Best solution for cockroaches
How to Get Rid of Roaches
Few things are more frustrating than a roach infestation. These persistent pests will make themselves at home in your kitchen, bathroom, and other living spaces as they search for food. Unfortunately, they multiply fast and can spread diseases. If you’re tired of living with a cockroach infestation, then let's figure out how to get rid of roaches for you!!
Most Common Cockroaches in the US
When dealing with a roach infestation, it is important to know what type of roach you are dealing with. There are a few different species of roaches that are present here in Florida, but the most common are the German cockroach and the American cockroach. These two are what you'll most likely deal with the most.
German Cockroach
The German cockroach is light brown and usually 1/2” – 5/8” in size. This is the most common type species of cockroach worldwide, and Florida is no exception. They're easily identified by the two dark, parallel stripes on their backs. They typically live in warm, humid places where food is easily found and readily available, so infestations are likely found in both residential and commercial kitchens. Like most cockroaches, they're difficult to kill, so having an exterminator on your side is helpful when getting rid of them.
American Cockroach
American cockroaches are darker and bigger at 1-1/2” to 2” and are the most common among the residential infesting roaches. These roaches are typically reddish-brown and have a figure 8 pattern on the back of the head. This species does have wings and can fly short distances. They can also bite, but their bites are harmless unless they become infected. You may first notice an infection of American cockroaches by seeing their droppings around your house. These droppings are small and have characteristic ridges on the sides.
What Attracts Cockroaches to Your Home
No matter the type of pest - whether it’s roaches, ants, termites, or rodents - they’re all most likely searching for food and water sources which they can easily find in your home. Roaches, in particular, are drawn to warm, humid climates like Florida.
Roaches are attracted to:
- Dirty dishes in the sink
- Crumbs in the floors or counters
- Garbage
- Pet food on the floor
- Excess moisture
1. Dirty dishes in the sink
Dirty dishes in the sink often have leftover food on them, which is exactly what cockroaches are looking for. Roaches are either in your home for one of two reasons: they're seeking shelter or they want food. Letting dirty dishes sit in your sink gives these pests food to go after.
2. Crumbs on the floors or counters
Leaving crumbs on your floor or counters is another source of food that cockroaches will be attracted to. The goal is to cut out any opportunity for these pests to find food in your home. This means wiping down your counters and sweeping the floor when you notice crumbs.
3. Garbage
Garbage is yet another source of food, so be sure to take your garbage out consistently and keep your garbage can sealed so there are no access points. Some garbage bags even claim to give off a smell that wards off pests.
4. Pet food on the floor
Pet food on the floor is a big cockroach attraction that is often overlooked. If you have a pet that often doesn't eat all of its food and leaves it lying around for later, you may want to invest in a sealable bowl or simply put the bowl up high where it's not easily accessible.
5. Excess moisture
Cockroaches need moisture to survive. Dripping faucets or cracked shower doors are some of the most common things attracting cockroaches in residential homes. If you have a source of excess moisture in your home, make sure it's taken care of!
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How Roaches Enter Your Home
Roaches are attracted to your home for a variety of reasons (listed above), but attraction is only the first part. They have to actually be able to get INTO your home to wreak havoc. The most common way these sly pests enter your home is through cracks and crevices in doors, windows, and other areas of your house.
Here's how roaches enter your home:
- Cracks and crevices
- Holes in vents and pipes
- Hitching a ride onto items
1. Cracks and crevices
Cracks and crevices in your windows and doors are some of the most common ways cockroaches will find their way into your home. The biggest problems we see with homeowners are doors that haven't been sealed properly or windows that don't close all the way.
2. Holes in vents and pipes
Another common way these pests will make an appearance is by coming through your vents and pipes. This is especially common with older vents that may have holes or that don't properly seal. Make sure you check your vents when you switch them out and keep an eye on leaky pipes under your sink for any potential entryways.
3. Hitching a ride onto items
While not as common, cockroaches have been known to hitch a ride onto things like old furniture if you're moving it into your home. Make sure you check that old table for pests next time you move it from your garage to your dining room.
How to Get Rid of Roaches
If you want to get rid of cockroaches in your home, there are a few different effective methods.
Here's how to get rid of cockroaches in your home:
- Clean your home
- Use traps
- Use roach baits
- Spray Liquid Concentrates
1. Thoroughly Clean Your Home
This may seem like a given, but roaches are attracted to dirt and filth because they’re always on the lookout for new sources of food. The easiest way to get rid of roaches is by making sure your home is clean. Make sure to do the following:
Wash dishes and put them away after meals
Clean crumbs and spills immediately
Take out the garbage before going to bed
Remove grease from the stovetop
Seal food in containers
Mop on a regular basis

One effective method of eliminating roaches is the type of trap found in supermarkets or home improvement stores. The device uses a scent or other bait to attract roaches. When they investigate the bait, roaches become caught in a sticky substance, effectively trapped inside. One option is a glue trap to get rid of cockroaches. These roach traps are effective because the roaches get stuck in them so you can get rid of them. While effective, this isn't the best way to kill an entire cockroach infestation or nest, just if you have a few in your home. It can take up to two weeks to see results, so traps should be checked for dead roaches periodically.
