Good indoor house plants

10 top plants to grow at home |

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Discover the best 10 indoor plants to add color and interest to every room with our easy-to-follow guide. Full of expert tips as to which house plants will survive best in your home, you can banish any worries of green fingered failures for good. 

From statuesque favorites such as the Swiss Cheese plant and Kentia palm to the smaller but just as spectacular Calathea and Anthuriums, you can learn how to make confident house plant choices and fill your home with undemanding but super stylish plants.

With most indoor plants originating from the tropics, there’s a wide range of different plant shapes and habits to choose from too. While dainty trailing beauties such as String of Hearts and the curious Jade necklace vine will look stunning cascading from a high shelf or mantlepiece, a large glossy leaved Elephant’s Ear or Kentia palm will do a fantastic job of cozying up an empty corner. Then, of course, there are air cleaning indoor plants to consider, too.

Best indoor plants

Leading plant writer Veronica Peerless, author of How Not To Kill Your Houseplant (published by Dorling Kindersley) explains, ‘There’s a horticultural saying of ‘Right plant, Right place’ and this certainly applies to house plants as well as those in the garden. Be realistic when it comes to placing a plant indoors, consider its practical needs as well as your aesthetic ideal and be prepared to compromise.’ 

For instance, there are some bathroom plants that are well suited to humid atmospheres, whereas others would struggle in this environment.

Below, we tell you which house plants are the best fit for you and your home.

1. String of hearts

(Image credit: Alamy)

Extremely easy to look after, this delicate trailing plant is very tolerant and undemanding. Pairs of tiny heart shaped leaves are silver-grey with a rose-pink underside. Just like a succulent it stores water in its long stems, and these can reach up to six and half ft (2m) long. As a result, this plant looks stunning on a shelf or popped into a hanging planter above the stairs or window, and is lovely as a bedroom plant.

Happy at most room temperatures, just avoid draughts or direct sun, it tends to like moist but not waterlogged soil. Want to give it an occasional boost? Then mist with a water spray and pop by a window for a few hours in the morning or evening. 

Add them to a dresser or shelves as kitchen plants.

2. Snake plant or Sansevieria

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It’s the striped and twisting sword-like leaves that makes this plant so dramatic. Tough and extremely drought tolerant, it is often referred to as mother-in-law’s tongue – and makes the perfect showstopper on a side table or sitting neatly in a corner. 

There are plenty of different varieties of snake plant to choose from, including dwarf varieties such as Sansevieria fischeri at 16 inches (40cm) up to 3-4ft (91-121cm) for Masoniana and trifasciata types. Relatively slow growing, they can cope with low light conditions but will grow faster in brighter conditions. 

Native to west Africa these plants can stay outside in HDSA zones 9-12. They will die though if left in temperatures below 50℉ or exposed to frost. During spring and summer water once a week but do drop to once a month in fall and winter when the plant is dormant.

3. Peace lily

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The epitome of elegance, the Peace lily with its glossy tear shaped leaves and pure white flowers is one of the most popular indoor plants. Effortlessly chic, they radiate tranquillity and simplicity but can be a little temperamental at times. They do prefer moist soil, but the good news is that these plants will tell you when they are thirsty as the leaves will droop. Pop it next to the shower for the occasional boost or mist with a water spray. 

Do avoid direct sun hitting the foliage as it will scorch, but place in a light, bright spot for the healthiest deep green leaves. This plant reaches around 30 inches high (75cm) and will thrive in temperatures 64-75℉ (18-24°C) but can cope with lows of 53℉ (12°C).

4. Monstera deliciosa or Swiss Cheese Plant

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Giant glossy leaves and tropical vibes – what’s not to like about Monstera deliciosa - or the Swiss Cheese Plant as it’s also known. Native to Mexico and Central America it’s an indoor plant that makes a big impact and looks fantastic. 

‘Think of the climate and conditions in the rainforest, where these plants come from,’ says Mark Lawlor of Happy Houseplants . ‘Humidity is high, rainfall is occasional and heavy, light is bright but usually shaded by taller trees. You can replicate these conditions in a steamy kitchen or bathroom at home, and even in a warm living room!’

