When do catholics take down christmas decorations
When to Take Down Your Christmas Tree
There's absolutely nothing wrong with decorating early for Christmas—in fact, we're here for it. (Year-round Christmas stores and Hallmark Christmas movies exist for a reason, right?!) And although the argument continues about how early is too early, another debate is stirring: When should you take your Christmas tree and other holiday decorations down? There are plenty of folks who leave their homes all twirled up until New Year's Day or beyond. Or perhaps you're in the camp of immediately taking your Christmas tree down on December 26. But there's actually some interesting history behind putting it all away that may help inform your packing-up-the-Christmas-decorations date.
To help you answer the question of when to take down Christmas decorations, we're breaking down everything there is to know about dismantling your Christmas tree right here.
When do you take down your Christmas tree? Does it have to be by a certain day?Some people put their tree away the day after Christmas; others wait until the first or second week of January. So, which is right? As with most things, it depends on who you ask.
There are tons Christmas fanatics who start decorating as soon as the Thanksgiving plates are cleared (if not right after Halloween!) and keep their Christmas tree up for as long as possible. After all, according to experts, putting your holiday decorations up early could make you feel happier, so it makes sense that leaving them up could have the same effect. And who wouldn't want that? Others feel the need for the Christmas clutter to be cleaned up as soon as the last gift is opened. So when should you put your tree away? The short answer is: Do whatever feels right for you!
Elizabethsalleebauer//Getty Images
Is there history behind when to take down your Christmas tree?
For those who keep Christ in Christmas, this information may inform your decision a bit. According to Catholic religion, you should hold off taking down your Christmas tree until January 7. Although many believe that the 12 days of Christmas are the days leading to December 25 (that’s thanks to popular songs and movies that represent it that way), in Catholicism, the 12 days actually start on December 25 and last through January 6, which is known as Epiphany (or when the Three Wise Men came to visit Jesus). Once Epiphany is over, it’s time to toss the tree. So when to take down Christmas decorations in Catholic church is more than a full week following Christmas Day—not just when you want a fresh start to the New Year, which for many includes the house going back to normal.
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When should you take down your Christmas tree to avoid a fire hazard?Now here's a very important point that’s imperative to keep in mind. If you opt for a real Christmas tree, you should consider how long it will last before drying out. Most home and garden centers will tell you that the five-week mark is when a real Christmas tree starts to become a fire hazard.
But if you want to keep your Christmas tree alive as long as possible, check the water levels daily and refill as needed, and you can likely stretch the life of your tree to six weeks. Just be sure to keep a close eye on the needles—if you notice they’re turning yellow or brown or feel crunchy to the touch, it’s time to take your Christmas tree out to the curb. If that thought shatters your heart, there’s always a solution: artificial Christmas trees (there are so many out there that look like the real thing!) or potted Christmas trees you can replant.
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Keep Your Christmas Tree Up!
Do as they did in ages past, and keep your Christmas tree and your decorations up until Candlemas
Christopher Check •
New Year’s Day promises two certainties: college football bowl games and Christmas trees on the curb. To Catholics, of course, January 1 is the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God. It’s a Holy Day of Obligation, and the final day of the Octave of Christmas.
The Church, however, is so generous with joy. She does not end our celebration of the Incarnation with the conclusion of the Octave of Christmas. She extends it to Epiphany. Twelfth Night, as our English brethren call it, is an event Catholics in America should celebrate with more enthusiasm (think: roaring bonfires, grilled meat, lots of singing, red wine, brown ale) and might very well do if it were observed here on the liturgical calendar on January 6 as it is in England, Australia, and Canada, to say nothing of Vatican City. (Catholic Answers’ Christmas party will be on Epiphany—and at a local brewery, Alesmith, owned by good friends of the apostolate.)
But the celebrating doesn’t stop there! After Epiphany, the revelry continues until the Baptism of the Lord, the first Sunday after January 6 (usually). This year, Catholics may very well wish to keep their decorations up through January 9. And if you want to be really traditional, you can celebrate what the faithful called “Christmastide” before the liturgical reforms that followed the Second Vatican Council. In the old rite, or what we today call the Extraordinary Form, Christmastide lasted for forty days to correspond with the forty days of Lent, and the forty days from Easter to Ascension Thursday.
