Fruit to grow

Top 10 Easy To Grow Fruit Trees & Plants

Create your own homegrown orchard by planting these easy to grow fruit trees & plants
Image: Thompson & Morgan

You don't need an orchard to grow your own fruit at home. Apple trees and strawberries, rhubarb and figs will all thrive in a British garden.

If space is limited, try growing your fruit in containers. Did you know you can even plant strawberries in hanging baskets? Here's our infographic showcasing ten easy to grow fruits. Head to the bottom of the page for the full infographic, or scroll through the list for a bit more information about each one. These are our ten favourite fruits that are ideal for beginners:

  1. Strawberries
  2. Raspberries
  3. Blueberries
  4. Figs
  5. Gooseberries
  6. Apples
  7. Blackberries
  8. Honeyberries
  9. Goji berries
  10. Currants

Read on to find out why each of these fruits won a place in our coveted top ten. And for even more inspiration, browse our full range of fruit trees and soft fruit plants.

Strawberries are perfect for containers
Image: Strawberry 'Just Add Cream' from Thompson & Morgan

Nothing beats the sweet, juicy flavour of sun-warmed strawberries picked straight from your own strawberry plants. Versatile fruits that thrive in patio containers, hanging baskets, window boxes, or the ground - just make sure you plant them in a sunny position and in well-drained soil. 

Easy strawberry varieties to try: Grow our strawberry full season collection pack for three popular varieties to harvest throughout June and July. And for a pretty, pink-flowered and super sweet variety plant ‘Just Add Cream’ for berries from June to September.

Harvest up to 2.5kg of large, deep-red berries from raspberry 'Polka'
Image: Raspberry 'Polka' from Thompson & Morgan

Raspberry plants are vigorous growers that are happy in raised beds, containers or the ground as long as the soil has good drainage and they get plenty of sun. Choose from summer or autumn-fruiting varieties, or plant a combination of both for an extra long harvest season. Just make sure to prune your canes at the right time every year - visit our ‘How To Prune Raspberries’ article for specific advice. 

Easy raspberry varieties to try: A real customer favourite, the autumn-fruiting raspberry ‘Polka’ provides a juicy harvest from July to October. For a summer-fruiting option, the thornless raspberry ‘Glen Coe’ produces a unique purple crop of super sweet fruit. And if you want something for containers, try dwarf Raspberry 'Yummy' which grows to just 45cm tall. 

Blueberry plants produce clusters of nutrient-dense berries
Copyright: Alamy Stock Photo

Blueberry plants are ideal for growing in containers and they look fantastic on the patio where their scented spring flowers and colourful autumn foliage bring seasonal interest. They need moist, acidic soil to thrive, so fill your containers with ericaceous compost and water them with collected rainwater. (Tap water contains lime and reduces the soil acidity over time.) 

Easy blueberry varieties to try: If you just want one bush, go for a self-fertile variety like blueberry ‘Duke’ or the compact self-fertile variety blueberry 'Top Hat' which matures at 60cm tall. For something a bit different, try blueberry ‘Pink Sapphire’ which produces clusters of bright pink, super-sweet berries

Soft, juicy figs bring a flavour of the Mediterranean to your garden
Image: Fig 'Brown Turkey' from Thompson & Morgan

Fig trees love sunshine and warmth, so plant them against a hot, sunny south/west facing wall. Because they crop best when their roots are restricted, fig trees make an excellent choice for containers. Protect your figs from deep frost and enjoy the taste of freshly picked, sun-warmed fruits at the end of summer. 

Easy fig varieties to try: The classic fig ‘Brown Turkey’ is ideal for growing in the UK climate and is also self-fertile. For containers, choose the Chelsea Flower Show favourite and naturally dwarfing variety ‘Little Miss Figgy’ which matures at 1.8m tall and can produce a crop twice a year.

Gooseberry ‘Giggles Gold’ is resistant to powdery mildew
Image: Gooseberry 'Giggles Gold' from Thompson & Morgan

Gooseberries are one of the easiest berries to grow as they need very little maintenance beyond occasional watering during fruiting. If you have a shady and unproductive corner of your garden, fill it with gooseberries to make good use of the space. Delicious in cakes, crumbles, jams and cordials - gooseberries can also be eaten straight from the bush. 

Easy gooseberry varieties to try: New gooseberry ‘Giggles Gold’ produces bright golden fruits with excellent sweetness from July to August. Try gooseberry 'Hinnonmaki Red' for red-skinned juicy fruits in June and July. Both heavy-cropping bushes produce fruit that’s ideal for cooking.