These instantly recognizable plants are climbers with aerial roots, so indoors they do need to be trained up moss cover poles to mimic the trees it clings to in the wild. Indoors it can grow up to 78 inches (2m) high, but the size of pot will limit its growth. Preferring warm temperatures of between 64-80℉ (18-27°C) it can tolerate chilly conditions down to 53℉ (12°C). Do avoid cold drafts.

5. ZZ plant or Zamioculcas zamiifolia or Zanzibar Gem

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Fancy a houseplant that looks like no other? Then the ZZ plant or ric-rac plant is a must. Dark glossy slender leaves with distinct undulating edges, it makes a real impact placed on its own on a side or coffee table. 

A very undemanding plant, it will merrily thrive in a shady spot as well as indirect light and is happy to be root bound, reducing the need for regular repotting. Extremely drought tolerant and hard to kill, the tall foliage slowly grows up to 3ft (just under 1m) high and prefers temperatures of 59–75℉ (15°C to 24°C).

One extra bonus is that the ZZ plant also has air purifying capabilities, removing harmful compounds such as benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene. Give it an extra growth boost by feeding it with liquid fertilizer once per month in spring and summer.

6. Philodendron 

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If you are after a tall, upright plant that won’t invade your space then try a philodendron. A large leaved climber hailing from the Caribbean, it loves bright light positions but can also cope with a bit of shade. 

A natural and prolific climber, it can be trained up a mossy pole and looks stunning in a raised planter. ‘These plants will thrive in almost all levels of humidity, however placing them in high humidity environments will encourage larger leaves,’ say the plant experts at Hortology . They also suggest to, ‘Increase the bushiness of this plant by pinching out after a leaf node on single stems. This will promote off shoots and more branches, meaning more leaves.’

With over 489 species to choose from you won’t be left wanting. Preferring a humid environment, you may want to occasionally mist your plant or place it in a steamy bathroom. Temperatures of between 60-75℉ (16 – 24°C) are ideal for this beauty and bear in mind that it can grow up to 13ft (4m) so you may need to trim it as needed.

7. Succulents

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With their intriguing and intricate shapes, succulents are hugely popular plants – both indoors and out. Gynelle Lyon author of Prick , (published Mitchell Beazley) says, ‘the term "succulent" refers to those plants, that over time have undergone modifications to their shape and structure. These have resulted in a huge number of weird and wonderful plants that are not only tough but also simple to grow.’

Varying in shape, size, color and height, these little gems make a fantastic indoor display grouped together in individual pots lined up on shelf or window ledge or planted en masse as a table focal point. Echeveria, sedum, lithops and haworthia are all easily found, decorative and love a bright, sunny spot. Avoid humid areas such as bathrooms or kitchens, instead opt for dry conditions with warm temperatures from 64-75℉ (18 – 24°C). Allow the compost to dry out completely before watering thoroughly, avoiding the rosettes or glaucous leaves as this will cause the plant to rot.

8. Pothos or Devils ivy

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Easy to care for and highly rewarding, Pothos are large leaved climbers (or trailers depending on your preference) are prolific and almost thrive on neglect. With a huge range of different colored foliage to choose from; neon green and silver blue green are just two striking options, you can add real impact to practically any room in the house. The fleshy stems can reach up to 65ft plus (20m+) in the wild but are likely to reach less indoors. Trim if needed.

Preferred room temperatures range from 50-73℉ (10 – 24°C) and although they do like humid conditions only water when the top two inches of compost are dry. The leaves tend to curl slightly when thirsty.

9. Peacock plant or calathea

(Image credit: Happy Houseplants)

Proud owners of the most decorative foliage; peacock plants have fantastically striped leaves in shades of green, yellow, pink and white. ‘Sometimes referred to as the prayer plant because its leaves lie flat during the day and fold upwards at night, as if in prayer,’ explains Mark Lawlor of Happy Houseplants.  

Big fans of warm humid conditions, these plants prefer toasty temperatures of around 64-75℉ (18 – 24°C) and benefit from a regular misting. ‘Overwatering is a common mistake with Maranta; rather than follow a routine, think about how much sunshine your plant receives through the day. Overwatered Maranta will show signs of distress, such as yellowing leaves. When in doubt, follow the simple rule 'drench then drought', ensuring the soil always dries out between waterings,’ continues Mark. 

