Green walls plants
Plant Selection - LiveWall Vertical Plant Wall System
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Choosing the right plants for your wall is critical to satisfaction and performance.
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LiveWall designers, installers, and owners that follow our plant design guides’ recommendations for the selection and pairing of plants—and follow our maintenance guides—experience the greatest success.
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Know what you want to plant, but need help figuring out how to plant your living wall?
LiveWall’s unique system design with removable planter inserts make designing with annuals simple and fun.
Annuals vs Perennials
How do living walls planted with annuals and perennials compare in respect to cost and benefits?
LiveWall recommends the hardiest perennials for serene, beautiful, and long-lived vertical gardens.
Many herbs, vegetables, greens, and even some small fruits grow exceptionally well in the LiveWall system.
Shallow rooting succulents thrive in living walls for the longest time and using the least amount of water.
Tropical plants are typically grown in interior living walls, or may be grown outdoors in warm, humid climates.
How do I select green wall plants?
How do I select green wall plants?
Depending on the wall orientation, climate, and design intent, designers may choose from a broad variety of plant types. These include:
- Annual plants
- Perennial plants
- Edibles such as vegetables, herbs, and strawberries
- Succulents
- Tropical Plants
LiveWall has trialed hundreds of plants and has compiled our findings in living wall plant selection and pairing design guides for each of the plant types above. Copies of the plant selection and pairing guides are available to customers. To determine which plant types are best for your project, please contact us at [email protected] or call 877-554-4065.
For inspiration, click below to see a gallery of projects by type of plants.
How did LiveWall develop living wall plant design guides?
How did LiveWall develop living wall plant design guides?
We have dozens of trial living walls at our facilities and nearby public sites.
In these trial walls, we test plants for both indoor and outdoor performance and hardiness. We are constantly trialing dozens of plant selections at any given time, and require that plants be of sufficient size, hardiness, and low maintenance to thrive in our green wall system.
Can I use LiveWall to grow herbs and greens indoors?
Can I use LiveWall to grow herbs and greens indoors?
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The LiveWall system does an excellent job of growing a broad array of greens, lettuce and herbs. When those plants are grown indoors, the plants must receive enough light of the correct spectrum.
Fortunately, we have a solution for that! We have tested and selected a lighting product with the best overall plant growth performance and value. We developed an ingenious bracket for mounting these lights and allowing for simple plant replacement or system inspection.
Contact your LiveWall representative to learn more; call us at 877-554-4065.
How do living walls planted with annuals and perennials compare in respect to cost and benefits?
How do living walls planted with annuals and perennials compare in respect to cost and benefits?
Annual Planted LiveWalls are very easy regardless of climate, with comparatively fewer maintenance events than perennials.
Perennial Planted LiveWalls are easy in mild climates (like San Diego, Seattle or Tampa), with very few losses, even during winter. If well maintained, certain plant species can last for years.
In cold winter climates (like Michigan, Maine or Minnesota), living walls planted with perennials require diligent oversight and adherence to timely maintenance events to optimize overwintering. If all care is done correctly and on time, we have found that:
- Winter survival can be good (90+ %) during mild winters,
- Winter survival can be fair (70+ %) during average winters, and
- Winter survival can be poor (25% or less) following harsh winter weather.
In all cases, overwintering success varies with exposure (wind/sun), geography (cloudy conditions make it easier), and the characteristics of the supporting wall (structural walls are better than fence applications, as they keep the soil warmer).
Naturally, LiveWall, LLC, wants every customer to derive optimal value and enjoyment from their LiveWall products—whether using annuals or perennials. For this reason we have compiled a list of features that allow for easy comparison of the costs/benefits of annuals vs perennials (below). No matter what you decide, you are not locked in for life — LiveWall is designed so that you can change the plants anytime you like.
The yearly “sustainment costs” of perennials is somewhat less than annuals when winter weather is mild and winter survival is high.
The cost of perennials is influenced by diligence of maintenance and severity of winter weather, level of cloud cover, wind, and heat transfer through the supporting wall.
Perennials can cost more annually, following a harsh winter (and comparatively high plant losses).
Perennials require the investment of a winter cover (in areas with freezing temperatures).
Annuals have predictable costs year after year.
There are few, if any, surprises with annuals.
Perennials require attentive maintenance and availability of labor.
With perennials, each spring reveals the relative success with overwintering—then plants must be ordered to account for replanting.
In cold winter climates, annuals require fewer maintenance events, and therefore are comparatively easier to manage than perennials.
