Planting small vegetable gardens
Vegetable Gardening for Beginners: The Basics of Planting & Growing
In the Vegetable Gardening for Beginners Guide, we cover how to start a vegetable garden from scratch, which vegetables to grow, and when to plant what. This year, we’ve added a “starter” garden plan consisting of easy-to-grow vegetables, companion planting techniques, and some lovely flowers!
Vegetable Gardening for Beginners
Why garden, you ask? How about enjoying the best vegetables and fruit you’ve ever eaten? If you’ve never tasted garden-fresh food, you will be amazed by the sweet, juicy flavors and vibrant textures. There’s absolutely nothing quite like fresh veggies, especially if you grow them yourself—which you can!
It may seem daunting at first, but gardening is a very rewarding hobby. On this page, we’ll highlight the basics of vegetable gardening and planning: how to pick the right site for your garden, how to create the right-size garden, and how to select which vegetables to grow.
Pick the Right Location
Picking a good location for your garden is absolutely key. A subpar location can result in subpar veggies! Here are a few tips for choosing a good site:
- Sunny spot: Most vegetables need 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight per day. There are a few veggies (mostly the leafy ones) that will tolerate some shade.
- Drains well and doesn’t stay wet: If you have poorly drained soil where water pools, plant veggies in a raised bed or raised row for improved drainage. Wet soil means wet roots, which can turn into rotted roots. If you have rocky soil, till and remove the rocks, as they will interfere with root growth and make for weaker plants.
- Stable and not windy: Avoid places that receive strong winds that could knock over your young plants or keep pollinators from doing their job. Nor do you want to plant in a location that receives too much foot traffic or floods easily. Plant in a location that would make Goldilocks smile—somewhere that’s “just right.
- Nutrient-rich soil. You soil feeds your plants. If you have thin, nutrient-poor soil, you’ll have poor, unhealthy plants. Mix in plenty of organic matter to help your plants gro. See how to prepare you soil for vegetable plants.
Choosing a Plot Size: Start Small!
Remember: It’s better to be proud of a small garden than be frustrated by a big one!
One of the most common errors that beginners make is planting too much too soon—way more than anybody could ever eat or want! Unless you want to have zucchinis taking up residence in your attic, plan your garden with care. Start small, and only grow what you know you and your family will eat.
Size of Garden
- If planting in the ground, a 10’ x 10’ garden (100 square feet) is a managable size. Pick 3 to 5 of your favorite vegetables and buy 3 to 5 plants of each one.
- If planting in a raised bed, a 4’ x 4’ or 4’ x 8’ is a good beginner size.
See our Raised Garden Bed Guide which covers the benefits of raised beds, how to build a raised bed, and what type of soil to fill a raised bed with.
- If you want to go bigger, a 12’ x 24’ garden in the ground is probably the biggest a first-timer should go. For example, a garden that feeds a family of four could include: 3 hills of yellow squash; 1 mound of zucchini; 10 assorted peppers; 6 tomato plants; 12 okra plants; a 12-foot row of bush beans; 2 cucumbers on a cage; 2 eggplant; 6 basil; 1 rosemary, and a few low-growing herbs such as oregano, thyme, and marjoram.
- Whatever the size of your garden: Every four feet or so, make sure that you have paths that allow you to access your plants to weed and harvest. Just make sure that you can reach the center of the row or bed easily without stepping on the soil.
Choosing Vegetables
As a beginner, start by choosing easy vegetables that are also productive. We’ve listed ten easy vegetable below. However, it would also be wise to contact your state’s Cooperative Extension Service to find out what plants grow best in your area. For example, if you live in an area with extremely hot weather, vegetables that prefer cooler temps may struggle.
Top 10 Easy Vegetables
(Tip: Click on a veggie’s name to see its detailed Growing Guide.)
- Lettuce
- Green beans
- Radishes
- Tomatoes (bush variety or cherry are easiest)
- Zucchini
- Peppers
- Beets
- Carrots
- Chard, Spinach, or Kale
- Peas
Mix in flowers such as marigolds—which discourage pests, attracts pollinators, and adds some color!
Five tips for choosing vegetables:
- Choose what you (and your family) like to eat.
If no one likes brussels sprouts, don’t bother planting them! But if your kids love green beans, put more effort towards growing a big crop of beans.
- Be realistic about how many vegetables your family will eat. Be careful not to overplant, as you will only stretch yourself thin by trying to take care of tons of plants! (Of course, you could always give excess veggies away to friends, family, or the local soup kitchen.)