Place them in direct but not strong light – a north or east facing window is ideal – for the best leaf coloring.

10. Bromeliads

(Image credit: Alamy)

Exotic and highly colored – these tropical plants love bright sunny spots and are easy-to-grow, long lasting house plants. From the centre of the thick tube-like rosettes of foliage, the plant produces a brilliantly colored flower spike – this can be fuchsia, orange, yellow or red depending on variety – and they make a spectacular indoor feature.

In the wild, water naturally collects in the lowest ‘cup’ of leaves so imitate this when watering the plant indoors. Empty the water out weekly to remove any collected insects and debris. 

Fans of a constant temperature of 59℉ (15°C), these unusual plants also appreciate their leaves being misted once a week during summer. Increase humidity further by standing the plant on a gravel filled saucer partially filled with water. Do avoid leaving the roots in standing water though, as this can cause the plant to suffocate.

What is the best indoor plant?

Definitely a matter of personal opinion, but one of the most impressive and hard to kill indoor plants is the Kentia palm (below and top). Able to cope with most light conditions this elegant palm grows up to 10ft (3m) tall, has slender leaves, casting beautiful shadows and simply oozes class and sophistication. Pop it in a pot away from direct light and it will be happy with minimal fuss.

‘The golden rule is not to leave this plant sitting in water,’ say the team at Crocus . ‘They like a moist soil but don't like to have their roots sodden, so feel the top of the soil before watering. In the winter it will still need watering but not as much.‘

(Image credit: Alamy)

What is the best house plant for a living room? 

Fibrous and rhizomatous begonias make excellent houseplants thanks to their highly decorative foliage. Finding them a bright spot but out of direct sunlight is key to their success along with some humidity. ‘Begonia’ Gryphon’ is grown for its wonderful architectural foliage,’ says plant specialist Sarah Raven . ‘The maple-shaped leaves are deep green, marked with silver on their surface and dark red below making it a striking statement.’

Overwatering is a common problem with begonias so do wait until the leaves begin to droop before watering. Avoid getting any water on the leaves as this can lead to fungal diseases such as powdery mildew. Although it can be easy to get rid of powdery mildew, it can weaken your plant quickly.  You will need to know how to overwinter begonias if you want to grow them outdoors.

(Image credit: Farmer Gracy)

Watering indoor plants

More house plants are killed off by overwatering than anything else. In our keenness to nurture and fill our homes with lush foliage we tend to reach for the watering can, but this is often not the answer. Plant writer Veronica Peerless says, ‘Indoor plants need less water than we realize. Use the soil as an indicator. It’s okay for the top inch to be dry but if its more then it’s time to soak the plant. Soak the plant, in its plastic pot for 30 minutes, allow it to drain before popping it back in place.’

Where to buy the best indoor plants?

You can buy the best indoor plants at your local nursery; ask for guidance if you need help. Otherwise, shop online for the best places to buy plants. These include: Lowes Garden Center , Home Depot's Garden Center and Burpee for the best buys. 

Jill Morgan has spent the last 20 years writing for Interior and Gardening magazines both in print and online. Titles she has been lucky enough to work on include House Beautiful, The English

Home, Ideal Home, Modern Gardens and Although much of her career has involved commissioning and writing about reader homes and home improvement projects, her

everlasting passion is for gardens and outdoor living, which is what she writes about for Homes & Gardens. 

10 Best Indoor Plants to Improve Your Health and Home

Wa Nity Canthra / EyeEm

If some of the best indoor houseplants have taken over your interiors, seemingly sprawling across bookshelves, side tables and kitchen countertops, you're not alone. Sales of leafy green flora have soared over the past couple of years as many spend more time indoors; they've been a hit on platforms like TikTok and Instagram, where there are more than 9 million posts tagged #HousePlants. While the greenery brightens up your space and certainly looks cute, experts believe your indoor plants may be good for your health, too.

Naturopathic doctors have long incorporated plant medicine into their practices, and generally spending time around plants offers a “whole-person positive impact,” says Amy Rothenberg, N.D., a naturopathic doctor and president of the Massachusetts Society of Naturopathic Doctors.

