Tips on closet organization

How to Organize Clothes in Your Closet: 5 Easy Steps

It's inspiring to think about organizing your clothes, shoes, and accessories perfectly in your closet when watching home design shows. But in real life, it takes a bit of planning and preparation to declutter, clean, and reorganize a closet to make sure it's more functional after you finish.

How you organize your closet will differ slightly based on the size of your space, the size of your wardrobe, and the kind of life you lead.

Follow these tips to learn how to best organize your clothes closet, similar to how the organization experts do it on TV.

Watch Now: How to Easily Organize Your Closet

Before You Begin

Gather tools and supplies that will help make the job easier. Here's your quick closet organization toolkit:

The Spruce / Daria Groza

Empty Your Closet

Remove all the items from your closet, giving you a bare closet to reset your closet space. If you’re used to shoving clothes into your closet, this will be weird because you’re about to take everything out and probably find some stuff shoved in a back corner that you forgot about. The easiest way to organize your clothes is to remove everything from the closet, including hangers, baskets, bins, and anything else on the floor or shelves.

Clean Every Corner

You need a clear, clean space to plan and visualize how you will re-organize your closet. First, dust the shelving and hanging rods. Next, run the vacuum or sweep and mop the floor. Finally, wipe the shelving, hanging rods, walls, and baseboards down with a good all-purpose cleaner. Don’t forget any baskets or bins that could be collecting dirt and dust.

Sort and Declutter Your Things

What often happens with closets is people stow their items away in a dark, back corner, sometimes forgetting what they have. The best way to start decluttering your clothes is to take it all out; sort it by separating all items into piles by item: shoes, outerwear, evening wear, and more. Figure out what you have and how many you have. Now, make some decisions. If you have 22 "little black dresses" and only go to dinner parties as frequently as the ball drops in Times Square, it's time to pare down. Sort again into piles: "must keep," "donate, toss, or pass along," or "not sure. "

Some people fear decluttering because they love to hold onto things they “may need one day” or “used to fit/be in style.” To make this process easier and organize your closet like a pro, you can follow the KonMari Method of organization by focusing on what you want to keep instead of what you're getting rid of. Following Marie Kondo's advice, ask yourself these questions:

If the answer is "yes" to all three, you can confidently place that item into the keeper pile. However, if you haven't worn something in years, it doesn't fit you anymore, or you don't like the cut, color, or style of it, let it go.

If you’re having difficulty deciding, create a "maybe" bin and revisit it in one, three, or six months. If you forgot about these items or never thought about wearing them once during that time, you can confidently donate or consign them.

Assess Your Storage System

Figuring out the right closet storage solutions for your particular space can be challenging. Luckily, there are tons of great options for closet organizers, including closet system kits, but most people can get away with installing a few budget-friendly closet organizers. 

If your closet system does not meet your needs by providing a space for your things (shelves, hanging racks, dividers, drawers), then look for a new organizing system. If your things don't fit, consider getting a different storage space for some things or re-evaluate whether you should keep an item.

The Spruce / Margot Cavin

Put Things Back in an Organized Way

How you organize your clothes closet and drawers depends on your storage plan. Think about where it makes sense to store each clothing category and which are the most accessible spots to reach in your closet. Everything should fit easily; it should not look overstuffed or continue to be overflowing. Fit your "keeper" items back in the space with like things; put least-used items in the back.

Best Closet Design Companies

Closet Organization Methods

Closet Storage Tips

Closet storage solutions won't create more space in your closet; however, closet organizers, storage solutions, and closet systems can help you maximize your space. Here are some tips for making more with less space:

You might be tempted to throw your hands up, pull out your credit card, and buy an expensive closet system. This urge might not be necessary if you measure the space, assess what you already have, and make a storage plan. Buy only what you need to store your clothes and re-purpose what you already own. Small bookcases, cubbies, and baskets are great for storing handbags, shoes, accessories, and gym clothes.

