Companion plants for chili peppers
25 Best Chili Pepper Companion Plants (& The Worst)
You want to grow chili peppers at home but are not sure which plants you should grow with your chilies?
Then this article is exactly for you since I show you the best and worst chili companion plants in the following chapters.
Table of Contents
Why do I need Companion Plants to grow Chili Peppers?
Chili peppers grow much better if you choose the right companion plants to grow next to them.
Among others, good companion plants attract pollinators and other helpful insects, loosen the soil, keep it moist, keep away pests, provide shade and can also improve the flavor of your chillies.
However, don’t get the idea that there are only good companion plants for your chilies.
Some plants can do more harm than good if you grow them with your chilies since they can take away precious nutrients, attract pests and lead to several other issues.
Hence, make sure to check out the following tables to avoid any mistakes in this regard and to grow your chili plants in the best possible manner.
Good Chili Companion Plants
Companion Plant | Why is it good? |
Shallots | Deter aphids and ants. |
Onions | Deter aphids and ants. |
Leeks | Deter aphids and ants. |
Garlic | Deter aphids and ants. |
Spring Onions | Deter aphids and ants. |
Chives | Deter aphids and ants. |
Spinach | Provides shade to the roots of your chilies. |
Chard | Provides shade to the roots of your chilies. |
Lettuce | Provides shade to the roots of your chilies. |
Beans | Fix nitrogen. |
Peas | Fix nitrogen. |
Cucumbers | Fix nitrogen. |
Marigolds | Attract pollinators. |
Nasturtiums | Attract pollinators and repel pests. |
Petunias | Attract pollinators.![]() |
Marjoram | Can improve the flavor of your chilies. |
Rosemary | Can improve the flavor of your chilies. |
Dill | Keeps away spider mites. |
Basil | Keeps away aphids, ants and slugs. |
Parsley | Attracts helpful insects. |
Bad Chili Companion Plants
Companion Plant | Why is it bad? |
Kohlrabi | Attract flea beetles and other harmful pests. |
Cabbage | Take away nutrients from your chilli plants |
Mustard Greens | Take away nutrients from your chili plants. |
Fennel | Attracts slugs and takes away nutrients from the soil. |
Apricots | Attract fungus. |
Best & Worst Chilli Companion Plants – Summary
Best Companion Plants | Worst Companion Plants |
Onions | Cabbage |
Leeks | Mustard |
Garlic | Kohlrabi |
Shallots | Apricots |
Spring Onions | Fennel |
Chives | |
Spinach | |
Chard | |
Beans | |
Peas | |
Lettuce | |
Cucumbers | |
Nasturtiums | |
Marigolds | |
Petunias | |
Rosemary | |
Marjoram | |
Basil | |
Dill | |
Parsley |
What should you plant with Chili Peppers?
Good companion plants for chili peppers are dill, parsley, basil, rosemary, marjoram, petunias, marigolds, nasturtiums, lettuce, beans, peas, cucumbers, chard, chives, spinach, shallots, spring onions, garlic, onions and leeks.
You should avoid planting chili peppers with mustard greens, kohlrabi, cabbage, fennel and apricots.
If you want to get more information about growing chilies in general, make sure to also check out my grower’s guide on how to grow chili peppers from seed to harvest.
About the Author
My name is Andreas and I’m really passionate about our environment and also about growing plants. In fact, I have grown several different plants over many years. I love to see my plants grow and also always try new things to improve my overall conditions at home.
In my blog posts, I want to share my experiences with you so that you can become successful in growing various different plants and improving your home as well, even though you might still be a beginner right now.
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Best Companion Plants For Chilli Peppers
If you love growing hot pepper plants, but want to do more with your outdoor grow, companion plants are an excellent way to diversify your garden and improve the quality of your pepper harvest. Keep reading to find out which herbs, vegetables, and flowers pair brilliantly with chili peppers.
Companion plants are often underappreciated and underutilised tools when growing chili plants. Not only can they protect your outdoor plants from pests, but they can even attract pollinators, leading to bigger, better harvests and exciting pepper variations (more on these later).
