Good smelling plants
The 10 Best Smelling Plants for Your Garden
Where People Gather, the Scent Should be Sweet
Lisa Hallett Taylor
Lisa Hallett Taylor
Lisa Hallett Taylor is an expert in architecture and landscape design who has written more than 1,000 articles about pool, patio, garden, and home improvement over 12 years. She has a bachelor's degree in Environmental Design and is certified in fine and decorative arts appraisal.
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Updated on 02/16/21
The Spruce / Autumn Wood
Those hubs of activity outdoors—like patios, pools, and decks—are perfect places to add sweetly scented plants for ambiance. Forget the candles and citronella.—we're talking about fragrant plants that remind you and your guests why it's so enjoyable to be spending time outdoors instead of in.
Click Play to Learn How to Grow White Frangipani
What makes a plant's fragrance appealing—if not intoxicating—is highly subjective. For some, a lovely, sweet scent is better than any perfume, while, for others, something spicy and almost musky does it for them. Many plants' scents are intensified at night—all the more reason to relax outdoors under the stars. Plants are presented in no particular order. Enjoy the aromas of the sweet-smelling plants we've picked for your garden.
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Angel's Trumpet
The Spruce / Lisa Taylor
Botanical name: Brugmansia
Details: This beautiful shrub or tree does best growing under eaves, against walls, or over fences. Angel's trumpet grows in spurts—sometimes several times a year—forming a thick blanket of beautiful blooms.
Its flowers are long and trumpet shaped and that sweet scent picks up during the evening hours and if there's a light breeze.
Zones: 9-11
02 of 11
Close-up of Winter jasmine flowers (Jasminum Polyanthum). DEA/S.MONTANARI/Getty ImagesBotanical name: Jasminum floridum, J. humile (Italian jasmine) J. laurifolium nitidum (Shining and Angelwing Jasmine), J. officinale (Common White and Poet's Jasmine), and J. sambac (Arabian Jasmine and Pikake).
Details: Some jasmines are unscented. If you're looking for the fragrant ones, try Jasminum floridum, J. humile (Italian Jasmine), The popular Star Jasmine is not a true jasmine, but wonderfully fragrant. Star Jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides) comes from China and grows to a twining 20-30-foot vine with support.
Zones: 7-9
03 of 11
Frangipani (Plumeria Rubra) QLD, Australia.Bob Charlton/Getty Images
Botanical name: Frangipani, Pua Melia
Details: Plumeria (Frangipani, Pua Melia) are flowering plants or small trees often associated with Hawaii and other tropical islands. Native to Singapore, plumerias were introduced to Hawaii in the 1860. Sweetly scented varieties are Plumeria rubra 'Kauka Wilder' and 'Smith's Candystripe.' Plumeria is an excellent pool or spa-side plant and grows well in containers.
Zones: 9-11
04 of 11
Lonicera caprifolium. charocastro/Getty ImagesBotanical name: Lonicera japonica
Details: A vigorous-growing species with long-tubed fragrant white flowers that attract hummingbirds and yellow as they age. A twining climber, honeysuckle requires support and can grow up to 30 feet. It grows well in sun or partial shade. For repeat blooms, prune after flowering.
Zones: 6-9
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Chris Burrows/Getty ImagesBotanical Name: Dianthus
Details: Sometimes referred to as "pinks", these papery thin, variegated flowers are perennially popular flowers in English and European border gardens.
Popular Dianthus hybrids include 'Doris', 'Charles Musgrave', 'Loveliness', 'Candy Floss' and 'Fruit Punch'. Deadhead for repeat blooms.
Zones: 3-9
06 of 11
DEA/G.CIGOLINBotanical name: Gardenia augusta, G. grandiflora, or G. jasmnoides
Details: When scented plants are discussed, gardenias always come to mind. Longtime favorites in all types of gardens, from cottage to tropical, the shrubs produce dozens of creamy satiny flowers in spring that have an intoxicating fragrance. Favorite cultivars with gardeners include 'Fortuniana', 'Chuck Hayes', and 'Florida'.
Zones: 8-11
07 of 11
JillLang/Getty ImagesBotanical name: Mandevilla
Details: Also known as Rocktrumpet, this tropical, fast-growing evergreen shrub or vine that produces waxy blooms from spring until frost.
Mandevilla likes a sturdy post or support to climb along with enriched soil. Its strong scent is reminiscent of a gardenia. Popular cultivars include 'Alice du Pont', 'Bride's Cascade', and 'Magic Trio'.
Zones: Through zone 11
08 of 11
The Spruce / Autumn Wood
Botanical name: Rosa primula
Details: Of course these have to be mentioned, even if everyone knows about their legendary scents. If planting rose bushes near a pool or spa, make sure they are several feet away from high-traffic areas. You know—the thorn issue.
Zones: Varies
The Top 10 Climbing Roses
09 of 11
Jewel Mint of Corsica
Close-up of Flowering Corsican Mint (Mentha requienii) (syn. M corsica). Francois De Hee/Getty ImagesBotanical name: Mentha requienii
Details: Just the intriguing name alone makes you want to add this to your garden.
is a Mediterranean native and a spreading, low-growing mint ground cover that has a nice minty aroma when touched or lightly bruised. Try it as a fragrant filler between pavers or stepping stones.
