English garden front yard

30 Elegant English Garden Designs and Ideas


Lisa Hallett Taylor

Lisa Hallett Taylor

Lisa Hallett Taylor is an expert in architecture and landscape design who has written more than 1,000 articles about pool, patio, garden, and home improvement over 12 years. She has a bachelor's degree in Environmental Design and is certified in fine and decorative arts appraisal.

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Updated on 12/16/22

Peg Aloi

With its temperate climate and verdant landscapes, the "green and pleasant land" of England has long been associated with beautiful gardens. From the formal gardens on the grounds of castles and grand estates, to the humble cottage gardens in villages, to the allotments popular in many urban areas, England is a nation of gardeners. There are specific styles and methods of gardening associated with England, including the widespread popularity of the herbaceous border, which is full of flowers through three seasons and usually has plenty of winter interest. It's not hard to achieve an English garden look, though some knowledge of horticulture and design is helpful, to help select plants suitable for your region and climate.

What defines the "look" of an English garden? There are a number of visual themes one sees again and again: large drifts of colorful perennials, color themes, and a full look with a wide variety of textures are all common sights. Authors such as William Robertson (The English Flower Garden) helped bring knowledge and techniques for creating herbaceous borders to the public in the 1800s, marking a modern trend away from the formalism of more classical European gardens. The legendary garden designer and author Gertrude Jekyll was celebrated for her bold approach to color, including single-color-themed gardens and the geometric diagonal shapes creating the recognizable drifts of plants in borders.

Fortunately, with a bit of preparation and inspiration, the English garden look is not too difficult to achieve, no matter where you live. We offer a variety of ideas here for you to create your own.

The English garden style is one of the most recognizable and well-loved in the world. Using a few basic design and horticulture principles, you can create many different English garden looks, appropriate for a variety of landscapes and climates.

13 classic or informal looks |

(Image credit: Getty Images)

English garden ideas have evolved from the classic combination of smartly clipped hedges, romantic meandering paths and lushly planted drifts of flowers that's known around the world, to embrace a more informal style, too.

The traditional English garden, perhaps with a whimsical folly or captivating piece of sculpture dotted here and there to catch the eye, creates a look that’s much admired and copied. But there is also a new style developing that embraces a looser and more natural style of planting.  

These most romantic of garden ideas don't have to be on a large scale either, as they can just as easily be incorporated into a small space.

English garden ideas

(Image credit: Mark Bolton/Future)

Traditional English garden ideas contrast soft and riotous planting in flower bed ideas with formal clipped hedges and decorative topiary; there's usually a stretch of lush lawn and a pretty water feature, too. 

There is also a more contemporary new English garden style as gardeners look to sustainable garden ideas. 

‘The aesthetic of the English garden is changing to a softer and looser look, not just in response to climate change, but creating an oasis for wildlife and a nectar rich space for biodiversity. There has been a definite move to a more naturalistic, informal style that is eminently adaptable to anything,’ explains garden designer Dan Pearson who has created a guide to naturalistic garden design for Create Academy .

1. Plant for extremes in weather

(Image credit: Dan Pearson Studio)

​​’Our planting palettes have had to adapt to increases in weather extremes – very cold and dry springs, hot Junes and lots of rain in the late summer. We now see plants which we previously wouldn’t have considered for English gardens ideas being a regular feature. Our selection of plants include olive to bay trees, agapanthus to astrantias, all of which are suitable for the ever changing climate,’ says award-winning garden designer and co-founder of Soto Gardens , Will Williams.

‘As the instances of weather extremes increase, especially within cities, planting palettes have had to adapt. The rising summer heat lends itself to more drought tolerant planting in some areas,’ explains Will.

'Use better all rounders, such as euphorbias, which, as long as we give them good drainage, can survive wet winters and adapt to dry conditions. Plants adapt quickly to climate change, so we will start to see more of those that can cope with the conditions,’ says Dan Pearson.