Apples are a delicious crop with great storage potential
Image: Apple Duo Patio Fruit Tree from Thompson & Morgan

Apple trees produce fruit from mid-summer to late autumn. Plant them in fertile, well-drained soil that sees plenty of sunlight and give your trees a prune during the winter to keep them healthy. Dessert apple varieties are sweet enough to eat straight from the tree, whereas cooking types are great for baking into pies and sauces. Even if you don’t have space for a full-sized tree, you can grow compact dwarf varieties in patio containers.

Easy apple tree varieties to try: For small gardens, go for an apple duo patio fruit tree. This special compact tree has two delicious varieties grafted onto its main stem that pollinate each other. Apple ‘Appletini’ is a compact new self-fertile variety with pink blossom in spring and small red fruits. For perfect apple crumbles, plant the classic apple 'Bramley's Seedling'.

Blackberries are prolific and colourful fruiters
Image: Blackberry 'Black Cascade' from Thompson & Morgan

Blackberries are delicious fruits that grow in sun or shade, and don't need much attention to produce a bountiful crop of dark, glossy fruits. The sweet berries can be harvested between June and September and are delicious eaten fresh or baked into desserts.

Easy blackberry varieties to try: For small gardens, choose a compact variety like blackberry ‘Black Cascade’ which grows to about 45cm and looks great trailing from a hanging basket. A good child-friendly option, blackberry ‘Apache’ is thornless and sweet. 

Honeyberries are high in antioxidants
Image: Lonicera kamtschatica 'Kalinka' from Thompson & Morgan

Honeyberries are an unusual fruit that are high in nutrients and very sweet. Easy to grow, they’re tough and incredibly hardy plants that need very little attention. For the best yields, grow honeyberries in pairs to increase the potential for pollination. The blueberry-like berries make a delicious treat, straight from the bush. 

Easy honeyberry varieties to try: Lonicera kamtschatica 'Kalinka' produces super sweet berries. An ornamental edible, this variety can be planted into flower beds and borders where the scented flowers provide interest in spring. Lonicera kamtschatica 'Balalaika' is a good choice for containers, reaching a height and spread of 1m.

Goji berries contain lots of vitamins and nutrients
Image: Goji berry 'Sweet Lifeberry' from Thompson & Morgan

Goji berries are the perfect choice for a windy, coastal garden being fairly hardy and tolerant of salt. Grow your goji berry bush against a south-facing wall, or in a sheltered sunny spot, to give the fruit the best conditions for ripening in August. The ‘superfood’ berries contain vitamin C and protein, tasting sweet and liquorice-like, ideal for adding to smoothies and juices for a delicious start to the day. 

Easy goji berry varieties to try: Goji berry ‘Synthia’ reaches a height and spread of 2m, with berries that show a slightly higher than usual sugar content. Plant the larger goji berry ‘Sweet Lifeberry’ (which reaches a height of 3.5m and a spread of 5m) in a bed with plenty of space to sprawl.

Currant plants come in white, pink, red or black
Image: Whitecurrant 'White Versailles' (Organic) from Thompson & Morgan

Currant plants are the perfect soft fruits for decorating desserts, making jams and jellies, or adding to sauces. They freeze well too, so you can savour the taste of summer during the winter months. Expect to see a crop from your bushes in June, July and August. Currant plants are fairly cold tolerant, so they make a great choice for growing in Northern gardens.

Easy currant varieties to try: If you’re tight for space try our redcurrant 'Rovada' which stays at 1.2m, perfect for growing in containers. Whitecurrant 'White Versailles' is the earliest cropping white currant with super sweet berries and for dark, glossy berries, go for blackcurrant 'Ben Connan' which

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These frequently asked questions provide useful information to help you choose which fruit trees and plants to grow in your garden:

What are the quickest fruits to grow?

The quickest fruits to grow are strawberries, blackberries and autumn-fruiting raspberries. These plants should all produce a crop of berries in the first year after planting.

Which fruits grow best in pots?

Blueberries and strawberries are the best fruits to grow in pots. Blueberries need acidic soil, which is easy to provide in pots by using ericaceous compost. Strawberries are naturally compact plants that thrive in pots.

What is the easiest fruit tree to grow?

The easiest fruit tree to grow in the UK is an apple tree. Apple trees are long-lived, heavy-cropping and relatively maintenance-free. 

We hope you’ve enjoyed this round-up of ten easy to grow fruits. Share your images with us via social media, using #YourTMGarden. And if you’d like more help and advice, visit our dedicated fruit hub page.

20 Easiest Fruits Anyone Can Grow [Beginner-Friendly Ideas]

Eating healthy is hard to do - and growing your own garden to feed yourself is even harder.

From pruning to weeding, fertilizing to mulching, it seems as though growing your own food - and especially your own fruit - is an incredibly time-consuming task.

Luckily, you don’t have to have tons of spare time on your hands in order to provide your family with delicious, nutritious fruit.