“When we talk about treating the whole person, we mean looking after the body, the emotions and the spirit; plants can touch each of those essential areas,” Rothenberg explains. Plants improve air quality, bring beauty into your home and boost emotional and spiritual wellbeing by giving you a chance to care for something. Plants in your bedroom could improve your sleep quality, while greenery in your kitchen helps brighten up your space if there's no window.

While any plant is good for the soul and can benefit your mental health and emotional wellbeing, here are some of experts’ top choices.

The healthiest houseplant is the one that matches your personal style as well as daily schedule and routine, says Alex Cromer, LPC, a licensed professional mental health counselor with Thriveworks in Richmond, Virginia. And, don’t worry too much if you don’t have a green thumb! Many of the best plants for your health are easy to care for, so you can enjoy their presence and reap the health rewards.


Spider Plant

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Spider plants, or Chlorophytum comosum, are extremely easy to grow, don’t require constant attention and thrive with little investment on your behalf. The plants have narrow leaves and get their name from the “small plantlets produced on long trailing stems that vaguely resemble spiders,” according to the University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension.

Spider plants are known to help purify the surrounding air. NASA research examined the leaves, soil, roots and microorganisms of several houseplants and found that plants can act as a natural air filter to reduce pollutants. The study indicates that spider plants removed 95% of toxic formaldehyde from the air in a sealed Plexiglas container over a 24-hour period.



Peace Lily

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The name “peace lily” definitely evokes a sense of calm. These sturdy plants also “flower and are aesthetically pleasing” and may benefit your health over time, explains Trevor Cates, N.D, a naturopathic doctor in Park City, Utah, and author of Clean Skin From Within. A 2022 study published in Applied Sciences suggests that peace lilies have air-cleaning properties and help to remove carbon dioxide and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the air.

Peace lilies can live for years and continuously produce broad white flowers that resemble a white peace flag, per materials published by MiracleGro. They’re easy to take care of and don’t need much light, so they’re perfect for shady spaces. Just keep them out of reach from pets and small children, as they can cause vomiting or tongue swelling if they’re ingested.



Rubber Plants

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Rubber plants — also known as rubber trees or Ficus elastica — make for great indoor houseplants. They’re generally easy to take care of and only need to be watered every week or so, according to materials shared by The Sill. Research shows that rubber plants feature air-purifying properties. Just be sure to keep them firmly away from any pets and from young children, as they're known to be highly toxic when ingested.



Elephant Ear Plants

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If you want to spend a little more time with your houseplants, Cromer recommends elephant ear plants. These are organized into a group of tropical, perennial plants instantly recognizable by their big, heart-shaped leaves. They need bright light and regular watering to keep the soil moist, and they can get big and may need extra space. Some species have been grown for their edible starchy tubers, which are a food staple in certain tropical regions. Medicinally, the leaves have been noted for their use in treating insect stings.



Snake Plants

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Long known as “mother-in-law’s tongues,” the snake plant, or Sansevieria trifasciata, features tall leaves that grow vertically. They’re decorative and extremely low-maintenance. The plants only need to be watered when the soil is dry, grow in any kind of light, and generally “thrive on neglect,” according to experts at HGTV. The snake plant was included in the same sweeping NASA study of indoor plants, and has been shown to remove toxins from the air over time.




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A 2022 study published in Applied Sciences showed that Boston ferns performed best when it comes to air cleaning by naturally VOCs from the air. The plants grow easily and look the best indoors in hanging baskets or on plant stands, which allow their fronds to drape. They need medium bright light and consistently moist soil, so they might require a bit more of your time.




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When you picture a houseplant, the pothos, or Epipremnum pinnatum, is likely what comes to mind. Also known as devil’s ivy or golden pothos, the plants feature vibrant heart-shaped leaves that may be green or marbled green and yellow. They’re easy to grow, needing only indirect sunlight and infrequent watering. Research shows that the plants can lower indoor ozone levels, which can make it easier to breathe and reduce your risk for respiratory ailments, as well as remove VOCs from the air.