2. Focus on diversity in planting

(Image credit: Beth Chatto's Garden and Nursery)

'Diversity in planting encourages wildlife. Traditional English garden ideas of lawn, box hedging and roses don’t create a great deal of diversity in a garden, whereas many gardens now, by introducing a broad range of plants, attract a wide range of wildlife,' explains David Ward, garden and nursery director at the internationally renowned Beth Chatto’s Garden and Nursery .

Wildlife garden ideas are becoming more of a priority for many gardeners one of the best ways to attract many birds, bees and butterflies into your garden is by including a healthy mix of wildlife friendly plants.

3. Paint pictures with English garden plants

(Image credit: Dobbies)

When it comes to essentials like choosing the right plants, look to legendary English garden style icons William Robertson, who wrote the definitive guide The English Flower Garden , and Gertrude Jekyll, who was instrumental in naturalistic planting designs with swathes of perennials known as ‘drifts’ that look like watercolor paintings.

Cottage garden ideas such as pretty perennials are the key players in English garden planting. A perennial is any plant that dies down at the end of summer and springs back up again the following year. They are generally easy to look after as long as you cut back any faded stems to keep them coming.

Deft use of color in the way an artist builds it in a painting is another key theme. To create a painterly effect choose washes of color with repeat flowering plants like lavender, echinacea, hardy geraniums, foxgloves, hollyhocks and daisies, as well as old-fashioned varieties of peonies and roses. 

Plant successionally so that as one variety comes to an end another one takes its place to keep borders looking full. 

Think seasonally by adding bulbs for spring and fall color, and ornamental grasses for a mix of golds in fall, as well as keeping the evergreen 'bones' going for year round color and structure.

4. Get the flower borders right

(Image credit: Mark Bolton/Future)

Robinson and Jekyll were key in helping to define the planting aesthetic for borders that still forms the blueprint for English garden design today. They led the movement away from the structured planting favored by Victorians and instead combined perennials in deep borders to create naturalistic looking long-lasting displays. 

More recently there’s been a fashion among English garden designers to add tall architectural plants and ornamental grasses to the mix.  

Repetition of plants in groups of three creates rhythm and a sense of balance. In a large border, different plants are used while in smaller borders, one or two long-lasting, structural plants work well. 

Layering of cottage garden plants is a key feature of English gardens. Trees or tall shrubs are used as the upper layer, while mid-height and low-growing shrubs mix with perennials and ornamental grasses to form the main planting. At the front paths are softened with edging plants like Alchemilla mollis that spill over.

5. Introduce a meandering path

(Image credit: Annaick Guitteny/Future)

Sinuous garden path ideas that wind past borders, with low foliage billowing over to soften the edges add an enchanting touch to English gardens, especially if you can’t quite see where the path leads to. Gravel paths are traditional English garden ideas, the perfect accompaniment to soft waves of planting.

In English garden design, paths and walkways are the means of progression from one distinct area to the next, helping to define different spaces. There is a naturalistic feel to the materials used, such as gravel, reclaimed stone or brick. Sometimes the path is simply mown grass.

Bold geometrical paved paths are also occasionally used, ideally using local stone to fit in with the local landscape, as well as providing a more sustainable option than imported materials.

6. Add an architectural feature or folly

(Image credit: Future)

Appealing garden structures and yard art ideas are a hallmark of English garden ideas and help to reinforce the geometrical aspects of the space. They don’t have to be grand. Even if your garden is on the smaller side, you can still add a focal point with a gazebo, pavilion or pergola idea. 

To succeed as a design feature aim to integrate the structure into the rest of the garden so it looks cohesive. Garden shade ideas such as these have a practical use too as a place for relaxing, entertaining or offering a retreat from the sun, as well as providing a framework for flowering climbers such as roses, clematis and vines to scramble over to create that wild romping look that's key to this design aesthetic.