You can easily grow your own fruit at home - as long as you consider this list of the top twenty easiest fruits to grow.

These fruits are healthy by nature and need next to zero maintenance. Let’s get started!

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20 Easiest Fruits to Grow



Strawberries are filled with fiber and other beneficial nutrients, like antioxidants. They're also incredibly easy to grow. As long as you have plenty of sunshine and well-draining soil, you can grow these berries just about anywhere.

There are several times of strawberries you can choose from, including June-bearing strawberries and alpine strawberries.

One tip? Remove the runners as they appear on the plant. You can replant them elsewhere. This will improve fruit development.

You can grow strawberries in containers, on the ground, or even in hanging baskets for a delicious late spring to early summer harvest. Read our in-depth guide on how to grow strawberries.

2. Blueberries

Blueberries thrive on neglect - in fact, you’ll often find blueberries growing in the middle of the forest. They’re easy to care for as long as you have moist, acidic soil. For best results, choose a self-pollinating variety - then sit back, and wait for fruit. Blueberries tend to start producing in the third year of growth.

3. Raspberries

Like blueberries and strawberries, raspberries are also shockingly easy to grow. There Are varieties that fruit in both the summer and the fall.

They grow best in the ground or in raised beds, but can also be cultivated in containers. Just make sure you have plenty of sunshine and well-draining soil, and they will more or less take care of themselves.

You can find ideas for delicious jams and jellies to make with your fruit here.

4. Figs

Figs are native to the Mediterranean and have a sweet, chewy flavor. They are incredibly healthy and versatile, able to be used in a wide array of recipes. Figs like being warm, so ideally, you should grow them in containers so you can bring them indoors when a frost threatens.

5. Gooseberries

Most people don’t think of gooseberries when it comes to hardy, low-maintenance fruits. They are delicious when picked directly from the plant as well as when cooked into jams, jellies, and pies.

Gooseberries aren’t finicky plants, requiring little more than fertile soil in full sun (although partial shade will also suffice). You'll want to keep them well-watered, but otherwise, there is little work required.

6. Citrus

Yes, you can grow citrus fruits! This large group of fruits includes limes, lemons, oranges, grapefruit, and kumquats. The key to making citrus-growing easy is to choose the right ones for your climate.

If you live in a warm environment, you can probably grow any type of citrus. We've got you covered on how to grow a giant lemon tree here, as well as some fun things to do with orange peel after you've eaten all your delicious oranges.

If not, you may need to be more selective about which kind you choose, as you'll want one that can be grown in a container.

7. Grapes

Believe it or not, grapes don’t have to be tough to grow. They get their tough-to-grow reputation because they are actually hard to harvest (you will face some competition when the grapes are ripe from birds and other wildlife).

You will also need to supply your grapes with some kind of trellis. Otherwise, they don’t require much care - just some sun.

8. Honeyberries

Honeyberries are tough, resilient plants that produce berries that are packed to the brim with nutritious antioxidants. These berries are great to snack on directly from the bush, but also taste great in smoothies.

You can plant your honeyberry shrubs in containers or directly in the ground. As long as you have full sun and well-draining soil (along with decent circulation) you shouldn’t need to do much else.

Grow them in pairs for the best chance at pollination.

9. Dwarf Pears

Dwarf pears are great for growing in containers, which is good news if you don’t have a lot of garden space to spare.

You’ll want to position your dwarf pear tree out of the direct wind, and you don’t really need to prune it (unless it’s damaged). Otherwise, this tree will more or less fend for itself.

10. Goji berries

Goji berries are also easy fruits to grow. They can handle windy and even coastal (read - salty and fast-draining soil!) conditions with ease. Goji berries are believed to be the next new “superfood,” offering plenty of health benefits along with a rich, licorice-like flavor.

To grow goji berries, all you need is a sunny location. That’s it!

11. Cherries

The humble cherry tree is one of the easiest fruit trees to care for. With minimal pruning required, these trees are not even susceptible to most diseases and pests, either. You’ll want to plant two trees for cross-pollination, and you should try to prune the tree in the winter. Otherwise, it will take care of itself.

12. Blackberries

Blackberries can be grown just about anywhere, as long as the soil is moist and slightly acidic. Your best bet? Plant your blackberry canes in the early spring and cut them back to six inches so you’ll get fruit the following year. There are even thornless varieties available if you don’t let the bristly stems!

13. Melons

Not sure you want to have a fruit tree or bush around for the next twenty years? Melons don’t require a lot of commitment, because they are annual plants that only last one season.

All you need to grow delicious, juicy melons is a bit of space. Melons grow on vines that can rapidly reach twenty feet or more. These fruits can also be grown on trellises, but you’ll yield smaller fruits.

