What are the different types of birch trees

11 Common Species of Birch Trees

Identified by their unique bark, birch trees look lovely in the landscape.


Vanessa Richins Myers

Vanessa Richins Myers

Vanessa Richins Myers is a seasoned horticulturist, writer, and educator with over 10 years of training and experience as a professional horticulturist and gardener. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in horticulture, with an emphasis in landscape design and urban horticulture. She volunteers as a community garden specialist.

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Updated on 07/29/22

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Andrew Hughes

Reviewed by Andrew Hughes

Andrew Hughes is a certified arborist and member of the International Society of Arborists specializing in tree heal care. He founded and runs Urban Loggers, LLC, a company offering residential tree services in the Midwest and Connecticut.

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The Spruce / Letícia Almeida

Birch trees belong to the genus Betula and are classified as part of the Betulaceae family of plants. They are typically small to medium-sized trees and shrubs found in temperate zones across the Northern Hemisphere. Some varieties grow in shrubby clusters. Others are trees that clump with multiple trunks, and still more grow as classic single-trunk trees. Ask anyone what's special about a birch tree and its beautiful bark immediately comes to mind. Birches are a common choice in landscaping, but they are relatively short-lived trees when compared to other hardwoods, and many become damaged by insects and diseases.


Most birches are characterized by varicolored or white bark with papery plates, distinctive horizontal markings, and peeling layers; the appearance of the bark often is the feature that gives the species its common name.

Click Play to Learn About Common Species of Birch Trees

Most birch trees grow best in moist soil and they love full sun. However, the roots might head for your plumbing pipes if a large tree is planted too close to your house. Do not let this deter you though; these are magnificent trees that are not hard to grow and should be a choice for your landscape. Birches are fast-growing trees that can quickly provide benefits to your yard.

Insect pests are most likely to strike a birch tree in areas where it is wounded or diseased. By keeping your trees well pruned and free of damaged branches, you can greatly reduce the likelihood of infestation by bronze birch borer or other insects.

Here are 11 common types of birch trees to consider for your landscape and areas where they are typically grown in the United States and around the world.

The various species of birch trees in the Betula genus include at least these 11 that are important landscape trees. Birch trees offer interesting bark color and texture and attractive foliage, but they are relatively short-lived and they are prone to suffer from diseases and insects, especially the bronze birch borer. But birches still make excellent, fast-growing landscape specimens, provided you have realistic expectations.

6 Birch Trees with Gorgeous Fall Foliage

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  1. Bog Birch. The Morton Arboretum.

  2. The Bronze Birch Borer and Its Management. University of Minnesota Extension Service.

10 Varieties Of Birch Trees

Slender and graceful, birch trees are admired by many gardeners. The birch offers enchantment in all seasons. In spring, its bright green leaflets open together with dangling clusters of catkins. In summer they offer the chiaroscuro of dappled shade, followed by brilliant foliage colors in fall. Their lovely bark is exposed in winter. 

If you think of birch trees as having papery white bark and green leaves, you aren’t wrong. Many varieties of birch trees share these features. But did you know that there are dozens of varieties of birch, even without counting birch tree cultivars, and that some have a very different appearance? 

If you are wondering about the different varieties of birch trees, read on. Here’s a round-up of our favorite varieties of birch. We have included some weeping birch varieties and some small birch varieties for more compact gardens. 

1. European birch (Betula pendula

This is a classic and extremely popular birch, one of the weeping birch varieties. It grows to between 30 and 60 feet (10 and 20 m.) tall and wide. The trunk has lovely white bark with black fissures, and the branches are drooping. The leaves of this birch are green in summer, canary yellow in fall. It prefers a full sun location and well-draining moist soil.

2. Paper birch (Betula papyrifera)

With white peeling papery bark and green leaves, the paper birch looks a lot like the European birch except that its branching structure is upright. It’s a rock-star tree, growing fast and dying young, but very helpful for wildlife, attracting many wild birds and hosting the larvae of Luna moths. Plant in sun and keep the soil moist.

