Best types of water filters

Top 5 Types of Drinking Water Filters

Making choices is stressful, but sometimes a selection, like picking out a loaf in the bread aisle, can only steer you so wrong. While other times, for instance choosing a water filter for your home, the decision is critical.

No one wants to spend money on a water filter only to find out that the filter solves a problem they don’t even have. And yet, when faced with the multitude of water filtration options, it can feel intimidating to find the right one for your home – the one that not only makes your water taste great but also rids it of the maximum number of contaminants.

It’s incredibly important to diagnose the “problem,” or in this case, assess the existing quality of tap water before choosing a filter. Tap water varies by region and depending on its source could be treated for any number of contaminants.

Fear not. It is simpler than you think. Below is a breakdown of the most popular types of water filters on the market to help you make an educated decision about what water filters make the most sense for your home.

Before delving into the nitty-gritty, there’s one important fact to keep in mind: it’s incredibly important to diagnose the “problem,” or in this case, assess the existing quality of tap water before choosing a filter. Tap water varies by region and depending on its source could be treated for any number of contaminants. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) has a helpful resource for anyone looking to learn about his or her water, called the Tap Water Database. It’s a great place to get a basic understanding of local water quality.

Here’s a list of five popular water filtration types on the market.

Activated Carbon

Good for removal of chlorine, chloroform, agricultural chemicals, organic substances, sediment, and magnesium.

The key to understanding how activated carbon works is adsorption. As opposed to absorption, in which one material will take in or soak up another material, adsorption occurs when one material sticks to another while passing through. This is the basis of activated charcoal or activated carbon.

Activated charcoal is created when organic material with high carbon content (like wood, coal, or coconut shells) is heated in such a way that it does not burn, but instead results in char. The char is then treated to create a porous material that binds to certain toxins and impurities, thus pulling them out of the water flowing through the system.

This is the most common type of filter and often used in conjunction with other filtration methods for maximum toxin removal. Aquasana Whole House Filter Systems, for example, are activated carbon filtration systems that incorporate a salt-free water conditioner, copper-zinc and mineral stone, and UV for maximum filtration.

Ion Exchange

Good for removal of hard water and radioactive material.

As the name suggests, ion exchange filters consist of a substance that will exchange one ion for another as water flows through it. For example, ion exchange will replace calcium or magnesium ions, which cause water hardness, with sodium ions. This will “soften” the water. A home may be experiencing hard water if its water leaves stains on washed dishes. Hard water tends to build up in pipes, which may decrease the life of certain kitchen appliances.

Although ion exchange helps with hard water and some radioactive material, the filter does not remove organic material, particles, or bacteria as effectively as other filtration options.

Reverse Osmosis (RO)

Good for effective removal of a high percentage of toxins including fluoride, hexavalent chromium, arsenic, nitrates/nitrites, copper, radium, salt, and more.

Talk about a good bang for your buck – reverse osmosis filters are incredibly popular for a very good reason. Reverse osmosis filters are top of the line for removing a large percentage of contaminants out of the water, potentially including dangerous waterborne bacteria.

The filters work by pushing water through the reverse osmosis membrane using pressure. The contaminants remain on one side of the film while fresh water is pushed to the other side. It’s one of the few filters that can rid water of water-soluble contaminants like fluoride and chromium +6. If a home has a water softener, an RO system will also remove the salt from drinking water.

While these are becoming a popular option, reverse osmosis systems use an inordinate amount of water – sometimes up to four times the normal amount. The process is also slow, causing a decrease in water pressure. That’s why whole home reverse osmosis systems typically don’t exist. Further, the level of filtration isn’t necessary for day-to-day activities like flushing toilets, taking showers, and doing dishes. Learn more about the pros and cons of RO here.

Optimh3O® Reverse Osmosis + Claryum Filter


Good for removal of physical particles and waste matter.

Mechanical filters are most often used as a pre-filtration method. Water flows through a mechanical filter and waste material will get stuck between nylon floss, synthetic foam, or in pads. For example, in the case of a fish tank, the filter will trap plant materials, leftover fish food, and waste without trapping beneficial bacteria that is good for fish.

Ultra Violet Filters

Good for removal of bacteria and viruses.

An environmentally friendly option, UV filters will clean water using different frequencies of ultraviolet light.

The DNA in microbial cells absorbs this UV light, which essentially kills all bacteria and viruses, thus sanitizing drinking water. It’s important to note that UV filters only rid water of bacteria and viruses so it’s important to use this filter in conjunction with other types of filters to remove prevalent contaminants like chlorine, lead, and pesticides, leaving you with clean, drinkable water.


Common Types Of Water Filters And How They Work – Forbes Home

Most of the water that we use for drinking, cooking, bathing and washing has been treated through one or more types of water filters before it reaches us. These water filters are the safeguards that clean water from chemicals and contaminants that are harmful to our health, such as bacteria and pesticides, as well as strip away sediment, odors, discoloration and unpleasant tastes.

