Cabinet prep for painting

How to Paint Kitchen Cabinets in 9 Steps

Project details


1 out of 5 Easy A smooth finish requires careful, patient sanding between coats.


Less than $100, depending on the number of cabinets

Estimated Time

A weekend, depending on the number of cabinets

If you’ve noticed the cost of new appliances, countertops, and cabinets, it’s no surprise that renovating a kitchen is one of the most expensive remodeling projects. While few homeowners find ways to boost the look of a dated refrigerator or tired granite, transforming a kitchen by freshening the cabinets that make up most of the room’s visual space is entirely within reach. But there’s more to the job than buying a gallon of your favorite color.

Read our step-by-step instructions and watch expert painter Mauro Henrique demonstrate how to get the job done right.

How Much Does it Cost to Paint Kitchen Cabinets?

Renovating a kitchen is one of the most expensive remodeling projects that you can take on, and replacing the cabinets can account for nearly 40 percent of that cost.

Cabinets for a 10-by 12-foot kitchen can easily top $5,000—and your new cabinets may actually be of lower quality than the ones you're replacing. On the other hand, a few fresh coats of paint can go a long way toward transforming your existing cabinets for a fraction of that price. In fact, the cost of painting should be no more than about $200, plus a weekend or two of your time.

Should I Paint My Cabinets?

Before you head out to the paint store, however, examine your cabinets to see if they can be resuscitated in the first place. Even the highest-quality paint job can't revive cheap cabinets that have grown frail with age. Thin veneers peel or delaminate, particleboard cabinet bottoms or shelves sag or break, and hanging rails come loose. If these are the issues you’re dealing with, you’d actually be better off replacing your kitchen cabinets.

Assuming that everything is still in fine shape and good working order, let’s examine some of the questions you’ll need to address before you start repainting your kitchen cabinets.

What Type of Paint Do I Need for Cabinets?

Oil or latex?

Latex paints have been improving steadily, leading some pros to give up oil-based paints entirely. Because they dry quickly and clean up with water, latex paints are more user-friendly than oil-based paints. But many pros still favor oil-based topcoats, arguing that they form a harder, more durable paint film and level out to a smoother finished surface. Latex paints also take longer (up to three weeks) than oil-based paints to fully cure. In the meantime, they’re susceptible to damage.

Bottom line: Either oil or latex will provide a good finish. If you do use a latex paint, make sure it’s a 100 percent acrylic formulation, which offers greater durability and adhesion than vinyl acrylic paints.

Brush or Spray Paint?

A sprayed-on finish is the smoothest option, but there’s a learning curve for doing it properly. You’ll also likely need to rent the spray equipment, which drives up your costs, and you’ll have to mask off all the areas in the kitchen that could accidentally get sprayed, including countertops, cabinet interiors, and appliances, which is a time-consuming process.

For these reasons, we recommend you opt for using high-quality brushes instead. Invest in a good, 3- to 4-inch-wide square brush, whose straight ends will make short work of large, flat panels, as well as an angled brush in the 2½- or 3-inch-wide range, which will help you get paint into the corners of doors with molding and can coat door frames in one pass. Latex paint should be applied with a synthetic bristle brush, which doesn’t absorb water; oil-based paint should be applied with a natural-bristle brush.

Can you just paint over cabinets or should you strip them?

When the existing finish is a clear coat, the best course of action is to strip the finish down to the bare wood before painting. This eliminates a potential adhesion problem between the old finish and the new paint.

But while stripping may be the ideal for purists, it’s not always practical or absolutely necessary. A thorough cleaning followed by light sanding should be enough to prepare the surface for new paint.


How to Paint Kitchen Cabinets Without Stripping

Regular or faux finish?

If you’re open to spicing up your kitchen’s look, incorporating a faux finish can transform its style into shabby chic, rustic, provincial, or modern. Crackling glaze, which is available at paint stores, can, with very little effort, give your cabinets a weathered look. Just apply the glaze over a dry base coat, brushing in only one direction (thick for large cracks, thin for fine cracks), and let it dry. Finish with a flat topcoat of the base color brushed on perpendicular to the glaze. The paint will start to form cracks as it dries, a process that takes about an hour.

Another rustic style is the distressed look, which doesn’t require a special paint. This finish is made up of layered colors and spattered dark paint. When the paint is dry, to reveal the colors underneath, distress the finish by hitting it with a chain and lightly sanding in the spots where the cabinets get the most use.