- Consider the availability of veggies at your grocery store. Maybe you want to grow tomatillos, instead of cabbage or carrots, which are readily available. Also, certain veggies are so far superior when homegrown, it’s almost a shame not to consider them (we’re thinking of garden lettuce and tomatoes). Also, homegrown herbs are far less expensive than grocery store herbs.
- Be prepared to take care of your plants throughout the growing season. Going on a summer vacation? Remember that tomatoes and zucchinis are growing strongest in the middle of summer.
If you’re gone part of the summer, you need someone to look after the crops or they will suffer. Or, you could just grow cool-season crops such as lettuce, kale, peas, and root veggies during the cooler months of late spring and early fall.
- Use high-quality seeds. Seed packets are less expensive than individual plants, but if seeds don’t germinate, your money—and time—are wasted. A few extra cents spent in spring for that year’s seeds will pay off in higher yields at harvesttime.
Where and When to Plant
If you are simply growing two or three tomato plants, this process is easy. But if you plan to grow a full garden, you need to consider:
- Where will each plant go?
- When will each vegetable need to be planted?
Here are a few guidelines for arranging your vegetables:
- Not all vegetables are planted at the same time. “Cool-season” vegetables such as lettuce and brocoil and peas grow in cooler weather of early spring (and fall).
“Warm-season” such as tomatoes and peppers and cucumbers aren’t planted until the soil warms up in late spring and summer.
- Plant tall veggies (such as pole beans on a trellis or sweet corn) on the north side of the garden so they don’t shade shorter plants. If you do get shade in a part of your garden, save that area for small, cool-season veggies. If shade is unavoidable in parts of your garden, save those areas for cool-season vegetables which appreciate shade as the weather heats up.
- Most veggies are annuals (planted each year). If you’re planning on growing “perennial” crops such as asparagus, rhubarb, and some herbs, provide permanent locations or beds.
- Consider that some crops mature quickly and have a very short harvest period (radishes, bush beans). Other plants, such as tomatoes, take longer to produce, but also produce for longer. These “days to maturity” are typically listed on the seed packet.
- Stagger plantings. You don’t want to plant all your lettuce seeds at the same time, or all that lettuce will need to be harvested at around the same time! Stagger plantings by a few weeks to keep ‘em coming!
When to Plant What
Every region has a different planting time based mainly on their weather, and every vegetable has its temperature preferences, too. See the Almanac’s Best Planting Dates—a gardening calendar customized to your local frost dates. Just enter your zip code (or postal code in Canada)!
For specific planting information, see our individual Grow Guides for over 100 popular vegetables, herbs, and fruit. For each crop, we provide specific information about how to plant, grow, and harvest, including watering and fertilizing and pest control!
A Starter Beginner Garden Plan
To help out beginners, we thought that it may be useful to see a garden design. Here is an example of a starter family garden using mainly of the common easy-to-grow vegetables listed above. It also features companion planting (the practice of placing plants that thrive together next to each other).
You’ll see that we have given the garden decent-sized paths and mixed in a few herbs and flowers, too. Frankly, if we had grown this garden in our very first year, we would be thrilled! In planning the garden this way, we have made it so much easier for you to succeed with it.
Click here to see the full plant list, number of plants, spacing, and spacing in rows.
Garden Planning Tool
The Old Farmer’s Almanac offers an excellent online garden planning tool which makes your garden planning fun and easy. With this tool, draw your garden plan on the computer and drop in your preferred vegetables, and it automatically calculates the proper spacing for each type of crop! This way, you don’t waste seed or crowd your plants. The Garden Planner automatically pulls in the frost dates for your specific location, identifies easy vegetables, and even identifies companion plants. Then you can print out your plan and the tool reminds you of your seeding and harvesting dates for every vegetable!
Plus, you’ll see many free garden plans for inspiration! Over time, you’ll see that this tool also provides “crop rotation” so that if you plan a second season, you can properly reposition your plants to avoid pests and disease.
With new gardeners in mind, we offer a FREE week to try the Garden Planner—ample time to plan your first garden. Check it out here:
Photo: Almanac Garden Planner. Earth’s most popular tool for planning your garden. Try it free for 7 days.
Any questions or advice about starting your garden? Check out some of the comments below. Many of your questions may have been answered already by our Almanac community or you are welcome to add your own comment. Happy gardening!
