Best tall privacy hedge
11 Best Privacy Hedges - Lawnstarter
Commonly called privacy hedges, living fences can do more than provide a barrier to neighbors’ prying eyes. These are the 11 best privacy hedges to consider if you want to plant hedges for screening, security, or simply to create a secluded enclave in your backyard.
- What Makes a Good Privacy Hedge?
- Evergreen Privacy Hedges
- Best for Year-Round Privacy:
American Arborvitae - Best for a Fast-Growing Hedge:
Chindo Viburnum - Best for Wildlife Gardens:
American Holly - Best for Partial Shade:
Manhattan Euonymus - Best for Tall Hedges:
Leyland Cypress - Best for Low Maintenance:
Schipka Cherry Laurel - Best for Windbreaks:
Southern Red Cedar - Best for Small Gardens:
Wintergreen Boxwood - Best for Drought Tolerance:
Yew Plum Pine
- Best for Year-Round Privacy:
- Deciduous Privacy Hedges
- Best for Pollinator Gardens:
Ninebark - Best for Winter Interest:
Yellow-Twig Dogwoods
- Best for Pollinator Gardens:
- Privacy Hedges: What You Should Know
What Makes a Good Privacy Hedge?
Whether you opt for the continuous coverage of evergreens, the three-season beauty of the deciduous, or a mix of the two, a good hedge meets your goals while balancing what your plants need.
A beautiful living privacy fence made of rows of densely planted bushes offers:
- A fast-growing boundary: This allows you to quickly remodel your landscape to define property borders and protect yourself from nosy neighbors.
- Noise reduction: Drastically cut sound pollution from traffic or neighbors. Choose a cultivar that will reach the height you’re looking for.
- A windbreak: Limit the wind and protect your home from blowing snow to reduce your heating bill. Blocks the hot summer wind, too, reducing the evaporation rate and saving water.
- Natural habitat restoration: Provides much-needed breeding, foraging, and shelter for mammals, birds, and beneficial insects.
- Erosion control: Root systems work together to stabilize the soil.
- Improved curb appeal: An elegant landscape feature that will ultimately fill the space and create a beautiful privacy screen.
Evergreen Privacy Hedges
Installing a fence can perform many of the same functions as a hedge, but walls aren’t the same as living natural barriers. We asked experts to name some of the best privacy hedges that balance fast growth, hardiness, and beauty. Here’s what they said.
1. American Arborvitae: Best for Year-Round Privacy
Thuja occidentalis
American ArborvitaePhoto Credit: Oregon State University / Flickr / CC BY-SA 2.0
American Arborvitae is an evergreen shrub or tree that comes in many heights, from smaller Emerald Green arborvitae (Thuja occidentalis ‘Smaragd’) to the towering Green Giants. Arborvitae cultivars are widely used as evergreen hedges in home landscapes.
Arborvitae has flat, needle-like leaves that produce thick green foliage. The reddish-brown bark of the Thuja occidentalis species has peeling plates and furrows. Many American arborvitae varieties are native to North America and can grow rounded, straight, thin, pyramidal, or columnar.
Ideal for: Privacy screens, borders, hedges, windbreaks, and foundation plants, especially the smaller cultivars. Both American and giant arborvitae are popular landscaping plants.
Growth rate: Slow
Maintenance: Prune arborvitae so that the top is narrower than the base. Many upright varieties have a natural cone shape and don’t need pruning. Arborvitae has shallow roots and requires approximately one inch of water each week.
Growing notes: Evergreen. Tree spacing for most cultivars is roughly 6 feet for a single line of arborvitae to create a formal design but a sparse privacy screen. For a dense, thick hedge, space the arborvitae trees in double rows about 9 feet apart.
- Hardiness zones: 3-7
- Sun: Needs full sun but will grow in partial shade
- Soil: Prefers neutral to alkaline and moist, well-drained soil
- Mature Size: Depends on variety; 2-50 feet tall, 4-15 feet wide
- Flowers/fruit: Non-flowering
- Drought Tolerant: No
- Possible problems: Leaf blight, canker, bagworms, mealybugs, scales, and spider mites on occasion.
Damage from ice or snow buildup.
2. Chindo Viburnum: Best for a Fast-Growing Hedge
Viburnum awabuki ‘Chindo’
Chindo ViburnumPhoto Credit: tc397 / Canva Pro / License
With fragrant late spring flowers, fall fruit, and evergreen foliage you’ll enjoy four seasons of interest from this attractive hedge. From shrubs he found on the South Korean island of Chindo in 1985, J.C. Raulston of the North Carolina State University Arboretum collected this variety of Viburnum awabuki.
Viburnum awabuki are evergreens with dense coverage, glossy leaves, and white blossoms that lead to vivid red berries in the fall.
Ideal for: Hedges, screens, barriers, foundations, borders, or open woodland areas
Growth rate: Fast
Maintenance: Water your sweet viburnum about once a week so that the first 3 inches of the soil are moist. Pruning in late winter or early spring will help shape your hedge, and fertilizing in the early spring is ideal.
Growing notes: Evergreen. Find out the mature width of the viburnum variety you select. Divide the mature width by two and plant your viburnum shrubs that distance apart.
- Hardiness zone: Grows best in planting zones 7 to 11
- Sun: Needs full sun, tolerates partial shade well
- Soil: Prefers good drainage but is tolerant of most soil conditions
- Mature size: Can quickly reach 12 feet tall and 8 feet wide
- Flowers/fruit: Clusters of tiny white flowers that develop into bright red berries in early autumn
- Drought tolerant: Yes, once established
- Possible problems Aphids, spider mites, and thrips may feed. There can be leaf spots, powdery mildew, and downy mildew.
3. American Holly: Best for Wildlife Gardens
Ilex opaca
American HollyPhoto Credit: Plant Image Library / Flickr / CC BY-SA 2.