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Flowering Tobacco
Tobacco flowers in bloom. Josie Elias/Getty ImagesBotanical name: Nicotiana
Details: Especially for nonsmokers, the thought of anything with the name "tobacco" added to this list might raise eyebrows. Flowering tobacco is an upright plant with slightly sticky flowers in pink, white or light green that sometimes open just at night or on cloudy days. The sweetest-smelling varieties are Nicotiana alata 'Grandiflora,' and N. sylvestris. Many gardeners grow flowering tobacco as an annual, making it suitable for many zones.
Zones: 10-11
How to Grow Nicotiana
11 of 11
The Spruce / Autumn Wood
Botanical name: Phlox sp.
Details: A colorful and prolific bloomer that performs in gardens from late spring to early fall. Phlox grows in both sun and shade and is available in a full range of colors. Its scent has been described as "spicy-vanilla clove".
Zones: Through zone 10
47 Most Fragrant Flowers According to Gardeners
If you are in love with the perfume of anything natural, then have a look at the
Most Fragrant Flowers According to Gardeners and grow one today!We love pleasant aromas, and flowers are the liveliest source of them. Here’s an all-inclusive list of the Most Fragrant Flowers According to Gardeners based on a small survey in more than 20 countries on major social media platforms.
Check out the most beautiful Orchids hereMost Fragrant Flowers According to Gardeners
1. Scented Primrose
shutterstock/wehaBotanical Name: Primula vulgaris
Grows widely in Europe, primrose comes in colorful flowers with beautiful foliage and a mild fruity aroma. They herald the arrival of spring, especially in the evening time when the breeze passes through them.
2. Plumeria
shutterstock/AgeAloysiusBotanical Name: Plumeria
Also called Frangipani, plumeria is a subtropical or tropical flower related to oleander. Its flowers are softly fragrant in the daytime and intensify at night.
3. Sweet Autumn Clematis
Botanical Name: Clematis terniflora
From late summer to autumn, its perfumed white flowers bloom in clusters. The sweet vanilla scent oozes out and spreads a soft coolness all around.
Here are the best varieties of Clematis4. Ylang-Ylang
flickrBotanical Name: Cananga odorata
It is native to the rainforests of Asia and Australia and is also called the perfume tree. The plant blooms profusely year-round, pouring a slightly fruity floral scent to the surroundings.
5. Nicotiana
Botanical Name: Nicotiana
Popular as a Tobacco flower, nicotiana is native to North and South America. Its small tubular flowers open in the noon and ooze out lily-like intense fragrance.
6. Lily of the Valley
Botanical Name: Convallaria majalis
Lily of the valley grows in USDA Zones 2-9 and blooms in spring. It has cute bell-like white or pale, pink flowers that spread their floral type fragrance in the whole area.
7. Viburnum
Botanical Name: Viburnum
With beautiful foliage, viburnums are excellent fragrant flowers, especially their ‘Korean spice’ variety blooming in clusters of white fluffy flowers in spring and summer with a sweet and spicy fragrance.
8. Tuberose
Botanical Name: Polianthes tuberosa
Rajnigandha is its local name in India. Its seductive odor captures the warmth of mid-summer. The tube-like blossoms appear in hot tropical spring and summer with a sweet scent.
9. Sweet Osmanthus
shutterstock/LiliStormstoutBotanical Name: Osmanthus fragrans
Native to China, Japan & Cambodia, orange osmanthus flowers carry a sweet apricot-like fragrance. It’s also called Kinmokusei, grown popularly in patios and yards and sidewalks in Japan.
10. Mock Orange
Botanical Name: Philadelphus
It is a cold-weather plant that blooms in summer and emits a pleasant orange-like scent that is refreshing like mint. The plant is the best combination of beauty and fragrance!
11. Lilac
Botanical Name: Syringa
Blooms in spring and summer in Europe & America, lilacs are excellent cut flowers, with their arousing sweet-smelling fragrance. You can also grow this in containers as many hybrid varieties are now available.
12. Angel’s Trumpet
shutterstock/olcphotoBotanical Name: Brugmansia
Popular for its trumpet-like creamy-orange flowers that ooze a sweet and strong aroma at the onset of dusk.
13. Daphne
Botanical Name: Daphne
This flower is a favorite of the perfume industry with its alluring fragrance, thanks to its sweet and spicy fragrance. Not many gardeners grow Daphne because of the care it needs.
14. Night Scented Stocks
shutterstock/avofertenBotanical Name: Matthiola longipetala
Stocks with their intoxicating perfume like lily are the best choice in fragrant gardens of cold climate. Its mild fragrance blends lightly in the surroundings in the evening.
15. Magnolia
flickrBotanical Name: Magnolia champaca
The beautiful cream-colored flowers give it a mix of deep grape and sweet banana-like fragrance like no other flowers. It’s native to the Himalayan ranges of South-East Asia, and blooms year-round in a tropical and subtropical climate.
16. Arabian Jasmine
Botanical Name: Jasminum sambac
It is the national flower of the Philippines and is also called Arabian Jasmine & mogra. Its strong fragrance is different than jasmine and is more like vanilla.
Check out the most beautiful Jasmine varietieshere17.

Botanical Name: Lilium ‘Stargazer’
All lilies are aromatic, but this hybrid variety is the most fragrant. Its sensual and slightly spicy scent is addictive to fall in love with!
Have a look at the most beautiful Lily pictures here18. Honeysuckle
Botanical Name: Lonicera periclymenum
A trendy flower among those who love fragrant plants. Its cluster of tiny flowers erupts, inviting fruity fragrances like vanilla & honey that are always noticed.