The Best Vegetables to Grow in Small Gardens
Erin Huffstetler
Erin Huffstetler
Erin Huffstetler is a frugal living expert who has been writing for over 10 years about easy ways to save money at home. She's covered money-saving advice and tricks for numerous publications, including The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and Forbes, among others. She is the owner of "My Frugal Home," a money-saving, frugal living how-to guide.
Learn more about The Spruce's Editorial Process
Updated on 03/03/22
The Spruce / Valerie de León
Even if your garden is small, that doesn't mean that your vegetable output has to be. You can grow lots of healthy and tasty veggies with these ten high-yield, fast-growing plants. If you just have a small patio or deck, you are still in luck. Many of these plants can be grown in containers, and some grow vertically rather than horizontally. The fruits of your labor will be just-picked-fresh and will add tasty goodness to all your summer meals, and you'll make a big dent in your grocery bill as a bonus.
Click Play to Learn How to Grow a Vegetable Garden In a Small Space
01 of 10
Leaf Lettuce
The Spruce / Autumn Wood
Harvest lettuce leaves whenever you need them, and more will grow right back in their place as long as you don't damage the crown.
Leaf lettuce varieties you can grow include oak leaf, red sails, and mesclun.
02 of 10
The Spruce / Autumn Wood
Plant cherry or grape tomatoes and you'll get gobs of tomatoes in compact clusters. They'll do well in the ground or in containers on a patio or deck. So use any sunny spot that you have available.
03 of 10
The Spruce / K. Dave
Give cucumber plants a place to climb so that they don't take up a lot of space, and you'll end up with more cukes than you can pick, pickle, and give away. If you want to grow cucumbers in containers, opt for compact or bush varieties. Their vines will only spread a few feet.
04 of 10
The Spruce / K. Dave
Left to its own devices, squash will take over every inch of your garden. But if you grow it vertically, it will do nicely in a small garden and still produce plenty at harvest time.
05 of 10
The Spruce / Autumn Wood
Bell peppers grow up, rather than out, so they're the perfect candidate for a pint-sized garden plot. Smaller pepper varieties also do well. Tuck them into your landscaping where they'll look ornamental or grow them in pots on your patio.
06 of 10
The Spruce / K. Dave
Enjoy all-you-can-eat peas in the spring since they are cool-season vegetables. Then replant the space with something else for the summer and fall. How's that for making the most of a small space?
07 of 10
The Spruce / Adrienne Legault
Plant a small plot of beets, and you can eat the beet greens early in the season and then the actual beets later in the season. Now that's productive garden space.
08 of 10
The Spruce / K. Dave
It only takes about 45 days for radishes to reach harvest size, so that's another spot in your garden that you can replant, either with radishes or another plant.
09 of 10
Pole Beans
The Spruce / K. Dave
Train pole beans up a pole or trellis, and your bean plants will give you a huge (and long) harvest in the teeny tiniest of spaces.
10 of 10
The Spruce / Autumn Wood
Herbs love to share space with other plants. Use them to fill in around your larger edibles, and you'll get more food from every inch of your garden.
What to plant in the garden: a list of popular vegetables, fruits and berries
After buying a summer cottage, the question immediately arises of what to plant in your garden. However, you should not rush into choosing a crop, first you need to decide what exactly you want to grow and answer a few simple questions for yourself.
- Are you planning to preserve vegetables or fruits for the winter.
- Will there be enough sun for your ideas on the site.
- Whether your climate is suitable for vegetables or fruits.
- How much time can you devote to gardening.
- Which products are your priorities.
It is best to plan the site in advance on a large sheet of paper, and only then start working. Issues of water supply, quality drainage and soil are also important, however, if your site does not have access to direct sunlight, some crops will have to be abandoned.
Not many people know, but some cultivated plants can be planted in flowerpots or even pots. Some of them will bring not only fruits, but will also become a decoration of the house, due to their decorative effect. You can order indoor plants, as well as flowers in Ternopil online, without leaving your home or office.
Planting layout
Planning is very important, especially for the beginner gardener. Do not limit yourself to approximate sizes and rely on intuition. It is best to use a tape measure to make accurate measurements and draw the data obtained on an A3 sheet. Do not forget to measure all the buildings that already exist and are only planned. Carefully measure your gazebo, compost site, vegetable garden, home (if any), seating area, or barbecue. Make measurements and make several copies of the resulting plan. Choose well-lit and more shady areas, make appropriate notes on the plan. Allocate a large number of places for greenhouses or hotbeds and do not forget about the paths. Designate a water source.