3. Use Store-Bought Baits
Another common way to get rid of roaches includes utilizing store-bought baits. Chemical baits disguise insecticide as a food source. Roaches ingest the insecticide and return to their nests, where they die. Other roaches eat them, spreading the poison to the rest of the nest. Place chemical baits near garbage cans and underneath sinks and cabinets in kitchens and bathrooms.
4. Spray Liquid Concentrates
Another product available in stores is a liquid concentrate designed to deter roaches. Once diluted, the liquid can be sprayed into cracks and crevices and other areas where roaches like to hide. You can also mop the floor and wipe counters with the solution! If you're wondering how to get rid of roaches overnight, this will be one of your best bets!
How to Get Rid of Roaches Naturally
If you want to get rid of roaches naturally, there are a handful of methods we recommend.
Here's how to get rid of roaches naturally:
- Boric acid
- Baking soda
- Citrus
1. Boric Acid
Boric acid is one of the best home remedies to get rid of roaches naturally. Mix equal amounts of boric acid, flour, and sugar to make a dough. Set balls of dough around the home where cockroaches can feed on it. The flour and sugar will attract the roaches while the boric acid will kill them. Simply place the dough where you know roaches are normally present, or under your refrigerator, stove, and the backs of cabinets and drawers. The boric acid will kill the roaches that will then become food for other roaches. While this is extremely effective at killing roaches, boric acid can be extremely dangerous for pets. If you have a furry friend around your house, do not try this at home.
Benefits of using boric acid:
- Extremely effective
- You only need to apply it once
2. Baking Soda
Baking soda, similar to Boric acid, is deadly to cockroaches. If you want to use this method to get rid of roaches, combine baking soda with something they would be attracted to, like sugar or onions. Place this mixture in high traffic areas and wait. You'll start to see dead roaches once they start eating the mixture.
Benefits of using baking soda:
- It's a common baking ingredient.
You probably already have it!
- One of the fastest ways to kill cockroaches
3. Citrus
While citrus doesn't kill cockroaches, it does deter them. If you want to take preventative measures before the cockroaches appear, mix citrus acid with some water and add it to high-traffic areas. Cockroaches will steer clear of this area as they don't like the smell. You can even leave a few citrus peels around your kitchen so the smell lingers.
Benefits of using citrus:
- Preventative method
- Deters cockroaches before they become a problem
Pro Tip: Call a Licensed Exterminator
The truth of the matter is roaches are persistent creatures – even following all of these DIY tips, you may still have an infestation. If you have given these tried-and-tested tricks a try and it hasn’t helped, you probably need a professional exterminator to treat your home. Contact Anti-Pesto today for a free quote.
An Important Note: DIY solutions are not guaranteed to work, especially against pests like cockroaches that can breed and multiply quickly. If you're serious about getting rid of a roach infestation fast, it is always best to work with a trained and licensed exterminator.
How to Prevent Cockroaches
There are lots of methods used to ward off roaches, and we will discuss a few of the most successful strategies many people use to make their houses less hospitable for these cringe-worthy bugs.
Here's how to prevent cockroaches:
- Nix newspapers & cardboard boxes
- Clear out clutter
- Seal cracks
- Fix plumbing issues
- Don't feed them
1. Nix Newspapers & Cardboard Boxes
Roaches adore cardboard boxes and newspapers. If these items are lying around your home, you’re inviting roaches in the vicinity into your home. Roaches love to breed in these items, so it is best to clear all newspapers and cardboard boxes out of your home.
2. Clear Out the Clutter
One of the best strategies for roach control is to make sure your home is kept in tip-top shape, especially when it comes to items that are just lying around. Keeping your house free of clutter means there are less places for roaches to hide out during the day. With no cover for their midday scurrying, these bugs will have to work harder to hide their presence.
3. Seal Cracks & Install Door Sweeps
Roaches gain entry to homes by crawling in under doors and cracks in your home’s foundation. You may not even notice the easy access areas as they can be hard to see, but a professional should be able to identify entry points for you. Problem areas include:
- Around windows and doors
- Along the foundation or roof
- Attic and crawl space vents
- Around holes used for electric, gas, and plumbing lines
We recommend you inspect these problem areas at least once a year and if you do notice cracks and holes, make sure to seal them. You can use caulk to seal small ones, while steel wool and foam are best to fill larger gaps, especially around pipes. For bigger openings around chimneys or attic vents, you can use a fine wire mesh to create a barrier.
learn more about how pests enter your home
4. Regularly Inspect and Fix any Plumbing Issues or Leaks
Moisture is a huge attractant for bugs – just like humans, they need water in order to survive. Oftentimes homeowners have leaks or water problems that attract bugs and they don’t even know. If you do notice leaks or plumbing issues, get them fixed as soon as possible. It's not a bad idea to regularly inspect the faucets, sinks, refrigerators, and appliances in your home to make sure they aren't leaking or producing excess moisture.