Similarly, the antiqued, slowly aged look can be achieved with some paint magic. Simply dip the tip of a paintbrush in a color lighter than the cabinets and dab the excess onto a cloth until the brush is almost dry, then lightly graze the surface of the detail trim, corners, and seams.

On the other end of the spectrum is a high-gloss finish, which will transform your kitchen into a polished, modern space. To shine up your cabinets, paint a high-gloss clear acrylic varnish over your final coat. This technique will add depth to the color and cover the surface of your kitchen with a glassy sheen.

Steps for Painting Cabinets

1. Prep the room

A successful paint job lies in diligent prep work, and the first few steps are focused on prepping the room and cabinets for painting.

TIP: Set Up a DIY Paint Station

Brown Bird Design

This makeshift jig provides access to all sides of a cabinet door to reduce downtime during drying. Here’s how to set it up:

2. Remove the doors, drawers, and shelves

Gregory Nemec

3. Clean all the surfaces

4. Prep the boxes

5. Prime the cabinet boxes

Kolin Smith

Now it’s time for the primer. If the cabinets are heavily stained, use a stain-blocking primer, which dries quickly and seals knots and other surface defects that might bleed through the topcoats. In most situations, however, stain-blockers shouldn’t be necessary, and an oil-based or 100 percent acrylic latex primer will work just fine.

6. Sand, caulk, and fill

Kolin Smith

7. Paint the cabinet boxes

Kolin Smith

You’re finally ready to paint! If you’re using roughly the same shade as the existing color, two coats ought to do the job. You might even get away with one. Painting over a dark finish with a light color is tougher and could require three coats. Break out a new brush for each coat.

8. Prep, prime, and paint the doors, drawers, and shelves

The strategy for prepping, priming, and painting doors, drawers, and shelves is the same as for the cabinets, except that all the work is done on a table to reduce the chance of drips, runs, and sags.

Tip: To speed up the drying time for doors, you can twist two screw hooks into holes drilled in an inconspicuous door edge (the lower edge for bottom cabinets, the upper edge for top cabinets). Paint the door's outside face and let it dry for an hour while resting flat, then tilt the door up onto its hooks and put a drywall screw into an existing hardware hole. Hold the tilted door up by the screw and paint the door's back side.

9. Put back all the pieces

Kolin Smith

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Tools & Materials

How To Prep Cabinets For Painting

One of the first steps when painting your kitchen cabinets is prepping your cabinets for painting.

This post is for those of you who are specifically looking for the exact process of how to prep kitchen cabinets for painting but aren’t necessarily looking for details on the entire kitchen cabinet painting process.

If you do want more info on how to paint your kitchen cabinets, I wrote a huge post detailing every little aspect of kitchen cabinet painting here called How To Paint Kitchen Cabinets Like A Pro. Check it out!

How To Prep Kitchen Cabinets For Painting

Clean The Room

The first step of any painting project is to get the room clean. You cannot efficiently work in a dirty or cluttered room. Also, dirty floors and countertops will surely lead to dust and debris in the finish of your paint.

Remove everything form the room you possibly can. The countertops and floors should be free and clear. If possible, roll your fridge out to another room to make even more room for painting. Microwaves and stoves are typically not removable and will need to be prepped off for painting.

Sweep and shop vac all the floors. If they are really filthy, go ahead and wash them. This will ensure that your tape will stick when covering the floors.

Cover The Floors & Countertops

Once you have the room cleared, the next step is to get the floors covered.

Start by taking a roll of 1.5″ tape (I prefer Frog Tape for this project) and taping off the edges of the floor next to the walls and cabinet bases. Make sure to press the edges of the tape down firmly so that no paint leaks under the tape and onto your floor.

Frog Tape is great for this because it has a super absorbent polymer (just like Orbeez!) in the tape which makes it expand and seal out paint when the paint touches the tape and gets it wet.

Next, take a roll of 3-foot brown rosin paper and roll it out one strip at a time over the floor. Once you have one strip rolled out, tape down all of the edges. Repeat until you have the entire floor covered.

Remove All Handles and Pulls

The next step to prepping your kitchen cabinets for paint is to remove every handle and pull from your cabinets.

There is really no explanation needed here. Just remove them!

Remove Doors, Hinges, and Drawers

After all the pulls and handles are removed you’ll want to remove the doors and hinges from the cabinets.

At this point, a little pre-planning can save you hours of work later. You want to label the doors to the exact location they were removed from as you take each door off.

Label Your Doors!

What I like to do is take a pen/pencil and write the number 1 on the first door under where the hinge was. Then, I put a small piece of tape over the number I just wrote on the door. I also write the number 1 on a small piece of tape and place this somewhere inside the cabinet that the door just came off of.

