flowering is the most spectacular: from mid-May to mid-June, at this time there are so many flowers that leaves are not visible behind them. The second wave of flowering is more modest, in August - September.
Weigela flowers are tubular-bell-shaped, all shades of pink. At the same time, many flowers are open on the plant and you can admire the variety of their colors. In the southern regions, weigela grows up to 3 m in height, in the middle lane its size does not exceed 1. 5 m. The shrub forms a dense spreading crown with hanging shoots. Weigela can be formed on a stem by braiding its young shoots “in a pigtail”. nine0003
Weigela is characterized by rapid growth, the annual growth is up to 30 cm. In the early years, the plant needs shelter.
Frost-resistant varieties of weigela: "Candida", "Rozea", "Bristol Ruby" . Interesting varieties with variegated, variegated leaf color, such as "Brigella", "Nana variegata" .
7. Potentilla
Potentilla shrub, or Kuril tea is an unpretentious frost-resistant shrub. Potentilla flowers are simple cinquefoils, small in size, 3-5 cm in diameter. Potentilla blooms tirelessly, from the beginning of summer until the very frost. All summer the plant is covered with many bright flowers. Potentilla prefers sunny places and well-drained soils. nine0005
Potentilla shrub Glamor Girl
Species cinquefoils bloom bright yellow flowers. Thanks to the work of breeders, varieties with white, pink, red-orange flowers appeared. Known varieties of Potentilla shrub: "Gold Star" with yellow flowers, "Tangerine" - with orange, "Abbotswood" - with white, "Princess" - with pink, "Primrose Beauty" - with cream colored flowers.
Potentilla shrub Kobold
Potentilla branches well and itself forms a wide rounded crown, adult bushes grow up to 1.2-1.5 m. In the sun, the shrub quickly grows in growth, up to 20 cm per year. The plant lends itself well to shearing. Potentilla leaves are small, strongly dissected. Young leaves are dried and used to brew herbal tea, they are rich in vitamin C.
8. Califolia vesicle
The popularity of the vesicle is growing every year. This plant has a lot of advantages: large carved leaves, shaped like a viburnum leaf, beautiful spherical inflorescences and no less attractive bubble boxes with seeds. nine0003
The flowering of the vesicle occurs at the end of May - the beginning of June. By the end of June, unusual seed pods are formed, which gradually change color to bright red, the pods remain closed until autumn and decorate the bush.
The red-leaved varieties of the vesicle are especially decorative. Against the background of chocolate foliage, white and pink inflorescences stand out in contrast. The color of the leaves of different varieties varies: orange-red in variety "Andre" , bright red in "Lady in Red", "Little Angel" , wine - at "Summer Vine", "Shuh" , rich maroon - at "Midnight", "Diabolo" . There are also yellow-leaved vesicle varieties, such as "Aurea" or "Enis Gold" . Against their background, the inflorescences are a little lost, but the red fruit boxes are clearly visible.
Vesicle viburnum Diabolo D'Oro
The vesicle should be planted in the sun, in the shade the plants will not show the decorative color of the leaves. The vesicle is a fast-growing shrub that reaches a height of 2-3 m, with an annual growth of up to 40 cm. The vesicle wakes up very early, by the end of April leaves open on the branches. nine0003
Plants are unpretentious, not affected by diseases and pests. Sometimes they suffer from iron deficiency, which manifests itself in leaf chlorosis. It is good to feed the vesicle with iron chelate according to the leaf or a special fertilizer based on nitrogen and iron "Sequestren Turbo" .
9. Tannery
Skumpia leather, or common, is more of a plant for southern latitudes, where it grows into huge shrubs or trees 5-7 m high. However, residents of the middle zone can also admire this unusual plant in their garden if they pick up frost-resistant varieties. The plant prefers sunny places and slightly alkaline soils. nine0003
During the season, the leaves change color several times. Particularly decorative are red-leaved varieties of skumpia, such as "Royal Purple", "Grace" , but varieties with green leaves, such as "Young Lady" winter better and grow faster. Under the conditions of the middle lane, skumpia does not grow above 1.5 m. The upper part of the shoots freezes.
