What is a good squirrel deterrent
How to Keep Squirrels Away
Keep Squirrels Away from Your Yard and Home
A squirrel may look cute and cuddly, but only from a distance. Once squirrels start getting into your yard, digging around and eating your plants or birdseed, they become much less precious and more of a pest. Not to mention, if one gets inside your home — now you’ve really got a problem on your hands! A squirrel can be a tough nut to crack (no pun intended). They’re quick, and a bit sneaky, so keeping them away from your home and yard is usually much easier said than done. However, there are a few things you can do to protect your home and keep squirrels away from your property.
What About My Yard is so Attractive to Squirrels?
There’s a reason squirrels are camping out around your house. Below are the factors that attract squirrels to your property.
Thick Vegetation
If you have lots of hedges and shrubs, you will probably notice squirrels running in and out of them. Squirrels don’t enjoy open spaces, for fear of their safety (read: they don’t want to be scooped up by a hawk). This is why they love the cover of thick vegetation or other areas around your home that provide shelter. To help prevent this, make sure to keep your hedges and bushes properly maintained. After all, a squirrel isn’t the only pest who will enjoy a place to hide in your yard! Not only will keeping your shrubs maintained help prevent pests, but it’s also an important part of yard maintenance.
Food & Water
Maybe you want to have birds around your home, so you set up some bird feeders and a bird bath. While the birds will surely love it, unfortunately, so will the squirrels. A squirrel will do just about anything to get to the food in a bird feeder. More often than not, it’s extremely entertaining and results in some pretty funny videos. Without a doubt, these food and water resources in your yard are one of the reasons squirrels keep coming back. If you do keep food and water out for other animals or birds, try to keep it in a place where only they can reach it. Or, use specific bird feeders that are squirrel-proof.
Squirrels are attracted to trees, especially tree varieties that produce nuts and fruit. If your yard has trees, especially large, acorn-filled ones with lots of branches, chances are you’ve already noticed squirrels in them. There’s probably even little patches of ground where they have tried to bury their findings! Unfortunately, there’s no sure-fire way to keep squirrels, or any wildlife, out of your trees. However, there are a few methods you can try to deter them. Squirrels nesting in your trees isn’t necessarily a bad thing — unless the trees are very close to your home. If the branches are close to or touching your home, squirrels could use them as a way to climb around on your roof or worse, get inside your attic.
The Dangers of Having Squirrels in Your Yard
These little critters can cause more damage than you may think, which is why you should make it a priority to keep squirrels away from your home and yard.
Tree Stress
Squirrels will not only eat the fruits or buds on your trees, but they will gnaw on the bark, too. When done in excess, this can cause stress for your trees and result in damage, and possibly death. Sadly, younger trees and saplings won’t develop if stripped of their bark.
Related: Does Tree and Shrub Fertilizer Actually Work?
Plant Destruction
Once a squirrel has stolen the fruits or nuts from your trees, it will try to bury them throughout your lawn. Not only will this ruin the look of your grass, but it poses a threat to any plants or flowers that are trying to grow as well. If squirrels get into your garden, they could uproot the roots of your plants or flowers and eat them.
Food Theft
As we mentioned, squirrels will steal any type of food they can find. While this isn’t ideal for your lawn, it poses an even larger threat to commercial farms. When squirrels get into a commercial farm, they can steal and eat through a majority of its fruit. This can be especially harmful to the crops, and can negatively impact the productivity of the farm.
Home Damage
Just like any other rodent, squirrels love to chew. If given the opportunity, their tiny teeth can do some serious damage to your home. They can chew through wires and cause fire hazards, and destroy your attic’s insulation. What’s worse, once squirrels are inside your home they can begin nesting and quickly multiplying.
Aside from making your home their own, these pests are threatening because of the number of diseases they carry. They can spread typhus, tularemia, plague, and ringworm to humans. Squirrels have a relatively short lifespan, and much of this is due to diseases — along with their poor decision-making skills when it comes to crossing the road. If you, your family members, or household pets contract one of these diseases, it could be extremely detrimental to your health! Please note: If you find a squirrel in your home, always consult a specialist. Squirrels are quick and can lash out if they feel trapped or cornered. Never try to capture or remove a wild animal on your own!
Tips to Keep Squirrels Away
So, how can you keep squirrels away from your home? Here are a few tips and tricks that should help!
Plant a Variety of Squirrel-Proof Flowers
Surprisingly enough, there are a few plants a squirrel will steer clear from. While a squirrel isn’t generally picky, try planting some of these to keep them moving on from your yard:
All of these flowers are either bright in color or produce a strong odor that squirrels don’t particularly enjoy. Plant these around your garden or trees to help protect them from squirrel damage and add to the beauty of your landscape.
Use Strong Odors
Scents like white pepper, black pepper, and garlic are naturally unpleasant to a squirrel. The same goes for sweet smells such as peppermint. Try spraying your plants and flowers with water and then sprinkling on pepper or peppermint oil to deter squirrels. If this technique seems to be keeping your yard or garden safe, reapply as frequently as needed! Don’t forget to sprinkle these scents on again after storms too.
Spray Squirrel Deterrents
The urine of predators will also keep squirrels away. If they can smell a predator in your lawn, they’re not going to be as willing to stick around. Commercial repellants mimic the odor and are easy to apply. Coyote and red fox urine seem to work the best, so consider purchasing sprays or liquids that either contain or mimic these odors. In your attic, use towels doused in apple cider vinegar to deter squirrels. The strong odor should deter squirrels for a while, but the towels will need to be refreshed and replaced periodically to keep the deterrent effective.
