Gladiolus in garden

How to Plant & Care for Gladiolus

Plant gladiolus in spring for spectacular cut flowers all summer long By Anne Balogh

Photo by: Shannon Marie Ferguson / Shutterstock.

Gladiolus flowers are a gold standard in the florist trade, but they are also easy and economical to grow at home. Avid glad fans often fill entire rows or garden beds with them for use in bouquets, and others choose to keep them with other perennial flowers in the garden—where hummingbirds really love them!

On this page: Basics | Types | Planting | Care | Pictures | Cut & Display Glads | How & Where to Buy Glad Corms

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Botanical name:

Gladiolus xhortulanus

Common names:

Common gladiolus, garden glad, and sword lily (because of the long, pointed leaves)


Perennial in zones 8-10. Can be grown as annuals in zones 2-7. Some G. nanus types are hardy to zone 4 or 5.

Plant type:

Although often labeled as “summer bulbs,” gladioli are herbaceous perennials that grow from bulb-like corms covered with a fibrous papery skin.


Full sun


1 to 5 feet

Bloom time:

From early summer until frost, depending on the cultivar and when the corms are planted.

Flower characteristics:

Glads come in nearly any color and shade (except for true blue) in both solid and multicolored forms. Depending on the cultivar, the petals may be frilly, ruffled, semi-ruffled or plain, and the size can range from miniature (under 2 ½ inches in diameter) to gigantic (over 5 inches). The flowers are typically arranged on only one side of the stem and open in succession from the bottom up, with the largest flower at the base.


You’ll find countless cultivars of glads in local garden centers and catalogs, all derived from various combinations of more than 250 species, most of which are native to southern and central Africa and Eurasia.

The three main glad groups are:


Gladiolus corms ready for planting. Photo by: Longfield Gardens.

When to plant:

Start planting glad corms as early as a month before the average last frost date in your area. Depending on the cultivar, gladiolus take an average of 90 days after planting before they flower. Stretch the blooming season by succession planting corms at two-week intervals through early July and by mixing varieties that mature at different times. Make your last planting about 12 weeks before the first frost date.

Where to plant:

Plant glads in flower beds and borders, vegetable gardens, cut flower gardens, and even containers. All they need is a sunny location that is protected from wind to avoid damage to the tall flower stalks. Use them to fill spaces and add vertical interest in an established flower garden, as they will bloom in late summer when many other flowers fade.

Planting depth and spacing:

Gladiolus corms can vary in size, depending on the type. For best results, follow the recommendations given on the package. Always plant corms with the flatter side facing downward, and the pointed end facing up.


Glads aren’t fussy and will thrive in many different soil types, but well-drained soil is a must. Before planting, work the soil several inches deeper than the planting depth of the corm and amend it with organic matter if necessary.

For more on planting and storing bulbs:

Bulbs 101



Glads that grow 3 to 4 feet or taller will probably need to be staked or caged to prevent the stalks from bending and breaking. Set the stakes in the ground at planting time to avoid damage to the corms.


After planting, water glads thoroughly and then keep the soil evenly moist throughout the growing season. During dry weather, soak the ground thoroughly to supply the equivalent of an inch of rainfall per week. To help conserve moisture and control weeds, apply a 2- to 4-inch layer of mulch around your plants. (See How to Mulch and Avoid Mistakes.)

Pest problems:

The biggest threat to gladioli are thrips, tiny flying insects that feed on the foliage and flower buds. Thrips are hard to spot without a magnifying glass, so watch your glads for signs of thrip damage, which includes silvery streaks and small white patches on the leaves and buds that fail to open.

Winter care & storage:

After a glad blooms, the original corm begins to wither away and a new one forms for the next year’s growth. In areas where gladiolus aren’t hardy, you can overwinter the newly formed corms until the following spring by digging them up in fall once the foliage has been killed by frost. Here are the basic steps:

  1. Cut the flower stalks off just above each corm, brush or wash off the soil, and then allow the corms to dry in a well-ventilated area for a couple weeks.
  2. Separate the new corms from the old ones, layer them in a cardboard box with newspaper in between, and store them in a dark, dry, cool area (ideally 35 and 45 degrees F).
  3. Some corms also produce cormels—smaller plantlets that can be separated from the parent and grown into new plants. However, cormels often won’t produce blooms for several years and are best discarded.
  4. If you have a variety of glads, label the corms by color or cultivar before storing.
  5. Check your corms periodically to make sure they are in good condition. If they have started to sprout new growth, move them to a cooler spot. If you notice signs of rot, the packing material may be too moist.
  6. If you don't want to fuss with digging up and storing the corms each year, simply treat them as annuals and buy new ones every spring.


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Photo by: grjo02022 © Visions BV, Netherlands / Johan Groot.

Gladiolus ‘Black Beauty’

Why we love it: Nearly black blooms with deep burgundy highlights are as plush as velvet. Especially dramatic when paired in the garden or a vase with a pure white glad, such as ‘White Prosperity.’

Height: 4 to 5 feet tall

Days until bloom: 70 to 100

Also try: ‘Espresso’ and ‘Black Jack’, which also have luxuriant burgundy-red flowers.

Photo by: Longfield Gardens.

Gladiolus ‘Green Star’

Why we love it: In the mixed flower garden and in floral arrangements, this striking glad with ruffled blooms the color of lime sherbet is a refreshing complement to fuchsia, dark purple, orange, and other bold flower colors.

Height: 3 to 4 feet tall

Days until bloom: 70 to 75

Also try: ‘Kiev,’ a showy chartreuse-green glad with pink highlights and impressive 4-inch-diameter blooms.

Photo by: visi04474 © Visions BV, Netherlands / VisionsPictures & Photography.