A forty-day party? Gloria in Excelsis! (And people say Trad Cats are a dour bunch.)
Christmastide ended on February 2, the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, also called Candlemas Day. On this day, the faithful take candles that they will use throughout the year in their homes to Mass to have them blessed.
Here is how the brilliant Benedictine Abbot Dom Prosper Guéranger helps us understand the totality of the mystery of Christmastide:
We apply the name of Christmas to the 40 days, which begin with the Nativity of Our Lord, December 25, and end with the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, February 2.
It is a period, which forms a distinct portion of the Liturgical Year, as distinct, by its own special spirit, from every other, as are Advent, Lent, Easter or Pentecost. One same mystery is celebrated and kept in view the whole 40 days. Neither the feasts of the saints, which so abound during this season; nor the time of Septuagesima, with its mournful purple, which often begins before Christmastide is over, seem able to distract our Holy Mother the Church from the immense joy with which she received the glad tidings from the angels (Luke 2:10) on that glorious night for which the world had been longing for 4,000 years. The custom of celebrating the solemnity of our savior’s nativity by a feast of 40 days’ duration is founded on the holy gospel itself; for it tells us that the Blessed Virgin Mary, after spending 40 days in the contemplation of the divine fruit of her glorious maternity, went to the temple, there to fulfill, in most perfect humility, the ceremonies which the law demanded of the daughters of Israel when they became mothers.
The feast of Mary’s purification is, therefore, part of that of Jesus’ birth; and the custom of keeping this holy and glorious period of forty days as one continued Festival has every appearance of being a very ancient one, at least in the Roman Church.
The feast in the new rite is called the Presentation of the Lord—same joyful event, different emphasis—but if you really want to be a “sign of contradiction” (get it?), do as they did in ages past! Keep your tree and your decorations up until Candlemas!
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New Year's decorations have started to be removed in Moscow, but the illuminations will remain
New Year's decorations have begun to be removed in Moscow, but the illuminations will remain
New Year's decorations have begun to be removed in Moscow , but the illumination will be left
New Year decorations will be removed in Moscow, but the illumination will be left
The Moscow authorities have begun to dismantle the New Year decorations, but promised to leave the light illumination until spring, the Moscow 24 TV channel reports. Radio Sputnik, 01/15/2022
2022-01-15T17: 30
2022-01-15T17: 30
2022-01-15T18: 06
in Russia
St. Petersburg
Petr Biryukov
city economy
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MOSCOW, January 15/ Radio Sputnik. The Moscow authorities have begun dismantling New Year's decorations, but promised to leave light illumination until spring, the Moscow 24 TV channel reports. After dismantling, decorative structures will be sent to a warehouse. It was decided to keep the illumination in the city until spring. As noted in the mayor's office, garlands and other lighting elements are not only an additional source of illumination of the city and "please the citizens on short winter days." Earlier, Sputnik radio reported that tricolor lighting adorned the Palace Bridge in St. Petersburg. Briefly and to the point . Only selected quotes in our Telegram channel.
in Russia
St. Petersburg
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society, st. petersburg, petr biryukov, municipal economy of moscow, moscow
In Russia, Society, St. Petersburg, Petr Biryukov, City Administration of Moscow, Moscow
MOSCOW, January 15/Radio Sputnik. Moscow authorities have begun dismantling Christmas decorations, but promised to leave light illumination until spring, the Moscow 24 TV channel reports.
"After the end of the holidays, we began to dismantle the New Year's structures. First of all, about a thousand fir trees, posters and some volumetric decorative elements will be removed from the streets," the press service of the city's municipal economy complex quotes the deputy mayor of the capital, Petr Biryukov.
After dismantling, decorative structures will be sent to the warehouse.
It was decided to keep the illumination in the city until spring. As noted in the mayor's office, garlands and other light elements are not only an additional source of illumination of the city and "please the citizens on short winter days. "
Earlier, Sputnik radio reported that tricolor lights adorned the Palace Bridge in St. Petersburg.
January 15, 16:14In Russia
Muscovites were promised "slight warming" next week
Short and to the point. Only selected quotes in our Telegram channel .
where to go and what to see?