Remove Sources of Food & Water
You can’t help if the trees in your yard bear fruit and nuts for squirrels to squander. Plus, there’s no sense in cutting down a perfectly healthy tree just to keep squirrels away! However, you now know food and water sources like birdseed and bird feeders will attract squirrels. The best option would be to remove these food sources completely, so a squirrel has no reason to stay. But, if removing them isn’t an option, try squirrel-proofing your bird feeders to keep them from eating what’s not meant for them.
Scare Them Away
Keep squirrels away by adding a statue or figurine of a predator into your space. While this might not be the aesthetic you were going for, the mere silhouette of an owl could send squirrels scurrying. A squirrel is naturally skittish, so the fear of being injured or eaten could keep them away from your lawn for good. Got more than just squirrels roaming around your home? We can help with other pests, too! Download our guide, The Killingsworth Way, to learn about our unique approach to wildlife and pest control.
The Best Way to Keep Squirrels Away
While these methods of deterrence might keep squirrels away for a little while, the best option is always to consult with a wildlife removal specialist. Squirrels are small but still dangerous if threatened, and you never want to risk contracting disease. Here at Killingsworth, we’ve handled our fair share of wildlife, so we know a thing or two about getting rid of pesky squirrels. We want to help you protect your yard and home from damage, while safely getting rid of wildlife in a humane manner. If you are having trouble trying to keep squirrels away on your own, schedule a wildlife service. We can come and take a look at what damage they are causing and what sources are attracting them to your home in the first place, so that they never become an issue again.
10 Scents That Squirrels Hate (and How to Use Them)
Although cute from a distance, squirrels can be surprisingly destructive – especially when they set their sights on your home or garden. Squirrels mate and have offspring twice a year, meaning that you could be dealing with a rambunctious family of 2-4 squirrel kits more often than you’d like to.
Squirrels have a strong sense of smell, which they use food sources and shelter. You can repel squirrels using scents they hate such as, capsaicin, white vinegar, peppermint oil, coffee grounds, cinnamon, predator urine, garlic, dryer sheets, Irish Spring Soap, and rosemary.
Read on to learn more about what scents you can use to keep squirrels out of your home and garden. You’d be surprised how many of these options are in your kitchen right now!
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What Kind of Damage Can Squirrels Cause?
There are quite a few different types of squirrels, but they all seem to love fir and pine trees.
Having a stand of either type of tree nearby most likely puts you in the immediate area of these heavily populated rodents. Unfortunately, they could see this as an open invitation to your home and food!
The main concern when it comes to squirrel damage is structural damage.
Squirrels have long, lean bodies that fit easily into small spaces. Their dexterous hands – somewhat similar to our hands – have digits that aren’t technically fingers, but still allow them to grasp whatever they want.
Here’s the start-to-finish of how squirrels can get into your home and cause damage:
- Siding: Whether the siding is already damaged or not, squirrels will continue to chew siding once inside.
The holes they create are big enough to allow moisture in, which can cause rot or water damage.
- Insulation: Once they’re past the siding, squirrels get into the insulation, where they are more than happy to nest. If you’ve had a squirrel infestation before, you’ve likely heard them banging around in the walls.
- Wiring: These rodents are inquisitive enough that nothing will stop them from chewing, even on the wiring in your walls. Chewing also helps squirrels maintain their dental health, as their teeth continue to grow throughout their lives.
Outside of the home, squirrels are pests to gardens and bird areas. They dig up the soil, chew up vegetables, rob fruit trees, and make raids on bird feeders.
Oh, and squirrels can even eat your grass seed. More on that here.
For such small animals, they’re surprisingly destructive!
Squirrels Stay Away From Capsaicin
Unsurprisingly, squirrels hate spicy and/or hot scents. The capsaicin found in hot peppers is an irritant, which is why people scrunch up their noses, sweat, and get watery eyes when they consume spicy food.
The smell alone is enough to keep squirrels out of areas where you don’t want them. Both white or black pepper and chili powder are great options for sources of capsaicin
Black pepper tends to be spicier than white pepper, but either will work and can be purchased in any grocery store. Chili powder is made up of pulverized chili peppers, of which there are countless varieties.
Pepper and chili powder won’t just keep squirrels away; they’re also used as natural insecticides, so making a pepper or chili powder spray is a great idea for your garden.
You can either make your own spray, or get a ready made product that contains capsaicin
Squirrels coming up against areas sprayed with pepper and chili powder won’t want to hang around too long!
Squirrels Hate White Vinegar
The easiest and most natural way to get rid of squirrels is to create your own sprays. This is a pretty simple process! You’ll need a basic spray bottle, such as R2 Goods heavy duty plastic spray bottles.
Home-made sprays are not only easy to make, but they’re also incredibly affordable. You probably have most of the ingredients around the house already.
The great thing about this spray is that you can also add any essential oils you’d like. See below why peppermint oil is a great choice!
Keep in mind that although natural and beneficial in many ways, vinegar is acidic and can cause damage to delicate plants. If you’re using this spray in your garden, keep a close eye on plants to ensure they stay healthy and undamaged.
You’ll want to make sure that you dilute the white vinegar as well, as pure vinegar will corrode your plants. You should spray an object that can absorb the vinegar and place it NEAR your plants. Reapply as needed!
Additionally, make sure you don’t use apple cider vinegar to repel squirrels. The sweetness in the apple cider vinegar can attract flies.
Peppermint Oil Naturally Repels Squirrels
Aside from having a variety of health benefits, essential oils have been proven to keep pests away from both the home and garden.
Peppermint essential oil specifically is hated by squirrels. To them, the scent is overpowering and they’ll avoid it as much as they can.
There are two ways to use peppermint in your home or garden: as a spray, or soaked into cotton balls or cloth.
Sprays are the obvious choice for keeping pests out of gardens, but cotton balls and cloth are a great option to shore up holes where the rodents might have found their way into your house. Soak cloth or cotton balls directly in the peppermint oil and use them to pack up any unwanted openings.