What crops need beds
There are two important rules to remember before planting crops. First, some cultures do not get along well with each other. And secondly, do not plant the same crops in the same place every year. This can negatively affect their quality. There are some cultures that take root well without a garden bed. For example, dill seeds can simply be scattered around the site, and beans, radishes, beets and turnips can grow without beds. Raspberries can be planted next to fruit trees along the fence or set aside a special area for them - raspberries. However, remember that no other fruits or vegetables can be planted under a raspberry bush. Now let's look at which crops need beds, and also dwell on the compatibility of different crops.
Cucumbers . They grow well near potatoes, cabbage, beets and peas. Every year you need to look for a new place for these healthy vegetables.
Potato . Root vegetables, cabbage and the same cucumbers grow well with this perennial, but you should stay away from tomatoes because of common pests and diseases. Do not forget that potatoes, like love, live only three years, and then it is better to transplant them to another place.
Tomatoes . It is best to plant tomatoes with cauliflower and white cabbage, onions and legumes. If you are going to plant this crop every year, take care of the soil, as after 2-3 years of use it becomes too acidic. To avoid this, add some lime to the soil and dig deep into the soil.
Bow . In one place it is better not to plant more than 3 years in a row. It takes root well in soil rich in organic fertilizers or, if you plant onions in place of potatoes, tomatoes or cabbage. Sunlight and loose soil are critical for this plant. In clayey and heavy soil, the harvest will be poor, if at all.
Garlic . It is best to choose spring varieties of garlic, for example, "Gulliver". They give a good harvest and are easy to care for. The main thing is not to grow this crop in one place for more than 2 years, otherwise there is a possibility of soil contamination with a nematode.
Carrot . Sow immediately after early potatoes and cabbage. It will not be a mistake to place carrots immediately after tomato or peas.
Strawberry . The best predecessors are radishes, lettuce, celery, mustard and flowers (tulips, irises). They are usually planted in May in the sunniest place and, preferably, on a cloudy day.
Strawberry . Radishes, beans and parsley are suitable as a precursor for this delicious berry. Categorically not suitable cucumbers, tomatoes, all types of ranunculus and sunflowers. Strawberry transplantation is usually carried out in spring and autumn. There will be no berry transplantation in the year, so it is usually carried out in the fall. By the time of flowering, the root will have time to get stronger, and the strawberry will have time to adapt to new conditions.
In addition to these crops, you can grow radishes, pumpkins, beets, beans, corn and squash in the garden.
Selecting a location for each crop
Even on large farms, there is often not enough space or time to plant all the plants. In small summer cottages, there is even less free space. I want to plant tomatoes and potatoes, install a greenhouse and make a vineyard, but often you have to prioritize and choose. If you plant only one crop in the garden, then the soil will be depleted, and pathogens of various diseases will become a real threat to the site.
That is why experienced gardeners came up with the concept of crop rotation, that is, the alternation of different crops in the soil. In small areas, a full-fledged crop rotation is impossible, but at least a fruit change is necessary (when a crop is grown in one place for no more than 2-3 years). All crops are divided into several conditional groups: pumpkin (cucumber, zucchini, squash), tomato (pepper, eggplant, tomato) and cabbage (headed, cauliflower, broccoli, etc.).
Decide on size and location before changing crops, then vary every 3-4 years. It is important that cultures return to “their” original place. It is for this that copies of the plan, drawn up in advance, are needed in order to return the cabbage to the soil, which has recently been freed from potatoes. If everything is done correctly, your cultures will not change, unlike their location. This rotation will keep your garden healthy and allow you to get the maximum yield each year. If you plant exclusively a monoculture on your site, for example, potatoes, then for the health of the soil, plant intermediate crops (green manure) in parallel and plow them into green manure (for example, cereals, beans, peas, barley).
In the text above, we indicated with which plants popular crops have the maximum synergy. For a garden entirely consisting of green crops, alternate lettuce, dill, radish, basil and parsley. In a perennial ornamental garden, alternation is generally recommended once every 5 years. Crop rotation is convenient because plants receive natural protection from pests, grow well and do not deplete the soil, but supplement it with their alternation.
List of crops that can be planted in a summer cottage
With the advent of spring, many summer residents think about what crops to plant in their area. Of course, it is necessary to build on personal preferences and family preferences. But it is also necessary to choose the right neighbors for vegetables and fruits and distribute them over the site in order to reap a good harvest and not deplete the soil.