14. Apples

Apple trees can be grown in containers, but they’re best grown directly in the ground. There are all kinds of varieties you can choose from for a delicious fall harvest. Plant your apple trees in well-draining soil, ideally in full sun. Although pruning once per winter can encourage better growth, there’s not much else you need to do to care for these hardy fruit trees.

15. Pineapple

You might be doubting this one already! But believe it or not, you can grow pineapples at home. In fact, you can even grow a pineapple in a container! You’ll start by cutting the crown off a pineapple and soaking it in water for one day. Then, you can plant it in a gallon-sized container and position the container in full sun.

With a bit of time, you’ll have delicious, nutritious pineapple to enjoy.

16. Dwarf Banana

Bananas can be tricky to grow, particularly if you don’t live in a warm climate. However, you can grow dwarf bananas in containers, which will allow you to bring the fruit tree inside when the temperature drops. Easy and healthy!

17. Mulberries

You can also grow mulberries with very little effort involved. These plants can be grown in a container, but you’ll need to choose a dwarf variety if that’s what you’re interested in. Just be careful about where you position the container, as it can leave behind unsightly stains from the ripened fruits.

18. Currants

There are several types of currants you can grow, including white, red, and black currants. No matter which kind you choose, know that you will be treated with a delicious snack - all for minimal effort.

Currants like being grown in full sun, but ideally a bit sheltered from the driving wind. You’ll also want to cover your plants with some netting to prevent birds from stealing your harvest. Otherwise, currants are remarkably easy to grow. There are even some kinds of currants that are designed for being grown in tight spaces, like containers.

19. Passion Fruit

You might not think of passion fruit as a common, easy-to-grow fruit, but it’s actually quite easy to grow. Since it’s a vine, you’ll only have to plant it once. Many people grow passion fruit in containers - all you need is a sturdy trellis, as the fruits can grow quite heavy.

20. Tomatoes

Yes, a tomato is actually a fruit! Although many people consider tomatoes to be vegetables, the reality is that they are fruits - and they’re super easy to grow. You’ll need regular water and good trellising or staking.

Otherwise, you can grow tomatoes just about anywhere, including in containers or even indoors. Luckily, we have the ultimate guide to growing tomatoes.

So there you have it! 20 fruits that are not only good for you, but easy to grow, too.

For even more inspiration you can look through our list of low maintenance fruit and vegetables you can grow in your garden. These storage solutions for keeping your fruit fresh might be helpful too.

Consider adding these easiest fruits to grow to your garden planting list next spring. You’ll enjoy lower grocery bills, better health - and less stress, too.

What fruits can be grown at home: 7 popular exotic fruits



Lemons, tangerines, oranges, grapefruits, sweets and pomelo are the easiest fruits that can be grown at home from seeds. They are sown in pots to a depth of 1 cm in loose soil. Pots should be kept warm at a temperature of about 25 ° C. Before germination, it is important to keep the soil moist, so it is better to cover the crops with a film.

Seedlings usually appear within a week. As soon as the sprouts hatch, they need to be placed on the lightest window sill or provided with a phytolamp. nine0005

At home, citruses bear fruit well, but the first fruits of seedlings appear after 10-15 years. But even without them, the tree will please you: if it is formed correctly, it will be fluffy. And what is even more pleasant, all citruses purify the air in the premises, because they release phytoncides.



Persimmon does not get sick and practically does not require care (1). But it's in the open. And at home it is more difficult to grow it: it will need a cool content in winter. nine0005

The fruits must be ripe or the seeds will not sprout. And in stores they often sell immature ones, because they last longer. To bring the fruit to ripeness, put the fruit in a bag along with a banana or an apple: they release ethylene, which speeds up the ripening of persimmons. It is impossible to freeze persimmons: the seeds from such fruits will not sprout.

Soak the extracted seeds for two days in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Then carry out warm stratification - for 2 months to withstand at a temperature of 50 ° C (for example, you can put it on a battery). Before sowing, the seeds must be filed with sandpaper hard ribs. nine0005

Seeds of persimmon are planted to a depth of 1.5 cm in a pot with loose soil - it is better to use a mixture of sand and peat in a ratio of 1:1. Since persimmon is a deciduous tree, in winter (from the second year of life) it needs a cool content at a temperature of 5-10 ° C. You can remove the pot with the plant in the cellar or put it in the refrigerator (during the dormant period, the plant does not need light).

Persimmon grown from seed begins to bear fruit in 5-7 years.



This tree can also be grown at home, and without unnecessary tricks.

