Trees that bear berries
Berries That Grow On Trees
If you want to grow your own fruit at home berries are some of the simplest – and tastiest – options. There’s an amazing variety of them, from plump and succulent strawberries to tart cranberries, and they’re key ingredients in a wide range of recipes. What exactly is a berry though? You can picture plenty of them in your head, but a precise answer is surprisingly hard!
Scientifically, a berry is a fruit that grows from the ovary of a single flower. The outer layer of the ovary wall develops into a fleshy coating surrounding the seeds. This definition gives very different results from what we usually mean when we say “berry”. For example tomatoes are berries. That’s not too much of a stretch – scale up a cranberry and it wouldn’t look that different from a tomato – but how about cucumbers and eggplant? Yes, they’re berries too. So are grapes and bananas. Then again, some fruit that everyone knows are berries don’t meet the scientific rules. That includes two of the most popular – strawberries and raspberries.
So there are two ways of defining berries; the scientific way, and the more common definition of any small, pulpy fruit. But both are based on the size and structure of the fruit, not on any family relationship. Berries come from a host of different plants, many of them not closely related at all – and often not even slightly similar. Most berries grow on bushes, which can be neat shrubs like cultivated raspberries and gooseberries to dense, spiky thickets like wild blackberries. Strawberries come from small, low plants that if left to grow spread into ground vines. Cranberries vary by species, with some being bushes and others vines. There really is an immense variety, and it includes larger plants too – there are berries that grow on trees. Let’s have a look at some of them.
These mid-sized trees are easily grown from cuttings or seeds, and grow quickly for the first few years; it doesn’t take long for them to reach a size where they can produce a decent crop. After their initial spurt they can grow more slowly to between 30 and 50 feet, depending on species, That makes it very hard to pick the berries though, so commercial plantations usually prune them to a height of five or six feet.
The berries themselves look like elongated raspberries and have an intense sweet flavor. Most are dark red or black when ripe but there’s also a white cultivar, which has a milder taste. Mulberries are native to Asia and parts of Africa but can be grown in many regions of the USA. Check your local laws though – some cities have banned them because male trees produce large amounts of pollen.
Different species of hackberry trees are found throughout the northern hemisphere and several are native to the USA. The Western Hackberry from the southwest and the southern Desert Hackberry are two that have edible berries; these have a quite dry texture, a bit like dates, but a pleasant sweet taste. Hackberry trees are sometimes grown ornamentally, especially in areas with low rainfall. The Desert Hackberry is almost more of a shrub, growing to about ten feet, while the Western Hackberry can reach up to 70.
Canada Buffaloberry
Despite the name this species also grows in the western and northern USA, plus Alaska. It grows up to around 13 feet high and is found in and around wooded areas. Native Americans have been collecting its berries for centuries to make a delicacy called sxusem. The Buffaloberry has an unusual flavor with both bitter and sweet notes, so to reduce the bitterness they’re mixed with a sweet fruit – usually raspberries – in a large bowl then whipped, like cream, to produce a frothy mixture. The froth comes from a chemical in the berries called saponin, which produces bubbles like soap.
The Canada Buffaloberry isn’t the only fruit that contains saponin. There’s also the Soapberry family, found in the southern and southeastern USA. The fruits of these trees aren’t edible, because there’s enough saponin in them to irritate your stomach. However there’s also enough to act as a natural detergent, and Native Americans have traditionally used the berries to make soap.
Also known as Mountain Ash, there are several native species of rowan in the USA. They’re mid-sized trees that produce spectacular bunches of bright berries. Most are red, but some Asian species have white berries. European rowans have slightly bitter, but edible, berries that can be made into a jelly. They can also be dried, ground and used as a coffee substitute. An old name for the European rowan is the chequer tree; the British Prime Minister’s country home, Chequers, is named after the rowans in its grounds.