Vegetable plants are one of the most popular crops among summer residents. They are quite easy to grow, conveniently located, so at the end we get cheap and natural products from our own farm. We bring to your attention a list of the most popular vegetables that you can easily grow in your country house.
- Potato. One of the main products in our country and the most popular vegetable in cottages and small plots. Gets along with many vegetables. For planting, it is better to use germinated tubers. Plant potatoes in May and make sure that the crop does not fall under the onslaught of the Colorado potato beetle. To get rid of the pest, you must carefully monitor the potatoes or use strong chemicals.
- Tomatoes. We use these delicious vegetables both in salads and as a side dish, and many have loved tomato juice since childhood. When growing, it is worth remembering the pinching of tomatoes (pinching side shoots). In our climate, it is also worth cutting off the lower leaves to the formed ovary in order to form a beautiful bush.
- Cucumbers. Despite the fact that they are 90% water, they are a very healthy and tasty vegetable. They contain trace elements that help remove toxins from the body and have a beneficial effect on the general condition of a person.
- Luk. Onions are grown from seeds, onion sets and from seedlings. An indispensable vegetable in our kitchen, without which almost no meat dish can do. It is extremely tolerant to frost, unpretentious and calmly coexists with many vegetables.
- Sweet pepper. This is an excellent addition to salads, and is also used as an independent dish in lecho. It gets along well with basil, zucchini, tansy and marjoram. A unique snack rich in the whole spectrum of vitamins (especially vitamin C).
- Beets. One of the most important ingredients in traditional Ukrainian borscht, it is used in several salads and appetizers. It survives well in the neighborhood with cucumbers and lettuce, but it is undesirable to plant corn and beans next to beets.
- Cabbage. Cabbage is planted in a plot where related vegetables (radishes, rutabaga, turnips) have not been planted for the last three years. This is due to the emasculation of the soil and the accumulation of pests in it.
Cabbage is usually fed 1-2 times during watering, and the time to collect crispy heads comes in the summer.
- Carrot. This popular root crop grows well in our conditions and feels best in well-lit areas. It is better to plant carrots at the end of winter or early spring, immediately after the soil warms up a little. Treat the soil regularly from weeds, loosen the soil and prevent pests from appearing. The most terrible enemy is the carrot fly, in order to prevent it from enjoying the harvest, it is enough to cut the leaves and weed the soil in time.
- Eggplant. A very heat-loving vegetable that needs a lot of moisture. For good growth, mulching, frequent top dressing, watering and a place protected from the wind are required.
How to Arrange Vegetables
The conventional wisdom is to arrange the beds from north to south using a compass. It is important to monitor the location of the sun at dawn so that the rays can warm the plants and high plantings do not obscure the low ones in the morning. It is the morning sun that is considered the most favorable and productive in terms of photosynthesis for plants.
- Make the beds the same length and width
- North-south ridges are good for low plants and level ground with good drainage.
- In uneven terrain, plant priority vegetables on the south, sunny side to get a good harvest.
- One, maximum 2 acres of land is enough for a family for vegetables.
- If the site has a slope, it would be most reasonable to first level it a little, adding earth, and plantings should be placed horizontally to maximize the use of moisture.
What vegetables can be planted under the trees (in the shade)
- Garlic. If you use garlic only as a seasoning, it will be enough light even in the shade of a large tree.
- Parsley, dill, greens. They grow well in the shade, just try not to get on it with chemicals when spraying trees.
- Beets. If you like small root crops, then shade-grown beets will meet your expectations.
- Beans. Most beans are heat-loving, but there are also varieties that grow quietly in the shade. They are also used to fertilize and improve the soil.
- Horseradish. The best plant for shade, plant it in the soil without access to light and its lush leaves are still excellent for pickling cucumbers.
- Berry bushes. Rose hips, raspberries love shade and grow better without direct sunlight.
- Kiwi. Now varieties have been bred that can easily withstand frosts down to minus 30 degrees. If you decide to plant seeds, then the first fruits can be expected only after 6 years, and the seedlings bear fruit after 2 years. Growing kiwi in the garden is possible in autumn and spring.
- Apricot. Planted in early spring, seedlings with an open root system are planted immediately after the snow has passed. Buy apricot seedlings no older than 2-3 years, so they take root better. The root system should be powerful and in a calm state (without buds and leaves).