New Year holidays are the time when the streets of Moscow are transformed: smart Christmas trees, bright light installations and garlands appear on them, the city literally glows in anticipation of a miracle.
The upcoming New Year 2022 is no exception, and the abundance of decorations on the city streets and squares literally make your eyes widen! I want to see everything, go everywhere, but here’s the problem: holidays and weekends don’t last forever, so the townspeople have to choose where to go first, where to go second, and where they can not go at all, limiting themselves to viewing pictures in the city’s media and social networks (fortunately, New Year's content is now everywhere enough).
If you also have doubts about where to go in Moscow for the New Year, we will try to help you by talking about the brightest New Year decorations that appeared in the capital on the eve of the New Year holidays. And, of course, we will show their photos.
Journey to Christmas
The atmosphere of the approaching New Year (and, of course, Christmas) is best felt at the venues of the Journey to Christmas festival, which is deservedly considered the brightest event of winter.
This year the main theme of the festival is New Year's traditions from around the world.
In total, 27 festival venues have opened in the city, each of which has its own zest. The site on Revolution Square, for example, is decorated in the spirit of a merchant's Christmas, the theme of the site on Tverskaya Square was a Christmas masquerade ball, and on Novy Arbat - Scandinavian New Year.
Adults can visit the smartly decorated shopping pavilions, there are large carousels for children, and free skating rinks at some sites.
A traditional exhibition of designer Christmas trees has opened on Kuznetsky Most Street as part of the festival. This year, 15 Christmas trees decorated by Moscow designers, young artists and representatives of creative professions, including performer Yegor Creed, host Alla Mikheeva, Bolshoi Theater premier Denis Rodkin and other famous people, are on display on the square in front of the Central Department Store.
More information about the festival can be found in our Poster: "Journey to Christmas".
Light arches
A few years ago Moscow got into the habit of decorating streets and squares in the city center with giant light arches. This year, she did not change either! A curious feature of these arches is that they are based on the facades and design elements of large Moscow theaters: the Bolshoi and Maly, the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater, the Russian Academic Youth Theater, and the Hermitage Theater.
In total, 8 "theatrical" arches appeared in the city: on Manezhnaya Square, in Kamergersky and Gazetny Lane, on Pushkinskaya Square and Novopushkinsky Square, on Tverskaya and Tetralnaya Squares, as well as on Kuznetsky Most Street.
Almost all the arches (6 out of 8) can be seen while walking along Tverskaya Street from Pushkinskaya metro station to Manezhnaya Square: they are installed in alleys and squares on both sides of it. In aesthetic terms, there is no leader among them: all arches are good in their own way, it cannot be said that some of them look more beautiful than others.
But if we talk about size, the leader is obvious: the largest light arch is installed on Tverskaya Square, right in front of the Moscow City Hall.
Arches look best late at night when there are fewer cars on the streets. In the evening, headlights can spoil the impression of their appearance.
Light tunnels on the Boulevard Ring
The Boulevard Ring also received a beautiful New Year decoration: several light tunnels were installed on it.
The longest of them appeared on Tverskoy Boulevard: it is decorated with colorful garlands, Christmas balls and luminous snowflakes. Light snakes "run" along the walls of the tunnel.
Light tunnels also appeared on Gogolevsky and Nikitsky boulevards. There they are much shorter than on Tverskoy, but the tunnel on Nikitsky Boulevard boasts a very unusual design: it is decorated with shiny glossy petals that are highlighted in pink.
It is worth noting that the appearance of a long light tunnel on Tverskoy Boulevard has already become a kind of tradition in the New Year's decoration of Moscow. It was first installed a few years ago and Muscovites liked it so much that they continue to install it to this day.
Good thing, he's really cool!
Light tunnel on Yakimanskaya embankment
Continuing the theme of New Year's light tunnels, it is impossible not to tell about what appeared on the pedestrian Yakimanskaya embankment. It is decorated with many Christmas balls, as well as garlands of yellow and pink flowers.
The tunnel looks very impressive both from the inside and from the outside.
It is a pity that it was not extended to the entire pedestrian zone, it would be very cool.