Yew trees are conifers, with two species – the Pacific Yew and Canadian Yew – found in North America. It’s an important tree to many pagans and its wood is excellent for making bows (the famous English longbow was traditionally made of yew) but it also produces soft, fleshy red berries. The flesh is edible and very sweet – but eating them is dangerous. Every part of the tree except the flesh contains taxine, a highly toxic alkaloid, and that includes the single seed inside each berry. The seeds from just a handful of berries can cause death in a few hours, so it’s a dangerous tree to have around. Taxine is particularly lethal to horses, cattle and pigs, but even the pollen of yew can cause a wide range of uncomfortable symptoms, from triggering asthma attacks to rashes, headaches and sore joints.
Final Thoughts on Berry Trees
There are many more berries that grow on trees, and several can be grown either ornamentally or for their fruit. Take care when selecting ornamental ones though, especially if you have young children. Not all are edible, and while the yew is an extreme example there are others that can make you ill. Just because a fruit tastes good doesn’t always mean it’s completely safe. Of course some edible species make good ornamentals too, so you can have the best of both worlds!
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Request 13 Guide (Trees That Bear Berries)
By Chris Birsner
Here is a walkthrough of how to complete Request 13 in Pokemon Legends: Arceus.
The core gameplay of Pokemon Legends: Arceus has players going into various areas of the Sinnoh region and studying Pokemon by either capturing them or taking them on in battle. However, there is a lot more the player can do besides just go through the grind of filling out the Pokedex.
RELATED: Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Every Pokémon in the Hisui Pokedex (& Where to Find Them)
For instance, players can talk to individuals and take on requests. By partaking in these side missions, players can reap rewards such as more items or currency. One of the early requests in Pokemon Legends: Arceus is "Trees That Bear Berries," otherwise known as Request 13. The request is rather straightforward if players know where to look.
3 How To Begin The Request
While many of the requests the player can get are in Jubilife Village, there are also individuals that they could meet while out on missions in the various wild areas of the game. For Request 13, players will need to look for Bjorn in the Obsidian Fieldlands. To do this, players should start from Fieldlands Camp in the northern part of the map.
From there, just follow the path down the hills and across the bridge. Keep heading south until right before the path begins to go uphill with torches. Here, players should look to their left and see a man with black hair and a goatee standing there with a request marker. Bjorn will tell the player that he is looking for three Cheri Berries and will give some tips on how to acquire them.
2 How To Get Cheri Berries
Players will not need to go far to collect these Cheri Berries. If players look in the surrounding area near Bjorn, they will spot a few trees that have a blue tint to them and yellow orbs hanging in the tree. Cheri Berries are actually red, but that doesn't change what the orb color is. To collect these berries, players will need to throw one of their Pokemon on the tree.
RELATED: Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Double the Tails, Double the Fun Guide (Request 50)
After doing so, the Pokemon will pop out of their ball and attack the tree. This will cause the tree to shake and drop the berries, which will automatically be put into the player's inventory. Players will likely only need to do this to two trees as they tend to drop more than one berry.
1 Another Method & Reward
In addition to the usual method of collecting these berries, players could also purchase the items as well. Back in Jubilife Village, players will see the Ginkgo Guild parked in front of Galaxy Hall. Here, Tuli (the individual standing) will offer a player a list of items that players could collect while out in the wild.
Among these items are Cheri Berries, which Tuli offers for 120 Pokémon Dollars per berry. So if players have 360 Pokemon Dollars to spare and the guild is in town, this could be an alternative approach.
Upon bringing the berries to Bjorn, he will thank the player and provide a tip on how to use berries while attempting to lure Pokemon. After this, he will give the player 15 Poke Balls as a reward.
Pokemon Legends: Arceus is out now on Nintendo Switch.
MORE: Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Complete Guide & Walkthrough
names, photos, species and cultivation
A well-maintained orchard is the pride of any gardener. Everyone grows trees in his garden according to his own taste and the climate of the area. However, thanks to the achievements of breeders, today it has become possible to grow fruit crops in the north, which have always been considered southern, so the border between heat-loving and frost-resistant crops has become less clear. Moreover, from seedlings of new varieties, the harvest can be obtained not in five to seven years, as before, but already in the second or third year. nine0003
What fruit trees usually grow in our gardens? Apple trees, pears, apricots, cherries, plums and cherries. In southern climates, peach, mulberry, pomegranate and fig can be grown. Many of these crops are not only tasty, but also have medicinal properties. Exotic fruit trees - date, coffee tree, kumquat, avocado, feijoa, lemon, cocoa - can be grown from seeds in a greenhouse or on a windowsill.