- Apple tree. Before planting an apple tree, make sure that the groundwater is no closer than 2 meters from the surface of the earth. The tree loves slightly acidic soil. You can plant an apple tree throughout the season. Form it immediately after planting the seedling and water regularly.
- Pear. Plant in early spring or late September. The tree needs direct sunlight and regular watering. Poor soil or the north side of a summer cottage will not work for a pear.
- Plum. This is a rather moody tree that grows only in good sunlight and in nutritious soil. It is also important that there are no other fruit-bearing trees nearby, and that the soil with a lot of nutrients is of moderate acidity.
- Gooseberry. Gooseberries contain a huge amount of vitamins and a record amount of fructose for Europe. Excellent stimulates appetite and has a beneficial effect on peristalsis and digestion.
- Raspberry. For this berry, special raspberries are usually arranged on the site.
The stems are covered with thorns, so they are not very easy to pick. It is widely known about the medicinal properties of raspberries, it is an excellent diaphoretic and antibacterial agent.
- Strawberries. The most famous wild berry in our latitudes. In order for strawberries to bear fruit, you need to choose the right soil (moderate acidity) and location on the site. You can feed the plant a little and it is advisable not to plant strawberries on hills or in lowlands.
- Strawberry. It grows best on black soil, with an acidity level of no higher than 6.5 pH. This incredibly tasty berry has long been a favorite treat for many children and adults.
- Planted in early spring or early autumn. Often grown in film tunnels so that the crop ripens earlier.
- Currant. The berry takes root easily and is generally unpretentious. Bushes are planted mainly in an open, well-lit place. Systematically needs to loosen the soil and top dressing every 2-3 years so that the soil is not depleted.
What is best to plant in the garden in spring and after frost
Curly cabbage . The vegetable can withstand temperatures down to minus 20 and is ideal for growing in early spring.
Radish . Radish seeds begin their growth already at +2 degrees. At too high temperatures, the radish becomes coarse and bitter, for him the cold is his best friend.
Carrot . Unpretentious cold-resistant culture, which is usually sown in late April. Seeds germinate well even at +4 degrees.
Turnip . The seeds of the legendary plant sprout even at sub-zero temperatures.
Arugula . This plant is often used in Mediterranean cuisine. You can plant seeds even in autumn, arugula does not die in sub-zero temperatures and frosts.
Spinach . Sailor Papaya's favorite delicacy is a very healthy and tasty plant. It begins to grow even in a slight minus, and the seedlings calmly tolerate frosts down to -15 degrees.
Peas . It grows rapidly in soil warmed up to 7 degrees. In addition, it revitalizes the soil and synergizes well with many plants.
Parsley . A very useful and tasty plant that grows quietly in the shade and does not pay attention to temperature changes.
Beetroot . It grows at +4 degrees and does not require special care or heat. After the appearance of the first leaves, the beets do not seem to notice any temperature changes (except for the very extreme ones).
Potatoes . The second bread for our people reacts quite calmly to frost and temperature changes. Tubers are planted in soil that has warmed up to +7 degrees. The largest crops are obtained in moderately warm temperatures, but even in a cold winter, the crop can remain alive, there will simply be fewer potatoes, and the fruits will be worse.
Celery . The plant grows for a very long time (up to 120 days) and is often bred using seedlings. Celery shoots survive at -5 degrees, but die in severe frosts. Based on this, calculate the time and place of planting a useful plant.
Lettuce . Only in appearance this plant looks like a gentle and thermophilic guest from other countries. Lettuce can withstand even -6 degrees and grows quickly in the shade. True, the payback for this is inedible and bitter leaves after harvest.
Rutabaga . The closest relative of the turnip sprouts in a few days even at 7-10 degrees and withstands slight frosts.
What is good for planting in summer
Shrubs and fruit-bearing trees - pears, cherries, apples, currant bushes or raspberries are best planted in summer. These crops are the best choice for summer residents who appear on the site only in the summer, and even then, on weekends. When planting, it is advisable to fertilize the soil well so as not to let the plants wither and not deplete the soil. Also, look carefully at the site plan so that the roots of large trees do not interfere with other plants on the site. In addition, the bushes will form a beautiful hedge that will protect against noise and curious neighbors.
Melons . Watermelons and melons are not the most common choice for the site, but if you perceive the cottage as a hobby, then why not. They grow well without much human intervention, the only thing is to carefully monitor pests and beware of thieves.