People like to use American holly as an ornamental or privacy hedge or as an addition to their wildlife garden (its bright red berries attract songbirds). Toothed green leaves and red berries make this a popular choice. In addition, the dense, evergreen foliage is easy to maintain and requires infrequent pruning.
The United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) plants database lists dozens of varieties of holly. Ask your local Extension office which species work well in your area.
Ideal for: An ornamental or privacy hedge
Growth rate: Slow
Maintenance: When planting Ilex opaca, keep them away from harsh, arid winter winds. Keep the soil moist and only prune them if you want to shape them into a hedge or if its branches begin to grow unevenly.
Growing notes: Evergreen. Planting American holly is simple if you use plants from containers or plants that are balled or in burlap. It’s not recommended to plant holly with bare roots.
- Hardiness zone: 5-9
- Sun: Performs well in shade or full sun
- Soil: Prefers sandy, acidic to alkaline soil with good drainage
- Mature size: Untrimmed: 40-60 feet tall and up to 20 feet wide
- Flowers/fruit: Berries in shades of orange and red emerge among green leaves from September to February.
- Drought tolerant: Yes (some varieties)
- Possible problems They are resistant to most pests and illnesses.
Hollies in history: The Yaupon holly is the only caffeine-containing plant native to North America and was used in purging rites by Native Americans (hence its scientific name, Ilex vomitoria).
4. Manhattan Euonymus: Best for Partial Shade
Euonymus kiautschovicus ‘Manhattan’
Manhattan EuonymusPhoto Credit: David J.

Manhattan euonymus is an evergreen commonly seen in the famous hedges of the Hamptons. Maintaining it will result in a tight, dense hedge that will achieve some height. Its foliage is evergreen in warm winter regions and semi-evergreen to deciduous in cold winter climates (USDA Zones 5 and 6).
Euonymus kiautschovicus is a broadleaf, rounded shrub with greenish-white blossoms native to Japan. The flowers attract pollinators, and pink berries turn red in the fall. The ‘Manhattan’ variety was developed in Manhattan, Kansas.
Ideal for: Borders, hedges, privacy screens, topiary, and barriers.
Growth rate: Fast
Maintenance: Keep them regularly trimmed. Manhattan euonymus shrubs only need a small amount of water once established, except during a long drought.
Growing notes: Evergreen. To establish a hedge, plant the Euonymus kiautschovicus about 3 feet apart. It’s recommended to add a 2 to 3-inch layer of organic mulch after planting. The North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension found this variety of euonymus has good resistance to the potentially fatal euonymus scale.
- Hardiness zone: 5-8
- Sun: Needs full sun but will grow in partial shade
- Soil: Prefers well-drained soil of almost any type
- Mature size: 4-6 feet tall, 5-8 feet wide
- Flowers/fruit: Small greenish-white flowers appear in late summer. The pinkish fruit capsules develop in late autumn, opening to reveal orange seeds
- Drought tolerant: Yes, once established
- Possible problems Anthracnose, crown gall, leaf spot, mildew, and aphids are possible issues
5. Leyland Cypress: Best for Tall Hedges
Cuprocyparis leylandii
Leyland CypressPhoto Credit: Forest & Kim Starr / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY 3.

The popular Leyland cypress tops the fast-growing wishlist. This hybrid evolved naturally through cross-pollination, particularly in the United States and Western Europe. It’s a coniferous, evergreen tree with a conical shape and a “lighter, lacier” look, says Lisa Mierop, principal of Mierop Design in Montclair, N.J.
Dark green to bluish-green needles of Leyland cypress are scale-like and flat against evergreen sprays. They give birds wintertime cover and have more than 30 varieties.
Ideal for: Privacy screens, hedges, and windbreaks.
Growth rate: Fast
Maintenance: For the first month, water your freshly planted Leyland cypress multiple times each week while the root system develops. Water established trees every week or every two weeks, depending on the weather. Trim the top and sides up to three times during the growing season (April through August).
Growing notes: Evergreen. Divide your desired hedge height by four. Plant the trees 3 feet apart for a 12-foot tall privacy hedge.
Leyland cypress can grow quickly and may intrude on your neighbors’ yards. Plus, they easily become top-heavy and may be damaged by heavy snow. Mierop says, “They can, however, be kept sheared into a tight hedge, with maintenance pruning essential.”
- Hardiness zone: 6-10
- Sun: Needs full sun, tolerates partial shade
- Soil: Prefers a pH range between 5.0 and 8.0, and will thrive in most soils
- Mature size: Grown as a hedge, 10 to 15 feet high. On its own, 60-70 feet tall, and 10-15 feet wide.
- Flowers/fruit: Non-flowering, produces cones
- Drought tolerant: No
- Possible problems: No significant issues. Possibility of root rot or canker. Watch for bagworms and deer.
6. Schipka Cherry Laurel: Best for Low Maintenance
Prunus laurocerasus ‘Schipkaensis’
Schipka cherry laurelPhoto Credit: David Stang / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 4.

Cherry laurels are small trees and shrubs native to southeast Europe and southwest Asia. ‘Schipkaensis,’ a popular laurel cultivar, is a goblet-shaped, upright evergreen shrub or small tree. This shrub’s thick foliage provides cover and nesting sites for songbirds and deer resistance.
Green, glossy leaves alternate along the stems and provide a backdrop for loose clusters of five-petaled white flowers in the spring. The fruit is a purple-black drupe but is not safe to eat. Doctors advise watching kids or pets around a cherry laurel plant, as every part of it is poisonous if eaten.
Ideal for Tall hedges, privacy screens, mass planting, shady areas, or in a nature garden.
Growth rate: Medium
Maintenance: Prunus laurocerasus will grow in most soil types, but it’s ideal if the soil is rich in organic matter, moist, and has sufficient drainage. Pruning cherry laurel shrubs is best done immediately after flowering is done in late spring, but you can prune up to two months before your first hard freeze.