English Ivy

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English ivy, or Hedera helix, is a versatile plant that’s been shown to lower levels of carbon dioxide, formaldehyde, and toxins in the air. They can be grown outside or indoors. As a houseplant, the ivy grows well in hanging baskets or pots, and can be trained to grow along a trellis or shape, according to the Clemson University Cooperative Extension. They grow best in direct sunlight and need to be watered thoroughly once the soil dries out.



Succulents and Cacti

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Succulents and cacti “thrive on little to no care,” Cromer says. These plants are drought-resistant, meaning they don’t need regular watering; only just when the soil is completely dry. They also come in many shapes and sizes to decorate your space and can help clean the air. Some varieties, including the jade plant, can increase humidity in a room. Aloe vera plants, in particular, also have medicinal properties and can help heal cuts, burns, and other skin ailments.





Small potted herbs not only look cute in your kitchen, but they may also inspire you to cook more often and eat healthier. Growing your own basil, parsley, or mint is also cheaper than purchasing herbs from the grocery store. Several herbs, like chamomile and lavender, have been shown to reduce anxiety, per Mayo Clinic officials. Herbs also contain vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which are a boon for your dietary routine.


How do house plants contribute to good health?

The beauty of plants and the act of caring for them can be truly healing. “Looking at something aesthetically pleasing can boost neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin,” Cates explains. Keeping plants primes your brain to look forward to interacting with the plant and receiving a hit of “feel good neurochemicals,” Cromer adds.

Plants offer immediate benefits by improving mood and stress management, Cates says. They also provide long-term benefits, such as improving air quality which may reduce instances of headaches — or by adding moisture to the air, which helps with dry skin, Rothenberg says. Handling soil, which contains microbes, can promote microbiome diversity in your home, which could benefit gut and skin health.

But, having houseplants alone isn’t a recommended treatment for any medical condition, Rothenberg adds. “Encouraging my patients to consider having houseplants is one part of a broader, individualized health care plan.”

What are the best indoor plants for air purification?

Research shows that plants can help with air purification, especially in areas where air quality may be in question. Breathing cleaner air also helps you think clearer, calms stress, and reduces the risk for asthma, Cates tells Good Housekeeping.

Houseplants absorb carbon dioxide, filter pollutants and release oxygen. “This is an important idea considering how much time people spend indoors,” Rothenberg adds. “By adding more oxygen, theoretically, you might have better focus, fewer headaches, and an improved mood.

Snake plants, spider plants, rubber plants, peace lilies, ferns, and English ivy are some of the best indoor plants for boosting oxygen levels and purifying the air.

What are the mental health benefits of caring for a houseplant?

Being around greenery offers many mental health benefits. Horticultural therapy has long been used to treat mental health and other conditions. It helps improve memory, cognition and socialization. Humans also have an innate instinct to connect with nature, known as biophilia.

Caring for plants can reduce stress and anxiety, improve mood and concentration, and boosts confidence. “Plants provide a tangible, positive result for the caretaker which can help them feel more in control of their lives, something that can reduce anxiety and promote overall wellness,” Cromer says. “It gives the caretaker a sense of pride and accomplishment—being observant of how the plant is growing, looking, and to troubleshoot ways to solve problems.

Watching them grow can be soothing, promote peaceful feelings, and provide a meditative experience, Rothenberg adds.

“Plants benefit health holistically because they are a non-stimulating partner that is accepting and tolerant, and are good listeners,” Cromer says. “Plants thrive with simple care and attention and are very visibly thankful for your efforts.”

If you are dealing with a mental health condition, you may need to speak with a professional. You can find help and learn more about anxiety by visiting the Anxiety and Depression Association of America.

Erica Sweeney Erica Sweeney is a writer who mostly covers health, wellness and careers.