Corn . Seedlings will make excellent cobs, and homemade corn tastes much better than store-bought. The only negative is that it takes up a lot of space and grows quickly.
Strawberry . Unfortunately, the first fruits can be obtained only next year. Many birds are not averse to eating strawberries, so it is better to cover the seedlings with an awning, but after ripening you can fully enjoy the taste of this beautiful berry.
Nemophiles . So that the site gives not only congestion, but also aesthetic joy, plant nemophila flowers. Plant them simply in open ground, they take root well and delight with a beautiful colored carpet for a long time.
Dill . Varieties of Armenian or Sukhumi dill are an excellent choice for planting in July. In addition to the fact that the plant is rich in vitamins and microelements, it also looks organic on any table as a seasoning or in a salad. Dill is always paired with parsley, so it is recommended to plant this plant on the site.
Basil . A unique herb that doesn't chase moisture or shade. Adds flavor to various salads and is used simply as an appetizer. Large leaves can also shield potatoes from direct sunlight. Basil gives a great smell that refreshes the entire territory of the summer cottage.
Garden design: 50 beautiful photos, tips for landscaping
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Layout, types of beds and options for their design - we tell you how to beautifully arrange other elements of the garden on the planting site.
Thinking through the design of a summer cottage, we first of all think about the design of the garden and recreation area. Landings are usually perceived as a purely functional part of the territory, although in fact it is the same full-fledged element of the landscape. They affect the overall appearance of the site and can also look spectacular and decorative. In this article, we tell you how to arrange a comfortable and at the same time beautiful garden in a private house.
How to arrange a garden beautifully
Design ideas
— Types of beds
— Design options
— Other elements
Social media blogger Faggemala1912
The main function of the garden is practical. Here you will spend a lot of time doing various garden work, harvesting. Therefore, first of all, it is important to think over its layout: size, location, composition, interaction with other zones.
Things to consider:
- Tasks. Thinking about planting in the country, we immediately imagine endless rows of potato bushes, but this does not have to be the case. Now mini-gardens are in trend: for example, only with herbs. Or maybe you love fresh berries in the summer and you don't need vegetables at all. Based on your plans for the harvest, it will become clear what size the garden will be approximately.
- The size and shape of the plot. The beds are just one of the components of the local area. There are also outbuildings, the house itself, a garden, a recreation area, additional elements (pool, pond, well, barbecue area, etc.). Therefore, it is necessary to plan the number and location of the ridges, taking into account all this. If the site is very small, think about what you can give up or how to add usable area. For example, flower beds can be transferred from the ground to a pergola or special multi-tiered structures, thus freeing up space below for planting.
Or, conversely, organize a vegetable garden in containers if you do not intend to grow a lot of fruits and vegetables.
- Relief. In addition to the area, the relief of the territory is also important. The landscape design of the garden on a plot with a flat surface and with a slope will be different. If in the first case everything is simple, then in the second, as a rule, soil strengthening is required. Terracing is often used for this - just on such surfaces you can set up a neat vegetable garden. Or make multi-tiered beds that repeat the natural relief.
- landing conditions. This is the general climate, the illumination of the site, humidity, soil composition, proximity to other plants, etc. You can influence some of these factors by placing the landings in the appropriate place. And if this is not possible, then select crops suitable for your site.
- Logistics. It is important to arrange the beds so that it is convenient for you to interact with them. For example, if you use water from barrels for irrigation, it is better to set up a vegetable garden closer to them.
Also, there should be a convenient passage to it, and it is better to store all the necessary garden tools within walking distance - or at least not at the other end of the site, especially if it is large.
Social media blogger Faggemala1912
Social media blogger Mi & Ales
Summer cottage
Video: what to plant in the garden and in the garden to make it beautiful and simple? Answered by a biologist!
Let's take a closer look at how to create a beautiful garden with your own hands.
Varieties of beds
The first thing to consider is whether the beds will be static or temporary. The first option is the classic and most popular. For landings, they choose a certain place that does not change. The second type is suitable for those who do not plan to set up a large-scale garden or have not yet decided what the final landscape will look like. Temporary beds are mobile, their location can be changed every year and even during the season.
There are several types of classic static beds (several can be combined in one plot!):
- Low - these are the most common strips of fertile land, slightly rising above the rest of the level of the site. The height of the side does not exceed 10-15 cm. Often they are left in their natural form, only trampling paths between the ridges. If the soil is too loose or you want to make the planting area more decorative, fences are added.