5. Don't Feed the Roaches
If you leave treats like an uneaten dog or cat food lying around, you are bound to attract a bug or two. We recommend using a dog food dispenser and/or removing any food your pet doesn’t eat right away from the floor so that roaches don't have easy access to food sources.
Pro Tip: Get Professional Help
Because roaches are such a problem pest here in Florida, prevention can only get you so far. The truth of the matter is, most homeowners are going to deal with a roach infestation in their home at some point. While there are many things you can do to make your home an inhospitable environment for bugs, nothing prevents a pest infestation like employing professional exterminators from Anti-Pesto.
Pest Control as Low as $31/Month
Here at Anti-Pesto Bug Killers, we offer the highest-rated pest control in Tampa, Lakeland, Largo, St. Petersburg, and the surrounding areas. Our pest control programs start as low as $31/month and can protect your home from a variety of pests all year long - including roaches! If you are tired of sharing your home with roaches, our experts can help you.
This blog was written by Howard Bright, Owner of Anti-Pesto Bug Killers.
How To Get Rid Of Roaches In Your Home: A Complete Guide [2023]
Roaches: the name alone is enough to make your skin crawl.
Unfortunately, they’re common pests, and they can be difficult to get rid of. If you have roaches in your home or apartment in areas such as kitchen cabinets, the attic, or in your bathroom, it’s important to get rid of them fast.
Here at Smith’s Pest Management, we help homeowners throughout Northern California, from Marin to Monterey, get rid of pests. Our team offers professional cockroach control services to help you reclaim your space and get life back to normal.
In this post, we’ll share the best and fastest ways to get rid of roaches for good, and everything you need to know about your various options.
Key Takeaways
- Roaches are common pests that can be difficult to get rid of. They breed rapidly, and infestations spread quickly.
- Roaches will infest areas that offer them ample food, water, and shelter. When they do, they can trigger allergies, spread disease, and make a home unsanitary.
- There are several home remedies to get rid of roaches, including diatomaceous earth, baking soda, boric acid, citrus, essential oils, and borax.
- If you want to take a more aggressive approach to eliminate roaches, glue traps, bait stations, and liquid roach deterrent concentrates are all excellent options. Severe infestations will likely require the help of an expert pest management team.
What Type of Cockroaches Are in My Home?
While there are more than 4,500 roach species in the world, only about 69 of them live in the U.S.
Although most species of roaches have no interest in invading homes, there are a few that will happily set up shop in your house.
Here’s an overview of the roaches you’re most likely to see indoors:German Cockroaches
Image: LMBuga via Wikipedia / CC by SA 3.0
The German cockroach is the most common cockroach in the U.S. Because they breed so rapidly (each egg case can produce 20-40 baby roaches), even a single female in your home could produce a cockroach infestation of more than 30,000 individuals in a single year.
Unlike other roach species, the female German cockroach carries her egg pouches with her until they’re ready to hatch.
This means infestations spread easily and can be difficult to contain.
All cockroaches have flat, broad bodies with long hind legs and antennae. Their wings lie folded flat on their backs, and most are black or brown.
The German cockroach, however, tends to be light-brown with two dark, parallel stripes that run down the body from the head to the wings.
Brown-Banded Cockroaches
Brown-banded roaches love warm, dry areas, and are commonly found inside walls or electronics like televisions or refrigerators.
A flying cockroach, this species hates water and doesn’t like to live in moist or damp places.
They are about 0.5” in length, and tend to be dark brown. Both males and females have light yellow bands on their wings and abdomens.
American Cockroaches
Image: Gary Alpert via Wikipedia / CC by SA 2.5
While the American cockroach isn’t the most common roach species in the U.S., it is the largest.
It’s also one of the longest-lived – with lifespans of about two years.
These roaches are sometimes called the “sewer roach” or “palmetto bugs.” They can reach 1-3” in length and tend to be brown or reddish-brown with light yellow edges around their bodies.
What Attracts Roaches to My Home?
Regardless of what kind of roaches you have in your home, one thing is certain: you don’t want them there.
In addition to giving you the creepy-crawlies, roaches can trigger allergies, spread disease, and create an unsanitary living environment.
Fortunately, the first step to getting rid of roaches is understanding what’s attracting them to your property in the first place.
Here are some of the most common culprits:
1. Food sources
Roaches are omnivores, meaning they’ll eat anything. They are particularly fond of starches, sweets, greasy food, and meats.