In the garden, peppermint oil should be diluted for everyday use. For every 16oz of water, add 20 drops of the essential oil. No need to add vinegar or soap – but make sure to keep an eye on your garden and treat it as needed when pests return.
If you’re not up for making your own essential oil spray, products like Mighty Mint’s Peppermint Oil Rodent Repellent Spray are easily found online and work just as well as chemical products.
Coffee Grounds Naturally Deter Squirrels
If you’ve been composting or just simply tossing your already spent coffee grounds, you now have a natural solution to repel squirrels.
Yes, squirrels hate the scents and feel of used coffee grounds. While there is no scientific evidence that coffee grounds repel squirrels, the fact is that used coffee grounds are an unfamiliar scent to squirrels and may signal that humans are nearby.
You can use coffee grounds as an all-natural fertilizer, to boot! Used coffee grounds are great for your garden. Additionally, this is one of my favorite methods for coffee drinkers as really, you don’t need to purchase anything else. Just simply empty your coffee filter by your garden!
For more effectiveness, drink more coffee. LOL.
Cinnamon Keeps Squirrels Away
Ah yes, cinnamon! If you’ve ever accidentally taken a large spoonful of cinnamon to the face, you’ll know just how spicy it can be. In small amounts cinnamon is a delicious spice. However, its’s a spice!
Cinnamon, specifically ground cinnamon, repels squirrels. This is because cinnamon in larger doses can infuriate the sinus cavities of a squirrel. To use cinnamon to repel squirrels, sprinkle a large amount around the area you’re trying to keep the squirrels away from
Ultimately, this method needs to be done in bulk in order to be effective. Additionally, since its a scent purely exposed on the ground, wind can blow the cinnamon away. Plus, you’ll need to apply every 4-7 days.
You can also use diluted cinnamon oil, combine it with a few drops of peppermint oil, spray and soak a rag, and tie it to a tree or post near your garden, tree or area you’re trying to protect. This combination will have a good shot of keeping squirrels away.
Predator Urine Repels Squirrels
While we want to keep it natural in the home and garden, some scents just aren’t worth getting naturally.
For example, predator scents.
Coyote and fox urine will repel squirrels for obvious reasons. They’ll do anything to avoid their natural predators, and thinking that these two animals are roaming around frequently will keep them out of your yard and away from your home.
The easiest way to get this scent is to find a commercial manufacturer. They are surprisingly easy to find in outdoor stores or online. For example, American Heritage carries natural coyote urine in a 16oz bottle for a very affordable price.
All it takes is a few shakes or sprays around the area you want to protect, and squirrels will take the hint right away.
If you’re interested, take a look at our guide on the best coyote urines here.
Squirrels Avoid Garlic
In addition to the options listed above, there’s another common kitchen item that will help you repel squirrels: garlic.
Do you have garlic in your kitchen right now? Well, good news for you is that you can start repelling squirrels right now. The reason squirrels avoid garlic is due to the pungent scent it provides. When applied properly, garlic can overpower the scent of other plants in the garden and make squirrels think that only garlic is prevalent.
You’ll want to finely crush the garlic cloves up and spread them in a concentrated area near the plants you’d like to repel. Keep in mind, the smell will fade after a day or two and you’ll need to reapply the garlic.
Another viable option is to use Colton’s Naturals Small Animal Repellent, which contains a base of garlic oil, peppermint oil, pepper oil, vinegar and water. All scents that squirrels hate!
Squirrels Hate The Scent of Dryer Sheets
Grey Squirrel eating hazelnutsDid you know that dryer sheets have been touted as a naturally insect and rodent repellent for quite sometime? Most notably, farmers of orchards would tie dryer sheets along their deer fence to keep deer away.
Additionally, dryer sheets are one of the scents that mice, another rodent, hate as well.
The reason using dryer sheets as a squirrel deterrent is one of my favorite methods is simply because you already have dryer sheets in your home! Even better, if they don’t work for you, then you really haven’t wasted anything to find out that result.
To use dryer sheets to keep squirrels away, tie a good handful of them near the area you’re trying to keep squirrels from! Your attic, on a fence, or nearby your garden are all acceptable areas.
If you have a mint scented dryer sheet or another scented dryer sheet that is one of the scents squirrels hate on this list, thats a bonus. Otherwise, Bounce Dryer Sheets have been found to work quite well to repel squirrels due to their unique aroma.
Irish Spring Soap Can Repel Squirrels
Aromatic soaps ultimately have notes in their fragrance that can repel certain animals. Irish Spring Soap, with its woody aroma, can actually repel squirrels similar to how it repels raccoons.
If you’d like to read more on that, you can apply the same tactics in an article we wrote about using Irish Spring Soap to repel raccoons by reading here.
Rosemary Repels Squirrels
Rosemary can in-fact repel squirrels. Quite simply, squirrels just don’t like the scent of rosemary. You’ll need to be able to get a strong rosemary scent in order to repel squirrels. Otherwise, if there’s just a hint of rosemary scent, it won’t be enough to keep squirrels away.
You can create your own rosemary spray using rosemary essential oil, and properly dilute the scent with water and a carrier oil. There are plenty of recipes available online if you go this route!
Where to Use Repellents
While squirrels are destructive in general, there are a few key areas that they like to frequent where you should be using these scents whenever necessary.
- Attic: Due to the need for ventilation, attics are easily accessible for squirrels and other pests.
It doesn’t take much chewing, if any, for them to find a way in and begin nesting.
- Siding: Squirrels are good at finding openings, and they’ll take advantage of any spot where siding doesn’t quite overlap or is starting to wear away.
- Gardens: They might not be the first thing you think of when you think garden pests, but squirrels are notorious for digging up gardens for both seeds and vegetables. It’s in their nature to dig and store, and to them, a garden is a supermarket. Keep an eye out for little piles of disturbed soils and areas that they seem to return to over and over.