If space is tight a simple arbor will add charm and a vital design element that completes the overall look of your English garden. Whether festooned with climbers or left bare, they provide a simple architectural detail that works well. If there really isn’t enough room for any of these options, an English-inspired whimsical dovecote will work just as well as a real conversation piece.

7. Welcome a water feature

(Image credit: The Worm that Turned)

Cool and classic garden pond ideas are an essential design element in English garden ideas. If space allows opt for a traditional pond edged in reclaimed flagstones for a weathered-in 'been there for years' look. Otherwise, a water feature idea, such as a small fountain, water tank or ceramic bowl also works well.

The trickle of water adds sensory pleasure to your garden, introducing a reflective quality to the space. As well as the tranquil associations you get from the sound of trickling water, it will add a sense of movement as light and reflections dance on the surface of the water.

If you're aiming for a romantic space, choose a water feature that adds to this effect. A vintage water tank looks great and is good for attracting wildlife, too. Go for something sourced from an architectural salvage yard in materials like verdigris or ironwork for an authentic looking addition to your garden.

8. Choose clipped hedges and topiary

(Image credit: Annaick Guitteny Future)

Formal clipped green hedges and whimsical topiary offer a visual means of defining boundaries and delineating different areas of the garden that’s also easy on the eye. It also makes the perfect backdrop for flowers.

Living sculptures – as topiary is also known – date back to Tudor times when knot gardens created with clipped plants became popular. Then geometric parterre gardens featuring low clipped greenery featured widely as English garden ideas. Later the influential Arts & Crafts movement picked up the theme again by using topiary to create a sense of enclosure in ‘garden rooms’.  

Box was traditionally the most versatile species for snipping into topiary to create the English look. 'English gardens used to be underpinned by box, but due to box blight we are not using it now, which has contributed to the change in their aesthetic. Instead, I might use euonymus or yew. There is always going to be something to plug the gap, and that is the beauty of an informal garden style as you can readily fill a space with an alternative,’ explains Dan Pearson.

Privet and Japanese holly also work well. For fairly simple, rounded forms try holly, bay, myrtle, laurel and pittosporum. For low mounds try naturally small plants, such as Euonymus fortunei and hebe. For a less structured look that’s still smart, flank paths with low lavender hedges.

9. Pick a tasteful garden ornament

Stag by Cavendish Stone

(Image credit: Cavendish Stone)

Simple ornaments such as antique urns, stone bird baths or sundials will fit comfortably into the design aesthetic of English garden ideas.  Arched Gothic 'windows' (outdoor mirrors) also add an interesting element and use reflections to create the illusion of space where there is none.

Fluted or scalloped containers in iron or stone with an aged patina will also work well to add an Edwardian vibe, and look authentic grouped together around steps, doorways and water features to create a potted display.

Avoid new off the shelf statuary and garden figures which can seem out of place in English gardens if they're new and too perfect looking.

10. Grow rambling roses and other climbers

(Image credit: Mark Bolton/Future)

No list of English garden ideas is complete without rampant climbers, especially climbing roses, scrambling over arbors, pergola ideas and trellises. Interweave your planting with other climbers, like clematis and honeysuckle, to create a soft romantic look.

Choose a variety of roses, like ‘Madame Alfred Carrière’, a favorite of renowned English author and garden designer Vita Sackville-West who featured it in her famous garden at Sissinghurst and planted many other climbers to cover the walls there too.

Keep the color coming by extending the season and adding Virginia creeper into your planting mix for a stunning fall show.

11. Linger on the lawn

Lutyens style bench by Jo Alexander

(Image credit: Jo Alexander)

Choose the right garden bench and it will add a lovely detail that sounds all the right notes if you want to recreate classic English garden ideas. After all, you will need somewhere to linger to get close up to all your gorgeous planting.

Choose a timber style for a traditional touch. Wrought ironwork is also a good fit for English garden style. Site your bench on some lush cushiony lawn. Yours might not be a rolling one that stretches as far as the eye can see but all you need is a patch of green to get the right feel. 