19. Rose
Botanical Name: Rosa
A fragrant plant list can never be complete without the inclusion of fragrant roses. Loveliest of all the flowers and popular, everyone should grow them! They give out a mild and pleasing scent.
Check out this brilliant hack for growing Roses here20. Freesia
Botanical Name: Freesia
Native to South Africa, many European gardeners voted for freesias. Its charming and fruity fragrance is pleasing to the senses.
21. Hyacinth
Botanical Name: Hyacinthus
Coming in red, white, blue, and more, hyacinths are appealing to the eyes, and their fragrance resembles a combination of strawberry and honeysuckle.
22. Jasmine
Botanical Name: Jasminum
Whether it’s the queen of the night or the poet’s jasmine, they all are the most fragrant flowers in the world with a strong and sweet scent.
Check out some stunning Jasmine varieties here23. Night Blooming Jasmine
logeesBotanical Name: Cestrum nocturnum
The plant surely has the most powerful fragrance and what makes it different from the others is its nature to bloom at night, wafting the intoxicating aroma in the air.
24. Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
Botanical Name: Brunfelsia pauciflora
The reason this plant has a strange name is that it opens in purple (yesterday), gets a lavender hue (today), and finally takes a pure white shade (tomorrow). It has a sweet fragrance.
25. Orange Jessamine
logeesBotanical Name: Murraya paniculata
If you love intense fragrance, then this should be your pick. The plant has beautiful waxy white flowers with a strong, orange-like smell. It stays bushy and compact, which makes it a top pick for small spaces.
26. Water Jasmine
Botanical Name: Wrightia religiosa
It is a very fragrant plant with a fruity scent. The best part about it is that it blooms all year round and grows quite fast.
27. Ginger Lily
plantogalleryBotanical Name: Hedychium coronarium
The stunning white flowers of this plant have a strong, lily-like fragrance with fruity undertones. Its scent is at its peak in the evening.
28. Spider Lily
Botanical Name: Hymenocallis littoralis
The flowers of this plant look like spiders crawling on leaves. It is one of the most fragrant flowers with a sweet and strong scent of vanilla!

Botanical Name: Fagraea berteroana
This Hawaiian beauty gets full of small cream-white flowers that take a yellow hue over time. It has a sweet fragrance that anyone will surely love.
30. Gardenia
Botanical Name: Gardenia jasminoides
The plant is quite easy to grow and flourishes everywhere, in the cold or the tropics. Its big milky white flowers look beautiful, and their magical fragrance is pleasing yet not as overpowering as jasmine.
Learn growing Gardenia in pots here31. Crepe Jasmine
Botanical Name: Tabernaemontana divaricata
This evergreen shrub is popular for its pinwheel-shaped flowers that give out a sweet and strong fragrance. It does best in full sun and looks stunning with its glossy green foliage.
32. Day Blooming Jasmine
Botanical Name: Cestrum diurnum
This tall plant is a great contender for pots and gives out a pleasing, sweet fragrance during the daytime from its clusters of tubular white flowers. The plant is prevalent in Indian subcontinent countries.
33. Vanilla Spice
flora-toskanaBotanical Name: Clethra alnifolia
This dense shrub is quite popular for its sweetly fragrant white flowers. It is easy to maintain and also attracts bees and butterflies.
34. Spice Baby Viburnum
alexander.hoyleBotanical Name: Viburnum carlesii
Noted for its magnificent white blooms in clusters, the plant will wow you with its rich and spicy vanilla-like fragrance. It does well in full sun.
35. Paperwhite
Botanical Name: Narcissus papyraceus
The strong scented white flowers look beautiful on the tall, slender stalks. The upright nature of the plant makes them perfect for cut flowers and tabletop decors.
36. Sweet Violet
Botanical Name: Viola odorata
The tiny scented flowers bloom profusely in dappled sunlight under the shade of big trees. The fresh floral scent contributes to one of the most loved perfumes from around the world.
37. Gillyflower
Botanical Name: Matthiola incana
Gillyflower features tiny pink, purple, mauve, white, and violet flower spikes on gray-green foliage. The plant thrives in the well-draining medium under bright indirect sunlight.
38. Candle Flower
Botanical Name: Hoya carnosa
Clusters of waxy, star-shaped flowers adorn the deep-green vining foliage. The tiny pink or white fuzzy flowers emit a sweet fragrance at night.
39. Purple Panicle
Botanical Name: Wisteria sinensis
The hanging purple-blue flowers look dreamy on shiny oblong leaflets and exude a strong sweet smell that might seem overpowering to some.
40. Scented Selluka Ivy
Botanical Name: Vigra caracalla
The plant produces purple and white ornamental flowers on the ovate green foliage. The unique snail shell-like flowers smell like hyacinths and are a magnet for ants.
41. Snake Plant
Botanical Name: Dracaena trifasciata
Although the plant is a rare bloomer but will reward you with fragrant pale green flower stalks under suitable conditions that emit a strong vanilla-like scent at night.
Learn the secret of making a Snake Plant bloom here42. Chocolate Vine
Botanical Name: Akebia quinata
As the name suggests, the deciduous semi-evergreen plant blooms purplish-brown blooms that smell of chocolates. The plant needs sturdy support to vine beautifully across the garden.
43. Clary sage
Botanical Name: Salvia sclarea
The plant blooms pink, lavender, and white flowers during mid-late summer on wrinkled, serrated foliage. Clary sage mists the air with a sweet and mild tobacco-like scent.