What are the benefits of companion plants for chili peppers?
Before breaking down which companion plants you should add to your outdoor (and even indoor) grow, it makes sense to start with why. So, why add other species to your grow when the primary focus is peppers? Well, the benefits of companion planting are as follows:
Deters pests: With the right plants, you can reduce the risk of several common pepper pests.
Encourages pollination: Although pepper plants are primarily self-pollinators, they still require physical agitation for best results. Surround them with beneficial plants and let insects do the hard work for you.
Creates a thriving ecosystem: Many companion plants attract beneficial insects and organisms, improving soil health and limiting weeds.
Improves flavour: Some companion species are believed to improve the taste of your peppers when planted close to each other.
In short, picking the right partner for your chili plants makes your growing life easier. That is, of course, provided you know which plants work best. Below you’ll find several fantastic candidates, eager to help your hot pepper plants flourish.
3 chili pepper companion plants: herbs
Kicking off our list are three popular herbs. Each brings that little something extra to your outdoor grow, so pick the one(s) that best suits your needs.
An annual herb, dill is a frequent addition to recipes worldwide. However, its prowess as a companion plant lies not in its taste, but its ability to deter pests. Dill does a fantastic job of keeping aphids and spider mites away from pepper plants, both of which can easily ruin an entire harvest. The herb isn’t just a deterrent either; many growers use dill to attract beneficial pollinators. Dill is pleasing to look at while keeping local insects in check—a win-win for chili pepper growers.
While some growers attest to the productivity-boosting effect of basil, the plant is more well-known for its pest-deterring attributes. Several basil plants can help keep spider mites, flies, thrips, and even mosquitoes at bay—especially useful if you live in a hot and humid climate. Much of basil’s pest-deterring power comes from a chemical it emits, making it harder for insects to find their target, aka your hot and heavy peppers.
A unique benefit of rosemary as a companion species is the cover it provides. Grown close to hot peppers, rosemary can help to keep the surrounding soil or mulch cool. Even better, this protective quality benefits many of the plants listed in this article, making it a worthy addition to your garden. If you’re planning on an extensive outdoor grow, you can’t go wrong with several rosemary plants.
3 chili pepper companion plants: vegetables
Most vegetables are worthwhile companions to chili plants because they are low-maintenance while still offering several benefits.
Many pepper growers favour carrots as companions for two main reasons: weed control and shade. However, the trick is to avoid planting too close to your peppers. You want to keep the soil and mulch around your pepper plants cool, but the plants themselves need as much light as possible to thrive. Provided you get the spacing correct, carrots are a worthy companion plant that pairs well with chili plants and dozens of other vegetables.
Aubergine / eggplant
Aubergines have more in common with peppers than you might think. Not only do they come from the same family (Solanaceae, aka nightshade), but they are usually ready to harvest at a similar time of year. Growing aubergines alongside hot peppers can save you valuable time while also keeping the unwanted attention of pests away from your prized chilies. If you decide to plant aubergines, ensure you rotate your garden beds each year to maintain soil quality.
Bell peppers
We should note that getting the most out of a bell pepper companion plant requires some prior experience or knowledge. Why? Because growing several pepper plants means you can create exciting cross-breeds. If you’ve ever fancied a pepper similar to that of the non-spicy habanada, then cross-breeding is the answer. As a general rule, you’ll want to stick to pepper varieties of the same species; but with endless possibilities, using bell peppers as companion plants can bring some flair and excitement to your outdoor grow.
3 chili pepper companion plants: flowers
Flowers are ideal for companion planting as they add some colour to your garden while keeping a whole host of pesky insects at bay.
Nasturtiums are uniquely positioned as great companion plants due to their pest-deterring abilities and their edible flowers. Not only can you throw them in a salad alongside your peppers, but they’ll help keep aphids, squash bugs, and whiteflies at bay. The trick is to plant nasturtiums roughly 30–60cm from pepper plants. Having them close by (but not too close) will keep pests distracted, preventing them from easily hopping from plant to plant. Several nasturtiums can also attract beneficial predators to ensure your harvest goes off without a hitch.