Trees consist of a root system, stem, central conductor and lateral (skeletal, semi-skeletal, overgrowing) branches. Two types of buds are formed on the branches: growth, or vegetative, and flower, or generative. Generative buds are larger than growth buds and have a more rounded shape. From them, flowers develop first, and then fruits. The fruits of trees are fruits, berries and nuts. nine0003
2021-08-11T07:15:23+03:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00
I continue to receive questions about moniliosis, so I decided to open this rather painful topic for many gardeners.
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2019-02-15T01:00:00+02:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00
Summer is the time for berries, and in our gardens, crops known and loved by us for a long time ripen - raspberries, strawberries, cherries, currants, gooseberries . .. However, recently they began to acquire popularity and not so common in gardening berry plants - shadberry, lingonberry, bird cherry, honeysuckle. They are healthy and tasty, and their taste has not yet had time to become boring. nine0003
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2021-09-01T16:33:09+03:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00
Friends, today I will tell you how to do autumn budding, or grafting with a kidney, on sweet cherries.
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2021-09-10T07:12:11+03:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00
Many gardeners make such a miscalculation: they buy a seedling in a garden pavilion or in the market and only then begin to figure out where to attach it to the site ...
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2021-08-31T13:42:34+03:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00
Today we will talk about why apple trees do not bear fruit or bear fruit very poorly. There are several reasons for this phenomenon.
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2019-02-27T01:00:00+02:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00
Common apricot (lat. Prunus armeniaca) is a species of fruit tree of the Plum genus of the Pink family. Scientists still do not know exactly where the apricot came from. Some believe that from the Tien Shan region in China, others are sure that Armenia is the birthplace of the plant. In any case, the apricot came to Europe from Armenia: there is a version that Alexander the Great brought it to Greece, and from there the tree came to Italy, but there is no documentary evidence for this. nine0003
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2019-02-02T00:00:00+02:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00
Azimina (lat. Asimina), or pow-pow, is a genus of flowering plants of the Annonaceae family, which includes 8 species, distributed, for the most part, in the United States. Azimina is also called a banana tree or American papaya (pow-pow), since the fruits of all three plants have some similarities with each other. For the sake of these edible fruits, the three-lobed pawpaw, or pawpaw triloba (Asimina triloba), introduced into cultivation in 1736, is grown in gardens. It is grown in regions with a warm climate, for example, in Italy, France, Japan and Spain. nine0003
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2019-02-24T00:00:00+02:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00
Common quince, or oblong quince (lat. Cydonia), is a monotypic genus of woody plants of the Rosaceae family, common in nature in Central Asia, the Transcaucasus and the Caucasus, as well as in temperate regions of Asia, in Central and Southern Europe, where it grows on edges, clearings and clearings, along rivers and streams, in the lower mountain belt. Quince prefers loose, moist and fertile sandy, heavy loamy, red earth and black earth soils. nine0003
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2019-02-26T00:00:00+02:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00
Cherry plum (lat. Prunus cerasifera), or splayed plum, or cherry plum - a species of the genus Plum of the Pink family, a woody fruit plant, which is one of the original forms of domestic plum. The word cherry plum comes from the Azerbaijani language and means "small plum". The plant itself comes from Western Asia and Transcaucasia, in the wild cherry plum can also be found in the south of Ukraine, in Moldova, in the Tien Shan, the Balkans, in Iran and in the North Caucasus. In culture, it is cultivated in Russia, Ukraine, Western Europe and Asia. nine0003
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2019-04-15T13:00:00+03:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00
The wide variety of fruits and berries offered for cultivation encourages gardeners to experiment daringly. But often even those who do not have summer cottages dare to grow plants from the seeds of eaten fruits or berries. For example, in many gardens or on balconies, arbutus grows, which is otherwise called strawberry tree or strawberry. nine0003