44. Night Jasmine
Botanical Name: Nyctanthes arbor-tristis
Night Jasmine blooms in clusters that emit a sweet fragrance as the petals open at night. The tiny white blooms with orange centers can be the point of attraction in any garden.
45. Garlic Creeper
Botanical Name: Mansoa alliacea
The plant produces funnel-shaped intensely fragrant blooms in purple and lavender that take a lighter hue as they age. The creeping vines look great on pergolas and fences. It grows best as a perennial in frost-free regions.
46. Yellow Jasmine
Botanical Name: Gelsemium sempervirens
The fragrant yellow blooms can be a great addition to outdoor gardens for their unmistakable sweet scent in the spring and fall months.
47. Rangoon creeper
Botanical Name: Combretum indicum
The star-shaped aromatic blooms are loaded with nectar that attracts a hoard of pollinators like bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. Plus, the warm and sweet scent intensifies with the evening.
Find out the most fragrant houseplants hereStrong-smelling flowers, herbs, shrubs for the garden and summer cottages: Aromatic herbs in the garden, tips for choosing and planting
The spring-summer fragrance of herbs and flowers outside the city is intoxicating. And every time we rush to nature in order to breathe, breathe, breathe ... But it's one thing to feel the difference between the air quality in the city and at the exit from a suburban train, and another thing is to specifically think about how to fill your garden with aromas and which ones. We figure out if there is at least some practical sense in aroma gardens.
Annie Benkovic
What smells?
Strange question - flowers, of course. In fact, everything is not so “linear”. Indeed, the main source of vegetable odors in the garden are strongly smelling flowers. The nectar formed in the flower with a strong smell is designed to attract pollinating insects (and sometimes also birds and animals). The peculiarity of the aroma serves as an "encrypted message" for pollinators that are most suitable for this species.
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Kaleria Katkova
However, not only buds exude odors: leaves and stems, sap and resin of plants also have a pronounced aroma (they smell due to the aroma oils that the plant releases). In some strongly smelling plants, these smells are especially strong. They, along with flowering species, are used to aromatic filling the garden. Because, unlike flowering, which lasts a limited, often quite short period of time, "green" smells surround us throughout the warm season.
KLUMBAShop Kameneva Natalia and Gavrilova Anastasia
Which plants to use to create an aroma garden
Species with a distinct smell can be found among all plant forms. Use them to form a multi-faceted garden, rich in aromas at all levels, from the top tree layer to the bottom surface layer.
Of the species growing in our country, conifers are leaders in terms of content of essential oils: spruce (Picea) , Pine (Pinus) , Fir (Abies) , Juniper (Juniperus) . They give a strong, fresh, slightly bitter resinous smell, regardless of the size and form of growth. Do not forget about flowering trees, although their flowering time is short. Alder (Alnus) , Aspen (Populus tremula) , Bird cherry (Prunus padus)
A good question: How to save trees on the site during the construction of a house The most characteristic aromatic shrubs need no introduction - these are lilacs (Syringa) , mock oranges (Philadelphus), roses and wild rose (Rosa) , weigela (Weigela) , Caragana (Caragana) , Hawthorn (Crataegus) , Hydrangea (Hydrangea). Please note that only small fruit flowers smell in hydrangeas - varieties that practically do not have them are also devoid of aroma. Smelling garden shrubs with rather modest flowers - sucker (Elaeagnus) and barberry (Berberis) - have a strong spicy aroma.
Ornamental shrubs: 12 reasons to plant them in your garden
Lidia Zitara
Among the species for vertical gardening plants with a strong aroma are honeysuckle honeysuckle (Lonicera caprifolium) and actinidia kolomikta (Actinidia kolomikta) 90. Hops (Humulus) also have a bright smell - especially when heated in the sun.
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Laara Copley-Smith Garden & Landscape Design
Lidia Zitara
Flowering herbaceous plants
Includes a large number of perennial and annual species with strongly scented flowers. Among perennials, the most common in our gardens are peony (Paeonia) , lily (Lilium), phlox (Phlox) , multi-leaved lupine (Lupinus polyphyllus) , loosestrife (Lythrum) . Meadowsweet (Filipendula) , cloves (Dianthus) 9 have a strong aroma0030 , clover (Trifolium) , milkwort (Asclepias) .
Annuals and biennials include many aromatic species: levkoy (Matthiola) , sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus) , sweet clover (Melilotus) , sweet tobacco ( Nicotiana suaveolens ) , marigolds There are many of them among spring flowering plants: hyacinth (Hyacinthus) , muscari (Muscari) , narcissus (Narcissus) , tulip (Tulipa) , lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis) - good smelling flowers.
Garden for the lazy: perennials, easy care Essential oils are produced by absolutely all representatives of the flora, but some produce volatile substances in especially high concentrations - such species are called essential oil. Many of them bloom intensively, however, their leaves and stems are also a source of aroma. Essential oils obtained from these plants are used in perfumery and medicine. Herbs in the garden include thyme (Thymus) , lavender (Lavandula) , sage (Salvia officinalis) , catnip (Nepeta) , hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) 90iana030 , valerian 9002 (Valerian 9002) Many of them use in cooking: mint (Mentha) , Basil (Ocimum Basilicum) , Coriander (Coriandrum Sativum) , Dill (ANITHUM GRAVELENS) , Rosemary (Rosmarinus) vulgare) .