Lychee seeds removed from the fruit lose their viability within 4 to 5 days, so they should be sown as soon as possible. The stone is embedded in loose soil to a depth of 2 cm. Until shoots appear, soil moisture should be high. And the temperature is also - in the range of 25 - 34 ° C. Sprouts usually appear within 1 to 4 weeks, but sometimes longer. The first leaves of the lychee are reddish in color. As soon as they appear, the pot must be placed in a bright place. nine0005

At first, the lychee grows quickly, in just a few weeks the seedlings reach a height of 20 cm. But then the growth slows down: in the first 2 years the seedling barely reaches 30 cm. This is also the norm, the plant actively grows roots.

Lychee from the stone begins to bear fruit in 8-10 years (2).



Growing a mango from a stone is not an easy task, but an exciting one. Seeds from ripe fruits are suitable for germination. Determining the degree of ripeness of a mango is simple: if the pulp is easily separated from the stone, the fruit is ripe. The removed bone should be washed well, and the remaining pulp should be scraped off with a knife. And then it needs to be… split. Yes, yes, it is to split, since the whole bone, most likely, will not germinate. Inside the seed there will be an embryo with a green seedling. nine0005

Mango is a rather large tree, so it is better to plant a sprout immediately in a large pot. The soil is suitable universal, from the store. The seedling is planted horizontally, so that about 1/4 of the seed remains above the soil surface. After that, the pot is covered with a film and placed on a warm, light windowsill. Once every 2 - 3 days, the edges of the shelter are slightly raised to ventilate and prevent the bone from rotting. After about 2 to 3 weeks, the first shoots will appear.

Mangoes begin to bloom and bear fruit at the age of 6-7. nine0005

Passion fruit


Perhaps not everyone knows, but passion fruit is the fruit of the edible passionflower. This is a vine that not only bears fruit, but also blooms very beautifully. So at home it will become a real window decoration. But it is important to remember that passionflower is a very powerful vine and will need pruning at home, otherwise it will take up all the space available to it (3).

Seeds are sown in individual tall pots. It is important to put drainage at the bottom (expanded clay, crushed stone, brick chips) with a height of at least 2.5 cm. The soil for germination should be both loose and breathable (leaf humus, compost, sand, soddy soil). nine0005

Seeds are pre-scarified - lightly rubbed with sandpaper. Then they are treated with any growth stimulant. Sowed to a depth of 1 cm. The pot is covered with a film. The optimum temperature for germination is 20-25°C, humidity is 75%. Seedlings appear after 30 days or more. As soon as they appear, the film is removed.



The exotic fruit Pitahaya is a large climbing or creeping forest cactus (Hylocereus) without thorns. Its flowers are large and fragrant. Disperse at night. nine0005

Pitahaya seeds are sown in separate pots at a depth of 0. 5 cm. To prevent the soil from drying out, it is better to cover the pot with foil.

Hylocereus can be grown in the shade - in nature it grows in forests, where it can do without an abundance of sun.

Begins to bear fruit in 5-7 years.



Germination of seeds in avocados is 100%, but provided that they are collected from ripe fruits. To check for ripeness, press down on both sides of the fruit with your palms, then release. A ripe avocado will restore its structure. nine0005

Seeds should be planted on the day of collection. It is usually recommended to pierce them in 3 places with toothpicks and immerse them in water by a third, but this requires skill, and you will have to constantly monitor the water level. So do not bother: avocado seeds germinate perfectly in the soil, it is enough to dig into the loose earth 1/3 of the blunt ends down. And water once a week.

Avocados do not like stagnant water in the roots, so a 2 cm high drain must be put on the bottom of the pot. As soon as the seedling appears, place the pot on the brightest window sill. nine0005

Gives first fruits in 3-5 years.

Popular Questions and Answers

We talked about growing exotic fruit crops with agronomist-breeder Svetlana Mikhailova.

Will exotic fruits bear fruit at home?

If the plants are properly cared for, they will. But you need to be patient - most fruit trees bloom in 10 - 15 years.

Where to keep exotic fruit plants at home? nine0075

Most tropical fruit plants are photophilous, so a south or east window will do. But even in this case, from October to April, they will need additional lighting with phytolamps for 12 hours a day.

Is it possible to grow exotic fruit plants outdoors?

All of them are heat-loving, therefore, some of them, for example, citrus fruits, persimmon and passion fruit, can be grown in open ground only on the Black Sea coast. In the middle lane, and even more so in the Urals or Siberia in the open field, they will die. nine0085
But these plants can, and even useful, be taken out into the garden in pots in summer. Bring it back into the house for the winter.


  1. Smirnov A.V. Plant world. Stories about cultivated plants // M .: Young guard, 1988 - 303 p.
  2. Baranov V.D., Ustimenko G.V. The world of cultivated plants. Handbook / M.: Thought, 1994 - 381 p.
  3. Dr. Hession DG All about indoor plants // M .: Kladez-Buks, 2002 - 256 p.