In cold winter climates, the palette of perennials is quite narrow (appx. 10 very winter hardy species). In warm winter climates, the palette is more diverse.
Perennials flower seasonally, less than annuals which often flower all season.
A broad palette of annuals can be used.
Annuals are more colorful and can be more visually stunning.
Perennials are more subtle.
Annuals can be food (herbs, peppers, tomatoes), and growing them can contribute to health and wellness initiatives.
In cold winter regions, perennials should be covered during winter, and therefore don’t provide any food or habitat during winter. In mild winter regions, covering is less important.
Annuals can provide prodigious amounts of pollen and nectar, as do many perennials.
A broad palette of annuals can be used.
Regardless of whether annuals or perennials are used, soil and plant matter can be composted and reused for landscape beds or garden space.
IN SUMMARY, whether you choose annuals or perennials you can have an amazing experience with your LiveWall. We are here to support you with recommendations for plants and an easy-to-follow, time-proven protocol for caring for them. If you have multiple walls, you might want to have annuals and perennials, perhaps in alternating fashion. Occasionally, people combine annuals and perennials in the same planting. LiveWall gives you quite a great deal of flexibility.
What Are Green Walls? How to Grow One Indoors or Outdoors
Boris SV
We are always looking for creative ways to incorporate plant life into our spaces. Whether it's finding the perfect hanging plant or just picking out the prettiest vase, there are infinite ways to arrange your plants to create the relaxing feeling of being inside your own curated little jungle. But there's one plant incorporation technique you might not have tried.
If you are curious to dabble in plant design or if you're in charge of making your office space more green, consider installing a green wall.
"From an aesthetic standpoint, a green wall is a very polarizing statement piece," Ralph Portillano, the senior design manager at PlantShed, says. "A lush green living work of art against a cold facade or wall creates a focal point that draws the eye into the space."
He explains that there are two common design approaches for designing your green wall: natural and structured/patterned design. A naturally designed green wall has plants placed sporadically to imitate the look of something you'd find in nature, while a structured or patterned green wall gives off a completely different look.
"They can be done in checkerboard fashion, horizontal and diagonal lines, or even be formulated to portray large images," Portillano explains.
No matter which design approach you choose or whether you decide to build your wall inside or outside, the steps for creating your green wall will be similar. Here's how to build a green wall indoors or outdoors.
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Boris SV
Whether you choose to construct your green wall indoors or outdoors, you'll need to be careful to select the proper space. You'll also want to consider what kind of materials you'll need to use to build and install your wall.
If you're building a green wall outdoors, Portillano says you'll need to consider the natural lighting available, the type of conditions your wall might face (wind, severe direct sun, pollution), any weight restrictions for your wall, as well as the region you live in.
If you're constructing your green wall indoors, you'll need to consider the natural lighting available and decide if you need to add grow lights.
"If you are going to supplement with grow lights, it is important to use full-spectrum bulbs to make sure your plants receive the right amount of red and blue light," Portillano says.
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Valerio Gualandi / EyeEm
You will need a support structure for your wall, whether it's beams, pallets, or rows of small containers. When deciding on your support structure, make sure that your wall will hold the weight of your structure and the weight of the plants, soil, and the watered soil.
"For small green walls, a regular galvanized metal frame can be used," Portillano says. "For larger green walls, support structures and beams may have to be erected to sustain the weight of the materials."
03 of 06
Boris SV
Next, it's time to install your plants. This can be done in a variety of ways, but Portillano says there are three main ways people usually install their plants on a green wall: troughs, bags, and inserts.
If you choose to install long troughs, you can plant larger plants, and the soil can hold more water to mean a little less upkeep for you. However, this could also lead to overwatering, so it's a fine line. You'll also need to make sure your structure can hold the weight on such large troughs.
If you install your plants with bags, this means your plants are planted directly into small bags instead of troughs. This method might avoid any watering issues.
For inserts, Portillano explains: "Plants are kept in their grower pots and inserted into individual mini wall panels. This is one of the best ways to install the plants because it not only mitigates over water but also makes replacements easier. "
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Simon McGill
"If the plants are in a trough, an irrigation system like a drip system or a wick and riser system can be used where a reservoir is filled weekly," Portillano says. "For plants in bags or inserts, a drip system is recommended."
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Maintaining your green wall can be as easy or as complicated as you want it to be. You can choose to stay on top of pruning by opting for monthly prunings, but at the very least, you should be pruning your green wall every 3 to 4 months.
Portillano points out that easy access to all areas of your wall is important to the pruning process. Make sure you have a chair or ladder that allows you to reach the top of your green wall.