Skumpia is called the "wig tree" for the unusual airy caps of inflorescences. In fact, these are not flowers, but the fruits of skumpii. nine0003
Flowering looks rather inconspicuous, goes unnoticed. After the end of flowering, the pedicels elongate, and thin long hairs grow on them, they can be white, pink or red, depending on the variety. It looks like a large paniculate inflorescence, woven from something airy, weightless.
Skumpia grows very slowly, only by the age of 10 it reaches a height of 1.5 m. In the spring, the plant wakes up the very last, at the end of May. So do not rush to get upset if your skumpia does not release leaves for a long time after winter, it is just waiting for warmth. nine0003
10. Kalina
Viburnum vulgaris is rarely grown in gardens in summer cottages, this shrub takes up too much space. The height of viburnum reaches 3-4 m, and the plant is at least 2-3 m in diameter. You can always go to the nearest forest for berries, viburnum grows everywhere, there is a lot of it along rivers and streams, this plant is demanding on moisture.
Flowering viburnum ordinary is very beautiful - large, corymbose inflorescences consist of fertile flowers, which are surrounded by snow-white sterile flowers. But even more beautiful is the flowering of the decorative viburnum buldenezh, which in French means “snowball” or “snowball”. nine0003
In late May - early June, the shrub is covered with many large spherical inflorescences, up to 15 cm in diameter. Branches bend under the weight of flowers, the older the bush, the more flowers it forms. Flowering viburnum buldenezh long, for 25-30 days. Inflorescences are collected from sterile flowers, berries are not tied.
In terms of the size of the inflorescences and their number, the viburnum buldenezh is not inferior to the blooming hydrangea. Inflorescences gradually change color from white-green to dazzling white. Variety "Roseum" flowers turn pink.
Kalina grows well in the sun, it is even better in partial shade, it is demanding on watering, loves fertile soil. Plants develop rapidly, adding 40 cm annually. In one place, viburnum can live up to 60 years.
The weak point of viburnum is that it is strongly affected by aphids and larvae of the viburnum leaf beetle, it is necessary to monitor the appearance of these pests and treat the plants with a systemic insecticide in time, for example, preparations Kortlis , Insector , Drakor .
The most beautiful winter-hardy perennial shrubs blooming all summer
Ornamental shrubs will help you solve several problems in your garden at once. These are not only beautiful buds that delight the eye all summer, but also zoning and protection of personal space from prying eyes. Today we are talking about winter-hardy flowering perennial shrubs.
The best varieties of winter-hardy shrubs
The most popular species
Shade-loving plants
Low-growing varieties
The most unpretentious varieties
1. Budleya
Inflorescences come in a wide variety of shades: from lavender to white. Budleya pleases the eye until the very frost, which means that your garden will be bright for a long time, even when all other plants leave for the winter.
Instagram @tatjanasecko
2. Potentilla
It cannot be said that this is a very popular representative of a garden bed, but so much the better - the garden will not look like the neighbors' plots. Potentilla is unpretentious, tolerates frost well and blooms all summer until late autumn, painting the garden in bright colors. Grows best in full sun and light shade and requires only regular pruning. nine0003
Instagram @anna_tikhvinskaya
3. Calicant
Representative of the North American flora. In our latitudes, it has taken root remarkably due to its endurance. In the spring, before flowering, the calicant is pruned. Unusual water lily-shaped flowers appear in early summer and fade in late July. This plant is rarely seen in a flower bed, despite universal love. Calicanth is a very fragrant and beautiful bush, it is impossible to pass by it. nine0003
Instagram @pou_flowers
4. Shrub rose
A classic representative of the set of almost any gardener. Shrub roses come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. It cannot be called unpretentious, but roses will delight the eye right up to the very frosts, blooming 2 or even 3 times per season.
Instagram @nataliaivanova152
nine0290 5. Kariopteris Luxurious blue inflorescences can rarely leave anyone indifferent. As a rule, this variety is used for the front of the garden fence, because this way its semicircular crown looks the most advantageous. Kariopteris looks best in groups, it is unpretentious to the soil, it tolerates frosts well. It blooms closer to autumn, and in spring it must be cut off.