In terms of planting proximity, the same rules apply to geraniums as outlined above for nasturtiums. But rest assured, spacing out your garden with several geraniums is well worth the effort. They are an excellent trap for Japanese beetles, as the leaves can paralyse, making it easy to manually remove the beetles before they get to your chili plants. More than that, though, geraniums add some delightful colour to your outdoor grow, making the whole experience of pepper cultivation more enjoyable.
French marigolds
Planting a decent amount of French marigolds works wonders for repelling pests such as soil nematodes and potato bugs. There are also some anecdotal claims that marigolds can stimulate the growth of pepper plants. While we can’t say for sure, the simplicity and benefits of growing French marigolds mean you have very little to lose by including them in your pepper garden. Consider planting them alongside the other flowers listed above for the ultimate pest defence.
Can you grow tomatoes and chili peppers together?
Growing chili peppers and tomatoes is feasible if you follow a straightforward principle—spacing. You can grow most hot pepper varieties near one another as they favour a hot and humid climate. On the other hand, tomatoes like to stretch, and require sufficient airflow between plants. If you want to use tomatoes as a companion plant to peppers, we recommend growing them in the same garden bed, just not side by side.
If you’re someone that grows year after year, rotating said garden beds is another great idea. Doing so helps to reduce the risk of pests and disease ruining plants before they’ve even had a chance to sprout.
Which plants should you avoid?
The good news is there are only a few plants you can’t use as companions for chili pepper plants. That said, here are the key offenders:
Fennel: If you’re a fan of fennel, it should be planted in a garden bed separate from your peppers. The plant gives off a chemical that can inhibit the growth of nearby vegetables, including your beloved hot chilies.
Potatoes: Grown in close proximity, potatoes can spread disease and pests to your plants. They also come from the same nightshade family, meaning greater competition for the same nutrients.
Strawberries: As tasty as they are, strawberries are susceptible to fungus (Verticillium) and mould that can easily spread to your hot pepper plants.
As you can see, there are dozens of plants that not only benefit your pepper plants, but introduce some fantastic diversity into your garden. With a little planning, you can easily grow multiple herbs, vegetables, and flowers alongside your favourite pepper varieties. And given that many of the plants listed above are tasty in their own right, they work brilliantly with peppers both before and after harvest.
Good neighborhood: what can be planted next to peppers
Sweet (aka Bulgarian) pepper is a rather whimsical and heat-loving plant. Therefore, in our middle latitudes, it is most often grown in greenhouses and hotbeds, in which you want to save space by planting several more crops next to pepper.
However, are all plants good neighbors for pepper in the garden, or are some of them incompatible with the capricious nightshade? Let's figure it out together. nine0003
We have already introduced you to the basic principles of creating dense plantings on the site and the rational use of protected greenhouse beds on the principle of correct alignment of plants in time and space. Properly planted plants are really capable of not only saving space in the greenhouse, but also protecting each other from diseases and pests, promoting active growth and even improving the taste of each other.
So, you have chosen a suitable variety of pepper for the greenhouse, successfully grown its seedlings at home and are preparing to transfer them to a new place of residence. What exactly should be planted next to bell pepper in a greenhouse, and which plants will be bad neighbors for it? nine0003
Good neighbors for peppers
One of the main tasks of the gardener, when it comes to the greenhouse, is to protect plants from possible diseases and prevent their development. Indeed, there is little space in the greenhouse compared to open ground, the plants "sit" in a fairly close neighborhood, and due to the special microclimate with high humidity and temperature, the spread of infections occurs faster.
So, first of all, when choosing neighbors for pepper, we will try to prevent possible infections. For this, cultures that produce biologically active substances that can repel harmful insects and / or inhibit the growth and development of pathogenic bacteria are perfect. nine0003
The most popular and well-known such helper plants are, of course, onion and garlic. They are not only useful in themselves, but also take up almost no space in the greenhouse, without interfering with the main crop to successfully grow and bear fruit. Due to their volatile properties, they will become good neighbors for almost all garden crops - and pepper is no exception.