Since I write the number on the door where the hinge was and tape over it when I am done painting the door, I can remove the tape and see the number I wrote and its in a place that won’t show when I re-install the door.

When you go to put all of your doors back onto your cabinets, you will be thankful that you can simply match up your numbers and place the right cabinet door in the right spot.

I personally don’t label my hinges. I expect to have to re-adjust all the hinges when I go to re-install the cabinet doors. On most modern hinges, adjustment is easy and should take you only a half an hour to adjust all your doors when you are done.

Remove and Label Your Drawers

Most drawers should slide right out without any issues. Some have a latch on the bottom that allows you to remove the drawer.

For labeling the drawers, I simply write a number on the back of the drawer (which won’t get paint) and place a piece of tape labeled with the number inside where the drawer went.

Plastic and/or Tape Off The Insides Of Your Cabinets

Cabinets with insides prepped off.

I have seen some homeowners who want to have the insides of their cabinets painted, but most don’t want this. Personally, I prefer when the insides of cabinets are not painted. I think it looks better, is easier to maintain, and adds unnecessary cost to the project.

If you plan on spraying your cabinets, you will want to plastic off the entirety of the insides of your cabinets to prevent over-spray from getting into the cabinet boxes.

However, if you are brushing your cabinets (or even just the boxes), then a strip of tape around the inside edge of your cabinet boxes will be sufficient.

The Best Painter’s Tape For Every Surface

Enameled Cabinets After (but before putting door back on)

PRO TIP: To plastic off the insides of your cabinet boxes, use a 3M Hand Masker Dispenser.

Take your Hand Masker Dispenser and run a stip of plastic and tape along the top inside edge of the cabinet box.

Next, take your Frog Tape and run a strip of tape around the inside edge of the 3 remaining sides of the cabinet box.

Now carefully pull out the plastic and tuck it along the edge of the frog tape that you just applied.

This method takes a few tries to get the hang of, so don’t get upset if you have to re-try on a couple of cabinets to get it right.

Paper / Plastic Off Your Drawers

When I paint kitchen cabinets, I don’t paint the insides of the drawers. There is no point to it and I don’t think it looks nice. Similar to how I don’t like painting the insides of the cabinet boxes.

To prep off the drawers, I take my 3M masking machine and wrap a piece of paper around the entire drawer. I like to use 18″ wide rolls of paper for this. 18″ should be long enough for most drawers, but if it is not, just switch your machine over to some 24″ masking plastic or longer.

Getting Ready For Paint – Cleaning and Sanding

Now that your floors are covered, doors and drawers are removed, and the insides of your cabinet boxes and drawers are prepped off, the next step in getting your cabinet ready for painting is cleaning and sanding.

Cleaning usually only involves washing all the surfaces with a rag and warm water. However, you may find that some cabinets are a bit greasy and grimey, especially above stoves. I’ve found that a couple of drops of Dawn dish soap and warm water can clean this grease off really quickly.

Once everything is clean and dry, you’ll want to sand all of the surfaces that are to be painted.

This sanding is really to scuff the surface and make it so that your primer can properly bind to all the surfaces.

If there are any old runs in the paint or clear coat on your cabinets, now is the time to smooth them out and get the runs out with a little extra sanding.

There is no need to oversand though. A thorough, but light sanding is all that is required.

Once your sanding is complete, you’ll want to shop vac up any dust created from this step. Lingering dust can easily end up in your finish making your painted cabinet rough.

Different cabinet painting projects may require additional steps before painting.

For example, if you plan on painting oak cabinets and want to have them be as smooth as possible when you are finished. For this project, you will have to apply a grain filler. I cover How To Fill Wood Grain On Kitchen Cabinets in this post.

Now that we’ve covered how to prep cabinets for painting, you should be all ready to start painting your kitchen cabinets.

If you have any questions while working on your project, please feel free to ask me anything in the comments below. I always answer every question as soon as I can!

Ready To Learn More?

Check out our Painting Kitchen Cabinets hub page for everything you could want to know about cabinet painting including costs, how-tos, reviews, and more.

How to paint an old cabinet with your own hands

Furniture belongs to those interior items that are purchased with the expectation of a long service life. It is not at all necessary to throw out used furnishings if, after repairing the case, drawers and facades, they no longer fit the interior or simply require updating. If the design is strong and functionally satisfactory, it is enough to know how to paint the old cabinet with your own hands so that it serves again and pleases with its appearance.