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Benjamin Vogt / Monarch Gardens
strategy in the garden
1. Unity of odor
is selected the main aroma, which is selected that the main aroma is selected, which will dominate the area. This strategy largely coincides with the approach of mono-species design of the site. But, unlike a really narrow species specialization, it allows the use of other plants, but with a less pronounced aroma. In many ways, this approach repeats natural biosystems with a pronounced prevalence of one species. Similar local zones with a concentrated aroma are found, for example, in coniferous forests or in eucalyptus groves in the south. In a mono-aromatic garden, it can be used as flowers with a rich aroma, such as roses (Rosa) and strongly smelling herbs. But aromatic herbs, as well as conifers (among trees) are more suitable for this concept, as they have a long-term effect, not limited by the duration of flowering.
Elena Katsan / Family garden
2. Time approach
In each period, one aromatic plant is in the lead. This approach is associated primarily with the use of flowering species. Flowers are chosen that smell delicious - with a bright recognizable aroma. It can be complemented by a luxurious appearance, but this is not at all necessary. Plants with modest but strong-smelling buds shade with large flowers without a pronounced aroma. The lifespan of a flower is also not required. The main thing is to choose species with successive flowering. The strategy is still the same as when creating a garden of continuous flowering. A short flowering period is only at hand, as it will allow the use of a variety of aromatic scenarios.
Breeze Garden Design
3. Territorial approach
Zones with individual scent scenarios are created in the garden. This strategy is applicable not only in large areas, as it might seem at first glance. The wind is the main diffuser of fragrances. By placing aromatic zones in places protected from the wind, you will ensure their isolation. Of course, we are not talking about completely preventing the spread of smells, but this will be enough to ensure the dominance of certain notes. The house will also act as an excellent delimiter. This principle works well in areas with clear territorial zoning: borders, fences, hedges and technical buildings will create separate aromatic "rooms" with their own atmosphere.
Uyutovo Landscape Design Studio
Ann-Marie Powell Gardens Ltd
4. Naturalness
Aromas flow into each other. This is an approach without an approach, the now popular imitation of natural landscapes. It involves the use of mixtures of plants, the aromas of which complement and support each other. The advantage of this strategy is the main property of the natural environment - it is never the same. Mixtures of aromas subtly change, combine in various combinations, are carried by the wind. In order for the atmosphere to be harmonious, be observant. Nature itself will suggest compatible combinations of species - plant the same aromatic plants nearby in the garden that you see as companions in the natural environment.
The Plant Place Nursery
This approach is an excellent basis for creating regional stylings. Fragrances allow them to embody no worse than just the shape or color. Combine species characteristic of the selected region, and if they do not grow with us, replace them with plants with a similar smell. In the sphere of smells, as nowhere else, associations are important. Therefore, there is no need to repeat a specific flavor. Listen to your feelings, try to formulate the character, the mood of the natural smells of the selected region - associations are often based on mixtures and combinations. Tart and spicy, fresh and invigorating, tender and soft. Try to pick up the main notes from other plants.
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Agawa-M Landscape design of your site
and the missing smells can be made in dried mixtures-eucalyptus ( Eucalyptus ) , juniper (Juniperus) and other conifers, for example, preserve it perfectly. It is enough to hang twigs and dried leaves in the path of the wind, or use the bark and needles as mulch.
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Missouri Botanical Garden
The location of the aroma garden on the plot will help you select several scents 900 features of the distribution of odors. They can be used separately or combined.
1. Use the sun
The fragrance develops more in the sun. This is especially true of aromatic herbs, which contain high concentrations of volatile compounds. When heated, essential oils evaporate more actively, and the smell is felt more intensely. Place plants in open areas, especially since most of these species prefer to grow in the sun rather than in the shade.
CG Designer Gardens
2. Trust the wind
Air currents carry pollen and scents. Use these lines. Observe the main directions of air movement in the area and place flowering plants in the path of the wind so that the fragrance reaches the areas where you spend the most time.
3. Collect scents
Concentrate scents inside an enclosed space. This technique is the opposite of the previous one - by placing an aroma garden inside a bosquet, a space surrounded by a hedge or a high curb, you will limit the rate of dissipation of the smell and make it more saturated. You have probably noticed this effect when entering a greenhouse or going out into an open forest clearing surrounded by trees.
Prairie Blue Landscapes
4. Unleash the fragrance
The green scent intensifies when the plant is damaged. Every time you do aroma therapy and aroma design when mowing the lawn. This can be used, for example, by placing aromatic herbs between paving slabs (thyme is especially good here) or tightly along the edges of a narrow path. By stepping on and touching the leaves as you pass, you will activate an additional flow of aroma.
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CYAN Horticulture
Idea: create aroma lawns built on the same principle. Incorporate aromatic herbs into your lawn mix that will release an odor when you mow them.
However, meadow lawn or ground cover plants - an alternative to a mowed lawn - are suitable for aromatic design of the site, filling the garden with smells even without mowing: during flowering or on their own.
Sarah Greenman
Where to set up an aroma garden
1. Special areas for recreation
The formation of a well-thought-out aromatic scenario will create a special atmosphere in recreation areas. Surround armchairs, deck chairs, or gazebos with brightly scented plants. So you isolate the territory for relaxation and communication, create a suitable mood, and generally expand the range of pleasant sensations. To create relaxation areas on the site, all strategies for using aromas are perfect. Bosquet and closed zoning will add backstage, and taking into account air flows will allow you to control the intensity and composition of aromas.