The key to keeping your lawn looking good is regular maintenance. As summer rolls on learn how to fertilize a lawn and how to aerate a lawn. You should see an improvement within a week and your lawn will soon be worthy of an English garden.  

12. Leave the lawn to grow

(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)

There is also a new look to lawns in an English Garden. ‘There is a move away from pristine lawns. The ‘no mow May’ movement is brilliant as it gets everyone to look at what we require of lawns. If you don’t mow them, you start to see a peppering of daisies and clover, which provide for a host of wildlife,' says Dan Pearson.

'Once gardeners have keyed into the idea of gardens as environments to increase biodiversity then they become more forgiving and allow some areas of lawn to grow into a wildflower meadow,’ adds Dan.

13. Use the right materials

(Image credit: Mark Bolton/Future)

Whether it's old stone walls, reclaimed bricks or wooden trellises and fencing, the materials that you choose for your English garden should look like they have been there for years.

Use materials that complement the house too, preferably ones that are local and reclaimed. Aim for a weathered look to add character. Locally sourced stone, brick and gravel are favorites, as well as timber and metal that will rust to add an interesting patina.

This helps the garden to fit with the house and landscape around it so the whole English garden ideas look is pulled together for a natural fit.

What do you put in an English garden?

Include pretty flower borders with nostalgic old fashioned varieties, some clipped evergreens such as yew hedging for a formal touch, and as many romantic rambling roses and other climbers as you can fit in, and you will have covered all the main planting design points for English garden ideas. 

Also look to include plants and flowers that can cope with weather extremes, so look to include drought tolerant plants and best performers.

Obviously it depends on the season and your preferred color scheme, as well as right plant for the right place but choose from the following list and you will easily create the English garden look you're after.

Choose a mix of these flowers and plants to create an English garden look in your borders:

Hollyhocks are a much loved English garden flower

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Choose a mix of these leafy and evergreen plants to add the right foliage detail:

(Image credit: Future)

Add climbers to complete the look:

(Image credit: Future)

How do I make my yard look like an English garden?

(Image credit: Future)

How do you lay out an English garden?

An English garden lay out is typically relaxed, whimsical and meandering. A lawn will have an organic shape, overlapped by overflowing borders of flowers, paths will snake through the garden, perhaps past a curvaceous pond or water feature in a reclaimed iron container. Planting focusses on traditional blooms that will spill over containers, picket fences, pergolas and trellises.

Lifestyle journalist Sarah Wilson has been writing about gardens since 2015. She's written for Gardeningetc.com, Livingetc, Homes & Gardens, Easy Gardens and Modern Gardens magazines. Her first job on glossy magazines was at Elle, during which time a visit to the legendary La Colombe d'Or in St-Paul-de-Vence led to an interest in all things gardening. Later as lifestyle editor at Country Homes & Interiors magazine the real pull was the run of captivating country gardens that were featured. 

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Project of the week: "Old" English garden in the Moscow suburbs

It appeared on the site of the old site, but both the house and the garden have changed beyond recognition. “This new “old” English garden, aristocratic and sophisticated, captivates with its picturesqueness and the spirit of a shady estate,” says project manager, landscape designer Diana Dubovitskaya. “The clearing behind the house has become a large stage with scenery around the perimeter, and the view “behind the scenes” opens up more and more angles.” nine0003

Arcadia Garden Landscape Studio

On the project
Novorizhskoye Shosse, Moscow Region
: 2017–2018
Size: 0.35 ha Project designers: Architecture workshop - Anna Kashentseva; house interiors — Gulya Galeeva, Gulia Galeeva Design studio; landscape Diana Dubovitskaya (Project Manager) and Irina Sveshnikova, Arcadia Garden Landscape Studio
Photo: Diana Dubovitskaya

ARCADIA GARDEN Landscape Studio

The garden was at least 15 years old when the owner decided to update the landscape and buildings. The works on transforming the garden into an English estate were entrusted to the Arcadia Garden landscape studio.