  1. Can an old wardrobe be painted?
  2. What you need for painting
  3. Coloring details

Can an old cabinet be painted?

It all depends on the material from which it is made and what condition it is in. Smooth lacquered surfaces require a special approach. For example, removing polish from the facades of Soviet furniture made in the 80s, if it has obvious traces of time in the form of chips and cracks, is laborious and pointless. It is unlikely that this will be done neatly and evenly.

If the cabinet itself is in good condition and does not require restoration, then it can be painted with chalk paint. Chalk paint adheres well to veneer, wood, plywood, chipboard and MDF surfaces. Unlike acrylic, which requires:

Chalk paint makes painting easier:

What you need for painting

The most time and money consuming process of preparing an old cabinet for painting. You may need:

Prior to the advent of chalk paints, acrylic-based formulations were most in demand. Acrylic paints have a lot of advantages: they are diluted with water and mix easily, dry quickly, do not have a strong smell and are resistant to abrasion. Ideal for painting cabinets in children's rooms, bedrooms and kitchens.

For safety reasons, painting should be done outdoors or in a well-ventilated area, away from flammable objects and potential ignition sources.

Painting details

  1. If the goal is to paint the cabinet white or any other light shade, the surface must be carefully primed. It is also better to choose a primer for furniture on an acrylic basis, to match the paint.
  2. Priming is also necessary for chipboard, since this material absorbs moisture strongly (and, accordingly, paint consumption will be large). Laminated chipboard, on the contrary, absorbs very poorly and it is better to use a more viscous alkyd enamel for staining.
  3. The visual effect of staining also depends on how many layers of paint were applied.
  4. Semi-transparency is appropriate to emphasize the texture of wood - one or two coats, preferably with a roller, will be appropriate here. More dense staining with a brush involves applying in several layers.
  5. When combining several colors, lighter shades are applied first, then dark ones. Borders are marked with masking tape. For a smooth gradient, the “light to dark” principle is also used, gradually introducing color pigment.

The top coat after painting the old cabinet can be wax or varnish.

Wax gives depth to the selected shade and a pleasant velvety. However, over time, it wears out, is washed out and needs to be updated. Therefore, it is not suitable as a finishing coat for cabinets in kitchens, bathrooms and hallways.

Water based lacquers give a more durable finish. Such a noble dullness, like wax, should not be expected from them. Even formulations marked "matte" give a slight gloss to the painted surface.

Polyurethane lacquers are ideal for finishing painted cabinets in kitchens and bathrooms, as they form a protective layer on the surface that is more resistant to abrasion and mechanical stress. But apply them only in a well-ventilated area.

Also, for additional patination effects, artificial aging of furniture, you can use additional compositions - varnishes and topcoats of various brands.

Painting is not always a panacea for furniture renovation. It is quite possible that it will be appropriate for the cabinet body, and the facades will need to be replaced. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the types of furniture facades in order to choose the best option.

How to paint an old cabinet with your own hands?

In any living room we can find a lot of furniture, which is the most important component of any interior. Depending on the purpose of the room, here we can find a variety of chairs, tables, sofas, armchairs and cabinets. This furniture is always in sight and therefore, in addition to its main functions, it must also have an attractive appearance that will decorate the interior of your room. Any thing wears out over time, which is why it is necessary to constantly repair and update your furniture. To update the appearance of furniture, sometimes it is enough to paint it. This option is the most cost-effective and simple. At the same time, everyone who thought about painting the same cabinet made of chipboard with their own hands had a reasonable question: how to paint the cabinet?



do-it-yourself is the most profitable and successful solution. So, you can update and embellish your interior at no extra cost. This may be the case if your old cabinet has a quality build and durable materials.

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Preparing the cabinet for painting

We assure you, any old and shabby chipboard cabinet can shine again. Therefore, you do not need to immediately throw it away, it just needs to be repainted. This is due to the fact that, as a rule, old furniture is of higher quality. It uses natural materials, and therefore such a cabinet has high reliability and durability. The same can be said about another element of the interior, like a chest of drawers or a cabinet. The painting of these elements is carried out following the example of a cabinet, and is also separately described in the article on how to repaint furniture.

It should be noted that the material from which the cabinet is made does not really matter. Of course, here we will find some features, but you can upgrade both a wooden cabinet and a chipboard cabinet. If we talk about the differences, then a chipboard cabinet absorbs less moisture than a wooden cabinet. That is why chipboard will dry longer. On chipboard it is much easier to bring out the color you need, you also need to use a smaller layer of primer than for wooden products.