Finally, don't forget to measure a space three times before buying a new storage item. Nothing is worse than carting something home and finding it's too big or small.

The Spruce / Leticia Almeida

Maintaining Your Newly Organized Closet

The more you work on closet maintenance, the less time it will take. Go through your closet, complete a quick tidying once a month, and tackle the full re-organization process twice a year.

Make it easy on yourself by following a cleaning schedule, either by season, by date (such as your birthday or New Year's), or by an event. The next time you can't find an important piece of clothing, that's a good sign you need to re-organize your closet.

Take the Quiz

How organized are you? Take our short personality quiz to find out how organized you really are plus get tips for better organization.

How to Maximize Closet Space in 6 Stress-Free Steps

When starting a project to maximize closet space, evaluate everything you need to store. Pull everything out, remove items you no longer need, and sort like items. Before buying storage solutions, ensure they will fit your closet and match your unique needs. Measure carefully before purchasing a closet organizing product.

Here are tricks to increase closet space, especially if you live in an apartment or dorm with minimal space.


When you're going through your closet reorganization project, ask yourself these three key questions as you go along:

Here are the steps to follow to maximize your closet space.

Click Play to Learn How to Maximize Storage in a Small Closet

9 Ways to Store Clothes Without a Closet

Organization of the perfect wardrobe - Perfect Wardrobe

A large and spacious wardrobe is the dream of so many. Not only girls and women, but also men dream of a dressing room. To all of us, the wardrobe is presented as a wide bright room with many shelves, boxes, hangers and storage systems.

However, not many people can afford to arrange their ideal wardrobe in this way. For its convenience and appearance, as a rule, it is not the allocated area that is responsible, but the system for organizing and designing this space.

We will try to help you in this difficult, but at the same time interesting and creative matter - how to organize a wardrobe.

So, let's determine what steps the organization of the ideal wardrobe consists of:

Step 1. Choosing a space for a wardrobe.

Step 2. Determination of what things will be stored in the wardrobe.

Step 3. Space planning.

Step 4. Finding and buying the missing wardrobe items.

Step 5. Placement of things.

Step 6. Maintain order.

Let's take a closer look at each of these steps.

Choice of wardrobe space.

In practice, a situation is more common when this is not a choice, but a given, which depends on the size of the house or apartment, as well as the way of life. Agree that a person who lives on his own or a young married couple who are quite mobile and often move, there is absolutely no need to acquire a large stationary dressing room. However, everyone wants to have a convenient, organized and beautiful place to store things.

Where can a wardrobe be located:

I repeat that often, when determining a place for the future “home” for our things, we do not proceed from the number of things, but from the amount of available space. If there is a choice, then you need to be guided by a few simple rules:

Determine what items will be stored in the wardrobe.

This question is also purely individual. However, you must determine this at the very beginning. To properly organize the space of your wardrobe. When choosing storage categories, keep in mind the capacity of the space that you have already chosen and where you plan to place these things.

The wardrobe can store:

Some of you will exclaim that all these things will never fit in your wardrobe. Then you should find another comfortable space for them, which you also organize.

Remember that the mentioned categories should be slightly separated from each other. Agree that it would be strange to store lace underwear and winter boots on the same shelf. Therefore, be guided by common sense and the principle of "like to like".

Wardrobe space planning.

The main goal of space planning is to organize things in such a way that they are easy to find, convenient to take, and at the same time everything around continues to please the eye, and does not look like a “dump” at home.

Therefore, after you have determined the categories of things that will be stored in a wardrobe or closet, divide these categories into types of things that are similar in shape or type of fabric: shirts and polos, knit sweaters and tops, trousers, skirts, trouser suits, coats and jackets etc. This is necessary because different types of things are stored differently. And these storage conditions must be observed if you want your favorite things to serve you longer.

By placing each type on shelves, racks, wardrobe hangers, you can arrange them by color. So your wardrobe will look more harmonious, and certain things will be easier to find. Therefore, when planning a space, be guided by these rules.

