Outdoor swimming pool lighting design

10 ways for designing pool lighting |

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(Image credit: Bianchi Design / Michael Woodall)

You’ll need some pool lighting ideas if you’re planning on building a new pool to complete your backyard, or if you want to refresh and update an existing pool area.

There are a lot more options nowadays for pool light ideas that go beyond the standard submerged pool lights. It’s a matter of beautifully and thoughtfully illuminating the surrounding pool area as well, so is an integral decision when planning your pool ideas.

Pool lighting ideas

(Image credit: John Cullen Lighting)

'Outdoor lighting ideas are an integral part of enjoying any outdoor living space and should not allowed to go without serious thought,' says Michael Deo, certified outdoor lighting designer (COLD) and owner of NatureScape Lighting in Millington, New Jersey.

'The overall enjoyment of the space is the reason we install swimming pools to begin with, and often, folks don’t get to use them until well after the sun sets,' he adds.

From path illumination to spotlighting the most aesthetically-pleasing surrounding pool landscaping ideas, these pool lighting ideas will inspire and inform your vision.

1. Brighten up the pool deck or patio

(Image credit: David Wilds Patton Lighting Design/HrH Architecture/John Sutton Photography)

While it’s certainly helpful to light the pool itself, it’s equally wise to illuminate the surrounding pool area, deck or patio, something that will let you see your backyard at night in all its glory. 

This effect will create 'an illuminated border outside the swimming pool,' explains Michael Deo, which can make it the centerpiece of your outdoor space. It also will give you 'a safe pedestrian zone,' he adds, ideal for guests, who will benefit from your pool lighting ideas.


Try uplighting and downlighting 

(Image credit: Bianchi Design/George Gruel)

If you want to give the outdoor features that surround your pool the attention they deserve, consider a mix of uplighting and downlighting. While uplighting as a pool light idea can illuminate branches and plants from the ground up, installed downlighting additionally creates a natural look and covers more surface area. 

Kirk Bianchi, pool and landscape designer at Scottsdale, Arizona’s Bianchi Design , and his consultant Janet Lennox Moyer , lighting designer and author of new book The Art of Landscape Lighting , believe that pool lighting ideas allow us to reconnect with our garden spaces, permitting us to enjoy outdoor living at the prime hours when we are at home relaxing.

Downlights can shine from a tree or an eave of your home, Kirk and Janet explain. 

3. Light adjacent structures

(Image credit: NatureScape Lighting)

When devising pool lighting ideas, don’t just stick to the pool – surrounding structures should not be overlooked.  

'Plan to light adjacent structures, such as pergolas, arbors, and other shade structures, including umbrellas,' says Michael Deo of NatureScape Lighting. 'These spaces provide shade during the daylight hours but may become too dark to enjoy after hours.' 

Consider also lighting a pool house, or other garden building located close to the pool area.

Whether these lights are structure-mounted or hanging, such as an outdoor chandelier, dimmable lighting can make all the difference, adds Michael.

4. Think vertically 

(Image credit: Bianchi Design/George Gruel)

Pool light ideas involve a lot more than simply lighting walkways around the pool. There is also an opportunity to be visual and intentional with your choices, making your backyard look its very best. 

One way to accomplish this approach is by illuminating any vertical surfaces by your pool.  'People see vertical surfaces first within a space,' explain Kirk Bianchi and Janet Lenox Moyer. This means that walls, trees, sculptures, and other background elements need to be lit to fully create a sense of setting around your pool.

5. Highlight plants after dark 

(Image credit: Arterra Landscape Architects/Michele Lee Willson)

While your plants alongside your pool may look stunning in the daylight, they should take center stage at night time, too. 

Michael Deo advises planting colorful plants that look their best during the season when you’ll be using the pool. 'Then, use accent lighting fixtures to minimize glare and highlight your favorite plants after dark,' he says.

6. Use the pool as a mirror 

(Image credit: DDLA Design Landscape Architecture)

Your pool acts as a natural mirror, something that you can use to your advantage in pool lighting ideas. 

'When designing the pool and the yard, ultimately to be enjoyed at night, be sure that there are elements worthy of being lit and reflected in the pool,' explain Kirk Bianchi and Janet Lenox Moyer. This can include the illuminated outline of a nearby pergola, lanterns that line the pool’s edge, or cascading, twinkling lights that hang overhead. 