ARCADIA GARDEN Landscape Studio

“It all started when my old friend and colleague, decorator Gulya Galeeva, invited us to this project. The initial impression was puzzling: too much of everything is growing, will the owner want to part with it? Diana recalls. Large trees grew along the border of the site, good quality thuja western Smaragd

ARCADIA GARDEN Landscape Studio

Work began in 2017. Poor quality plants were removed and the old pond behind the house was filled in. The reconstruction of the house went in parallel with the development of the garden project, so a lot of things changed in the process of work. Of the two initial versions of the landscape project, the customer chose the less geometric one. The smooth lines of the garden in a landscape style made it possible to preserve groups of mature arborvitae and trees.

ARCADIA GARDEN Landscape Studio

During the construction of the house, the owner decided to redo not only the front, but the rest of the fence around the perimeter of the site. Due to the reconstruction of the fence, there was no need to cover it very tightly with plants. Granite tiles were chosen for paving the area at the entrance and around the house. It was hewn on the spot and laid with a herringbone parquet layout at the end on a concrete base.

“When planning the road network, emphasis was placed on convenient wide paving around the house and a step-by-step walk around the perimeter behind the house, and all lawns involve walking only on the lawn, which in an English garden should be perfectly even and well-groomed,” explains Diana. nine0004

ARCADIA GARDEN Landscape Studio

In the photo: the area at the entrance to the site. On the right is a row of Thuringian "Fastigiata" mountain ash (Sorbus thuringiaca ‘Fastigiata’), blooming from the second half of May. Beneath it along the road a wide border of birch-leaved spirea 'Tor' (Spiraea betulifolia 'Tor'), it is sheared in the form of a wave

ARCADIA GARDEN Landscape Studio

in front of the old staff house, now - Customer Workshop, entered the new design of the garden

Arcadia Garden Landscape Studio

In the photo: The Oblated Lilac -Octled Miss Kim (Syringa Patula 'Miss Kim'), June 2020, 920, 920 920 entrance, on the corner of the site stood an old house for staff. In its place, the owner decided to build a carpentry workshop.

ARCADIA GARDEN Landscape Studio

It is interesting that the last area of ​​the garden that was first encountered at the entrance to the site was the clearing between the house and the workshop. Building material lay here for a long time, so this part was completed only after the workshop was built, in the fall of 2018. The style of this flower garden is more natural, so the selected assortment of plants is different from the flower beds behind the house. nine0003

ARCADIA GARDEN Landscape Studio

Photo: the same view of the meadow from the workshop, August 2019. The tallest plants are located in the center and go down towards the edges. Blooming Aster divaricatus 'Tradescant', Origanum 'Rosenkuppel' (Origanum laevigatum 'Rosenkuppel'), Sanguisorba officinalis 'Pink Tanna', Eupatorium

ARCADIA GARDEN Landscape Studio

Pictured: white Siberian iris 'White Swirl' (Iris sibirica 'White Swirl'), field geranium 'Cloud Nine' (Geranium pratense 'Cloud Nine'), loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria), oak sage 'Caradonna' (Salvia nemorosa 'Caradonna'), June 2020

ARCADIA GARDEN Landscape Studio

Pictured: two varieties of common yarrow blooming under a fruit apple tree - 'Pretty Belinda' and 'Sunny Sedation' (Achillea millefolinny 'Pretty Belinda' Seduction'), two varieties of oak sage, "Ostfriesland" ( (Poa) Canadian varieties. Picturesque groups and thriving perennials create a spectacular setting. “It's nice to sunbathe on the lawn during the day, and in the evening to watch the sunset rays from the cozy thickets,” Diana adds.

Arcadia Garden Landscape Studio

Posit interesting accents: Bonsai from a dwarf spruce, formed spreading IrGU Smooth ( Amlanchier Laevis) , 40269 ( CRATARAE) standard hemlock canadian (Tsuga canadense) mushroom cut; arborvitae, firs ( Abies) and pines.