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2019-02-03T00:00:00+02:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00
Aronia chokeberry, or chokeberry (lat. Aronia melanocarpa) is a fruit shrub or tree belonging to the Aronia species of the Pink family. The name of the plant in Greek means help, benefit. Aronia rowan originates from eastern North America, where it grows along the banks of lakes and rivers. In total, up to 20 species of chokeberry can be found in North America. In Europe, chokeberry was grown as an ornamental plant, but in the 19th century Michurin discovered that it was unpretentious and suitable for selection, and as a result, the aronia berry grows literally everywhere today. nine0003
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2019-02-20T02:00:00+02:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00
Plant barberry (lat. Berberis) belongs to a large genus of shrubs and trees of the Barberry family. The genus name comes from the Arabic "beiberi", meaning "shell-shaped". Barberries are distributed mainly in the mountainous areas of the Northern Hemisphere and there are about 170 species, some of which are introduced into cultivation. For gardeners, barberry is of interest as a raw material base for the manufacture of drinks, jams, home remedies, but the decorative qualities of this plant do not go unnoticed by lovers of beauty - the color of the leaves of varietal barberries is diverse, except for green, they are yellow, purple, motley, spotted and even with border. Barberries also differ in their size - from large bushes of three meters in height to dwarf bushes no higher than 30 cm.
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2022-05-04T10:05:23+03:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00
Spring this year is early and very warm: buds are already swelling on stone fruit trees, which means that moniliosis is approaching irresistibly. And your many questions about him in the comments are further evidence that there is something to worry about.
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2019-02-12T00:00:00+02:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00
The plant common hawthorn (lat. Crataegus laevigata), or prickly hawthorn, or flattened hawthorn, or glod, or lady-tree is a species of the genus Hawthorn of the Pink family. In the wild, it is found in North America, throughout Europe on the edges, in pine and deciduous forests, on heavy clay soils. The species name of the hawthorn translates as "strong", which indicates the quality of its wood, and perhaps the ability of the plant to live up to 400 years. Hawthorn does not require special care and is grown in culture as an ornamental and medicinal plant. nine0003
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2022-04-18T14:50:01+03:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00
Friends, today I will tell you in detail, step by step, how I do vaccinations using the “under the bark” method. I will graft on an apple tree. An early variety should be grafted onto an early variety, a late variety should be grafted onto a late one. This is one of the most important conditions for creating a transforming tree, on which, for example, red, green and yellow apples can grow. nine0003
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2019-02-12T00:00:00+02:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00
Cherry (Prunus subg. Cerasus) is a subgenus of plants of the Plum genus of the Rosaceae family. The name "cherry" is consonant with the German Weichsel (cherry) and the Latin viscum (bird glue), based on which the meaning of the word "cherry" can be perceived as "bird cherries with sticky juice." The ancient Romans called these fruits "cerasi" after the city of Kerasunda, which became famous for its delicious sweet cherries, or "bird cherries". From the Latin word cerasi comes the Italian, French, German and English name for cherries. nine0003
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2019-02-24T04:00:00+02:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00
Cherry plant (lat. Cerasus) is a subgenus of the genus Plum of the Rosaceae family. The Russian name of the tree comes from the same base as the German Weichse, meaning "cherry", and the Latin viscum, which means "bird glue", so the original meaning of the name "cherry" can be defined as "tree with sticky juice". The Latin name for cherry cerasus comes from the name of the city of Kerasunda, on the outskirts of which delicious cherries grew in abundance, which the Romans called Kerasundian fruits, hence the French cerise, Spanish cereza, Portuguese cereja, English cherry and Russian cherry, which the Romans called bird cherry. nine0003
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2021-09-21T07:21:42+03:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00
Let's talk about growing figs. Despite the fact that this process contains some difficulties and nuances, it is quite possible to grow a fig tree in our climate.