Instaram @aktal_
6. Cistus
Somewhat similar to a poppy, sometimes it has small spots on the petals. The cistus will delight with color all summer, but the inflorescences are very delicate and the period of life of each of them is only one day. But the next day, new ovaries appear. It is better not to plant it in clay soil. Cistus also does not tolerate shade; the ideal place for it is a warm sunny clearing. The low-growing, rounded shrub needs to be cut every spring so that it blooms magnificently in the summer.
Instagram @ekamiliano
nine0290 7. Alder leaf An ideal plant for those who have a small pond in their garden. Cletra loves moist soil and places near a pond. It is practically not necessary to take care of it, the cletra spreads its thickets very quickly, occupying the entire territory presented. The peculiarity of this perennial plant is that flowers grow only on young shoots, so experienced gardeners recommend cutting off all branches annually. If you look at the photo, you can see that the flowers of the cletra are small and huddle at the end of the shoot, forming long inflorescences. In autumn, the time of leaves comes - they become bright, decorating a fading garden. nine0003
Instagram @flowerschannel
8. Calmia
Many compare it with rhododendron, both plants are not very tall and similar in leaf shape. Calmia in bloom looks very beautiful, usually this period falls on spring and early summer: lantern buds appear among the ribbed leaves. It is better to place the seedling in a dark, damp place.
Instagram @mirakoti
nine0002 Among the winter-hardy perennial shrubs that bloom all summer, there are many that are very fond of shady places. They ideally make a smooth transition from tree to flower garden. In addition, it is an indispensable member of the decorative fence and a cool option for decorating the shady side of the house.
1. Cotoneaster
Cotoneaster is not only a fruit-bearing inhabitant of a personal plot, but also a beautiful flowering plant. Cotoneaster is different in size and appearance, there are also evergreen varieties. A common characteristic for all is regular-shaped oval leaves and pink buds, which turn into snow-white flowers at the very beginning of summer. Cotoneaster blooms until autumn, after which berries are tied in place of flowers. Sometimes there are cotoneasters, which throw out beautiful bright foliage in the fall. Unpretentious in care, but need regular spring pruning. nine0003
Instagram @kizilnik24
2. Rhododendron
Lush bright flowers can only be compared in scale with peonies. Rhododendrons love partial shade and prefer to be sheltered from the scorching sun. It is necessary to distinguish between azaleas and rhododendrons proper, since they are representatives of the same species. The height of the latter under favorable conditions reaches one and a half meters, but there are dwarfs of 30 cm and giants of 6 m in height. Flowering mainly occurs in May, but here, again, variations are possible. The color can be very different, it’s easier to say what it doesn’t happen - blue. nine0003
Instagram @anurybi
3. Jasmine
Who is not familiar with the dazzling white fragrant representative of the midland flora? Jasmine lives in almost every garden. He was loved for his unpretentiousness and great aroma. If you want the plant to bloom more actively, take care of placing it in the sun. Jasmines are bushy, they are usually planted near a wall or hedge. And also jasmine lianas are known, capable of twining walls and any other vertical surfaces nearby. nine0003
Instagram @prya1707
4. Thunberg's Barberry
A pretty undersized perennial that is famous for its indifference to low temperatures. It comes in a variety of species and is often found in home gardens. On average, the barberry reaches a height of one and a half meters, blooms in early spring, and by autumn the leaves acquire a bright red color to match the ripened berries.
Instagram @ladabregneva
nine0002 If you want to quickly and easily grow a hedge or you are new to gardening, pay attention to unpretentious winter-hardy shrubs that bloom all summer. You can combine them or stop at one thing, depending on what kind of end view of the flower garden you want to get.The most popular hardy shrubs with intensive growth:
- climbing rose
- common barberry
- cotoneaster
- vesicle. nine0370
Instagram @diamond_pro_cattery
In the photo: vesicle
Low and beautiful ornamental shrubs, frost-resistant and blooming all summer long - a real find for the gardener. Usually they are planted around the paths or along the edge of the flower bed.
Popular species:
- Japanese quince
- Potentilla
- heather
- the action is graceful.