Easy sources of food – like dirty dishes in the sink, pet food on the floor, or crumbs on the counter will draw them in.
Roaches also love garbage, so make sure to take the trash out regularly and keep all household garbage cans tightly sealed.
2. Shelter
Cockroaches enter homes for shelter.
Depending on the species of roach, they may live behind picture frames, in hollowed-out wood, in damp places like beneath the sink or behind the toilet, or in the backs of your electronics.
As the temperature dips outside, roaches will venture indoors.
They love quiet, forgotten areas, and may live underneath large appliances, in the corners of basements, and the attic.
3. Location
If you’re wondering “why do I have roaches in my clean house?” we understand.
Solving a roach problem can be frustrating – especially if you’ve been careful to avoid common attractants.
Unfortunately, some locations are just more appealing to roaches than others.
Species like the American cockroach don’t need unsanitary conditions to thrive – they simply enter through a gap in a window seal or a door left open and start establishing themselves in your house.
4. Water
Like all animals, roaches need water to survive – and they’ll enter even the most sanitary homes to find it.
Leaky pipes and faucets are common attractants, as are open showers and pet water bowls.
5. Landscaping
While roaches love to live inside, they’ll also enter your yard in search of food, shelter, and water.
Standing water in birdbaths, gutters, and flowerpots will all attract roaches, as will food sources like birdseed or fruit plants.
How Roaches Enter Your Home
Shelter, food, and water attract roaches to your home, but how do they get in? The most common way roaches enter your home is through tiny cracks and gaps in windows, doors, and other areas.
Here are some of their favorite access points:
1. Cracks and Gaps in Windows and Doors
Cracks and gaps in your home’s doors and windows are the top way roaches make their way into your home. Doors that aren’t sealed properly and windows that don’t close entirely are perfect access points for roaches.
2. Holes in Pipes and Vents
Another common entrance point for roaches is through holes in pipes and vents. If you live in an older home with vents that have holes or don’t properly seal, it’s an invitation for roaches to come inside.
Check your vents when you replace or service them and keep an eye on pipes and plumbing fixtures for holes or other potential roach access points.
3. Hitching a Ride on Furniture and Other Items
If you’re bringing used furniture or other items into the home, check them for roaches, first. These insects can hole up and hide in used items, only to emerge once they’re safely inside your home.
How to Get Rid of Roaches Naturally: 6 Home Remedies
If you want to get rid of roaches without chemicals such as bombing, foggers, or sprays you’re in luck. There are a handful of effective home remedies that will send these nasty critters packing and many of them are not harmful to children or pets.
Here are a few we recommend:
1. Diatomaceous Earth
Diatomaceous earth, or DE for short, is an excellent natural insecticide. Composed of pulverized, fossilized algae, DE’s particles are sharp and dehydrating. When roaches come into contact with DE, it damages their exoskeletons and dehydrates them to death.
Purchase some food-grade DE and sprinkle a light coating on any surface where you’ve noticed roach activity.
Pros: Effective, affordable, safe for kids and pets
Cons: Messy, requires re-application, you will have to locate and dispose of dead roaches after each DE treatment
2. Baking Soda
Baking soda is one of the fastest, easiest ways to get rid of roaches – and it’s probably something you already have in your pantry. To make a DIY roach bait, dice a handful of onions and sprinkle them with baking soda.
Place this appetizer in a shallow dish anywhere you’ve noticed roach activity. When the roaches consume the baking soda, it creates gasses in the roaches’ stomachs, causing them to burst.
Pros: Effective, non-toxic, affordable
Cons: Pets may consume the onion mixture (onions are toxic for dogs), messy, requires you to locate and dispose of dead roaches

Boric acid is a naturally-occurring compound. A mixture of water and boron, it shows up in fruits and plants.
And while it’s harmless to people and pets, it’s deadly for roaches. When cockroaches come into contact with boric acid, it sticks to their legs and wings. When they ingest the powder, it acts on the roach’s nervous and digestive systems – killing it rapidly.
To use boric acid to get rid of roaches, sprinkle a light dusting onto a paper plate. Put an orange peel or spoonful of peanut butter in the middle of the plate and place the whole thing anywhere you’ve noticed roach activity.
Pros: Effective, affordable, natural, non-toxic, easy
Cons: Can be messy, requires several applications or treatments, may not be ideal for homes with pets or young kids, requires you to track down and dispose of dead roaches
4. Borax
Borax is a readily-available laundry product that’s excellent for killing roaches. For best results, combine equal parts borax and white table sugar. Dust the mixture any place you’ve seen roach activity. When the roaches consume the borax, it will dehydrate them and kill them rapidly.