Alternative Ways to Repel Squirrels
Squirrels are so prominent these days that the idea of trapping and releasing them seems ridiculous. If you get rid of one family, another will show up and take their place. Your best bet is management and deterrents.
Have a Family Pet
Because they’re prey animals, squirrels are incredibly aware of surrounding predators. While they often out-smart humans, dogs and cats pose more of a threat to these wily rodents, who see them as natural predators.
It takes a very agile dog and a very stealthy cat to actually catch and harm a squirrel. While that shouldn’t be your goal, just having a pet or two at home, roaming around the yard occasionally, will be enough to keep squirrels at the boundary.
Keep Up with Home Maintenance
Owning a home means endless to-do lists, and it’s easy to put some tasks at the top of the lists and others at the bottom. But keeping up with routine home maintenance – at least checking common problem areas – can help keep squirrels at bay.
Here are some tips and tricks to make your home squirrel-proof:
- Weekly checks: Keeping squirrels out of your house can be as simple as walking around the premises once a week and giving the structure a once-over.
- Are there any open holes or areas a rodent could slip through? Are there signs that they might be poking around certain places, looking for a spot to nest?
- Are there any open holes or areas a rodent could slip through? Are there signs that they might be poking around certain places, looking for a spot to nest?
- Focus on siding: Siding is one of the main ways squirrels sneak in, as it’s easy for them to chew a hole.
Once inside they’ll start nesting – so make sure you’re familiar with the state of the outside of your home.
- Block entrances: If you notice any spots where they could get in, or where they’ve already gotten in, get to work making those areas inaccessible. You (or a professional if you’d be more comfortable with that choice) can easily plug holes, install grates, and repair siding as needed.
Welcome Wildlife
An overabundance of squirrels is a sign of an unbalanced ecosystem. Although having predators such as foxes might seem intimidating at first, they do wonders for keeping the squirrel population under control.
Learn to live in harmony with the wildlife around your home and they’ll take care of the rest. As soon as a coyote starts makings its rounds through the neighborhood, you’ll notice the squirrel population drop drastically.
Whatever you do, don’t feed or try to attract predators. They are still wild animals and should be treated as such.
Sit back, have a coffee, and watch nature take its natural course.
Grow a Garden
We get it, you might not have the space to grow an expansive garden that includes naturally squirrel-repelling plants. If you’re in a tight spot you probably want to focus on the flowers and vegetables you love the most.
Unfortunately, squirrels are just as comfortable in residential settings as they are in rural areas and they move so quickly that they don’t see humans as threatening most of the time.
If you can find a little space to grow some additional plants, the following could benefit you as squirrels naturally avoid them:
- Daffodils – easy to find! These bright yellow flowering bulbs can be dug up or bought and transferred. They don’t take up much space and are native to many areas.
- Hyacinth – a fragrant flower with tight clusters of pastel-colored flowers
- Geraniums – these are definitely subject to the taste of the gardener.
Geraniums don’t smell great to squirrels or humans, but their clustered flowers come in a variety of attractive colors, and they can be kept and maintained in hanging baskets.
- Alliums – you may not have heard of this plant before, but if you’ve seen them, they’re hard to forget. Allium stands on tall stalks and grows a ball-shaped cluster of purple flowers. They cover a wide variety of plants and vegetables, including onions, leeks, shallots, and more. A great addition to any home garden.
The above plants are relatively easy to find and inexpensive. Planting them right in the ground, or in planters around the area you want squirrels to avoid, can go a long way in keeping the rodents out of your garden or away from your house.
Call In the Professionals
If all else fails, check in with your local pest or rodent control company to see how they can help you. They may be able to provide guidance as to what exactly is attracting squirrels to your home and yard, and what the next steps are if you’re unable to combat them yourself.
It’s important to keep in mind that you should not touch or handle squirrels yourself, and to protect yourself from bites. A better option is to get in contact with a professional. Check out our nationwide pest control finder to get connected with a wildlife pro near you in seconds. Using our partner network helps support pestpointers.com!
If you’re keeping up on home maintenance and come across a squirrel family or colony, wait until they vacate the area before moving forward with blocking entrances and using the deterrents mentioned above.
If you’re interested, here are some more ways that squirrels can damage your home.
Last Words on Squirrel Control
Luckily for you, there are a variety of scents that will keep squirrels away and under control. While these tree-dwelling animals might be cute to watch play around among the branches, they can cause a shocking amount of damage to the home and garden.
The majority of scents listed above can be found in most home pantries or supermarkets. Keep an eye out for the following:
- Apple cider vinegar
- Black or White Pepper
- Chili Powder
- Peppermint Oil
Additionally, anything hot or spicy that can be turned into a DIY spray is a great option. Hot sauce and garlic are great examples.
Place scents where needed, as needed, and make sure you’re paying attention to when squirrel activity seems to increase. At that point, you might need to re-spray or soak some cloth in the scent once again.
If you’re looking for something a little more heavy-duty, track down some predator urine. While it sounds unappetizing, squirrels are prey animals and will do everything they can to avoid areas where predators seem active.
Throw on some gloves and sprinkle a little urine around the perimeter of your garden or home.
The most important advice we can give when it comes to squirrel invasions is to pay attention!
The signs are there, and usually obvious, but you should be checking on the outside of your house regularly to make sure they haven’t infiltrated anywhere.
If you have a particularly bad squirrel population, take additional steps such as getting a furry friend, growing plants that squirrels naturally hate, or bringing in the professionals if the task gets overwhelming.
Carey, A. B. (2000). Effects of new forest management strategieson squirrel populations. Ecological applications, 10(1), 248-257.
Fitzgerald, M. (1983). Capsaicin and sensory neurones—a review. Pain, 15(1-4), 109-130.
