Clean outdoor rug
How to Clean An Outdoor Rug
If you’re wondering how to clean an indoor outdoor rug, you’ve come to the right place! You may be wondering if outdoor rugs are easy to clean. The good news is, keeping your outdoor patio rug looking like new is simple. In fact, indoor/outdoor rugs are the easiest type of rug to clean because they are made from synthetic materials that are made to handle lots of dirt, moisture, and sunshine. Outdoor rugs dry quickly and resist fading. Outdoor rug cleaning and maintenance are simple with these steps.
- Firmly hold the corners of your outdoor rug while you powerfully shake it.
- Continue shaking until dirt, debris, and crumbs stop falling from the rug.
- If your rug is too large to shake alone, hang it over a railing, fence or clothesline. Then hit your outdoor rug with a broomstick or other strong stick until there is no more debris coming from the rug fibers. Don’t forget to hit both sides of the rug to help extend the life of your rug.
Vacuum your outdoor rug frequently to keep dirt, dust and stains at bay. Vacuum both sides of the rug every few weeks to help loosen dirt and debris and to keep your indoor outdoor rug looking its best.
For flatweave or low pile rugs, sweeping the rug on a frequent basis helps to keep the rug clean and looking sharp. However, sweeping can’t completely remove the dirt so we still recommend vacuuming your outdoor rug occasionally to help remove any dirt left behind.
How To Spot Clean An Outdoor Rug
If your rug only has a few areas that need to be cleaned, spot cleaning will be your secret weapon.
- Remove any excess moisture or debris from the spot. Blot liquids (like urine or wine) with a clean towel.
- If the stain has dried, use the edge of a utensil like a knife or a spoon to remove any solid debris.
- Mix together water with a small amount of mild detergent.
- Use a clean sponge to blot the spot with the detergent water.
Be sure not to rub as this can drive the stain further into the fibers.
- Clean the sponge and repeat until the stain is gone.
- Next, rinse the rug with clean water until all the soap is removed.
- Make sure the rug dries completely on both sides to avoid mold and mildew growth.
How To Store Your Indoor Outdoor Rug
During snowy months, you’ll want to store your rug to extend its life.
- Before you put your rug away, make sure your rug is clean and dry by following the above steps.
- Once your rug is clean and dry, roll it up and store it indoors in a cool, dry place. We recommend wrapping it in a protective fabric to further protect it from any moisture, dust or pests.
Can You Wash An Outdoor Rug? The Answer Is Yes!
Take your rug outside on a warm sunny day, preferably with little wind. Don’t wash your rug on the grass as the soap may be harmful to plants.
- Thoroughly wet down your rug using a hose or several buckets of water.
- Mix a small amount of soap or rug cleaner with warm or cold water in a bucket.
- Test the soap mixture in a small corner of the rug to be sure the soap doesn’t affect the color of the rug. Let the soap sit for a few minutes and then rinse it out thoroughly. If the color doesn’t fade or bleed then you’re safe to clean the entire rug.
- Using a soft scrub brush, lather the soap mixture into the rug. Let the soap sit on the rug for a few minutes, and then rinse it thoroughly with water. Make sure the soap is completely rinsed out and the runoff water is clear.
- Roll the rug up tight and then stand it upright for several minutes to remove excess water.
- Lay the rug flat and allow the rug to dry completely.
How To Clean An Outdoor Rug With Mold, Mildew Or Moss
Outdoor rugs aren’t usually prone to moss, mold, and mildew as they are made from synthetic materials. However, if you live in a humid environment, you should check your rug regularly to make sure nothing is growing. If you notice any moss, mold or mildew on your rug, it can be removed using bleach or other natural cleaners. Always be sure to spot test an area before cleaning the whole rug.
Using bleach:
- Mix a small amount of bleach with water. Most synthetic rugs are bleach safe but we still recommend testing the mixture on a corner of the rug first.
- Next, use a spray bottle to spray the mixture on your rug.
- Allow it to sit for a few minutes and then rinse the rug thoroughly with a hose.
- Bleach can harm plants and discolor wood so we recommend doing this on cement. A driveway is a great place for rug cleaning.
Using a natural cleaner:
A natural cleaning solution that can get rid of moss, mildew, and mold, but won’t harm plants is baking soda and vinegar.
- Sprinkle baking soda evenly over a dry outdoor rug.
- Next, use a spray bottle to spray the mixture on your rug.
- Spray your rug with vinegar and allow the mixture to sit for several minutes.
- Next, rinse the rug thoroughly with a hose. Make sure all of the solution is removed before letting it dry.
How To Dry An Indoor Outdoor Rug
After using your cleaning method of choice, your rug needs to dry completely.
- Lay your rug flat in a sunny area to allow it to dry.
- Once the top is dry, flip your rug over to dry the bottom.
- The rug will be dry when you can’t feel any moisture when you push your fingers into the rug. The fibers may be a little crunchy but will soften over time.
- Next, rinse the rug thoroughly with a hose. Make sure all of the solution is removed before letting it dry.
Can I clean my outdoor rug with a pressure washer?