Pros: Effective, affordable, kills both adult and baby roaches
Cons: Can be messy, requires re-application, requires you to track down and remove dead roach bodies
5. Citrus
Citrus is a tasty treat for humans, but it’s a repellent to cockroaches. The smell of lemons, specifically, deters roaches. Add a few drops of lemon oil to the water you use to mop your floors. The scent won’t be detectable to people, but it will send roaches packing.
Pros: Effective, affordable, ideal for homes with kids and pets
Cons: Does not kill roaches – only deters them
6. Essential Oils
Essential oils are a great natural roach repellant. For best results, purchase peppermint or lemongrass essential oil and mix it with a bit of water. Spray the mixture anywhere you’ve seen roaches.
Pros: Effective, affordable, safe for kids and pets, non-toxic
Cons: Does not kill roaches
How to Get Rid of Roaches Inside the Home: 5 Conventional Methods
Looking for more conventional options to solve your roach problem? Here are some of the fastest ways to get rid of roaches:
1. Use Glue Traps to Identify Problem Areas
Glue traps are an effective way to identify roach problem areas and resolve infestations.
The smell of the trap lures roaches in and, once they step on the strip, the glue traps them.
For best results, place store-bought glue strips in any place you’ve noticed roach activity, including behind the refrigerator or under the sink.
Pros: Effective, safe for kids and pets (as long as the strips are hidden), fast-acting
Cons: You must monitor strips for a few days or weeks and change and replace them when they become filled with dead roaches

What kills cockroaches almost instantly? Bait stations. Typically, these bait stations come in a long tube and can be placed anywhere you’ve noticed roach activity.
The smell of the bait attracts roaches who then eat the poison. When the roach travels back to its home location and dies, the other roaches will eat it, passing the poison through the group.
Pros: Effective, fast-acting
Cons: Bait stations look unattractive around a home, can be toxic to kids and pets, will leave dead roaches around the home, dead roaches may be consumed by non-target species like birds and other animals – poisoning them as well
3. Caulk all Entry Points
While glue strips and bait stations can be effective to get rid of roaches, they won’t do much good if new roaches are constantly entering your home. With this in mind, use caulk to seal gaps and possible entry points. Pay close attention to gaps between walls or tile, worn-out weather stripping, or gaps in door and window seals.
Pros: Effective, safe, affordable
Cons: Caulk wears out over time, so you must check and recheck access points routinely
4. Use a Liquid Concentrate
Purchase a liquid roach deterrent concentrate at your local home improvement store. This concentrated liquid is designed to be diluted and sprayed into cracks and crevices where roaches like to hide.
If you need a more comprehensive solution, you can also add a bit of the concentrate to a mop bucket and mop your floors with the solution. This option will deter roaches overnight and keep them from coming back.
Pros: Effective, fast-acting, affordable.
Cons: Contains toxic ingredients, not ideal for homes with kids and pets.
5. Hire a Pest Management Professional
For best results, hire a professional roach management team like Smith’s to get rid of your infestation once and for all.
Professional teams know how to locate and eradicate roach infestations safely and effectively, without putting your kids, pets, or household at risk.
Pros: Effective, safe, long-lasting, can deal with roach infestations both indoors and outside the home
Cons: Requires a larger upfront investment than DIY options
Roach Bombs: Avoid if Possible
When wondering how to get rid of roaches without an exterminator, some people turn to roach bombs.
Also called “foggers,” roach bombs spray a pesticide into the air.
When the pesticide falls to the ground, it coats indoor surfaces and kills target pests. Most roach bombs are designed to be placed in the center of the room and activated.
Unfortunately, roach bombs are extremely toxic, and we recommend against using them. There are safer and more effective ways to get rid of your roach infestation.
Pros: Fast-acting
Cons: Toxic, flammable, most effective only for flying roaches, not suitable for homes with pets or young children, requires you to vacate the home while the roach bomb works
How to Get Rid of Roaches Outside Your House
If you want to prevent cockroaches in your house, you have to start by limiting their numbers outside your home.
Here’s how:
1. Clean Up
Remember: roaches need three things to survive – food, water, and shelter. While you can’t eliminate these things in the outdoor environment, you can make your landscaping less welcoming for them.
Here are a few tips:
- Remove woodpiles, leaf piles, stagnant water, and overgrown underbrush
- Secure lids to outdoor trash cans
- Trim foundation plantings back away from the home
- Limit water sources by emptying standing water in pots and birdbaths
Pros: Effective, affordable, makes your landscaping look beautiful
Cons: Does not kill or get rid of roaches – only makes your landscaping less appealing for them
2. Use Sticky Traps
Sticky traps aren’t only for indoor use – you can place them outdoors, too. Lay sticky traps down any place you see roaches entering your home, such as cracks around doors or windows, or foundations.
If you’re not sure where the roaches are coming from, lay the traps down in a few locations and check the traps daily to identify high-traffic routes.