How to grow lemon and other exotic fruits at home

Nina Parfenova

eating her pomegranates

Author profile

Yuliya Skopich

asked questions

Author profile

It is quite possible to grow a pomegranate from a pomegranate seed.

And with proper care of the plant, you will get fruits in two or three years. It is the same with other exotic fruits.

I have been growing houseplants and exotic fruits from seeds for 15 years. In the article I will tell you how to provide the necessary microclimate, what problems you may encounter and when to expect fruits. You should not count on quick results and large yields, but enough for a salad. nine0005

Which exotic plants can be grown

How to prepare for planting

900.7 Since exotic fruits love light and warmth, it is better to choose a window sill on the south side. You can organize a greenhouse on the balcony, but it must be insulated, otherwise you will have to think through heating in winter.

Select fruit. nine0072 To grow a tree from a stone, you need to choose a ripe fruit. It must be healthy and edible - so the bones in it will definitely be fully ripe.

This pomelo fruit is suitable for collecting seeds: the pulp is ripe and the seeds are large.

You can plant a plant at any time of the year, but the seeds germinate best in spring and summer, when the warm sun warms and the daylight hours are long.

Another option is to use the vegetative propagation method, that is, with the help of cuttings. A fertile twig can be taken from a fruiting seedling or bought on the Internet, for example, through Avito. nine0005 For exotic plants, I organized a shelving unit with lighting This is how figs look from the store, but similar ones can be grown at home

Choose a container. Initially you will need small pots or 200 ml plastic cups. These may not necessarily be purchased accessories - for example, yogurt or sour cream cups are suitable. It is not worth using large containers, because it is easy to fill the plants in them, and in small pots the soil dries out quickly. nine0005

I do not recommend sticking seeds into pots where other plants are already planted: the roots can get mixed up and during transplantation there is a risk of damaging the root system of both plants.

Automatic watering and pest traps: what is useful for caring for houseplants

First, the seeds are sown in a common bowl, and when the seedlings grow up, they will need to be transplanted into separate containers.

You can plant several pomegranate seeds in one container, and when the seedlings grow up, plant them out. At the initial stage, you can use both pots and plastic glasses or, for example, mayonnaise containers

Prepare the soil. Pay attention to the composition of the soil: it should contain loosening components such as sand, perlite or vermiculite.

You can choose ready-made mixtures, for example for citrus fruits, which are sold in specialized stores. However, you can prepare mixtures on your own. To do this, you need to mix universal soil and biohumus at a ratio of 4: 1 and add 10% baking powder - perlite, vermiculite, sand. All this can be bought at any garden store for 100-200 R - it all depends on the volume of packaging. nine0005

Don't forget about the drainage layer at the bottom of the pot, which will remove excess moisture from the roots. Expanded clay, foam plastic, foam glass and so on can be used as drainage.

Water in time and save from pests: 10 applications for flower growers

Make up the soil: universal plus vermicompost plus baking powder The soil is usually sold in garden stores, but is sometimes found in large building materials. Source: The average price of drainage is 150-300 R per 2 liters. Source:

Use fertilizer. During the period of active growth, from May to September, plants need to be fed. At the beginning of growth - with preparations with a predominance of nitrogen and phosphorus, during flowering and fruiting - with potassium and phosphorus.

I prefer ready-made preparations in liquid form: Uniflor Growth, Vitaminus for seedlings, Biocomplex biococktails for adult plants. Before use, it is important to read the instructions so as not to make a mistake with the dosage.

Nitrogen-phosphorus granular fertilizer costs 400-700 R per 3 kg. Source: On average, 3 kg of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers cost 500-700 RUR. Source:

Provide light. Since exotic plants are inhabitants of the southern territories, where there is a lot of sun or even constant summer, the so-called additional lighting is necessary in the winter period in the central part of Russia. Due to the lack of light, plants can turn yellow and throw off their leaves in the autumn-winter period, and some may even die.

My exotics at a young age grow well in winter under a 20 W phytolamp. When they grow up and become strong trees, they move under a 50 W lamp. nine0005 A 50 W lamp illuminates an area of ​​1 m² Linear lamps are convenient because they illuminate several plants You can buy a regular lamp and then change the bulbs in it, or you can choose a linear one. Source:

Maintain climatic conditions. The optimum temperature for growing exotic plants at home is +25…30 °C. Humidity should be natural. Batteries dry out the air a lot, especially in small rooms, so during the heating period it is important to periodically spray the plants. You can also use a humidifier. nine0005

In addition, all exotic plants are afraid of cold air - in winter you need to protect them from drafts.