3. River birch (Betula nigra)

River birch trees have attractive trunks in shades of red from cinnamon to salmon. The bark peels and curls. The foliage is glossy green during summer, then blazes yellow in autumn. This is a birch that tolerates heat, part shade, and some drought, unlike many of its family members. 

4. Black birch (Betula lenta

How about a birch with dark brown bark? The black birch’s bark resembles the bark of a cherry tree but happens to be extremely fragrant with a wintergreen scent. The tree’s green leaves turn golden in fall. It is not one of the small birch varieties and can grow to 90 feet (30 m.) tall.

5. Gray birch (Betula populifolia) resembles the paper birch. However, this species normally grows with multiple trunks and its bark is whitish-gray and doesn’t peel. It will grow in dry and sandy soils, though it, like most birch, prefers moist soil.

6. Yellow or golden birch (Betula alleghaniensis)

If you like birch with peeling bark, consider the yellow birch. Its handsome copper-colored bark peels off in sheets, and it also offers a yellow autumn display. No dry or sandy soils for this native, and no hot sites either. Yellow birch is a tall deciduous tree, its single trunk rising to 80 feet (27 m.) tall, making it one of the largest birches in North America.

7. Japanese White Birch (Betula platyphylla ‘Japonica’

Native to Korea and Japan, this species is one of the weeping birch varieties. It is a medium tall tree, growing to 50 feet (17 m. ) tall, in USDA zones 3 to 8. It has white bark and thin spreading branches with drooping branchlets. It can thrive in moist, well-drained loam in full sun. 

8. Water birch (Betula occidentalis or Betula fontinalis

This attractive birch is among the small birch varieties, as it only grows to 25 feet (8 m.) as a shrub and 40 feet (12.5 m.) as a tree. In the wild, water birch trees grow next to streams in mountainous regions in zones 3 through 7. The attractive bark is dark mahogany and smooth, not peeling. Beavers use this tree for food and lodge material. 

9. Dwarf Birch (Betula nana

Another of the small birch varieties, dwarf birch is a native of cool tundra landscapes in USDA zones 1 through 8, including Alaska, Canada, Greenland, and northern Asia. It truly is a dwarf species, topping out at 3 feet (.9 m.) tall. Like most birch, it prefers wet but well-drained soil and full sun. 

10. Himalayan Birch (Betula utilis var. jacquemontii

It’s a winning combination for Himalayan birch: lovely spring flowers, deep gold fall foliage, and bright white papery bark. This medium-sized tree –to 50 feet (17 m.) – grows into a pyramid shape from its single trunk. It thrives best in cooler climates like USDA zones 4 through 7 where the birch is a heartier and longer-lived tree. 

Types of birches: varieties, photos and descriptions

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  1. Description
  2. Species
  3. Rare species
  4. What you need to know about wood
  5. Physical and mechanical properties of wood
  6. Conclusion

Birch is decorative and has useful qualities. There are over 120 varieties of it. 40 grows in Russia. The highest ones reach 45 m, the usual ones do not exceed 30 m.


The main feature is the bark. As a rule, it is smooth to the touch, covered with a small layer of birch bark. As the tree grows, the cork fabric peels off. The color of the bark can be white, pink, yellowish, brownish.

The shape of the leaves also varies. Some species have round leaves, others are serrated.

The wood is frost-resistant, but the wood is not used for building. Birch is used in other areas: chemical, furniture industry. nine0003


There are several types of birches (see photo) used in the national economy.


At the age of 8, the tree reaches 30 m, the trunk changes from brown to white. Wood is considered one of the most dense and heavy.

The plant is also called warty birch: there is a lot of resin on the trunk. The young tree has straight branches, in old age they sag down. The shape of the leaves is diamond-shaped. The flowers are brown. The most suitable habitat for a tree is a mountainous or flat area. Life expectancy - up to 120 years. nine0003

The plant is used to make charcoal, plywood.


Resembles a branched shrub, grows in Canada, in the north of Russia.

Birch prefers mountainous or swampy terrain. The leaves are small, their upper part is darker than the lower. The bark is brown, the trunk is smooth, with a cork layer.