Light tunnel on New Square
Another bright light tunnel appeared on New Square. It consists of 3 parts, stretched along a wide sidewalk between the metro stations "Lubyanka" and "Kitay-gorod" opposite the Polytechnic Museum.
The tunnel is made in theatrical style: it resembles an oblong theater foyer with complex ceiling geometry, massive golden chandeliers and columns on the sides.
If you want to take a picture in the tunnel in the early evening, when it's already dark and the working day is just about over, be careful: there are a lot of passers-by on this sidewalk, hurrying from work to the subway or a bus stop.
Lubyanskaya Square
If you find yourself next to the tunnel on Novaya Square, it makes sense to look at the neighboring Lubyanskaya Square too: a huge advertising stand made in the form of a Christmas tree has been installed here. The stand is covered with a light tent, and around it are smaller stands and figures of snowmen, as well as an installation in the form of the number 2022.
On the sidewalks from the side of Nikolskaya, you can see a number of Christmas decorations on a smaller scale: light trees, installations in the form of a fan and a theatrical mask, decorated lanterns.
Manezhnaya Square
A composition of Christmas trees appeared on Manezhnaya Square: in the center - a large, decorated in a classical style, around it - smaller Christmas trees. They are covered with a beautiful light tent of yellow garlands. Closer to the Manege, you can find a number of bright light installations: already familiar light trees and theatrical objects, as well as 2 small light tunnels, which are decorated in a musical theme.
New Year's decorations on Manezhnaya Square are in demand among tourists: of course, because it is located right in front of the Kremlin!
Red Square
Well, on Red Square, as usual, the GUM Skating Rink has opened, around which the GUM Fair has grown with trade stalls, carousels, a bunch of garlands and a New Year tree. It looks like a small market, but what a beautiful one!
The Christmas tree, however, is clearly visible only from the skating rink and from the GUM side, so if you came to the square just for a walk, then it’s as if it’s not there.
The fair is always very crowded, if you are afraid of noisy places, keep this in mind.
Teatralnaya Square
On Theater Square in front of the Bolshoi Theater this year, a light composition of several luminous arches on the approaches to the fountain, a theater fan and a mask, as well as a large Christmas tree ball reappeared. Classic!
Triumphalnaya Square
On the eve of the New Year holidays, unusual corridors of illuminated rectangular arches appeared on Triumfalnaya Square, forming a smooth wave. There are small Christmas trees between the corridors.
The idea of such decoration is not quite clear (perhaps it is a reference to Mayakovsky's work?), but it looks original.
Small Christmas trees didn't work out! A full-fledged Christmas tree appeared on the square from Tverskaya, capable of arguing with the building of the Beijing Hotel for the title of local dominant, and a little away from it, two more Christmas trees joined the bronze Mayakovsky.
Sparrow Hills
The observation deck on Sparrow Hills is one of the most popular sights of Moscow, one might say, the face of the capital (especially since the city is visible from here at a glance).
In order not to embarrass them in front of the guests, they installed an LED Christmas ball shimmering in different colors, as well as two large illuminated snowflakes, the 2022 installation and light trees.
But they didn't put up a Christmas tree here. It's a pity!
Patriarchal Bridge
A couple of years ago, the Patriarchal Footbridge received a very bold and unusual New Year decoration: structures in the form of the Star of Bethlehem were placed here, at the same time resembling curved Christmas trees. "Christmas Trees" were formed into a long light corridor.
Unfortunately, later the bridge was decorated more modestly: this year, as in the past, openwork light arches and yellow garlands appeared on it.
The central span of the bridge is decorated with garlands and luminous snowflakes.
Starry Sky
A few years ago, the Starry Sky installation appeared on pedestrian Nikolskaya Street, stretching almost its entire length: bunches of yellow and blue garlands hanging over the heads of passers-by really resembled a thick veil of stars. As a result, the installation "registered" on Nikolskaya on a permanent basis, and after it, similar ones appeared on other historical streets in the center of Moscow.
But on some streets "Starry Sky" appears only on the eve of the New Year: for example, on Myasnitskaya and Ilyinka.