It's also important to note that you'll eventually need to replace or switch out the plants. This is not a one-time DIY project. It will require upkeep.
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Liyao Xie
"Potential challenges are environmental factors that could adversely affect the plants, such as lighting, placement, and temperatures, as well as human intervention," Portillano says. He adds that pests are a common plant issue, and green walls are no exception, especially indoor green walls.
"Take care not to overwater or over-fertilize, as this is the common catalyst for insect pests and bacterial diseases to develop."
While green walls are stable structures, plants are not, so you'll likely move them around and care for them as you would if they were in a single container in your home.
"Plants are living creatures and not decorations that never move or change. You should be prepared to adjust the plants as needed and give them the care they need for the wall to thrive properly," Portillano adds.
Whether you choose to place your green wall indoors or outdoors, you'll be able to enjoy your greenery in a new, beautiful way while also making a stunning design statement.
26 Ways to Make Your Home Feel Like a Modern Coastal Paradise
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“What Is WELL? | U.S. Green Building Council.” Accessed August 27, 2021.
Green walls and vertical gardens
Natural moss panel in Aspen chalet by Oppenheim Architecture. The interior is designed in accordance with the principle of wabi-sabi, which is characterized by simplicity and harmony with nature.
Anna Khosrovyan and Marina Kocherova. Founders of Bloomgrace,
The modern jungle is everywhere - in airports, museums, offices and private homes. And this is not surprising: a person lives in the memory of the assignment to cultivate the Garden of Eden, longing for Eden ...
There are two main types of vertical gardens: modular, essentially a rack of pots, and the type of pure hydroponics that we work with - without soil, dust and insects.
The absence of pots allows you to make both straight and curved modules, decorate columns, create mobile partitions, frames. Recently, moss panels have often been seen, but this has nothing to do with vertical gardens! This is not live moss, but dried and pumped up with glycerin (the difference is about the same as between a live beaver and a stuffed one). We only work with live plants. nine0003
Until recently, walls with bright color spots were in fashion: red, yellow, burgundy. It was replaced by a completely new trend, which we have designated for ourselves as "50 shades of green". It requires high skill, because the garden is built on nuances.
Vertical garden in a private house - project by Negrelli & Teixeira,
Although plants are often chosen for their simplicity, for us, designers, the shade, the shape of the leaves, the texture, their dullness or glossiness, are primarily important, the ability to achieve with their help the desired depth and relief of the composition. We like rainforest plants for which life on vertical surfaces is natural: peperomia, anthurium, alocasia, ferns, hamedorea, well, spathiphyllum and scindapsus, beloved by all verticals. And, of course, orchids. nine0003
Anno climbing system, design Frederic Malfettes, Compagnie, Modules can be added as the green wall grows.
A vertical garden is a kind of living finishing material, and its design should involve not only a designer, but also a botanist who can predict how the created ecosystem will develop. In the room where the vertical garden is located, the humidity of the air rises - for our houses with dry air this is a salvation. nine0003
Home-Made Delicate in Milan, designed by Logic Architecture. A greenhouse in the form of a wall with container gardening saturates the air with oxygen and uplifts the mood.
But if the module size is exceeded, the room will become too humid and uncomfortable. A vertical garden also requires professional lighting, so we do not recommend doing it in the bedroom. For the period of plant survival (1.5–2 months), the garden is serviced by specialists under warranty. Irrigation and lighting systems work offline, and you can safely leave them unattended for a couple of weeks. And finally, the price is about 500 euros per sq. m.
Anna Khosrovyan and Marina Kocherova, company Bloomgrace ,
A vertical garden is not just interior landscaping, but part of a conceptual design. A kind of living finishing material for walls.
Vertical garden by Anna Khosrovyan and Marina Kocherova, Bloomgrace. The size of the module developed by the designers: 2.35 m by 1.3 m, thickness 25 cm.