This downy birch is slow growing and hardy .

In the northern regions, the leaves are used as food for deer. The plant is well suited for landscape design. nine0003


Grows in Karelia, Lithuania, northwestern regions of Russia. It is characterized by an unusual outgrowth on the trunk - kappa.

This is a subspecies of the drooping birch, includes three varieties:

Due to its peculiar pattern, wood is used in the manufacture of sculptures and dishes. Karelian birch is a symbol of the north of Russia.

Rare species

Rare species:

What you need to know about wood

Many types of birches are characterized by fast growth, excellent adaptation to the environment. Almost always, wood is easily processed and used in the household.

Applications :

Wood does not rot for a long time. You can find items made more than 500 years ago. Previously, trees were considered a symbol of well-being, people tried to plant a birch next to their houses.

Birch wood is used to make furniture. Items made from it are expensive, of high quality, but their release is limited. nine0003

Physical and mechanical properties of wood



Birch is unpretentious, takes root well in a new place. Application in the industry is not widely developed. The exception is varieties with high hardness.

The main advantage is a large amount of heat released during combustion, long-term operation of products in dry rooms. These qualities made it possible to use the plant in the furniture industry, in the production of coal. When arranging vast areas, designers use birch trees as an element of decor. Trees are used in folk medicine. nine0003

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photo with names, description of what grows


  • 2. 2 dwarf
  • 2.3 Karelskaya
  • 2.4 Daurskaya (Korean)
  • 2.5 Substructure
  • 2.6 Iron
  • 9000
  • 4 Conclusion
  • Birch is one of the most common trees in the Northern Hemisphere, including in Russia. However, contrary to popular belief, not all types of birches have a common characteristic feature - white or at least light bark. In general, they differ not only in appearance, but also in other characteristics, which is expressed in the choice of different habitats. nine0003


    Conventionally, all types of birches are divided by botanists into four groups:

    1. Albae. Relatively low (up to 15 m) trees with snow-white or similar bark in shade and a rounded, fairly symmetrical crown. Typical representatives are ordinary birch, fluffy, Karelian. Of the species that did not originally grow in Russia, there is the North American paper birch.
    2. Nana. Low slate trees or bushy forms. As a rule, they are characterized by thin shoots and small leaves. Typical representatives are sprawling and skinny birch species. nine0008
    3. Costatae. Includes the most decorative types of birches. This applies not only to the appearance, but also to the wood - it is very dense, beautiful shades (from creamy white and pale yellow to dark cherry and almost black). In most species, as they grow, “ribs” appear at the base of the trunk, the veins on the leaves become depressed. The group includes Daurian birch, iron, Erman, Medvedev, Japanese cherry.
    4. Acuminata (Acuminatae). Combines subtropical species. They are characterized by high "growth" (at least 20 m, on average 30-50 m with a trunk diameter of about 1.5 m) and large leaf size. The most common in nature are the types of Maksimovich, Jacquemont, brilliant, useful. nine0008

    Birch is a species of deciduous trees with about 120 "representatives"; it belongs to the same family and genus

    Important! A characteristic feature of most birch species is a branched, superficial fibrous root system, which can be 2-3 times larger in diameter than the crown projection on the ground. Therefore, trees are often knocked down by the wind.

    Varieties of birch in Russia with photos and names

    Now in Russia, in addition to the species that originally grew on its territory, you can also find those that were "brought" here, for example, from North America. Most of them adapt well, "integrate" into local ecosystems, without turning into "aggressors". nine0003


    The natural range of this species is wider than the others. It includes almost all of Europe (except for the Iberian Peninsula and territories with a similar climate), Siberia, northern Africa, Western and Central Asia. The drooping birch successfully "migrated" to South America, where it is planted as an ornamental crop.

    It reaches a height of 25-30 m with a trunk diameter of 70-80 cm. The "girth" of the crown is 7-12 m. The bark of young specimens is brown, it acquires a typical off-white shade for the species only at the age of 6-8 years, when enough specific phytohormone betulin accumulates in the tissues. As it ages, the bark at the base of the trunk becomes covered with deep black cracks. nine0003

    Important! There are many decorative varieties of birch, bred on the basis of the "natural" drooping. The most popular species among gardeners are Royal Frost, Purpurea, Gracilis, Laciniata.