Landscape design studio "Uyutovo"
2. Walking routes
This is a traditional recreational technique used in the creation of sanatoriums and resorts. On your own site, it can be implemented on a smaller scale. Let it not be a cypress or eucalyptus alley - even small paths can be given their own special aroma by planting their own set of aromatic herbs on each of them.
3. Near the summer dining room
As with the recreational areas, here aromatic plants will help create an atmosphere. But it is worth considering the specifics of the place. It is good to place spicy herbs near the dining area and summer kitchen - in the beds or in flowerpots. They will not only whet the appetite, but also come in handy for cooking.
Aromatic herbs and insects
Many plants repel insects. Elder (Sambucus) , tansy (Tanacetum) , black cohosh (Actaea cimicifuga) , marigolds (Tagetes) are famous for this. But such plants usually have an intense and peculiar smell. However, other species with a high content of essential oils also help in scaring away blood-sucking insects. However, to expect that they will completely rid the site of mosquitoes and flies, of course, is not worth it.
Brightly scented plants attract insects at the same time. Paradox? Not at all. Pollinators flock to them (aromatic herbs in the garden are useful!). Brightly colored butterflies, bees and predatory insects will also pollinate fruit plants and help reduce the number of pests.
Jeffrey Gordon Smith Landscape Architecture
The healing effects of aromatic herbs
Essential oils have been used in medicine since ancient times. And in our time they are used in pharmacology. They have bactericidal and antiseptic properties. Of course, in a volatile form, they do not manifest themselves as strongly as in a concentrated solution, but aromatic plants will certainly have a slight healing effect on the atmosphere.
Essential oils also affect the nervous system - they have a calming, relaxing or invigorating effect.
In the field of aromas, personal associative factors are especially strong, associated with the individual reaction of the body, memories and emotions associated with specific smells. Therefore, of course, you can look at the lists of essential oils, find out the spectrum of their action, but it is much more reliable to listen to your own feelings and reactions: which plants with a pleasant aroma do you like the most. Only with this approach, with the help of aromatic herbs, will you really control the atmosphere in your own garden.
Jay Sifford Garden Design
Tip: Be careful when creating an aromatic garden. Be aware that some aromatic flowers, herbs, trees and shrubs can cause allergies. Especially often, the flowering alder (Alnus) , IVA (Salix) , Birch (Betula) , Topol (Populus) (Artemisia) (Matricaria) , Pizhma were guilty. (Tanacetum) , quinoa (Atriplex) , nettle (Urtica) , cereals (Poaceae) . In addition, some plants have a specific or too strong aroma, which is not pleasant to everyone. Barberry (Berberis) , mountain ash (Sorbus) , hawthorn (Crataegus) , elderberry (Sambucus) and bird cherry (Prunus padus) smell ambiguously when flowering.
Do you plant aromatic plants in your garden? What strong-smelling garden flowers and herbs do you choose? Do you see any practical effect?
10 flowers that will fill the garden with unique aromas.

Often, when we see a beautiful flower, we instinctively bend over to feel its fragrance. All fragrant flowers can be divided into two large groups: nocturnal (pollinated by nocturnal butterflies) and diurnal, whose pollinators are mainly bees. Both groups of plants are important for the grower and designer, because we often walk in the garden during the day and relax in our favorite corners with the onset of the evening. We are never allowed the fragrance of our favorite flowers. In this article we will talk about the most fragrant flowers that will delight you with their smell, mainly during daylight hours.
10 flowers that will fill the garden with unique aromasRead also our article 5 annuals that are fragrant in the evening and at night.
As you know, the smell of a flower has a chemical nature, it appears as a result of the formation of essential oils in the petals of the inflorescences, which, when evaporated, are felt at some distance. Each flower has a unique aroma, because it is formed by a unique combination of various chemical elements. First of all, the smell serves to attract pollinating insects, which have a very subtle sense of smell. But this does not prevent us from enjoying their magnificent and unique fragrance.
Fragrant annuals
1. Petunia
The natural form of petunias has a very strong pleasant smell that intensifies in the evening, but it is also noticeable during the day. The fragrance of petunia is very similar to the aroma of its closest relative, fragrant tobacco.
Purple varieties have the strongest smell among terry petunias. © Lyudmila SvetlitskayaThe first varieties of petunias, close to wild species, had the same intense smell, but in the process of complex selection work on the selection of original colors in many hybrids, the pleasant aroma was partially lost, and sometimes even completely.
Purple hybrids tend to have the most fragrant flowers. But the inflorescences of non-traditional colors for petunias - red or yellow - usually do not smell at all. And a similar pattern can be traced in both simple and terry varieties.
Recently, breeders have begun to make efforts not only to return the former aroma to petunias, but also to make it more original. The most remarkable aroma is distinguished by such novelties of recent years as petunia Easy Wave Silver - whose smell is very reminiscent of expensive perfumes with vanilla notes, and it is not at all like the usual "petunia". Hybrid "Amore Mio Orange" will fill the air with a fragrance reminiscent of the smell of jasmine. But the hybrid petunia "Evening Sensation" even won a prestigious award for a unique honey aroma with hints of hyacinth and rose.
Read more about the variety of petunias in the article How not to get confused in the varieties of petunias and choose the right one.
2. Sweet Pea
The very name of this flower suggests the presence of a pleasant aroma, but not all varieties managed to keep it after the work of breeders to improve their appearance.