Nevraumont, Peter N. (1998). Balance: Humanity and the Biodiversity Crisis. Princeton Press.
Stroud, Dennis C. (1983). An Evaluation of Burrow Destruction As a Ground Squirrel Control Method. University of Nebraska – Lincoln.
rating top 18 according to CP
Fright caused by a dog attack can cause deep psychological trauma and cause nervous breakdown. But bites are much more dangerous, because any dog, even a domestic one, can carry rabies in its saliva, and this is deadly. And the treatment for it is long and extremely unpleasant. But even if you are lucky, and the dog is not infected with rabies, lacerations from bites heal for a long time, blood poisoning or torn blood vessels are possible.
Stray dogs can be a serious danger, for example, during the mating season - at this time they gather in packs (the so-called "dog weddings"). It happens that the dog was unlucky with the owner, and from a cheerful friendly puppy he brought up an insecure, unloved, and therefore embittered animal for the whole wide world.
The problem is acute for people who travel a lot and often on foot: messengers, postmen, tourists, joggers and children on their way to school and home. No matter how much a person imagines about himself, he is powerless in front of an angry animal, no matter what size it is. He does not have claws and teeth to give a worthy rebuff.
Here are the best, according to the CP, ultrasonic devices that can eliminate the danger at the root. A person hears sounds no higher than 20 kHz, and dogs - and with a frequency of up to 80 kHz. Not only that, they distinguish up to 9000 different keys. Loud, abrupt and unexpected ultrasound causes them anxiety and fear, leading to flight.
Editor's choice
HOONT from dogs H973
HOONT from dogs H973. Photo: yandex.market.ruA modern portable device repels potentially dangerous dogs at a distance of up to 15 meters. At the same time, the device is safe for animals, and people simply do not hear the sound it makes. The repeller works in silent ultrasound modes or simultaneous exposure to ultrasound, a siren and a bright light strobe.
Ultrasound frequency changes every 1-2 seconds within 25-40 kHz. This algorithm eliminates addiction and causes severe discomfort in dogs. The safety of the gadget is confirmed by the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency, "Environmental Protection Agency").
Technical parameters
Dimensions | 130x45x40 mm |
Weight | 0.13 kg |
15 sq.![]() | 9 |
Ultrasound level | 115 dB |
Pros and cons
Top 14 best dog repellers in 2022 according to CP
1. Typhoon LS 300 +
Typhoon LS 300 +. Photo: tayfyn.ruThe gadget emits ultrasound with a frequency of 18-25 kHz, which has a depressing effect on animals. The sound pressure level is 130 dB, which is noticeably higher than other models. This explains the increased range of the device, reaching 30 m. But the repeller is most effective at a distance of up to 15 m.
It is powered by the Krona battery and remains operational at temperatures from -5 to +40 °C. The scheme is simple and reliable, even a child can easily master the use of the device. The emitter, covered with a metal grill, must be directed towards the dog, press the button and do not let go for 2-3 seconds. The generator will turn on, this is signaled by a red LED. Standby mode does not consume battery power. If there are several attackers, then the actions must be repeated for each dog.
There are a number of rules to be aware of when using the instrument. Firstly, the sound travels in a direction, so there is a "deaf" zone behind, so it is always worth making sure that the repeller is pointed at the dog. Secondly, you should not turn on the device in your pocket - even a thin fabric of clothing will muffle the sound waves, and the desired effect may not work. And thirdly, use the device only in case of real danger and in no case exercise on your dog - this way you can forever lose her love and trust.
Pros and cons
Compact (weight about 200 g), economical (works on the cheapest batteries for several months), safe for both humans and dogs
Has blind spots
3. Clean- 11 AntiDOG
Chiston-11 AntiDOG. Photo: yandex.market.ru The device is equipped with two narrow beam emitters. Ultrasound affects dogs at a distance of up to 15 meters. A sound wave with a frequency of 18-22 kHz and a level of 135 dB causes extreme discomfort in animals, dogs try to leave the device's coverage area as soon as possible.
A compact and lightweight gadget in a plastic case is powered by a 9V Krona battery. The ultrasound only turns on when the button is pressed, so the battery lasts a long time. If there is a threat of attack, it is necessary to direct the emitter at the dog, press the button and hold it for 2-4 seconds. Water entering the housing may damage the device.
Dimensions | 116x79x41 mm | |
Weight | 0.07 kg | |
Exposure Square | 15 sq.m | |
Power of the emitter | 2.5 W |
4. Sititek Grom-250M
Sititek Grom-250M. Photo: yandex.market.ru This small box will be a real salvation for people who cannot imagine their life without traveling. Two built-in speakers emit a variety of ultrasounds that will scare away the largest and most aggressive dog, because for his hearing it is like a train suddenly humming next to us. A powerful flashlight will create an additional irritant that will make even an angry wolfhound run away with his tail between his legs.
But the useful functions of the Thunder are not limited to this, because it can also call for help if its owner is in trouble, as well as protect personal belongings while traveling. To do this, you need to connect a special cable to the device and twist it with the handle of the bag. If someone in your absence tries to encroach on things, the device will emit an alarm signal, which this time will scare away the already two-legged aggressor.
Pros and cons
Portable, two speakers, has a flashlight, works in the security mode, has an alarm siren, functions both in extreme heat and in frost
Does not work through solid obstacles
5. Tornado 112 DUO
Tornado-112. Photo: yandex.market.ru The new model of the popular dog repeller has a dual ultrasonic emitter. Thanks to this, the coverage angle expands and effectively acts at a distance of up to 10 m. The frequency of the device is 20-30 kHz, a person does not hear such a sound, and it is extremely unpleasant for dogs, but no harm is done to their health.