    Often in nature, two types of birch - downy and drooping - grow "together"


    The most common type of stunted birch. Its natural habitat is the tundra in Europe, Siberia and North America.

    The average height is 20-70 cm, occasionally this species "stretches" up to 1.2 m. Depending on the growing conditions, the shape of the shoots varies from semi-raised to prostrate. The leaves are very small (0.5-1.5 cm long and 1-2 cm wide), of an unusual wide-wedge shape.

    Important! In nature, dwarf birches gradually “force out” other types of flora from the occupied territory and form completely impenetrable thickets of intertwining branches.

    Dwarf birch prefers moist, even waterlogged substrate


    A natural mutation of silver birch, which, according to the most common point of view, arose as a result of its infection with a certain type of virus. There are other versions, for example, the specificity of mineral nutrition or a congenital disease that changes the genotype of a plant.

    After that, the texture of the wood changed dramatically, thanks to which the Karelian birch is consistently in demand by furniture manufacturers. Her cross-sectional drawing, indeed, looks very unusual - chocolate brown "blotches" on a general creamy yellow background. nine0003

    Karelian birch does not differ from silver birch in other characteristics. Its natural habitat, as you might guess, is limited to the Republic of Karelia. At the moment, the "natural" population of the species has decreased to 3,000 trees, and they are actively trying to restore it in reserves.

    Important! New specimens obtained by crossing two Karelian birches do not always "inherit" the specific feature of the species. It is possible to understand whether the wood will be patterned only in trees that have reached the age of 5-10 years. nine0003

    Another characteristic feature of the Karelian birch is the almost inevitable presence of a burl on the trunk. The tree prefers to settle along the banks of rivers, on well-drained slopes of mountains and hills. Its habitat includes the south of Siberia, the Far East, Mongolia, northeast China, the Korean Peninsula, Japan. It is limited, among other things, due to increased requirements for the quality of the substrate and light-loving. This species is a reliable "indicator" of the lack of waterlogging of the soil and its suitability for farming. nine0003

    Approximate height of Daurian birch is 6-18 m. The trunk is quite thin (30-60 cm). The color of the bark varies from graphite gray to black. As the wood ages, it cracks and flakes badly. Shoots are widely spread, rising obliquely upwards.

    Important! Dahurian birch is a fire-resistant species. "Incompatible with life" fire damage is received only by young seedlings. Mature trees after a fire dramatically increase their growth rate.

    Dahurian birch "rises" to the mountains by a maximum of 300-400 m


    Rare shrub species. It reaches a maximum height of 1.5 m. The shoots are straight. The bark is smooth to the touch, brown-brown in color, even in old trees it does not crack or delaminate.

    Natural habitat - Far Eastern and Siberian swamps, northern Mongolia. Much less often this species is found on the territory of central Ukraine, swampy meadows in Western Europe.

    Important! The squat birch is officially recognized as an endangered species, as such it is listed in the Red Books of many Russian regions. nine0003

    Unlike most species, it takes a lot of time to ripen the seeds of squat birch - until September-October.


    This rare relic species is also called Schmidt's birch. Its habitat is a very small area in the south of Primorye. Individual specimens are found in China, Japan, on the Korean Peninsula.

    The height of the tree reaches 25-35 m with a trunk diameter of 70-80 cm. There is a tap root and 3-4 large lateral ones. Bark of different shades of cream, beige, brown with a grayish undertone. It is covered with numerous cracks, peels off and exfoliates. The resulting "pattern" often resembles tiles. nine0003

    However, the main feature of this species is its pinkish wood. It is very heavy, dense, with almost imperceptible growth rings. The tree does not burn without preliminary long-term drying, it is extremely difficult to machine.