Modern sweet pea has very beautiful wavy inflorescences, reminiscent of exquisite ruffles. In color, they are often two-tone with a very interesting dark coating on lighter petals. However, the most fragrant should be sought among simple and medium-sized flowers.
When choosing a variety, also note that perennial sweet peas (peas) are odorless. One of the few modern varieties that, despite its unusual appearance, has managed to retain its aroma, is Old Spice Senator peas.
Sweet peas are mainly used for decorating vertical surfaces. But among modern varieties, you can also find compact bush options for flower beds and flowerpots. In addition, this plant is also often used as a floristic material, since the inflorescences can stand in bouquets for up to two weeks.
3. Alyssum
This undersized annual forms a mat covered with medium-sized inflorescences, which are most often pure white or represent various shades of lilac palette. More recently, the color range of alyssum varieties has been supplemented with a new color - light pink with a peach tint Easter Bonnet Peach .
Modern varieties of alissum have not only unusual shades of petals, but also larger flowers, which are about twice as large as the usual "folk" alissum. However, the hybrid alyssum is inferior to the latter in terms of aroma, and many new varieties are not so intense, and some are completely odorless.
In particular, the hybrid Wonderland deep purple with very expressive ink-colored buds has absolutely no smell. Therefore, the very strong honey aroma that instantly immerses us in summer and attracts many insects is worth looking for in old varieties.
It has been noticed that the white alyssum exudes the strongest aroma, its smell can be felt even at a distance. Lilac varieties smell weaker, and there are tart notes in their aroma.
4. Fragrant mignonette
This flower has a very original, but completely inexpressive appearance - a loose inflorescence of yellowish-green flowers. The main advantage of mignonette is a unique pleasant aroma.
The main advantage of mignonette is its unique pleasant aroma. © Allan ArmitageThe smell of the plant is slightly violet-like, but has a slightly bitter note, like that of wormwood. Sometimes the fragrance of mignonette is compared with an expensive French perfume.
The smell of mignonette is not strong, and it is felt only if you are in close proximity to the inflorescences. But in many ways, this feature can be attributed to the pluses of the flower, since mignonette can be safely placed in the house, and even scented with a bouquet of flowers in the bedroom. Unlike such strong-smelling plants as lily or mock orange, this will not lead to any unpleasant consequences.
Mignonette is unpretentious in cultivation, and this annual can be used to break up too colorful flower beds, adding austerity and unusual aroma to them.
5. Heliotrope
This pretty annual is much loved by perfumers and is often used to make perfumes, along with fragrance kings such as rose, jasmine and lily of the valley.
Heliotrope is much loved by perfumers and is often used to make perfumes. © Lyudmila SvetlitskayaBees and flocks of colorful butterflies will become obligatory visitors to the heliotrope curtain, so this bush will always be “alive” and interesting to observe.
Helitrope has dark purple corymbose inflorescences, consisting of medium-sized flowers, the main advantage of which is a strong honey-vanilla aroma.
This plant is unpretentious, and in temperate climates it is grown in seedlings as a heat-loving annual. For maximum effect, heliotrope is planted in groups. The landing site should be sunny or slightly shady. Heliotrope is also popular in container culture. In this case, it will be easy to bring it indoors for the winter, and with the onset of spring, propagate by cuttings.
Fragrant perennials
6. Tuberose (Polyantes tuberous)
Today, not every grower is familiar with the name of this plant, but it was not always so. Previously, this exotic flower with a strong intoxicating aroma was incredibly popular in noble estates.
Due to its spectacular appearance and strong fragrance, tuberose is popular all over the world. © SZFSRBThe mention of tuberose can be found in the works of Gorky, Kuprin, as well as in the poems of poets of that time. In particular, in Zhukovsky we find the following lines: "There are pearly lilies of the valley, There are rose bushes, Tulip, fragrant narcissus And tuberose - a pure Emblem of beauty."
Due to its spectacular appearance and strong fragrance, tuberose is popular all over the world. For example, in many countries of the East, the local name of the flower is translated as "the queen of aromas." In ancient times, in some countries, there was a ban on walking unmarried girls in places where tuberose was planted, as it was believed that its smell causes attraction and erotic fantasies. What is the smell of tuberose?
It is not easy to describe this fragrance, because it is very rich and multifaceted. You can catch notes of exotic fruits, ginger and oriental lilies in it, as well as creamy and honey notes in the aroma.
The smell of tuberose is very strong, tart and heady, and some may find it too intrusive. In this regard, tuberose has both ardent admirers and opponents. In any case, you can try to plant this plant in the garden and determine your attitude towards this controversial flower.
The most common planting material for sale is polyanthes The Pearl ( "Pearl" ), which is distinguished by double snow-white, waxy flowers, reaching a diameter of 5-6 centimeters.
In terms of agricultural technology, tuberose is a bit like gladiolus. Corms are planted for indoor sprouting around April. But for early flowering, you can plant much earlier. Corms germinate best in the dark. Plants are planted in open ground in mid-May.
Tuberose will grow in the sunniest spot in the garden. Special care, in addition to the standard, the plant will still require. Before the first autumn frosts, the polyanthes are dug up and stored in a room with a temperature of 10-15 degrees.
7. Lily
Depending on the class, lilies can have an incredibly strong fragrance or no fragrance at all. So, oriental , or oriental lilies are characterized by the strongest, sweet, dense and spicy aroma.