Sound pressure reaches 112 dB, which is comparable to the noise of a helicopter taking off. The device operates in the temperature range from -5 to +40 °C and is powered by three AAA batteries. If there is a threat of attack, it is necessary to direct the emitters towards the aggressive animal, press the button and hold it for several seconds.
Technical parameters
Dimensions | 900x50x25 mm | ||
Weight | 0.04 kg | ||
10 q.m.m |
Dimensions | 130x75x35 mm |
Weight | 0.12 kg |
Assistance range | 10 m |
Pros and downsides
Small dimensions, built -in battery
No flashlight, no strobe
7. “WEITICH” -0052)
"Weitech WK0052" (WK-0052). Photo: yandex.market.ru WK-0052 is a real find for those who are worried about the safety and security of their backyard, because it works not only against dogs, but also against cats, foxes, ferrets, rodents and even birds. The device works with the help of ultrasonic waves, as well as bright flashes. Power is provided both from the battery and from the outlet.
The device is designed for stationary use, for example, in the yard, so it comes with fasteners, thanks to which it can be installed in any place of your choice. The case is protected from external influences, so WK-0052 is not afraid of rain, heat or dust.
Pros and cons
Many modes of operation against different animals, the presence of brackets for installation, work in both sound and flash mode, safety for people and animals, dust and water resistance, various charging methods
Stationary use only - not suitable for carrying in a bag
WK-0053 ANYSMART. Photo: yandex.market.ru An automatic device will protect your garden from wild animals and birds that can harm domestic animals and birds. The green box is hung on the wall for a special fastening so that the emitter and the motion sensor are directed forward. The device is powered by NiMH batteries, which are charged by a solar panel on the top side of the device.
When the motion sensor detects motion at a distance of up to 7 meters from the device, an ultrasonic emitter turns on and scares away unwanted visitors. It is possible to adjust the sound parameters for different types of animals:
- Repelling stray cats;
- Repelling stray dogs;
- Repelling wild animals, rabbits, hares, martens, foxes.
Dimensions | 115x105x50 mm |
Weight | 0.45 kg |
Square Square | 80 sq.m |
Pros and downsides
Work from the solar battery, settings on different animals
cannot be connected to a household network 220 V, 220 V, 220 V, 220 V, plastic, fragile housing
9. Rexant 71-0069
Rexant 71-0069. Photo: yandex.market.ru Lightweight and compact device in a plastic case equipped with a wrist strap. When you press the button, the repeller emits a directed ultrasonic beam and bright light flashes. Double exposure to the eyes and ears causes fear in animals. No harm is done to the health of a dog or cat, and a person does not hear a sound at all.
The device is powered by a Krona battery, which is not included in the delivery set and is quite expensive. The gadget can also be used to train dogs by developing a conditioned reflex to a sound that is inaudible to humans. The maximum impact area is 8 sq.m. It is possible to use the device as a flashlight.
Dimensions | 130x40x30 mm | ||
Weight | 0.09 kg | 9023 024 | 1.2 W |
Pros and cons
Strobe, lanyard
Insufficient signal strength, no Krona battery included
10. Dazer II3 Dazer II3
. Photo: yandex.market.ru
This American-made portable ultrasonic dog repeller operates at a distance of up to 15 m. Due to its reliability, small size and ease of use, the device is always popular with people who constantly have to go to different houses and apartments: doctors, postmen, couriers. It turns on by pressing one button and successfully counteracts both one dog and the whole pack, without harming either the owner or the animals.
The Dazer II is powered by a regular battery that lasts for several months.
Pros and cons
Small size, one-button quick start, reliable, economical
Short range
11. Cobra
Cobra. Photo: yandex.market.ruAnother portable dog repeller that you can always carry with you, because it weighs only 100 g. "Cobra" operates in the ultrasonic range up to 110 Hz, which will frighten the attacking dog, but will not cause her physical harm, while a person will not hear anything. Also, the device is equipped with a powerful flashlight, which makes it possible to enhance the impact with bright flashes of light.
The device is powered by a Krona battery and does not lose its performance both in extreme heat up to +40 degrees and in frost.
Pros and cons
Compact, reliable (can last 10 years or more), has a strobe (flash), low price, wide range
Short range
12. "Aokeman Sensor"
Aokeman Sensor. Photo: yandex.market.ruThis small bright yellow device will undoubtedly appeal to everyone who wants to get a really high-quality thing for relatively little money. "Aokeman Sensor" will not allow a dog to approach a person more than 10 m, moreover, it works both against one animal and against a pack. Power consumption from conventional finger batteries is minimal.
This device has another great feature: you can choose the intensity of its work. And, if at maximum power the Aokeman Sensor will scare away an aggressive dog, then at a lower power it will be able to help the dog owner with the training process without causing aggression or fear in the animal. For example, with the help of this device, you can wean a puppy from chewing on furniture without resorting to punishment.
Pros and cons
Small size, elegant appearance, low power consumption, multiple operating modes, low price
Inability to influence dogs through walls and other obstacles, no battery indicator

This is an automatic device that emits an ultrasonic signal with a frequency of 16-60 kHz. The device is equipped with a motion detection sensor with a viewing angle of 120°. Activation of the sensor turns on the emitter, which is powered by four lithium batteries, which in turn are charged by a solar battery.
The device looks like a mushroom on a thin stalk, it is stuck into the ground and the motion sensor and emitter are turned in the direction of the most likely appearance of unwanted four-legged guests.
14. Swissinno Ultrasonic
Swissinno Ultrasonic. Photo: yandex.market.ru The gadget emits ultrasonic signals with a frequency of 23-27 kHz with a sound wave level of 120 dB. This is above the pain threshold for most dogs and wild animals, but a person cannot hear such ultrasound. The dogs are not harmed, but they get scared and run away. The repeller acts at a distance of up to 12 m, but is most effective at a distance of 2-5 meters.