Gladiolus ‘Peter Pears’

Why we love it: Velvety blooms the color of peach sorbet open to reveal bright strawberry-red centers. Its tall upright spikes and strappy foliage also add a strong vertical element to the garden.

Height: 4 to 5 feet tall

Days until bloom: 60 to 100

Also try: ‘Boone’, a hardy zone 5 glad with apricot flowers and yellow throats marked with red.

Photo by: Shannon Marie Ferguson / Shutterstock.

Gladiolus ‘Priscilla’

Why we love it: Lovely, ladylike, and utterly enchanting, with frilly white flowers and light yellow centers, all fringed in hot pink.

Height: 4 to 5 feet tall

Days until bloom: 70 to 75

Also try: ‘Charming Beauty’, a miniature glad with bubble-gum pink florets and bright pink accents.

Photo by: Roger Cope / Alamy Stock Photo.

Gladiolus ‘Princess Margaret Rose’

Why we love it: Towering spikes of yellow-orange blooms edged in red heat up the summer garden with all the tropical colors of a Tequila Sunrise.

Height: 4 to 5 feet tall

Days until bloom: 60 to 100

Also try: 'Jester', with ruffled apricot-yellow petals and bright orange-red throats.

Photo by: Del Boy / Shutterstock.

Gladiolus nanus ‘Prins Claus’

Why we love it: This hardy miniature glad puts on a dramatic display year after year, first showing off its pure white petals then opening to reveal bright splotches of fuchsia. As a bonus, the corms of this zone 4 perennial can overwinter in the ground.

Height: 24 to 30 inches tall

Bloom time: May through July

Also try: 'Elvira’, another cold-hardy glad with pale salmon-pink blooms accented by smudges of deep pink.

Photo by: JRJfin / Shutterstock.

Gladiolus ‘White Prosperity’

Why we love it: Pristine snow-white flowers and ruffled petals up to 4 inches across make this glad one of the most versatile in the garden or vase. Each statuesque spike bears 18 to 20 flowers.

Height: 4 to 5 feet tall

Days until bloom: 70 to 75

Also try: ‘Albus’, a diminutive pure-white nanus glad under 2 feet tall.

Photo by: visi08411 © Visions BV, Netherlands / VisionsPictures & Photography.

Gladiolus ‘Wine and Roses’

Why we love it: Even more romantic than red roses, a poetic composition of soft, ruffled pink blooms embellished with wine-red hearts framed by a halo of white. Also matures early, revealing its loveliness just a couple of months after planting.

Height: 4 to 5 feet tall

Days until bloom: 65 to 70

Also try: ‘Mon Amour’, another dreamy tricolored glad in softer tones of pink, pale yellow, and ivory.



Online resources include:

Summer Bulbs
How to Grow and Care for Crocosmia
Cottage Garden Design Ideas

Growing Gladiolus Plants - Tips On Caring For Gladiolus

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By: Heather Rhoades

Image by Jurgute

Gladiolus plants grow wonderfully in the warm weather of summer. You can produce these flowers in sequence by planting some corms every few weeks or so. Learning how to take care of gladiolus will reward you with a huge array of colors and they also work out great for cut flowers. Let’s look at how to grow gladiolus.

How to Grow Gladiolus

Gladiolus corms look like oversized crocus corms. They have a brown fiber wrapper with a small flat bottom. Sometimes they already have pointy shoots showing at the top.

Follow these growing tips to help with care of gladiolus:

Gladiolus – How to Plant

With gladiolus, how to plant is just a few simple steps:

  1. First dig a trench about 8 inches (20 cm.) deep. Make it long enough that you can space your corms about half a foot (15 cm.) apart. That spacing might seem a bit strange to you, so placing them in a semi-circle or oval will help. Make sure the space is large enough to handle about ten corms for a nice display.
  2. You will want to fertilize the corms with 5-10-10 or 5-10-5 fertilizer. Put the recommended amount in the bottom of the planting area, but be sure to mix the soil and fertilizer well so you don’t burn the corm. Add a layer of unfertilized soil before placing the corm into the trench.
  3. You should start your planting of your gladiolus in mid-spring. From that point, make some new plantings every two weeks. They take 70 to 100 days to grow and flower so planting every couple of weeks gives you flowers right on through summer. If these flowers will be exposed to wind, you will definitely want to stake them.
  4. Stop planting your gladiolus in summer, around mid-July.
  5. Keep your gladiolus watered well during their growing period and make sure to mulch the soil around them to keep it moist.

Gladiolus are only completely hardy in USDA plant hardiness zones 8 to 11. In zones 6 to 7, they thrive if the bulbs are protected by a thick mulch throughout the winter.

Proper care of gladiolus requires the use of fertilizer. As they come up, you can fertilize the new gladioli batches when you see the flower spikes start to show. After you pick the flowers, you can fertilize again. When you fertilize, just add the granules next to the flower, then scratch the soil with a cultivator to mix it a little.

How to Care for Gladiolus in the Winter

Rather than leaving the corms in the ground to winter, you can dig the corms up for storage four to six weeks after you pick the flowers.

  1. Dig the corm up and shake as much soil as you can off the corm. Trim back the leaves to within an inch (2.5 cm.) of the corm itself.
  2. Let the corm dry up for about a week. After that, you can brush off remaining soil.
  3. Store your gladiolus in a dry, dark, cool place in a mesh bag or old pantyhose to prevent moisture from aiding mildew to grow. Also protect them when you store them because mice love gladiola bulbs.

Gladiolus plants are a lovely addition to any garden. Knowing how to grow gladiolus and proper care of gladiolus will ensure that these delightful flowers will grow well in your garden.

This article was last updated on

Read more about Gladiolas


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