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2022-08-26T16:02:03+03:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00
Hello everyone! I offer you a concise, but rather detailed story on how to grow peaches the right way. When choosing a seedling, it is better to give preference to a variety zoned for your area, so that the fruits over the summer have time to fill up to the varietal size and ripen. If you want a tree to last 30-40 years, grow it from a stone.
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2021-08-30T15:02:15+03:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00
Most of the plants are at the peak of their development, fruits ripen on many, many bloom ... It would seem that you walk around the garden and rejoice. But there are several types of work that need to be done right now. Let's start, as always, with trees.
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2022-09-14T16:04:23+03:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00
Friends, hello everyone! Autumn has come, and today we will feed fruit trees in order to get a high harvest from them next season. nine0003
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2019-02-04T03:00:00+02:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00
The walnut tree (lat. Juglans regia) is a species of the genus Walnut of the Walnut family. Otherwise, this nut is called Voloshsky, royal or Greek. In the wild, walnut grows in western Transcaucasia, northern China, the Tien Shan, northern India, Greece and Asia Minor. Individual specimens of the plant are found even in Norway. But the largest natural hazel trees are located in the south of Kyrgyzstan. Iran is believed to be the birthplace of the walnut, although it has been speculated that it may be of Chinese, Indian or Japanese origin. The first mention of the walnut in historical documents dates back to the 7th-5th century BC: Pliny writes that the Greeks brought this culture from the gardens of Cyrus, the king of Persia. nine0003
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2019-02-26T00:00:00+02:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00
Pear (lat. Pyrus) is a genus of ornamental and fruit deciduous shrubs and trees of the Pink family. About 60 species of this genus are known. The pear was cultivated in ancient Greece, Rome and Persia. In the wild, the pear grows in the warm zone of Eurasia, as well as in areas with a temperate climate. Today, thanks to the work of breeders, this crop, which has more than one thousand varieties, is also grown in cooler regions - in the Moscow region, in the Urals and in Western Siberia. nine0003
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2021-12-15T10:53:28+02:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00
What if you got an abandoned lot with old trees? It is recommended that these trees be cut down or uprooted first. But...
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2022-10-28T16:03:41+03:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00
Today we will be pruning the garden in autumn and at the same time we will close up a hollow on our old Melba apple tree, which was planted in 1972.
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2022-08-19T10:55:23+03:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00
We are approached for advice by people whose trees have begun to wither and wither en masse. In our neighborhood, this issue suddenly became relevant, so we decided to talk about this topic. nine0003
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2021-10-31T11:22:59+02:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00
Figs can be grown on the territory of the whole Ukraine, but everywhere they have to winter under shelter, and the best shelter is...
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2021-11-06T07:23:48+02:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00
Many of you, just like me, some of the plants will overwinter in containers in the basement. In my opinion, this is the best way to preserve plants in the cold season. However, in order for wintering to be successful,...
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2019-02-11T00:00:00+02:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00
The plant irga, or cinnamon (lat. Amelanchier) belongs to the genus of the tribe Apple-tree family Pink and is a small tree or deciduous shrub. The Latin name irgi is either Provencal or Celtic in origin and translates as "to bring honey." The British call the irgu a shady shrub, a June berry or a useful berry, and the Americans retained the name given to it by the native inhabitants of the country, the Indians - "Saskatoon". nine0003
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2021-11-29T07:21:41+02:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00 || 2023-01-29T00:00:26+02:00
One of my favorite plants is the persimmon. I really wanted to have it on my site, but even in our southern region it is difficult to find suitable seedlings. However, I succeeded...
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Description of rare varieties of fruit trees and shrubs
When arranging your garden, it is important not only to plant the plants that you like, but also to consider that not all types of trees can become good neighbors for each other, as well as how to best place the trees on the site.
There are a number of important factors to consider when organizing your garden space. Each tree requires a certain area for its development. If you plan to arrange beds with vegetables in addition to trees, then it is better to first choose a place for them. nine0003
You should not plant trees near the beds, but this is an excellent place for a variety of shrubs that will not interfere with the growth of vegetables.