Pros: Effective way to identify roach routes
Cons: Unsightly, time-consuming
3. Place Bait
To decrease the number of roaches entering your home, kill them with bait before they get inside.
Since roaches like to keep the top or side of their bodies pressed against something as they walk, your bait stations will be most effective when placed next to outbuildings, ledges, corners, fences, or the foundation of your home.
Pros: Effective, fast-acting, long-term solution
Cons: Toxic, can be dangerous for kids, pets, and other animals
4. Spray Pesticide
One of the more effective ways to get rid of roaches is to spray a pesticide around the perimeter of your yard and home. These sprays are long-acting (many last three months or more) and will kill roaches on contact.
Pros: Effective, long-acting
Cons: Toxic, can be dangerous for kids, pets, and other animals
How do Exterminators Get Rid of Roaches?
If you hire a professional exterminator to get rid of roaches, what can you expect?
Here’s how our team at Smith’s Pest Management does it:
Step 1: The Inspection
Our cockroach control experts will arrive at your property to inspect the infestation. We’ll look for areas where the roaches are accessing your home, and sources of moisture or food that may be enticing them.
We’ll also identify the species of cockroach you’re dealing with and formulate a plan for cockroach control.
Step 2: The First Treatment
Based on the information we gleaned during our initial inspection, we’ll develop a treatment plan for your home. Since cockroaches can be a difficult pest to eradicate, we take a two-step process to get rid of them.
Depending on the severity of your infestation, our preliminary treatment may include baiting, monitoring, trapping, or spraying the cockroaches or providing education, cleaning and sanitization services, or insect growth regulators.
During this step, we’ll place cockroach monitors to gauge activity.
Step Three: The Follow-Up Visit
Once we’ve deployed our initial treatment, we’ll check our monitors and deploy additional treatments, as needed. The result is a complete end to your infestation, as quickly as possible.
How Do I Keep Roaches Out of My House?
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Keep roaches out of your home in the first place with these simple tips:
1. Clean the House
First things first: start by removing everything that could attract roaches.
Any homemade roach killer you employ will be more effective if you make your home as unwelcoming as possible before using it.
Here are a few items to check off the to-do list:
- Wash and put away all dirty dishes immediately after use.
- Clean up any crumbs and spills promptly.
- Empty sources of standing water, including pet bowls.
- Take out the garbage daily, and especially before going to bed at night.
- Mop and sweep the floors regularly, including under and around large appliances.
- Avoid leaving pet food out for an extended period.
2. Get Serious About Storing Food
If you want to keep roaches out of your house, eliminating food sources is critical. One of the best ways to do this is to store food in airtight glass or plastic containers.
Store perishables in the refrigerator, and avoid leaving fruits and vegetables out on the counter.
3. Clean Kitchen Appliances
Remember: roaches love fat and grease, and your kitchen is a great place to find these tasty treats. With this in mind, keep the stovetop, dishwasher, and other cooking appliances clean.
Pay special attention to areas like the drip pans under stove burners, the backsplash, and your garbage disposal.
Additionally, make sure you’re wiping counters and tables after you cook each night. To add an additional layer of protection, add a few drops of lemon oil to your cleaning water. The scent of citrus will keep cockroaches from coming back.
4. Get Rid of Newspapers and Cardboard Boxes
Roaches love newspaper and cardboard boxes because they make excellent breeding and nesting material. To prevent roach infestations, recycle or get rid of old newspapers and used cardboard boxes as quickly as possible.
5. Seal Cracks and Entry Points
Roaches can squeeze their small bodies through tiny gaps and cracks. To prevent them from gaining access to your home, seal cracks in the home’s foundation and install door sweeps to block gaps under doors.
You’ll also want to check for gaps around windows, and around holes used for gas, plumbing, and electric lines, and crawl space vents. Use caulk or sprayable foam to seal these cracks and keep your home roach-free.
6. Fix Leaks Right Away
If you have plumbing leaks in your home, fix them as quickly as possible. Even a tiny pipe drip is enough to provide roaches with the moisture they need to survive.
In addition to fixing leaks, regularly inspect sinks, refrigerators, appliances, and faucets to ensure they’re not leaking or producing excess moisture.
Are Roaches Taking Over Your San Francisco Bay Area Home? We’re Here to Help!