In addition to onion and garlic, other herbs have a similar effect and even some ornamental plants that can further attract pollinating insects. The crops listed below make excellent pepper neighbors both outdoors and in a greenhouse:
- basil,
- marigolds,
- coriander,
- catnip,
- marjoram,
- nasturtium,
- parsley,
- tansy,
- thyme.
Pepper also responds well to the presence of early crops nearby in the greenhouse ( radishes, lettuce, spinach ), which are sown early and, if space is scarce, harvested shortly after planting. However, it is possible to grow such green crops next to pepper on an ongoing basis as additional ones that do not interfere with the development of pepper. Moreover, being near the ground itself, they perfectly protect the soil from excessive evaporation of moisture after watering and will not allow the soil to crack in the heat. Carrots can also be attributed to the above crops (its seedlings, by the way, repel some pests no less successfully). nine0003
Pepper also feels good next to cabbage – but not everyone! The best partners for him in the greenhouse will be white cabbage and cauliflower. The neighborhood of pepper in a protected building with zucchini, celery, okra is quite acceptable.
It is interesting that even weeds can become a pleasant and useful neighbor for pepper. Nettle, chamomile and even dandelions contribute to the early ripening of the vegetable. Of course, in a greenhouse they should live in single copies, and not fill all the available space with themselves. nine0003
Bad neighbors for peppers
Of course, not all cultures get along so well with pepper in a greenhouse, with some others it will compete for resources, and still others are even able to reward it with diseases or oppress it in growth and development.
Above, we talked about the wonderful neighborhood of pepper with spicy herbs, which not only protect it from pests, but also give zest to the taste of pepper fruits? But it turns out that not all of them are so good - all this does not apply to such fragrant plants as fennel and dill . It is not recommended to plant them next to pepper in a greenhouse, especially in large quantities. Fennel is generally an antagonist of almost any culture because of its aggressiveness in distribution - it is able to "strangle" even immature pepper plants. In addition, it takes a lot of nutrients from the soil and releases strong aromatic substances "unpleasant" to pepper.
Almost the same applies to the neighborhood with thickets dill , which also actively spread over the beds, besides preventing the pepper from receiving enough sunlight, shading its young shoots with tall peduncles and large umbrellas. And dill can also become a refuge and distributor of carrot flies and aphids - dangerous insect pests.
Pepper does not tolerate the neighborhood with beets, which, in the constant struggle for resources, actively takes away most of the nutrients and light from it. By the way, the same applies to some varieties of cabbage - namely, Brussels sprouts and kohlrabi, which also compete with pepper for water. nine0003
Neighborhood with legumes is also not good for pepper. Even taking into account the fact that in general they enrich the soil with nitrogen and loosen it, peas and beans are quite capable of suppressing the development of pepper plants, and they also have common diseases, for example, anthracnose. And peas can still try to use the seedlings of the latter as a support for their shoots, which also will not benefit the pepper.
In general, it is not recommended to plant bell peppers in a greenhouse and next to members of the family Solanaceae . Peppers, potatoes, tomatoes , and eggplants all take up a lot of space, consume the same nutrients, and are prone to the same diseases and pests. By planting these vegetables side by side, you are more likely to cause competition and disease outbreaks that are characteristic of these relatives.
However, by and large, if you are confident in the quality of your seedlings, have a large enough area in the greenhouse and are ready to carefully provide all nightshades with good protection against insects and infections - you can try to grow them next to each other, nothing is impossible in this. nine0003
Similar questions arise when you would like to grow bitter (hot) vegetable peppers next to bell peppers. It seems that "siblings" cannot harm each other in any way, and the growing conditions require the same. Everything would be so, but peppers tend to pollinate, and in the case of a joint planting, sweet pepper is likely to take on the taste of its more burning neighbor. As a result, instead of two different types of pepper, you will get a kind of hybrid of an incomprehensible taste, and even with crushed fruits. Moreover, its “offspring” will be just as indistinct in taste and size. nine0003
Strange as it may seem, this does not apply to hot pepper varieties Capsicum frutescens - it is quite possible to plant it with our sweet capsicum (vegetable) pepper in the neighborhood without any damage to the taste of the fruits of both species.