Generally, outdoor rugs can be power washed. They can also be shampooed or steam cleaned as needed. Always check the care label before trying any cleaning methods at home.
How to Easily Clean an Outdoor Rug
Your outdoor rug should be cleaned just like an indoor rug or carpet.

As The Dude famously declared of his prized rug in the film The Big Lebowski, “It really brings the room together.” The same can be said of your outdoor rug and your outdoor space. But you’re likely not cleaning your outdoor rug as often as you clean your indoor ones.
Outdoor rugs are often the catch basins for backyard get-togethers, absorbing dollops of ketchup, iced tea spills, burger juice and anything else we eat or drink outside. And that’s in addition to the caked-on mixture of dust, dirt, mud and anything else Mother Nature decides to throw at it.
Fortunately, outdoor rugs are made to withstand these harsh treatments. But they should still be cleaned. Here’s how to do it.
Get the Debris OffGrab your rug and give it a good shake. You’ll be surprised at how much stuff flies off your rug. This is often easier with a partner. One person stands on each side of the rug and shakes it until it’s debris-free.
If your rug is too large to manage alone, drape it over a railing, banister or even a step ladder. Now, hit the rug with a stick, tennis racket or something else.
All that shaking and beating will leave a fine layer of dust on the rug. Grab a vacuum and clean off both sides. Ideally, you should do this every couple of weeks. When dirt and debris get on your rug, it will take awhile before you notice it. The rug traps it until rain or moisture brings the grime to the surface.
Rinse it OffGrab your garden hose and get to work. Hose down the rug until the water comes off clean. It’s easiest to do this on an inclined surface like a driveway or side yard. That way the water can easily drain off.
Soap it UpPut a small amount of soap or special rug cleaner in a bucket of water. Check your rug’s manufacturer recommendations for warm or cold water. Mild dish soap makes an easy solution. For tougher stains, mix baking soda and hydrogen peroxide into a paste.
Use a soft bristled brush to dip into the soap mixture and begin scrubbing. Lather the rug completely, working from one end to the other. Outdoor rugs are meant to withstand a lot, but don’t overdo it. Excessive rubbing in the same spot can wear down the fibers.
Once you lather the rug, rinse it again. Make sure all the soap is completely gone; the runoff water should be clear. Depending on how much soap you used, this may take several rinses.
Can I Use a Pressure Washer?The short answer is yes. Just make sure you set the water to the lowest pounds per square inch (PSI). Power washers can be employed for either rinsing step and can make shorter work of the process. Set the nozzle to the fan setting and gently sweep the rug from one side to the other.
Dry Your Outdoor RugOnce you’ve cleaned your outdoor rug, lay it flat to dry. Don’t drape the rug over a railing because it could lose its shape. Best to lay it in a nice, sunny spot. Once the top feels dry to the touch, flip it over and dry the back side. After it dries, the rug may feel stiff and uncomfortable. Give it some time. It will soften up.
You’ll need to store your rug before the harsher conditions of winter take their toll. The easiest way is to simply roll it up so the carpet side faces outward. That way when you unroll it, it will curl downward. If you roll it the other way, it will curl upward and create a tripping hazard. After a while, the rug will lay flat again.
How to keep your carpet clean: 7 simple life hacks
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Regularly clean hair and wool, lift the pile and use a dirt-repellent impregnation - we tell you how to take care of the carpet so that it is always clean. nine0003
Listed all the tips in a short video
1 Clean hair regularly
If you have pets, you know how difficult it is to clean their hair after them. To remove it from the carpet, use a glass scraper with a rubber seal. Pass it over the carpet: due to the static charge, the wool will stick to the scraper. Long hair can be combed out of the carpet with a regular clothes brush.
nine0012 2 Use the sticky rollerFor light soiling or spilled debris, use the sticky roller - just run the sticky part over the textile, the dirt will stick to it. Also, the roller is suitable for cleaning carpets with a very long pile: first remove dirt from textiles with a sticky layer, and then turn the carpet over and vacuum from the inside - this way you will remove the remaining dust.
3 Raise the pile
The cleanliness of the carpet is also influenced by how often you lift the pile pile. Dust clogs under it, and when cleaning it becomes more difficult to clean it. To avoid this problem, comb out the lint with a clothes brush at least once a month. nine0003
Places where furniture or other heavy objects have stood are a little more difficult to straighten. To do this, put a piece of ice on the crumpled place, let it melt for a couple of minutes, and then carefully lift the pile with a toothbrush.
4 Remove stains quickly
If you have accidentally knocked a cup of coffee on the carpet or otherwise soiled textiles, you need to deal with the stain immediately. Delay threatens a trip to the dry cleaners. Try to immediately blot the liquid with a paper or regular towel to prevent it from soaking in. nine0003
If it is a dark stain, such as spilled tea, then the following composition should be prepared: mix window cleaner with clean water in a ratio of 1:2. Then apply it on the stain, cover with any cotton cloth. Iron the fabric on top with an iron, this is necessary so that the dirt passes to it from the carpet.