The average cost of an air humidifier is 1500-4000 R. Source:

The average cost of a starter kit for growing plants is 1720 R

Phytolamp 1000 R
Fertilizers 500 R
Drain 150 R
Primer 50 R
Fruit 20 R
Pot 20 R or free


1000 R


500 R


150 R

50 R

9000 9000

20 ° P

9000 some of the plants I grew. The list below is built according to this principle: first, those that bear fruit faster, and then the plants, the harvest from which can be expected for several years. nine0005


Planting. Lemon, tangerine, grapefruit, pomelo, kumquat, sweetie can be grown from seed, but they grow at different rates. For example, after six months, a pomelo can turn into a seedling about 30 cm high, and a tangerine will give only a couple of leaves in the same time.

You can remove the skin from the pit to make it germinate faster. It is sown directly into the soil, there is no need to additionally germinate the seed.

Several seeds can be planted in one container

Care. For growing, you need to choose a bright place, and in order to avoid burns of the plant, you can shade it from direct sunlight. For example, cover the glass with a thin cloth, spunbond or a sheet of white paper. This is true if the window faces south and the summer is hot.

Shops sell specially selected potting mixes and fertilizers for citrus fruits. I can recommend soil from Buisky Fertilizers, Fasco or Ecoflora. A package of 5 liters costs an average of 150-300 R.

Feed the plants during the active growth phase, approximately from May to September. This should be done two or three times a week.

Citrus fruits like moderate watering as the topsoil dries out. In summer, plants respond well to spraying. In winter, they need coolness, approximately + 15 . .. 18 ° C and rare watering.


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Possible problems. nine0072 Citrus fruits are easily attacked by spider mites and scale insects, which suck juices from the plant.

In winter, these crops slow down in growth, become weak. Therefore, at this time of the year, they must be especially carefully checked and, if insects are found, treated.

At home, it is better to use biological insecticides that are not dangerous to humans and animals. I can advise "Fitoverm", "MAG", "Boveriks", "Aktofit", "Fasco", "Bitoxibacillin" or "Nembakt". nine0005

If the pest population is strong, you can use the chemicals "Aktara", "Alatar", "Aktellik". The average price depending on the volume of packaging is 20-200 R.

Maturing period. The first shoots appear within two to three weeks. When the seedlings grow up, they must be transplanted into separate cups.

A tree grown from a stone may not bear fruit at home. It will bloom, most likely, not earlier than in ten or even twenty years. To get fruits faster, you can graft any fertile twig onto a sprout: for example, a tangerine onto a lemon. A grafted citrus tree will bear fruit in the second or third year. nine0005


Landing. It is better to grow a tree by cutting a branch from a fruit-bearing plant. You can ask for it from a person who already grows figs, look for it in garden stores or on Avito.

The fig variety must be self-fertile, i.e. one that does not require pollination. The following are suitable: “Sochi”, “white Adriatic”, “Dalmatian”, “purple”, “ice crystal”, “brown Turkish”. Cuttings are very easy: a twig with two or three buds is rooted in water or in a loose substrate - peat, vermiculite, perlite, or mixtures thereof. nine0005

You can also grow a tree from seeds. They are laid out on the surface of moist soil, lightly sprinkled with sand on top and covered with a cap to create a greenhouse effect. You can cover with a transparent plastic cup with holes on the bottom, a film or a cut off part of a transparent plastic bottle.

Fig bushy shoots

Care. Figs should be grown on a light windowsill and sprayed frequently. You can do this at least every day, but if there is little moisture, the plant will lower the leaves, and if there is a lot, spots and yellowness will appear. nine0005

Possible problems. The main enemy of figs is the spider mite, which can be safely controlled with laundry soap. The leaves are washed with soap, and then everything is washed off with water. You can also spray the leaves with "Green Soap", which is sold in garden stores. A package of 250 ml costs 90-100 R. In addition, Fitoverm and MAG preparations are suitable.

The fig is a deciduous plant and can shed its leaves in autumn, but you should not be afraid of this, as they will reappear in the spring. nine0005

10 easy care houseplants

Maturity. The first shoots will appear in five days. After you see three or four leaves, it's time to plant the seedlings in glasses.

Figs grown from seed will most likely not bear fruit as they need pollination, but can be grafted with a fertile branch. In turn, if you grew figs by cuttings, it is likely that it will bear fruit in the third year.

Grown up fig seedlings should be planted in separate pots This is how a tree looks like at ten months


Landing. Pomegranate can be grown from the seed of a ripe fruit, or you can buy seeds at a garden store. You can sow several seeds at once in a common container - in moist soil, sprinkled with earth.

After that, I advise you to cover everything from above with a film or a plastic bag to create the effect of a greenhouse - excess moisture will not evaporate and the soil will not dry out.