ARCADIA GARDEN Landscape Studio

The plants used for the project were adults - they should not have been lost against the background of those that already existed. Most of the plants were brought from Arcadia Garden's own nursery. Eight-meter fir and standard hemlock and pine were ordered from Europe.

ARCADIA GARDEN Landscape Studio

The path starts from a wide pavement near the house, goes around a large clearing in an arc and collects all the individual corners of rest on its route. The owner himself chose large thick slabs for the path. When they were laid, wide seams formed.

ARCADIA GARDEN Landscape Studio

“I suggested planting Fortune's creeping euonymus ( Euonymus fortunei) along the path, laying its branches between the slabs,” recalls Diana. - We brought whips one and a half meters long from our nursery and attached them with brackets to the ground. The customer did not believe that they would take root, but the result convinced him. And for the image of a shady path, this was a great addition. nine0003

ARCADIA GARDEN Landscape Studio

Photo: view from the walking path to the shady area with swings. Compact rose hip blooms in the center Rosa rugosa ‘Dagmar Hastrup’

ARCADIA GARDEN Landscape Studio

Photo: view from the walkway onto the lawn, June 2020. Flowering soft cuff "Robustica" (Alchemillamollis ‘Robustica’), Siberian iris ‘Ruffled Velvet’ (Ruffled Velvet), oak sage ‘Caradonna’ and Fassen catnip ‘Six Hills Giant’ (Nepeta faassenii ‘Six Hills Giant’) 9June 2020 9020 9020 9020

On the site there was a relief drop with a decrease to the fence. A hill remained in the right corner of the previous layout with a pond. All platforms and a step-by-step path were raised to a new level, leveling the clearing - the roots of the trees made it possible to do this. But there were also several deep-planted forest firs - after raising the soil around them, they ended up in funnels. Designers hid their depth with lush perennials and left space for a sunbed or hammock between them. nine0003

ARCADIA GARDEN Landscape Studio

Two recreational areas were placed on the sides of the private garden. A platform with wicker chairs and a fire pit is located along the path. From here you have a view of the entire lawn and a swing from the opposite side. But the barbecue area from the side of the lawn is completely covered with a dense screen of thuja.

ARCADIA GARDEN Landscape Studio

Before photo: This is what the private garden looked like before the renovation. View of the arborvitae separating the barbecue area, 2017

ARCADIA GARDEN Landscape Studio

Photo after, summer 2020

Diana added a few Western Smaragd thujas to the old tall thujas. She continued this backstage behind the swings - they landed the thuja western Brabant (Thuja occidentalis ‘Brabant’) there. “It turned out to be a picturesque screen that covers the neighbor's house well,” says Diana.

ARCADIA GARDEN Landscape Studio

In the photo: the passage from the house to the barbecue area and the inventory house. On the left is a border of wrinkled rose hips “Rosa Zwerg” (Rosa rugosa ‘Rosa Zwerg’). Right - Umbrella from the hawthorn of the plumper "SPNEGUS‘ PRUNIFOLIA SPLENESS ’), growing from the Birch Birch Assolite array

Arcadia Garden Zn. Fountain equipment is hidden behind the trellis. Parthenocissus ( Parthenocissus) will develop a dense green background over time.

ARCADIA GARDEN Landscape Studio

“It was an interesting task to design all these picturesque perennial thickets,” says Diana. — It was very important to catch the customer's taste in terms of color and image. I was inspired by the best work of English garden designers. For me, the closest thing in terms of subtle coloring was Arne Maynard. Having looked at the finished interiors of the house and knowing the owner’s passion for English painting of the 18th century, I wove these textured waves and smooth color transitions, choosing perennials with the most “lace” inflorescences and consonant shades of color.” nine0003

ARCADIA GARDEN Landscape Studio

The meadow behind the house is surrounded by four flowerbeds with different colors of flowering - from warm tones through cold ones to the most saturated in brightness flowerbed, located under the tall Smaragd arborvitae. During the season, the gamma also changes. In May, it is white-violet, in June it is lemon-blue, and from July to November it is pink-purple.