If there is a threat of attack, point the emitter towards the dog, press the button and hold it for 2-3 seconds. And repeat these steps several times in order to confidently take the animal under control. The device can be used not only to scare away dogs, but also to train them with the development of conditioned reflexes.
1. Wasp
Wasp. Photo: yandex.market.ruThe Osa ultrasonic repeller looks very much like an ordinary flashlight, so it will not attract attention. It generates a sound wave of 110 decibels, which will not let the dog get closer than 50 m, so the device will suit even those who are afraid of one kind of four-legged friends of man.
In order for the "Wasp" to act as efficiently as possible, it is necessary not to keep it constantly on, but to act on the source of danger with impulses lasting several seconds, this will prevent the dog from getting used to the sound and considering it harmless.
The repeller is powered by a powerful battery, so the charge will last a very long time.
Pros and cons
Powerful, portable, long range
Size and shape comparable to a medium sized flashlight so it won't fit in a pocket or purse
2. "Outdoor Control" IR
"Outdoor Control" » IR. Photo: yandex.market.ruUltrasonic repeller "Outdoor Control" perfectly copes with the protection of the garden, orchard or just a garden plot from unwanted guests: dogs and cats. The coverage of the device is about 200 m, which allows it to be used even by the owner of large areas. Repelling is carried out due to ultrasound with a power of up to 110 decibels, which creates a feeling of anxiety and even fear in animals.
The device works in different modes of intensity depending on who exactly you want to use it against. Power is provided by batteries. At the same time, energy consumption will be minimal, because "Outdoor Control" does not work constantly, but only when the motion detector built into it is triggered. That is, the energy of the batteries is not wasted.
Pros and cons
Large area, safe, battery operated, motion detector
Stationary, cannot be carried around
Leaders of previous years
1. EcoSniper PGS-046B
EcoSniper PGS-046B. Photo: yandex.market.ruAs the name implies, this animal repeller is absolutely environmentally friendly, that is, it does not harm either the environment, or humans, or dogs, against which its action is directed. The device is installed on a personal plot in a place inaccessible to pets and children. It is powered by a battery, which is recharged by the built-in solar battery, and turns on only when the motion sensor is triggered. At the same time, EcoSniper can operate in three modes at once: ultrasound, bright flash and siren. The power of the sound wave can also be adjusted depending on the wishes of the owner.
The device is waterproof, but it can still get wet in heavy rain, so you should install it under a canopy or at least under a thick tree.
Pros and cons
Solar battery, three modes of operation, safety, low price
Stationarity, low moisture insulation
How to choose a dog repeller
As with the choice of other gadgets, you must first of all be guided by common sense. Repellers are divided into manual or stationary devices, and their purpose is different.
Hand-held repellers are personal protective equipment that fits easily into a bag or pocket. They must be carried with you and used in the event of the approach of a pack of wild dogs. They usually run on batteries or an accumulator.
We advise you to choose battery-powered repellers - you can simply charge them before going out and be sure that the device is not discharged and will work. Checking if the batteries are working will be more difficult.
Stationary repellers are typically installed in home yards, gardens, yards, playgrounds and other areas where wildlife is undesirable. They are designed to scare away not only dogs, but also, for example, foxes. They are often installed next to chicken coops.
Stationary repellers operate on batteries, accumulators, from the mains or from a solar battery. Network appliances are the most stable, but you will have to find a source of electricity where you connect them, and possibly run wires around the site.
Popular Questions and Answers
Answers to questions from KP readers are given by Maxim Sokolov, an expert at the VseInstrumenty.ru online hypermarket .
What are the most important parameters of dog repellers?
1. Ultrasonic pressure level
This value must not be lower than 100 dB, otherwise the device may be ineffective against dogs. Choose a repeller with ultrasonic pressure of 110 dB - this is the most suitable indicator.
2. Sound frequency
Make sure the unit is set to a frequency that only dogs can hear, between 22 and 40 kHz. Human hearing does not perceive such a range - therefore, the repeller will not cause him any inconvenience.
3. Range or protected area
Hand-held devices cover an area from 5 to 20 m. The greater the range, the easier it will be to frighten away dogs running in the distance. It is better to choose devices with an indicator of at least 10 m. With a repeller with a shorter range, you may not have time to react to an attack in time. m. The indicator must be selected depending on the size of the plot.
4. Automatic operation function
Stationary appliances are equipped with this function. Usually on the repeller you can set a certain frequency of operation. For example, 1 time in 20 minutes. But more expensive devices are also equipped with a motion sensor - ultrasound turns on when uninvited guests are detected on the site.
5. Availability of additional functions
Many hand-held repellers are equipped with a flashlight. It helps not only to illuminate the road in the dark, but also additionally scare away dogs with the help of bright and even flashing light.
The siren function may also be useful. If the ultrasound does not work, the dog can be scared off with loud sounds of a different range, audible even to a person. In addition, the siren can attract the attention of other people in an emergency or scare away not only dogs, but also intruders. For example, robbers or just aggressive people.
6. Power setting
Many repellers can be set to a specific power.
• At maximum you can scare away stray dogs.
• With a minimum, you can train your own dog - for example, weaning him to pick up garbage on the street or chew furniture at home. This method does not cause aggression in most dogs and does not form fear of its own owner. But it is important not to overdo it with such training so that the dog does not feel severe discomfort.
7. Reviews
It is very important when choosing a repeller to pay attention to the reviews of other users. So you can find out for sure whether the device is effective against dogs and whether it causes discomfort in people. From the description of the seller, you will not be able to find out for sure. Only the experience of people will tell you whether to buy a device.
How to use the dog repeller?