Growing notes: Evergreen. Plant the shrubs 3 feet apart to make a cherry laurel hedge. The branches will quickly intertwine, forming a thick barrier.
- Hardiness zone: Grows best in planting zones 5-9
- Sun: Needs full sun, tolerates partial shade
- Soil: Prefers well-drained, organic-rich soil of most types
- Mature size: 10-15.5 feet tall, 5-7 feet wide
- Flowers/fruit: In spring, clusters of five-petaled, white flowers up to 6 inches long develop.
- Drought tolerant: No
- Possible problems Susceptible to shot-hole disease, powdery mildew, and root rot. Higher pest resistance than most Prunus species.
7. Southern Red Cedar: Best for Windbreaks
Juniperus virginiana var. silicicola
Southern Red CedarPhoto Credit: KATHERINE WAGNER-REISS / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 4.

Southern red cedars are native to North America but aren’t actual cedar trees. They’re members of the juniper family, a species recognized for its ease of care. In its native Florida, it is even used as a Christmas tree.
Red cedar trees feature velvety, delicate, emerald-green leaves that provide a thick, evergreen canopy and protection for wildlife. The berries attract songbirds, and the red-brown bark is fibrous and often peels.
Lloyd Singleton, Director of the New Hanover County Agricultural Extension in North Carolina, says that in addition to repelling deer and insects, the southern red cedar is “tough, totally adapted to regional conditions, and it’s really pretty with great berries that birds love, and flowers that attract bees and butterflies … with a nice aroma to boot.”
Ideal for: Privacy screens, hedges, wildlife habitat, and windbreaks
Growth rate: Medium
Maintenance: Water your red cedar at planting and then daily for the first one to two weeks. Water every two to three days for the next 12 weeks and finally once a week until roots are established.
After that, the tree can be largely neglected in terms of upkeep. It won’t need trimming unless you want to keep a specific shape, like a Christmas tree.
Growing notes: Evergreen. Seedlings or very young plants, less than one foot tall, are best spaced 8 to 18 inches apart. Larger plants, typically offered in 3-gallon pots or bigger, need a space of 5 to 7 feet apart. Juniperus virginiana var. silicicola has a northern cousin, the eastern cedar, which is good in zones 4-9.
- Hardiness zone: 7-11
- Sun: Needs full sun
- Soil: Prefers well-drained, sandy soils but is tolerant of most soil types
- Mature size: 30 to 45 feet tall, up to 30 feet wide
- Flowers/fruit: Female trees produce little (0.25-inch), fleshy, berry-like cones in the spring.
The “berries” are blue with an off-white blossom.
- Drought tolerant: Yes
- Possible problems The serious disease of cedar apple rust, which affects apples, hawthorns, and pears, has red cedar as a secondary host. It is not a good idea to plant red cedars when you have these fruit trees in your yard.
8. Wintergreen Boxwood: Best for Small Gardens
Buxus sinica var. insularis ‘Wintergreen’
Wintergreen BoxwoodPhoto Credit: David J. Stang / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 4.0
Also known as Korean boxwood, this ‘Wintergreen’ boxwood shrub is a very robust cultivar that works well in colder locations because it is less likely to yellow during the winter. Its cold hardiness makes it a popular choice for homeowners in northern climates who want a boxwood hedge.
As an evergreen with a very compact, dense growth habit, wintergreen boxwoods have small, broad, yellow-green to medium green leaves throughout the year. Although tiny, the flowers are highly fragrant.
Ideal for: Privacy screens, container gardens, borders, or in a rock garden
Growth rate: Moderately slow
Maintenance: Water once or twice a week until established, except during drought or extreme heat. Wintergreens will naturally grow into compact tufts of green if not trimmed.
Growing notes: Evergreen. When grown as a hedge, space plants 3.5 to 4 feet apart, center to center. Spread a 2- to 3-inch-deep layer of mulch 12 inches away from the stem base.
- Hardiness zone: 4-9
- Sun: Needs full sun, will grow in partial shade
- Soil: Prefers moist, sandy loam with good drainage; pH between slightly acidic to slightly alkaline.
- Mature size: 2-4 feet tall, 3-5 feet wide
- Flowers/fruit: In the spring, tiny greenish-yellow blooms appear.
- Drought tolerant: No
- Possible problems Diseases such as blight and leaf spots arise on occasion. In poorly drained soils, root rot may pose a problem.
9. Yew Plum Pine: Best for Drought Tolerance
Podocarpus macrophyllus
Yew Plum PinePhoto Credit: Keisotyo / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 3.0
Yew plum pines are slow-growing, coniferous evergreen shrubs or conical trees with needle-like leaves. This shrub can be pruned regularly to create a soft, low-maintenance hedge with dense, dark green foliage but no flowers.
If you need to plant a hedge in a small space, such as along a walkway, this is a plant to consider. Singleton says, “Podocarpus macrophyllus, though slower-growing, is well-suited to growing in a narrow space.” Yew plum pine is native to Japan and China.
Ideal for: Hedges, windbreaks, privacy screens, natural evergreen barriers, and does well in containers.
Growth rate: Slow
Maintenance: When cutting Podocarpus shrubs for hedges, avoid shearing the sides because they should grow together. Always prune yew plum pine so the top is slightly smaller than the bottom. When watering, keep the soil damp and don’t waterlog the roots.
Growing notes: Evergreen. To establish a hedge, plant the Podocarpus plants 2 feet apart and keep them regularly trimmed.
- Hardiness zone: 7-9
- Sun: Needs full sun but will grow in partial shade or dappled sun
- Soil: Prefers slightly acidic soil with good drainage
- Mature size: This plant can reach up to 50 feet in height and 6-8 feet wide if not trimmed. To use it as a hedge, trim this slow-growing plant regularly to keep it to a manageable 6-7 feet tall and 2-3 feet wide.
- Flowers/fruit: Non-flowering
- Drought tolerant: Yes, once established
- Possible problems: No major issues.
It may develop a scale if kept indoors.
Deciduous Privacy Hedges
The term “deciduous” refers to the “falling away of a portion that is no longer needed or helpful” as well as the “falling away once its purpose is completed.” The leaves of deciduous plants fall off in the winter and grow again in the spring.
10. Ninebark: Best for Pollinator Gardens
Physocarpus opulifolius
NinebarkPhoto Credit: Eric Hunt / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 4.0
Physocarpus opulifolius, sometimes known as ninebark, is a tall, spreading shrub native to Missouri. It is a flowering shrub with a year-round visual impact. It gets its name from the peeling bark that comes off in layers as the shrub matures.
A deciduous shrub, ninebark’s green leaves change to yellow and red in the fall. A few cultivars, such as ‘Dart’s Gold’ and ‘Summer Wine,’ display golden or red leaves from spring to fall. Late April sees the arrival of pink or white blossoms, drawing pollinators like bees and butterflies. It’s adaptable and quick-growing.
Ideal for: Mass plantings, floral privacy hedges, borders, xeriscaping, or erosion control on banks. With its arching growth pattern, ninebark is a visually charming, low-maintenance addition to a landscape.
Growth rate: Fast; can mature in one year
Maintenance: To maintain its shape and encourage air circulation around the plant, prune your ninebark after it flowers, or no later than mid-August. Water shrubs when they’re young, at least once or twice a week during the summer.
Growing notes: Deciduous. Space ninebark 3 to 6 feet apart, depending on the cultivar. Read the nursery labels to determine the spacing suggestions for your plant.
- Hardiness zone: 2-8
- Sun: Needs full sun to partial shade
- Soil: Prefers acidic, loamy soil or clay
- Mature size: 5-8 feet tall, 4-6 feet wide
- Flowers/fruit: Round, fuzzy pink and white flowers in spring
- Drought tolerant: Yes, once established
- Possible problems: Fireblight, powdery mildew, and leaf spots are all possible problems.
11. Yellow-Twig Dogwoods: Best for Winter Interest
Cornus sericea ‘Flaviramea’
Yellow-Twig DogwoodsPhoto Credit: David J. Stang / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 4.0
Yellow-twig dogwoods are a classic, North American native shrub that livens up the colder months with vibrant yellow twigs. Because of how fast it grows, you won’t have to wait long for this flowering shrub to start drawing attention to your garden.
In spring, the yellow twigs of Cornus sericea ‘Flaviramea’ put forth green and emerald foliage accented by white blooms that grow in clusters and develop into white berries.
Ideal for: Hedge, privacy screen, rain garden, mass planting, and erosion control
Growth rate: Fast
Maintenance: Prune in late winter to early spring to maintain airflow, health, and shape. Water at least once a week to keep the soil evenly moist.
Growing notes: Deciduous. Space the shrubs 3 feet apart. To make a hedge, measure from the center of one plant to the center of the next. This deer-resistant Cornus sericea grows well in cooler climates as high heat and drought are hard on this cultivar.
- Hardiness zone: 3-8
- Sun: Needs full sun to partial shade
- Soil: Prefers moist or wet soils, but tolerant of many soil types
- Mature size: 6-8 feet tall, 7-8 feet wide
- Flowers/fruit: Blooms in spring with 2-inch floral clusters of tiny, white flowers. The berries are attractive to birds but should not be eaten by people.
- Drought tolerant: No
- Possible problems: Leaf and twig blights, canker, and leaf spots are possibilities. Insect pests that appear on occasion include scale, leaf miners, and bagworms.
Privacy Hedges: What You Should Know
Before you run to the garden shop, dig a toe into your turf and put a finger on the wind. In other words, grab a soil test and take stock of your local climate. This will go a long way in deciding which type of plant will work for your hedge.
Pro Tip: To avoid running into underground utility lines, call 811 or visit the website at least three business days before you start digging. They’ll mark the locations of utilities for you at no charge.
1. Design Your Look
Think of the overall look and function you want with your privacy fence. No matter if you want to protect your home or create a ‘Bridgerton’-style garden, planning will save you time, money, and effort.
Location is crucial when planting a hedge. The borders and edges of your property are prime locations. Traffic from people and animal activity will damage or stunt your living fence if something is getting in its way.
Pro Tip: Keep in mind the mature width of the shrubs when you plant so their growth won’t interfere with existing structures. Make sure you have enough room to prune and water.
2. Think About Height
If you want to build a living fence for security or privacy, it should be at least 6 feet tall. Nonetheless, when developing your plan, you should adhere to the height restrictions imposed by your city or local council.
Decide how tall you want your screen. Place a ladder or have someone stand where you plan on placing your hedge. Taller hedges are more difficult to maintain and require different hedge trimmers than smaller ones.
3. Select Your Plant
Now that you know how much space you have and how tall you want your screen to be, you can select your plant.
Evergreens are excellent all year round for noise reduction and privacy. Although deciduous trees do not provide a year-round screen, they give a larger variety of landscape characteristics, such as fall colors and flowers in the spring.
A hybrid hedge fulfills all of the functions of a single plant hedge while giving an aesthetic touch to your property that is distinctive throughout the year. Nature-inspired mixed hedges, as compared to traditional single-variety hedges, provide a range of hues, textures, and patterns.
4. Make Your Plan
You are now ready to lay out the location of your plants. Make sure to leave enough space between your plants for them to grow to the size you want.
Make certain that you have a straight row or rows by inserting wooden stakes into the ground at either end and connecting them with a string. Mark the locations of your holes with flags or other indicators.
5. Plant Your Hedge
When planting bare root plants, it is recommended to dig a straight trench for hedges. Individual holes are appropriate for containerized plants. However, either way, is acceptable.
6. Water Your Shrubs
Water your shrub as soon as you plant it. For most bushes, 30 seconds of continuous water from a water hose equipped with a diffuser nozzle is enough. Make certain that the soil around your new plants is moist. This encourages the roots to form a root system inside this backfill soil.
During the first couple of summers, your freshly planted tree expends a lot of energy attempting to establish its roots in the soil. It’s important to know when and how much water to use:
How often: Freshly planted shrubs and trees require consistent, routine watering until their root systems establish.
- For 1 to 2 weeks: Water your new plants daily.
- For up to 3 months: Water every two or three days, keeping the soil moist but not soggy.
- After 3 months: Watering once a week should be enough until your bush is established.
How much: To water newly planted trees, provide 1-1.5 gallons of water for every inch the trunk is wide. Larger shrubs will require more time for the roots to establish.
Water By Trunk Size
Trunk Width | Water Amount (per watering) | Time to Establish Roots |
1 inch | 1 to 1.![]() | 1.5 years |
2 inches | 2 to 3 gallons | 3 years |
3 inches | 3 to 4.5 gallons | 4.5 years |
4 inches | 4 to 6 gallons | 6 years |
5 inches | 5 to 7.5 gallons | 7.5 years |
6 inches | 6 to 9 gallons | 9 years |
University of Minnesota Extension
All you have left is to plant your hedge and see how fast it grows! Growing a privacy hedge will enhance the security and seclusion of your home while providing an eco-friendly way to increase your home’s curb appeal.
How Far From a Wall Should My Hedge Be?
Plant at least 18 to 24 inches away for traditional or hybrid hedges. If you’re growing a very tall living fence, you’ll need to increase this amount based on how wide you calculate the plants will grow.
How Do I Make My Growing Hedge Denser?
The simple solution is to clip/prune the young hedge to promote thickening. Pruning methods vary according to the species. Cherry laurel, hollies, and yew plum pine will require careful pruning.
Why Should I Get a Soil Test?
Soils in poor condition do not retain enough nutrients and water to support healthy plant development. Having that information in hand helps provide the basis for appropriate soil amendments. Matthew Kiefer, CLM, principal of Kiefer Landscapes says, “It’s really an excellent and inexpensive investment.”
When to Call a Pro
Adding a few hedges to your yard will turn your property into a quiet sanctuary, a romantic garden, or just block out those noisy neighbors. If planning, planting, and pruning your living fence doesn’t sound like an ideal weekend, reach out to one of our local landscaping pros today to handle the dirty work.
Main Image Credit: Agnieszka Kwiecień, Nova / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 4.0
Raven Wisdom
Raven Wisdom is a screenwriter from West Texas and a proud mom of two in an autism family. Self-described as "half-feral but mostly harmless," Raven loves houseplants, a good laugh, and furry friends.
Posts by Raven Wisdom
Best Privacy Hedges | Evergreens for Privacy
Home > Best Privacy Hedges
Peace. Quiet. Solitude. Privacy.
Privacy Hedges allows you to enjoy all these qualities in any yard, no matter how noisy or urban the area.
It blocks noise and peering eyes while providing beauty to the garden and a home for small animals.
So what bushes are good for privacy? We have compiled a list of the best bushes for privacy. They are each suitable for different situations, so we are sure you will find your perfect match!
8 Varieties of Privacy Hedges
For great privacy hedges there are three main factors:
- 1. Density
- 2. Height
- 3. Evergreen
You want tightly-branched evergreens for privacy to avoid any gaps. You can do this two ways: opt for privacy shrubs with extremely dense branching, or trim your looser-growing hedge religiously each year.
You want tightly-branched evergreens for privacy to avoid any gaps. You can do this two ways: opt for privacy shrubs with extremely dense branching, or trim your looser-growing hedge religiously each year.
You want tightly-branched evergreens for privacy to avoid any gaps. You can do this two ways: opt for privacy shrubs with extremely dense branching, or trim your looser-growing hedge religiously each year.
The key to maintaining a perfectly dense privacy hedge is consistent pruning on the sides. If the hedge is allowed to grow large and leggy, then pruned hard, you will end up with gaps (in laurels and beech this can be corrected, but in conifers, it usually can’t). A quick, simple trim once per year on fast-growing varieties and once every 2 years on slow-growing varieties is all you need to keep your hedge full and dense. Pruning the top half of the privacy hedges a little slimmer than the bottom will keep the lower branches nice and full (see the diagram below).
For more information on how to get privacy trees as fast as possible, check out our page on fast-growing hedges.
Swimming pools are one of the most important places to use privacy hedges
Homes located on busy streets can still feel quiet and secluded when surrounded by a privacy hedge
Simple and elegant privacy hedges can be used at residences, restaurants, and event venues to create private outdoor eating areas
Emerald Green Arborvitae gives dense privacy, blocking noise, wind, and eyesores
Block neighborhood sounds and views with privacy hedges to create a peaceful sanctuary
Entries and driveways gain drama and glamour when lined with lush privacy hedges
Create peaceful, quiet spaces by surrounding them with tall privacy hedges
Outdoor living becomes a lot more peaceful with a lush privacy hedge
Block noise effectively by layering different heights of privacy hedges around an outdoor living space
Even urban courtyard spaces can feel like the country when surrounded by privacy hedges
Fagus Sylvatica
European Beech is one of the best bushes for privacy which is an extremely popular choice in Europe and for European-styled gardens. It offers lush, green foliage in the spring and summer and copper fall color that persists through the winter. Even though it is deciduous, the persistent leaves still provide some peace through the winter months. Grows in full sun to part shade. One of the best plants for privacy for zone 5-8.
EVERGREEN/DECIDUOUS Deciduous, but holds copper leaves through winter
GROWTH RATE Moderate (‘
GOOD FOR PRIVACY BECAUSE Unique, dense growth, low-maintenance, deer-resistant, adds color and interest to fall/winter garden
Prunus Laurocerasus
One of the fastest-growing evergreens for privacy, English Laurel (or Prunus laurocerasus) will fill out a big space quickly. It is a great option as privacy hedges if you want a tall hedge quickly. Make sure to keep on top of pruning to keep it from getting leggy. Beautiful glossy green foliage with white flowers in spring and inedible berries in the summer. Deer proof. Grows in full sun to partial shade. Best plants for privacy for zone 6-9.
GROWTH RATE Fast (up to 3 feet per year)
GOOD FOR PRIVACY BECAUSE Will get large fast, great for tall hedges, deer proof
Prunus Laurocerasus ‘Schipkaensis’
Schip laurel which is one the best evergreens for privacy (sometimes called Skip Laurel or Schipka Laurel or Cherry Laurel) has the benefits of the English Laurel with the added benefit of a more upright growth habit, requiring less pruning to keep the width in check. It also has a longer, narrower leaf shape that is a bit darker green. Grows in full sun to shade. One of the best privacy bushes to consider.
GROWTH RATE Fast (up to 3 feet per year)
GOOD FOR PRIVACY BECAUSE Will get large fast, great for tall hedges, deer proof
Prunus Lusitanica
Portuguese Laurel or Prunus Lusitanica has a wonderfully dense natural growth habit. It also grows quickly, so you could have a large, dense hedge with little effort in a very short time. It is a great option for warmer parts of the country as it is very tolerant of heat, drought, poor soil, salt, and pollution. It has stunning green leaves with contrasting red petioles. It has white flowers in the spring and bears black fruits in the summer that are inedible to humans but a good food source for birds. They are one of the best deer proof privacy bushes. Does well in full sun.
GROWTH RATE Fast (up to 1.5 feet per year)
GOOD FOR PRIVACY BECAUSE Naturally dense growth habit, beautiful foliage, deer proof, great for warm areas
Thuja Occidentalis
American Arborvitae or Thuja Occidentalis is a great choice for those in cold regions (it is hardy to zone 2!) who want a fast-growing privacy hedge. It will get tall quickly and form a very dense screen with consistent pruning. Grows in full sun to partial shade. Excellent choice in terms of fast growing evergreen shrubs for privacy.
GROWTH RATE Fast (up to 1.5 feet per year)
GOOD FOR PRIVACY BECAUSE Fast grower, evergreen, dense, very cold hardy
Thuja Occidentalis ‘Smaragd’
Emerald Green Arborvitae is the ultimate choice for a dense privacy hedge. With an Emerald Green hedge, there is zero chance of seeing anything through it. It grows slowly and requires very infrequent pruning. Although it grows slowly, it will become quite tall if given enough time. It has an extremely narrow footprint, so it does well in small areas. It has beautiful, dark green foliage. Requires full sun. Emerald Green Arborvitae is one of the best bushes for privacy.
GROWTH RATE Slow (less than 1 foot per year )
PRUNING FREQUENCY Lightly once per year
GOOD FOR PRIVACY BECAUSE Extremely dense, requires little pruning, small footprint
Thuja X ‘Green Giant’
Green Giant Arborvitae has an incredibly vigorous growth rate, reaching up to 5 feet of growth per year under ideal conditions! If a large hedge is needed as fast as possible, this is a great option. Green Giant has lush green foliage all year, providing optimum screening capabilities. It will require intensive pruning to keep at a small size, but it is one of the large privacy trees for backyard. It does well in full sun to partial shade. Deer resistant.
GROWTH RATE FAST (up to 3-5 feet per year)
PRUNING FREQUENCY Once per year, or twice to keep small
GOOD FOR PRIVACY BECAUSE The fastest grower, ideal for very large hedges, deer resistant
Thuja Plicata ‘Virescens’
Virescens Western Red Cedar is a lovely, upright-growing cedar, native to the Pacific Northwest. Considered as one of the best bushes for privacy. Its unique habit means a small footprint, making it great for tight spaces. It responds well to either intense or relaxed pruning. It does well in full sun and partial shade.
Get the Best privacy hedges at affordable prices at InstantHedge Oregon.
GROWTH RATE Moderate (up to 2 feet per year)
GOOD FOR PRIVACY BECAUSE Upright habit, low maintenance, small footprint, deer-proof
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What you need to know about hedges: types, planting, care
- Types of hedges
- How to choose hedge plants
- Best hedge plants
- How to plant plants?
- How to maintain a hedge
Hedge - an elevation of living plants with a dense decorative crown. This is an interesting alternative to a conventional fence. A hedge can be both as a decoration on the territory of the site, and a functional element. For example, a high hedge of deciduous trees can create a noise reduction effect, and planting them in two rows 50 meters from a building can reduce the noise level by 20 dB. nine0003
The choice of plants can be from coniferous to deciduous. As a rule, for such a need, obstacles with sharp leaves or thorns are selected. Tall trees can protect you from large wind currents and create a natural shadow around the perimeter on the site.
It is very important to remember about the timely decorative pruning of the crown. Otherwise, ornamental shrubs will lose their elegant appearance, and trees can harm those nearby.
Types of hedges
1. Zoning
Separate different areas of your space with a fence. Usually a fence of trees is placed so that it is behind those who are seated. This creates a sense of security. You can make a railing in a number of ways:
- Tall evergreen trees will help create openwork transitions. This can be achieved using climbing plants.
- Plant small low or medium height curbs.
Usually such a green fence is placed above the backrest inside standing furniture. Otherwise, it will not be possible to achieve the desired comfort, privacy. nine0003
It is not necessary to make a fence around the perimeter, leaving only a place for passage. You can make one living wall, and in front of it, for example, put a gazebo, inside which there will be a table with seats.