Slightly different situation with the simultaneous cultivation of peppers and cucumbers in a greenhouse - these crops are not related and do not directly harm each other, but require different growing conditions. This is especially true of humidity, which cucumbers love very much and peppers do not tolerate. Therefore, it is rather problematic to combine cultures in one closed room without prejudice to one of them. nine0003
As you can see, growing sweet bell peppers in a greenhouse next to other plants is not difficult at all, you just need to learn more about their properties and needs so as not to create competition in a closed room.
What can and cannot be planted next to peppers? Combined landings. Photo - Botanichka
Supporters of joint planting of vegetables, as well as those who want to save space in the garden, will probably be interested in learning about the best companions for pepper. In this article I will tell you which vegetables, flowers and herbs will create a harmonious combination with sweet and hot peppers. At the same time, successful neighbors will protect pepper from diseases and increase its yield. And, of course, we will also consider those garden crops, the neighborhood with which pepper must be avoided. nine0003 What can and cannot be planted next to peppers?
Benefits of mixed plantings
Growing vegetables, in particular hot and sweet peppers, together with herbs, flowers and other vegetables is a method that is widely used by adherents of organic farming. This method of growing plants is called joint or combined planting.
Growing peppers with the right neighbors has numerous benefits. First of all, this is the attraction of beneficial insects and the repelling of pests from pepper by its companions. Secondly, the maximum use of garden space. And, according to some gardeners, a good neighborhood enhances the taste and aroma of pepper. nine0003
Planting the right companion plants along with peppers is also a good way to avoid the use of powerful chemicals and heavy doses of mineral fertilizers for insect control or plant nutrition.
We usually plant plants next to each other that require similar growing conditions. Namely: a similar temperature regime, air humidity, types and frequency of top dressing, as well as irrigation regime. Bulgarian and hot peppers, we usually have where he can get quite a lot of sun. This means that numerous vegetable and spice crops, which also require a large amount of light, can be successfully grown next to it. nine0003
To implement co-planting, one-row alternation of companion plants is usually used, or the companion crop is planted in row-spacings. Some plants are suitable companions simply because they do not harm their neighbors. Others can indeed exert some kind of positive influence on each other by establishing a symbiotic relationship. And still others will harm the main culture.
See also our article Mixed plantings - which crops are best to grow together? nine0003
Which plants can be grown next to sweet peppers?
The best vegetable neighbors for peppers
Bell peppers and tomatoes are very good companions: they belong to the same family and require the same growing conditions and the use of the same means to protect against diseases and pests. At the same time, tomatoes and peppers are often successfully combined in a greenhouse. True, tomatoes require an influx of fresh air to a greater extent and need more frequent ventilation than peppers. However, this does not have a special effect on the overall yield of these crops when planted together. nine0003
Eggplant also grows well with sweet peppers. In addition, peppers can be grown together with onions, carrots and cucumbers.
Sometimes in the literature you can find recommendations that bell pepper is also good to grow next to a pumpkin. But in such cases, one should take into account the scale of pumpkin bushes with long lashes and huge leaves. They are able to shield the pepper from the light. Therefore, it is important to maintain the desired distance between plants, as well as move the lashes away from the pepper bushes as they grow. nine0003 Bell peppers and tomatoes are very good companions for growing in the same bed. © iFartWhenILaughh
Herbs to grow alongside peppers
Experienced gardeners have observed that basil, dill and coriander are the best companions for peppers in the garden. There are over 50 different varieties of basil that can be grown with peppers. Among them there are also sweet varieties (lemon, caramel, mint, cinnamon), and vegetable (classic, clove, large-leaved). And they will all grow equally well next to pepper. And varieties with bright purple foliage will also give the garden a decorative look. nine0003
Growing basil next to peppers is highly desirable. It is noticed that its presence makes the taste and aroma of hot or sweet pepper more intense. At the same time, it is believed that thrips, flies and mosquitoes do not like the smell of basil.