You can choose seeds from pomegranate seeds and plant them Several seeds can be planted in one container
Seeds can be selected from pomegranate seeds and planted Several seeds can be planted in one container

Care. The plant should be placed on a light windowsill, and in summer it should be taken out to the balcony. Strong sprouts are planted in separate pots. To make the pomegranate lush, you need to pinch the top - and it will begin to bush.

Pomegranate loves watering and spraying. In autumn and winter, the plant sheds its leaves, but you should not be afraid of this: you just need to place the pomegranate in a cool place. In an apartment, a cool window sill is suitable for this, in a private house - a basement. Watering in winter should be reduced, as the soil should dry out. Closer to spring, the pomegranate will begin to grow new leaves. nine0005

Possible problems. To get larger fruits, you need to control the number of ovaries and remove the extra ones. A young plant can have two or three fruits and increase their number every year. During flowering and fruiting, it is not recommended to rearrange the pomegranate to another place, it is better not to touch it at all. From a permutation, he can drop all the flowers.

The main enemy of the pomegranate is the spider mite, which causes leaves to fall. The tree must be periodically inspected and treated if you see ticks. The pest population is also reduced by warm showers. nine0005


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Maturation period. The first shoots can be seen after about ten days. Flowering and fruiting of a pomegranate grown from a purchased fruit begins no earlier than five years later. If grown from dwarf pomegranate seeds - in the second or third year.


Planting. Avocado is grown from a stone: you need to put it with a blunt tip in water and wait until the root appears. This usually happens after about two weeks. The root of an avocado is taproot and grows deep down. In order not to damage it, it is better to choose a deep pot. nine0005

After the root appears, the stone can be planted in the ground. It should be loose and light so that the root system develops easily. Suitable universal primer with the addition of baking powder.

Such a stone inside an avocado is suitable for growing a tree To prevent the stone from drowning in water, toothpicks are stuck into the side parts on three sides: they hold it on the surface. If the bone splits into two parts, it's okay: even one half can germinate - the one that has an embryo

Care. On a sunny windowsill, avocados are growing rapidly. Phytolamps will speed up the process even more.

Avocado is an evergreen plant and can periodically renew its leaves by shedding old ones. You shouldn't be afraid of this.

Possible problems. In nature, avocado is a tall plant, therefore, at home, it tends to actively grow up. To restrain growth and form a neat tree, it must be pruned. The first pruning should be done at the level of the desired trunk height. Then you can cut off the side branches, but after each procedure, you must wait until the green mass is restored. nine0005

Maturing period. Avocado from the stone can bloom and bear fruit in 6-8 years, but for this it needs to create natural growing conditions: year-round supplementary light, warmth and high humidity.

First Avocado Sprout grown avocado
First avocado sprout Growing avocado


Planting. Lychee is an evergreen tall plant that reproduces vegetatively and by seed. You can search for a seedling in the nursery or on Avito. nine0005

Since the stone has a dense skin, it is recommended to germinate it in a warm place in a damp cloth or on cotton pads. The root will appear in about three weeks. After that, it can be sown.

Lychee loves fertile soil with the addition of vermicompost. It grows slowly and has paired leaves: at the time of blooming, they are pinkish, and then gradually turn green.

Sprouting lychee on wet cotton pads Germinated Lychee Stone
Sprouting lychee on wet cotton pads Germinated pit of lychee

Care. Lychee responds well to fresh air and spraying in summer. You can grow it in summer on a balcony or terrace. In an apartment, it is important to ventilate the room daily.

In winter, the plant needs coolness and additional light for at least 15 hours a day. Otherwise, in autumn or winter, the lychee may shed its leaves and die. During flowering, you need to help the sprout to pollinate the flowers, transferring pollen from the stamens to the pistils with a brush. nine0005

Possible problems. Lychees infect spider mites and scale insects. And since the tree does not grow very quickly, you need to periodically inspect the plant. If pests appear, it is better to treat with drugs such as Fitoverm and MAG.

Excessive watering may cause brown spots on the leaves, and with a lack of light, the leaves will begin to fly around.

Maturing period. If you create conditions close to natural, you can expect fruit in 8-10 years. nine0005

Tips for beginner gardeners

  1. Exotic plants love light and heat. In order for them to grow better, they need a phytolamp and a window sill located on the south side.
  2. You can plant the plant at any time of the year, but it is better to do it in spring or summer.
  3. Stones can be sown in common bowls, but when the seedlings grow, they will need to be transplanted into small containers.
  4. Plants need to be fed with fertilizer during the period of active growth, during flowering and fruiting. nine0094
  5. Not all plants grown from pits and seeds bear fruit indoors. The most reliable method of propagation is cuttings. You can also graft a tree, and then it can also bear fruit. Or you can root a cutting, and such a plant will also bear fruit.
  6. The minimum ripening period for exotic fruits is two years.

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