7. Consider lanterns, torches, or fire features

(Image credit: Outdoor Living of NJ)

Outdoor lighting can tend to focus on LED lighting, but you can always choose to think outside the and incorporate lighting throughout your pool patio ideas. Lanterns showcasing candles, tiki torches, or your outdoor fireplace ideas can double as sources of light.

Michael Deo has a penchant for using professional copper or brass tiki torches in pool areas. These fixtures can be combined with LED lighting, illuminating the patio or garden area below with an oil-burning canister and helping to provide insect control along with warm ambiance.

8. Include path lighting 

(Image credit: ZEN Associates / Nat Rea )

Path lighting isn’t just pleasing to the eye – it is also necessary when it comes to pool lighting ideas.  

'Path lighting is important and should first be accomplished by overhead sources illuminating the adjacent planter beds and indirectly lighting the path by spillover,' advise Kirk Bianchi and Janet Lenox Moyer of their preferred method of lighting up pool pathways. 

'Only when there is no overhead opportunity should path light fixtures or wall fixtures be enlisted, and they must be shielded carefully to avoid glare,' they add. 

9. Make it safe

(Image credit: Bianchi Design / Michael Woodall)

In addition to turning to pool lighting ideas for added safety in your outdoor space, by illuminating pathways and walking areas, you need to think about the safety of the lights themselves. 

'First, you should ensure that any low voltage landscape lighting is located outside of the zone deemed safe by your local inspector,' lighting designer Michael Deo emphasizes. 

Some inspectors use five feet away from the pool as a standard, while others enforce 'the 10-foot rule. Check with your local jurisdiction,' the lighting designer adds.

10. Highlight three-dimensional features 

(Image credit: NatureScape Lighting)

When you have a feature near your pool, such as a striking tree or sculpture, it’s best to use more light fixtures and a lower wattage – a combination that effectively reveals 'the three-dimensional character' of an object, advise Kirk Bianchi and Janet Lenox Moyer.

This mix will prevent bright, glaring spots while still attracting attention to certain features you may wish to highlight with the pool light ideas.

How do I light my pool area? 

To light your pool area, always use the services of a pool professional. This is especially so when the pool lighting ideas involve any underwater lighting, since this is considered to be 'human bathing,' advises Michael Deo, and so the lighting will be properly rated for this use and inspected for compliance and safety after it has been professionally installed.

'Plan early with pool light ideas,' Michael adds. 'If working with a professional, discuss lighting at the start of the project. Even if the lighting is not going to be installed right away, it should be planned for so you’re not "locked out" of critical areas,' he explains.

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Can I add lights to an existing pool?

To add lights to an existing pool in a backyard, there needs to be a planned remodel underway, 'where the deck, or other surrounding landscaping is already being removed in the scope of work,' advise Kirk Bianchi and Janet Lenox Moyer.

If a pool remodel isn’t an option, however, then consider getting creative with other outdoor garden lighting ideas, such as solar-powered pathway lights, outdoor pendant lights, hanging string lights, and tiki torches.

(Image credit: Getty Images)

How many lights should a pool have? 

There are no set requirements as to how many lights a pool should have to adequately light the area and it is a matter of personal preference. While some people may prefer low lighting around their pool so they can see the stars, others may want enough ambient light to execute their best pool party ideas well into the evening. 

In their work, Kirk Bianchi and Janet Lenox Moyer will, depending on the length of the pool, place lights about eight feet – centered to the pool – along the house side of the pool, aiming them away from the viewer. 'In this way, you won’t be staring directly at harsh lights at night,' they advise.

Shelby Deering is a freelance lifestyle writer based in Madison, Wisconsin. With a Master’s degree in Journalism and a background as an editor, Shelby has contributed design features, home tours, and other lifestyle stories to national publications, including Domino, Better Homes & Gardens, Martha Stewart Living, Good Housekeeping, and more. 

Tips for Swimming Pool Lighting [Top 10 Ideas for Lighting Your Pool]

You've likely enjoyed using your swimming pool to host parties and relax with family. But today, the fun doesn't have to stop just because the sun has set. You don't have to depend on the back porch light and the glow from inside your pool to serve as your only light source. Adding beautifully functional lighting elements to your pool area can make all the difference in wowing your guests and adding that much needed element of safety. 

Pool Lighting Ideas

Here, we have compiled a list  of our top 10 ideas for lighting your pool. These tips for swimming pool lighting are our favorite pool lighting ideas for making your backyard feel like a true escape from the rest of the world. 

1. Pool Deck

Let's face it, your pool deck is a busy place. There is a lot of activity going on when it's being used. Keeping this area lit is important for people's safety. Adding lights that can spill light out over the deck is a wonderful way to add both function and safety. Consider if there are any walkways leading to or leaving your pool deck area. these paths can be difficult to traverse at night. Adding lights here can make a big difference. 

2. Outdoor Kitchen/Bar Top

Have an outdoor kitchen? It can be a challenge to try and figure out if the burgers on the barbecue are done when you can't see. Fumbling with a flashlight doesn't help the situation either. Adding some functional lighting to your outdoor kitchen can make all the difference in the world when dinner is on the line. 

Bonus Tip: Do you enjoy dining out on the patio at your favorite restaurant? Lighting your bar top area will elevate your outdoor dining experience at home. 

3. Lighting the Surrounding Landscape

Illuminate the landscape surrounding your pool and patio will set the mood and add beauty. By lighting the area around your pool, you will have better visual control over your surroundings. A lighting designer's goal is to bring soft, warmly toned lighting levels to your outdoor living space. The idea behind lighting the landscape is to create a backdrop


If you are concerned that your new landscape established enough to light, don't worry. In the world of low voltage lighting, the lights can be dialed in to light features in a tailored fashion. There are countless different types of bulbs (with different light intensities and beam spreads) that can be used to softly light an ornate Japanese maple, or a well established oak tree. 

4. Tiki Torches

Are you a fan of the way tiki torches look, but tired of settling for poor quality? High quality tiki torches have all the fun of tiki torches without any of the downsides. Built from brass and copper, they are wired in with the rest of your low voltage lighting system. 

With a wick that burn oil at the top of the torch, and a light at the bottom to splash light onto the pool deck, you really get the best of both worlds. 

5. Fire Pit

Drying off by the fire after a dip in the pool, or to warm up on a cool evening, is exactly why fire pits are so desirable. Adding some lighting to your fire pit can really help make your lighting design feel complete. 

Under cap lights worked into the stone illuminate the ground around your fire pit while also highlighting the beauty of the stone your fire pit is built from. 

In addition, you can highlight your sitting area around your fire pit without any direct lighting. The edge of you sitting wall or bench or chair can be accentuated with a small amount of light placed in the right location. 

6. Hot Tub Area

Any good lighting designer will tell you that the Jacuzzi should be kept quiet and private in terms of lighting. The area surrounding the hot tub, however, is another story. 

7. Smart Automation

Your outdoor lighting system doesn't have to be an all off or on situation. Your outdoor lighting design can be broken up into different layers so you can turn the volume up or down depending on the setting. 

For example, the landscape surrounding the pool deck can be turned on/off separately from the pool deck. Same with the lighting for the outdoor kitchen. All these lighting zones can be controlled by your phone through a smart app. 

8. Tread Lighting for Stairs

Are there any steps near your pool or patio? It's a good idea to have these lit for safety reasons. A slip or a trip wouldn't be a fun way to end the pool party. 

A tread light will recess right into the stair and spill light down onto the step below it. These lights will illuminate the steps without causing a hazard. Since the light is hidden within the step it also will be less noticeable during the day. 

9. Moon Lighting 

Moon lighting is accomplished by mounting a fixture up high (to a tree or house) and aimed down towards a patio area or other object being targeted. In order to create a moon light type effect, a softer light with a wider beam spread will be placed in the light. This creates a soft wash lighting effect not unlike moonlight. Moon lighting provides a functional light that is still beautiful. 

Patios and pool decks are wonderful places where the beautiful effects of moonlighting can be enjoyed to their fullest. A subtle light that enables you and your guests to interact without being distracted by bright lights is always ideal. The trick to immaculate lighting design is subtleness: less says more.

10. String Lighting

Bistro lights (often referred to as string lights) are wonderful for achieving a festive atmosphere. Bistro lights hung around a patio or pool can quickly set the mood for the fun times soon to be had.

Functionally, bistro lighting is a wonderful application for outdoor use. They don't have to be used strictly for entertaining. They can add functional light inside of pergolas, or over a pool. The fun is really only limited to the imagination in terms of patterns and configurations for the way the strands are all laid out.  


There are numerous ways lighting can be approached for your pool area. The key to a successful outdoor lighting experience is tailoring your lights to your space and your needs, and layering your lights with different elements.

No one lighting approach will fulfill all your needs. By combining different approaches, you can achieve a better overall effect. For example, bistro lights are a lot of fun, but they can be overdone. 

Consider your unique setting, how you enjoy using your outdoor space, and then try to let the rest fall into place. 

Landscape Lighting Makes All the Difference

At Landscape Lighting Pro of Utah, the art of outdoor illumination is a real passion we work to perfect. Designing elegantly bespoke landscape lighting systems is simply all we do. For over 15 years, our award winning team of designers and craftsmen have striven to bring the best outdoor lighting experience possible to people's homes and businesses across the Wasatch Front and beyond.  

Located in Midvale, Landscape Lighting Pro of Utah installs, maintains, and repairs lighting systems throughout Utah's residential areas, including Salt Lake City, Park City, Draper, Davis and Utah Counties. 

If you would like to learn more about lighting your outdoor living space, five us a call at (801)440-7647 to schedule a free consultation, or feel free to simply fill out a contact form.

Pool lighting: underwater, interior, adjacent area

Lighting tasks

Safety and comfort in the pool largely depend on the right lighting. It should be pleasing to the eye, and the system itself should be reliable. This will create an atmosphere of relaxation in the bathing area. The pool construction and equipment market is undergoing dynamic changes: technologies are developing, new products are appearing. Architects and designers are constantly looking for fresh ideas. No less attention is paid to the safety and durability of equipment, including lighting.

Lighting is an integral part of the overall design of the bath (left photo). Sophisticated contour and spot lighting of the bowl and the surrounding area emphasizes the overall style (photo on the right).

The pool lighting design palette is constantly updated. Manufacturers offer interesting and aesthetic technical solutions

Pool lighting is divided into external and internal, street and interior, contour and local

Types and schemes of lighting

Pahlen recessed water spotlights (Sweden). Spectravision model with RGB LEDs. Spotlight 12250 in stainless steel with PAR56 incandescent lamp for tiling. Halogen version 12265 for spa pools, fountains, stairs

Blue-turquoise Delphinus glass mosaic from the Fosfo collection by Ezarri (Spain) has a special property. Charged with energy emitted by the sun and artificial sources, its elements begin to glow in the dark. Ornaments, symbols, inscriptions are also laid out with such material.

Shiny white poufs and poolside tables accent the patio area.

If the pool is closed, the lighting scheme of the area around it is not much different from the standard one. It is advisable to choose not central ceiling, but wall lamps around the perimeter of the room. The main requirements are imposed on the design of lighting sources: they should not be afraid of high humidity and splashes.

If the pool has a simple geometry and its functionality is in the first place for the owners, then a complex lighting scheme is hardly appropriate. It is enough to highlight the water and a couple of accents in the patio area or in the bathing room. So, the use of different types of lamps makes the oriental-style pool even more elegant. The combination of spot and contour lighting turns the room into an exclusive interior.

Evening charm

Many appreciate the evening swimming in the outdoor pool because of the atmosphere of romance, fairy tales. Therefore, excessive radiance and brightness in this zone is useless. The main requirement for lighting concerns safety at night.

Acceptable scheme: contour lighting is carried out along the perimeter of the pool, and all steps, approaches to the water and adjacent areas are highlighted using point sources. Spotlights are built into the lining of stairs, paths, curbs, terraces and patios, recessed into the lawn. Bollards are also used.

Lighting control

Light control options in the pool area are wide. In the simplest version, a switch or dimmer is installed in the bathhouse or in the technical unit. In the presence of complex colored illumination, a device with a set of switching modes is connected to each source. The system is complemented by a remote control and audio media. Electronic controllers are used to create light music.

The delicate combination of spot lighting of the bath with combined lighting of the terrace creates a cozy atmosphere and does not argue with the restrained color of the natural environment.

One of the trends in the design of swimming pools is the clarity of shapes and lines, the contrast of elements, the absence of lush decor.

The Lampara Faz collection was created by Ramon Esteve for Vondom (Spain). This includes LED floor lamps (type IP 65), similar to iridescent quartz crystals. The waterproof case made of translucent polyethylene on a metal frame is suitable for outdoor use.

The centerpiece of the Chewton Glen Hotel (UK) spa complex is a circular pool with color-changing water and glowing clouds on the domed ceiling.

Alternative design - play on contrasts: the purple hue of the water appears even brighter against the background of yellow lights that highlight the lush vegetation

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See also

Swimming pool design - indoor and outdoor swimming pool interior design in a cottage, private house

A beautiful pool design in a cottage consists of details. Before you start designing, decide on a lot of parameters. Think about how you will use it: for relaxation or for training. It depends on whether the pool will be indoor or outdoor, what shape, what size.

A swimming pool will give your private home a luxurious look. This is an investment in a beautiful lifestyle.

Indoor and outdoor pools: pros and cons

The indoor pool is weatherproof: swim whenever you want. This is especially important if the cottage house is located in a region with unstable weather - such as Moscow and the region.

Project by Olga Vdovina of a private house for a family of four. On the ground floor of the house there is a sauna and an indoor pool

Development of a design project should be started at the stage of building a cottage. It is important to provide for heating and ventilation, and add the necessary amenities to the interior decoration, such as a locker room, shower, sauna.

An indoor pool is more expensive to build and maintain. But algae almost do not breed in it: access to direct sunlight is limited.

Indoor pools are usually less decorative and more functional. The most popular shapes are rectangle, square or circle. Custom design is rare. You can add decorative elements to the interior, but there are fewer options for fantasy.

The illuminated outdoor swimming pool can be surrounded by a house on three sides and protected from prying eyes

Outdoor swimming pool is completely dependent on the weather. A sudden downpour, a cold snap - and you won't be able to swim. And it also needs to be regularly cleaned of debris, leaves and even small animals. But you do not need to design ventilation.

An outdoor pool is easier to decorate and fit into the design of the site. Waterfalls, fountains, living plants, decorative decks will fit into the landscape and complement the architecture of the dacha.

General technical advice

When designing a swimming pool, first of all, it is necessary to take into account the technical nuances. The appearance of the entire project will depend on them.

The swimming pool is an architectural structure. The project is thought out together with the architecture of the house

Bowl material

The most common material is reinforced concrete. It is strong and durable and can be used to make a bowl of any shape: from rectangles to boomerangs, hearts and guitars. It is easy to make steps, slopes and other elements. The installation will take 3-6 months: during this time, workers will dig a place for the pool, reinforce it with reinforcement and spray the concrete coating. Of the minuses - algae easily multiply in reinforced concrete, it must be cleaned in a timely manner. And the walls of such a coating are rough, you can scratch.

The shortest time to install a fiberglass pool. Installation takes 4 weeks. The structure is one-piece: it will be brought to your site by truck, and then placed in a dug hole with a crane. This option is suitable for those who do not need an individual design: manufacturers offer models of different shapes and sizes - there are plenty to choose from. The structure itself is more expensive than the concrete option, but maintenance is cheaper. The fiberglass surface is finished with a smooth gel coating that resists algae growth. After 10-15 years of exposure to the sun and chemicals, fiberglass breaks down.

Vinyl alternative to natural surfacing

Vinyl pools are the most economical option. Vinyl is a smooth, non-porous material, algae hardly grows in it, and water chemicals are needed less. Modern technologies make it possible to produce a vinyl liner of almost any design and shape. Unlike concrete, vinyl is resistant to temperature changes. This material is well suited for outdoor pools installed in cold climates where temperatures drop below freezing. Of the minuses - a short service life: 5-9years.

In this private house, the pool has become part of the SPA zone. The owners of the house go in for sports, so a rectangular shape was chosen for the bowl. Design by Pavel Gerasimov


For swimming and training, a project of a rectangular shape and constant depth is suitable. For recreational purposes, a design with variable shape and depth. Additional objects will fit in there well: slides, fountains, hydromassage.

Four popular bottom shapes:

The pool doesn't have to be big and deep. It is possible to make an outdoor SPA area with a relaxation bath


When choosing a depth, consider the length of the pool, what material it is made of, whether it is necessary to install a starting pedestal or a slide.

The minimum swimming depth is 1.2 meters.

If you want to place your starter block one meter above the water surface, a depth of 2.5 meters is recommended. If the cabinet is higher than a meter, the minimum depth of the bowl is 3 meters.

Water purification and recovery systems

When designing a swimming pool in a cottage, it is necessary to provide a suitable water filtration and purification system with a recirculation system and a compensation tank.

Most often, the pool bowl is lined with mosaics

Pool cladding

The type of cladding is an important aspect of the design project: in addition to aesthetics, it affects safety and hygiene.

Reinforced PVC

PVC is often used to line bowls of any material. It is durable, easy to clean, and the surface is smooth but not slippery.


Used for elegant designs. Many colors and texture options - for every taste.


Suitable for reinforced concrete bowl. As with mosaics, they can be subject to micro-cracks caused by temperatures and soil subsidence.


More expensive but lasts longer than paint: about 10 years. The main advantage is low maintenance, water tightness and resistance to water leaks.

Natural stone

Will fit well into the interior design, especially if you want to place the pool in the country house or inside the cottage in a rustic style. Natural stones are durable.

Candles and incense sticks will help create a romantic atmosphere in the evening


To spice up your cottage pool design, equip it with accessories:

Swimming pool design: interior and design ideas

The pool design ideas are endless. By combining materials in unique combinations, you will create a unique design. Universal advice: when developing a design project for a cottage, consider the style of the whole house and site.

Modern styles can use natural and synthetic materials, while classics require only natural finishes


This is a project with clean lines and geometric shapes. It is characterized by bright colors in the design and unusual patterns of mosaic tiles.

The project of Evgeny and Maria Latyshev is made in the Mediterranean, Italian style


The design is dominated by the color of the sea wave, Greek or Roman patterns are used.

Country style, rustic, lots of rough, unfinished materials


This style will create a particularly relaxing atmosphere. The decoration uses wood and natural stone. The shape of the bowl is classic: rectangular or round.

Natural style, like rustic, uses raw materials. But the environment is as close to nature as possible


Pools disguised as "untouched nature" are in fashion. To make the project look natural, use natural stone, neutral colors, add fountains and lots of plants. Avoid straight lines - the pool should be a non-standard shape.

This project is quite minimalistic: nothing superfluous


The most common option that will fit into both the interior of the cottage and the design of the site. It has a classic shape: rectangular or semicircular. For flooring, brick, paving stones or natural stone are used.

This project is more colonial than tropical. There is more modern furniture here. For tropical it is better to choose braided options


Distinctive features - waterfalls, lush plants, boulders. At the bottom there is a mosaic with drawings of fish and other tropical themes.

Cheat sheet: what to remember when designing a pool in a cottage

1. Place

Location is a key parameter. It is influenced by the location of the house, features of engineering communications, zoning and other parameters. Pay attention to the ratio of light and shade during the day: you are unlikely to want to have a pool that is in the shade for most of the day.

2. Additional rooms

When creating a design project, consider a dressing room, bathroom, living area, sauna or spa.

Classic style - a rarity for the interior of the pool

3. Design project style

You can choose the architectural style of the pool, which will complement the interior of the house, but will not draw attention to yourself. Or develop a project that will become a bright accent, even if the interior of the cottage is more formal in structure and design.

4. Kitchen or bar

The pool is a place for entertainment. Here family and friends can get together and have a good time. Design a swimming pool with a bar: built-in bars are the hottest trend in the design industry. They look fantastic. This is a lifesaver in hot weather if the pool is outside.

You can build not just a bar, but a kitchenette inside the house or a barbecue station next to the outdoor pool. Also consider storing plates and glassware. Use durable countertops that do not require careful maintenance.

This pool has a bar, sun loungers, tables and chairs. Time can be spent here for a very long time

5. Entertainment

Make sure that the pool in the cottage is a place where you want to spend time constantly: in the shade and in the sun, day and night. If the pool is indoor, we advise you to build a fireplace into the interior. This way you will enjoy swimming even during the colder months. Design recreation areas around the pool: hang a cozy hammock, put chairs and sun loungers.

6. Inventory storage

If you have children, there will be plenty of toys in the pool. And also - volleyball nets, swimming boards, armlets, kolobashki, aqua sticks. It is better to store all this in a special closet in order to maintain order in the room.

7. Privacy

Access to natural light and large panoramic windows are beautiful and practical. But when designing, you need to consider how your pool will look from the outside and what neighbors or passers-by can see.

8. Durable materials

Making a good space plan is not enough. You need to make sure that you use quality materials that can withstand significant wear and tear, do not become slippery, etc. Furniture and wood trim must be resistant to decay. Countertops are best made from polished concrete: they are easier to care for than porous light marble, and they look just as elegant. Think over the ventilation system so that fungus and mold do not appear.

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