Search and purchase of missing wardrobe items.

Everything is simple here. Be guided by one simple principle - each thing should have its own house. Therefore, if according to the plan the “house” is not enough, then it must be purchased in addition. These can be boxes, storage trays, suit hangers, special hangers for trousers and skirts, hangers for outerwear, hangers for delicate items, hangers for shirts, hangers for accessories and much more. To make your wardrobe or closet look harmonious. All elements included in it must be of the same type, shape and color. Many will decide that this rule can be neglected, but we will predict the result of this decision in advance: all things will hang at different levels, the colors of the hangers will distract from the color of things, create chaos, and irregularly shaped hangers will deform things.

Placement of things in the wardrobe.

The placement of things will depend on how you planned the space and whether you have enough "houses" for things. Treat this process no less creatively than the very planning of the wardrobe space. Hang them up and arrange them by color, size, or frequency of wear. Take a closer look. Is everything convenient? Try organizing differently.

Maintaining order.

Congratulations! You have done a great job, for which you are rewarded with a beautiful view of your wardrobe. But this result is easy to lose. And you must admit that it will be a shame to see another pile of things in the place of a perfectly organized wardrobe. Therefore, it is important to observe the following simple rules:

  1. Put things back in their place each time.
  2. When adding new clothes or removing things from the wardrobe, do not break the system. Even the newest and finest blouse should hang with the rest of the tops, and not in rows with trousers, because there it is better visible.
  3. All stored items must be clean. Dirty things go straight to the dirty laundry basket, and do not huddle them on the shelves.
  4. When buying a new item, make sure that there is an appropriate hanger or shelf space for it.
  5. Remove the packaging film immediately after dry cleaning. Lack of air access spoils things.
  6. Do not store clothing on metal wire hangers. They deform things.

10 tips for organizing the perfect wardrobe

For many people, a separate dressing room in an apartment is an unaffordable luxury. Nevertheless, in the house of every fashionista there is a certain space for storing clothes, shoes, wallets and other accessories.

Of course, when we hear the word wardrobe, we immediately imagine organized racks of clothes, boxes of shoes perfectly stacked on the shelves, and hats and handbags hung on hooks. But in reality, as a rule, everything turns out to be completely different.

If chaos and chaos have also settled in your closet, and you do not know how to deal with them, then we suggest you clean up and get rid of things that you are unlikely to ever put on.

To do this, you need to follow 10 simple steps.

1. Empty the closet and lay out the things. You can group outfits by color, purpose, brand, or something else. You can sort skirts to skirts or shirts to shirts. The main thing is to define a clear system that will be easy to use.

2. Separate the groups. Look at each thing you put aside, remember how long ago and how many times you wore it and whether you wore it at all. If a thing has not been worn for more than a year, then feel free to put it aside - it no longer has a place in your closet. In order not to regret, set yourself up to free up a shelf for new things. Give old clothes to charity, sell or deposit.

3. Refresh the cabinet: dust the shelves and drawers, leave the doors open for some time to ventilate.

4. Zoning the closet or dressing room space. Each category of things should have its own zone. For example, “evening dresses”, “outerwear”, “accessories”, “shoes”, “bags”, etc. It is important to remember that the fewer categories, the easier it will be for you to maintain the established order. Clothes that you wear infrequently are better to hang in the far corner, and take out casual trousers, skirts and sweaters “to the front line”. Designate a separate drawer for underwear, pajamas.

5. Remove seasonal items. Outerwear, summer or old baby clothes, etc. pack in vacuum bags to save space. If there is no place in the dressing room for them, they can be handed over to a warehouse for individual storage.

6. Install shoe storage systems. You can take a hotel wall or a shelf in the wardrobe for this. Shoes that you rarely wear, put on top. It will be better if you also divide it into categories: shoes, boots, boots, sandals, etc. If space permits, store shoes in branded boxes.

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