For other stains, you can try another composition: take baking soda, dishwashing liquid and table vinegar. Mix the ingredients and pour the composition into a spray bottle. Apply the mixture to the stain and then wipe with a clean cloth or sponge. nine0003
5 Machine wash your rugs
Smaller rugs can be machine washed. In this way, it is easy to clean textiles from the bathroom, hallway or from the balcony. However, be sure to study the labels on the products: if it is indicated that machine washing is prohibited or dry cleaning is necessary, then you should not experiment. If there are none, feel free to use the washing machine.
Select cold temperature setting and add liquid detergent. For products with a rubber lining, do not use bleach, otherwise the base will deteriorate. After washing, hang the carpet on the balcony, if possible - the textiles will dry better in the open air. nine0003
Bathroom, bathroom
5 Essential Tips for Choosing a Bathroom Rug (and Antitrends to Avoid)
6 Use impregnation
You probably know that shoes can be treated with a water-repellent compound so that dirt does not stick to them in rainy weather. The same can be done with carpet. To do this, you should give textiles to dry cleaning or buy a special spray. If you choose the latter option, then be sure to read the instructions for which materials the composition is suitable for. It can usually be used on woolen and synthetic carpets, carpet and upholstery. nine0003
7 Choose the right material and color
If you are in the process of choosing a new carpet, look at the material it is made from. There are models that repel dirt, but they are quite difficult to find, their cost is also quite high. Therefore, pay attention to polyester and nylon. These materials are less dirty, and stains and dirt from them are easy to clean.
The color of the carpet is also important. On light-colored material, contamination is more visible. Therefore, for a room where you often walk, take a slightly darker carpet, and leave light ones for rooms where textiles will only play a decorative role. nine0003
Prepared by
Ekaterina Savenko
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How to quickly clean the carpet at home - articles by the company "Clean Everything"
2 minutes
There are two ways to quickly clean the carpet without taking it out of the house in Moscow:
- with your own hands, efforts, diligence;
- by calling the employees of the company CLEAN EVERYTHING.
The dry cleaning service in the capital is actively developing. Not everyone enjoys cleaning their homes. Many people hate household chores. Leave them to the professionals! By the way, we have dry-cleaning of carpet with export to our own workshop. Delivery there and back is included in the price. nine0003
Would you like to calculate the cost of carpet cleaning? 30% discount for you now!
Choose, order, let your things look great, do not become dust collectors that pollute the air of the apartment. And now our experts will share tips and tricks for quick cleaning of rugs, paths, rugs.
Many Russians clean carpets themselves. All sorts of improvised means are used. First, it's cheap. Secondly, they are non-toxic and safe for the inhabitants of the house. Thirdly, cleaning technologies are simple. They do not require special equipment, personal protective equipment. nine0003
So, what is the most common type of amateur carpet cleaning at home?
- baking soda, table salt;
- vinegar, ammonia, hydrogen peroxide;
- sauerkraut, tea leaves;
- laundry and liquid dish soap, less often laundry detergent.
Many people use household chemicals, for example, the Vanish carpet series. With preparations for dry and wet pile treatment, you can quickly clean the carpet, remove stains. True, these products contain chlorine. After them, you need to ventilate the room well. nine0003
The fastest cleaning methods
Home environments favor simple technology and versatile detergents:
- Baking soda is one of the best quick dry carpet cleaners. It is used in two ways.
When dry cleaning, soda is spread over the surface, the pile is cleaned with a soft brush, vacuumed to remove the powder that has absorbed the dirt. You can prepare a weak solution of baking soda in water (1 tablespoon per 1 liter). It is poured into a spray bottle, treated with a carpet, gently rubbed with a brush. After waiting for complete drying, carefully vacuumed. nine0052
- Baking soda is an effective home stain remover. To prepare, take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of soda and ordinary washing powder. Add 100 ml of vinegar to them, mix, add 200 ml of warm water. Fill the spray bottle with the solution, treat the stain with it, rub it with a brush or a clean sponge. Rinse the stained areas with clean water and blot with a clean cotton cloth.
IMPORTANT! This recipe is suitable for wool, synthetics. Do not use water to clean viscose or silk carpets. nine0003
- The Vanish series is suitable for quick cleaning of piled floors. It contains products for viscose, wool (dry powder), as well as for other types of fibers (shampoo).
In addition - a stain remover spray, foam for a washing vacuum cleaner. With these "assistants", you can quickly clean the carpet.
- When it snows, pull the carpet out onto the snow. Enjoy the outdoors while cleaning your flooring in an environmentally friendly and fast way. Beat the carpet properly by laying it face down in the snow. And several times move with him to a clean place. Dry it flat at home. nine0052
Of course, amateur carpet cleaning is inferior in quality to professional carpet cleaning. Unskillful actions often spoil the coverage. We do not recommend dry-cleaning rugs on your own, especially dark ones, with starch and flour. The sticky powder is deeply embedded in the pile and fibers. It is difficult to remove even with a very powerful vacuum cleaner. If after such cleaning you ever do a wet cleaning of the carpet, its pile can become hard, prickly, whitish.
Who can help clean the carpets
We have an innovative series of herbal cleaning products in our arsenal.