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Top 5 effective remedies for cockroaches
Everyone knows who cockroaches are. For a comfortable existence, they choose a certain environment - dusty, damp and warm rooms. There are legends about their survivability, they survived planetary catastrophes, low and high temperatures, they are not afraid of radiation. Cockroaches are real survival champions. It is known that a female red cockroach during a flight into space on the spacecraft "Photon M-3" in 2007 survived weightlessness, and then reproduced healthy offspring. It seems that when conceiving this type of insect, nature showed more care and concern. In cases of severe infection of the apartment with cockroaches, order SES services. nine0003
How to get rid of cockroaches
Destroying all cockroaches in an apartment is not an easy task. To solve it, you need to make the cockroaches feel less comfortable. Cockroaches are omnivorous, living where there is access to water, food debris and household waste. To make them feel uncomfortable, you need to do the following:
- It will be faster to destroy cockroaches if you block all water sources;
- Be sure to put the lid on the toilet before going to bed and wipe the sink dry; nine0010
- In case of plumbing failure, repair leaking pipes and taps;
- Take care of the sanitary condition of the dwelling, inspect the kitchen;
- Foodstuffs are best stored in specially sealed containers;
- The kitchen should be kept clean: the sink should be free of unwashed dishes and the trash can free of food waste.
Additional treatment of the apartment with special means against cockroaches will help to consolidate the effectiveness of preventive measures. What means and methods of dealing with cockroaches do not exist - various herbs, household chemicals, remedies from a folk first-aid kit, etc. From them you can make a great encyclopedia. nine0003
Top 5 Cockroach Remedies
We all understand how hard it is to kill cockroaches, especially when you live in a dorm or shared apartment. Fortunately, in addition to your favorite slipper, there are many other means: gels, powders, capsules, traps, aerosols, etc. The top five effective and safe remedies against cockroaches include: GET, Dohlox, Combat, Mashenka, Hector.
5th place GET Total
The rating of the best safe cockroach remedies is opened by a new generation insecticide - GET Total. Due to the prolonged action, the effect of the drug lasts up to 6 months. Usually one bottle is enough to process 10-12 square meters. meters of housing. To consolidate the result, a second treatment is carried out after six months. High efficiency, low toxicity and lack of smell have made it incredibly popular. The only drawback is the high cost. nine0003
4th place Dohlox
Dohlox is an effective and safe remedy that can even cope with a large number of insects. Approved for use in the kitchen, cafes and restaurants. The drug has a nerve-paralytic effect, first the insect paralyzes, and 6-8 hours after contact with a toxic substance, death occurs. The death of the entire colony occurs after 2 weeks. This drug is quite economical and easy to use. The tube in the form of a syringe has a sharp tip, so the gel easily penetrates into cracks, far corners and other hard-to-reach places. One syringe is enough to process a 1-room apartment. nine0003
3rd place "Combat"
In the rating of safe remedies for cockroaches there is a drug of Russian production "Combat". The drug is available in several variations - gel, aerosol and traps. According to reviews, a month after its use, cockroaches are no longer visible. Of all the listed forms of release, the Combat spray shows the best results. A positive result is noticeable within a day after application. Gels are economical and easy to use, the only thing is that they do not have an instant effect like a spray. With a small number of cockroaches, it is optimal to use traps. A special bait is hidden in the core of the structure - a poisonous substance. The trap does not cause allergies and has no smell, it helps to get rid of intrusive neighbors as soon as possible. The only drawback is that in order to exterminate large colonies of insects, you will need to purchase additional traps. nine0003
2nd place Chalk "Mashenka"
The well-known chalk "Mashenka" was and remains the most budgetary remedy for cockroaches. It has proven its effectiveness over the years. Zeta-cypermethrin and deltamethrin are harmful to cockroaches, but are safe for humans. The chalk does not have any smell and does not cause allergies. The drug is applied to the floor and walls in a thin continuous line, the cockroaches did not have the opportunity to get around it. Contacting with "Mashenka" they die during the day. According to numerous reviews, you can completely get rid of cockroaches within a week. nine0003
1st place Hector
Hector deservedly occupies a leading position, as it is effective against insects that have long adapted to many toxic substances and do not react to them in any way. The drug helps to easily get rid of unwanted neighborhood, a special triple action formula does not leave them a chance of survival. After contact with the drug, cockroaches die in 1.5-2.5 hours. "Hector" is absolutely safe for humans and pets, even in case of direct contact or ingestion. nine0003
Many people dream of getting rid of cockroaches in an apartment quickly. In the article, we talked about the most effective and safe means of dealing with them. If you will fight cockroaches on your own, then it is better to opt for high-quality and time-tested preparations. If you are limited in time, then the fastest and most effective way to get rid of cockroaches is, of course, professional pest control.
Best Cockroach Remedies
What should I pay attention to when choosing? nine0005
We know a lot about cockroaches. For example, the theory that after a nuclear war, these insects are the only ones left alive. Or their ability to live without a head for several days. The opinion has strengthened among the people that cockroaches are a kind of "terminators" among insects, hard to kill, scary and hardy. Let's be honest, the appearance of such a "guest" at home certainly will not please any owner. Fortunately, civilization has given us several effective types of weapons from mustachioed parasites. There are many varieties: traps, gels, sprays, aerosols, crayons and powders. Today we're going to share some of the best and most effective remedies to end your cockroach war and prevent new ones. And we will help you choose, of course. Photos of all mentioned preparations are attached to the article. nine0003
What should I pay attention to when choosing a remedy for cockroaches?