The biochemical properties of the water in your area, the water pressure, the type of pipes it travels through and even your home’s water source all affect what’s in your water. The Environmental Protection Agency doesn’t regulate every contaminant that may be found in a public water supply, and even if your water is supplied by a private well, you’re still faced with the important decision on how to treat, filter, soften and purify your water.

Whether you’re trying to clean contaminated or discolored drinking water or are simply seeking to improve the softness and sediment levels of the water you use to bathe, there are a number of filtration systems that can improve the condition of your water. Our guide features an explanation of common water filters and how they work, as well as their benefits and shortcomings, to help you make informed choices about what’s in your water.


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8 Types of Water Filters

1. Activated Alumina

If you need to remove fluoride or arsenic from your water, activated alumina (AA) is the best filter of choice. Made of aluminum oxide, this highly porous ceramic compound has a high capacity for adsorption—note, not absorption. This means that when AA draws in chemicals to its activated porous sphere, the chemicals aren’t just held inside the pores: the materials actually bond together.

This quality makes AA a cost-effective choice to draw out toxins and metals from contaminated water without the risk of these substances leaking back into the environment. The longer AA has contact with your water, the more harmful chemicals it can remove.

Activated alumina is excellent at purifying drinking water for home use, as well as in industrial applications, water treatment facilities or in the cleanup of toxic waste.

2. Alkaline and Water Ionizers

Alkaline or ionized water is touted as one of the healthiest water treatments and is said to offer benefits such as improvements in bone and digestive health, decreased risk of cancer and heart disease, better skin and even improved hydration and taste.

The electrically charged minerals in ionized water separate alkaline water from the acidic, which softens the water and improves its drinking quality. It is important to note that alkaline ionizers lack good filtration abilities, so you’ll want to use them in tandem with other water purifiers.

3. Carbon Block and Activated Carbon

Also known as carbon filters or activated charcoal, these are commonly deployed in home water filters, such as one you might place on your faucet, under your sink or in a water pitcher. Activated carbon filters are excellent at attracting and adsorbing pollutants, removing them from the water. This material requires no electricity to work and is cost-effective, but it falls short when it comes to removing minerals and dissolved organic matter.

4. Ceramic Filters

The tiny pores on a ceramic surface will trap any matter that is larger than the pores themselves, keeping it out of your water. These are simple to install, easy to use, inexpensive and electricity-free filters. If treated with silver, a ceramic water filter can also kill bacteria and prevent mold and algae in your water. However, they can’t move faster than they can filter, and they aren’t effective at sifting out viruses.

5. Distillation

Akin to the precipitation cycle, distillation is a highly effective purification process in which water is boiled into steam and then cooled down to return to liquid form in a clean container. The process kills bacteria and improves the taste and smell of treated water.

The good news is that you can complete the distillation process with a number of countertop equipment options, and once complete, you will have made water that is safe for drinking. However, the process does require electricity or a heat source to work, and it is incredibly slow, so it doesn’t win in efficiency.

6. Reverse Osmosis

In this method, water is forced through a semipermeable membrane that allows water to run through, but not the contaminants, chemicals, metals or parasites it may be carrying. RO filter systems are highly effective at eliminating harmful pollutants from your water.

However, they tend to be more expensive than other types of water filters, require high water pressure to operate and tend to waste a lot of water in their purification process, only cleansing a small portion of the total water used.

7. Sand and Sediment Mesh

A mesh filter works the same way a colander does: they help filter large particles of dirt, clay, sand and rust from water. They can’t purify or cleanse, but they can keep sediment from creating buildup in your plumbing system.

8. Ultraviolet Light

UV light is one of the safest and most effective ways to treat microorganisms in your water, including viruses, bacteria, protozoa and parasites. Water is exposed to high frequency UV light radiation, which passes through a glass element. This filtration method requires energy to perform and tends to be on the pricier end.

UV lamps as water purifiers do their best work as the final stage in a water treatment system when the water is at its most filtered; this is because the light cannot pass through non-organic contaminants, which decreases its effectiveness.

How to Determine Which Water Filters Are Right for You

Not every water filtration method can remove all contaminants and completely purify your water. To choose the water filter that will best serve your needs, we first recommend using a water test kit to learn what water contaminants you’re dealing with. Once you identify your top areas of concern, you can choose a water filter that specifically addresses your needs and improves the water conditions where you need it most.

Home improvement stores should supply a wide inventory of water filters and their installation equipment so you can DIY. However, if you’re going for a complex filtration system or a total overhaul, such as whole-home water filters, you may want to hire a licensed and experienced professional plumber to help.


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Bottom Line

Water filters aren’t one size fits all. Learn what contaminants may be in the water that you use, and choose water filtration methods that specifically address your concerns and enhance your water preferences.