- High - these include structures with a height of about 80-100 cm. This arrangement is considered the most comfortable for the gardener - you do not need to bend low during weeding or watering. Also, high beds dry out quickly, so they are great for rainy areas.
At the same time, in a normal climate, they will have to be watered more often than ordinary beds. Either ordinary soil or more complex combinations are used as filling: for example, with the addition of a layer of branches.
- Vertical is a very useful and sometimes the only possible solution for a small area. If there is not enough space on the ground, this option allows you to get additional usable area. Strawberries are usually planted in plastic tubes that are stacked on top of each other. Herbs, cucumbers and tomatoes are placed in small containers in horizontal rows. And climbing vegetables can be planted in barrels. This planting is also good because crops become less accessible to soil pests.
- Multi-tiered - to save space, play with difficult terrain, or, conversely, diversify too flat landscape, you can use multi-tiered structures. Several beds in special containers of different sizes are stacked on top of each other, forming an interesting composition. In this case, again, an additional - vertical - area is involved.
- Warm - used as an analogue of a large greenhouse if you live in a harsh climate or want to get an earlier harvest of vegetables. According to the type of construction, they can be high or low, the main difference from the usual ones is an additional bottom layer of fresh manure or compost that has not had time to ferment. Additionally, you can make a protective coating on top: a film on the crossbars or a cap roof if the structure has a frame.
Blogger Agnes Annerbrink's social networks
Warm beds
Design options
To get a beautiful garden, as in the photo below, the beds should be designed aesthetically, neat fences or decorative elements are added to the plantings.
Blogger Teresa Berry's social networks
Here are some ideas that are relevant and easy to implement:
- Plank fence - quick, easy, inexpensive and environmentally friendly. It is enough to make a fence around the perimeter of boards, lining, log cabins or timber - and you get a natural decoration for plantings.
This decor is suitable for a landscape, eco- or Scandinavian garden.
- Decorative borders - they will help "pick up" the tracks and outline their boundaries. Materials can be anything: slate, vine, plastic, metal shield, glass bottles, etc. If the ridge is large, for greater stability of the sides, you can install them not just on the ground, but dig small grooves.
- French garden - if you have a regular garden on your site, this arrangement of plantings will complement the severity of its lines. The beds are arranged symmetrically in a circle or rectangle, divided into several identical sectors. Garden paths are laid between them - they are usually made of gravel or tiles. Sometimes, if space permits, a lawn is added.
- Bags or baskets are an unusual but very effective way to beat landings. To do this, a long strip of land is allocated under them (it can be additionally fenced with bricks or boards), which is made with the same strong bags or baskets with soil and plants planted in it.
It turns out decorative and at the same time functional.
- Bosquet-bed - instead of the usual sides along the perimeter of the landings, a mini-hedge of tiny shrubs is planted. For this role, for example, evergreen boxwood is suitable - it feels great in the climate of the middle lane.
- Flowerpots and large planters - any game with meanings looks interesting. So, instead of the usual flowers in beautiful pots or vases, you can plant herbs, mint, onions or a few garden strawberry bushes.
photoSocial networks of blogger Elizaveta Mikhalkova
Social networks of blogger Boho Wife
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Social media blogger Homegrown Patch
Wow ideas: 8 beautiful garden bed designs
Other elements
Finally, in addition to the plantings themselves, other elements can be located in the garden area, which also need to be included in the overall design.
Social networks of blogger Elizaveta Mikhalkova
First of all, these are greenhouses: large or micro - depending on the size of the plot and the amount of crop you plan to get. If this is a full-fledged building, it can be located both in the center of the landings, and a little to the side. For convenience and aesthetics, you can lay out paths from the greenhouse along the ridges, put a couple of planters with flowers or herbs in the general style at the entrance. And greenhouse-type beds - alternate with ordinary ones.
Most often a small shed is built to store tools and other garden accessories. In this case, it can also be decorated with: climbing plants, an attached rack with flower pots or vertical micro-beds, garden decorations. If there is no space for a separate building on the site, organize more compact storage. For example, you can put a wooden or metal rack right in the planting area, decorating it with vines. Make a small table, hang tools on hooks from the fence, make a composition of boxes on the ground, etc.
- Plank fence - quick, easy, inexpensive and environmentally friendly. It is enough to make a fence around the perimeter of boards, lining, log cabins or timber - and you get a natural decoration for plantings.