- Purpose of funds . You should make sure that the purchased product destroys this particular type of insect. Fortunately, many manufacturers put images of cockroaches directly on the front of the pack, so there should be no problems.
- Composition . Read carefully what is written on the back of the funds. Some people suffer from intolerance to certain substances. It will be a shame if you buy a cockroach remedy and it will harm you. nine0010
- Toxicity . Most insect repellents have a strong and unpleasant smell. But in the case of cockroach remedies, there are traps and crayons that smell almost nothing.
- Desired effect duration .
What types of cockroach remedies are there?
- Gels
Destroy the insect population gradually, not instantly.All thanks to the effect of the virus. Insects scatter through their crevices and infect the entire tribe, so cockroaches can be destroyed effectively and en masse. nine0010
- Traps
They kill cockroaches only if they get caught and stick. Fortunately, over the past few years, progress has stepped far forward, such baits have improved, and cockroaches have become much more successful. - Sprays/Aerosols
One of the most famous species that needs no introduction. Everyone has seen and used insect sprays at least once. A reliable and proven method of fighting, the main thing is to hit right on target and protect your eyes. nine0010 - Crayons
A line made so shallow will be fatal to a cockroach. But only if he did not have time to develop immunity. This medicine is affordable and very budgetary, but it does not work with 100% probability. - Concentrate
Special fluids are usually diluted with water.They are highly toxic and are sprayed throughout the apartment. Most are not intended for amateurs and are used only by specialists in the field of pest control. nine0010
Most Popular Cockroach Remedies
Clean house
Domestic brand that produces cockroach remedies in several varieties. Can be used in residential and non-residential premises.
Aerosol . The best and most reliable means for the destruction of cockroaches and other insects "on the spot".
Crayons . They are the most budget option, but they fight well with cockroaches. nine0003
Traps . They are placed in places where cockroaches are expected to appear.
Vigilant Guard
With its name alone, this brand inspires confidence and protection to its customer. But are these remedies really effective?
Gel . Budget professional tool, designed for repeated use. This is its disadvantage, because it acts gradually and does not destroy cockroaches the first time. Contains neostomosan and chlorpyrifos. nine0003
Crayons . An absolutely deadly thing for any type of insect, cockroaches are no exception. But you need to use in conjunction with some other tool to achieve maximum effect.
Spray . Pretty effective for a low price. Compact, easy to carry. One of the few drugs that have a pleasant smell. But at the same time, you still need to spray it very carefully - no one has canceled toxicity.
Preparations are manufactured by the Research and Production Association "Garant", Russia.
Gel . An excellent option in terms of price / quality ratio. Convenient packaging in the form of a syringe, thanks to which you can accurately calculate the dosage of the drug. The main disadvantage is that it only works for a small number of cockroaches. If the number of insects in your apartment has exceeded all permissible limits, we recommend that you consider other drugs from the list. nine0003
Spray . Suitable for independent use even for beginners. The product is applied to surfaces in places where insects accumulate and move using a convenient trigger spray system. The active substance is equally effective against flying and crawling insects. In our case, cockroaches will be killed with ease.
Force Site
Preparations of this company are intended for the destruction of cockroaches, bedbugs, fleas, flies, mosquitoes and rat mites in the practice of medical disinfestation at objects of various categories. nine0003
Gel . Colorless, odorless, produced in the form of syringes of 30 grams. Due to its colorlessness, it is absolutely invisible on the surface after application.
Traps . They are a cardboard blank, inside of which glue is applied. The sticky layer is protected by paper, which can be easily removed. In the middle of the trap you need to put a special bait in the form of a tablet. Tablets 5 - just the number of traps. When opened, the tablets emit a specific odor. After the bait is installed, you need to assemble a "house" and install it in the habitats of cockroaches. The effect comes after the first night - cockroaches stick to the surface and cannot free themselves. nine0003
Gel . Very vigorously and effectively fights cockroaches. The invasion ends in just three days. Be sure to wash your hands after use as the chemicals can irritate your eyes and skin. Received good and excellent reviews from a variety of professionals.
Spray . Acts instantly: the death of insects occurs within an hour. Convenient to use. It is used in kitchens, rooms, bathrooms, basements and utility rooms. Treat should be cracks behind baseboards, along risers, water pipes and behind refrigerators. nine0003
According to its creators, Dohlox cockroach remedies are the latest generation of modern technologies created by Russian scientists and engineers. In many respects, they are better than well-known imported analogues, and have been exported to many countries of the world for a long time.
Gel . Justifies its name. It is quite an effective remedy, and most importantly, it is quick and easy to use, which does not have an unpleasant smell for you and is easily washed off. nine0003
Traps . Works like all other traps. It is installed where cockroaches are usually shown. Inside are pills.