    Iron birch grows slowly, but the species can be considered long-lived


    Also called Yarmolenko's birch. An endemic species under threat of extinction. It grows exclusively in Kazakhstan, is listed in the Red Book of this state. nine0003

    Red birch lives at an altitude of about 2000 m above sea level. Also, for normal development, trees of this species need a fairly cold climate and a substrate consisting of almost nothing but stones, large pebbles, crushed stone, with the addition of sand or clay.

    Small tree (up to 5 m, usually 2-3 m), thin-stemmed, very graceful. Despite the name, the bark can be not only red, but also yellowish, and even gray. The leaves are very small (2-2.5 cm) with pubescent veins.

    Red birch is a very valuable species, able to resist the waterlogging of mountain rivers and the accumulation of sediments in them

    Erman birch (stone)

    In Russia, it occurs exclusively in the Trans-Urals. Also grows in China, Mongolia, Japan, on the Korean Peninsula. Prefers nutrient-poor rocky substrate.

    The young tree looks extremely similar to the "classic" Russian birch, very common in the middle lane. However, at the age of about 150 years, its white bark thickens sharply to at least 2.5 cm, changes color to grayish-brown, acquires a tiled pattern. The wood is extremely dense, sinks in water, resistant to processing and other mechanical influences. nine0003

    Tree height - 12-15 m, rarely up to 20 m. Trunk diameter - 50-90 cm. Depending on the place of growth, the shoots can be both erect and prostrate. Not far from the sea, this view turns into a "trellis" due to the peculiarities of the winds.

    Important! Lower-growing ornamental varieties bred on the basis of Erman's birch “inherit” its life span, cold and shade tolerance, undemanding to the quality of the substrate. They differ only in the shade of the bark - pinkish-copper, snow-white or brick. nine0003

    Erman's birch mainly grows as single trees or small groups in mixed or coniferous mountain forests

    Other species

    There are quite a lot of species that differ from their "relatives" in their original "appearance":

    1. Cherry. The bark is a rich cherry hue, casts scarlet in the sun. The pyramidal crown, as it grows, turns into a spherical one. The leaves are unusually large (10-12 cm).

      In spring, shoots of cherry birch are almost invisible under the "earring" inflorescences

    2. Curly. The crown is very dense, but at the same time lush, as if openwork. This is due to the unusual configuration of the shoots. The leaves are rhomboid, cast silver in the sun.

      The lifespan of curly birch directly depends on the comfort conditions for this species in the place of growth

    3. Bolotnaya. Low-growing (up to 5 m) tree. Shoots are directed vertically upwards. As it ages, the snow-white bark becomes dark gray.

      Swamp birch, despite the name, takes root in dry soil, in addition, it is photophilous and does not differ in cold resistance

    4. Winding. A tree 5-6 m high. The thin trunk seems to be “twisted” at least once, sharp bends are characteristic of it and the shoots. Accordingly, the crown of this species seems to be “torn”, sparse

      Depending on the growing conditions, the bark of the birch can be almost white, grayish or light brown

    How to choose for the garden

    are very different, you can choose a look that harmoniously "fits" into most landscape design concepts. In doing so, the following points should be taken into account:

    1. Plot area. The original shape of the crown and "weeping" look most spectacular from a distance of at least 6-8 m. An unusual bark pattern, leaves, and other details are best viewed close up.
    2. Basic specifications. Any “natural” species, as well as a variety bred by breeders, shows its decorative effect to the maximum if, when choosing a planting site, its “requirements” regarding illumination, substrate quality, its humidity and acid-base balance are taken into account.
    3. Cold resistance. If this region is not a natural habitat for the selected birch species, perhaps the reason is its thermophilicity. In this case, even high-quality care and shelter for the winter will not save the tree. nine0008
    4. Description of an adult plant. The height and diameter of the trunk, the "girth" of the crown in many types of birches allow them to be classified as "large-sized". Therefore, you need to think in advance whether there will be enough space for them in the future.

    Birch looks simple and modest, but elegant and elegant at the same time

    Important! Perhaps any kind of birch is not the best option for a superstitious person: among the people, many signs and beliefs associated with it have a negative connotation.

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