If during the New Year holidays you want to take a walk under the "stars", it is best to go to Nikolskaya, Myasnitskaya, Bolshaya Dmitrovka, Ilyinka or Kamergersky pereulok.
Poklonnaya Gora
Very interesting decorations appeared in Victory Park on Poklonnaya Gora, as well as next to the Arc de Triomphe on Kutuzovsky Prospekt.
Here, just like last year, a giant Christmas ball appeared - one of the largest New Year's light installations in Moscow. The height of the LED "toy" is 20 meters, and the diameter is 17 meters. The gigantic size of the ball is most clearly realized in comparison with the Arc de Triomphe - it is only 8 meters higher!
The ball can shimmer in different colors, and also demonstrates various shapes, patterns and abstractions to the public.
A giant advertising stand in the form of a Christmas tree was installed next to the ball, and luminous figures of dancing people and a long light tunnel appeared on the Main Alley of Victory Park. The design of the tunnel is prosaic (it's just white), but the dimensions are impressive.
We also prepared a separate article about decorating the park - New Year 2022: how we decorated Victory Park.
And in front of the Arc de Triomphe, the sleigh of Father Frost, already familiar to Muscovites, appeared. The New Year's magician himself is also in place, as is his faithful granddaughter, and these are the real Russian Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, and not some foreign Santa Claus.
Gorky Park
Gorky Park also received an excellent New Year decoration. This year it looks a little more modest than the previous one, but the park definitely did not hit the dirt in the face.
The New Year's fairy tale begins right from the main entrance, in front of which a composition of many elegantly decorated Christmas trees has been set up. In the center - high, around it - smaller. The Christmas trees are set up in small groups, between which you can walk - a great place for New Year's selfies!
And at the side entrance to the park, located on the embankment of the Moskva River, there is a New Year Coca-Cola truck. Remember how in that advertisement: "Fun brings and the taste is invigorating, the taste of the holiday is always real."
Behind the truck is a light installation in the form of a clock.
Small, but bright and cozy decorations appeared on the alleys of the park: on one - a light arched corridor, on the other - unusual lamps on graceful curved supports, on the third - elegant Christmas trees, but not the same as at the entrance, but white . Closer to Pushkinskaya Embankment, you can see a light installation in the form of a pair of skates - however, at the time of the visit, one of the skates was not on fire.
We also prepared a separate article about decorating the park - New Year 2022: how Gorky Park was decorated.
Zaryadye Park, which opened in 2017 on the site of the demolished Rossiya Hotel, received a design to match its landscaping - stylish and modern.
In it you can see luminous balls that look like huge beads scattered over the territory, the "Field of Light" light installation (a lot of small light flowers shimmering in different colors), luminous cones, as well as an installation in the form of the number 2022 and a Christmas tree.
We also prepared a separate article about decorating the park - New Year 2022: how we decorated Zaryadye Park.
Installations 2022
So that Muscovites do not forget what year is coming, many light installations in the form of the number 2022 appeared on the streets, squares and parks of Moscow. They can be found in different areas both in the center and on outskirts of the capital.
Some of them are zero-passable, others are more decorative.
Other decorations
On the streets of New Year's Moscow you can also find a large number of more "ordinary", but no less bright and interesting decorations in their own way.
The "Old" Arbat, for example, was decorated with light trees and small theatrical scenes on lanterns.
Prechistenskie Vorota Square was decorated with a light installation in the form of a Christmas tree ball, but not a solid, spherical one, but made of individual arches. Unfortunately, at the time of the visit it was not working.
The site in front of the building of the Ministry of Defense on Frunzenskaya Embankment received an excellent festive decoration.
A beautiful Christmas tree with a red star on top, a light composition with deer, as well as large Christmas balls with congratulations from the Russian Army appeared here. On the largest ball is the outline of our country with Moscow marked with an asterisk.
The square on Tsvetnoy Boulevard now has the same elegant lamps on curved supports as in Gorky Park. In another place, they create a completely different mood.
And a lot of decorated lanterns appeared on the streets of the city: structures were hung on some of them, making them look like glasses or wine glasses, on others - snowflakes, balls or some abstract figures.
Decorated lanterns can be seen along the streets and lanes in the central part of Moscow, as well as on some major streets in the outskirts.