Lily "Bombini" - OT lily hybrids have a less intrusive and stuffy smell than oriental ones. © Lyudmila Svetlitskaya Not everyone will like this specific smell, and it is often perceived as “stuffy” and intrusive. Longeflorums , or long-flowered lilies are also characterized by a pronounced fragrance that can be felt from tens of meters away. Tubular (Orleans) lilies smell not much weaker than Oriental and long-flowered, but have slightly different notes of fragrance.
Hybrids obtained with the participation of Oriental lilies have largely inherited the characteristics of the aroma and have a rather strong smell. LO hybrids (a cross between longiflora and oriental lilies) exude a more delicate aroma than oriental varieties.
OT hybrids (Oriental-Trumpet Lily hybrid) provide the air with a moderate pleasant fragrance. Asiatic Lilies are ideal for those who find the scent of a lily intrusive, as their buds are odorless. LA-hybrids , which appeared as a result of crossing a species of long-flowered lilies with Asians, are distinguished by a subtle, delicate aroma.
A special group of lilies "Martagon" , or Curly lily has a perceptible smell, which is much inferior in intensity to oriental ones. In general, their aroma can be described as "sweet-tart", while, depending on the variety, Martagons can smell differently.
A lily in the garden and a bouquet of lilies indoors are completely different experiences. Even the most fragrant oriental lily, planted in the far corner of the garden, will not cause a feeling of stuffy cloying and intrusiveness. Therefore, if you are sensitive to smells, then too fragrant lilies should be planted in limited quantities and at a distance from places of rest.
Read more about growing lilies in the article Lilies - choosing a place and planting in the garden.
8. Rose
Rose is a godsend for a perfumer and one of the first plants that was used by humans to obtain essential oils. The most intense smell of roses becomes in the morning hours. Roses that are at full bloom smell the most, as the purpose of the plant is to attract pollinating insects.
The strongest fragrance of roses is felt in the morning hours. © Ludmila Svetlitskaya Rose fragrance can be described as sweetish, warm, delicate with a fruity note. When we say that something smells like a rose, then everyone can clearly imagine what kind of smell it is.
Most types and varieties of roses have a fragrance, but it is not always the classic pink. Very often there are roses with an unusual aroma, for example, lemon, hyacinth, banana, musk, violet, vanilla, and so on. Some varieties combine several unusual notes in their aroma at once.
As a percentage, only 20% of the roses have a strong fragrance, and 25% of the varieties are practically odorless, the rest of the varieties have an aroma of medium intensity. Therefore, if it is important for you to enjoy the aroma of a rose, then it is better to refuse a spontaneous purchase, and first study the characteristics of the variety you like.
As a rule, on specialized sites there is detailed information about each variety, including a description of the intensity and shades of smell. At the same time, both strongly smelling and devoid of aroma varieties can be found in any group of roses (shrub, flower bed, climbing).
The exception is the increasingly popular roses of the English breeder David Austin, who were purposefully selected according to the principle of the presence of aroma, so there are no completely odorless varieties in this series. Among Austin roses, you can find truly amazing shades of aroma, such as wormwood, clove, the smell of good tea or expensive soap.
9. Lavender
This plant smells not only of flowers, but also of leaves. The aroma of lavender is associated with the presence of a large amount of essential oils in the aerial part of the plant, which in turn are rich in phytoncides that have a specific aroma.
Lavender angustifolia winters very well with us without additional shelter. © yearofcleanwaterPhytoncides were originally produced by plants to repel pests, but man has learned to benefit from these substances by using fragrant plants for his own purposes. In particular, the smell of lavender is perceived by most people as very pleasant.
Therefore, in the southern regions, this flower is grown literally on an industrial scale due to the high demand for raw materials in the perfume and cosmetic industry.
The smell of this plant is believed to improve mood, fight insomnia, eliminate fears and alleviate headaches. In addition to aromatherapy, lavender also has a purely practical use in the household, in particular, its aroma can repel mosquitoes and moths, and is used to disinfect rooms.
For a long time it was believed that lavender does not winter well in the middle lane. But it is not so. Lavender broadleaf is indeed a very heat-loving plant that can only be grown as an annual. But another type of lavender - narrow-leaved - winters very well without additional shelter.
Also used as an ornamental plant in gardens is a hybrid of two types of lavender called lavandin. This flower is more resistant to diseases and pests, and also has sufficient winter hardiness and winters well in our climate.
Open sunny places are suitable for lavender in the garden. This plant is drought-resistant and unpretentious. It is easy to grow from seeds or propagate by dividing the bush. Lavender flowers continue throughout the summer.
How to grow lavender in the garden, read the article 7 simple rules for gorgeous lavender.
10. Iris
The well recognizable scent of iris is very pleasant, popular among perfumers and extremely loved by women. Meanwhile, in addition to the classic aroma characteristic of the most common "grandmother's" purple irises, this flower has a rich palette of aromas.
Most purple varieties have a classic iris aroma. © Lyudmila SvetlitskayaFor example, varieties with aromas of sweets are often found: vanilla, honey, caramel and even chocolate (grade Copatonic ). Some varieties are distinguished by a floral smell, in which at the same time a slight bitterness or tart citrus notes are clearly felt.
As a rule, the smell of iris has a very complex composition, combining several components at once, and then the aroma can be described as flower-caramel or honey with bitterness, and so on.
The smell of each varietal iris is unique, and it does not always correlate with the color of the flower. For example, grades Copatonic and Stopthe Music have a very similar red-brown coloration.