2. Interesting shapes
The decorativeness of selected plants will help create interesting shapes. For example, you can build a composition not only of animal figures, but also of fences of flower beds, alleys.
3. Stacked
Spiraea can be planted at the “feet” of thuja or photinia, and Victoria or any flowers can be made at the foot of the retaining wall. This combination will create a beautiful ensemble of conifers, stone and flowering.
4. Corner
If you place shrubs in the corners of the fence, you can arouse the interest of passing by and guests. It doesn't have to be a fence around your entire yard. Sometimes it can be a type of zoning, where soft chairs or chairs are located inside the hearth. nine0003
5. Decoration of walls, fences
Combination of decorated trees in the form of a fence or a fence would be a great option. For example, it may be a fence, in front of which a hedge is built a little lower in height. Suitable for those who want a fence around the perimeter of the site.
How to choose hedge plants
Before choosing a plant, you need to determine the purpose of the hedge and priorities. Immediately calculate whether you can provide this beauty with proper care. Have you chosen a place for her? How much are you willing to spend on planting and care? nine0019 What kind of hedge plants do you want?
To decorate the interior space of the plot, it is better to choose ornamental dwarf perennials. Take a closer look at deciduous or coniferous shrubs.
If you want to give preference to trees, remember their growth process. After all, when planting seedlings close to each other, over time they will not have enough space. In this case, you will have to spend energy on the transplant again. Therefore, it is better to leave enough space in advance for the growth of trees. nine0003
Deciduous often sold with bare roots. Therefore, they should be transplanted only in late autumn or early spring. So the plant quickly adapts to the new environment.
The choice of hedge plants is huge. You can pick up the ones you like on our website, and soon they will delight you on the site.
The best plants for hedges
Many gardeners, when they want to create beauty on the site, ask themselves: what is better to use for their purposes? We will tell you which groups are compatible with each other. nine0003
- Hardwood. The main difference from evergreens is that deciduous ones are decorative as long as they have foliage.
In some cases, plants bear fruit. The most popular: cotoneaster, spirea, barberry, almond, lilac, derain, mountain ash, etc.
- Coniferous blends well with other species. They can be used to create tiers or to close a wooden fence "alive". The most popular here is thuja. It can be used for various purposes and in any form. You can learn more about the planting and care of the thuja columna by clicking on the link. Also well suited yew, and virginian juniper. nine0008
- Fruit. If fruits also grow on your hedge, then this will be a very good bonus for lovers of various berries. Suitable for those who do not have enough space on the site for planting the most delicious fruit bushes. In this case, well suited: barberry, viburnum, currant, blueberry.
How to plant plants?
Have you decided what will become part of your garden? Have you already chosen a place to land? Then get ready to read exactly how to plant a plant so that it takes root and pleases the eye. nine0003
The first thing to do is to mark the landing area. Before planting a seedling, pay attention to what its size will be in the future. Leave enough room for each seedling to grow. It is important that they do not come into contact with each other in the future.
Trees can be planted in one or two rows. Planting density will depend on plant species.
Planting distance is better to choose from 20 to 50 centimeters, and between rows from 30 to 80 centimeters. In the direction you dig one or two trenches, and then place the seedlings in accordance with the planting type of plant. Then cover the roots with earth and lightly tamp the earth. nine0003
Be sure to water the planted plants thoroughly.
How to maintain a hedge
After planting, it is better to mulch the soil. So you can keep it moist and reduce the number of grown weeds. In the first years of the life of seedlings, special attention should be paid to abundant watering. This is especially worth doing during the dry season.
An automatic watering system can be provided during the planting phase. It will make your work easier, as it will be able to independently control the amount of moisture and watering mode. The increased density of the crown stimulates the active evaporation of moisture. If the "living fence" is adjacent to the road, you should definitely use sprinkling. To avoid burns and other problems, it is worth sprinkling in the morning and evening hours. At this time, the sun in the summer can no longer harm the beauty of the living wall. nine0003
Do not forget about hygiene procedures. For example, it is extremely important to trim the crown and clean the trees of old dried branches.
For many reasons, a hedge will improve your yard. Tall evergreen crops will protect the site from thieves. Fruit will delight the eye all season. Do not forget about individual care for seedlings. The soil is also important. By choosing the right soil for specific seedlings, you increase their lifespan. nine0003
Fast growing hedge - choosing the right plants
It is not always possible to install a heavy concrete or solid metal fence, and the chain-link mesh, for all its functionality, does not add aesthetics. In this case, a hedge can be a worthy alternative.
A garden plot for many citizens is a place of solitude and inspiration for the upcoming work week. If you live on it permanently, then all the more you do not want the details of your personal life to be in the public domain. A hedge will help both hide your land from prying eyes and act as an element of decor. With its help, zoning is also done on the site itself to create a secluded place for reading books or romantic conversations. We will not cast a shadow on your future wattle fence and tell you which plants are best suited for creating an eco-friendly fence. nine0003
This branchy shrub up to 3 m high with thin shoots and sharp long spines will reliably protect your garden from intruders. In addition, the barberry is famous for its beautiful foliage of various shades and bright red fruits that can be eaten (with the exception of some varieties). The shrub, as it grows, retains its decorative effect, because. does not suffer from baldness of the lower part of the bush, so you will not need to plant a second tier of the hedge. nine0003
The plant does not require special care, except for pruning, after which new shoots appear, and the crown becomes denser. Prefers sunny areas, although it can grow in shading, but in this case the foliage will not be as bright.
Barberry spreads very quickly in the area, so young seedlings that you find in the wrong place should be removed as early as possible, before they have had time to get stronger.