Understanding how to operate the appliance is very easy. If the device is equipped with power adjustment, then you first need to set the appropriate indicator. For stationary repellers with automatic operation, you need to set a certain frequency of switching on. Also, for many devices, you will need to select the range and other parameters.
Most handheld models only need to press a button to turn on the ultrasound. Sometimes you have to hold down the button to keep it going. And sometimes the ultrasound continues to be heard even when you release the button. But it is important not to forget to turn off the device after, so as not to alarm all the animals around.
The instruction that comes with the kit will always help you to understand how to work with your repeller model.
Are dog repellers dangerous for humans?
No, human hearing does not distinguish between ultrasound that can be heard by dogs. Therefore, the repeller will not bring discomfort to you and the people around you.
But many low-quality devices can make an unpleasant sound even for people. This can cause anxiety or a headache. Therefore, we advise you to read the reviews of other users before buying and check the device before use.
Does the effectiveness of the repeller depend on the breed of the dog?
The experience of most users indicates that the effectiveness of the device, for the most part, does not depend on the breed of the dog, but on its individual characteristics . For example, if an animal has hearing problems, it will not hear the ultrasound. But breed can still play a role. The repeller may not be effective against dogs with floppy ears, such as spaniels, basset hounds, beagles. The repeller is most often does not work on pets. The fact is that they feel calm next to their own owner and on their territory. Therefore, if you accidentally get into an area where an aggressive domestic dog lives, a repeller may not help you.
Also, most devices do not work on dogs with rabies. Please note that these are not necessarily aggressive animals with foam at the mouth. They can be both overly affectionate and very lethargic. Cloudy eyes, foam at the mouth, and rapid breathing can indicate the disease. In this case, try to just calmly go away and avoid the bite by any means. Repeller in this case can provoke aggression .
Many users have experimented with repellers. They showed that some street dogs run away after turning on the device, some do not react to it, and some animals can even respond with aggression.
Is it possible to make a dog repeller with your own hands?
Yes. On the Internet you can find instructions on how to make a repeller yourself. According to the masters, even a novice radio amateur can handle this.
But we still recommend purchasing a repeller created by professionals and tested by other users. So there will be more confidence that he will help in an emergency and will not cause you a headache.
In addition, do-it-yourself scarers are often rather inconvenient. They are more difficult to carry and use. It is still better to choose a more ergonomic device from the store.
What to do if you meet an aggressive dog?
If you encounter an aggressive dog, a repeller alone will not help you. You need to properly interact with the animal. When using the device, certain rules must be observed:
• Do not panic or run away . The dog may have a chase instinct. Even if the device worked and the animal moved away. Your running might provoke her into a chase. In addition, dogs are more likely to attack those who are afraid of them. Calm behavior and the command "Fu!", Said in a firm voice, will help drive the animal away.
• Better not look the dog in the eye . She may perceive this as a manifestation of aggression.
• Throw any object away from you . This can distract the dog and you can safely leave.
• And remember that the repeller will not help you in an emergency if you forgot to check its operation or put it in the far pocket of your backpack. An aggressive dog will not wait for you to remove the device and insert new batteries into it. Take care of everything in advance.
Tornado ultrasonic dog repeller 112
Today, homeless animals are becoming a huge problem for residents of both large cities and sparsely populated villages. Dogs gather in packs and become really dangerous for healthy, physically fit people passing by. What can we say about old people and little children. Of course, a homeless puppy is affectionate and can even cause compassion, but the ever-hungry flock that lives next to the house is already serious. Such a “collective” shows its aggression towards a person, sometimes for no reason at all. The consequences are unpredictable. And, alas, the attacks of stray quadrupeds on people today have become not a rare occurrence.
Note that not only stray dogs often pose a danger, sometimes they live in neighboring apartments and houses, and can attack others . Among them come across not only harmless lapdogs, but also representatives of fighting breeds. And unlike those who walk around the yard with the owner, we have excellent protection against stray dogs - the Tornado 112 repeller with the ultrasonic principle of operation . And with regard to the maintenance of households, there are requirements prescribed by law, and each owner is obliged to comply with them.
Repeller is required to prevent dogs from attacking you under any circumstances. He will also help out with an unexpected "acquaintance" with wolves, he is able to drive away a fox, a jackal from a personal plot. Alas, such a device will be ineffective against a dog that has undergone training or representatives of fighting breeds. The first one has been trained and is able to fight even when wounded. The second, due to the characteristics of the breed, simply overcome the pain.
And yet, today "Tornado 112" is one of the most effective devices that help out in a difficult situation, and a worthy means of repelling dog attacks.
How it works
The effect of ultrasound on dogs has long been used in training. Back in the 19th century, the British scientist F. Galton suggested using an ultrasonic whistle, having determined that its waves, which are not perceived by human hearing, are able to catch a dog. At the same time, he noticed that the ultrasonic waves were unpleasant for the dog, causing pain. This feature began to be used in training. But you can blow Galton's whistle as much as you like - a dog about to attack will only close its ears and continue its actions. The situation is quite different with the Tornado 112, which is capable of emitting ultrasonic waves with a power of 135 dB .
Ultrasonic dog repeller "Tornado 112" - reliable protection against vicious stray dogs.
Not all dogs are afraid of a person with a stick, for some it only acts as an irritant. Acoustic protection is another matter. "Tornado 112" is capable of creating ultrasound with a frequency of 18000 to 25000 Hz , not audible to humans, but perfectly perceived by the dog's ear. The secret of scaring away is in the power of ultrasound. The strongest acoustic wave is much higher than the animal's pain threshold. No matter how aggressive the attacking dog is, he will try to quickly escape from this place. The exception is deaf dogs.
Using the Tornado 112
The Tornado 112 is practically a weapon. It is used as a remedy against the attack of stray dogs, foxes and jackals. But, wanting to use it, you should follow some simple rules that ensure your safety: