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von 10011872 photos of interior design options, main design trends
Advantages and disadvantages of modern style in bedroom design
With the development of new technologies in the field of building finishing materials and furniture production, painting of plastered walls and floors is a thing of the past, expensive, labor-intensive, and complex in the care of parquet, bulky bedroom sets and heavy curtains. They were replaced by textured plaster, creative wallpaper, suspended ceilings, laminate, carpet, modular furniture, blinds and roller blinds. They are easy to install, practical and easy to maintain. Panoramic windows add light and create a sense of space.
Natural wood furniture is at the peak of popularity, and can consist of separate modules that are easily transformed, swapped, creating an exclusive composition each time. With their help, the space of a modern bedroom becomes not only functional, but also stylish. Along with environmentally friendly materials, when filling the bedroom, MDF and plastic furniture is also used to reduce the cost.
By observing the harmony in the color scheme, it is possible to get a single sleeping space from disparate objects that meets the new trends in decoration. The boundaries of modern styles are in close contact with each other, the stylistic direction is sometimes captured only by the accents of the furniture and decorative details used in the design.
Space zoning can be achieved using modular systems, through the use of organically integrated lightweight sliding partitions, decorative structures, screens or curtains.
Dressing rooms, bathrooms and offices, as well as boudoirs can be moved outside the bedroom, or vice versa, if the area allows, be part of it,
or a continuation in the attached loggia or balcony.
To visually divide the space, designers also actively use podiums, raising part of the floor surface of one zone relative to another by several centimeters.
Another of the planning solutions for highlighting conditional boundaries is the use of ceiling beams and consoles, which do not interfere with the arrangement of furniture and the passage of light, but only visually highlight part of the room.
To highlight the bedside area in modern design, textured wallpaper or plaster, wood, leather and imitation stone, or open shelving can be used.
Modern bedroom interiors are easy to make stylish and fashionable, using a variety of materials and combining them with different lighting options.
The colors of finishing materials and furniture must be determined in advance, they should not cause negative perception. The interior of a modern bedroom can and should be thought out in such a way that it is psychologically comfortable.
The smaller the area allocated to the bedroom, the lighter the palette used, the use of pastel colors visually expands the space.
Shades such as yellow and cream, blue, peach, olive, light green and mint will help you get a positive charge.
For expressiveness of the interior of a modern bedroom, you can add a few details of a more saturated color to these shades. Excess should not be here, congestion of bright colors does not contribute to a restful sleep.
After choosing the right background shade, you can emphasize the modernity of the bedroom design with the following interior solutions:
- by combining materials;
- bright lighting;
- large multifunctional furniture of simple shapes;
- accents based on contrast;
- using glossy wall surfaces;
- creating relief forms and volumes.
Modern style implies a minimum number of decorative elements and household appliances, since the main task of a proper modern bedroom decor is to create a cozy environment.
The main trends in modern bedroom design
Modern bedrooms have recognizable features and noticeable differences. It became possible to systematize them according to certain criteria in the use of materials, forms and accents.
Modern trends include:
- Modern classics;
- Modern;
- Minimalism;
- Loft;
- Scandinavian;
- Techno;
- Hi-tech;
- Eastern;
- Provence;
- Country.
Modern Classic
Classic interiors suggest opulence with sophisticated luxury in modern lines. Massive furniture, simple in form, gives fundamentality and significance to the look of the bedroom interior, large patterns on the surface of the walls, textile accessories and soft lighting make the room a little pompous and elegant.
Decorative accessories are selected from patterned textiles or velvet in the form of stylish pillows and similar curtains.
Art Nouveau
Catchy and bold, somewhat aristocratic and sophisticated style suggests smooth, curved lines. They are used in the silhouettes of furniture, repeated in the contours of the stretch ceiling, door and window openings.
Fine wood of the elegantly curved legs and sides of the furniture can be combined with marble inlays and glass surfaces. It is absolutely unacceptable to use "cheap" materials in modernity, it will look tasteless.
Stained-glass windows in doorways are the most recognizable element of Art Nouveau, the light flowing through them will add mystery to the room.
Minimalism is the best choice for decorating a small modern bedroom, but it can also be used in a large space if desired.
The most necessary pieces of furniture, literally a bed and a bedside table, the complete absence of draperies and trinkets organize the sleeping space without the effect of clutter.
Sometimes you want to combine the incongruous, that's what it is, the loft style! Home comfort and street design elements organically interact with each other, creating the most open space with a well-organized seating area. An ideal room for embodying the loft style would be a spacious and bright bedroom.
Steel lamps and blinds will perfectly complement the interior of the bedroom.
North European interiors stand out from other styles with a minimum of color. Such an option as white on white (white walls, white ceiling and white floor), or with the addition of warm shades (laminate under light oak, walnut or maple). Textured wood and textured stucco - that's what can create a unique look, allow the interior to be elegant, and contrasting color spots - not boring.
Eco-friendly wood and natural fabrics will promote sound and healthy sleep and pleasant awakening. The photo perfectly shows the combination of wood and soft fabric.
Scandinavian style advocates a minimal amount of decorative items, but allows for a few posters or photographs on the walls.
The techno style was originally conceived for the appearance of facades and office premises, a bedroom in this style looks not only unusual, but also uncomfortable, it is more difficult to equip it than to apply other styles, and such bedrooms are most often chosen by teenagers or bachelors .
So that the techno-style bedroom does not look like a state institution, it is better to add at least a few details from the loft to it.
Hi-tech, as a follower of late modernism, includes the introduction of new technologies in interior design. Bedrooms in this style are functional and comfortable. Here, designers actively use modular and multifunctional furniture, which is easy to fit into any, even very unusual, room configuration.
Silver - blue, metallic - gray, blue - this is the color palette that is inherent in high-tech style. Combining them with beige or white will refresh and bring a fresh touch, and one or two paintings with abstraction will balance and make the interior complete.
Oriental refers to Japanese and Turkish styles, the former will be completely devoid of frills, this is not just a stylization of the traditions of Japan, but a whole philosophy in red, black and white.
Materials used are wood and bamboo, curtains are always made of silk, porcelain and stone as accents.
The Turkish style is also oriental and involves the use of canopies and light, flowing fabrics.
It can be considered one of the varieties of rustic style, it always uses pastel shades and natural materials with floral motifs.
Lots of knick-knacks and potted flowers, chintz curtains and light-coloured furniture make the bedroom light and airy, despite its size.
Country is another subspecies of rustic, associated with hunting lodges and American ranches, but it is, first of all, an eco-friendly style, as close as possible to nature. The design concept is the use of natural materials in open structures and finishes. Such bedrooms are most often equipped in country cottages. A fireplace, the facade of which is made of raw stone, can become a wonderful accent here.
Features of the bedroom decoration
The direct purpose of any bedroom is to give you the opportunity to relax, sleep, rejuvenate. Based on these needs, its design should promote relaxation and soothing, so the interior is created balanced and harmonious.
The main criterion for vertical surfaces is their clear geometry and perfectly aligned walls.
Wallcoverings can be both glossy and velvety, the former will meet the requirement of cleanliness, while the latter will emphasize the purpose of the room for relaxation. Unlike the walls of the living room or kitchen, bright, flashy colors are not used in the bedrooms at all, preference is given to pastel calm shades, soothing and relaxing.
Frescoes and textured finishes are also an up-to-date solution for wall decoration, while transoms and door inserts can decorate stained-glass windows.
Modern design allows for the presence of raw stone and non-plastered walls in different styles, if the designer's idea requires it. Wood trim at the head of the bed is also a significant accent in the space of the room.
For all styles, except for techno and country, the ceiling of the bedroom should be open, without overhanging beams and slats, the only accent here would be a beautiful chandelier.
Modern trends make it possible to make the ceiling two-layered, as an option, with a mirror surface, which is drawn in by a special curtain on rollers - rails, which is controlled by mood at the touch of a button. Multi-layer plasterboard ceilings are a thing of the past, but stucco rosettes for chandeliers and high cornices continue to be successfully used in decoration.
Wood, cork or laminate - these are the main modern floorings that meet the requirements of cleanliness and comfort. For an additional feeling of comfort and softness, the use of carpet is allowed.
Furniture and lighting
A bed and bedside tables, a wardrobe or chest of drawers, various ottomans should be, first of all, comfortable and practical. If the bedroom is not large, then the closet or wardrobe can be taken out of it, but for convenience, if there is free space, it will still not be superfluous to fit a wardrobe into the interior of the room, built-in furniture will also be an ideal option.
Mirrors will add mystery and visually push the boundaries of the walls, and mirrored cabinet fronts make massive furniture almost invisible. It has become a fashionable trend to use glass bedside tables instead of the usual cabinets.
When installing lighting, you can use:
- floor lamps;
- table and bedside lamps;
- ceiling chandeliers.
Decor and accessories
Excessive focus on small details leads to congestion, does not allow you to enjoy a comfortable rest and does not allow your eyes to relax.
Decorative panels and murals with popular themes of urbanism, abstraction or macro photography can be used as the main accent on the walls, they will also be appropriate on furniture facades, imitation of brick or stone, wood trim is also suitable. This will make it possible to highlight the bedside area.
Curtains in the bedroom can be unusual, bright filament, in the form of a mesh with a large mesh, roller-type curtains with a print matched in the same style as the furniture.
Potted plants or bouquets in vases are a wonderful refreshment.
Walls can be made less boring with clocks, built-in lighting, framed photographs or paintings, modern graphics and lightweight glass or plastic shelves.
Spots of color add variety and compensate for the lack of color, they can easily become blankets and pillows, bedspreads and paintings.
Design options for a small bedroom
Small bedrooms, oddly enough, are more comfortable than large and spacious ones. Most often they are found in apartments with a typical layout. The easiest way to arrange them in a rustic style. Natural materials used in the decoration of such rooms give a feeling of warmth and security.
If rustic styles are not acceptable, high-tech options can be considered. Keeping the balance and not overloading the already cramped space, you can get a cozy and stylish bedroom.
Modern loft means large areas, but modern will be very useful. Modern is universal, furniture in this style is simple and does not clutter up the room, it can even be built-in. Regarding lighting, Art Nouveau has no special requirements, so this style is appropriate for any area, the main thing to remember is that the fewer items in a small bedroom, the visually it looks larger.
For a bedroom with an area of 12 sq.m, all of the above options are suitable, and here, as in the case of 8 sq.m, pompous classics with elaborate baroque elements will be out of place, but it’s already easier to decorate the room under country, Scandinavian style or minimalism.
If there are large windows, it will be enough to “play” with the texture in the design of white walls and a white or light floor, adding furniture of the same color to the composition, and a soothing Scandinavian interior will appear.
Rotatable headboard lights can completely replace overhead lighting in a small bedroom, while built-in wall niches can replace bedside tables.
Photos of real projects
Bedroom and comfort are inseparable things, comfortable and functional space will contribute to good rest and good mood.
Modern bedrooms - 100 photos of perfect design
What are modern bedrooms? This is a place where you can relax, retire, gain strength, moving away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
A thoughtful design of this room will help remove excessive stress, fill you with the desire to move on.
It can be said without a doubt that modern lounges have taken on a recognizable shape. Often, designers use modern style design when arranging living space.
Both interior creators and customers are attracted to it by coziness, comfort and, of course, impeccable cleanliness in design.
Everything seems to be tried and tested, so where did the new modern bedroom design come from? Harmony is recreated in the right place. The designer in this case is only a conductor between ideas and reality.
You will certainly see similar details that accompany the projects of recreation rooms, photos of modern bedrooms in our selection confirm this. And yet, let's talk about some of the nuances.
Every rest room should have a walk-in closet. And even in a small room, you can experiment with dividing the space into certain zones.
Use a reception with partitions or an exclusive screen.
Creating contemporary interiors for bedrooms provides maximum free space. Excess furniture clutters up the room, so it should not be in the sleeping room.
Excessive décor does not give the opportunity to completely relax the eyes, colorful multicolor also interferes with a good rest.
Therefore, when furnishing a bedroom in a modern style, follow the rule: the bedroom is intended exclusively for sleeping.
The best finishing materials
The main requirements for finishing materials are naturalness and accuracy.
Many designers show impeccably smooth wall surfaces, decorated with wallpaper intended for painting. Ordinary wallpaper has a barely noticeable velvet structure.
To put it simply, a contemporary style break room wall is a type of traditional stucco finish that has been applied by a professional.
Stone or solid wood headboards are common ideas for modern bedrooms. There are projects with a more spacious use of decorative stone, wood, but very rarely.
The use of any finishing materials is welcome in the decor of the main wall. Preference: natural.
If we talk about the floor surface, then the design of the bedroom of modern ideas almost eliminates the use of stone. A natural array and a laminate of calm pastel shades are welcome.
In this case, attention should be focused on a comfortable, inviting sleeping place.
Often, partially or completely, the laminate is covered with carpet. If the choice falls in favor of the carpet, then it should be fluffy, pleasant to the touch.
The ceiling in the design of modern bedrooms 2017 provides openness and cleanliness. Get rid of overhanging slats, and also eliminate the excess of bizarre drywall bends.
The ceiling surface must be created exclusively for lighting fixtures.
When arranging a modern bedroom interior, lighting can be very diverse. You can use a variety of levels of illumination, including for the ceiling, walls and even the floor.
Light can be everywhere, but not at the same time. Complement traditional fixtures with LED lighting elements to visually enlarge the room and give it depth.
The use of LED lighting makes it possible to create amazing lighting effects.
Furniture with a mirror surface
Bedroom furniture is often equipped with mirrors. It is the mirror surface that blurs the boundaries of the room, which is especially important when arranging modern small bedrooms.