ARCADIA GARDEN Landscape Studio

In total, 113 species and varieties of perennials with a total of more than 5,000 pieces were used in the project. About 3,000 bulbs alone were planted. nine0003

ARCADIA GARDEN Landscape Studio

The zones along the fences, in contrast to the central flower beds, are background, with a calm combination of white hydrangeas and perennials with greenery against the background of a light fence.

Arcadia Garden Landscape Studio

In the photo: In the foreground is blooming Volzhanka dioecious “Horatio” (Aruncus dioch 'Horatio ”)

Arcadia Garden Studio

iga 'Mezzit Regal' (Rhododendron carolinianum 'P.J.M. Regal')

“All the plantings on the site are designed with continuous flowering waves in mind,” explains Diana. Throughout May, a solemn combination of shades of purple-violet in bergenia, onions and rhododendrons and white flowering of shadberry, fruit apple tree and tulips with daffodils and white catnip prevails.

ARCADIA GARDEN Landscape Studio

In the photo: Rhododendron dauricum ‘April Dawn’ has a very delicate coloration

ARCADIA GARDEN Landscape Studio

Pictured: two varieties of Bergenia crassifolia in bloom, May 2019. In the foreground is the variety 'Dark Margin', to the right is the compact 'Pink Dragonfly'

ARCADIA GARDEN Landscape Studio

In early June, eight white bushes of lilac prostrate "Miss Kim" - they are planted at the entrance, at the entrance to the house and behind the house - in the flower beds, on both sides of the fountain.

ARCADIA GARDEN Landscape Studio

In the photo: 'Miss Kim' lilac by the fountain

ARCADIA GARDEN Landscape Studio

Warm iridescence of peony petals (Sunset Corale Sunset' Sunset') ).

ARCADIA GARDEN Landscape Studio

“I chose soft “Robustica” cuff and gravel in two warm shades: yellow “Gimlet” ( Geum ‘Gimlet’) - and peach - "Bel Bank" (Geum 'Bell Bank') , ”comments Diana. In total, five varieties of peonies of different flowering periods grow on the site in different flower beds.

ARCADIA GARDEN Landscape Studio

Already at the beginning of July, the earliest panicled hydrangeas "Sandy Fraise" (Hydrangea paniculata ‘Sundae Fraise’) bloom. They are planted in containers purchased by the customer. In addition to them, in the garden there is a tree hydrangea "Anabel" (Hydrangea arborescens ‘Anabel’) , hydrangeas 'Vanilla Fraise' ('Vanille Fraise'), 'Magical Fire' ('Magical Fire') and 'Limelight' ('Limelight') which blooms later than the others.

ARCADIA GARDEN Landscape Studio

In the photo: perennials rise powerfully in the flower bed near the swing, forming a high stage. Red Dwarf briar (Eupatorium maculatum 'Red Dwarf'), loosestrife loosestrife, origanum 'Compactum' (Origanum vulgare 'Compactum'), Monarda 'Bee Lieve' hybrid, spherical onion (Allium sphaerocephalon). The image of a sunny flower garden with spicy perennials is complemented by wild rose bushes and a border of arborvitae

ARCADIA GARDEN Landscape Studio

On the photo: Panicle hydrangea 'Vanilla Fries' in the foreground. Next to the teak swing is a bonsai of Echiniformis spruce (Picea glauca 'Echiniformis' bonsai), which is over 60 years old, and an umbrella of Syringavulgaris 'Katherine Havemeyer' lilac (Syringavulgaris 'Katherine Havemeyer')

In September, hydrangeas turn purple. The flowering of perennials is also dominated by pink-purple colors. nine0276

ARCADIA GARDEN Landscape Studio

“The garden never ceases to amaze and delight the owner with new transformations.

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