When preparing the cabinet for painting, we need to remove all removable elements, which are presented in the form of handles, hinges, drawers and doors. We need to get a clean cabinet frame.

All preparation and painting work should be carried out in a well ventilated area, preferably outdoors.

For pre-painting, you will need the following:

First of all, we take a sponge or cloth and remove all dust and dirt from the surface of the cabinet. Then we proceed to remove the remnants of old paint and varnish. We remove the old layer of paint using sandpaper. This is done with sweeping circular movements. Cleaning is done first with coarse sandpaper. It is necessary to completely clean the cabinet from all irregularities of varnishes and paints. This will allow the new paint to lie on it in a smooth and even layer.

Coarse-grained sandpaper is excellent for stripping old layers of paint.

It is important that you do not remove the veneer layer while you are sanding the surface. Otherwise, you will have to more, and wipe the surface from bumps and holes. Therefore, do not overdo it with the grout.

After the surface of the cabinet has been sanded with coarse sandpaper, you should brush off the dust using a flat brush. In no case do not clean the cabinet or chest of drawers from dust with a rag. So, you will not be able to get rid of all the dust, and you also run the risk of hammering its remnants into the surface, which will further affect the quality of the cabinet painting.

Then, those places that were not processed with coarse sanding paper, we begin to process using paper with finer grains. After that, we brush the cabinet or chest of drawers again with a brush to remove dust.

After the cleaning of the cabinet is completed, you should definitely thoroughly wash the room in which you work, so that at the time of painting, the room is clean and dust-free. A dusty environment can adversely affect the quality of the painting.

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What kind of paint to use

If we talk about the type of paint, it is best to give preference to acrylic paints. Such a paint has a bright color, it is practically odorless and it is quite simple to dilute it with water to get the desired color. Plus, this paint is quite easy to wash off, which allows you to correct errors in painting. After the paint dries, the water evaporates and the paint becomes stronger. This point should be considered during the application of several layers.

It is not necessary to paint your wardrobe or chest of drawers the same color. Here you can experiment a little. Take, for example, two colors. For example, take a beige color for the base and a brighter color for the details. If you cannot find the color or shade you need, you can also buy regular white acrylic paint, and then add color to it. So, you can get the desired color and shade. When choosing a shade, you can check how it looks by applying it to a small area of ​​​​the closet. So, you will determine which color suits you best, and determine its saturation.

Acrylic paint is best suited for painting the cabinet

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Priming process

prime the surface. This is due to the fact that the primer will not allow the surface of the cabinet to absorb moisture. This will promote better drying. Also, with a primer, you will not lose the color you need, since when applying paint to an unprimed surface, it does not matter whether it is chipboard or ordinary wood. During drying, the color changes slightly, as part of it will be absorbed into the material.

When it comes to the most suitable primer, it is best to use an acrylic based primer. This is due to the fact that the components of such a primer will interact remarkably with the acrylic paint of your choice.

Surface treatment with acrylic primer is quite simple. You should first read the instructions for using this material. An important point is to take into account the drying time of the soil. Allow the primer to dry completely before painting a dresser or cabinet. It is also important to make clear calculations of the surface that you decide to process. So, you can purchase the amount of material you need.

Prime chest of drawers or cupboard with a roller, in a relatively thin layer. Then leave our chest of drawers or wardrobe for a while to dry completely.

Before painting, the surface must be primed

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Tools for painting

Tools - this is another important question that arises for everyone who decides to paint a dresser or cabinet with their own hands. What is better to paint the cabinet, brush or roller? Of course, here you should take into account your preferences and skills, but we still recommend using a brush. This tool is more reliable and practical. With a brush, you can apply the paint in an even, even layer over the entire surface. Plus, the brush will be a great helper in painting hard-to-reach places.

Walking into a hardware store, you can find a huge selection of different brushes and rollers. The choice of tools is as important as the selection of paint. You should buy only high-quality brushes and rollers. Otherwise, fluff may remain on the surface to be painted, which will fall out of the brush with poor quality.

We recommend that you stock up on brushes with different sizes to make your work easier.

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Painting cabinet

We need to carry out the painting process in a well-ventilated, clean room or on the street.

We should apply the first layer of paint, the color of which is lighter than the selected tone. The paint should be liquid, if it starts to harden, dilute it with water.

Surface color may vary depending on how many coats have been applied. When applying one thin layer, we will get a gap in the structure of the tree, which is very suitable for the Provence style.

Learn more about how to paint furniture in the Provence style.

To get a thicker layer, paint should be applied several times. Each layer must be applied after the previous one is completely dry.

Learn more