- How to start gardening
- What can be planted nearby, and what is strictly prohibited?
- Fruit trees and shrubs
- Apricot tree
- Chinese dereza
- Multiflorous moss (gumi)
- Duke
- Strawberry Raspberry
- Common dogwood
How to start gardening
Fruit and berry trees are better located away from the beds and closer to the bushes, because for the latter the shadows falling on them will not create much inconvenience. Between trees the distance should not be less than five meters, and between bushes - at least one and a half meters.
The distance from a nearby building to a tree should also be less than four meters, because otherwise the roots can destroy the foundation of the house, which will prevent their development. If we talk about shrubs, then they should be located two meters from the buildings. nine0003
If your plot is small, you can plant trees related to colonial . The distance between them can be much less, but it should be borne in mind that a large amount of crop cannot be obtained from them.
To begin with, you should carefully consider which tree and where it will be located. It is advisable to fertilize the soil , enclose the area with a fence that will hold back wind gusts and check the area for groundwater that will interfere with the development of your plants. nine0003
When planting trees, you should pay attention to the degree of illumination of the chosen place, because each of them needs a different amount of sunlight.
For example, shrubs and trees that are not desirable in the shade include pear, quince, apricot, sea buckthorn, peach, mountain ash, plum and cherry. Other species can develop without any problems in places where the amount of sunlight is limited.
An excellent place for shrubs would be in the shade of tall trees, as many of them prefer shaded areas. They will also feel great near a fence or near buildings. But do not place them too close to each other, as this will become a problem for their growth. nine0003
Plants that feel comfortable even in the inaccessibility of sunlight are the following trees and shrubs:
- wild rose;
- apple tree;
- currant;
- barberry;
- gooseberry;
- blackberry;
- honeysuckle;
- raspberries;
- dogwood;
- black elder.
It is also necessary to take into account the climatic conditions of the territory, because many fruit and berry trees and shrubs will not be able to develop and bring high-quality and large crops in weather conditions that do not correspond to their preferences. nine0003
What can be planted nearby, and what is strictly prohibited?
Often people neglect such an important factor as incompatibility of certain plants. Some trees and shrubs simply cannot get along in close proximity and will not bring anything but unnecessary trouble.
A striking example is walnut , which is incompatible with any other plant, because it has a very dense crown that does not let in almost a single sunbeam, and a powerful root system that sucks out all useful microelements from the soil. You will need to sacrifice as many as eighteen meters to plant this plant. nine0003
The following list should be carefully studied so as not to make mistakes, the correction of which will take a long time:
- Cherry is especially capricious. You should not place an apricot, pear, plum, peach tree and hawthorn next to it.
- Do not plant raspberries in the shade of an apple or pear tree.
- The apple tree, in turn, will not be able to get along next to the cherry, raspberry, cherry plum, peach tree, barberry and apricot.
- Pear does not develop well near cherry plum, sweet cherry, raspberry, barberry, cherry and plum. nine0260
The question arises: what kind of cultures can perfectly coexist with each other?
- Cherry and apple trees form a very harmonious pair.
- Pear and apple tree will develop comfortably with each other and give a good harvest.
- The apple tree, the most unpretentious of all the above trees, will perfectly behave in the vicinity of such crops as plum, pear, quince.
- Most coniferous trees will make an excellent pair of apple trees. nine0260
- The best plum company will be barberry.
- Sea buckthorn, dogwood, raspberries and currants will grow best in close proximity to pollinating plants.
