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Elements of Design: Line

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1 Elements of Design: Line
Interior Design 1

2 Elements of Design: Line
Doodle Game Elements of Design: Line

3 Vertical: Confidence Question: Name one thing you can do really well.
The line in the middles of this block indicates your confidence with the world around you. Items drawn above the line are objects in which you have control over. Items below the line are things which are generally out of your control. Question: Name one thing you can do really well.

4 Circles: Imagination Life is full of circles. We travel and we return. We learn, and we forget. This block illustrates how you use your imagination. If you draw the face of an animal or person, you show a liking for pets or friends. If you draw an object such as a bowling ball, you are inventive. Question: what is your favorite day dream?

5 Square: Home This box strongly identifies with your home.
If you draw inside the box your interests are within your home. If you draw outside the box, you have interests outside the home. Home symbols such as a fireplace, house, windows, or doors indicate a strong desire for a home atmosphere. Question: what is your favorite memory of home?

6 Zig-Zag: Aspiration If you make this shape into a mountain range you have high aspirations and goal's You enjoy challenges and solving problems If you make a geometric pattern from this design you are able to add creativity to solving challenges in your life. Question: what is a goal you have set for yourself to accomplish in the next few years?

7 X: Decision Making Skills
This block describes your decision making skills. If you draw lines or arrows that intersect or point at the center, this indicates that you are focused o your decision. If you draw non-linear shapes, such as circles or irregular wavy lines it indicates that you are not overly concerned with making decisions. Question: what is the biggest decision you have had to make recently?

8 Arch: Plans for the Future
The arch indicates a passage way to your future. If you draw a dark tunnel, this indicates that you may be expecting some story times ahead. If you draw a rainbow, rose, trellis, or doorway, you are looking forward to your future. If the door is open, opportunity lies ahead. Question: what is one thing you would most like to do in your future?

9 Personal Motto What you draw on this sign suggests a personal motto for you. If the sign is positive, you generally have a pleasant outlook on life. If the sign is a warning…. Watch Out! If the sign indicate directions, you are likely ready for a change in your life. If you could have any bumper sticker on your car, what would it say?

10 V: Creativity If you draw an ice cream cone, the V-neck of a shirt or sweater, or the tip of a pencil you have average creativity. If you used the V as part of a more complex design you are a complex thinker.

11 Blank: The Great Unknown
This block illustrates what is filling up your thoughts these days. Chances are what your drew is important to you. Question: What is your favorite thing to do when you have lots of time?

12 Definition Portrays space outlines form
conveys a sense of movement or direction

13 4 Types of Line Vertical Horizontal Diagonal Curved

14 Optical Illusions







21 Vertical Horizontal Curved Diagonal Types of Line

22 Definition of LINE 1. The connection of two points
2. An element in a room that moves the eye 3. Describes the outline of a shape 4. Separates or unifies 5. Each type creates its own feelings or messages 6. Sharp angles and competing lines can create an uncomfortable and uneasy feeling

23 Definition of LINE 7. The shortest distance between two points.
8. Line carries the eye from one point to the other. 9. In interior design, line is used to describe the outline of a shape. 10. Lines can be described as masculine, feminine, precise, loose, depending on their length, direction, width, angle, or curve.

24 Horizontal Line: Restful, Relaxing and Informal

25 Horizontal Follow the horizon
They create a feelings of rest, quiet, peace, relaxing, informal – especially if they are long. (Calm lake) Low ceilings, broad openings, stretched out furniture, countertops, beds

26 Horizontal Example #1

27 Horizontal Example #2

28 Horizontal Example #4

29 Horizontal Example #6

30 Horizontal Example #6

31 Horizontal Example #6


33 Vertical Line Run straight up and down
Feelings of aspirations and ascensions, if they are high enough. May also create a feeling of loftiness, assurance, height, and emphasis. High ceilings, tall doors and windows, upright furniture placement, floor to ceiling draperies, columns.

34 Vertical Example #1

35 Vertical Example #5

36 Vertical Example #2

37 Vertical Example #4

38 Vertical Example #4

39 Diagonal Line: Activity, Energy and Excitement

40 Diagonal / Angled Lines:
Slant or run at an angle Sharp angles and competing lines can create an uncomfortable and uneasy feeling (zig-zag) Sloping ceilings, furniture placement, stairways, tie-backs

41 Diagonal Example #5

42 Diagonal Example #6

43 Diagonal Example #5

44 Diagonal Example #5

45 Diagonal Example #5

46 CURVED LINE Upward – lifts and inspires
Horizontal – relaxed, denotes gentleness and femininity Downward – sadness and seriousness Small - playful

47 Curved Example #1

48 Curved Example #1

49 Curved Example #1

50 Curved Example #1

51 Curved Example #1

52 Curved Example #4

53 Too many lines can lead to continuous eye movement, which causes feelings of tiredness & frustration



56 Line Assignment Find 1 clear picture that shows all 4 types of line.
Mount and Label using professional techniques. Use dots to label each type of line. Horizontal Vertical Diagonal Curved Write a brief description about each line placement and effect on room.

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