The best houseplants that purify the air: TOP15, for apartments and houses

Trying to make their home more comfortable and beautiful, as a rule, the owners purchase various decorative elements and furniture, while few people think about how this can affect air quality . The fact is that these very “new clothes” can emit a variety of substances. Electrical appliances, linoleum, laminate flooring, etc. sometimes contain traces of formaldehyde, which in turn come into contact with the air in the room. But what can be done to fix it? Indoor plants can improve the air quality in any home. Some of them can make the air cleaner by absorbing smoke, dust and other particles, as well as heavy compounds that pose a risk to human health. nine0003


  • 1 15 indoor plants purifying air
    • 1.1 Chlorophytum
    • 1.2 Benjamin Ficus
    • 1.3 Spathipallum
    • 1.4 Pelargonium (indoor geranium)
    • 9000 1.5 Sanssevieria ("Monthly Language")
    • 1.6 Hamedery )
    • 1.7 Gerbera
    • 1.8 Cypress
    • 1.9 Orange and lemon trees
    • 1.10 Begonia
    • 1.11 Laurel nobilis
    • 1.12 Dieffenbachia0010
    • 1.13 Dracaena
    • 1.14 Aloe
    • 1.15 Scheffler

Below will be described in detail about several types of indoor plants that do not have a high special ability to purify, while caring for them.


Chlorophytum can become the "lungs" of any apartment. The fact is that it is able to absorb most of the toxic substances from the air, as well as carbon monoxide. It occupies a leading position among all indoor plants for the release of oxygen and the ability to purify the air from formaldehyde. nine0003

Most flower growers think that this plant looks very simple. However, it is worth hanging it, choosing an unusual support for this, or decorating the pot with a pretty planter, then the chlorophytum will immediately change.

Plants that purify the air in the apartment best

Watch this video on YouTube

Ficus Benjamina

Ficus Benjamina is also one of the first indoor plants that can make the air in the room clean. This plant is able to remove dust from the air, as well as various harmful compounds that are released by objects made of plastic and some furniture. nine0003

This ficus is also interesting because during growth its stems, if necessary, can be twisted, giving them various unusual shapes.


Spathiphyllum plant (Spathiphyllum) has beautiful flowers, which flower growers often refer to as "spreaders". Such a plant is able to decorate almost any room, as it has a spectacular appearance. And it is also distinguished by its diligence: it cleans the air in the room quite well from mold spores, as well as from formaldehyde and trichlorethylene. nine0003

Pelargonium (indoor geranium)

If you want to decorate your home with pelargonium, which is better known as indoor geranium, then you should consider that it can have a negative effect on allergy sufferers. However, such a flower is undeniably useful, as it can purify the air of pathogenic microorganisms. This amazing property is due to the fact that the bush contains essential oils, and if a person has no contraindications, they will also have a beneficial effect on his body. So, it was noticed that pelargonium normalizes the state of the nervous system and improves sleep. nine0003

Sansevieria ("mother-in-law's tongue")

Probably, many flower growers know that sansevieria, which is also called "mother-in-law's tongue", has a number of unusual properties. Even if in the summer it is transferred to the balcony and left there for a month, then even under the scorching sun at plus 35 it will survive. If, as a result of an oversight, the bush dries up, it will need to be moved to a shady place and watered. After a little time, the bush will come to life, and if it is also fed, then in just a few months it will again delight with its attractive appearance. nine0003

Such a flower is useful because it can purify indoor air from formaldehydes and nitrogen oxides, this fact has been proven by scientists. "Teschin language" is perfect for various rooms, including children's and kitchen.

Chamedorea (bamboo palm)

Bamboo palm or Chamaedorea will become a real decoration of any home. This plant is different in that it is able to humidify the air, making it much easier to breathe in the room, and it can also clean it of formaldehyde. In such a plant, the name comes from a pair of Greek words, namely: "chamai", which translates as "dwarf" and "dorea" - "gift". But if you want to grow it in your home, then keep in mind that a bush in room conditions reaches an average height of 200 cm. However, such a palm tree is incredibly beautiful and also very useful. The most popular among flower growers are such species as: high chamedorea (Chamaedorea elatior) and graceful hamedorea (Chamaedorea elegans). nine0003


Many flower growers mistakenly believe that Gerbera, although very beautiful, is absolutely useless. And therefore it is used only to decorate their homes. However, few people realize that it is not so simple as it seems. The fact is that such a flower is able to remove benzene from the air, and it also helps to improve sleep.


A plant such as cypress (Chamaecyparis) is able to absorb dust from the air, and with it the negative ions emitted by electrical appliances. And this flower is also able to discharge the air in the room due to the fact that it gives off positive ions instead of absorbed negative ones. Thanks to this, the air becomes much cleaner and filled with freshness. nine0003

Orange and lemon trees

All lemon and orange trees have a positive effect on the air. The room where such a plant is located has air purified from various pathogenic bacteria and microbes.