Fruit trees and shrubs
Sometimes you want to decorate your garden with new and more unusual trees and shrubs, in comparison with apple and currant trees. But planting non-traditional plants for our country requires the study of many things in order to obtain a high-quality result. The article presents a description of exotic trees and shrubs, which, with proper care, will not only be wonderful decorations for your garden and cause for pride, but will also give many fruits. Only a few summer residents and gardeners manage to grow this tree on their plot, because it was born under the hot rays of the sun in the south, and therefore, its development requires certain climatic conditions. Only a small part of varieties of this tree can adapt to our frosts and give ripe and tasty fruits in the weather conditions of our country. Their names are given in the following list: Therefore, when planting an apricot, it is necessary to pay maximum attention to the place where it will grow. The ideal solution would be a territory on the south or southwest side of your site, which will be carefully is protected by from gusts of wind. It is also advisable to prepare the soil before planting. For this, sand, clay and peat, dolomite flour and compost are mixed. The preferred time for planting apricots is the end of April. They dig a hole for planting, the size of which is seventy by seventy centimeters. It is important to know that groundwater, as mentioned earlier, creates many problems for the cultivation of many plants, and apricot is no exception. nine0003 If you would like to plant it, despite the presence of groundwater, then you should follow some rules. The seedling is placed in a mound, the height of which will be about a meter, and the radius is about four to six meters. The advantage of this fit is that it gives protection from excessive moisture during snowmelt. The fruits of this tree are the sensational goji berries , which, if not helping to cope with excess weight, will in any case benefit your body. The undoubted advantage of this plant is its frost resistance . Dereza tolerates temperatures down to minus fifteen degrees. However, if the winters in your area are colder, then in order to preserve the bush, it is recommended to keep it in containers that will be removed during the cold season, for example, in the basement. If the climatic conditions are warm, then you can safely plant Chinese wolfberry already in autumn. The tree is not picky and soil characteristics do not play a big role, however, it is preferable to choose a site on the south or southwest side of your site. nine0003 The planting hole for Chinese wolfberry should be 40 x 50 cm. Seedlings should be placed at a distance of two meters from each other. When choosing fertilizers, preference should be given to humus, peat, superphosphate and wood ash. If you are planting wolfberry in containers, it is important to know that it will require much more watering than if it grows in the ground. No pollinators are needed for dereza, but it is worth considering that when planting not one, but several shrubs at once, the yield of will increase markedly. Chinese dereza will not only bring useful fruits, but will also become an ornament for your garden, because it blooms almost throughout the season. The shrub itself is very beautiful during flowering, and its fruits have a peculiar, but very pleasant taste. Site selection for this variety is similar to with apricot. Planting takes place at the end of April. It is not necessary to have several shrubs nearby at once, because its flowers are bisexual, but for best results, it is still recommended to plant about three plants of this variety. nine0003 The fruits appear on old shoots. therefore, the shrub requires shelter for the cold season. It is important to get rid of frozen and damaged shoots. The undoubted advantage of gumi is its help in enriching the soil with nitrogen and attracting bees. This variety with an interesting name was obtained by crossing cherries and cherries. Its fruits are not as sweet as those of cherries, but have a slight sourness. Duke does not tolerate frost particularly well, but there are a number of varieties that are preferable to plant in the middle lane. nine0003 It is obligatory to place a cherry tree next to a duke, which will serve as a pollinator for it. These are such varieties as Tyutchevka, Red dense, Iput. The place for the duke should be very warm and sunny , with no groundwater. There are no subtleties in planting this variety, it is planted in the same way with its progenitors: cherries and cherries. When deciding to decorate your garden with a duke, you should take into account that you will not be able to get a crop if the winter is especially cold. This variety got its name from the fruits that look very similar to strawberries. It is imperative to limit the rhizome when planting this shrub, as it grows especially quickly. To do this, you can simply dig slate along the length and width of the pit. If this is not done, then in a few years the garden will overgrow in strawberry raspberries. Please note that harvesting without any difficulties will not work, because there are a huge number of thorns . That is why most gardeners plant this variety as a hedge, which is an excellent solution due to the long and beautiful flowering of raspberries. Dogwood blossom is an incredibly beautiful sight. Its bright little flowers appear faster than the leaves, and you can enjoy them for about three weeks. It is not necessary to plant dogwood in a bright area, because the shade will not create problems for its development. nine0003
Apricot tree
In order for a tree to be strong and strong, you should protect it from cold, dampness and drafts.
Chinese wolfberry
Multi-flowered moss (gumi)
Strawberry raspberry
Common dogwood