Dill and coriander planted next to peppers help deter aphids and attract beneficial insects to the garden, including ladybugs and lacewings.
Marjoram, oregano (oregano), chives and parsley are also good companions for pepper bushes and can be grown with bell peppers without any negative effects. nine0003
Flowers that can be planted next to sweet peppers
Some flowers are also valuable companions of peppers. Roman chamomile (navel) increases the resistance of pepper to various diseases, however, when planted at close range.
It is very good to plant marigolds next to peppers, as their roots secrete a substance that protects the soil from nematodes and kills fungi that harm peppers and other vegetable plants.
The popular bright nasturtium flower with edible flowers and seeds is also a good companion to grow with peppers, and its foliage will enrich the soil when it rots in autumn. nine0003
Due to belonging to the same family, petunias are successfully grown together with pepper. Geraniums (pelargoniums), planted together with peppers, repel Japanese beetles (beetles) with their essential oils. These are very dangerous pests that damage a huge number of horticultural and horticultural crops, including peppers.
Because of their belonging to the same family, petunias are successfully grown together with pepperRead also our article 12 of the most delicious varieties and hybrids of sweet peppers that I have grown.
What to plant next to hot peppers?
Hot peppers produce a chemical from their roots that prevents root rot and fungal diseases on nearby plants, such as eggplant. For the same purpose, you can sprinkle pumpkin, chard, tomatoes and cucumbers with ground hot pepper.
Spinach, lettuce, basil, dill, thyme and cilantro pair well with hot peppers. It is noticed that they have a positive effect on the taste of bitter pepper. The most important thing to consider is that companion plants do not cast too much shade on the peppers. And there should be many times more bushes of a burning vegetable than neighboring greens. nine0003
Shift crops
Growing crops with different harvest times on the same bed is another option for co-planting. To make the most of the space in a small garden, increasing the yield per square meter, you can grow early-ripening and late-ripening crops together.
Pepper ripens quite late, and due to its thermophilicity, it is planted in open ground in late spring-early summer. Therefore, in his garden before planting seedlings, you can grow early ripening crops - green onions, radishes, peas or lettuce. nine0003 Growing crops with different harvest times on the same bed is another option for co-planting
Can hot and sweet peppers be planted side by side?
It would seem that sweet and hot peppers are similar in many respects, which means that they can successfully grow side by side. However, they cannot be grown together. The biological characteristics of pepper are such that it belongs to the so-called "facultative self-pollinators".
That is, in principle, peppers do not need to be pollinated by pollen from other plants in order for them to form fruits. And if you grew pepper in a single copy in a pot on the windowsill, you probably noticed that fruiting does not suffer from this. nine0003
However, at elevated air temperatures, peppers can often cross-pollinate. This usually takes place in the southern regions. And in the middle lane, this happens in very hot weather or when grown in a greenhouse.
Usually, when pollinating the “mother” sweet pepper with pollen from the hot “father”, nothing threatens the latter, but the fruits of sweet pepper often become bitter. And if the pollen of sweet pepper pollinates hot pepper bushes, then the latter may lose some of its sharpness. Sometimes the shape may also change - the wall thickness and size of the fetus. nine0003
Therefore, if you want peppers to taste and shape according to the cultivar, it is better not to plant sweet and hot peppers side by side.
Which plants should not be planted together with peppers?
Some horticultural and spice crops should not be grown next to bell peppers as they can harm each other. Often a negative impact is felt even if an unsuitable neighbor is in a neighboring garden.
Members of the cabbage (cruciferous) family, which includes cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, mustard and other crops, should never be grown in the garden with sweet or hot peppers. nine0003
Beans, beans, including soybeans and lima beans, are also poor companions for bell peppers. A close relative of dill, fennel should not be planted next to any garden crops, including peppers, as it has a negative effect on all of its neighbors.
Do not plant bell peppers near apricots, as the fungal pathogen that affects peppers can also spread to the apricot tree.