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TOP 10 best water filters - Rating 2021

In our age of innovative technologies, everything is improving except for the environment. Not too good is the case with water. Despite the fact that it is purified several times before entering our homes, drinking it from the tap is quite dangerous for health. That is why it is imperative to have a water filter in your kitchen.

We have selected the top 10 best cleaning devices, which, according to buyers, are the most reliable, and according to ratings in the sales market - the highest quality. The best filters in 2021 - 2022 have an excellent price-quality ratio and good performance.

10Aquaphor Ultra

Filter jug, which can purify up to three liters of cold water at a time. It is compact and beautiful, perfect for the interior of even the smallest kitchen. Made of durable plastic, the filter can be moved around the house, taken on trips.

Aquaphor Ultra has a built-in universal cartridge with a resource of 300 liters. It qualitatively purifies water from active chlorine, bacteria and other harmful substances. In order not to miss the time to replace the cleaning module, you can set the desired date on the counter located on the jug body.



9Barrier Grand

A jug with a convenient design, the lid of which is opened by pressing the hand, then firmly fixed without letting out excess water. The transparent body is made of durable plastic.

The filter is designed for cold water. Its cleaning module contains coal, which does not allow bacteria and harmful microelements to pass through. Cartridge resource - 350 liters of water. You do not have to set a reminder on your gadgets that you need to replace the filter, because the Grand Barrier has a built-in calendar that marks the dates of the last replacement and the date when a new module will need to be installed again.

This jug will clean a liter of water in 10 minutes.



8Brita Marella XL

Bright compact filter cleans up to 3.5 liters of water at a time. The German manufacturer put a cleaning cartridge with a resource of 150 liters in this jug. Water, passing through it, gets rid of harmful substances, including hard salts, which are the cause of scale formation on the kettle.

The filter is easy to use - it has a practical design and an ergonomically shaped handle. There is a customizable calendar on the body of the jug. The volume of the container for untreated water is 2 liters.



7Comfort Barrier

Shower filter that purifies water and removes unpleasant odors. Perfect for people with sensitive skin and if there is a child in the house. Thanks to the practical, durable clips, it can be easily installed at the point where the faucet is attached to the shower hose.

A distinctive feature of the Comfort Barrier is its high cleaning speed. He passes a liter of water in just 6 seconds. The filter modules located inside the device have a long service life - from two to four months with daily use. The maximum period of operation of one such cartridge is a year.



6Geyser 1UZH Euro

A flow-through water filter that is connected directly to the tap and installed next to it. Installation is very simple, does not require special skills. Such a connection is one of the safest, as it does not create additional pressure in the water supply.

Cleaning module resource - 700 l. In a minute, the Geyser 1UZH Euro produces up to 1.5 liters of water. It is possible to regenerate the cartridge, which saves money.



5 Aquaphor Crystal H

The filter is very easy to install under the sink. The manufacturer has made the system such that no additional tools or skills are needed for this process. Water goes through 3 degrees of purification, falling sequentially into three interconnected filters. The system is connected directly to the water supply.

The performance of Aquaphor Crystal N is quite high - 2 l / min. The resource of cartridges is 6,000 l, it is possible to clean the module. Suitable only for cold water, cleans it of bacteria and harmful trace elements, removes odor and softens.



4EXPERT Hard Barrier

The main advantage of this filter is a very thorough and high-quality cleaning. Water, getting into it, goes through three stages of treatment.

The EXPERT Hard Barrier is connected to the water supply, usually installed under the sink in the kitchen. To use it, you need to install another crane, which is included in the kit. The process is very simple, you do not need to use additional tools, all parts are easily screwed.

The filter has a huge resource of cleaning modules - 10,000 liters. It also has high productivity - in a minute you can get 2 liters of thoroughly purified water.



3Geyser ECO

The main advantage of this filter is high performance. It delivers 3.6 liters of purified water per minute. Powerful cartridges, which are located inside the filter, remove all hard salts, iron and harmful microelements from the water.

ECO geyser is very small, installed under the sink, connected to the water supply. You can do the installation process yourself. The filter is made of durable and safe materials. It does not leak because it is reinforced with a special lock.

The resource of the cleaning module is 12,000 l.



2Geyser Nanotek

This filter must be installed under the sink, connected directly to the water supply. The installation process is simple and comes with detailed instructions.

The main advantage is ultrafiltration. The whole filter consists of five elements, getting into each of them, the water is purified from all harmful substances and bacteria, softens, loses bad smell and unpleasant taste.

Geyser Nanotek reproduces a liter of water in 7 minutes. Suitable for cold water only. The maximum service life of one cartridge is one year.



1Atoll A-550 STD

The filter works on the principle of back suction. Installed under the sink, directly connected to the water supply pipes. The installation process is best left to professionals.

Water goes through 5 stages of purification before being put into use. During this time, it gets rid of harmful metals, bacteria and elements, softens. The water purification rate is not too high - only 0.159 liters per minute. There is a storage capacity of 8 liters.

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