Polina Chesova
Green plant wall in the interior
Green plant wall in the interior
- Details
Green wall of plants or phytowall has become popular in Russia relatively recently, but has already managed to make a revolution in the field of eco-design and landscape gardening. Now pots, which are usually filled with all the window sills and all the free space in the house or office, are not needed! Wall gardening should bring into the room not only fresh air, but also beauty, they should be admired. nine0003
Useful information:
- Vertical gardening
- Phytowall
- Phytomodule
- Vertical garden
The green plant wall gives a new look to indoor plant placement. Times, tastes, styles, views and approaches to interior design and repair issues are changing. Why not reconsider your view of the placement of flowers in the room. nine0092 |
Greening houses | |
Green wall in office
| A person spends a third of his life in the office, so it is very important that the workplace is as comfortable as possible for the work process. A green wall in the office will be a great addition to the interior, a testament to the wealth and well-being of the owner at the moment, and a guarantee of reliability nine0092 |
Green wall of plants in the country house and in the apartment
| Wall gardening or a green wall is a unique phenomenon in itself. |
Green plant wall in the interior
| The green wall of plants or phytowall has become popular in Russia relatively recently, but has already managed to make a revolution in the field of eco-design and landscape gardening. Now pots, which are usually filled with all the window sills and all the free space in the house or office, are not needed! Wall gardening should bring into the room not only fresh air, but also beauty, they should be admired. nine0003 |
Green walls in the interior - photo
| Photos of wall gardening in the interior of a house or, say, an office can be found today on many sites. |
Green walls in the kitchen - photo | Green walls in the kitchen are no less popular than, say, vertical wall gardening in the bedroom, living room or in any other room. However, for many housewives, the green wall in the kitchen will also be a real find, because the green wall has, in addition to everything, some more useful properties: |
Green walls in the interior of the kitchen | Creating a green wall in the interior of the kitchen is an amazing process that requires a creative approach to this event. nine0003 |
Green walls in the living room and bedroom | What new and useful things can be added to the interior of your bedroom and living room? On the Internet, you can find countless offers, starting from scratch and ending with just a few strokes that can emphasize the individual style of the owner. |
Green interior | As you know, the green color has the most favorable effect on the visual receptors of the human eye, so the interior in green tones will always create a favorable environment for rest and relaxation. With the help of color, you can visually narrow or enlarge the space, create a certain mood. nine0003 |
DIY living wall
| The creative process is always exciting. When you do it for yourself or your friends, it is doubly pleasant. Increasingly, on the Internet, you can meet the question: how to make a living wall with your own hands? In this article, we will try to give some useful recommendations that can help you create your own unique living wall. |
Room with green walls
| It has long been known that color can regulate a person's mood. Some colors make us want to move and act, others calm down and relax, other colors cause aggression and irritation. |
Vertical gardening
| Vertical gardening is one of the leading trends in eco-design, which is increasingly used in the design and refurbishment of apartments and premises. nine0003 |
Vertical wall landscaping
| Vertical gardening of walls appeared not so long ago, but at an incredible pace it gained popularity among designers, amateur flower growers, landscapers and just people with good taste. The number of works in this area (and this area covers several sciences at once, such as: floriculture, engineering and design), is steadily growing. |
Green Wall Q&A
| Are there certain laws governing the arrangement of different plants in a green wall? As with any other type of decoration, vertical gardening is also built on a number of principles that must be followed.
The presence of a green wall of plants can significantly reduce the costs associated with caring for pet green pets, because:
- firstly, many times more flowers can be placed per 1 m² of phytowall than in any pot or on the windowsill;
- secondly, automatic irrigation and lighting systems are connected to the structure of the green wall of plants ; nine0003
Plus, green wall of plants will make the interior look new and fresh.
Used photos of green walls show how aesthetically transforms the appearance of vertical gardening in the interior and office. Moreover, built-in systems and automatic watering and lighting make such green walls as in the photo also unpretentious in maintenance. Plants planted in a living wall purify the air of harmful substances, ozonize it, and maintain a comfortable level of humidity in the room. nine0003
Where to start?
Green walls are made to order. Terms and price are negotiated individually, since a large number of details and nuances are taken into account when drawing up an estimate. If the area of the future green wall is more than 4 m², then in this case, it will be necessary to provide information about the thickness of the wall to which the frame will be attached and the material of which it consists. You will also need accurate information about the internal laying of communications. nine0003
What will happen?
In any interior, the green wall can create a unique tropical jungle atmosphere right in your apartment or office. Depending on the wishes, modern technologies make it possible to make a living wall from plants of the most diverse and bizarre shapes and sizes. The most common types of green wall in the interior are floor and mobile structures of living walls, phyto-pictures and phyto-modules, which, it is worth noting, look very neat and bring playful piquancy to the interior. nine0003
Traditionally and most often used green wall in the interior of bedrooms, children's rooms, kitchens, dining rooms and living rooms. For planting, experts recommend plants that are unpretentious to the conditions of detention and a large amount of soil.
The current trend to install a green wall of plants in the interior of premises (apartments, offices, cottages, restaurants, halls, etc.) has become fashionable and has become a sign of taste. Many designers, architects and florists around the world have already been able to appreciate this.