Citrus fruits contain essential oils that have a positive effect on the state of the human body, while the air in the room becomes very fresh. Such trees are interesting in that for some flower growers they grow well without much care, while others have to make a lot of efforts so that such a plant does not die. nine0003


Begonia decorates windowsills in many houses and for good reason! The fact is that it is able to absorb dust, as well as humidify the air. But at the same time, the bush must be systematically moistened from the sprayer so that it can absorb dust again (like a vacuum cleaner).

And such a plant is able to destroy most of the microbes and fungi that are in the air. They also help to cope with the radiation of electrical appliances. Plus, during flowering, the bush looks incredibly impressive. nine0003


Laurel is very popular with European flower growers, but in Russia it can be met not so often. However, this plant is incredibly useful! It removes various pathogenic microbes and dust from the air, and can also help with various diseases. Although it looks rustic in appearance, such a flower is distinguished by its powerful medicinal and cleansing effect.


Dieffenbachia is a must for those people who often have lung diseases. The fact is that such a plant is able to exterminate staphylococci, which contribute to the development of various diseases. This flower can also detect and destroy those toxic substances (xylene and toluene) that are released by the paintwork of walls or floors. nine0003


Dracaena (Dracaena) is another indoor plant that perfectly purifies the air. If you decorate your window sill with such a flower, then you don’t have to worry that exhaust gases or other unpleasant smell from the street will get into the room during ventilation. The fact is that such a bush cleans the air well from benzene, as well as from trichlorethylene, which can enter the room along with exhausts.


Aloe is a very popular house plant for gardeners. It is able to absorb formaldehyde from the air, which is released by new furniture. And such a flower can get rid of various diseases. It can help with colds and runny nose. For the prevention and treatment of such diseases, it is recommended to drip a few drops of aloe juice into the nose. The composition of aloe includes phytoncides that help stimulate the brain, as well as relieve physical fatigue. nine0003


A plant such as Schefflera (Schefflera) is perfect for smokers or those who have a smoker in the house. The fact is that it absorbs nicotine and tar from the air, while neutralizing them.

This flower has a very showy appearance and is part of the largest genus in the Araliaceae family. You also need to consider that the bush will have a rich green-yellow color only if it receives a very large amount of diffused light. nine0003

Whichever of the flowers you choose, the most important thing is that you like each other. Also, when choosing a plant, one must take into account how strongly it is poisonous to animals and children.


Watch this YouTube video decorating it with its fresh and bright look. However, we all know that in addition to the aesthetic function, indoor flowers help improve air quality and reduce pollution in the home. nine0003

By the way, houseplants are able not only to release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide, but also help to neutralize volatile organic compounds present in our homes.

Below is a list of 10 best air purifying plants in your home.

  1. Ficus Benjamina

This is one of the most common houseplants and can filter many air pollutants found in carpets and furniture. nine0003

Light Level Required: High

Watering: Regular

2. Aloe Vera

Anyone can grow this plant. It, like ficus, helps fight formaldehyde and benzene.

Required light level: high

Watering: regular

3. Sansevieria tristripe

This houseplant is also called "mother-in-law's tongue". It is one of the most effective air purifiers. In addition, it can even be placed in the bathroom. nine0003

Light level required : any

Watering : moderate

4 The plant perfectly filters benzene contained in paints, plastics, adhesives, and detergents.

Required light level : high

Watering : regular

5. Bordered Dracaena

This flower will add color to your interior. The plant can grow up to several meters. It helps to fight the substances present in varnishes and coatings.

Required light level : any

Watering : regular

6 Ideal for trichlorethylene removal. nine0003

Light level needed : High

Watering : Regular

7. Scindapsus aureus

This plant also helps fight formaldehyde. Great for placement in a garage to deal with exhaust fumes.

Light Level Required : Any

Watering : Moderate

8. Sims' Rhododendron

This shrub is best placed in a flowering, cool location. nine0003

Required light level : high

Watering : regular

9. Common ivy

Ivy helps control the spread of pollutants that are over-polluted by domestic animals and

Required light level : moderate

Watering : regular


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