If you want a perfectly even and geometrically correct hedge up to 2 m high, then without any doubt choose this densely branched shrub. Privet has beautiful, dark green, leathery leaves; in ornamental varieties, they can be yellow. Its ability to quickly recover after a haircut and retain its shape for a long time will especially please novice gardeners. nine0003
Privet is an unpretentious, frost-resistant plant that can grow in almost any soil. Even urban conditions of strong gas contamination will not frighten her. The most rational form of a privet hedge is a trapezium with a slight narrowing at the top. Such a profile contributes to better illumination of the crown, and therefore prevents baldness of the lower part of the bush.
A melliferous shrub from the Rosaceae family, reaching a height of 6-8 m, has beautiful rich green foliage that turns orange-red in autumn. In spring, hawthorn bushes are covered with beautiful white or pink inflorescences, which turn into bright red fruits in summer. nine0003
As an ornamental hedge plant, hawthorn is good because it needs almost no maintenance. Within 2-4 years after planting, the bushes are allowed to grow freely. When the diameter of the trunks at the base reaches 1. 5-2 cm, hemping is carried out in the fall to improve the appearance (cutting the shoots at a height of 20-25 cm from the ground to get a low bush with a dense crown). A year later, the first haircut is carried out.
Hawthorn bushes should be pruned regularly as this limits their upward growth and directs them to the side shoots so that the crown at the bottom is not exposed. nine0003
A hedge, in addition to its functional and decorative qualities, can also be tasty. If you want to enjoy juicy and healthy fruits for several years in a row, then plant blackberry bushes around the perimeter of your plot. In addition, it will reliably protect your possessions, because there will be no one who wants to be in the prickly embrace of this shrub.
Blackberries are usually planted using a trellis method at a distance of 1.5 m from the main fence. You can use a chain-link mesh as a support, but this will complicate the care of the plant, and the neighbors may be unhappy with your prickly "guard". Blackberries will begin to bear fruit in the 2nd year after planting, but the first pruning should be carried out only after three years. The shrub is unpretentious in care and can withstand both extreme heat and severe frosts. nine0003
Many people are accustomed to seeing this plant growing wild along the edges of roads and near water bodies, but it will make an original light and elegant living fence. A wicker fence made of willow is decorative already when planting, an unpretentious plant takes root quickly and in almost any soil. However, such a fence serves more for beauty than protection, so it is suitable for creating secluded areas on the site itself or for decorating the main fence. Willow perfectly absorbs heavy metals and improves soil quality, does not require special care, except for a decorative haircut twice a year, for which many gardeners and designers love it. nine0003
Dogwood white (turf white)
This branchy shrub, up to 3 m high, is excellent for hedges. Its beautiful light green foliage becomes bronze-crimson, orange or burgundy with the onset of autumn. Plastically intertwined branches of deren, which are painted in various shades of red, are especially decorative, so your living fence will look spectacular at any time of the year.
For planting varieties of turf with variegated color of leaves, it is necessary to choose brightly lit places, because in the shade the foliage will lose its original color. nine0003
Care of the turf consists of regular sanitary cutting if you decide to keep the natural shape of the bush. In landscape design, the most popular are the shapes of a ball, cube, arc or hemisphere. The first pruning is carried out 3 years after planting, and then twice a year, in June and July. Young bushes need regular watering 1-2 times a week, as well as loosening the soil in the trunk circle and removing weeds.
Lawson Cypress
Native to North America, in nature it reaches a height of 80 m, ornamental varieties that can be used in landscape design - up to 30 m. . nine0003
The plant tolerates shearing well, is undemanding to soil fertility, but does not like stagnant groundwater, so it should be planted on hills. Moreover, with age, Lawson's cypress becomes photophilous. However, young trees tolerate shade well, and they should be covered from the bright spring sun.
Fruit shrub up to 2 m tall with serrated leaves densely covering thorny branches. The turn forms impenetrable thickets, so it is great for hedges. Moreover, its fruits can be eaten, and the leaves can be brewed as a tea. A solid wall of this plant around the perimeter of your site will protect heat-loving plants from cold winds. nine0003
Since the blackthorn is an unpretentious shrub that also grows very quickly, the main care consists in regular cutting three times a year - in early April, late June and July.
Thuja Brabant
A thuja hedge is a classic option if you need a fence up to 3 m high. The dense green array that trees form will securely close the area from prying eyes and give it austerity. However, thuja do not transmit light well, so in small areas they will give strong shading. nine0003
Care of the plant consists in the removal of dried legs and a complex haircut twice a year. Thuja Brabant can grow up to 1.5 m per year, so the hedge will acquire the necessary forms in the shortest possible time. The plant is picky in the choice of soils, however, on fertile soil, it acquires the greatest decorative effect.
A shrub native to China, introduced to Europe by the Scottish botanist William Forsyth and named after him. Forsythia is especially attractive in the spring, when its bright yellow inflorescences color the landscape that is still gray, barely waking up from a long winter. As a hedge, the shrub is good because it grows very quickly, therefore, to preserve the decorative effect immediately after flowering, it must be cut. nine0003
Forsythia is unpretentious, resistant to diseases and pests. It also perfectly tolerates the difficult conditions of the urban environment, coping with air pollution and gas pollution.
A permanent inhabitant of my grandmother's front garden, this beautiful shrub has won the hearts of many gardeners. Among other things, wild rose is able to grow profusely, forming impenetrable thickets. Plus, its branches are densely strewn with thorns.
The first 2-3 years after planting, rose hips need abundant watering 1-2 times a week and regular weeding. In autumn, pruning of all diseased, old and broken branches, as well as forming pruning, is carried out. nine0003
With the right choice of hedge plants, an eco-friendly fence can become not only a reliable protector and a low-maintenance decorative element, but also a useful and tasty culinary addition. Just remember that plants prone to diseases and pest attacks, such as viburnum, will not work as a hedge. Firstly, they very quickly lose their decorative appearance. And secondly, during the epidemic, dense thickets are very difficult to treat with chemicals, especially if this eco-fence is located on the border of the plots.